CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HISTORY CONCEPT BRAND ELEMENTS 1. Logo 2. Icon 3. Typography 4. Colours LOGO USE 1. Which to use 2. Minimum clear space 3. Positioning 4. Sizing 5. How NOT to use
JARGOON BRAND GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION These brand guidelines are designed to help you understand how to bring the Jargoon brand to life in your communications. Why is it important to apply these guidelines? Using the Jargoon brand correctly helps to ensure it remains recognisable, consistent across the world, and retains its value. Using it incorrectly or inappropriately can mislead customers, and dilute its value.
HISTORY Until early 2013, Jargoon was identified by the logo shown below, representing a global network of navigational data. However, with the prospect of marketing their next big software system the company decided to re-brand in alignment with their new product - Seall.
The new brand intends to add to the value of Jargoon and its products, giving the company a fresh and professional image that will stand out from its competitors.
CONCEPT The aim has been to achieve a new company image that represents more accurately the nature of the business, whilst transmitting a message of quality & professionalism. The focus has been shifted from the technological aspect of the business to the marine application. This has helped the logo to become more descriptive, recogniseable, and attractive.
The anchor-like anagram serves a double purpose, as primarily it conveys the idea of an anchor, a well-known marine symbol; but also represents Jargoon through the two mirrored J’s that form the anagram. The clean curves forming this shape give an elegance to the logo that reinforces the idea of quality and trust. The pattern in the right half of the anagram represents Jargoon’s specialisation and attention to detail. The brand name Jargoon has been maintained, however a tagline has been added to clarify the nature of the business.
Over white background Over dark background
2.1. Variables
The Jargoon icon or anagram can be used independently of the logo.
As with the logo, there are two variables, depending on the background color used.
Also, the left half of the anagram -representing the “J�- may appear on its own in certain circumstances. However, it is recommended that the use of this element is restiricted to design compositions created by a Graphic Designer.
BRAND ELEMENTS 3. Typography Logo Gill Sans Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678910 . : , ; ’ ”(!?)+-*£>/=%&| Tagline & Titles Gill Sans Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678910 . : , ; ’ ”(!?)+-*£>/=%&| Basic text Gill Sans Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345678910 . : , ; ’ ”(!?)+-*£>/=%&|
The Jargoon colour palette is composed by three primary colours (1) two secondary colours (2), and one pattern (3).
C84 M32 Y27 K0
C0 M0 Y0 K5
C0 M0 Y0 K80
C67 M0 Y10 K17
All Jargoon publications & designs should aim to use the primary palette only, including colours from the secondary palette when strictly necessary. The use of the pattern should be restricted to the logo/icon.
C0 M0 Y0 K95
LOGO USE The Jargoon logo may be used for print, digital publications, and application to hardware products. It is important that its appearance remains consistent throughout all. 1. Which to use The preffered version of the Jargoon logo is the version shown throughout this guide (1).
However if a more simplified version is required for a particular use (embroidery for example) the logo can be simplified as shown (2).
LOGO USE 2. Minimum clear space The logo or icon should always appear surrounded by a minimum clear space area which must remain free from other elements (text and graphics).
LOGO USE 3. Positioning Documents & presentations Ideally the Jargoon logo should be positioned at the top right hand corner of simple communications such as word documents or presentations, maintaining a consistent size (see ‘sizing’ section and templates). Other publications For other more complex publications such as brochures, advertising, web design, etc; the complete logo should be used, remaining either at the top right corner or at the centre of the page. * Please see the Jargoon templates, or consult with your Graphic Designer.
JARGOON BRAND Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus nunc, pharetra a pretium sed, tempor at justo. Nunc eget urna egestas odio rhoncus pulvinar vitae sed tellus. Morbi eleifend faucibus quam ac accumsan. Suspendisse sodales, nisl ac posuere dapibus, nibh lectus elementum turpis, eu euismod tellus diam vitae ipsum. Integer pellentesque auctor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan porta pulvinar. Etiam porta mauris sit amet nunc dapibus laoreet eu et velit. Praesent ac risus nunc, tincidunt hendrerit velit. Sed et elementum diam. Duis at mi risus, a ultrices est. Donec volutpat convallis dolor, dapibus tempus quam placerat ac. Donec sodales nunc vitae eros cursus quis eleifend dolor egestas. In feugiat, dui vel iaculis pulvinar, justo felis auctor mi, nec cursus orci est in est. Morbi dolor mauris,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus nunc, pharetra a pretium sed, tempor at justo. Nunc eget urna u egestas odio rhoncus pulvinar vitae sed tellus. tel Morbi eleifend faucibus quam ac accumsan. msaan. Suspendisse S sodales, nisl ac posuere dapibus, s, nibh lectus elementum turpis, eu euismod tellus us diam diam vitae ipsum. Integer pellentesque auctor ucto or risus. r Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur etuur adipiscing ad elit. Etiam accumsan porta pulvinar. ar. Etiam Etiam porta mauris sit amet nunc dapibus laoreet reeet eu et velit. Praesent nunc, heendr velit. Sed et blandit non variusac at,risus sagittis ac tincidunt hendrerit elementum r a ultrices est. lorem. Etiam sit amet cursus diam. Duis at mi risus, libero. Nunc ut tincidunt justo. Donec volutpat convallis lis d dolor, olo dapibus tempus In hac habitasse platea dictumst. ec sod sodales nunc vitae Suspendisse eget quam lorem placerat nisl, a ac. Donec erosipsum cursusdolor quis eleifend nd d dolor olo egestas. In feualiquet metus. Lorem giat,adipiscing dui vel iaculis pulvinar, narr, jus justo felis auctor mi, sit amet, consectetur nec cursus orci est in est. Mo Morbi dolor mauris, elit. Nulla diam neque, interdum blandit non varius at, nec molestie ac, eleifend ac quam. Nulla posuere dui quis augue convallis at tincidunt magna fringilla. In massa turpis, imperdiet vitae ultricies quis, mattis sed neque. Vivamus rhoncus ipsum eu nunc feugiat convallis. Cras non dolor nisi. Nullam vehicula fringilla mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris egestas sem vel orci interdum venenatis. Fusce et nibh elit, eget tristique lacus. Aenean sed erat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.
Other publications
Documents & presentations
LOGO USE 4. Sizing The size of the logo or icon used depends on the size and format of the page. If your page format is not one of those listed in the table on this page, you should work to the nearest available size.
Page size
width of logo/icon
A6 - 148mm x 105mm
28 / 20mm
A5 - 210mm x 148mm
34 / 24mm
1/3 A4 - 210mm x 99mm
34 / 24mm
A4 - 297mm x 210mm
42 / 28mm
A3 - 420mm x 297mm
42 / 28mm
LOGO USE 4. How NOT to use Misuse of a company logo can compromise its message and value and even the identity of the comany as a whole.
[ Different colour ]
[ Disproportioned ]
[ Shadows / Effects ]
These are some examples of how this logo should NOT be used.
- Creators of “Seall� -
[ Cropped ]
[ Rotated ]
[ In a holding box ]
[ Over coloured or complex backgrounds ]
[ Additonal text ]
These brand guidelines are designed to help you understand how to bring the Jargoon brand to life in your communications. If you have any doubt about how to apply these guidelines, please consult with your Graphic Designer.
Version 1.0 - February 2013
Using the Jargoon brand correctly will help to ensure it remains recognisable, consistent across the world, and retains its value.
Jargoon Ltd Š 2013