The Hive - April

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April 2016 CNH District D30S Whitney HS Volume XVIV Issue XIII

From your Bulletin Editor Hello Whitney Key Club, Wow. It’s been a year. Started and ending with April newsletters. It has honestly been a great experience to work as this year’s Bulletin Editor. There have been a lot of stressful times throughout these months that have made me want to pull my hair out, but more moments that have made me smile and remember why it is worth it in the end. I don’t know who is going to continue these newsletters, but I do know that the next Bulletin Editor will do an amazing job (maybe, most likely, even better than me haha). I wish next year’s cabinet good luck and the next Bulletin Editor even MORE luck because he or she will sure need it (collecting those articles will be...) It’s been a good run. Buzzin’ on, Amy Wang

Greetings, Whitney Key Club!! This is my last message to you as your president so if you’ve never read one of these president’s messages, I hope you’ll read this one :-) Thank you for making this term so memorable and so special to me because it has been nothing but wonderful and unique. The last couple of months were absolutely perfect and no I don’t mean there have been zero mistakes. I mean that each and every one of you has made this experience overall such an amazing time for me. With each of your questions, emails, messages of thanks and congratulations, I have only renewed my spirit to serve you. And it pains me to think that this is the last president’s message I will write to you, but I know that every term has an end and that it is always a beautiful segway into a term that I know will be even greater and reach even higher heights. As you are reading this, I hope you are all signed up to go to our club banquet on April 3rd from 6-9PM at the Cerritos Frantone’s to celebrate a year of service and ohana while eating some great food!! When you arrive, make sure to be dressed semi-formally and to bring $20 with you for a PRICELESS experience :-) Banquet every year is so memorable so I really encourage you all to attend not only for the food, but also for the people and the speeches that you will hear. I remember hearing Amy Kim’s speech when she was president two years ago, and I still cannot forget how much of an impression it made on me as a sophomore. Congratulations on fifth shining club of the month for March and for being a stand-up club that is worthy to be a role model for anyone always. With all your passion for service and growing spirit, I only have the greatest hopes for your futures and I know that you will all be able to make a difference in our community, not only with our Whitney Key Club but as individuals working for one cause. Every day I am reminded why I love service so much as I see it reflected in all of you as you are so eager to attend each and every service event. I am always learning from you and always so grateful you are the club members and volunteers I am serving. Although this is my last president’s message, I will keep it short as I will see you all at banquet and my last remarks page in this BEEautiful newsletter. Thank you for making this family so difficult for me to leave. Signing off as your 2015-2016 president... Forever yours, Frances Lee

From your President

Club Bonding

By Jason Park

Blacklight Run

Throughout the year, Key Clubbers are hard at work serving their communities and volunteering; because Key Club is an organization based around service, it is self-explanatory that Key Clubbers would be serving their communities throughout their career. All of this service is going to often be with the home club members, meaning that getting to know these people within one’s home club will be a great benefit to that Key Clubber, and it will make the experience of serving the community that much better. With that said, bonding events and socials among the home club or even the division can be a benefit for the attendees, since it will improve relationships and create new bonds that can last throughout the years of Key Club. Whitney Key Clubbers took it upon themselves to organize a bonding event at the Blacklight run, and around 15 Whitney Key Clubbers attended. At the social event, we all arrived with our own rides – some shared some not so much – and we all met up where the registration was. During this time, and many other times, there was time to talk and bond, not even during the event. Similar to how a lot of bonding at amusement parks happens while people wait in the lines for a rollercoaster, Whitney Key Clubbers got the opportunity to bond while waiting for everyone to get registered. Once everyone was registered, we all made our way to the starting line, where runners would be released every 2-3 minutes. The beginning of the run was quite hectic because of the amount of people being let out, and personally, I was more afraid of tripping on a rock in the dirt path since there was not much lighting at all. As the Key Clubbers progressed further into the race, the lighting improved, and there was more space for all of the Key Clubbers to keep up or wait for one another. It was nice that the Key Clubbers would once in a while call out a signal to regroup and make sure that everyone was together and was having a good time. Thanks to the Vice President Elect Danielle Lee, all of the Key Clubbers stayed grouped together. There was this one time where there was some confusion since so many people were just throwing glow powder that one person thought that we hadn’t moved on after we left, but we did not give up until he was found and grouped with us once again, repeatedly showing that no one would be left behind. After the long run was over, we went to an after party where Whitney Key Clubbers got covered in even more glow powder. Once the event itself was over, the Key Clubbers went to eat dinner late at night and finished up the bonding there. Overall the event was a very fun one, and although there was no real volunteering involved, it was a really great opportunity to get to know the Key Clubbers that we Whitney Key Clubbers will be serving alongside for a long time to come. As important as volunteering and serving is, it really does not hurt to bond with the fellow Key Clubbers that you will continue to serve with.

