PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts ASSIGNMENT NO 1 Weeks 6 - 9
HCI - What You Need to Know Tutor Amy Miedzwiecki Learner Name
Issue Date: 07/10/15 Full assignment due End of Session: 04/11/15 This assignment covers Grading Criteria from the following unit: Unit 79 - Human Computer Interfaces for Computer Games Learning Outcome 1 - Understand human-computer interfaces for games Learning Outcome 2 - Understand methods of control and forms of feedback in games AIM/PURPOSE This assignment aims to develop your understanding of the development and application of human computer interfaces in computer games design and development. PROLOGUE Human-computer interfaces, from the traditional devices such as mouse, keyboard and joystick to the more complex devices such as motion sensors and voice recognition, are an important element for the success of a game, and are an essential part of the game design process. The reason for this is that the interface provides the main point of contact between a user and the game. It is vital that interfaces are designed so that users are able to be completely focused on the game play and to not break immersion. THE ASSIGNMENT In this assignment you will take on the role of a researcher where you will investigate and test a variety and range of different video games. You will produce a report summarising your findings of the design, construction and implementation of human-centred interactive computer design. You will analyse how effective the HCI, UI and user experience have been designed and implemented within a variety of games, how they are ported across different platforms and how effectively they have been designed for the player to interact with? You will also be required to assess the suitability of the control systems game developers have used. This will include how they implement methods of control within games, how it is communicated to the player and how the game provides feedback to aid the player’s experience and interaction, appealing to their game psychology.
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts
HCI What You Need to Know - Task List LEARNING OUTCOME 1 (1.1) (M1, D2, D3) Task 1 - Introduction - What is HCI?
An introduction covering what HCI consists of and why it is so important to the game development process as well as for the player experience. Consider the different areas of UI and HCI, how they change the way that a game is designed and the way that developers approach the game making process.
Task 2 - HCI and UI Design (1.1) (M1, D2, D3)
You will carry out investigations into at least three different games on different platforms comparing and contrasting them along with the player experience for each one. Your research must include the following: • Analyse the UI and HCI, what has been put into place within a game and why you think it was done this way, what effect does this have? • Outline how the interfaces and their design alter the user experience for each game you are looking at. You will want to evaluate how they have stuck to the design principles such as structure, simplicity, visibility, reusability, feedback and tolerance. • You will also need to assess the navigation of the interfaces thought he HCI, how easily is the player able to switch from interface to interface? Task 3 - Research into HCI Technology (1.1) (M1, D2, D3) Your research must include the following: • The same games on different platforms to see if it changes the game play experience • Different games on different platforms such as: PC/Playstation/Xbox/Wii/Nintendo DS/Mobile Phones • Use a range of input devices e.g mouse, joystick, game pad etc. to see if it changes the user experience of the game. • Explore the human factors that could influence the design of the game such as the type of gamer, gender, race and age, physical impairment and learning difficulties etc. • Have the developers altered design decisions because of any of the above factors? • Are there any options for individual design or mods? Are there any differences between games that are part of a franchise or older games that have been adapted? Evidence for Assessment: Introduction, 3 Game analysis covering HCI and UI design, technology and input devices, human factors, interface and design principles Ways you can submit work/evidence: You Tube or independent video capture of game play/audio commentary/a written report/presentation, DropBox, Voice recordings/Video blogs etc
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts
HCI - What you Need to Know - Task List LEARNING OUTCOME 2 - (2.1) (M1, D2, D3) Task 4 - Methods of Control and Feedback 2.1 (M3), (D2, D3) • For the same games used within Task 2 you will also need to investigate and evaluate the game play. (Note there maybe some cross over with task 2 here in the information that you include). • When discussing methods of control and feedback you will need to provide evidence from within the games to illustrate clearly the techniques the games use. You will want to explore: Your research must include the following: • How is feedback present to the player? You will want to look at different areas in the game to get an overall feel for this. Discuss feedback in the different forms that it takes visually, via audio and by other means, such as touch, movement etc. • Is there enough or too much information presented to the player for making important decisions as and when required? Do you need to rapidly analyse lots of information to make quick decisions on your objectives or to help you with in game tactics? • How is the gamer appealing to the gamer’s psychology? For instance consider memory (long term, short term), reasoning, perception, cognition and metaphors. • Does the interaction that the player have change the game player interaction? You will need to explain the interaction model e.g avatar-based, omnipresent, partybased, game modes etc • You will want to consider how developers help to achieve the maximum effective playability. Have they used mapping systems, diagramming methods, prototyped and tested where they can measure functionality against user satisfaction? How have they considered heuristics against user satisfaction? Task 5 - Conclusion - What have you learned? Summarise the most important points about what you have learned regarding UI and HCI from your game investigations. How have these games measured up to the HCI and UI expectations? Evidence for Assessment: 3 Game analysis covering methods of control and feedback,information communication, user psychology, interaction models, control method design and a final conclusion of your findings. Ways you can submit work/evidence: You Tube or independent video capture of game play/audio commentary/a written report/presentation, DropBox, Voice recordings/Video blogs etc
