McCallie Magazine

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The Mind of the


Man New academic philosophy aims to prepare students for success in school and beyond

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YEAR IN REVIEW John Knox ’18 filmed his senior year on the Ridge to show us how he and his classmates wrapped up their McCallie experience.






McCallie is working to find new ways to prepare students academically, socially and culturally by ensuring that all students are learning valuable ways of thinking that will carry them beyond the Ridge.



FACULTY FAREWELLS Six members of the McCallie faculty and staff will be leaving to begin a new chapter of their lives in retirement. We look back at their time on the Ridge and celebrate their years of service.


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Dave Hall’s photography students worked with physics teacher Holly Deeds to see how using crystals and prisms can create beautiful photos and improve the understanding of light.


McCallie’s second Tornado Term was another huge success, with students taking a break from traditional classes to learn new skills in an innovative two-week term focused on immersive topics.

500 Dodds: Headmaster Lee Burns ’87 shares his view from the Ridge In Focus: A deeper look at news from around the McCallie community On the Ridge: Campus News | Athletic News | Student News Alumni News: Alumni Updates | Class Notes | In Memoriam

The McCallie Magazine is published by McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | | | The name “McCallie School,” the McCallie School logo and the McCallie School seal are all trademarks/namemarks of McCallie School. All materials appearing in the McCallie Magazine, including photography, are ©1996–2018 by McCallie School. Reprint or electronic reproduction of any such material for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of McCallie School. Permission to use written material (not photographs) is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as McCallie is credited. | Photography by McCallie staff and contributed photos. | For information about McCallie Magazine and to obtain permission to reproduce trademarked and copyrighted material, contact the McCallie School Office of Communications and Marketing at info@ (423.624.8300) or write to McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | McCallie School fully supports all applicable anti-discrimination laws and does not engage in any unlawful discrimination.

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Summer is an invigorating time on the Ridge. While our students and some of our faculty are away for the summer, the campus is bustling with energy provided by campers and counselors along with the dedicated staff who ensure that the McCallie camp experience is every bit as engaging and meaningful as what we give our boys during the school year.

With that said, summer is also a time for retrospection and introspection, when we take stock of the year behind us and make our plans for the year ahead. A big part of that process is thinking about the ways that we ensure our boys leave McCallie with the skills they need to learn effectively not just in college, but for the rest of their lives. In this issue of McCallie Magazine, we’ll take a closer look at how we’re keeping McCallie at the forefront of boys education by adopting a “habits of mind” approach to the way we structure our classes. This effort, led by Dean of Faculty and Curriculum Sumner McCallie, reflects our desires for the qualities we hope apply to all McCallie men by the time they leave the Ridge. Education is, by its very definition, something that must evolve and adapt. Indeed, the more we know about learning, the more we change and optimize the way we learn. Since its founding, McCallie has been committed to the ideal of an education that prepares boys for the rigors of college while also grounding them in the values that will prepare them for life. As you’ll read, the habits of mind approach takes an important step toward ensuring that each class a boy takes at McCallie is part of a larger plan to develop key qualities needed to succeed in school and life. In this issue, we’ll also look back on this year’s Tornado Term — another of McCallie’s innovative approaches to learning — as well as celebrate the class of 2018 and their Commencement weekend. I hope you enjoy this issue of McCallie Magazine! As you read, I encourage you to keep in mind this quote from the Commencement remarks of Allen Liu ’18, this year’s valedictorian: “Although we must never stop our pursuit of knowledge, we must also recognize that the most important questions are the ones for which we don’t have answers.” On McCallie,

A Lee Burns III ’87 Headmaster



The McCallie Men’s Chorus performs during Whirlwind 2018, McCallie’s annual spring concert. McCallie’s music program completed another outstanding year showcasing the musical talents of this group of young men and the exceptional music instruction available at McCallie School.

McCallie Magazine | Summer 2018 HEADMASTER


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. Charles S. Anderson '93

Mr. Graeme M. Keith III '04

Mr. Dennis Oakley '72

New York, New York

Charlotte, North Carolina

Waynesville, North Carolina

Mr. Benjamin G. Brock '89

Mr. Charles E. Knox II '83

Mr. Ward Petty '80

Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

North Augusta, South Carolina

Lookout Mountain, Tennessee


Mr. Stanley M. Brock '68

Mr. Barry P. Large '96

Mr. James M. Ruffin '80

Hank Hopping

Birmingham, Alabama

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Mr. A. Lee Burns III '87

Mr. Alan L. Lebovitz '86

Mr. David A. Stonecipher '59

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. James W. Burns '89

Mr. Alberto J. McGregor '82

Mr. Nathaniel H. Taylor '94


New York, New York

Leesburg, Virginia

Menlo Park, California

Jay Mayfield ’97

Mr. John Fogarty '73

Mr. Edward G. Michaels III '60

Mr. Bill Womble, Jr. '60

Williamsburg, Virginia

Atlanta, Georgia

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Dr. G. Turner Howard III '65

Mr. R. Kincaid Mills '88




J. Hal Daughdrill III ’73 Atlanta, Georgia

Knoxville, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain, Georgia


Dr. Sean K. Jenkins '97

Mr. N. Carter Newbold, IV '84

Amy Walters

Charlottesville, Virginia

Signal Mountain, Tennessee

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The Mind of the

by Jim Tanner ’86

MAN What makes the mind of a McCallie Man? The question is simple, but the answer is as complex and fast-moving as the more than 900 boys who walk the halls here every year. One thing is clear: for the myriad opportunities available to students beyond the classroom, the heart of the work of transforming boys into McCallie men still happens in the classroom. To be accurate, though, the work happens not just in one classroom, but in many; it’s not one single teacher but many teachers who impart knowledge to a boy during his years on the Ridge. But not every boy spends his time in the same set of classrooms or with the same set of teachers. Indeed, it’s unlikely that any two boys at McCallie would ever share the exact same academic journey.