50’s Kiwanis Dinner

By Karen Long

On Saturday, March 5th, five Key Clubbers gathered at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel in their poodle skirts and leather jackets to help at the Kiwanis Club of La Palma’s 50s themed dinner. Since none of us lived in the 50s, 60s, 70s, or even 80s, we were excited for all of what this event would have to offer. But before even attending the event, we had to make sure that we would fit the dress code! With the help of Mrs. Improta and Google, we were able to somewhat blend in as small, high school students with all of the Kiwanians. When I first walked into the room, I didn’t think it was a Kiwanis event. I actually thought it was a quinceañera or baby shower because there was so much pink! Pink balloons, pink cars, pink lights, and pink napkins! But I knew that the event would definitely be packed with people and activities because the room already seemed so full. There were items around the room for the silent auction, a dance floor, a DJ, and a lot of decorated tables. Once the Kiwanians began to arrive, we helped with registration and the silent auction. For the silent auction, we stood at different parts of the room next to the items and helped anyone who had any questions. There were items such as a GIANT Cheerios box, a watch, and a Trader Joe’s basket. These items were next to bags for people to place their raffle tickets in if they liked the item. After the silent auction ended, we soon had dinner. Towards the end of dinner, that was when the fun was just about to start! The highlight of the event had to be Elvis’s impersonator’s show. He gave us some background information about Elvis, which helped explain a lot about what he was famous for and how popular he was. Elvis’s impersonator sang and danced on the dance floor, and the crowd was wild! Many of the female Kiwanians would scream so that they could get a scarf and a peck on the cheek from him. Toward the end of his performance, we all moved onto the dance floor with him. Being in a room filled with Kiwanians can be a bit scary in the beginning, but they always take care of us. So if you ever have the opportunity to attend a Kiwanis event in the future, make sure to try it out!

March DCM

By Joshua Ahn

Dodge for a Cause

On March 26th, we had our March DCM which was also the last DCM for our LTG, John Hoang. This DCM was held at Katella High School and we started off with our agenda and announced all the awards. Congratulations Whitney for being the 5th shining club of the month! And also Dani Lee for winning officer of the month! After this segment, we went on to our dodgeball tournament. Actually, this wasn’t a dodgeball tournament, but just a usual game with two big teams. However, this was not the best part of the DCM because after the game of dodgeball, we had the chance to pie our LTG, DLT’s, and the presidents of each club. I actually felt really bad that I had to pie Frances in the face, but since nobody got hurt, it was a lot of fun for us. After everyone was washed off, we waited for John to start something else. There was a halt in our activities, so in the meantime, the waiting members had a singing contest between two big teams. Finally, when John was ready, he told us that it was his last DCM and how thankful he was for everything that happened throughout the year. This was the final part of the DCM and we all went home after that. One thing I really loved about this DCM was the attendance of our members. In total, we had 25 people come from Whitney and half of them were regular members. Over the year, our attendance of DCM’s were dropping and gaining in various months. However, we ended the year strong with the highest attendance DCM we ever had. I encourage more people to come out and just have fun because DCM’s are more of making new friends as well as taking care of business and just talking with people about events you went to before.


