2009-2011 Cumulative School Portfolio

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Amy Wu University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture B. Arch

Table of Contents Fall 2009_______________________________________________________________ Art House - Roof Redesign Visual Communications 1______________________ Plaster molds Grid drawing

Blind contour drawings Constructed tool drawing Perspective sketches Full scale self portrail

“The Cube� “Cushicle� Spring 2010____________________________________________________________ Visual Communications 2______________________ Case study Constructed perspectives Ink bird drawings Wood Joint

Bird Blind Wild Life Center Fall 2010_______________________________________________________________ “Shoe Deconstruction� Visual Communications 3______________________ “Cubes� Cube Addition

Bus Stop Library

___________________________________________________________Spring 2011 Airport Boulevard Study Urban Study Urban Housing _______________________________________________________________Fall 2011 __________________________________Danilo Udovicki Kimbell Abstraction “Curved and Straight” “Color and Planar” Volumes “Linear and Volumetric” “Linear and Planar” “Space and Meaning” Dynamic Balance Color “Perforated and Bending” “Tension and Bending” “Tension, Transparent, Light, and Cubic” __________________________________Larry Doll Light and Shadow Mopar Highway Diagrams Raptor Center __________________________________________________________Outside Work Environmental Controls 1 - Lamp

Art House - Roof Redesign Design I - Joyce Rosner Fall 2009 Art House rooftop redesign began with designing the program of the space to accommodate both a performance stage and a food aspect. Starting off with an abstraction of wind, a modulated three-dimensional system develops into a brise soleil and roof system for the roof top space. Openings are placed in the brise soleil where more light is needed along the circulation paths and the dining areas to light the table tops. The stage is made up of an overlapping and layering of orthogonal shapes that carry along the walls as well as the stairs leading up to the stage. duration: 4 weeks

left: ink drawings of sun, earth, and wind

center: brise soleil used as the roof system. modules can be removed to allow more light into the space below. developed from the studies on the right.

right: three dimensional abstractions from the ink drawings

Visual Communications 1 Joyce Rosner and Elizabeth Danze Fall 2009 Many explorations were done in different mediums ranging from plaster to graphite to ink. A variety of drawing techniques were also explored including powdered graphite, grid drawing, live drawing, blind contour drawing, constructed full scale drawings, and perspective drawings, both constructed and sketched.

Plaster molds of plastic bottles: exploration of solid vs void space duration: one week

left: grid drawing of stair railing [one week] right:

[2 hours] top right page: blind contour drawings of face and hands [30 min]

above: constructed tool drawing [three days] right: perspective drawings [one day] far right: full scale self portrait [three days]

“The Cube” VisComm I - Joyce Rosner and Elizabeth Danze Fall 2009 A 6”x 6”x 6” cube that can be oriented on any of the six faces. Exploration of form with tectonic design. duration: two weeks

“Cushicle� Design I - Joyce Rosner Fall 2009 Using three microprograms of our choice, studies and diagrams of the required, perceived, and visual space required to perform the actions. These diagrams were

each program is dictated by the requirements of each action. duration: 3 weeks

micro programs (jumping up and out, climbing stairs, and sitting up in bed) used to dictate the spaces excavated out of the pink foam.

left page: stairs are illuminated from the feet up to eye level. side openings are splayed with different sizes to allow dynamic play of light as the user climbs up the stairs. (bottom right image) and opening at the top of the stair designates arrival at the destination and draws the user up. left column: the sleeping area has opaque glass openings that are thinner at the top directly above the sleepers head, and larger as it radiates down towards the feet to minimize glare in the morning but maximize light as the sun moves downwards throughout the day.

center column: jumping space has full reveal and its curved ceiling follows the shape of the rise and fall of the jumper.