With so many ways to move through an academic career, the aim for McCallie is to seek the best way to prepare students for life beyond their time on the Ridge, not just in college, but in the world outside of school, and to do so across a curriculum that is intentionally broad. Dean of Faculty and Curriculum Sumner McCallie has spent much of the past year taking a comprehensive look at academic life on the Ridge. While challenging classroom work and superior academic instruction remain the hallmarks of a McCallie education, he’s embarking on work to understand the qualities — habits of mind — that every graduate should have, regardless of his academic path. “The goal has been to make sure our faculty feel connected to what’s going on in other classrooms — to have a better sense of how their courses fit in with not just the content we are teaching in any given

IN FOCUS A new project takes a closer look at the qualities every McCallie graduate should have when they leave the Ridge and how the classroom experience can develop them.

class or department, but with our larger mission to develop boys from grades six through 12,” said Mr. McCallie. The mission is not to revamp McCallie’s already high-performing academic program, but instead to look closely at the ways boys learn and faculty teach to understand where teaching and curriculum intersect across traditional boundaries of classes and departments. Those connections reflect the deeper lessons and skills that boys learn and acquire during their time at McCallie. “We have an exceptional faculty that has a deep expertise and passion for how boys learn,” said Headmaster Lee Burns ’87. “By examining the intersections of each grade and each course, we can find ways to ensure that the entire academic experience at McCallie develops key habits and qualities that will build our boys into young men with a passion for learning.”

To achieve this goal, faculty are being asked to examine their subject matter and approach to teaching in new ways to see how each individual teacher’s work fits into the common goal of equipping McCallie men with tools to succeed in college and in life. The concept of habits of mind was developed more than 25 years ago by education researchers Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick. Their idea was to look beyond the material being taught in individual classes or subjects and look at how these courses and subjects develop skills and ways of looking at the world within students that empower creative and critical thinking across disciplines. In their work, Costa and Kallick identified 16 Habits of Mind that helped students develop the intellectual and social skills needed to face challenges and solve problems. The goal was to move beyond SU M M E R 2018 |


Mastering computers and technology is an important aspect of learning across subjects at McCallie.

memorization and repetition of facts and figures to looking at how students respond and examine problems when the answers aren’t obvious or evident. Among the Habits of Mind identified by Costa and Kallick were such things as thinking flexibly, listening to others, persisting and taking responsible risks — all skills designed to help individuals react in an intelligent manner when faced with problems in any facet of life. It was in this framework that Mr. McCallie began working with the McCallie faculty to create a list of habits of mind that they felt are needed to prepare boys for graduation and for the challenges of college and life as adults. Mr. McCallie framed it this way: “When students leave McCallie, what are the types of things we want to have instilled into them?” To determine what are McCallie School’s habits of mind, Mr. McCallie conducted sessions with the faculty, students, members of the Board of Trustees and alumni from the school’s Michaels-Dickson Scholars Program. Those sessions revealed a desire by alumni to remain a part of the academic life at McCallie and see it grow and improve for current and future boys. “Something happened in those conversations,” said Mr. McCallie. “Those guys were very engaged and interested in the academic pieces at McCallie and how they could re-engage with that. It was a special experience.”



From those conversations, 14 habits of the McCallie mind were developed. Some were directly analogous to the work of Costa and Kallick, but many were unique and focused on McCallie’s unique culture and goals and its faculty, alumni, parents and students. The 14 habits that came from these discussions are Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Curiosity/Questioning, Resilience/ Grit, Communication, Rhetoric/Argumentation, Collaboration, Creativity, Confidence, Compassion, Emotional IQ, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Sense of Service and Computing/Technological Savvy. While the process of identifying the desired habits was key, the next step was perhaps more important. McCallie’s faculty examined their work to see how their teaching and the whole curriculum addressed these habits of mind across students’ academic experience. To demonstrate the interconnectedness of the coursework across departments, faculty were asked to participate in a thought experiment at a faculty meeting. They were asked by department to develop a way of teaching on a single subject: the impact of a hurricane making landfall. Each department approached the problem from their own area of expertise. Science and math faculty focused lessons on wind speed, storm surges and the effect of a storm on the environment. English teachers were interested in telling the stories of those who were affected by the storm and how they were moving forward following

IN FOCUS MCCALLIE’S “HABITS OF MIND” Critical Thinking Ability to actively and skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate information. Involves identifying validity of offered facts and sources, and reading critically. Problem Solving Ability to conceptualize the various pieces of a challenge, and to develop a process to use relevant resources to reach solutions that work within the given context. Curiosity/Questioning Motivation to build on learned material to uncover additional understanding. Involves the ability and drive to ask incisive questions and the skills to pursue relevant research to gain new insights.

the devastation. History teachers looked to the past to put the storm into context. The music and art departments focused on how victims might express grief, depression or resilience through artistic and musical means. By highlighting how teachers approach a topic from the framework of their area of specialty, the exercise uncovered ways that different departments and courses are intertwined to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the world around them and find strategies for confronting future problems. “The thing that happens with teachers is we become siloed in our departments, and for that matter in our individual classes,” said Mr. McCallie. “It’s hard because we end up knowing what we’re doing within our topic and our department, but not always knowing what’s going on in other classes.” In recent months, faculty have been asked to write a course purpose for each course they teach with an eye toward what they want boys to get out of their class by the end of the term, what skills are being taught and how those skills might fit into the 14 habits of mind McCallie students need to develop.

Resilience/Grit Ability to recognize failures as learning opportunities and to dig in deeper when challenges become hard. Involves committing to a work ethic when under pressure, developing strategies to push forward, and doing both with honor and integrity. Communication Ability to express articulately a range of ideas and emotions through verbal and written form. Involves identifying best methods for various topics and situations and knowing when and where to voice thoughts. Rhetoric/Argumentation Ability to organize thoughts and to develop cogent and persuasive evidencebased arguments. Involves ability to research relevant facts. Collaboration Ability to work together with various sized groups to achieve a common goal. Involves awareness of how to best use each individual’s talents.

“The best way to describe it is if you’re teaching English, you choose certain texts because they allow you to do certain things,” said Mr. McCallie. “You may choose ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ because you’re preparing students to write a compare-and-contrast essay. It’s built

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We as teachers have to recognize how our individual courses connect with the larger process of teaching and learning at McCallie... Callie Burns, right, won the 2018 Houston Patterson Award in recognition of her outstanding work in the classroom.