By Richard Tee

My Year in Cabinet

The Key Club term is ending and I would just like to look back at everything that has happened and everything that I experienced as being a part of the Key Club cabinet. When I became historian for this club, I made some new friends with the juniors and seniors in our cabinet. I would have never met them if it were not for Key Club and I am so happy I did. I loved all the fun activities we all did together like having a cabinet meeting at Frances’s house and that super fun black light run we did together. I remember going to my first Division Council Meeting (DCM) after joining cabinet. I did not know what DCMs were before, but I quickly got the gist after going to the February one last year since it was the day after Key Club banquet. Also, I am super glad that I became historian because I had to take a bunch of photos from many of the events that went on during the year, and now I will have them to cherish the memories of this year in Key Club. Besides learning about DCMs, I got to do a lot of behind the scenes work in Key Club such as help setting up events, help running them, and planning them. With all the cabinet meetings we had, I was kept up to date with everything that happens in this club, which is a great feeling for me. Also, I love when all the cabinet members are just pitching ideas for some new activity or fundraiser we could have. With all these fun and cherishable moments, we did have struggles that came along the way, but we always overcame them and always helped and stood up for each other. Other fond moments are when the whole cabinet is working at an event together like Operation Christmas or Lock-In, I see all of us working so hard in leading the event. I remember Frances or Iris running frantically back and forth keeping everything in check, and we have everybody else making sure each station is running. Teamwork like that is one of things that we are strong in and something I admire from our cabinet. Another event that was so much fun and where we had the whole cabinet go was April DCM. That DCM was probably my favorite because of those reasons and all the fun games and the dinner we had together. All these memories are something that will stick with me forever and I will also have them. I am so happy to have been a part of this cabinet, and I cannot wait to see what you guys will do next year.


By Amy Lee

Taking that Extra Step A Key Clubber starts and ends in high school. After 4 years of earning 50 hours, attending DCMs, meeting new volunteers, and passing out water, it all ends with the throw of a hat and a diploma. But, not really. Key Club doesn’t end by leaving Whitney and entering college. It instead holds onto you and impacts every step. Being in Key Club teaches and nurtures you into an unrecognizable person. You become yearning for more volunteer events, for different causes, for a way to help someone else life. You become accustomed to helping others and lending a hand in projects, problems, or even homework. Actions lead to change of heart, from the outside in. Being in Key Club changes you. That nurturing and that renewed heart impacts every action. It makes you willing to take a hold of any and all new opportunities to volunteer or serve or take a risk. Key Club gives you experience to take a hold of new challenges and face them with an earnest heart. Being in Key Club not plants a drive for initiative but also prepares you to be successful for those challenges. It teaches you leadership and a steadfast mind ready to take on any problem or bump that comes along the way. You take in all the past events and surmised it into every new event that comes along, making it efficient and successful. You become unstoppable. Key Club is where helping hands are given and smiles are received. Where selfless volunteering brings back something to every individual to grow and bloom on. It stays in you, no matter where you go or who you see. You don’t have to have a high position or be an officer to let Key Club impact your life, because it already has.

As the term comes to an end...


Looking back this term, there has been so many special moments I was able to share with Key Clubbers, so many times I have seen myself grown throughout this year, and so many times I’ve been able to meet new Key Clubbers this year who shared the same passion as I had. This past Key Club year, I was able to serve as Club Secretary and I can definitely say that it was not an easy experience but was such a worthwhile and rewarding experience that I definitely won’t be able to forget. From asking Frances a billion questions regarding the MRF to making sure that the MRF was completed to the best of my ability, there were many nights where I had to stay up to be able to finish my workload but those nights all were worthwhile. Every time I hit an obstacle this year or I was just tired/exhausted from junior year, remembering the moment where I found out I was elected by Key Club members to serve as Secretary kept pushing me on because in the end, this was my way to give back to

the club that gave me so much

happiness these past years. This term has been such a blessing for me, even with some difficulties I had to face throughout the year. I have been able to get to know many, many more Key Clubbers and I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities where I have been able to meet new members who are just as passionate and love Key Club as much as I do. From screaming and cheering at Fall Rally to waking up at 5am to go to Rose Float Decoration to waking up again at 5am to go to Lock-In, these are just some of the special moments that I have been able to share with the rest of this club. I really wanted to thank all of the members this year who have shown their dedication and love for the club by just going to events and just help give back to the community because the club definitely has a bright and sunny future ahead of it. Finally, thank you to this year’s cabinet for making my Key Club year so special. From going to cabinet meetings during breaks to eating food together at Guppy Teahouse, I am so thankful that I have been able to meet all of you- you are all so wonderful, kind, and have made my year so amazing. To all of the seniors, thank you for your dedication and hard work and for teaching me so many things this past year- I love you all so much and all of you are going to achieve great things in the future. I really am thankful that I have been able to serve this term as Key Club Secretary and I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to serve as Key Club President in the following term. Stay Shining! - Isabelle Lee (Key Club Secretary 2015-2016)

As one of your Key Club historians, I can say that I’ve had the greatest pleasure to capture pictures of us Key Clubbers doing what we do best--Caring. I’m so proud of everything our club has accomplished this term and I cannot wait to see how many amazing things we’ll accomplish the next. Shoutout to the rest of cabinet for making my first year in cabinet absolutely memorable. I have grown so much as a person and as a Key Clubber and I can honestly say that I feel like I’ve become a better human being since joining Key Club.

