August's Newsletter for Day Nursery / Feltham - 2022

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Harvard Park Day Nursery LTD.

Notes from the management team: our Managing Director’s Nicki and Tracey and our manager CarolWe would like to start by congratulating the England Ladies Team in their tremendous match against Germany in the Euro’s—a very well deserved win. For those of you leaving Harvard Park this your unless you have spoken to us, your last day will be on Wednesday 31st August. If you need to stay with us longer you MUST contact us and arrange this as we have lots of children starting and other’s changing rooms. A few little messages for August: •

If you are going on holiday or will be away from the nursery you MUST inform us via Email or ParentMail—please do not rely on the rooms to pass this message on .

When parking at the back of the nursery, please remember this is not our land—we are not responsible for any tickets you may receive. Please also be very mindful of the safety others such as children and parents leaving, pedestrians and others that use this entrance. We have had reports from the Centre Security that some individuals are not being safe. If this continues we will have to stop using this entrance and exit.

During the month of August, you might not see as many observations as usual— lots of staff and children will be on holiday so we will use the month of August to catch up on outstanding work as well as have a sort out of the rooms, resources and areas ready for September!

We would like to say goodbye to Saptati who left us at the end of last month—thank you for everything and we wish you the best of luck with your move! We also said goodbye to Pauline from Tiger Club—she is off to see the world with her husband and we wish her the best of luck.

We are closed on Monday 29th August for the bank holiday!

Health and Safety Notices and reminders: Open toed shoes—these are a no no As the weather is slowly getting warmer, children are bound to wear sandals. They pose a larger health and safety risk while at the nursery - all sandals must also be able to be secured to the child’s foot, this means no flip flops. Also for the girls, please do not put them in strappy or strapless summer dresses. Shoulders MUST be covered as this part of the skin is extremely sensitive and prone to burning.

Veclro shoes to support independence: We are asking you to provide Velcro shoes for children starting from now and will be in full force by September. This is to promote independence as well as giving children a sense of their abilities. When we give children shoelaces we are setting them up to fail in completing simple tasks such as taking shoes and socks off—please consider purchasing Velcro shoes for September.

Dates for you diary and reminders: Closed on Monday 29th August: Bank Holiday - we will closed on this say due to the bank holiday! Last date for all funded leavers : The last date for all children who are leaving this year will be Wednesday 31st August. After this date should you still require care you MUST inform management and this will be a chargeable period. There will be some changes in staff throughout the rooms—this is to support the rooms with higher ratio’s as well as Staff members who have their own children in the setting and are due to move up—while we work on this all staff will remain where they are and changes will come into effect in September. When we have arranged this we will send you a notice via ParentMail with who you can expect to see in your child’s room.

Birthdays for the month of August: Baby Studio: Happy 1st birthday to Gabriel and Victoria! Small Steps: Happy 2nd Birthday to Arnav! Freedom Zone: Happy 3rd Birthday to Korou, Aroush and Cody! Happy 4th Birthday to Skylar!

Harvard Park Day Nursery LTD.

Notes from Baby Studio: Ducklings - Amanda, Mary, Afsha, Amy and Gurpreet: Focus: Physical Devlopment We would like to start by welcoming Eden-Grace, Sophia and Jeevan into our room—we are so lucky you have chosen us to help start your educational journey’s. We would like to welcome Amy from Small Steps into our room and say goodbye to Shivin, Flynn, Drishan, Veda, Arnav and Rajishanti who will all be moving up into Small Steps during the month of August—good luck and we will miss you! This month we will be focusing on physical development through lots of activities and trips out around our local area. Activities will include our black and white soft play to promote climbing and gross motor skills, music and movement with ribbons and scarves encouraging our babies to imitate our actions along to the music and of course lots of messy play! We have lots of babies who are at the pre-walking stage so we will also be doing lots of walking practice holding hands, using the walkers and as they get more confidence, taking steps between 2 adults. Reminders: Please label ALL babies bottles and clothes. Bottles are important to be label so there is no confusion and the same with items of clothing.

Please make sure that you have pack a minimum of 2 spare sets of clothes that are weather appropriate. They will get messy, their nappies may leak and we need clothes that match the weather to change them into—thank you.

Mission @ home: Send us your holiday adventures on the EyLog!