—Sumner McCallie, Dean of Faculty and Curriculum

THE FOUNDERS’ VISION FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Since McCallie’s founding, students and teachers on the Ridge have approached academic life with great interest and vigor. Great books are read, math equations are worked, science experiments are conducted, new languages are mastered, history is examined to learn from the past, religious and moral questions are examined through study of the Bible and ethics, and instruction in music and the arts helps



create a well-rounded curriculum producing wellrounded men. Indeed, a look at the earliest course offerings shows the high academic standards expected of the earliest McCallie students. In his history of the school “When We Came to the Ridge,” George Hazard Jr. ’64 writes that the earliest course cards show a class schedule that included English, Latin, mathematics, physics, history and geography. Lab work was required in science

courses, math instruction covered algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and readings from the works of Cicero, Shakespeare and George Elliott were required. The coursework was rigorous and demanding, and it was meant to create men of learning. “Our aim is to establish a first class preparatory school in which it will be possible to meet the entrance requirements of all the leading colleges and universities of the country,” cofounder Spencer J. McCallie

said just weeks before McCallie opened in 1905. The McCallie approach to academics, even as it has evolved through the decades, has produced scholars of all types. McCallie students have gone on to become renowned businessmen, civil servants, doctors, lawyers, researchers and educators, using the foundation of a McCallie education to find success at the greatest universities in the nation. However, even at

into the title. So by getting faculty to think this way, I’m encouraging them to use the habits of mind as a way to more broadly explore their course material.” The key, says Mr. McCallie, is avoiding departments or instructors trying to pack each of the 14 habits of mind into everything they do. Looking at what the courses are teaching both within a given academic year and over a student’s time at McCallie can help the school and the faculty provide balance and be intentional about the curriculum. “What if we look at tenth grade and find that most of the tenth-grade courses are heavy on emphasizing grit and resilience?” McCallie asked. “If that’s the case then we may be overwhelming the kids by emphasizing tasks that build grit and resilience. These are things we can find out through studying the curriculum this way. “We’ve got to figure out times when we push certain habits in our curriculum and when we back off one area of emphasis and focus on another.” The process of teaching with a focus on McCallie’s habits of mind will be an ongoing exercise that will take years of work and evolution. But the process of helping faculty look beyond their specific courses will pay dividends for students and for the process of teaching that will impact the legacy of McCallie for years to come.

IN FOCUS Creativity Ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, and patterns, to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. Involves looking at problems from novel perspectives and developing innovative responses/ solutions. Confidence Belief in one’s own ability to make sense of the world and to reach chosen or designated goals. Involves possessing enough knowledge of content and context and knowing how to operate within both. Compassion Ability to recognize the situations others are experiencing and how they perceive the world because of it. Involves a desire to assuage existing suffering.

“The point is that we as teachers have to recognize how our individual courses connect with the larger process of teaching and learning at McCallie,” said Mr. McCallie. “The most effective method, it seems to me, is to know what other people are doing in their classes, not on a content basis but as it relates to what each of us are doing with the students and how does that fit into the larger mix of what we’re doing.”

Emotional IQ Ability to harness and to manage both personal emotions and the emotions of others in a group to produce positive outcome.

While this approach is still in it early stages, it reflects a deep commitment on the part of McCallie to ensure that every boy who spends time on the Ridge leaves with a set of mental habits and skills that prepares him for the rest of his life. The goal is not only to convey knowledge, but to fundamentally shape the mind of every McCallie man. g

Cross-Cultural Understanding Ability to understand and to appreciate how people from different cultures speak, communicate, and perceive the world around them.

the beginning, Spencer and Park McCallie knew that a good education was measured by more than attending prestigious universities and earning lofty degrees. “We do not intend, however, to emphasize preparation for college to the exclusion of other things,” Spencer McCallie continued in his remarks to the Chattanooga Times on June 22, 1905. “Preparation for business life will be held equally important. Along with

the intellectual training, careful attention will be paid to the physical and moral nature of the student.” Guiding boys into manhood has always been a multifaceted exercise at McCallie School, and this shows the work being done today to develop a more comprehensive view of how boys learn is just the latest step in our effort to live up to the standards and dreams envisioned by the founders. g

Sense of Service Motivation to recognize the role we can (and must) play by giving of ourselves and of our talents to make a positive difference in the world around us. Computing/ Technological Savvy Ability to learn and to use academic technology strategically. Involves comfortability with programming logic and widely used generic programs like Google Docs/Excel and presentation/ webinar technology.

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FACULTY FAREWELLS With 121 years of combined service to McCallie School, this year’s retirees are truly leaving a lasting legacy on all aspects of life on the Ridge. This distinguished group of educators has made their mark on students and alumni in the classroom, on the performing stage, in the infirmary and behind the scenes maintaining the records and history of this special institution. Their service to the boys and alumni will be greatly appreciated for years to come. | M A G A Z I N E

POLLY HENRY Director of the Student Health Center Three years of service Polly Henry has been a part of the McCallie family far longer than her three years spent running the student health center and keeping boys healthy. Her husband, Ken Henry, has been a teacher and coach on the Ridge since 2000, and they raised a McCallie alumnus, Jeff ’01, along with daughters Millie, Nancy and Virginia. “I have enjoyed my time working with the boys and helping nurse them to health with the help of McCallie’s fantastic health center staff,” she said. “My time here has been a joy and blessing.” In retirement, Henry plans to spend more time with her grandchildren: Bea, Judah, Connie, Raylynn, Vera, Junie, Mary, Joanna and Duke. g

CASEY ROWLAND Director of Gift Processing 33 years of service


When longtime Annual Sustaining Fund Director Curtis Baggett ’65 hired Casey Rowland as a temporary employee to help with the McCallie Phonathon in 1985, neither of them could have predicted that she would remain a part of the McCallie community for the next 33 years. Rowland has served in a variety of roles in her time at McCallie: director of research, data manager, gift processor and currently the director of gift processing. Her duties have changed and adapted to fulfill a variety of needs in the Development Office through the years, and her dedication has kept McCallie’s alumni and giving records in order for more than three decades. “I've answered phones, found ‘lost’ alumni and researched the history of McCallie's military men who gave their last full measure for their country,” she said. “I have traveled throughout the Southeast co-hosting area screening meetings and digging up financial data at courthouses, made countless info changes and processed millions of dollars in gifts.” Rowland said one of her proudest moments at McCallie came in 2010, when she was named an Honorary Alumnus after 25 years of service to McCallie, service made possible because of a wise decision made by Baggett all those years ago. “I'm very glad that Curtis saw potential in me on that October day in 1985,” she said. “I hope I lived up to his expectations.” g

