Harvard Park Pre School Isleworth November Newsletter 2013. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey – Please collect on time you will be charged £1.00 every minute past your pick up time!!!! Our photographer has sent out her apologies as there is a delay with the photos but she ensures us they will be here in time for Christmas presents! We would like to apologise with the changeover with key-persons and thank you for your patience and co-operation. There have been lots of changes with paper work and we are looking at trying to make it more manageable. Please bear with us and we thank you for your patience again. We are also looking to employ another member of morning staff who has a NVQ 3. Rani, Jeanna
Sue, Rosa and Laura –
Natalie Monica and Marilyn -. Firstly we like to say welcome to the new parents and children who have started this month. This month we are focusing on ‘Keeping safe’ as this is our new topic. So far the children have been learning about stop and go, our emergency services and how they keep us safe as well as looking at celebrations like Bonfire night and Diwali. We have spoken about fire and firework safety and will be covering road safety, being safe at home and how to keep ourselves safe. We will encourage you to talk about this with your children at home; about waiting for the green man when crossing the road and making sure we don’t touch things that are hot etc. We are also going to be focusing on Stranger Danger and how we do not talk to strangers on the street or accept things from them. If you have any spare disposable cameras at home we would love for you to bring it in so that the children can use it to take pictures for our ICT display board. It will also benefit your child’s learning in Technology. Thank you to the parents who have already bought in their family photo, they do look really lovely in our new home area. Please feel free to come in and take a look when you pick up your child.
We have started our Harvard Park Book Club and have handed out our book bags. Please look after these resources as they are special and you will be charged if the get damaged or lost. Last term registration cards were not being used as they should have been!!! – Well done to our parents who now use their registration cards the children are benefiting very well from this. Please continue using their old registration cards if your child has moved group as we are still making a few adjustments so just bear with us. We also feel that with the changes, it will benefit your child as they will learn to make new friends in their groups and develop the life skill of building and maintaining relationships. Last term it was lovely to see so many using scooters this term we would like the same response when the weather is good. This is so good for their physical development but we do understand for those of you who live a distance and have to cross busy roads. This will also contribute to our theme about road safety, as we will be addressing this in the month. To avoid upset or confusion everything should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also remember once you collect your child from their groups they are your responsibility so DO NOT let them push the door handle to let themselves out. ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!
We would like to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ to Aneesa, Eliza, Abdirauf, Kian, Swarup, Ojas, Tiami and Dian who are all celebrating their birthdays this month. Please could parents/ carers bring in fruit so we can share it during our snack time? You are doing great so keep it up! We have noticed that some parents are still parking next to parked cars outside the school gates please do not do this! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE STAFF CAR PARK AT ANYTIME EVEN IF THE BARRIER IS UP/THEY DO HAVE CAMERAS AND HARVARD PARK DO GET INTO TROUBLE IF OUR PARENTS ARE SEEN DRIVING IN. THANK YOU Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table.