Missouri State University College of Business

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Succeed with the largest public business college in the Midwest

Explore the programs in the C O L L E G E O F B U S I N E S S at Missouri State University

At Missouri State University’s College of Business, your success is our passion!

A message from the dean Welcome to the College of Business at Missouri State University. I am pleased that you are considering a major in one of the many business specialties at Missouri State. The high-quality programs we offer are nationally accredited and are available at a very reasonable cost. As a result, the added value for each of our graduates is significant. I invite you to carefully review what we have to offer. With a solid foundation in the business world, the opportunities for success are endless. We truly welcome the opportunity to personally visit with you about your academic career in business at Missouri State University. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Bryant, Ph.D. Dean and David D. Glass Distinguished Leadership Chair Missouri State University College of Business

Talk to us!

Dean Bryant will respond personally to any emails from potential students. Want to know more about anything related to studying business at Missouri State? She is happy to have a conversation with you! Email: DeanBryant@MissouriState.edu

Why choose the College of Business? National accreditation: All programs within the business unit in the College of Business are fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Among colleges and universities in the United States offering business degrees, only 30 percent have been granted this status.

Prominence: We are the largest College of Business at a public institution in the central Midwest.

Dedicated advisors: The College of Business has its own advisement center just for business students. The staff of professional advisors will help you plan and monitor your degree progress. Faculty: Many business faculty members have won teaching and research awards, have practical experience in their fields and are nationally recognized for their research or accomplishments. All courses are taught by faculty members. Graduate students do not provide classroom instruction.

Career resources: A Career Center in Glass Hall, the home of the College of Business, can help you prepare for interviews and find internships. Missouri State’s internship program is one of the largest in the Midwest. Business students are highly sought after by a large number of employers — more than 200 companies come to campus each year to recruit. A personal touch: Our students get one-on-one time with their advisors, their professors, deans and other professional mentors.



companies come to campus each year to recruit

Entrance requirements

Living-learning community

Admission to the College of Business is separate from admission to Missouri State University. Students may be admitted to the COB when they have reached junior status through their number of MSU hours or transfer-credit hours. Students who want to be admitted to a degree program in the COB must have a grade point average of at least 2.5 and complete the prerequisite courses.

The Bears Business Community, or BBC, is a living-learning community supported by the COB. In living-learning communities, students with similar interests or majors live on the same floor in a residence hall. They participate in social and academic activities related to their interest area, so it is easy for students to find friends and study partners. It’s considered an honor to be selected, so we’re looking for the best first-year students who are interested in business and leadership opportunities. The BBC is primarily for students who had a high school GPA of 3.0 or more. About 90 students will be selected.

Specifics about entrance requirements: www.business.missouristate.edu/admission

Learn more about living-learning communities at MSU: www.reslife.missouristate.edu


the College of Business COB@missouristate.edu www.business.missouristate.edu 417-836-5646 Missouri State University College of Business 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ MissouriStateCOB

>>> SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY What accountants do:

Accounting at Missouri State

Keep track of all the financial transactions of a business, Help businesses stay on budget and follow tax rules, Prevent theft through financial monitoring, Ensure businesses are both profitable and accountable.

Our goal is to make your accounting classes as close to real-life as possible. Students are encouraged to complete at least one internship, because these open doors to employment. Students may even earn credit for a volunteer program in which they prepare returns for elderly and low-income taxpayers. These are real returns for real taxpayers!

In 2011-2012, MSU accounting majors assisted with



for low-income residents, older adults and others at tax clinics

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.missouristate.edu/SOA >>> Email: accountancy@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5414

MAJOR Accounting

MINOR Accounting

CERTIFICATES Forensic accounting Tax accounting



This is a sample of places where accounting graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are the average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

BKD Wealth Advisors Deloitte Ernst & Young Internal Revenue Service KPMG PricewaterhouseCoopers

U.S. Department of the Treasury U.S. Government Accountability Office U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Bachelor of Science in Accounting: . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,050 Master of Accountancy: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,250


Reiann REIANN STOUTE MAJOR: Accounting MINOR: Finance HIGH SCHOOL: Combermere School HOMETOWN: Bridgetown, Barbados

Forensic accounting certificate ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The forensic accounting certificate at Missouri State is among the first programs of its kind in the country. “Forensic” means “suitable for use in a court of law.” The forensic accounting certificate prepares future accounting professionals to serve as expert witnesses in court cases and to evaluate financial statements to uncover and prevent fraud.

