Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.
Notes from the management team: Have you downloaded the ParentMail and EyLog apps? They are both free to download and register with. It is important for your partnership with us to have these downloaded and accessible to receive notifications about your child’s learning as well as important notices such as closure dates and reminders. We would like to say happy mothers day to all the mums, grandmothers, aunties, sisters and any other strong female's we have in our lives. You all do an amazing job so keep it up. We hope you have a lovely relaxing day! Please do NOT leave rubbish in our garden: The last week of February, we have discovered that rubbish is being left in our garden at drop off times. Please do not do this, we had a full can of red bull left near the signing in board and also a bag of McDonald’s rubbish. This is unacceptable, please take your rubbish away with you as it poses as a healthy and safety issue for our children.
Reminder about Charges coming into effect after the Easter holidays 2020: You should have all received a letter in regards to our charges which will be put into place after the Easter Holidays. Unfortunately, we will have to put in a small daily charge to cover consumables. If you did not receive a letter via email, ParentMail or by hand, Please come and see Natalie and she will give you one. We have a YouTube link we would like you to watch and will explain further why we need to put charges in place to ensure we continue to provide great care for our children. All charges will need to be paid in advance not in arrears. We thank you for your continued support and co-operation. Champagne Nurseries, Lemonade Funding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zm-mYA6XpQ Coronavirus update: Please do not be offended if our practitioners or managers ask you where you have been and what countries you have travelled to over the last few weeks. We have to safe guard our children but also ourselves - we are being updated with advice from our Early Years Team on a regular basis. If you are concerned please visit the .gov.uk website.
Dates for you diary and reminders: •
World Book Day - Thursday 5th March! We will be celebrating world book day by dressing up as our favourite book characters and bringing in our favourite books to share with you all. We would like to encourage you to do the same with your child. Encourage your child to dress up on Thursday 5th March in support of World Book day and bring a book into share too! Nursery school applications are now open until 1st May 2020. All Hounslow infant and primary schools (except Edison Primary and Nishkam School West London) have nursery classes. You will need to apply directly to the school if you are considering nursery schools- for more information please follow this link : https:// www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20028/primary_admissions/74/nursery_admissions
Reminders: Due to our changes in pick up times and the home time routine, it is more important for you to label your children’s belongings including coats, bags and bottles. The children and staff have had a busy fun-filled day and may not remember which items belongs to who. Please do this before coming into the setting. Any other notes: Family Albums Thank you to parents who have provided family photo’s for your child’s family albums. If you haven’t done this, please send them to us as some of our children are feeling left out and becoming upset as they do not have one to share with their peers. You can email them to us via our Fcaebook page, the EyLog or email to info@harvardparkpreschool.co.uk
Birthdays for the month of February: Happy 3rd birthday to Dominic, Ignacy, Jan and Yafi! Happy 4th birthday to Lucy! Happy birthday to Natalie too! We hope you all have a lovely day!
Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.
Notes from Pre-School: Cool Cats Topic: Traditional Stories Our topic this month will all be based around Traditional Stories in order to support World Book Day. We will be looking at a range of stories from the Three little pigs to the more modern Handa’s surprise. At group times, story times and rolling groups practitioners will pick their favourite stories and explore them with the children in a variety of ways; from story books with story sacks, to creating our own stories with a range of mark making materials, role play inside and outside based on the stories and of course the development of language and learning new words. If you would like to arrange a time to come in and read a story to some children, please arrange this with your key worker. The children would love you to come and read to us, it can be a book from our library or you can bring one in of your choice! We will also be making some Mother’s Day gifts, so make sure you are checking our art tables for artwork to go home. We would just like to remind you that if your child is ill or has been ill over the night, please tell us. We have a lot of children coming in with temperatures and nothing has been said. Please inform us if you have given calpol or they have been unwell in the night. Reminders: Keep an eye our for our Parents in Partnership: We will be sending out invites for our March Parents in Partnership session. Please confirm your attendance once you have received the invitation. World Book Day: Thursday 5th March We will be dressing up to celebrate World book day. Dress up as your favourite book character and join us for a day filled with book themed activities to promote reading and the love of books. Remember if you have a book bag at home or would like to purchase one from us, we have a library full of books for you to look at, take home and exchange with us on a regular basis. Please label all of your child’s belongings including bags (write their name on the bottom of the bag), coats and water bottles!
Dates for you diary and reminders: • •
Sunday 22nd March: Mother’s Day - we hope you have a lovely day.
Thursday 5th March: World Book Day - Dress up and celebrate with us! You can even bring in your own book to share with us too.
Half term dates and closures: We will be closed from Friday 3rd April due to an inset day . We are then closed from Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April. We will re-open again on Monday 20th April. We will also be closed on: Friday 8th May: has been moved from Monday 4th May to commemorate 75th anniversary of VE Day. Monday 25th May: Spring Bank Holiday Changes to drop off and pick up times: We will now be opening the door from 8:30 to 8:45 am in the morning and from 12:30—12:45 pm in the afternoon. Children are missing out on important learning opportunities when they arrive later. Children’s learning is also be disrupted at this time as staff are then taken out of ratio to monitor the door. Afternoon—early pick up: If you require an early pick up, we will be opening the door from 3:10—3:30 pm. If you are later than 3:30 pm, you will have to wait until 4:15 pm. Children’s learning is also be disrupted at this time as staff are then taken out of ratio to monitor the door.