Harvard Park Day Nursery LTD.
Notes from the management team: Welcome to 2020 - ready for an exciting new year for learning and achievements! Firstly a huge thank you for all the gifts we received over Christmas . It was very generous of you and we are very grateful; another huge thank you to everyone who donated things to us such as books, toys and clothes over 2019 they were all very useful . Just a reminder that if you have changed your mobile number, email address or have moved house, don’t forget to let us know so we can change your details! Message about bags:
Please do not leave medication or food in your child’s bags. We have noticed children eating from their bags. This is a no no please remove it or do not put it in there!
Message for children and parents in FREEDOM ZONE: As our younger rooms are becoming more full, the lobby is filling up with buggies. Children in Freedom Zone should be walking or scooting to nursery rather than coming in in the buggy. In January we will be saying no more buggies for Freedom Zone. This gives you plenty of time to give up the buggy!
Room Changes: Please read as there have been some changes to our staffing As you may have noticed, we have lost and gained some new staff members over 2019. We have now re-organised some of our practitioners and deployed them to different rooms. Some of your children’s key workers may have changed to please check the room if you have not bee informed. Here is a current list of who is in each room: Baby Studio
Small Steps
Freedom Zone
Extra staff members
Simran , Amanda , Roshelle , Mary, Danielle and Martina
Qani, Paulina, Amy, Sonia and Saptati
Viviana, Charlotte, Rachel, Ellie, Gurpreet, Sam, Elvia, Nicola and Sherry
Pauline and Iris - Tiger Club Sam Collins and Mary B Adhoc Staff
Welcome’s and Goodbye's We would like to welcome Ifrah, Mia Yu, Pascal, Sumedh, Leonardo, Divansh, Mayra, Leo and Kayla to Harvard Park! We would like to welcome Sam C, Iris and Saptati to our Harvard Park team too. Sam C was with us 7 years ago and is doing some cover work for us, Iris is taking over Gemma’s maternity cover for tiger club and Saptati is the new afternoon practitioner in Small Steps and helping us with cover. We would also like to say a sad goodbye to Rehma from Freedom Zone who has now left us. We would like to say thank you for all your hard work over your time with us and we wish you all the best for the future! Don’t forget us and keep in touch.
Dates for you diary and reminders: •
School applications for reception classes close on 15th January 2020 - you must apply for this if you child was born between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016. This must be done online for more information please follow this link: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20028/primary_admissions/1906/ primary_school_admissions Nursery school applications are now open until 1st May 2020. All Hounslow infant and primary schools (except Edison Primary and Nishkam School West London) have nursery classes. You will need to apply directly to the school if you are considering nursery schools- for more information please follow this link : https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/ info/20028/primary_admissions/74/nursery_admissions Any other notes:
Practitioners have supplied most children with an end of year report. If you wish to discuss this further with your keyworker, please make an appointment when it suits the practitioner. We will not be able to discuss at pick ups or drop offs. If you child started with us in the month of December, they were not eligible for one this time around.
Birthdays for the month of December: Baby Studio: Happy 1st birthday to Freddie and Kayla! Freedom Zone: Happy 3rd Birthday to Thanishka, Aadvi and Kayla! Happy 4th Birthday to Shriya and Gabriel! Staff: Happy birthday to Mary, Amanda, Roshelle and Justyna! We hope you all have a lovely birthday celebrating!
Harvard Park Day Nursery LTD.
Notes from Small Steps: Bunnies
Notes from Baby Studio: Ducklings
Topic: Pets and Farms
Focus: Physical Development We will be focusing on our fine motor skills this month so we will be doing lots of mark making using different tools and resources such as chunky crayons, chalk, paints, brushes and of course … our hands and feet! We will also be going out for lots of walks so please make sure you provide a warm thick coat, a woolly hat and shoes everyday. We will also be making great use of Small Steps by planning play session’s with them - this will help your child get to know new faces, helping with a smoother transition for when the time comes for them to move rooms.
Mission: Share photo’s on your Eylog of you visiting mark making with your baby at home - it can be as simple as water on the pavement in the garden! Welcome to Leo, Kayla, Julia and Martina to our room.
Firstly a thank you to all of our parents for joining us for our parents in partnership last month. Our topic for this month will be on pets and farms with a focus on developing communication and language. We will be making lots of trips to the pet shop and library to support this topic. We will be using the tuff tray for sensory activities and will have lots of open door play with freedom zone to help support the children with a smooth transition into their next room. It gives children the opportunity to explore a new environment as well as develop friendships with new faces. On another note, if your child has started potty training, please bring in sufficient amount of clothes i.e. 4 pairs of pants/knickers, 4 pairs of trousers, 4 pairs of socks and a spare pair of crocs. Mission: Share photo’s on your Eylog of you visiting the local farm or Per shop - the can be old photos too! Goodbye to Saanvi, Ahyan and Rayhanna who will be moving up to Freedom Zone. Welcome to Imma, Leonardo, Micaiah, Divansh and Mayra and Sofia to our room .
Notes from Freedom Zone: Cool Cats Topic: The Solar System. Welcome to 2020 - a great new year for exciting new learning! Firstly, a kind reminder about cubby holes. Please make sure all items of clothing, pictures, paintings etc. are taken home on a daily basis. We do share cubby holes in this room so please make sure they are as clear as possible - this will prevent items from going missing . Our topic for this month will be the solar system. It is a great topic for children to gain new language, explore mathematical areas and also learn new information and facts about the planet we live on. We will be doing lots of chatter time, sensory play with moon sand, making our own planets, exploring modes of transport in space and of course learning the names of the planets in the solar system! We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year on Friday 24th January which is the year of the Rat with activities such as food tasting and practising our mark making skills. Chinese New Year is on Saturday 25th January. Mission: Video your child learning the planet names and post them onto your EyLog’s!
Reminders: Please bring in spare clothes and return our spares: Please bring spare clothes in for your child, especially socks! We have very low stock now as people are failing to return items they have borrowed. 3 pairs of pants/knickers, 3 pairs of trousers, 4 pairs of socks, 3 t-shirts if a good amount of spare clothes as accidents can happen . Dress appropriately for the weather: Please remember it is still cold outside so do not send your child in in sleeveless summer dress without a jumper or children in crocs. We go outside in all weathers and have the door open policy children are getting cold, please consider this when dressing in the morning. Primary school admissions are now open: If your child was born between 1st September 2015 - 31st August 2016 you will need to apply for a primary school place before 15th January 2020. You must apply online and we urge you to visit as many open days as possible so you and your child can get a feel of your potential new schools! - Please follow this link for more information. https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/…/1906/primary_school_admissions
Dates for you diary and reminders: Please take your child’s water bottle home - these are not our responsibility to clean and refill at the end of the day, it is yours. For the older children, please encourage them to find their water bottles at home time. •
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Saturday 25th January - Chinese new year - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Big thank you to everyone that got involved with our Harvard Park Advent Calendar! It was so lovely to see all of your pictures and hard work outside of the nursery!