Why I chose Missouri State: I am on the University’s field hockey team, and I chose MSU because it provided me the opportunity to participate in both athletics and academics. My favorite class project: The most helpful project was in my Strategic Management class, MGT 487. I served as co-manager of an online business game and worked with my team to make decisions. Why I like the MSU student body: It has a little bit of everything. My field hockey team is a great reflection of our diverse students, since I have colleagues from the U.K., Canada and Australia.

Why I like the public affairs mission of MSU: It encourages students to be aware and become well-rounded individuals. How my professors show they care about students: I do feel the COB faculty and staff care. They show this by requiring students to complete assignments that are tied directly to both personal and career development. Favorite things to do outside of school: When I’m not doing schoolwork, I’m either engaged with athletic duties or Skyping with my family and friends at home in Barbados. When my friends and I are hanging out, we watch movies! Plans after college: First, to work at a U.S. firm in accounting or finance; next, to return to Barbados, secure a job and begin a family. Why I know COB has helped me succeed: The COB has allowed me to be exposed to varying subject matters as well as experiences. These have all tied together to provide me with a set of skills that can transfer from role to role. I think that is critical to be successful after college and I am grateful for the expanded opportunity.

>>> COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS What computer information systems professionals do: Computer information systems (CIS) mixes technology and business. CIS graduates figure out how a company can best use computers as business tools. For example, graduates may set up systems to track inventory, manage sales or keep track of payroll. Our graduates also make sure any

technology put in place suits the company’s needs and works reliably. This program differs from computer science, which focuses on the mechanics and hardware of computer construction and maintenance.

CIS at Missouri State Your CIS curriculum will include topics such as how to use many kinds of hardware and software, how to create Web pages for businesses, how to use programming languages and more. Missouri State has been offering CIS training for a long time and has built relationships with many impressive businesses including IBM, Microsoft and

Oracle. There is a strong market for CIS graduates from Missouri State. Students have received internships from some of the best information technology companies in the country. Our seniors often receive job offers far before graduation.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.cis.missouristate.edu >>> Email: CIS@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-4131

MAJORS Business Education (interdisciplinary major that includes courses from the College of Business and the College of Education)

MINORS Business Education (interdisciplinary minor that includes courses from the College of Business and the College of Education)

Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems

Information Technology Service Management

Information Technology Service Management Web Application Development



This is a sample of places where CIS graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are the average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

Accenture ANPAC (American National Property and Casualty) Cerner Corporation ConocoPhillips Company

Edward Jones Investments

Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,675

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Master of Science in Computer Information Systems: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,200

Hallmark Cards, Inc. Jack Henry & Associates Phillips 66

Master of Business Administration with a concentration in CIS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,200



ZECHARIAH CAMPBELL MAJOR: Computer Information Systems HIGH SCHOOL: Union High School HOMETOWN: Union, Mo.

Networking, nationwide +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You could be a part of a student group such as the Association of Information Technology Professionals, known as AITP. Missouri State students attended the 2012 AITP national collegiate conference in San Antonio, Texas. The students mingled with professionals, heard speeches by industry leaders and attended sessions about issues in their field. They left with tons of tips on how to start a great career.

Why I chose Missouri State: For one, the price was good. Two, I really liked Springfield and the campus of MSU. It’s big and small at the same time; you can get from one side to the other in five minutes, but there’s still a lot going on. Favorite part of being a business student: The companies we get to talk to through career fairs and student groups. I am in the Association of Information Technology Professionals, and I’ve gotten to talk with recruiters from Conoco, Phillips 66, Accenture and Microsoft. I even have a summer internship offer with Phillips 66 in Bartlesville, Okla. How I became interested in CIS: My dad was in this field. I have wanted to work with computers since I was 12.