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Guitar is the most popular instrument in the world, and there’s CHIP EVANS Music teacher, guitar ensemble 19 years of service Chip Evans was a familiar sight on campus long before he officially joined the faculty as the first director of the guitar program. He began giving private guitar lessons in 1988, and his popularity with students inspired former Music Department Chairman Lew Cisto to ask him to join the faculty in 1999 and build a new musical program. “I always knew there was an interest in it,” Evans said. “Guitar is the most popular instrument in the world, and there’s a reason for that.” From a humble beginning of 12 students, the guitar program at McCallie has grown as large as 86 students at times, and remains a strong part of the music program. Boys taught by Evans continue to make music after graduation, extending his influence on their lives for decades. “I see guys that I taught 15 years ago, and I ask them if they still play. And they say, ‘Oh yeah!’” he said. “That’s kind of cool, because I know they will take this with them for the rest of their lives.” Evans will continue to teach private lessons on campus, and he feels he leaves the guitar program in a position for continued growth he can watch proudly. “I think I’m leaving the program in pretty good shape,” he said. “There’s just as much, probably more, interest in the guitar now than when I started, and there are a lot of guys in the Middle School now that are very talented.” g

a reason for that. —Chip Evans

THERESA COKER Music teacher, handbells instructor Seven years of service Theresa Coker saw how much care the McCallie faculty took when her son, Cameron ’03, was a student on the Ridge. Since 2011, she’s been able to do the same for hundreds of other boys through the handbell program. Coker built relationships and mentored boys, forming bonds that go far beyond music. “I pour myself into my students, and handbells is the tool that I have been able to use,” she said. “I tell my Middle School parents during the first week of class that a lot of good things happen in my class … and some of it is music.” Coker’s work with the handbell program has grown the group from about 12 boys when she began to more than 30 students today. Through handbells, Coker teaches the boys values important to daily living like personal responsibility, teamwork and cooperation. Seeing McCallie from the parent and faculty perspective has led Coker to a deeper love for not only the music but also for the boys that she has instructed. “Somebody once asked me what my dream job was, and I said ‘I’m living it,’” she said. “I’m passionate about the instrument, but I didn’t know I was going to love my students so much.” g

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ED SNOW Bible Department Head; Caldwell Chair of Christian Ethics 11 years of service


For Rev. Ed Snow, teaching Bible and ethics requires making personal connections with his students, and the attention and care he has for the boys is evident. “I am kind of a student-driven teacher, and I value those connections,” he said. “This is about a lot more than a class or a semester. I listen, and I truly try to pay attention to what goes on with people, so I spend a lot of time listening and invite students to come by and talk.” His sincere interest in the students has had multiple benefits inside and outside the classroom. Students know and trust that he cares about them, and this comfort lends greater depth to the classroom experience exploring religion and morality. “When we talk in class I have a really good sense of where they are,” he said. “If I can, I create an atmosphere where hopefully they’ll feel comfortable talking both in class and privately outside of class.” With more than 40 years of teaching experience, Snow uses his deep knowledge of the Bible and empathy to make his classes more than just a one-way dialog between a teacher and students. g

This experience is about us; it’s not about me. Whatever we do together in class is a collaborative effort. —Ed Snow




Z. WAYNE REYNOLDS ’65 Director of Testing, former Math Teacher 48 years of service Wayne Reynolds has been a part of the McCallie campus for more than half a century, counting his time as a boarding student and his years teaching and coaching. He’s seen drastic changes in the campus, faculty and boys over the years. “The tremendous upgrade in facilities has been enormous,” he said. “There have been so many changes that I’ve been able to see.” An outstanding math teacher, Reynolds has taught every math course from seventh-grade math to calculus and coached a wide variety of sports over the decades. A few years ago, he retired from the classroom, but continued to serve as the Director of Testing, ensuring that exams are administered correctly and properly handled to ensure fairness and accuracy. His family history at McCallie dates back to his grandfather Woods Jameson ’22, and continued with sons Luke Reynolds ’95 and Zach Reynolds ’93 time as McCallie students. He and his wife, Lydia, also have a daughter, Laura, and granddaughter, Ana-Leise, and the couple live just above campus on Missionary Ridge. “When I get someplace, I just stay there,” he said. Reynolds and his wife plan to remain in their home on the Ridge and travel more now that he’s completed his years at McCallie influencing many generations of McCallie alumni. “It’s been a worthwhile endeavor and a lot of work,” he said. “I was teaching and coaching all three seasons plus day camp in the summer. I’m ready to not be on McCallie’s schedule and do what I want.” g

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The Integration of PHYSICS in Photography

Jaren Dildine used a crystal orb to create this colorful image in Dave Hall’s photography class.

Dave Hall’s photography class was able to get a practical lesson in physics and learn how it applies to photography after a student produced a beautiful image using light reflecting through a crystal orb. Rising junior Jaren Dildine’s photo using an orb, light from his smartphone and a DSLR camera showed how light can be altered to create stunning effects and beautiful photographs. Building off Dildine’s photograph, Hall obtained various other crystals for students to use in their

photography. To assist with his instruction, Hall asked physics teacher Holly Deeds to help the young photographers learn more about the science behind their images. “I ordered a variety of crystals to help the boys create interesting new effects with their photography, but then another thought occurred,” Hall said. “Let's get the science teachers involved in this since I don't have a background in physics, and Holly Deeds was the perfect choice.”

physics and art, spent time with Hall’s photography class explaining how light works and how orbs, prisms and other items can alter the rays of light in ways that can be used in photography and other aspects outside of the science lab. Bringing the art of photography together with the science of light and teaching across departments in a collaborative way enhances the artistic skills of McCallie photographers and their scientific understanding of the world around them. g

Deeds, who has degrees in both

What was your favorite class at McCallie? Why? Send your memories to for a chance to be featured on social media and win some Tornado Swag!



Physics teacher Holly Deeds, bottom, worked with photography students to build understanding of the properties of light.


Extending the LONG BLUE LINE...

Rhett Turner ’18, left, was joined at Commencement by his grandfather, Ted Turner ’56.

Commencement is the celebration of a beginning, and the emotions and atmosphere on display on the Ridge during this special weekend in May reflected the beginning of incredible possibility as 157 members of the Class of 2018 joined the ranks of McCallie alumni. Grayson Medalist Graham Hartness ’18 and Valedictorian Allen Liu ’18 addressed family, friends, faculty and classmates. In a special moment, noted alumnus Ted Turner ’56 joined McCallie Headmaster Lee Burns ’87 and Board of Trustees Chairman Hal Daughdrill ’73 to present Turner’s grandson, Rhett ’18, with his diploma. The Class of 2018 amassed an amazing set of accomplishments during their time on the Ridge, but even more impressive is who these young men have become. They are destined to do great things in the years ahead, and their impact on McCallie will remain strong. g

For more photos of Graduation weekend, visit

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Tornado Term 2018 blew across the Ridge in February, and for two weeks boys took advantage of the opportunity to learn in a different way and examine topics outside of the traditional school framework. Boys built escape rooms and cooked gourmet meals. Some learned how to build their own voice-activated virtual assistant while others learned the history of Southern rock and roll. Exploring new avenues for learning allowed Upper School boys to look at the world around them in new ways.



