Harvard Park Pre School Isleworth January Newsletter 2014. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey and deputy manager, Natalie – Happy New Year to everyone! We all hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, I’m sure that everyone is ready to get back to their normal routine. This year we are going to help the environment more by sending this newsletter and other information via email, if you need to give us your email address please hand it to Natalie. Some of the children has been selected to do Forest School. The sessions will start on Tuesday 21 January. Leaflet we be sent to the parents which will tell you all about Forest School. On the day of forest school, the children will need to be dressed in long sleeves, trousers and wellies boots as there are a few prickly plants around the musical garden. As the weather is colder too, we would ask you to start dressing your children appropriately with labelled hat, scarf and gloves! We do go out to play in all weathers so bare this in mind. We would also like to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year for Friday 31st January if you’re the year of the horse then 2014 must be your year. st
Rani, Jeanna, Erin Sue, Rosa and Laura – Seema, Natalie Monica and Marilyn Happy new year to everyone! We are all ready to get start the new year at preschool with lots of new activities around the theme ‘Night and Day’ the children have been talking about what their see in the day and what their see at the night. We will begin reading great books like “Can’t you sleep little Bear?” “Goodnight little bear” Peace at last” and “the very busy day”. The children has created most beautiful Night and Day picture on the display board and making tasty biscuits. Our book club is now up and running so thank you to all the parents that have contributed to your child’s learning. Please feel free to ask your keyworker to see their writing skills work books too! We are also making some changes to the way we document your child’s progress. We are changing the Learning journals to something that is a bit more personal, as the time spent with the children is slowly be over-come by the amount of paperwork that is required. We have.
Last term registration cards were not being used as they should have been!!! – Well done to our parents who now use their registration cards the children are benefiting very well from this. All the children’s cards are now in the baskets by the signing in board. Please encourage them to use them as we look at who is here during registration. We also have some new pegs for the children to help you with their belongings. We would now ask you to put their bags underneath their pegs and hang their coats up on the peg with their pictures. The children have taken to this very well! Big well done to all your parents who have been encouraging either walking or riding to pre-school! To avoid upset or confusion everything should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also remember once you collect your child from their groups they are your responsibility so DO NOT let them push the door handle to let themselves out. ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!
We would like to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ to Sue 19th, Riley 6th, Janaye 13th, Frankie 24th, Mia 26th! Please could parents/ carers bring in fruit so we can share it during our snack time? You are doing great so keep it up! We have noticed that some parents are still parking next to parked cars outside the school gates please do not do this! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE STAFF CAR PARK AT ANYTIME EVEN IF THE BARRIER IS UP/THEY DO HAVE CAMERAS AND HARVARD PARK DO GET INTO TROUBLE IF OUR PARENTS ARE SEEN DRIVING IN. THANK YOU Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! Just type in Harvard Park Pre-school and Day Nursery and we should pop up! We regularly update this with pictures, messages and notices. We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table.