Case Study VisComm2 - Wiedemann/Briscoe Spring 2010 ! "


duration: one week

Constructed Perspectives VisComm2 - Wiedemann/Briscoe Spring 2010 Constructing perspective drawings from plan and elevation with different eye levels

ink drawing of hybridization of internal and external structure of the eastern screech owl

quick ink sketches of stuffed birds from different angles of view

Wood Joint Design 2 - Judy Birdsong Spring 2010 Made of walnut and bass wood, this joint has a center wall piece that slides left and


$ secure position at the center of the track by slotting the entire wall and joint connection wall from sliding left and right top: view of sliding track bottom left: walnut side bottom right: wall in secured restricted position duration: 2 weeks

view of eastern screech owls feathers on the chest, wings, and back

Bird Blind Design 2 - Judy Birdsong Spring 2010

Located on Hornsby’s Bend, this bird blind is designed to discretely shelter birders while they watch birds in their natural habitat. In plan, the bird blind has angled modular walls that shield birders from view both in front and in back duration: 3 weeks

above: panoramic collage of photos depict views around the site. right: modular system of geometric shapes stacked that made up the bird blind are taken from the abstracted water colors of the eastern screech owl feathers

above: water color of geometric shapes


$ of eastern screech owl feathers

Wild Life Center Design 2 - Judy Birdsong Spring 2010 A center for viewing wild life in the abundant waters of Hornsby’s Bend and well as learning educational facts about the wildlife that lives in the area from the art $ # " " $ " % % ""

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collects water from the roof and stores it for recycling purposes. duration: 4 weeks

The wildlife center is organized in a long linear bar sitting directly on the path stretching from the water of Hornsby’s Bend to the other side of the hill. The building is split into two at the path with one half overlooking the hill and water catchment system and has more privacy because of its limited access and the other half facing the water which is more open and public. sketch models transition from a cluster of programs with weaving circulation paths to a linear bar with straight forward circulation.

left page: (top, bottom left, and bottom right) -gallery space and outdoor viewing deck &

-outdoor pathway intersection top left, right, and bottom: - plan with section cuts - section cut A through gallery space - section cut B through outdoor corridor

“Shoe Deconstruction” Design 3 - John Blood Fall 2010 Graphically investigating a high heel shoe and its structure in constructed perspective, the shoe is then deconstructed physically and displayed with all parts separated. Next, the shoe’s distinctive qualities are exaggerated and abstracted into a new object portraying the exaggerated qualities of the original shoe design. duration: 2 weeks

above: high heel deconstruction

below: shoe redesign with the focus of pain, stiffness, and unbalance

“Cube Project� Viscomm 3 - Igor Saddiqui and Marla Smith Fall 2010 Taking our shoe from Design 3, the plan and section of the high heel is drawn on Autocad and extruded three-dimensionally into Rhino and is subtracted from the central mass of a 3x3x3 series of cubes. Each cube is then unfolded in the computer and laser cut onto museum board and then constructed into folded cubes that make up the 3x3x3 volume. Digital renderings and section perspective cuts are then taken in Revit. A redesign of the cube is then created by adding an addition to the cube with intersection planes that allow the cut cube to slot into and close itself. duration: 6 weeks









Top 30' - 0"

Top 30' - 0"

Level 3 20' - 0"

Level 3 20' - 0"

Level 2 10' - 0"

Level 2 10' - 0"

Level 1 0' - 0"

Level 1 0' - 0"

“Cube Addition” Viscomm 3 Fall 2010 slotting planes intersect and join the two parts of the cube. duration: one week

top left: cube addition with extruded axon of addition construction top right: cube addition in closed position left: revit renderings of shoe addition [exterior and interior] bottom left: model in closed position and open position

Bus Stop Design 3 - John Blood Fall 2010 Sited on the corner of a downtown lot, this bus stop is composed of curved steel ribbons that provide shade, shelter, seating, as well as bike racks. The covering is anchored into the ground on one side and held down with tension cables on the other. A digital bus information map is strung along tension cables displaying active locations of busses and their approximate arrival time. duration: 3 weeks

Libray Design 3 - John Blood Fall 2010 ' * % " "

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located above a cafe with fun colored cubicles that kids can climb inside and read. Individualized reading cubbies encourage kids to go inside and enjoy a book. The entrance to the library is framed above with wooded louvers that are integrated throughout the library. duration: 3 weeks

above: sketch models of iterations of massing and placement of buildings. Children’s stacks are separated from adult stacks for noise purposes. Outdoor deck connects the adult stacks to children’s stack and doubles as outdoor reading or eating space.

below: diagrams of circulation between different programs and central atrium light effects depending on the ceiling opening shape

above: section sketches of light quality and programmatic organization

below: mid-review plans

Section perspective taken through the adult stacks longitudinally and laterally.