The second year of Tornado Term was a success, and the faculty has already begun looking for new topics and adventures to make this learning experience even better for 2019. g

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HAKIM MCMORRIS ’18 wrapped up his McCallie track & field career in spectacular and record-setting fashion, defending his TSSAA Division II-AA State Decathlon title in a rout. McMorris led a strong Blue Tornado decathlon team — Adams Robinson and Joshua Smith each finished in the Top 10 in the state. Here’s a look at key numbers of this outstanding effort by the University of California track signee.


97 9 PO IN











Blue Tornado basketball will enter a new era in the 2018-19 school year. Veteran coach David Conrady has already begun working with McCallie athletes as varsity basketball coach for the 2018-19 season, bringing an experienced leader and motivator to the Ridge to lead the Blue Tornado basketball program. Conrady, who comes to McCallie from Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas, replaces John Shulman, who left McCallie following the 2017-18 season. Conrady will also serve as a mentor and advisor to McCallie’s younger students as chaplain in the Middle School. “The program is in great shape and has had fantastic success over the past four years,” Conrady said before a summer practice session. “The challenge for me is to build on the foundation that’s been laid. We’ve got great young men of high character in the program, and that is really the best place to start for a good basketball program. I’m really excited to have a chance to work with these young men.” Conrady was at Prestonwood Christian Academy since the start of the 2016-17 season, and before that was head coach at Chattanooga Christian — where he was 2016 District Coach of the Year. At Prestonwood, he guided the Lions to the Texas Association of Private and



David Conrady takes the helm of Blue Tornado basketball

Parochial Schools 6A state championship in 2017, and was named the 2017 Private School Coach of the Year by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches. He followed up that championship season with a run to the TAPPS 6A Final Four in 2018. “David has proven he knows how to win and is an encouraging teacher for his players and students, which made him an excellent choice to help continue the growth and success of our varsity program,” Assistant Headmaster Kenny Sholl said. “And his strong background in character and faith will enhance our school and our boys in ways far beyond success on the basketball court. He’s truly the complete package.”

In addition to Hakim McMorris’ wins in the state decathlon and long jump (with a school record 23 feet, 7 inches), rising senior Quindarius Dunnigan, top photo, was the state discus champion, throwing 141 feet, 7 inches, and the Blue Tornado Track & Field team finished a strong third in the Division II-AA state meet. At the Chattanooga Times Free Press Best of Preps awards, McMorris was named the Chattanooga area’s top track athlete, and Ben Brock ’18, bottom photo, was named the region’s top soccer player for 2018. Ten lacrosse players were named to the Tennessee Scholastic Lacrosse Association All-Division team. The LACROSSE and SOCCER teams went to their state championship finals, and the BASEBALL team made a late surge to advance to Spring Fling. g

In addition to his high school experience, Conrady brings a wealth of college coaching experience to McCallie, with nine years of head coaching experience at Newberry College and North Greenville University. He has been an assistant coach at Mars Hill College in North Carolina and Presbyterian College in South Carolina, and he was associate head coach at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga from 2004 to 2010. “I’m just extremely blessed to have a chance to be a part of the McCallie community,” Conrady said. “It’s such a prestigious place, and it’s exciting to be able to bring our family back to Chattanooga.” g

SU M M E R 2018 |




The McCallie Crew program finished another successful season on the water with outstanding showings at regattas around the nation. McCallie once again retained the Raoul Cup by DEFEATING BAYLOR in Varsity 8 and extending the winning streak to 20 consecutive races. The boys maintained control of the Tennessee Challenge Cup by beating Montgomery Bell Academy and put in a strong showing at the Mid-South Scholastic Championships by winning five of the seven races. Finally, the crew team took four boats to Pennsauken, New Jersey, to compete in the Scholastic Nationals in late May. The Varsity 4+ team of Philip Pedigo, Hunter Wagnon, Richmond Coney and Bob Moore with coxswain Reyan Naik had an outstanding regatta and finished fifth in the nation. The freshman 8 and JV 4 also had strong performances and finished in the top 12 in their events. McCallie’s rowing program continues to find success in top races and is building on a winning tradition. g


steps up to lead wrestling program Jake Yost will take a lead role in McCallie’s storied wrestling program as head wrestling coach for the 2018-19 school year. Yost will fill the role held by Mike Newman for the past 10 years. Newman is stepping down as the head coach but will remain with the program as an


assistant coach. “I am excited about this great opportunity to become McCallie's head wrestling coach,” Yost said. “Thankfully, Coach Newman has agreed to continue to be a part of the coaching staff. His passion for wrestling and decades of coaching experience will


continue to be a tremendous asset for the program, and I am fortunate to work with him and the rest of the accomplished and committed coaching team.” Yost, who was an assistant with the varsity wrestling team for the past two years, will direct the McCallie wrestling

program, which has become a yearround commitment in recent years with regional and national tournaments. McCallie has had success at the national level with strong showings at the National Prep tournament for the past two years. In 2018, four McCallie

wrestlers — junior Thomas Sell along with freshmen Alex Whitworth, Christian Morris and Emory Taylor — earned high school AllAmerican status at the National Prep tournament. “We are so fortunate to have a man like Coach Yost ready to step into this role with McCallie

wrestling,” Assistant Headmaster Kenny Sholl said. “Following legendary coaches such as Mike Newman and Gordon Connell might give some young coaches pause, but Jake is up to the task and is excited for the challenge. I can’t wait to see where he will take the program.” g




Wynn's film shown at National African American Museum

In June, McCallie sent four student historians to compete at the national competition of National History Day at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland, and one student’s work earned special recognition. Rising senior Zyan Wynn’s documentary film, “Inventing Black History; Carter Woodson and his Compromise for the People,” was selected for National History Day Documentary Showcase at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Wynn’s film was screened June 13 in the museum’s Oprah Winfrey Theater in Washington D.C. Wynn’s documentary examines the life of Carter Woodson, who was born the son of former slaves in 1875 and became one of the first scholars to study the history of African Americans and helped establish Black History Month. In addition to Wynn’s film, the other McCallie student projects at National History Day were: •

Rising senior Pi Eager’s Tennessee state champion website, “Winters v. United States: Native Americans, Water, and the Unintended Consequences of Compromise.”

Rising junior Duke Richey’s individual exhibit “‘Quite a Nice Little Fish’: The Snail Darter and the Environmental Compromise of the Century.”

Rising senior Harrison Stuart’s paper “Fifteen Days from Conflict to Compromise: The Power of Personality and Unplanned Events in the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

National African American Museum nestled in the heart of Washington, D.C.