About the two businesses I operate: When I was in high school, a new theater and sports facility was built. They didn’t know how to do ticket sales, so I built them a website and they liked it, and it went from there. Now I have Pogotic.com, which is ticketing software for high school performing arts venues. I also have ZechDC LLC — the umbrella for my freelance work. I do video production, web design and more. How I describe the student body of MSU: Fun, busy, laid-back and friendly. Favorite things to do on campus: Hang out at the library, study, work and meet up with friends at a campus ministry group. Best advice to new students: Get involved! After I got involved in Association of Information Technology Professionals, I met more people in my degree, I met more companies, I got a job opportunity and I went to a national conference. Plans after college: Go to graduate school in computers, specifically robotics, then hopefully get a high-tech job and keep growing my own business in ticket sales.

>>> FASHION AND INTERIOR DESIGN What fashion and interior design professionals do:

living, working and gathering places convenient, comfortable and beautiful. They work at sites including hotels, offices, public buildings, private homes and more.

Missouri State offers majors in three areas. Fashion merchandising and design: These professionals use textiles, predict and create trends, design clothing and products, manage a business and more. Job titles include buyer, designer, account executive, brand manager and owner. Interior design: These experts keep our

Family and consumer sciences education: These graduates teach in the field of family and consumer sciences, which includes topics such as family and child development, personal and family finance, nutrition, wellness, food science, fashion, textiles, interior design and more.

Fashion and interior design at Missouri State Our students hone their creativity and strengthen their business skills. Students learn using the latest technology. We have software that lets users see how fabric, detail and style choices would look together — software in use at many real design houses. Interior design students have access to one of the most comprehensive “sample libraries” in

the state. Design firms and suppliers provide wallpaper, flooring and more, which students may use in projects. Faculty members have relationships with national and international leaders in their fields, and students may use these connections for networking, internships and more. Students are also encouraged to visit cities that are design hubs; at least one study tour is offered each year to locations in the U.S. or Europe.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.missouristate.edu/fid >>> Email: FID@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5136

MAJORS Fashion Merchandising and Design (includes options in): - Fashion Design and Product Development - Fashion Merchandising and Management Interior Design Family and Consumer Sciences




General Family and Consumer Sciences

This is a sample of places where FID graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are some average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

Interior Design

• Fossil

• Envy fashion boutique

• vfish fashion brand

• Haute Design interior design firm

Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising and Design: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,665

• Walmart

• Crestview Middle School

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design: . . . . . . . . . $34,555 Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences Education: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000 Master of Science in Education, Family and Consumer Sciences emphasis: . . . . . . . . . Not available



MAJOR: Fashion Design and Product Development MINOR: Art HIGH SCHOOL: Dora High School HOMETOWN: Dora, Mo.

Why I chose Missouri State: I transferred here after I earned an associate’s degree because I was interested in this major.

Annual fashion show ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At Missouri State, you can learn how to take an idea from sketch to runway: The MSU Fashion Show, held each spring at the Springfield Expo Center, features student collections and other designs by those in the program. More than 1,000 guests attend, including industry professionals. Interior design students also get a showcase each year: The best work of senior students is displayed at the MSU Interior Design Senior Show.

Favorite part of being a business student: Because fashion is in the business college, I get a well-rounded education. When people ask if I just draw dresses all day, I say no — I actually get to market these dresses and learn about the industry as a whole. It’s a deeper major. And I have been able to use cool equipment to design and produce clothing, such as an industrial embroidery machine, a garment printer and a body scanner.

