Harvard Park Pre School Isleworth May Newsletter 2014. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey and deputy manager, Natalie – A few reminders: - As most of you have now had the flyer, we have had an email regarding parking outside the school gates!!!! Please do not do this even if you are in a rush the school caretaker will watch the gates and will report and we will have to come to the gates to watch as well if we receive a notification like this again!!!! Also it is very important that you walk your child into the pre-school playground and sign your child in and do not let them walk down to school from the far gate it is not our staff’s responsibility to look after your child until they have signed into the building. If your child is staying with us for next year, or moving onto school/reception/nursery school please inform us of your decision.
Rani, Jeanna, Erin Sue, Rosa and Laura – Seema, Natalie Monica and Marilyn Hope everyone had a lovely Easter and are refreshed and ready for some new and exciting learning. We would like to welcome all the new children who have joined our Harvard Park Family this month. This month we are exploring Space! Your mission for this topic will be to take your child out in the evening, and to look for the moon, stars, planets and maybe even satellites. Your child will have the opportunity to create their own space rockets to develop their creative thinking, looking at Earth and the solar system to develop their knowledge of the world we live in, discuss the concept of aliens and whether they exist or not enabling your child to explore the idea of questions. They will also be able to learn how to walk like an astronaut, and run as fast as a rocket to develop their physical skills. Remember to talk to your child about their sessions and what they have done or achieved to encourage your child’s communication skills as well as their social skills and their memory. Please be aware that we will be closed from Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May for half term. We will be open as normal again on Monday the 2nd June. AS a forward reminder, we will be having photo day on Thursday 5th June so make sure you bring your smiles. We will have visual reminders around the setting so please be aware. Just so you are aware we have moved the registration cards inside the group time trolleys as a lot of them were going missing and child were becoming upset that theirs was not there. We are continuing to do registration using their cards at group times Big well done to all you parents who have been encouraging either walking or riding to preschool! But we would love to see all children who will be going onto Nursery or Reception walking or scooting.
To avoid upset or confusion everything should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also remember once you collect your child from their groups they are your responsibility so DO NOT let them push the door handle to let themselves out. ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!
We would like to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ to Andrea on 19th and Max on 30th as they will be turning 3, to Sami and Adam on 10th, Sebastian on 19th and Shanice on 30th who will be turning 4. Not forgetting, Tracy on 2 nd, Laura on 12th and Erin on 24th of this month. Please could parents/ carers bring in fruit so we can share it during our snack time? You are doing great so keep it up! We have noticed that some parents are still parking next to parked cars outside the school gates please do not do this! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE STAFF CAR PARK AT ANYTIME EVEN IF THE BARRIER IS UP/THEY DO HAVE CAMERAS AND HARVARD PARK DO GET INTO TROUBLE IF OUR PARENTS ARE SEEN DRIVING IN. THANK YOU Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! Just type in Harvard Park Pre-school and Day Nursery and we should pop up! We regularly update this with pictures, messages and notices. We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table.