What are some other ways for our juniors and seniors to build their resumes? Email your ideas to SU M M E R 2018 |





named McCallie Alumni Chair

of Mathematics Math teacher Jim Carlone ’88 has been awarded the Alumni Chair of Mathematics, becoming only the second faulty member to receive this honor since its establishment in the 1980s to recognize exceptional math instruction at McCallie. “Jim Carlone is an outstanding math teacher and is well deserving of this honor,” Assistant Headmaster Kenny Sholl said. “He pushes his boys to achieve their best efforts in a way that inspires a love of the subject and gets the best out of his students. He was the clear choice for this honor.”

DUCK DAY GOLF TOURNAMENT celebrates 10 years of fun The Duck Day Golf Tournament celebrated its 10th year and was a huge success both in terms of participation and funds raised. With a full field of 128 golfers on a beautiful day at Council Fire Golf Club on May 8, the 2018 event was the largest ever, and more than $31,000 was raised to benefit the Duck Day Scholarship Fund to help a talented Chattanooga boy attend McCallie. More than $200,000 has been raised at this event over the past decade.

only by his desire and ability to teach in the high school classroom.” The first Alumni Chair of Mathematics at McCallie was longtime teacher Lance Nickel, who held the chair from its founding until his retirement. As a student at McCallie, Carlone was instructed by Nickel and Pataky, and Patterson was Carlone’s dorm head. Additionally, he knew McIlwaine from visits to campus during those years. After returning to McCallie as a member of the Math Department, Carlone was mentored by and became close friends with Nickel.

The Alumni Chair of Mathematics was established to honor three legendary McCallie math teachers — Chalmers McIlwaine ‘21, John Pataky ‘49 and Houston Patterson ‘43 — and “to perpetuate the high classroom standards set by these three master teachers.”

“I’ve always admired those legendary McCallie instructors from my time as a student and during my years on the math faculty,” Carlone said. “Those three men — along with Lance Nickel — truly are the Rushmore of math teachers at McCallie, and to be associated with them is really cool. It means a lot.”

The purpose of the position as stated at the time of its endowment was “to attract an exceptional teacher whose knowledge and appreciation of mathematics is surpassed

The Alumni Chair of Mathematics provides a stipend for travel to math conferences or to visit other schools to share best practices and new techniques in math instruction. g

Andrew Forrester '01, Brandon Waters '00, Adam Mitchell ’05 and Derek Steele were the top foursome for the day. For Forrester, Waters and Steele, it was their third consecutive year to win the event. The team of Shalin Tejani ’00, Peterson Hostetler ’02, Alan Baird ’02 and Andrew Scarbrough ’05 won the Low Net competition. The closest to the pin winners were Keith Guest and Gary Fullam ’80, and Will Thomas ’99 won the Polen Putt-Off, named in memory of Tripp Polen '99. The putting contest raised $1,215 to benefit the Jim Mancke Fund at McCallie, which is an endowment for the support of the counseling program. The Duck Day Golf Tournament will return in 2019, so mark your calendar for May 7, 2019, and look for more information in the near future on how to take part in this fun and important event for McCallie. g



Andrew Forrester '01, Brandon Waters '00, Adam Mitchell ’05 and Derek Steele were the winning foursome at the 10th annual Duck Day Golf Tournament this May at Council Fire Golf Club.

ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI UPDATES After moving from a notable career in the law and public service to join NASCAR in 2010, John Bobo ’83 is moving into the fast lane as NASCAR’s vice president of racing operations. He had most recently served as managing director of racing operations at NASCAR. In his new role in the top American motorsports league, Bobo will oversee racing operations across all national, touring and weekly series, as well as managing the sport’s relationship with American Medical Response and its drug testing program.

Before joining NASCAR, Bobo was active in the private, government and non-profit sectors for more than two decades. Most notably, he served as a state prosecutor, chief drug and alcohol policy advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation and later head of U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration.


In his new position at NASCAR, Bobo will report directly to Steve O’Donnell, NASCAR’s executive vice president and chief racing development officer. “John brings leadership experience to our operations at the racetrack,” O’Donnell said. “His ability to develop smart, working solutions to difficult problems has set John apart – he’s a true professional that brings a steady hand in leading our racing operations.” g

I love McCallie because it taught me how to think for myself, how to live with character and how to navigate life with an irreverent sense of humor." —John Bobo ’83 SU M M E R 2018 |


90s |

Brady R. Garvich ’99 and his wife, Whitney, had a son, Rollins Thomas Garvich, on April 4, 2017.


00s |



Jordan Crane ’00 married Alycia Folkerts on March 24, 2018, in Long Beach, California.

Woodson Whitehead ’00 and his wife, Susannah, had a son, Woodson C. Whitehead Jr., on April 2, 2018.



Chase Carter ’01 and his wife, Devon, had a daughter, Elliott Clair Carter, on Feb. 13, 2018. They are pictured holding their daughters Emery Elizabeth and Elliott Clair. 2 Richard Bethune ’03 and his wife Julia, had a son, Elliott Lewis Bethune, on Feb. 12, 2018.

Harold “Tripp” North III ’04 married Caitlin Ashford Mangum on Sept. 30, 2017, in Annapolis, Maryland.


3 Charles Sanford ’05 married Margaret Kennerly Werner on April 23, 2016, and the couple had a son, Brougher, on Aug. 3, 2017.

Chris Saxon ’05 and his wife, Whitney, had a son, McCoy Howden Saxon, on May 10, 2018. 4 Bobby Huffaker ’06 married Alex Hon Huffaker on June 10, 2017 in Mobile, Alabama. McCallie alumni gathered on the Dog River in Mobile. McCallie alums pictured are Robby Robinson ’06, Llew Boyd ’06, Hayden Jahn ’06, Joe Young ’07 and Rem Cooper ’06.


WHAT ARE YOU UP TO? Help us help you keep in touch with your fellow McCallie classmates. EMAIL:




5 Hugh Dowlen ’07 and his wife Elissa, had a son, James Abernathy Dowlen, on Jan. 24, 2018. 6 Vance Faulkner ’07 and his wife, Melissa, had a son, Vance Pepper Faulkner Jr., on Nov. 24, 2017.


Alex Byrd ’08 and his wife, Lacy, had a son, George Thomas Byrd, on Feb. 19, 2017. Hurst Nuckols ’08 married Meghan Niehaus on Dec. 2, 2017. G. Taylor Belcher ’09 married Taylor Morgan on April 28, 2018 at the Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center in Chattanooga.