What it was like to win a design contest: It occurred at the outdoor retailer summer market (a huge trade show). They invited five universities to send a student, including Missouri State, and I was chosen to go. I had 48 hours to create a prototype for a cycling outfit. I won the overall competition! It was really overwhelming and amazing. I got a lot of industry contacts and experience. Why I like my department: It basically feels like a family. The students have a lot of meals together! And the faculty and staff are so supportive. Why MSU is a great value: I have financial aid through the University. I’m a poor married student so that’s good! I’ve had scholarships, too. I will graduate with no student debt at all. Favorite project: I loved doing my senior collection. It was five complete looks. I did a men’s collection so I could focus on tailoring, detail and structure. I actually won the best designer award at the senior show. Plans after college: I’m going to graduate school in project management here at Missouri State.

>>> FINANCE AND GENERAL BUSINESS What finance and general business professionals do: Missouri State University offers majors in three areas. Finance: These professionals manage money. They supervise the investments and real estate dealings of individuals, companies or agencies.

General business: These graduates have learned about all of the areas in the COB, so general business alumni have a wide range of opportunities and may choose a specialty while on the job. Many also attend graduate school. Risk management and insurance: These professionals help businesses identify and understand their risks, and help them prevent or minimize loss.

Finance and general business at Missouri State Missouri State graduates are known in the business world for being great employees and leaders. We continually update our programs to meet the needs of the current business climate. For instance, Missouri State has the only risk management and insurance program in the state, and students may

choose this as a major or minor. Our students may travel to top business destinations such as New York City to see financial markets in operation or meet alumni working in their industries. Students also have plenty of opportunities to study abroad.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.missouristate.edu/fgb >>> Email: FinanceandGeneralBus@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5504

MAJORS Finance (with options in):

MINORS Finance



This is a sample of places where finance and general business graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are some average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

- Finance

Financial Planning

- Financial Planning

General Business

ANPAC (American National

- Real Estate

Legal Studies in Business

BKD Wealth Advisors

General Business Risk Management and Insurance

Risk Management and Insurance Real Estate

Property and Casualty)

CNA Financial Edward Jones Investments FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

Federal Reserve Banks

Bachelor of Science in Finance: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,800

Federated Insurance

Bachelor of Science in General Business: . . . . . . . $44,300

Lockton Companies

Bachelor of Science in Risk Management and Insurance: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. State Farm Insurance Travelers Insurance

Master of Business Administration: . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,122


Leia LEIA BREITHAUPT MAJOR: Finance MINOR: German HIGH SCHOOL: Belleville East High School HOMETOWN: Belleville, Ill.

Why I choose MSU: I really like the friendliness! I first discovered it when I toured campus, but that feeling just grew as I lived here freshman year.

Tours of financial markets ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You could visit a financial center such as Chicago, New York or London as a finance or general business student at Missouri State. Students stay about seven days during these faculty-led trips, which are held regularly. Participants visit financial markets such as the New York Stock Exchange, tour companies, meet Missouri State alumni working in these cities — and have a little time for sight-seeing, of course!

How the College of Business has helped me succeed: The finance professors have told me about jobs and career fairs. They have gone out of their way in class to say “this is something you are going to use in real life,” then show us how to do it. They are accessible, and not just for their 50-minute class period. They really do want you to come by during their office hours and get to know them, talk about class or about real-world work situations. Coolest project I have worked on: In my investments class, we were in charge

of fake money. We were given half a million dollars — if only it was real! We bought, sold and traded stocks. It was a good way to learn about the S&P and Nasdaq. Favorite way to hang out on campus: I enjoy being outside and riding my bike around, seeing what’s going on. Campus is really pretty; I love the spring with the new flowers. I think Missouri State does a great job of landscaping and keeping the campus looking nice. How I describe the student body of Missouri State: Diverse — there are international students and people of various backgrounds. Involved — everything from Greek Life to Student Activities Council and religious organizations. And last, they are motivated! Why MSU is a good value: Missouri State offers good scholarships. I am even from out of state and I got good scholarships and was able to come here fairly cheaply. Plans after college: At College of Business career fairs, I have talked with Jack Henry, BKD Wealth Advisors and U.S. Bank. I would like to work with any of them — I have a lot of applications to fill out!