Personalized and enhanced reading experience was the goal of the library. Colored cubbies in the children’s stacks allow kids to climb inside and enjoy a book. (photos to the left). Reading surfaces extend from the walls near natural light with views to the outside at eye level height when seated. (see charcoal perspective) Natural light

even reading light [top right section model]. Outdoor patio space to read on the bridge connecting children’s stacks to adult stacks [bottom left image].

top left: interior of adult stacks with circulation desk on the left and open stacks lowered in the central atrium so views out carry through the space across the stacks. top right page: cafe space under children’s stacks far right: exterior patio deck connecting children’s stacks to adult stacks with seating for reading and eating

Wooden brise soleil element serves as both a sun shade on the south and west facade, but also becomes a bridge between the children’s stacks and the adult stacks. This outdoor bridge also becomes another reading space for those who want to bring their coffee or snack upstairs and read outside.

Spring 2011 Design 4 - Nichole Wiedemann Site A Group Members: Jameson G, Tristan W, and Desmond P

Airport Boulevard Study Design 4 - Nichole Wiedemann Spring 2011 Airport Boulevard is a main corridor for South Austin transit but business and local occupation are not as successful or active as expected. Maps of Airport Blvd are layered with GIS information about the demographics, age of children and highest schooling attained, location of schools versus food and liquor stores show interesting information on the area and possible trends that can lead to a solution of a better and more successful future for Airport Blvd. duration: one week

Urban Study and Housing Development Design 4 - Nichole Wiedemann Spring 2011 A closer look at the urban effects of Airport Blvd are taken at a site located at North Lamar and right next to a railroad. The high density housing need in the area is built up along the railroad to shield the internal area from noise. An educational outdoor learning center is featured in the center of the lot with interactive landscape to encourage all people to activate the space. Commercial space is located underneath the residential spaces to encourage shoppers to weave in and out of the space along the railroad side in the day time when the noise level is not too loud and to break the barrier between the shopping center across the railroad and the housing in the lot. duration: 3 weeks

Legend Grocery Stores

Access to Food 0



Feet 2,000

Fast Food Restauraunt Chains Local Restauraunts AIRPORT


Webb Middle School 601 E. Saint Johns Ave

Liquor Stores

Location of Kindergartens vs Liquor Stores 0



Feet 2,000

Kindergartens AIRPORT

Ridgetop Elementary School 5005 Caswell Ave

0 - 70 71 - 152

Schools vs Children Age 5-17 0



Feet 2,000

Reily 405 Denson Dr

Stepping Stone School 17 4900 Mueller Blvd

153 - 250 251 - 400 401 - 2039 AIRPORT

diagrams of wind, sun, and views lead to a study of dynamic shapes of housing in order to all natural light into each room. below: diagrams of density & circulation, movement, and programmatic occupation in the site

top and middle rows: iterations of programmatic massing for housing, commercial space and “activation� space.

below: A. (members include Jameson G, Tristan W, and Desmond P)

light studies were taken in the heliodon to observe the amount of light penetrating the spaces with the different courtyard cut outs and the effect of solid versus void in relationship to the front and back of the residential complex.

circulation and natural light

section cut showing light from the courtyard spaces

mixed economy housing is color coded by price of room. most expensive rooms


Facade of the residential complex with commercial space underneath

view long the back of the residential buildings next to railroad

section model with underground parking garage and water feature in courtyard

left: approach from the central “activation� space towards a courtyard

right: view of circulation corridor pathway along the courtyard

far right: view of water feature on ground # #

below: section cut through entire neighboring complexes designed by other members in the group

Kimbell Art Museum Abstraction Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 / 8 " / 9 % " " wooden and metal elements held together by casted concrete to represent the importance of the concrete in the Kimbell as a structural element holding the rest of the inner materials together. The next model is an abstraction of one element of the Kimbell model. The original Kimbell model has a void tunnel space to allow the travel of light through the space. This second model focuses on the explicit travel of light through a medium. duration: one week

Long pieces of wood composed of voids and slices of open space represent the linearity of the Kimbell and the approach toward the entrance becomes a monumental path of travel. The void space at the beginning of one element of wood represents the empty cycloidal vault at the beginning of the Kimbell. The tunnel of light is representative of the travel of light down from the ceiling space to the artwork. All the elements are held together by concrete only.

