Presentation Boards LILAC

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Amy Hill


LILAC Housing Cooperative Practical Concept A visual representation of the four themes discussed within the dissertation: equality, sustainability, global warming and consumerism. The ideology behind the LILAC build harmonizes perfectly with that of the dissertation. A brand and identity has been created for LILAC, alongside appropriate print media that defines the concept of both LILAC and the dissertation showing synthesis.

The design of the deliverables has been considered alongside the dissertation through every step. The process of production is more sustainable. The messages conveyed are moral, they do not depict anything untrue, as analyzed within the dissertation, and so an ethical theme runs throughout. The folder contains: a brochure, CD, business card, letterhead and envelope.


Amy Hill


Sustainable Process Production The production of the deliverables also follows the ethos of LILAC and the themes mentioned in the dissertation, this has been achieved through the use of recycled stock, which is more environmentally friendly as it is being re-used. As well as this there is a reduced number of materials meaning that there is no unnecessary waste.

A CD also conforms to this ethos as it contains information on the ethics of LILAC, which otherwise would have used all a lot of stock and ink, which would be unsustainable. This CD also points to the theme of consumerism, and LILAC being an anti-corporation company. Additionally the Japanese bind of the brochure gives an artisan feel, and the material used is more friendly to the environment, over staples.


Amy Hill


Informational Folder Housing Cooperative Information Folder/Pack All of the components of the piece are packaged together in a A3 folder. The first heading describes the meaning of the word LILAC.This strap line is meant to invite a considered audience.The images are inviting and show the buildings from a far and closer, the greenery in the images promote naturalness and a clean environment.

Brand materials include: Letterhead, business card and an envelope the letterhead would be used by LILAC to contact potential buyers and residents, residents could also use the stationary if they pleased. Informational components are the brochure and the CD, which go into detail about the concept of LILAC and the themes of the dissertation.


Amy Hill


Publication Brochure The main feature of the pack is the brochure. Printed on recycled stock, the brochure measures 250mm by 180mm. It is Japanese bound which supports an ethical aesthetic. The first page contains a foreword which includes theoretical information which complies with the dissertation, written in a friendly and inviting tone, it informs the audience whilst welcoming them. The following spreads go into detail about

the key. The following spreads go into detail about the key concept of LILAC, which is low impact living, affordable, and community. The design is clean and modern which is coherent with the brand. Inviting and warm images create a sense of friendliness and community. The floor plan spread recommends the ideal number of people for the space, which is a point outlined within the dissertation.


Amy Hill


Promotion Further Promotion of LILAC The promotion of the housing cooperative would also be key, however it is considered. Staying within the Another aspect of the promotional side of LILAC would be via posters in selected estate agents, the sustainable guidelines of the brand ethics, the promotion would be very limited but targeted. A newspaper posters would be brief as it is up to the potential buyer to contact for more information. The poster ad in local newspapers or appropriate magazines would target an audience that where interested in the describes the concept and the houses available as this is what you would expect to see in an estate agents. concepts of LILAC.


Amy Hill


Branding Brand Identity The logo is a light lilac, which makes it appear more friendly, and natural. Capitalization of the letters show Lilac and white/stock has been used throughout for all the copy in the materials.The font choices promote that each letter is important and that it is an acronym. The logo mark has a feeling of connection, the a sense of friendliness with the use of a wide, rounded sans-serif. Geomtr415Md BT Medium has been squares within squares are representative of the housing and the site of LILAC. The open square in the used for the logo and for headings. Gill Sans Light and Light Italic has been used for body copy. middle again gives a sense of space and openness.

LILAC Geomtr415 Md BT Medium Gill Sans Light

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