>>> MANAGEMENT What management professionals do:

Management at Missouri State

Management is planning, organizing and directing the efforts of co-workers. This field gives you the skills to understand people’s behavior, motivations and interactions. Good managers help employees navigate a company. They also help companies reach their goals through employees’ work.

There are several options of study in the management department. Administrative: This is the general study of management. It is great preparation for graduate school or additional management training.

Entrepreneurship: This is for students who want to run their own businesses. Entertainment management: This is for students who want to work in the entertainment industry — everything from music to sports. Human resources: This covers all the things that go into a workforce, from hiring and payroll to labor negotiations.

International business: This option focuses on global cultures, customs and business practices. Operations: This is about designing and producing goods or services. It includes learning about inventory, quality control, materials, facilities and project management.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.mgt.missouristate.edu >>> Email: management@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5415




This is a sample of places where management graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are the average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

Entrepreneurial Studies


Human Resources Management/ Industrial Relations

American Red Cross

International Management

Edward Jones Investments

Management (with options in):


Entertainment Management

- Administrative Management - Human Resources Management - Operations Management - International Business Administration


Leadership Management Operations Management

The Boeing Company Cerner Corporation

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Harrah’s / Caesars Entertainment Monsanto The Walt Disney Company

Bachelor of Science in Management: . . . . . . . . . . $41,165 Master of Business Administration: . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,122 (students may choose a concentration in management) Master of Health Administration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,600



MAJOR: Entertainment Management HIGH SCHOOL: Ursuline Academy HOMETOWN: St. Louis, Mo.

Trips to top destinations ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As a Missouri State management student, you may travel to exciting places to see management in action and meet alumni in your industry. For example, entertainment management students regularly attend the Super Bowl to see how a major sports event is managed. Students have plenty of opportunities to study abroad, which is especially great for those interested in international business. Students also have the chance to be involved in internships and extracurricular organizations.

Why I chose Missouri State: When I visited campus, it was the one place I just felt I fit in. It is probably the most friendly campus I ever experienced. And my dad went here! He was excited to show me around. How I describe the student body: Besides welcoming and friendly, I would also say pro-active — we have a lot of volunteer organizations. There are so many students who work and fight for something other than themselves. Favorite part of being a business student: I just love the COB! You get good feedback and have access to resources such as the Career Center. They helped me put together my resume, and I go in every semester to update it.

Coolest project I have worked on: The “airplane project” in operations management with Dr. Keith Denton. A group of 15 students forms a mock company — you assign jobs such as CEO, accountant, H.R. manager and line workers — and then you design a paper airplane together with each person acting in the role of their job title. The further your plane goes, the better your grade! The project teaches you to work with different kinds of people. How the COB faculty and staff show they care about my success: They don’t just teach, they try to relate facts and put them context. They will say: “Five years down the road, you will need to know this when you’re writing a contract, renting a facility, etc.” Favorite snack on campus: Starbucks java chip Frappuccino. Plans after college: I have a job lined up with a wedding planning company in St. Louis! I will start as a day-of coordinator and hope to move up to full-time wedding planner. Dream job: To own my own wedding-planning and event-planning company.

>>> MARKETING What marketing professionals do:

conducting surveys and research,

Marketing is everything involved with making sure a company both meets the needs of its customers and earns enough money to thrive. Marketing includes:

advertising and promoting products and services,

designing products,

dreaming up new products or services, improving current products or services,

selling products and services, getting products to stores, managing inventory and logistics, and setting prices.

