Graphics briefs

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Kyle Thompson

Fiddle Oak

Andric Ljubodrag

Kyle Thompson Photo manipula@on is the applica@on of image edi@ng techniques to the original photograph; in order to create an illusion. Usually using Photoshop.

Surrealism, scale, landscapes

Photo Manipula@on

Incorporate real landscapes and people adding a fantasy element using Photoshop

Make people bigger or smaller than their surroundings in rela@on to the book Erik Johansson

Take a series of photos of a person in a single landscape then manipulate on Photoshop to create an illusion that they’re more than one person Lizzy Elle

Tom Burns

Michelle Thompson Photo Illustra@on is a visualiza@on created by an ar@st combining sketches, drawing, pain@ng and photography; using a graphical representa@on

Rob Ryan

Book cover designs

Mira Schendel


Reflect the theme of the book

Decora@ve and exci@ng

Combine sketches, drawings, pain@ngs and photography

Peter Callesen

Combine photography with drawings and sketches


Making a quote with objects

Alphabe@cal photography

Choose famous quote

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