Notes from Small Steps: Bunnies - Qani, Martina, Harriet and Sonia: Focus: Physical development—Our theme will be Summer Holidays! Firstly we would like to say goodbye to Edward, Nyah, Aariv, Jonas, Diyar,Hazel, Aryan, Liyana and Jivishah who are making the leap into Freedom Zone! We will miss you. We would also like to say goodbye to Amy who is joining the Baby Studio and to Sonia who is joining the Tiger Club. We would like to welcome Flynn, Arnav, Shivin, Rajishanti, Drishan and Veda into our room too! In Small Steps we will be making the most of the cooler hours of the day and heading out in the local environment with outings and walks in the local area, lots of garden and outdoor play, water play to help stay cool as well as develop our hand eye coordination with pouring and tipping and we will be welcoming our new children into the room and helping them to settle in by creating bonds with their new keyworkers and peers. Please make sure you are labelling all of your belongings such as clothes and bottles! Reminders: Sun Cream and Sun Hats: If you haven't brought in any, please apply sun cream before coming to the nursery if you are part time. If you are full time, please provide us with a bottle of sun-cream so we can top it up when the weather gets nice. We will label it with your child’s name so there is no confusion as to whose bottle is whose.

Please make sure your children’s shoes fit properly—they cannot be too big—this causes lots of accidents such as trips and falls. All shoes must fit comfortably as this can have a negative impact on their physical development.

We will be holding our annual teddy bears picnic and sport's week during August—we will confirm the dates with you via ParentMail and/or at the door.

Please make sure that you have packed a minimum of 3 spare sets of clothes that are weather appropriate. They will get messy, their nappies may leak and we need clothes that match the weather to change them into—thank you. 

Mission @ home: Send us your holiday adventures on the EyLog! Dates for you diary and reminders:

Closed on Monday 29th August: Bank Holiday - we will closed on this day due to the bank holiday! If you will be away from the setting for any period of time—you must email us!

Harvard Park Day Nursery LTD.

Notes from Freedom Zone: Cool Cats - Viviana, Charlotte, Sam, Sherry, Ellie, Elvia, Nabila, Hannah, Natasha and Danielle: Focus: School Readiness and Summer Holidays! We would like to welcome back Sam—she has now returned to us and we are so happy to have you back. They children have missed you and have been excited to see you! We would also like to welcome Edward, Nyah, Aariv, Jonas, Diyar,Hazel, Aryan, Liyana and Jivishah who are making the leap into Freedom Zone from Small Steps! We would like to say goodbye to all of the children who are leaving us this month to start their primary school journeys—we will miss everyone so much but know you will be amazing and ready to learn! Our topic for the month of August will be Summer and our summer holidays. We will be carrying out activities such as airport role play, creating our own passports and looking at maps of the UK and the rest of the World talking about where we have been or where we might like to go. During this month you may not see much on the children's EyLog’s. This is because lots of staff and children will be going away, it gives us time to catch up on any outstanding work as well as prep the room for September and the start of our new school year. As parents, please continue to upload wonderful observations so we can talk about the pictures with the children during group times. Alongside this, we will continue with our school readiness for those who are leaving and will continue to have open talks about how these changes might make us feel, what we can expect from our schools and new routines, what we are looking forward too as well as using our uniforms to encourage self dressing during role play. For those who are staying with us for another year could we please request some update family photo’s so we can create new family albums for the children. Some have had them since the baby studio and some of you have new additions too. To help develop the children’s understanding of the differences in families, if you do have not sent us pictures of your family, please do so. Reminders: 

Velcro Shoes – We are asking you to provide Velcro shoes for children starting from now and will be in

For those children who are potty training: If your child is potty training, please wear shoes such as crocs or shoes which can be rinsed and will dry quickly—this is to help with accidents and to ensure your child will have shoes for the rest of their day. We will ask you to provide extra shoes if you do not provide us with these as we have no spare shoes!

For those children who are leaving to go to school or school nursery: If you know of your last date that you will be attending Harvard Park—please let us know as we know some of you will finish as and when the school’s finish so we want to have everything ready for your graduation. All children going to school or school nursery will finish on Wednesday 31st August unless you inform us otherwise.

Sun-cream: Where possible, please apply sun cream before coming to the nursery if you are part time. If you are full time, please provide us with a bottle of sun-cream so we can top it up when the weather gets nice. We will label it with your child’s name so there is no confusion as to whose bottle is whose. Please be aware of the ingredients in sun-cream and avoid any with almond oil in - we have children and staff with air-born nut allergies!

If you will be away from the setting for any period of time—you must email us!

If you wish to talk to your keyworker about your child’s development, please book in an appointment with them that suits yourselves and our room routine.

full force by September. This is to promote independence as well as giving children a sense of their abilities. When we give children shoelaces we are setting them up to fail in completing simple tasks such as taking shoes and socks off—please consider purchasing Velcro shoes for September.

Dates for you diary and reminders: Closed on Monday 29th August: Bank Holiday - we will closed on this say due to the bank holiday! Last date for all funded leavers : The last date for all children who are leaving this year will be Wednesday 31st August. After this date should you still require care you MUST inform management and this will be a chargeable period.

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