Marketing at Missouri State Our marketing students really put their training into practice! You will do projects that prepare you for real-world business activities. In the advanced selling course, for example, students give professional-level presentations and are critiqued by their peers and professors. Our students may travel on department trips to top business destinations

such as New York City to see marketing in action and meet alumni working in their industries. The department also encourages internships and study-away experiences.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.missouristate.edu/mkt >>> Email: marketing@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5413

MAJORS Marketing (includes options in):

MINORS Advertising and Promotion



This is a sample of places where marketing graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are the average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

International Marketing


Target Corporation

Bachelor of Science in Marketing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,560

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The Boeing Company

Unyson Logistics

- Marketing Management


- Marketing Research


Eli Lilly and Company

Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,300

- Sales/Sales Management


- Advertising and Promotion

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Master of Business Administration: . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,122 (students may choose a concentration in marketing)



GRADUATE PROGRAM: Masters in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE: Bachelor’s in Marketing, 2011, Missouri State HIGH SCHOOL: St. John Vianney High School, St. Louis HOMETOWN: St. Louis, Mo.

Ad Team +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You could be selected to be a member of our nationally recognized Ad Team, an organization for students interested in marketing and advertising. Ad Team has won many prestigious national competitions and honors. In fact, Ad Team was chosen from every school in the nation to design a website for a joint internship between the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

Favorite part of being a business student: Ad Team. We got to pitch a marketing campaign to the United States Medical Reserve Corps. They wanted to attract younger, Gen Y volunteers. Schools across the nation applied, and we were chosen to travel to Washington, D.C. We pitched our ideas to their top officials, just like a real ad agency. We came in second in the nation, and one of the listeners said it was one of the best marketing presentations she had ever heard. That was a real honor! (See Brian in the Ad Team photo of the event, at left.)

How I describe the student body of MSU: Spirited. Creative. Driven. I have met students here who have more heart and more desire to succeed than anyone I have ever met. Why I think MSU is a great value: I think Missouri State has one of the best business schools in the Midwest, and it is not expensive at all compared to other institutions. I got a scholarship as a freshman. It was really easy — I just applied to Missouri State, and if you meet criteria they just automatically offer you scholarships. Why I have a great relationship with my business professors: I have friends at other schools who pay way more than me, and they never even see their teachers. They deal with graduate assistants not much older than them. Here, we get one-on-one interaction and much closer relationships with the professors. Favorite thing to do on campus: I love playing sand volleyball. Dream job: To work in advertising at Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis. I have a grandpa and grandma who worked there — that is how they met!

>>> TECHNOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT What technology and construction management (TCM) professionals do: Missouri State offers majors in three areas. Construction management: These professionals coordinate the work of those involved in the construction process, including architects, carpenters, electricians, steel workers and others. Job titles include general contractor, project

manager, estimator and building inspector. Facility management: These professionals oversee the operations of buildings such as hospitals, hotels and athletic facilities. Technology management: These professionals are trained to manage both technology and people. They may work in fields such as electronics, robotics and plant management. Possible job titles

include project manager, quality manager, product engineer and production manager.

TCM at Missouri State Our TCM programs have the highest levels of recognition — for example, construction management is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education. Classes are taught by faculty members who have professional experience, so students learn

from people who have actually been on the job. Students can expect experiences such as internships and hands-on projects. Also, Missouri State has relationships with many local contractors, so students have opportunities to see real job sites. In addition, our students enter and win national and international contests. This all builds up to success: Almost 100 percent of our graduates have job offers by graduation day.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.build.missouristate.edu >>> Email: tcm@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5121

MAJORS Construction Management Facility Management Technology Management

MINOR Industrial Management

CERTIFICATE Manufacturing Management



This is a sample of places where TCM graduates have recently accepted jobs.

Here are some average starting salaries for those who graduate from Missouri State.

• McCarthy Building Companies

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,232

• Kiewit Corporation • Hensel Phelps Construction Co. • JE Dunn Construction Company

• Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation • Wolverine Supply, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Facility Management: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,000

• Emerson Climate Technologies

Bachelor of Science in Technology Management: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 Master of Science in Project Management: . . . . $70,000



MAJOR: Construction Management HIGH SCHOOL: Crocker R-2 High School HOMETOWN: Crocker, Mo.

Visits to famous facilities ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The TCM department is always looking for ways to help students get the best possible education and stand out in the job market. That’s why students are encouraged to attend annual field trips to cities around the nation, where they may see major construction projects, historic renovations and famous facilities. In 2012, students went to Dallas, Texas, to tour locations such as the Dallas Cowboys stadium.

