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Sign VI Monte Alban, Oaxaca, 2009 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 40J 2 40J in. (detail illustrated on cover)


May 5 – August 5, 2016

B A R B A R A M AT H E S G A L L E R Y 22 East 80th Street  New York 10075 Tel 212 570 4190  art @


i nc e 1972 Ed da Re n o u f h as b e e n p ro d ucin g meditative and tactile paintings and drawings based on a deep engagement with her materials. In her attention to

chromatic subtlety and pared-down geometries, Renouf ’s work has been related to Minimalism. However, her exploration of process and the lyricism of her forms result in a visual language that is profoundly unique.This exhibition will present a selection of paintings and drawings produced between 2006 and 2016 focusing on her sustained attention to themes of temporality, natural cycles, and the experience of sound. Fascinated by the physical qualities of linen, Renouf removes and repositions threads from the weave of her canvases before applying glazes of acrylic paint and sanding the paintings’ surfaces. Similarly, in her works on paper the artist incises lines before drawing in ink or after applying chalk or oil pastel. This process reveals the inherent structure of her supports which become not simply grounds onto which an image is imposed, but rather integral components of her compositions. In Sign VI, Monte Alban, Oaxaca (2009), for

example, the removed and reapplied threads form a loose grid with undulating horizontals. Named after Monte Alban, in Oaxaca, the

artist was particularly inspired by the vast and open view of the distant mountain ranges surrounding the archeological site. In this work, where the complex variety of blue tones becomes a metaphor for rain and water, there is a juxtaposition of organic curves reminiscent of the mountain landscape with the geometry of the preColumbian pyramids symbolized by the horizontal-vertical structure of the linen canvas. Other works in the exhibition such as Sign-11 (Winter Rhythms) (2008–2009), further convey the artist’s strong interest in linear forms. Here the regular horizontal bands of removed linen underpin wavering repositioned threads on a blue-gray ground. This textural play of positive and negative space reveals both the material’s structure and the artist’s temporal process of production. Renouf has described her works as “a record of the days, weeks, months and seasons when they were created.” Temporality is a consistent theme in her art: recurring rhythms recall the cycles of nature, the movement of sound waves, and the durational experience of music, all of which are inspirations for the forms and repetition that Renouf achieves in her singular drawings and paintings.

March Sounds, 2006 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 59 2 59 in.

November Echoes (Version窶的), 2006 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 11I 2 11I in.

Sign–9 (Autumn Gate), 2007 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 20 2 20 in.

Sign –6 (Spring Energy,Version #2) or Milky Way –1, 2007–2009 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 20 2 20 in.

Sign –12 (Winter Energy), 2007 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 20 2 20 in.

March Echoes (Version窶的), 2008 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 11I 2 11I in.

photo to come

October Echoes (Version窶的), 2008 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 11I 2 11I in.

Sign XIX, Spring Energy, 2008–2009 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 40J 2 40J in.

Sign –11 (Winter Rhythms) or Milky Way–2, 2008–2009 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 20 2 20 in.

May Sounds, 2009–2011 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 59 2 59 in.

Diagonal II (Early Spring Energy), 2015 Acrylic on linen; removed threads 15I 2 15I in.

June Sounds, 2015 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 59 2 59 in.

photo to come

Sign XX, Summer Energy, 2015 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 40J 2 40J in.

photo to come

Sign XXI, Autumn Energy, 2015 Acrylic on linen; removed and reapplied threads 40J 2 40J in.

Dawn Letter–8, 2014 Incised and scraped oil pastel on Arches paper 17I 2 15 in.

Dawn Letter –10, 2014 Incised and scraped oil pastel on Arches paper 17I 2 15 in.

Dawn Letter –12, 2014 Incised and scraped oil pastel on Arches paper 17I 2 15 in.



American born in Mexico City, Mexico, 1943 The artist lives and works in Paris.


Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Paintings” 1973


Academie Julian, Paris, France, 1963–64 Sarah Lawrence College, New York, New York, 1961–65 Arts Students League, New York, New York, 1967–68 MFA, School of Art, Columbia University, New York, New York, 1968–71 Academie der Bildende Kunste, Munich, Germany, 1969–70 Painting fellowship, Columbia University, Paris, France, 1971–72 GRANTS 1976

N.E.A. Grant, USA 1990

The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, USA 1996

Commission for etching, Centre National des Arts Plastiques, France

Françoise Lambert, Milan, Italy, “Changed Structures” 1 9 74

Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Dessins” Konrad Fischer, Düsseldorf, Germany, “Paintings” MTL Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, “Recent Paintings” 1975

Françoise Lambert, Milan, Italy, “Dipinti” Marilena Bonomo, Bari, Italy, “Dipinti” Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Entities” 1976

Rolf Preisig, Basel, Switzerland, “Paintings: 1975-76” D’Alessandro Ferranti, Rome, Italy, “Paintings: 1975-76” Julian Pretto, New York, New York, USA, “New Paintings and Drawings” Françoise Lambert, Milan, Italy, “Otto Disegni” 1977

Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, “Recent Paintings and Drawings” Kathryn Markel Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Prints” MTL Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, “Dessins Récents” 1978

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT, USA, “Matrix # 36” Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Edda Renouf ” Ugo Ferranti, Rome, Italy, “Paintings and Drawings” Yvon Lambert, Paris, France Graeme Murray, Edinburgh, Scotland, “Echoes” Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA, “Drawings 1978” Young HoVman Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” 1979

Françoise Lambert, Milan, Italy, “Drawings 1978” Konrad Fischer, Düsseldorf, Germany, “Paintings and Drawings” Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” 1980

Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis, MO, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Dessins” Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA, “Recent Paintings and Drawings” Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, MA, USA, “Recent Paintings, Drawings, Prints”



Graeme Murray Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland, “Paintings”

Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, “Edda Renouf—Werke 1972–1997” Numark Gallery, Washington, DC, USA, “Edda Renouf— Drawings and Prints”


Carol Taylor Gallery, Dallas, TX, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Recent Work” 1983

Francoise Lambert, Milan, Italy, “Nuovi Disegni” 1984

Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Peintures et Dessins” 1985

Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Paintings and Drawings” 1986

Martina Hamilton Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Works on Paper” 1987

Galerie Liesbeth Lips, Amsterdam, Holland, “Paintings and Drawings” Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “Recent Drawings”


Galerie Liesbeth Lips, Rotterdam, Holland, “Canal du Nord”– Paris – Rotterdam Gallery Exchange, “Edda Renouf—New Works : Constellations” Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse, France, “Fables et Réalités”New Drawings and Etchings Galerie Hubert Winter,Vienna, Austria, “From Point to Point to Point . . . to InWnity” 2001

Galerie Liesbeth Lips, Rotterdam, Holland, “Traces 1975– Traces 2001”: 2002

Joseph Helman Gallery; New York , NY, USA, “TimeLines” 2004


National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC, USA, “Revealed Structures” Brenau University Galleries, Gainesville, GA, USA, “Revealed Structures”

Blum Helman Gallery, New York, NY, USA, “New Works”



Cairn Gallery, Gloucestershire, England, “Sixteen Element Drawings” 1991

Galerij S65, Aalst, Belgium, “Edda Renouf—Tekeningen” 1993

Cairn Gallery, Gloucestershire, England, “From Dawn to Dusk to Midnight,” (twelve paintings) Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Messages” 1994

Galerij S 65, Aalst, Belgium, “Seven Days, Twelve Hours, Five Minutes” (twenty-four paintings) Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse, France, “Edda Renouf—L’œuvre gravée—1974–1994” Elisabeth Kaufmann, Basel, Switzerland, “Edda Renouf— Zeichnungen 1991–1994”

Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris, France, “Edda Renouf : Peintures et Dessins 2005–2006” New Arts Gallery, LitchWeld, CT, USA, “Edda Renouf: Lines and Clusters” 2007

Galeria Charpa,Valencia, Spain, “La Memoria de la Materia” Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse, France, “Energie de La Matière” 2010

Galerie 1900–2000, Paris, France, “Edda Renouf – Peintures et Dessins 1973–2010” 2013

Annely Juda Fine Art, London, United Kingdom, “Edda Renouf ” Senior and Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, United States, “Edda Renouf : Drawings 1998–2011”



Artothèque Médiathèque,Valence, France, “Edda Renouf— Etchings and Aquatints 1974-1994” The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, “Edda Renouf: Paintings, Drawings and Prints”

Galerie 1900–2000, Paris, France, «Edda Renouf—Peintures : Fils enlevés, Fils ajoutés, Diagonales»


Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse, France, “Paintings and Watercolors” Elisabeth Kaufmann, Basel, Switzerland, “Zeichnungen und Bilder”


Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, NY, «Edda Renouf : Sounds of Time» May 5 – August 5, 2016


Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Actualité d’un Bilan” 1973

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France, “Eighth Paris Biennale” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, “Recent Acquisitions” Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany, “Prospect 73–Painters” Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, England, “Drawings”

The Institute of Art and Urban Resources, P.S.1, Long Island City, New York, “Paintings ’75, ’76, ’77” Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, California, “Etchings of the Twentieth Century” Joe and Emily Lowe Gallery, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University, “Critics Choice: A Loan Exhibition of Contemporary Painting” Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, “Trois Villes, Trois Collections” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York “American Drawn and Matched” 1978

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Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany, “Geplante Malerei” Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, Belgium, “Print Show” – “Parasol Press” 1975

Arc II, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France, “Tendances Actuelles de la Nouvelle Peinture Américaine” Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland, “Fundamental Painting” Arts Council of Great Britain, London, “Prints Show–Parasol Press” The Clocktower, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, New York, “Selections from the collection of Dorothy and Herb Vogel” Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Painting, Drawing and Sculpture of the 60s and the 70s from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” (Exhibition travelled to the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati: Dec. 1975–Feb. 1976) Mönchengladbach Museum, Mönchengladbach, Germany, “Prints Show – Parasol Press” MTL Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, “Peintures” XX Jyvaskyla Arts Festival, Finland, “International Prints” 1976

Art Gallery of Toronto, Canada, “Prints Show – Parasol Press” Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, California, “Group Show” 1977

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, “Extraordinary Women” The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan, “Works from the collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel” Young HoVman Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, “Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings”

The Art Institute of Chicago, Society for Contemporary Art, Illinois, “Drawings of the 70s” Pace Gallery, New York, New York, “GRIDS, Format and Image in 20th Century Art” UCSB Art Museum, University of California at Santa Barbara, “Contemporary Drawing, New York” Lisson Gallery, London, England, “Group show” The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York, “Recent Acquisitions” The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York, “A Decade in Review: Selections from the 1970s” 1979

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, “Oeuvres Contemporaines des Collections Nationales: Accrochage #2” H.H.K. Foundation for Contemporary Art, Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin, “Recent Acquisitions” Museum of Art, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina, “Drawing about Drawing Today” The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York, “1979 Biennale Exhibition: Contemporary American Art” 1980

Associazione Italiana Gallerie Arte Contemporanea, Genoa, Italy, “Works on Paper” Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, New York, “Drawings” Young HoVman Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, “Small Works, Drawings, Prints” Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, California, “A Drawing Show” Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, Belgium, “Foire Internationale d’Art Actuel” 1981

Blum Helman Gallery, New York, New York, “Recent Paintings: Edda Renouf, Bruce Robbins, Hap Tivey, Craig KauVman” Centre de Documentacio d’Art Actual, Metronoma, Barcelona, Spain, “International Exhibition: Artists Books”

Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland, “New Works of Contemporary Art and Music” The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia, “Georgia Collects” Ben Shahn Gallery, William Patterson College, Wayne, New Jersey, “Four by Seven from the Vogel Collection” 1982

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, “Given & Promised (Recent Acquisitions)” Brainert Art Gallery, State University College of Arts and Science, Postdam, “The 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Vogel Collection” Exhibition travelled to: The Gallery of Art, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls Jeanne LaYtte, Marseille, France, “Yvon Lambert Présente 24 Artistes de sa Galerie” 1983


Galerie Liesbeth Lips, Amsterdam, Holland, “New York Scene” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, Lila Acheson Wallace Wing: 20th Century Art 1988

Blum Helman Gallery, New York, New York Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation BeneWt Art Sale, “35th Anniversary of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company” Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany, “Schlaf der Vernunft” Martina Hamilton Gallery, New York, New York, “Works on Paper 1988” Musée Cantini, Marseille, France, “L’Art Moderne à Marseille, La Collection du Musée Cantini”

Queens Museum, Queens, New York, “Twentieth Century Art from The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Selected Recent Acquisitions” Graeme Murray, Edinburgh, Scotland, “Art Works in the Collection of; On Loan; New Works”




Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens London, England, “At the Serpentine” Graeme Murray, Edinburgh, Scotland, “From the Serpentine”

Blum Helman Gallery, New York, New York, “Summer Group Show” Graeme Murray, Edinburgh, Scotland, “The Rigorous Imagination” Greene Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, “Edda Renouf: Prints” Hillwood Art Gallery, Long Island University Brookville, New York, “Lines of Vision : Drawings by Contemporary Women” Françoise Lambert Gallery, Milan, Italy, “Group Show” Galerie Mühlenbusch, Düsseldorf, Germany, “Group Show”


Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France, “Livres d’Artistes” Christie’s, New York, New York, “Creative Time BeneWt Art Show” Ronald Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri, “Group Show” Oscarsson Hood Gallery, New York, New York, “Abstract/ Issues” Parasol Press, Sag Harbor, New York, “Group Show of Parasol Press” Galerie Denise René, Paris, France, “Les Femmes et l’Abstraction Constructive” The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York, “Drawing Acquisitions 1981–1985” 1986

The Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel, “Trends in Geometric Abstract Art” University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Department Art Galleries, Arkansas, “Drawings From the Collection of Dorothy and Herb Vogel” Exhibition travelled: The University of Alabama Mood Gallery of Art; The Pennsylvannia State University Museum of Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois, “Selected Recent Acquisitions”

Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, New York, “From The Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel” Exhibition travelled: Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago; Art Museum at Florida State University, Miami


Martina Hamilton Gallery, New York, New York, “Works on Paper” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, “Summer Group Show” 1991

Galerie Gisele Linder, Basel, Switzerland, “Auf Papier” 1992

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille,Villeneuve d’Ascq, “Yvon Lambert Collectionne” Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, “De Bonnard à Baselitz” Dix ans d’enrichissement au Cabinet des Estampes 1978/88 Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois, “Conceptualism and Postconceptualism”



National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., “Series and Sequences: Contemporary Drawings and Prints from the Permanent Collection” L.A.C., Sigean, France, “ProWl d’une Galerie” (Artistes de la Galerie Yvon Lambert)

Palazzo d’Ovidio, Campobasso, Italy, “I Biennale dell’Incisione Italiana Contemporanea, ‘Città di Campobasso’ “ (Invited country: France) Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C., “Prints and Drawings: recent Aquisitions” Galerie Florence Arnaud, Paris, Group show: “Decembre Debre; Degottex; Gramatzki; Michaux; Molnar; Nemours; Pane; Renouf;Viallat;Wou Ki”


National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., “From Minimal to Conceptual Art: Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” 1995

Gilmour Gallery, London, England, “Touch” (Group Show: David GriYth, Edwina Leapman, Edda Renouf, Dillwyn Smith, James Ramsey) Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris, France, “Une Constellation”; (Groupshow: Carl Andre, Mel Bochner, Bernard Borgeaud, Rosemarie Castoro, Marcia HaWf, Martina Klein, Lucas l’Hermitte, Helga Natz, Edda Renouf, Philippe Seux, Lawrence Weiner) 1996

Galerie Gisèle Linder, Basel, Switzerland, “Prints” 1997

Maison Levanneur, Centre National de l’Estampe et de l’Art Imprimé, Chatou, France, “Heureux le Visionnaire” National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., “Thirty-Wve Years at Crown Point Press” Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, “Thirty-Wve Years at Crown Point Press” 1998

Brenau University Galleries, Gainesville, Georgia, «Women Artists in the Vogel Collection» Yokohama Museum of Art,Yokohama, Japan, “La Collection Yvon Lambert” The Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel, “From Minimal to Conceptual Art: Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, “Drawings from the Permanent Collection” The Rocket Press, Oxford, England, “Group Exhibition” Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, “American Art at Yale : Twenty-Wve Years of Collecting Drawing” International Fine Print Dealers Association, The Armory, New York City, NY, Prints & Drawings exhibited by Brenda Edelson, Inc. 1999

Cabinet des Estampes et des Dessins, Liège, Belgium, “Femmes -Graveurs du XXe Siècle” International Fine Print Dealers Association, The Armory, New York City, NY, Prints & Drawings exhibited by Brenda Edelson, Inc.


British Museum, London, “Paper Assets, Collecting Prints and Drawings 1996-2001” Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria, “Die Cabinette des Dr. Czerny Der Kosmos der Kunst im Spiegel der Sammlung Norli und Hellmut Czerny” Joseph Helman Gallery, New York City, NY, “Summer” Joseph Helman Gallery, New York City, NY, “Pushing Paint: Anne Appleby,Dorota Kolodziejczyk, Medrie McPhee, Edda Renouf, Susanna Starr” 2002

Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, “La Culture Pour Vivre, De Georges Braque à Aurélie Nemours” 2003

