Audio Production Methods
Sound Libraries Pre- recorded stock sound that you use as and when you need e.g. sound effects, instrumental music etc These can be found for both free and pay as you use Copyright can be an issue with using sound libraries if you aren’t paying
Original Sound Production Original sounds that you record specifically when you need them. This could be instruments to play a score Or original computer generated software or electronic synthesiser sounds
Foley Artist Original sound effects that you record specifically for when you need them on screen These are different each time and are specific to the production. They involve using a variety of props and vocal experimentation
Automatic Dialogue Replacement  Is the process of recording dialogue by an actor  Dialogue is recorded to match a pre-edited version of the game
Pick a Game - What Does Your Game Use? You will need to talk about what these are: Foley Artists ADR Sound Libraries Original Sound Production Do some research into your game to see what they use! Link your explanations to your examples. How effective are they?