This abstraction is focused on the travel of light through a medium. The previous Kimbell model allowed light to travel through air but was not very successful in the

the plexi glass and gives a glowing effect within the concrete.

“Curved and Straight Planar Elements� Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 Stacking and overlapping cylindrical shapes to create volumetric spaces that carry forth and imply space beyond its material limits. duration: one week

Creating Volume with Color & Planar Elements Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 Experimentation with color in creating space and planar material to create volumetric space. duration: one week

“Linear and Volumetric” & “Linear and Planar” Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 Creating a volumetric 12”x 12” space using linear and volumetric elements for one model, and linear and planar elements for the other model. duration: one week

“Space and Meaning” Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 A program dictated by music from “Epistrophy” by Thelonius Monk with the dimensions of the West Mall. Listening to one minute of Thelonis Monk’s “Epistrophy,” a program is designed from music as you move through the dimensions of West Mall. duration: one week

Dynamic Balance Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 The relationship of the material to the relationship of space redirects the eye and introduces a dynamic space and conveys excess of meaning. Each model is held together by tension alone. Both models seem to defy gravity and create a sense of defying gravity. duration: 3 days

Color Design 5 - Danilo Udovicki Fall 2011 Implementing color in spatial relationships and creating new spaces with overlap, cantilevering, and slotting. duration: one day

“Perforated and Bending” “Tension and Bending” “Tension, Transparent, Light, and Cubic” Design 5 - Danilo Udovick Fall 2011 Choosing words from a given table, each model is characteristic of the chosen words. duration: one week

Deconstructing Sutton Hall [lights wrapped in bubble wrap] [paper pin wheels strung together hung in other stair case] duration: 2 days

Light and Shadow Design 5 - Larry Doll 2011 Constructing openings based on the quality of light desired at three different times of day. duration: one week

sound decibels

Mopac Highway Diagrams Design 5 - Larry Doll Fall 2011 duration: one week

vehicular presence

Raptor Center Design 5 - Larry Doll Fall 2011

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# viewer a better experience of the training process and to encourage donations to the center. Wooden louvers along the facade of the building mimick the cages structure and carry on the linearity of the building from cage to facility. duration: 3 weeks

Northern Goshawk males: XY&?Z \^& @? females: ?\&YX @\& Z

2ND FLOOR 1/8”=1’-0”

GROUND FLOOR 1/8”=1’-0”

section cut through the creek, hike & bike trail, and the Raptor Center

Third Floor Plan with section cut lines

$ # cage with door leading to ground corridor

# facilities straight ahead

“Tre Lys� Environmental Controls 1 Fall 2011 Group members: Ryan Rasmussen, Dyami Luster, and Maite Bermudez ' " % ! " % % $ to hang above studio desks. A three click operating system allows the user to have just the center light, just the outer lights, or all three lights to turned on. Constructed from ribbons of sheet metal and rivets, each lamp is wrapped with ribbons of metal at an angle and secured with rivets at the overlaps.

Weight_ Z Y " Materials of Construction: Threaded metal rod, Nuts, Washers, Metal Door Threshold, 3-way Lamp Switch, Copper Wire, + % ` % { % # " " hose Switching Description_ / $ " |& $ turns on the middle lamp, the second turns off the middle and turns on the outer two, and the last click turns on all three lamps at one time Lamp Information: | * Type B 60 watts 120 V Base: Candelabra Screw (E12) Color: Incandescent (Neodymium); Reveal (Enhanced Color Spectrum) _ @ ? Dimensions: 36 in x 24 in x 3 in

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