10s |


G. Edgar Anderson V ’10 married Chelsea Jasper on May 26, 2018, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

7 Bowen Edward Brown ’13 married Erin Alise Strait on Nov. 18, 2017, in Villanova, Pennsylvania. Several McCallie alumni gathered to help celebrate the wedding. Pictured from left to right are Hongrui Miao ’15, Brandon Bout ’13, Shawn Paik ’13, Michael Stout ’13, Erin Brown, Bowen Brown, Alex Ramey ’13, Jamie Hayes ’13 and Max Brown ’13.





CLASS NOTES 1 From left, Grant Law ’64, Jim Kimball ’64, Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke and Viston Taylor ’64 stand with a flag that will be flown on Chattanooga’s Veteran’s Bridge to honor Vietnam veterans. 2 Three members of the class of 1986, from left, Andy Jensen, Jim Tanner and Blake Haren gathered near the beach at Santa Monica, California in May while celebrating Tanner’s commencement from graduate school at the University of Southern California.


3 Danny Soteres '87, John Green '84, Evan Loughlin '13 and Ed Loughlin '79 gathered to celebrate after Evan’s graduation from the United States Air Force Academy.


4 Randall Hammer ’83 and John Green ’84 celebrate after Hammer received his Master's degree in Research Studies from Cambridge University.


W. Clark Lambert ’60, MD, PhD, continues to work part time at Rutgers University — New Jersey Medical School, where he is Emeritus Professor of Pathology and Medicine. The Lambert and Weiss AOA Research Recognition Award, an award for meritorious medical student research at Rutgers, has recently been named in honor of Lambert and Dr. Stanley Weiss. Eleven students at Rutgers won this award in 2018. Clark works with his wife, Muriel, who is a Professor of Pathology at Rutgers. Their three children, Anastasia Norman, Phelps and Peter, are all physicians in practice in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, and Philadelphia.

Mike Finney ’65 is celebrating 18 years of owning his business MG Force, which he runs with his wife, Glenda, in Minneapolis.

Landscape architect Geoff McLean ’61 was invited to submit landscape photographs and drawings to the North Carolina State University Library, including projects for the NCSU Campus and Eastgate Park in Raleigh, North Carolina.

70s |

McCallie alumni Grant Law '64, Jim Kimball '64, and Viston Taylor '64 were recognized by the city of Chattanooga for their military service in Vietnam. Flags were placed on Veterans Bridge in their honor, and Mayor Andy Berke issued proclamations honoring the three veterans.

Tom Weller ’67 is living in Bowling Green, Kentucky and has become an active ham radio enthusiast. He would love to hear from any alumni who are also into amateur radio and can be reached by his call sign, KM4QEK, or by email at William “B.B.” Branton ’69 was inducted into the Greater Chattanooga Sports Hall of Fame in February and into the Lookout Mountain Sports Hall of Fame in May in the sports media category. Robert C. “Bob” Goodrich Jr. ’74 was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in December 2016 and since that time has transitioned from lawyer to patient at his home in Nashville. Bob and his wife, Sally, travel to Chattanooga often to visit their oldest son, Bobby, who is a medical student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center doing his last two years of medical school at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. Bob has started a blog,, where he writes about various topics, including his journey in the land of illness.

80s |

Randall Hammer '83 earned his Master's degree in Research Studies from Cambridge University. Matthew B. Given ’88 was named CEO of Glynlyon, Inc. in September 2017. Given had previously served as vice president of the educational technology company located in Phoenix. He has held management positions with Kaplan Learning, Edison Learning and Catapult Learning. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia. Adam Caine ’89 has been hired as the new varsity football coach at Upperman High School in Baxter, Tennessee. Caine has most recently been the coach at Sequatchie County High School in Dunlap, Tennessee, where he led his team to a 26-10 record over three seasons.

10s |

Evan Loughlin ’13 graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in May. He returned to McCallie for the summer to work at McCallie Sports Camp before moving on to flight school where he will train to fly fighter jets for the Air Force.

SU M M E R 2018 |


In Memoriam 40s |

Samuel Tipton Tinsley ’43 of Knoxville, Tennessee, died Jan. 25, 2018, nine days after the death of his wife of 57 years, Mary. He is survived by his daughters Mary Nell (Gregg) Pruitt and Renie (Bruce) Carroll; four grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Christopher Williams “Bill” Caldwell ’44, of Lecanto, Florida, died April 20, 2018. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marjorie Karsies Caldwell, a son, Billy Caldwell ’67, brother, L. Hardwick Caldwell, Jr., ’40, and sister, Eleanor Caldwell Bryan. He is survived by brother Robert H. “Bob” Caldwell ’41, five daughters and one son. Howard J. Cannon ’43 of Cambridge, Massachusetts, died May 2, 2017. He is survived by his wife Mary Patricia Hennessey Cannon, daughter Rosemary Crisostamo, his son Jerome (Gail) Cannon along, three grandchildren and a niece. Dr. John Richard Collins ’49, of Signal Mountain, Tennessee, died Jan. 26, 2018. He is survived by his wife Susan; sons Lewis (Cary) Collins ’84 and Rob (Denise) Collins ’93, four grandchildren; a sister-in-law and several nieces and their families. Ellis T. Gurry ’49 of Raleigh, North Carolina, died Sept. 6, 2017. He is survived by his wife, Jane Todd Gurry; daughters Elizabeth (Chuck) Moss, Sara (Jack) Piquette and Helen Gurry; sister-inlaw Virginia Wright Gurry; brother-in-law Joseph (Nancy) Todd; four grandchildren and a greatgrandchild; and nieces and nephews.

50s |

James O.E. Beck III ’50 of Memphis died March 15, 2018. He is survived by his sister, Shirley Cross and 12 nieces and nephews.

Dr. John Phillip King '50 of Corvallis, Oregon, died May 18, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Maxine King, his son Phillip (Judy) King, his daughter Alex, two grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Charles Justin Huntley ’51, of Midlothian, Virginia, died Dec. 23, 2017. He is survived by his children, Pamela H. Maxey (John), Charles J. Huntley Jr. and Richard P. Foran (Linda), and five grandchildren. Robert Harris Greer ’53 of Knoxville, Tennessee died May 12, 2018. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Tricia McClam; his daughters, Virginia Greer (Greg Korn) and Cynthia (Terry) Snider; two grandchildren, Kristina Keck and Ryan Keck; his brother Tom (Carol) Greer; and longtime friend Dr. Bill McDonald ’53. S. Henry Preston III ’53, of Tazewell, Virginia died June 1, 2018. He is survived by his sister, Mary Jo Preston Bruce, several nephews and nieces and cousin Ned Biggs ’81. Boyce Moodie III ’54, of Smithland, Kentucky, died March 14, 2018. He is survived by his wife of 22 years, Kathleen, three children Boyce (Bo) Moodie IV, Tom Moodie, Gayle Moodie Bash, several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren plus his younger brother Harry Moodie '57. Millis Frederick "Fred" Mulkey, Jr. ’54, of Gainesville, Georgia, died March 13, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Marty Crawford Mulkey; daughters Meg Mulkey Gallagher (Matthew), Jeannine Mulkey Callahan (Dr. Michael) and Erin Taylor (Richard); sister, Jeannine Hurley; and nine grandchildren.

