Harvard Park Pre-School Isleworth: July Newsletter 2018 News from the Managers, Nicki and Tracey – We would like to start by saying a big thank you for all of your help and support over this last school year. Our parents in partnership would be nothing without your co-operation so thank you. We would also like to say a big sad goodbye to all of you who will be leaving us to make the next leap into your educational journey. We feel so privileged that you chose Harvard Park to help your children begin their journey and we hope you have fabulous memories of your time with us. We would also like to mention that Hina will not be returning to us in September. We are very grateful for everything she has done for us and she will be missed. We wish her all the best for her new adventure. Wednesday 18th July: Last day for those of you who are returning to us on the 10 th September! Today is party day! Our session will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you are staying with us you are invited even if it isn’t your day! Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up at the above times. This will be your last day so don’t forget to take your bags home with you ready to refresh for September. Please write you name next to an item on our food list too! THEME: Fancy dress or Party clothes. Thursday 19th July: Last day for all of us! Today is party day for all of you who are leaving Harvard Park! Our session will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you are leaving us you are invited even if it isn’t your day! Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up at the above times. The concert will commence at 1:30pm. Please be prompt as we will be starting at this time. We also ask that only 2 adults per child attend. Video’s and photographs can be taken by yourselves however if you do not want your child to be videoed or photographed by others, we will have to remove them from the concert. We have no control over what happens with photos or videos which are not taken by ourselves. THEME: ‘Back to school’. We will be changing your child into their leaver’s shirts so dress them as normal. Maybe a funky hair style and something resembling uniform. Friday 20th July: We are CLOSED Today there is no pre-school we are shut. We will see everyone on Monday 10 th September for the start of a new and exciting year! Messages for those of you leaving: - White t-shirts: Please provide us with a white plain white t-shirt for your child by Wednesday 11 th July. We will be making leaver’s shirts inside the session. - Please note that only 2 adults per child will be allowed to come and see the concert. This is due to the lack of space and we have to consider everyone’s safety. - Please ensure you take EVERYTHING with you on your last day. This includes medication such as inhalers, clothes, bags, name cards, art work and all about me boxes! - Please make sure you are checking you emails. We will be sending out a message about to order or download your child’s EYLog learning journals. After this email has been sent, if you are not sure please come and see Natalie or Amy. Your child’s journal will be active for 2 months after they leave us. After this time period they will be removed from the system.
Health and Safety:
There are a couple of this we need to address: - Please can we request that you do not send your child in open toed shoes or flip flops? We had an accident recently which resulted in a very sore toe. We cannot stop children from running, tripping or dropping things on their feet. Closed in shoes will prevent this from happening. - Sun hat: please provide a sun hat for your child. We do not have enough spares to share out. Please ensure their name is written inside so these do not go missing. -Please remember when you enter the building, your child is now your responsibility. Please make sure you are aware of where they are at all times. Please do not let them run away from you whilst outside. We have no control over the gate being locked at this time.
News from Natalie, Jeanna, Lacey, Eva, Emma, Megan, Angela, Hina and Charlotte: Topic: School Transitions We will be spending lots of time outdoors, exploring the areas around us and learning about our new schools. We have lots of different uniforms, will be talking about some of the changes we may face when moving school and how the routine will be different. We will be using the internet to look at websites of our new schools too. For those of us who are staying, we will be continuing to learn new things every day through language, all about me boxes and lots of fun in the garden!
Home Mission: Be more active on your EyLogs! If you are waiting for an activation email, please check your junk. It will not come from nursery it will come from the EyLog company. We want to see lots of observations from your summer holidays! Birthdays and Important dates: We would like to say Happy birthdays to Alife, Amirjan, Yahya and Riley for the month of July! We hope you all have lovely days.
Important reminders: Parents in Partnership: Father’s parents in partnership: Thursday 14th June – 11:00am or 3:00pm. Please see Megan to confirm your attendance.
Helpful dates: Please read the above dates carefully, check the notice board and all emails so you are aware of what is going on and most importantly when we are back!
Sun cream: If your child does full days (even if it is two) please supply a bottle of sun cream for your child. We will label it and return it to you at the end of the week. If your child does a morning or afternoon session, please apply some before you come to the setting! We will be going out and about much more making use of the vitamin D from the sun.
Lost proptery: If you have taken a pink, yello and blue print jumper home with you and you feel it may not be yours could we please have it back. We have one upset little girl who would like it back. Also we will be having a lost property box over the next coming weeks, please have a look thourgh to see if any of it is yours.
If you are on Facebook, we do have a Facebook page which gives you updates, notices and also an insight into both our settings and what special activities we get up to. Simply type in Harvard Park Day nursery and Pre-
school in the search bar and look for our logo. You can also leave a review here too. Please look out for EY log emails and if you have any questions regarding this, please come and see Amy, Natalie or Amy S.