Collection Lambert, Avignon, France, “Exposition: Rendez-vous #4” 2004

British Museum, London, England, “Matisse to Freud; A Critic’s Choice The Bequest of Alexander Walker” Galerie Gisèle Linder, Basel, Switzerland, “Vingt Ans de Ma Galerie” Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, “New Acquisitions of Contemporary Art 1995–2004” Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA, “Contemporary American Prints” Riva Yares Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ, “Group Show” 2005

New Arts Gallery, LitchWeld, CT, USA, “Drawing Today – 2005” Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, France, “Résonnances – Un choix dans les collections du Centre de la Gravure et de l’image imprimée” 2006

Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Message Personnel” – “Les 40 Ans de la Galerie Yvon Lambert” The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, GA, “Focus: Artist Collections” Galerie Gisèle Linder, Basel, Switzerland, “Summertime”

Hayward Gallery & British Museum, Londres, Angleterre, “Matisse to Freud, A Critic’s Choice, The Bequest of Alexander Walker” A Hayward Gallery Touring/British Museum Partnership UK Exhibition Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris, “Small Works – Petits Formats” Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, “Gifted: Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection” Espai d’Art, Gandia, Espagne, “Une Boite en Valise” (Galeria Charpa) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,Valencia, Espagne, “30 Años de Arte y Artistas” (Galeria Charpa) Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, “Collected Thoughts: Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” 2009

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain, “New York/New Drawings, 1946–2007” Mamco, Geneva, Switzerland, “jeffmute” Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, “elles@centrepompidou – artistes femmes dans les collections du Centre Pompidou” Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Allemagne, “Learn to Read Art: A History of Printed Matter” Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, “Art Protects” Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN, USA, “To Have it About You : The Dorothy & Herbert Vogel Collection” Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Oklahoma City, OK, “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States” P.S. 1, Contemporary Arts Center, Long Island, NY, “Learn to Read Art: A History of Printed Matter” FIAC, Grand Palais, Paris, France, “elles@galerie 1900– 2000” Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC, USA, “The Dorothy & Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States” 2010

Albright-Knox Gallery, BuValo, NY, USA, “The Dorothy & Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States” University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, “An Economy of Means: The Dorothy & Herbert Vogel Collection” ArtBrussels; Brussels, Belgium Galerie 1900–2000, Paris Museum of Art / Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA, “The Primacy of Paper: Recent Works from the Collection” Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, France, “L’Emotion et la Règle”

Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS, USA, “Herb and Dorothy: A Glimpse into their Extraordinary Collection” Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), Philadelphia, PA, USA, “The Dorothy & Herbert Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States” Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, USA, “Fifty Works for the First State: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” Galerie 1900–2000, Paris, France, “Forms of Color” Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, USA, “Living for Art: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection” FIAC, Grand Palais, Paris, France, Galerie 1900 – 2000, Paris The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA, “American Painting: 1959–2009” 2015

Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, «The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: 50 Works for 50 States», March 19 – August 1, 2015 University of Alaska Museum of the North, Fairbanks, Alaska, «Vogel 50 x 50: States: Fifty Works for Alaska», November 28, 2014 – Summer 2015 Senior and Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, «Twelve Drawings: Bourgeois, Hesse, LeWitt, Molnar, Renouf, Smithson, Ufan», September 10 – 26, 2015 Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, NY, «The True Form» July 14 – August 14, 2015 David Zwirner Gallery, New York, NY, «Selections from the Kramarsky Collection» May 2 – June 20, 2015 Art Basel 2015, Annely Juda Fine Art, London (Halle 2 Booth B12) June 18 – 21, 2015 Galerie 1900–2000, Paris (Halle 2 Stand h6) June 18 – 21, 2015 FIAC, Grand Palais, Paris, France, Annely Juda Fine Art, London (Stand c-35) October 22 – 25, 2015 Galerie 1900–2000, Paris (Stand c-30) October 22–25, 2015 2016

Senior and Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, «From Point to Line» April 20 – June 18, 2016 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1973

Béret, C. “Interview with Edda Renouf,” Art Press 2 (January). “Edda Renouf,” Peinture Cahiers Théoriques (January). “Edda Renouf,” Art Press 6 (September–October). 1 9 74

“Flash Art-France-Edda Renouf,” Flash Art (April), p. 24., Bouyeure, Claude; “Les Trameurs du Temps,” Cimaise pp. 117–118.



Dippel, Rini, “Fundamentale Schilderkunst” (Exhibition Catalogue), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Martin, Henry, “In Milan Spring,” Art International (May). Pleynet, Marcelin, “De la Couleur à la Ligne,” (Exhibition Catalogue), ARC Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.