Stay shinin’ Suns :-) - Kristina Theam

“Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened” Yeah, yeah, we hear that all the time. We’re sad that what we once cherished is but at the mercy of time. But I think it’s more worthwhile to take those emotions, and produce it into something greater. I think those that shared those same memories with you would want that. I hope the cabinet that I had the opportunity to work with all strive to do goodness in whatever they do, as I have seen throughout this past year. - Victor Phong

This Key Club year was an amazing one to remember!! Meeting all the new volunteers and seeing their eagerness to serve encouraged me SO much and I’m excited to see what else the club has in store in the future! - Danielle Lee

Meet new people, go to new events, be a leader. - Amy Lee

Being a part of Key Club cabinet has been To start off, this past term will be one that I will not forget. memories we’ve created as a cabinet, as a club, and as a a wonderful experience filled The division were so, so precious. The bonds we’ve made, the laughs

with hilarious moments, exciting times, and some struggles. I loved being historian and capturing all the joyful bits throughout this year. I will always remember when we all ate together at Guppy Teahouse after April DCM, our banquet last year with the newly announced executive board and cabinet, and the time we all pied our Key Club president, Frances. I am proud of all the hard work we put into this club and the teamwork we had in leading Key Club. There are so many more memories I have with Key Club and its cabinet, and I will hold onto every one of them. - Richard Tee Thank you. Goodbye. I’ll miss you. Just kidding, guys. I’m not that cheesy! Or am I? This year has definitely been one of the most challenging years for me, and I’m sure it has been for a lot of seniors as well. Many of you have probably finally seen the grumpy, miserable, and temperamental side of Karen at school that I usually try to hide when I’m in Key Club. However, believe it or not, I actually rarely ever have to hide that side. Because the spirited and somewhat sunny Karen just naturally takes over! And I hope this is what many of you have also noticed about yourselves when you’re in Key Club. I hope you’ll randomly find yourself shouting at the top of your lungs just to tell people how good you feel even when you just want to take a nap for five hours. I hope you’ll find your Key Club moment, that moment when you realize how thankful you are to have such an amazing ohana. I hope, even ten years from now, you’ll all continue to make caring your way of life. And I see you all at banquet where I’ll continue with what I wanted to say here. I probably won’t cry, but we can make bets on how long it’ll take Frances to start crying! Hehehe - Karen Long

we’ve shared, the frustrations we’ve experienced, the problems we’ve solved together, so much has passed. And sadly, it is the end. But, Key Club lives on, the service continues,

the spirit remains. Though seniors graduate and leave

year after year, instead of being sad, I want to be thankful. You guys have really made a difference whether you recognize it or not. Due to your dedication and efforts, Whitney Key Club has improved and accomplished so much. & serving this past term as a Director of Fundraising under the current executive board really opened my eyes to the things that were unseen. And working with the rest of cabinet has been a pleasure. Thank you for being there while it lasted. To a new term, cheers: no tears! - Eunice Shim

Here’s a little bit of advice for all members: I know everyone says this and at this point it might even be cliche, but please please please do not join Key Club “for college.” Honestly, I don’t think joining this club, accumulating hundreds of hours, and even serving as a cabinet member alone really contributed much to my acceptances or rejections. It is much more rewarding to be doing this club for yourself, and more importantly, for the good of others. I know many of you might consider this club as just another thing to put on your list of activities. However, there is so much more to gain from joining a service organization than getting into a top university. :) As a high school senior and soon-to-be college freshman, I can tell you and even show you that although Key Club is one of my main priorities in life, I did not emphasize it too much in my college apps or activities charts not because it wasn’t important to me, but because it is such a meaningful club and 150 characters on the UC app just would not do it enough justice! So for all you freshman, sophomores, and juniors; I encourage you all to look beyond what this club could do for you. As not what Key Club can do for you, but what you can do for Key Club. You will definitely start enjoy service much more. Good luck to you all! I will definitely miss every single one of you immensely. - Iris Xu