Robert “Bob” Weiler ’56 of Biltmore Forest, North Carolina, died Jan. 23, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Virginia “Ginny” Weiler; one daughter, Leigh (David) Young; one step-daughter, Gina (Guy) Oakley; one step-son, Christopher (Sally) Pfaeffle; seven grandchildren; and two greatgranddaughters.

60s |

John V. “Jack” Barger III ’65 of Columbus, Ohio, died Sept. 23, 2017. He is survived by his brother Rick Barger ’67; children Jennifer (Mike) Salvati, Jason (Amy) Barger and Michael (Carolyn) Barger; grandchildren and extended family. William "Will" McRee Maxwell ’68 of Quincy Florida, died July 14, 2017. He is survived by his wife, Deborah Miller Maxwell; his two daughters, Elder Maxwell Booth (Ben) and Lawson Miller Maxwell Blankenship (Shay); two granddaughters his sister, Penny Maxwell Dehler (Moritz), and many special nephews, nieces and cousins, and his constant four-legged companion, Clemson Cate.

70s |

James Randolph “Jim” Dade Jr. ’70 of Nashville, Tennessee, died July 29, 2017. He is survived by daughters Mary Dade Taylor and Emily Dade (Brett) Walters and son James R. (Caitlin) Dade III as well as his two grandchildren.

00s |

James Andrew Cartwright Jr. ’03, of Katy, Texas, died May 8, 2018. He is survived by his parents Darlyn and Drew Cartwright ’75, sister Caroline Cartwright, brother Taylor Cartwright ’04, stepbrothers Claten Bechtol ’02, Cooper Bechtol ’03 and Conner Bechtol ’06, and grandparents Josephine and James Cartwright and Jo and Glenn vonRosenberg.

IRWIN "IKE" BELK | CLASS OF 1941 Irwin "Ike" Belk ’41 died Feb. 24, 2018. McCallie’s Irwin K. Belk Track is named in his honor, and Belk Hall is named for him and his brothers who also attended McCallie. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and serving in World War II, Belk served for more than 50 years as an executive with Belk Stores. He served on many corporate boards and was elected to serve four terms in the House of Representatives and Senate of the State of North Carolina legislature. Through his work in the North Carolina legislature, Belk spearheaded the creation of UNC Charlotte as the fourth component of the University of North Carolina. He served many years as a member of the Board of Governors of the UNC system. Later in life, he served two terms as a United Nations delegate, was a member of the United



States Olympic Committee and served on many other boards. Belk’s love of athletics and education led him to donate generously to create tracks throughout the country, including the track at McCallie’s Spears Stadium. This work is a testament to his belief that "The first objective in life is to educate your brains. Your brain can't function if your body is not in shape." Belk was preceded in death by his wife, Carol Grotnes Belk, and brothers Henry Belk, John Belk ’39, Henderson Belk ’41 and Tom Belk ’42, and daughter-in-law Anne Belk. He is survived by his children William Irwin (Georgia) Belk ’71, Irene (Dean) Belk Miltimore, Marilyn (Edward) Belk Wallis, and Carl (Beth) Grotnes Belk ’78. Irwin is also survived by his 11 grandchildren, his sister, Sarah Belk Gambrell along with numerous nieces and nephews. g

Joining forces:

Save the Date

Cloud to lead ANNUAL GIVING

Amy Cloud, who has been working as McCallie’s alumni director, will be expanding her work as McCallie’s new director of annual giving and alumni engagement this fall. In her new position, Cloud will direct all phases of the Honor Fund, McCallie’s annual giving program, with specific emphasis on the Honor Fund, and she will oversee efforts to engage our alumni in the life of the school. Cloud is not new to annual giving or to the Honor Fund. Before working as alumni director, she served for two years as the Assistant Director of McCallie's Honor Fund.

Reunion Weekend October 11-14, 2018 for the classes of

1948, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 03, 08, 13 Visit for more information

UPCOMING Alumni Events • • • • • • • •

Tailgate @ Knox Webb - Sept. 7 - Knoxville Tailgate @ Ensworth - Sept. 14 - Nashville Tornadothon - Sept. 20 - Chattanooga McCallie/Baylor Watch Parties - Oct. 12 Atlanta and other locations Head of the Hooch - Nov. 3 - Chattanooga Alumni Council - Sept. 10 and Dec. 10 - Chattanooga Boomerang Boarders - Nov. 14 - Chattanooga

• • • • • • • • •

Young Alumni Holiday Party - Dec. 18 - Chattanooga Boston Gathering - Oct. 18 Texas Gatherings - October TBA Charlotte Gathering - Nov. 5 - Top Golf Atlanta Holiday Party - December TBA Washington D.C. Gathering - Dec. 4 Dr Pepper TEN Classic Basketball Tournament - Feb. 1 and 2 Duck Day Golf Tournament - May 7 Dinner in Blue - June 6 - Chattanooga

* Dates and times for alumni events are subject to change.

“Amy is the perfect fit for this job,” said Headmaster Lee Burns ’87. “Her experience working on the Honor Fund paired with relationships she has built with our alumni give her a unique ability to help us maintain and grow our alumni giving campaigns.” Prior to working at McCallie, Cloud worked at New York-Presbyterian Hospital on their capital campaign. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and her MPA from Old Dominion University. “I’m very excited for this new challenge,” Cloud said. “McCallie is such a special place with so many devoted alumni. The ability to work even more closely with this group and to work to keep McCallie strong for future generations is an amazing opportunity. I can’t wait to get started.” John Green ’84 will be leaving the Advancement office and his role as director of the Honor Fund and returning to the Upper School to teach math and to serve as an advisor and coach. John will remain connected with the alumni giving program as the faculty representative for the Honor Fund. “We are incredibly grateful for John’s work this year heading up the Honor Fund,” said Steve Hearn ’74, McCallie’s vice president for advancement. “It will be great to have him still involved with the Honor Fund even as he returns to the classroom and the field.” g SU M M E R 2018 |



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Seniors pull together in the annual Duck Day tug-of-war contest as the Class of 2018 enjoyed their final Duck Day as students.



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