Why I chose my major: I transferred to Missouri State after studying heating, ventilation and air conditioning in community college. I was an elementary education major, and I was almost finished when I started thinking I wanted to travel before becoming a teacher. I am interested in construction — both of my uncles have construction businesses. I took a few classes in construction management and fell in love with the field. Coolest project I have worked on: Dr. Kerry Slattery’s structures class. He designed a way to test how much pressure concrete could take before

cracking, so we were basically blowing up concrete columns in class! How the COB faculty and staff show they care about my success: In TCM, they remind us all the time which companies are coming in to provide information. They’re even conducting a round table for us, bringing in 40 or 50 companies to talk to us about potential job offers and internships. Favorite thing to do on campus for fun: Play basketball and intramural softball. Why I loved my internship in Alaska: It was a summer internship, 3,800 miles from home. I left for 90 days, went up there and worked with a contractor. I started out as an intern, but when they saw my capabilities, they gave me my own office and I was helping to manage three different jobs! Plans after college: I plan to travel around out west somewhere. I have a couple of job offers, including one from the place I did my internship. There’s a good chance that I’ll go back to Alaska because it was a great opportunity and there’s more I want to do!

>>> MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION There are plenty of MBA programs around. So what sets Missouri State apart and makes our graduates so successful?

Specialization: At MSU, you can tailor your MBA to your passion with a concentration in finance, management, marketing or computer information systems. Flexibility: The graduate program is designed for working professionals so you may finish your MBA degree as quickly (or leisurely!) as you want. Courses are available online, in the day, in the evening and at some branch campuses.

Accreditation: Our program’s national accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is appealing to many employers and corporate recruiters. Faculty: Missouri State has more than 45 instructors dedicated to the MBA program. They are researchers, consultants and passionate mentors.

Student perspectives: There are students of all ages and from around the world in this program. That gives you the perspective demanded by today’s corporate environment. You may get to know fellow students by joining the MBA Association. Value: Our cost is lower than state and national averages, and we have many ways to help you pay for school.

CONTACT INFORMATION >>> Web: www.mba.missouristate.edu >>> Email: mbaprogram@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5616

Brett Meet


GRADUATE PROGRAM: Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE: 2012, University of Missouri-Columbia HOMETOWN: St. Louis, Mo.

Favorite part of being an MBA student here: Professors hold high expectations, have professional experience in their related fields, and truly prepare their students for what employers are looking for. How the faculty and staff show they want me to succeed: The COB faculty and staff care a lot about their students. It’s very impressive how accessible the deans, department heads and professors actually are. They attend student events and professional development opportunities with the students.

How I know I’ll start a great career: I plan to work in the operations and supply chain industry. The COB and the Career Center pair together to be amazing resources for students to find careers in whatever field they are pursuing. When I look back, this is how I will say the COB helped me succeed: The COB has provided me, and numerous students, the opportunities to learn and grow due to guest lecturers, professors, career fairs — the list goes on and on.

>>> ADDITIONAL GRADUATE PROGRAMS Programs with an asterisk (*) are accelerated master’s options. You may get a master’s degree more quickly with these options! If you are an undergraduate student in the COB, you may be able to take 600- or 700-level business classes that will count toward both your undergraduate and graduate degrees. To enroll in an accelerated program, you must meet GPA requirements.

Master of Accountancy* Master of Science in Computer Information Systems Master of Science in Education, Secondary Education The Master of Science in Education program includes courses from both the College of Education and the COB, and prepares you to teach grades kindergarten through 12. Subject areas in which you may choose to specialize include business or family and consumer sciences.

Emina Meet


GRADUATE PROGRAM: Master of Accountancy (accelerated option) UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE: Bachelor’s in Accounting, 2011, Missouri State HOMETOWN: St. Louis, Mo.