If someone told me to tell them why Key Club meant so much to me, I couldn’t really put it into words. But this is my attempt at telling you all how important you are to me and how I will never forget the memories I have made with each of you, the conversations we have had, the random Facebook posts that have been dug up, the love and laughter we have shared as a family. When I first joined Key Club, I’ll admit I was one of the people that just wanted to go to service events, not even thinking about forming an attachment to the club. I was briefly attracted by the loud, bordering-on-obnoxious chant during club rush and decided to join this organization on a whim because they told me that I would get candy at the first general meeting and probably win a raffle. Sounded like a good deal to me. So I joined and somehow I found myself stumbling into my interview for bulletin editor, with a mock assignment that had the secretary’s last name spelled wrong: a mistake I only realized about 10 minutes before the interview as I frantically and desperately tried to cover it up and edit it out before she saw. And since then I have somehow fallen deeply in love with the people in this club and the values that it stands for so firmly. If it weren’t for Key Club, I never would have decided to utilize my voice and to speak up and out for what I believed in. I never would have had the same kind of high school experience that I am leaving with on June 15th. People may say what they want about Key Club, but I will always know what kind of impact it has had on me and on the people in our community as we have brought smiles and laughter to hundreds of people across California and internationally. Each and every day I go to school because I know that no matter what kind of day I’m having, one of my Key Club babies will be able to cheer me up as they have never failed to do so. Whether it is by yelling “HI FRANCES” across the hallways or randomly finding a way to attack me as I’m at my locker or to tell me how much they’ll miss me when I graduate, I have smiled as a result of the kind words and actions of my family members, the little sisters and brothers I never had as an only child. For the longest time, so many people have asked me why I lose sleep and why I have sacrificed so much for this club, but honestly I never saw it that way. When I was “losing sleep”, I was serving my club only with the wholeheartedness that it deserved. When I was “sacrificing so much”, I was only doing my part as a president who was and always will be so proud of her home club and fellow volunteers. Serving as your president for the last couple of months has been so surreal. I am still so grateful that you chose me to serve you to the best of my ability back in January 2015. And ever since that moment, I promised to do my utmost best to make your Key Club experience the most memorable it could be, and I sincerely hope that has been the case. To my club, thank you so much for being there for every person that has asked for our help in our home, school and community and for being so eager to serve. YOU are all truly my inspiration, an inspiration I will keep with me as I go to college. Thank you for sticking by this club and with this family through thick and thin. I understand this year has not always been perfect with last minute cancellations and frantic emails/posts, but thank you for understanding and for being there to support us when we needed it the most. Thank you for allowing us to serve you and for being the amazing volunteers and people that you are. I hope that you know that you all have the potential to change the world. It sounds too grandiose at times, but you are the exact people that this world needs to change itself into something greater and better every day, one step at a time. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are dreaming too big. You can never dream too big. Your limits are what you make them and as long as YOU still have the hope to continue to make a change in this community, I know you can do it. I have SEEN you do it before. To my cabinet, thank you for sticking by me even though I may not have been the most ideal president at times. You have all been such amazing team players and calling you my ohana is an underestimation of how much you all truly mean to me. I hope you all know that when I call you my Key Club babies and baby suns, I care for each and every one of you so dearly. I have seen the potential that all of you carry to change this world and to make a difference. Each of you is so strong, loyal, and responsible, and most of all, caring. I have no doubts or worries as I leave this club in your hands for the coming term. My heart absolutely melts every time you call me mama sun and I only wish that I hear the same when I come to visit because I will always be there for you as your older sister/mama sun when you need it. Thank you all for an amazing four years that nothing could ever replace. I have been so absolutely lucky and blessed to have people like you in my life to make saying good-bye so hard and the idea of graduation difficult for me to face.

Thank you. Signing off for the last time, Frances Lee Whitney Key Club President ‘15-’16

A P Monday




3 Key Club Banquet ‘16 RMH Walk for Kids
















R I L Thursday










15 Division 30 South Sunset (Division Banquet)








Contact Cabinet(:

Frances Lee, President - Iris Xu, Vice President - Isabelle Lee, Secretary - Karen Long, Treasurer - Amy Wang, Bulletin Editor - Amy Lee, DIrector of Activities - Christina Hur, Director of Activities - Eunice Shim, Director of Fundraising - Jason Park, Director of Fundraising - Danielle Lee, Director of Publicity - Joshua Ahn, Director of Publicity - Kiristina Theam, Historian - Richard Tee, Historian - Victor Phong, Kiwanis Chair -

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