Book Cover Design
The focus of this cover is the character Nova
The figures of Nova & Spiderman are too small
The figures of Nova & Spiderman are too small
This version is ok though Nova is the star of and showing the main characters back isn’t ideal
Too much wasted space on the right hand side Spiderman is obscured a little
Too much wasted space on the right hand side Spiderman is obscured a little
This version is correct having a good view of both Spidey & Nova with eye level perspective
More work will go into the front Cover than any other page. You will see on this page the beginning of a simple layout.
The second phase is to begin adding in more detail you can see the cover is beginning to take shape.
The final phase once all the details have been correctly mapped out is to either ink the drawing or to fill in with colour depending on what you want
Now choose one or characters create your own book cover you will need to think up and write down a scenario for your chosen characters, maybe a scene from your graphic novel. Remember to plan your layouts in rough first then follow the three main stages carefully to create your cover.