Dagbert, Anne, “Edda Renouf ”, Art Press (February). Einreinhofer, Nancy, “4 x 7 Selections from the Vogel Collection,” (Exhibition catalogue). Deschamps, Madeleine, “La Peinture Américaine, Les Mythes et la Matière,” Denoël, p.164–165.


“Edda Renouf,” Basler Nachrichten 65, (March). Lynton, Norbert, “Edda Renouf ” (Exhibition Catalogue), Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover. 1977

Betz, M. “Review,” ArtNews (September). Brown, Ellen, “Painting at C.A.C. is a Must to See”, The Cincinnati Post (August 13). Burnham, Jack, “Minimalism”, The New Art Examiner, (Summer). Herrera, Hayden, “Review”, Art in America, (January–February). Morrin, France, “Edda Renouf ”, Parachute, (Winter). 1978

Booth, Colin, “Reviews—Edda Renouf,” ArtScribe, (August). Frank, Peter, “New York Reviews” ArtNews, (Summer). Guaneri, Ricardo, “Pittori di New York”, Visual, (April May). Larsen, Susan, “Intimate Mathematics”, Art News, (December). Marlow, Peter O. Matrix 36: Edda Renouf, (Exhibition brochure). Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum. 1979

“Actual Art,” Skira Annual N°5, Daval, Jean-Luc, “Statement by Edda Renouf,” Actual Art Skira Annual, p. 52. McDonald, Robert, “Painting with Textures,” ArtWeek (June 30). Muchnic, Suzanne, “First Postmerger Show at Otis-Parsons,” Los Angeles Times (July 3). Biennale Exhibition The Whitney Museum of American Art, (Exhibition catalogue), New York: Whitney Museum of American Art. 1980

Hobler, Nardi, “The Fabric of Life,” St.Louis Post Dispatch (May). King, Mary, “Renouf Subtleties on Paper and Canvas,” St.Louis Post Dispatch (May). Muchnic, Suzanne, “Review: Edda Renouf,” Los Angeles Times (November 7). Zimmer, William, “Top Drawer,” The Soho News, (January 10).


Coopersmith, Georgia, 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Vogel Collection (Exhibition catalogue), Potsdam: Brainert Art Gallery. MadoV, Steven Henry, “Edda Renouf at Blum Helman,” Art in America (May), p. 143. 1984

Durand, Regis. “Edda Renouf chez Galerie Yvon Lambert,” Art Press (September). Graeme Murray Gallery at the Serpentine, “Exhibitions and Books with Artists 1976–1984”, (Exhibition Catalogue); Edimbourg. 1985

MadoV, Steven Henry, Abstract/Issues (Exhibition brochure). New York: Sherry French, et al. 1986

Ploog, Randy J. et al. Drawings from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel (Exhibition catalogue). Little Rock, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Department of Art, Arkansas. 1988

Burckhart, L.; Brüderlin. M.; Gassner, H.; Loers,V., Schlaf der Vernunft , (Exhibition Catalogue), Museum Fridericianum Kassel, p. 21–25. Costa,Vanina, “Le Sommeil de la Raison,” Beaux Arts Magazine (May). Graw, Isabelle, (Translated from the German Text by H. Martin), “The Sleep of Reason,” Flash Art (March), p. 139–40. Ragon, Michel et Pleynet, Marcelin, “L’Art Abstrait” (1970–1987) Maeght, Editeur, p.l6, 63, 276. 1989

Turner, Elisa, “Artist’s Grid for New Approaches.” The Miami Herald (February 15) p. 8D. Collischan Van Wagner, Judy K. ,“Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women”, p. 116. 1991

Woimant, F.; Miessner, M-C; Mœglin-Delcroix, A.; “Les enrichissements 1990 de la Bibliothèque Nationale– Estampes Modernes”, Nouvelles de l’Estampe, N° 116, (May–June).


