West Lake Landfill On my way to Highway 70 via Lindbergh, one night a couple of years ago. I noted that there were some type of construction trucks putting in something along the Rock Road in front of Home Depot. The next morning it was brought to my attention that a Pipeline was being installed along St Charles Rock Road from Bridgeton’s Westlake Landfill to just under the Viaduct at I170/St Charles Rock Rd. This was to become A 7.5-mile, 8” pipeline which passes 4 schools, businesses and residential homes, and dumps Leachate into a 15” line under i170 that free flows into Bissels sewer line. I requested and Held a Public Forum on the Westlake Pipeline. If you check my website or download my Phone App from your Google or Apple App Stores you will find the almost 2-hour meeting video. The details of the pipeline were explained and maybe half of my 67 questions that I put together from the residents, were answered. I needed to know more, and through Dawn Chapman found out about her meetings and began to attend to find out more. Neither Republic, nor MSD were able to tell me that it was likely Modot that authorized this pipeline through my city. Modot has that authority as it was put in
their row and they do not have to tell the Municipal Governments what they are doing. I introduced and spoke on it before my Airport Township. The Committeeman Bruce Buwalda (also the Chairman of the St Louis County Central Committee and a Member of the Missouri State Committee ) decided to hold the next township meeting at one of the Westlake Moms meetings. After listening to the issue 1st hand Bruce brought US Senator Roy Blunts participation into the matter and Bill s2306 was prepared and presented before the US Senate and passed. From which Bill 4100 was developed and is waiting in the US House of Representatives for passing. I also informed Dawn Chapman that Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle Nadal was one of Bridgeton’s Mo Senators and would be a good source for bringing attention to the issues of the Westlake Landfill, to further push public awareness necessary to make change. Maria has done an outstanding job at this. Since then my Airport Township Committeeman has continued to follow up on the progress of the bills and I found out at the RNC Convention that Bruce also drew Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s attention to the Landfill issue, which is gaining interest and importance not only to those who reside in the area affected but also to those located miles from the landfill, since it has been identified as a probable threat. Congressman Wagner has made good progress on Bill 4100. A letter signed by both Congress members and both US Senators concerning the need for urgency to action has also been pushed forward. These are our towns; our children have been raised or are being raised here…NO ONE TOLD US THIS NUCLEAR WASTE WAS IN OUR “BACKYARDS” …. Many of our candidates for office have chosen the Westlake Landfill as an issue to run on to get our Votes… We watch them come on strong and then back away in their efforts once they think we are not watching any longer. My participation has been and will remain to stay the steady course pushing and reaching out to our legislators and keeping you the public informed.
The lack of concern and foot dragging by both State and Federal agencies lets us know that, each one of us should be emailing, writing or calling our representatives daily, weekly, monthly whatever it takes to get their attention. This is what it will take to get this matter resolved, the Westlake Moms have done a great job of bringing attention to the matter but need our help to bring home the win. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/MO Make no mistake about it, in my opinion this landfill issue is the result of our Federal Government giving full immunity to Mallinckrodt and then not ensuring public safety. The full responsibility for this should lie in the hands of our Federal Government. Kit Bond tried to take care of it in the 80’s but did not have enough support. For Ch 5 to report last year that the EPA said at most only a few would be affected - is an outrage, they basically said they consider us all to be collateral damage. As an Alderman of the City of St Ann, this is what I have accomplished to date on this issue. I will continue to fight for FUSRAP to gain control over the cleanup of this Nuclear Nightmare. Now should I win my election...I will push for the County to develop an emergency plan with micro details to share with the Unincorporated and Municipal Governments, as in my personal opinion their current plan lacks the details needed for our Emergency Responders to plan around. Also an Emergency Preparedness list for the residents, should be developed, that to the best of Counties Ability with the limited knowledge of the full capabilities of what could really happen with this landfill, can aid the residents in Emergency Preparedness for their families at home and while out and about, so that a last minute panic to get the kids or get out of town can be minimized, while this possibility remains a threat. Learn more at www.amypoelker2.com Pipeline Hearing