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts
HCI- What you Need to Know Web Links the_Standard_Controller.php measure_Qualitatively.php
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose Assessor Amy Miedzwiecki Internal Verifier Mike Simpson
Date 02/10/15
Date 02/10/15
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts
HCI Report - Achieving Merit Grades
This applied to Learning Outcome 1.1 and Learning Outcome 2.1 In order to achieve M1 you must show that effective judgements have been made about HCI, UI. You will be required to research outside of class resources, carefully considering and justifying the content that you explore. You will need to identify a range of research techniques e.g audio commentary over your own gameplay, YouTube footage of gameplay and print screens with analysis and a range of references. All decisions should be fully justified and added to your bibliography. An effective approach to study and research has been applied with the assignment handed in on time and demonstration of effective time management via an assignment planner/ work journal to evidence your approach. You need to demonstrate that you have taken complex information, synthesised and processed it so that it makes sense so that it is thorough and is presented in a logical structure that addresses each task in turn and starts to make connections between them where possible.
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts & Performing Arts
HCI Report - Achieving Distinction Grades
This applied to Learning Outcome 1.1 and Learning Outcome 2.1 In order to achieve D2 you will take responsibility for working independently to create your own research materials and methods, implementing these within the area of HCI and UI. You will need to demonstrate autonomy/independence when completing the assignment so that you have used your own initiative to plan, research and complete the tasks. The assignment needs to be handed in on time with demonstration of effective time management via a detailed and specific assignment planner/ work journal/script plans to evidence your approach. Your file managment needs to be clear and to a professional standard, especially when dealing with video files and how you present your report if it is multi-media. In order to achieve D3 you need to have demonstrated lateral thinking between your task list points and have shown a receptiveness to new ideas to generate the content of your research. This will mean looking at unfamiliar texts and sources of information to help your achieve deep and critical thinking around HCI, UI, methods of control and feedback in games development. You will have evidenced that this thinking has been effective drawing upon your sources efficiently and astutely. You may have contacted professionals and researched professionals to help confirm your research.
Hopwood Hall College Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games) Arts and Performing Arts
Unit 79 - Human Computer Interfaces Criteria Reference
To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:
Achieved? (tick)
LO 1 1.1
Critically evaluate human-computer interface technologies for games
LO 2 2.1
Explain methods of control and forms of feedback in computer games
Higher Grade Achievements (where applicable)
Grade Descriptor M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
Achieved? (Tick)
Grade Descriptor D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities D3: Demonstrate convergent/ lateral/creative thinking
Achieved? (Tick)
PEARSON In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT grades
Grade Descriptor
Indicative Characteristics
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored
Contextualisation To achieve M1 you are required to: Have shown a good understanding of the relationship between the games developer their resources, technology and how this impacts the player experience. Discussion will include technical language and relevant topical areas, for example the differences between simple 2D games and more complex 3D games and their requirements. Your selection of research material and approach will be evidenced through a bibliography, references and assignment planners or work journals. All of this will be clear within your assignment.
PEARSON In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor
Indicative Characteristics
D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
Autonomy/independence demonstrated
To achieve D2 you will have: Demonstrated independent learning with substantial activities having been completed with limited guidance. This will be evidenced through a bibliography, references, detailed assignment planners and/or work journals presented neatly. Fully evidence how your research supports and evidences your points with extensive examples from different sources.
D3 Demonstrate convergent/ lateral/creative thinking
Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts
To achieve D3 you will have: Evidence of research into unfamiliar areas of study and new ideas/findings discussed. You will have justified the scope of research and evidence that you have presented to fully explore the connecting reasoning behind HCI, UI, methods of control and feedback, the technical aspects, the impact on the player and how this can aid your own game prototype planning. All research will be professionally presented.
PEARSON Hopwood Hall College BTEC Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production (Games Development) Year 2 Arts and Performing Arts ACHIEVEMENT SUMMARY Unit 18 Career Development for the Computer Games Formative Feedback
Action Plan
Summative Feedback
Feedback: Student to Assessor
Learner Signature & Date Assessor Signature & Date