The Hive - March

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March 2016 CNH District D30S Whitney HS Volume XVIV Issue XII

From your Bulletin Editor Hello Whitney Key Club, I just wanted to remind you all that everyone has a chance to be featured in the monthly newsletter. Send me an article on anything Key Club. It can be about an event you attended or just something you wanted to say. Feel free to message me if you have any questions at all! I really hope you will send in some articles, even if it’s just once every few months. Until next month, Amy Wang

GREETINGS, BUZZIN’ BEES!! I can’t believe it’s already March!! MY MY MY how quickly time FLIES by! Where did February even go? Every time I write one of these messages, I’m only reminded of how much closer we continue to get to the end of this term. Speaking of the end of this term, as some of you may have known, our elections happened in February and we now have a new executive board for the next term! Congratulations to Isabelle, Danielle, Sara, and Eunice on their success and I can’t wait to see how they will lead this club to higher heights for the next year. All the candidates were sooo amazing and I have absolutely no worries for the future leadership and participation of this organization and its service. But you know what else we have to be proud of? At this past February DCM we had our first Buddy One-Day event and here we were recognized as the FIRST Shining Club of the Month, MOST funds raised for service, and Karen Long, our very own treasurer, got officer of the month! WOOT WOOT. How great are we?? But you know I’ll always be proud of ALL of you no matter what the title is because you all make me so excited to serve you each and every day. We have so so so much in store for you for the last two months of our term!! First of all, if you want to be part of our Key Club cabinet, get ready because applications and interviews are happening throughout March. Make sure to contact anyone on our new exec board if you want to play a part in planning the success of our future service events and passion projects. Second of all, after those cabinet interviews and decisions, we will be having our BANQUET! Come out to our Whitney Key Club banquet to watch me cry, I mean tear up. Ah who am I kidding. I mean sob uncontrollably into several million tissues. And make sure to come to enjoy the past year with your fellow Key Clubbers and to find out your next cabinet. Finally, April has DCON in store for us!! It’s where all the Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii will meet up to celebrate a year of guarding service and love for our community. I’m especially excited for it because I’ll be hosting a workshop about how to be a better board member :-) The next two months have so much to be excited about!! Let’s end this year off with a bang. Key Club, thank you for making this year so memorable. I mean I could go on and on about how much you all mean to me but you can come out to our banquet to hear all that sappiness! For now, I’m so proud to see all of you going for cabinet and for encouraging each other in all the service that you do. Thank you for making me LOVE getting up in the morning to serve you every day. SUNcerely yours always and forever, Frances Lee Whitney Key Club President ‘15-’16

From your President

Buddy One Day

By Isabelle Lee

February DCM

As the 2015-2016 term is coming to a close, LTG John decided to base February DCM off a variety of service projects the division did at a variety of DCMs to reminisce the past, very successful term. The purpose behind this DCM was to participate in a variety of service projects from pinwheel making to non-slip socks while also being able to bond with our club buddies through multiple icebreakers. When I first arrived at February DCM, I first went to sign in and met with other Key Club members from my school. Around 20 minutes after, everyone was asked to come together in a circle to hold bonding activities from icebreakers to “Bang Bang” as well as introducing ourselves to one another. After the short icebreaker ended, everyone then went inside to hear more about what we Key Clubbers would be doing at the DCM- our first activity being blanket making. At first, many of the groups were seen to be groups filled with only one school but after the presidents of Whitney, Fairmont, and Oxford moved everyone to mix the groups up, many Key Clubbers from different schools were then able to bond with another through creating blankets and working together. After our first service activity, our group then moved to work on non-slip socks which was seen to be a super fun activity as so many Key Clubbers could spill out their creative input onto the socks with many unique designs from Baymax to other various designs. With our group finishing non-slip socks earlier, our group then moved outside to play more bonding activities from “Indian Chief” to “Hug-aBear” which were all seen to be very amusing with all of the various outcomes of each activity. After our second service event, our club then was able to go eat delicious pizza and bond with one another before the DCM started. Once the DCM started, we were able to hear all of the amazing Key Club has been doing internationally as well as all of the accomplishments our division has been able to do this past term- from breaking the hours goal we had to the amount of money raised. When awards came, our club was able to not only get First Shining Club of the Month but also the Most Funds Raised and our club treasurer, Karen Long, was able to get Officer of the Month for all of the amazing things she has done for our club. After the DCM ended, our club moved on to Book Doctor to help clean books that would be donated to children and afterwards worked on pinwheels that would also be used to help raise money as well as help create pinwheels that would be donated to Syrian children. From this past DCM, it made me reminisce the past Key Club year and all of the new people, memories, and lessons I have been able to learn because of this organization and I was thankful for this organization and how much it has impacted me throughout the past few years. This past Key Club term has strengthened my love for Key Club and volunteering and so many people this past term impacted me and helped me grow to the person I am today and I want to thank this organization and the people within this organization for changing my life as well as the lives within our community. Keep Shining D30S Suns!

The service begins...

...and it continues


By Danielle Lee

February February 20, 2016 was a bright and sunny day – perfect for a while day of shining service and fun. That Saturday morning, the entire Division 30S met up at Fairmont Academy in order to unite together as volunteers and make a positive impact on society. The event started off with some ice breakers that allowed key clubbers to bond with students from other schools. Then the volunteers were split into different groups to participate in volunteer events. Whitney High School started off by making blankets for babies. During the service event we were able to bond with students from Oxford Academy and Fairmont Academy. After making a couple of blankets we moved onto making non-slip socks. Students were able to decorate the bottom of the socks with puffy paint which would ensure the safety of the children wearing them. Lastly, we cleaned donated books that would be given to children for their home library. While wiping the books down key clubbers were able to talk to others and meet even more people. It was really cool to reach out into the key club community and meet people who were passionate about the same things as you were. By the end of the DCM, key clubbers had met many new people and gained a sense of family within the division. Not only were students able to broaden their connections but also make a positive impact on their community at the same time!