Beaumont-Maillet, L.; Woimant, F.; Pernoud, E. : De Bonnard à Baselitz – Dix ans d’enrichissements du Cabinet des Estampes 1978–1988, (Exhibition Catalogue), Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, p. 347. Lambert,Yvon; Pijaudier, Joëlle; Bozo, Dominique; Yvon Lambert Collectionne (Exhibition Catalogue), Musée d’Art Moderne de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille,Villeneuve d’Ascq et Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, p.78–79. 1993

Ausstellung bei Konrad Fischer Düsseldorf (Exhibitions from October 1967–October 1992); Edition Marzona, Bielefeld, p. 106 & 168. Woimant, F.; Miessner, M.-C.; “Les enrichissements 1992 de la Bibliothèque Nationale en Estampes Modernes”, Nouvelles de l’Estampe, Nº 130131(October) p. 31–32. 1993

Clark, Thomas A.,“Edda Renouf: From Dawn to Dusk to Midnight,” Contemporary Art, London, (Summer 1993). 1994

Dagbert, Anne, “Une vision de l’inWnité de la matière et de la nature,” (Exhibition Catalogue), Edda Renouf; Etchings and Aquatints 1974–1994, Editions Sollertis, Toulouse / Parasol Press, New York, 1994. “Edda Renouf ” Basler Zeitung, Basel, (November 1994). Paoletti, John T.; Fine, Ruth E.; From Minimal to Conceptual Art, Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection, (Exhibition Catalogue) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., p. 118. 1995

Le Maintenant d’Après Une Constellation – Exposition de Groupe, May/June – Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, (Exhibition Catalogue), Paris. 1996

Bouisset, Maïten, “Edda Renouf,” Art Press, N° 216, (September 1996). Paul-Hervé Parsy, “Edda Renouf ” Heureux le visionnaire dont la seule arme est le stylet du graveur . . . 30 at e l i e r s ; cnap; (Exhibition Catalogue), Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1996; p. 74 Briand-Picard, C.; Cuzin, C.; Perrot, A.; Peindre? enquète & entretiens sur la peinture abstraite, “Edda Renouf ” p.113, Edition Positions, Galerie B. Jordan et M. Devarrieux, Paris. Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse; “Edda Renouf ”; Expositions Enrevue Nº 6, (May–June 1996); p. 189. 1997

Schrenk, K.; Reising, G.; Studinger, E.; Fine, Ruth E.; Denizot, R., Edda Renouf – Werke 1972–1997, (One-Person Exhibition Catalogue), Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Cantz, OstWldern-Ruit.

Monteil, Anne-Marie, “Kunst in Basel – Edda Renouf ” BAZ Baseler Zeitung, (Jan. 18, 19, 1997). Dienst, Rolf-Gunter «Sprache, Sichtbar – Die Malerin Edda Renouf in Karlsruhe», Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 117, (May 1997). Hübl, Michael «Von Dürers Grün führt eine Spur ins Heute», Badische Neueste Nachrichten (April 1997). Flack, Michael, “The Vogel Collection: A Sense of Ordered Purposefulness,” Drawing, The International Review published by the Drawing Society ,Vol. XVIII, Nº 4 (Spring 1997), p. 99. 1998

HoXeitner, Johanna, “Ausgestellt in Wien – Galerie Hubert Winter,” Die Presse, (October 1998) 1998

Fine, Ruth E.; Donovan, Molly; “Many Artists/Many Things”; Women Artists in the Vogel Collection, (Exhibition Catalogue), Brenau University, Gainesville, Ga. 1999

Ellis, Estelle; Seebohm, Caroline; Sykes,Christopher S. “At Home with Art;” Clarkson Potter, New York, 1999 Insight, Persistance & Daring, The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection; p. 80–83 Femmes–Graveurs du XX Siècle Livres et Estampes, (Exhibition Catalogue), Cabinet des Estampes et des Dessins, Liège, Belgium, p. 16. 2000

Trentin, Giorgio “I Biennale dell’Incisione italiana contemporanea, ‘Città di Campobasso’” (Paese ospite: Francia) Edizioni Vitmar, (June 2000). 2001

Steinle, Christa; Weibel, Peter, “Die Cabinette des Dr. Czerny” Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 2001. Johnson, Ken; Galleries-57th Street; New York Times (September 2001). 2002

La Culture Pour Vivre – Donations des Fondations Scaler et Clarence-Westbury, (Exhibition Catalogue), Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, p. 52–53. Konau, B.; Westmacott, J.,” Interview of Edda Renouf,” Revealed Structures, (One-person Exhibition Catalogue), National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. and Brenau University Galleries, Gainesville GA. Edda Renouf : Revealed Structures, “Artist’s Statement,” Women in the Arts, National Museum of Women in the Arts, (Spring 2004), p. 8–9. Coppel, Stephen; Matisse to Freud A Critic’s Choice The Alexander Walker Bequest ,(Exhibition Brochure), British Museum, London

