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X. Conclusion

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Professional Team

Professional Team

XI. Conclusion

This report is submitted for Project Shea for a design competition of a robust prototype for future sustainable dwellings and communities. Background studies provide the foundation of formulating the vision, design principles and implementation mechanism of the design proposal. Due considerations on the international call for adopting green living and community design for strengthening relationships among members of the communities have been made. The proposed design - "The Green Cradle" aims to foster human-nature symbiosis, community bonding and identity building, as well as sustainability of human living and development.


"The Green Cradle" consists of 3 dwelling designs. The 3 designs provide differing space allocations and interior designs to encourage a mix of households to live with the nature, interact with their neighbors and contribute to promote sustainable lifestyle. Apart from comprehensive hardware that generates renewable energy, makes efficient use of household waste and water resources, and allow eco-friendly farming and landscaping features that enhance the living environment, software including the provision of semi-public-open-space for holding various social and community activities also promotes healthy living with strengthened community bonding.

To conclude, it is envisioned that "The Green Cradle" will be the incubator for sustainable urban living with the adoption of advanced green technology, innovative dwelling design that fosters human-nature interactions, and community planning and design model that bring members of the community together.


XII. Reference

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