By Christina Hur

Looking Back

Every month I’m reminded of the impending end of my last term of my last year in Key Club. In January, we voted in a new LTG-elect, each e-mail counts down the months, and a new cabinet of amazing members will take our place. I think of the upperclassmen who encouraged me to join Key Club in ninth grade and guided me through meetings and volunteered alongside me at service events. They’re the ones who truly helped me grow as they supported me through cabinet applications and elections and everything in between. Hopefully throughout my journey as a Key Club member, I had an impact on younger members; to inspire them to serve, to push them to become leaders, and most importantly know that they’ll always have my support. Key Club moments are scattered throughout my memories of high school and they’re my favorite ones. From looking around the room in confusion at my first general meeting to planning service and bonding events for members, Key Club has changed me for the better.

Approaching the End

By Kristina Theam

It’s so weird to think that about a year ago, our current executive board just got elected. One year ago, banquet was about a week away and I was anticipating the announcement of the new cabinet. One year ago, this current term was just about to start, and now, we’re approaching the end. I think by now everyone knows it, but I can’t say it enough, time really does fly. I actually clearly remember the email our current president, Frances Lee, sent out introducing herself and the new executive board. I even remember the following emails she sent out about applications for the new term’s cabinet. At the time, I wasn’t sure what new endeavors I wanted to undertake my upcoming sophomore year and I didn’t want to commit to anything I couldn’t put all my heart and soul into. When I first opened and read that email about prospective cabinet members, my immediate instinct was that it was something I wanted to be a part of. But I sat on the thought. And I just kept sitting on it, thinking about how much work it would be and whether or not it would limit my possibilities of doing other things I want to do. To all Key Clubbers out there, if you’re contemplating whether or not you should apply for cabinet, let me tell you, applying for cabinet was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My worries of having a huge Key Club-related workload and being restricted in other things I could do were completely unnecessary. The responsibilities that being in cabinet entails are completely manageable, and if you’re struggling or come across an obstacle, you have an entire cabinet of caring people who are always willing to help. I say, just go for it. If this is something you want to do, go for it. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? You can really only go up from here. By the time that you finish the entire application process, you would have experienced what it’s like to fill out an application for a position you want, and you would have complete a mock task and interview. By just going through the application process, you gain valuable skills and experience that you can learn from for future interviews for things like jobs and internships. I feel like I’m speaking for all my fellow cabinet members when I’m saying this but, as the term is coming to a close, I find myself extremely reminiscent. This past year, our cabinet really grew into a family and it saddens me to see all our beloved seniors go. But I really do have to say that I’m so proud of all the things our club has accomplished this past term and I can’t wait to see what this new term brings us.



You know it’s Key Club elections season at Whitney when you see the literatures on lockers, the questionnaires online, and the publicity posters plastered in the hallways! This year, our club elections lasted about 2 to 3 weeks, including the speeches, caucus sessions, and the voting. Our number of candidates reached an all-time high this year, with one for the position of President, three for the position of Vice President, three for the position of Secretary, and FIVE for the position of Treasurer! And I’m proud to say that every candidate truly went above and beyond this time around. This time of the year really made me reminisce about my experience last year when I was running for Vice President. I can’t speak for the candidates this year, but I understand that the process can be stressful, nerve-wracking, and yet oddly exciting and satisfying! It’s definitely no easy feat to put yourself out there and express yourself vulnerably and honestly. My only hope is that all these candidates realize that they’ve all grown immensely from this process. Getting through elections itself is an accomplishment, so every one of you should take pride in that! Congratulations to our newly elected executive board! And of course, congratulations to everyone who ran for making a difference, no matter how small. I really hope this year’s elections inspires the rest of you to go for a positions next year!

By Eunice Shim

Key Club Projects

For Whitney Key Club, one idea I proposed for its improvement next year is more participation/ involvement in a long-term project regarding service in a developing country, such as building schools or wells, or sponsoring children from such aiding organizations. I planned on implementing it by first, discussing the idea with Ms. Jensen as well as the other Executive Board members, and second, actively pursuing our goals. I feel as though we as a club haven’t been really involved with a long-term project nor one benefiting a place outside our country and I believe that having one will be really special, not only for our club, but for the country we’ll be helping. So that was one of my ideas. And you know what? It could potentially happen. So as members of Key Club, I encourage you all to dream big and share your ideas for what we should do, whether that’d be serving other countries like me or just starting small! Although one person may not be able to accomplish all these lofty goals on his/her own, together, anything is possible! So please, please, please! If you ever have an idea you would like to implement in the next term, feel free to suggest them to any cabinet members or speak up during our general meetings! Your idea could create a positive impact on our community. :)) Stay bee-utiful!

M a Monday







7 Cabinet Interviews


9 Cabinet Inter


14 Cabinet Interviews


16 Cabinet Inte









r c h Thursday






5 CEB Marines Bowl-a-thon HOPE Food Bank


10 Cabinet Interviews


12 Cabinet Interviews


17 Cabinet Interviews

18 Cabinet Interviews



25 Articles Due!!! :)



Contact Cabinet(:

Frances Lee, President - Iris Xu, Vice President - Isabelle Lee, Secretary - Karen Long, Treasurer - Amy Wang, Bulletin Editor - Amy Lee, DIrector of Activities - Christina Hur, Director of Activities - Eunice Shim, Director of Fundraising - Jason Park, Director of Fundraising - Danielle Lee, Director of Publicity - Joshua Ahn, Director of Publicity - Kiristina Theam, Historian - Richard Tee, Historian - Victor Phong, Kiwanis Chair -

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