Holsten, Siegmar; Neuerwerbungen Zeitgenössischer Kunst 1995–2004 Malerei und Skulptur seit 1960, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, (Illustrated Catalogue), p. 38. 2007

de los Angeles, Àlvaro; “El Soporte Como Discurso – Edda Renouf,” Levante, El Mercantil Valenciano, 5/07,Valencia, Spain 2008

The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection/Fifty Works for Fifty States, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC; p. 83 & p. 155. 2009

New York – New Drawings / 1946–2007, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain & the Fifth Floor Foundation, New York, NY (Exhibition Catalogue), p. 202–205. elles@centrepompidou/Artistes Femmes dans la Collection du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre de Création Industrielle, Centre Pompidou, Paris; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 223. State of the Art: Contemporary Sculpture,Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin 2009, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT; p. 177. 2010

Petherbridge, Deanna; The Primacy of Drawing, Histories and Theories of Practice,Yale University Press, New Haven, CT and London; p. 166–p. 167. Ramond, Sylvie; “Entretien de Sylvie Ramond avec Jacques et Brigitte Gairard Le 21 avril 2010 à Lyon,” L’Emotion et la Règle, Musée des Beaux–Arts de Lyon, Lyon; p. 4; p. 34–35. e d da r e n o u f Peintures et Dessins: 1973–2010; Galerie 1900–2000, David and Marcel Fleiss, Paris; June 2010 (Exhibition Catalogue) 2010

Draguet, Michel & Adiaens-Pannier, Anne; “Collection Particulière,” Line & Colour in Drawing, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de elgique, Brussels Belgium; p. 36–37. (Exhibtion Catalogue) 2011

Azimi, Roxana; “Les beaux échanges de Berlin – Paris”; Le Journal des Arts, no. 340; 4–7 février, 2011; p. 27. Contemporary Collecting The Judith Neisser Collection: Minimal and Postminimal Innovation, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 118. Contemporary Drawings from the Irving Stenn Jr. Collection, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 109.


Decade: Contemporary Collecting 2002–2012, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, BuValo, NY; p. 308 & 383. elles@centrepompidou/Women Artists in the Collection of the Musée Nationale d’Art Moderne Centre de Creation Industrielle, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 223. 2013

Edda Renouf, Annely Juda Fine Art, London, UK (Exhibition Catalogue) Edda Renouf Drawings 1998–2011; Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY; April 12 – June 8, 2013. (Exhibition e-catalogue) Edda Renouf Drawings 1998–2011; Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, April 12 – June 8, 2013; Wall Street International; Agenda – United States Arts Many Things Placed Here and There: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection at the Yale University Art Gallery,Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 18 & p. 43. 2014

It’s What You Do With What You View, Selections from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, ME; (Exhibition Brochure), cover drawing by Edda Renouf. 2016

Liles, Robert; “Painting Between Past and Future – Kwon Young-Woo;” ArtasiapaciWc Issue 97; March/April, 2016; p. 110.


Akron Art Museum, Akron OH, USA Albright-Knox Art gallery, BuValo, NY, USA Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Australian National Gallery, Canberra, Australia Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France Boise Art Museum, Boise, ID, USA British Museum, London, United Kingdom Brooklyn Museum of American Art, Brooklyn, NY, USA Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée, La Louvière, Belgium Cincinnati Museum of Art, Cincinnati, OH, USA Collection Lambert, Avignon, France Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC, USA Dallas Museum of Fine Art, Dallas, TX, USA Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, MI, USA FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France Groupe Lhoist, Limelette, Belgique Harvard Universty Art Museums, Cambridge, MA, USA Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu HI, USA High Museum, Atlanta, GA, USA Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV, USA Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, USA Kemper Art Museum, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, USA Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland LaM Lille Métropole, musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut,Villeneuve d’Ascq, France Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas, NV, USA Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, Denmark Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA Miami Art Museum, Miami, FL, USA Milwaukee HHK Foundation for Contemporary Art, Milwaukee, WI, USA Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, USA MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA, USA Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, USA Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, USA Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, USA Musée Cantini, Marseille, France Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble, France Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA Neuberger Museum, Purchase, NY, USA

Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz , Austria New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA, USA Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ, USA Power Art Institute of Australia, Sydney, Australia New York Public Library, New York, NY, USA The Sayer Collection, London, United Kingdom Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY, USA Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS, USA Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, München, Germany Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO, USA Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel University Art Museum at Berkeley, CA, USA University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI, USA University Museum, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, WY, USA Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, USA Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, USA


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