Master of Health Administration* The Master of Health Administration program is a College of Business degree that includes interdisciplinary courses contributed by other departments and colleges on campus. This degree prepares you for a career in health care management and administration. It is offered in an executive-style format designed for working professionals, with a combination of online courses and traditional seated courses.

Why I chose MSU for my graduate studies: I decided to pursue an accelerated master’s, so it was a smooth transition from undergraduate to graduate. I also earned a graduate assistantship, so it was an easy choice to stay. My relationship with professors: I’ve gotten so much advice about trying to find a job — and not just advice about what’s happening in class, but about what the next step is as well. They really want you to succeed, so they are willing to offer any advice they have.

Master of Science in Project Management* The Master of Science in Project Management degree, accredited by the Project Management Institute, is for students who are already in positions of project management or who would like to work in those positions. An online option provides flexibility for working professionals and allows you to complete the degree from an off-campus location.

Why I like the student body of MSU: People are friendly and willing to help. Favorite things to do outside of school: Other than studying for the CPA exams?! I like going for a walk or playing tennis. There are many good parks here, and I really enjoy going to the Springfield Nature Center. Plans after college: I have a job lined up! I will be moving back to St. Louis and working for Deloitte as an auditor.

Get involved! Student organizations We have many active extracurricular organizations that blend fun and networking. Students in the groups hear guest speakers, tour local businesses, attend career events and professional conferences, compete in regional or national contests, give back to their communities through service projects and much more. These groups help our students develop personally and professionally.

Organizations in the College of Business: Accounting Club Ad Team Advertising Club Alpha Kappa Psi (national co-ed business fraternity) American Society of Interior Designers Associated General Contractors of America Construction Club Association of Fashion and Design Association of Information Technology Professionals Beta Alpha Psi (honorary organization for accounting, finance and computer information systems students) Delta Sigma Pi (national co-ed business fraternity)

Enactus (formerly Students in Free Enterprise) Entertainment Management Association Entrepreneurship and Innovation Association Family and Consumer Sciences Education Financial Management Association Gamma Iota Sigma-Alpha Lambda chapter (national co-ed fraternity for students in insurance, risk management and actuarial science) Logistics and Supply Chain Management Association MBA Association MSU American Marketing Association chapter (known as Marketing Club)

Sigma Iota Epsilon-Zeta Lambda chapter (national co-ed fraternity for students in management) Society for Human Resource Management Society of Manufacturing Engineers


Missouri State

Missouri State University is a public university with an enrollment of more than 20,000 students who come from all around Missouri, the nation and the world. There are four physical campuses, located in Springfield, Mo.; West Plains, Mo.; Mountain Grove, Mo.; and Dalian, China. Students can follow their passion and find their place at Missouri State University. Missouri State offers: A remarkable education. We have excellent bachelor’s degree options, master’s degree programs, graduate certifications and doctoral programs. An unbeatable value. Our cost is lower than state and national averages, and we have many ways to help students pay for school.

A distinctive mission. Our public affairs mission is about getting involved and becoming a leader with strong ethics. The mission is everywhere on campus, from the classroom to special events open to the community. Memorable experiences. Our student body is known for being warm and welcoming. The main campus is in Springfield, the third-largest city in Missouri. Springfield blends the best of small-town coziness and big-city amenities. Lifetime success. Missouri State has extensive career services for both students and alumni to help them reach their professional goals.

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417-836-6614 or 1-800-492-7900 (toll-free)

Found your place? Apply! Everything you need: www.missouristate.edu/apply If you cannot apply online, contact the Office of Admissions at 417-836-5517.

Make a seamless transfer Missouri State welcomes thousands of transfer students each year. More info, including course equivalencies: www.missouristate.edu/ admissions/transfer

Web: www.business.missouristate.edu >>> Email: COB@missouristate.edu >>> Phone: 417-836-5646 Missouri State University adheres to a strict nondiscrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, or on any basis (including, but not limited to, political affiliation and sexual orientation) not related to the applicable educational requirements for students in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. COB 042 13

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