Scholar & historian nasim yousaf's books catalog june 2013

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Books by Nasim Yousaf Catalog ─ June, 2013 Books on Allama Mashriqi, Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan & Mahatma Gandhi

Subjects covered by the author: Pakistan─India─Bangladesh’s history, microcredit, poverty alleviation, and rural development

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Scholar & Historian Nasim Yousaf’s Books About the Author: Nasim Yousaf is a scholar, historian, and intellectual. He comes from a famous family of the Indian sub-continent and is a grandson of the pre-eminent Allama Mashriqi (world renowned scholar, mathematician, and founder of the Khaksar Tehrik). He is also a nephew of globally recognized social scientist Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan (both Allama Mashriqi and Dr. A.H. Khan were nominated for the Nobel Prize - Mashriqi for Literature for his book “Tazkirah” and Dr. Khan for Peace for his rural development and poverty alleviation projects). Mr. Yousaf has thus far written ten books, six on the history of the Indian sub-continent and four on import and export. Both sets of books offer a unique contribution; his books on history uncover many hidden facts on the freedom of the Indian sub-continent, while his publications on trade help to increase the export of apparel, textiles, hand knotted rugs, housewares, gifts and decorative accessories from different parts of the world. In 2010, his book, Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek (Movement): A Select Chronology; A descriptive timeline of the correspondence of the Secretary of State, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and high officials, intelligence reports, and other events. Focal period: 1930s and 40s was published. This publication is an unprecedented undertaking and provides a valuable contribution to the historiography of South Asia. It is a useful tool for researchers, educationalists, students, and journalists conducting research on the emergence of two independent states: Pakistan and India. In addition to his books, Mr. Yousaf has also published many thought provoking articles and has presented research papers in scholarly conferences in the USA. His articles have been published in globally renowned publications such as “Harvard Asia Quarterly” and


“World History Encyclopedia” (USA), and in various newspapers in Bangladesh, Canada, India, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the USA. Mr. Yousaf’s published works have changed the complexion of the current history of the Indian sub-continent and have added a new dimension to the independence episode. His research has compelled historians to re-visit the history of the region and correct the fabrication and elimination of many important facts. He continues his research today and has a number of forthcoming projects, including an important book entitled Mahatma Gandhi & My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi. This upcoming title will discuss the role of Mashriqi and Gandhi in the freedom movement, their political differences, and the true driving force behind the liberation of British India in 1947. Recognizing Mr. Yousaf’s achievements, “Marquis Who’s Who” (America's biographer since 1899) had previously published his biography in "Who’s Who in the World" (2001, 2003, 2004) and "Who’s Who in America" (2002). For additional information on author’s works, visit:  


Section I Forthcoming Title


Book Title:

Mahatma Gandhi & My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi (Coming Soon) Book Description: In this revealing book, Nasim Yousaf (grandson of Allama Mashriqi) explores the role of Allama Mashriqi and Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom movement of British India. In the process, he examines the two leaders' political differences and arrives at some intriguing conclusions regarding the true driving force behind the liberation of British India in 1947.

• Retail Price: N/A • Language: English • Publisher: AMZ Publications (USA)

Subject: Scholarly / Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi • Mahatma Gandhi • Indian National Congress Audience: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors, journalists • Others interested in Pakistan-India history


Section II Published books on Allama Mashriqi, Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik) and Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan


Book Title:

Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek (Movement): A Select Chronology A descriptive timeline of the correspondence of the Secretary of State, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and high officials, intelligence reports, and other events (Focal Period: 1930s and 40s) • Editor: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price: US $69.99 (FOB) • Year published: April, 2010 • Language: English • ISBN: 9780982611005 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2010904477 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 544 • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi Book Description: An unprecedented academic undertaking toward the Indian sub-continent’s history, this landmark publication presents a timeline of the Government of British India’s materials as well as historically important events and news, relevant to Mashraqi and his Khaksar Tehreek (Khaksar Movement). It contains descriptive information on the secret and private correspondence of the Secretary of State for India, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and other high officials. It also includes descriptions of classified and confidential documents and intelligence and Provincial Governors’ fortnightly reports. This work is among the most comprehensive chronologies ever created on the subject and caters to researchers, historians, educators, authors, journalists, students,


movie/documentary makers, and the like. It is complimentary to the other chronologies already published by the editor and should be used in conjunction with those works: (1) Pakistan’s Freedom & Allama Mashriqi: Statements, Letters, Chronology of Khaksar Tehrik (Movement), Period: Mashriqi’s Birth to 1947. (2) Pakistan’s Birth & Allama Mashraqi: Chronology & Statements, Period: 1947 – 1963. For additional information about Allama Mashraqi, visit:


Book Title:

Hidden Facts Behind British India’s Freedom: A Scholarly Look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-e-Azam’s Political Conflict • Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price US $39.99 (FOB) • Year published: August, 2007 • Language: English • ISBN: 978-0-9760333-8-7 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2007903503 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 440 • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: Scholarly / Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/ Tehreek) • Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi • Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah • Founder of Pakistan • All- India Muslim League

Book Description: Allama Mashraqi (Inayatullah Khan) and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, two eminent 20th century personalities of the Indian sub-continent, fought for freedom — the former for an undivided and the latter for a divided British India. The political controversy between these two leaders over the partition of the Indian sub-continent is an extremely important topic from the independence movement’s perspective. This work discusses Allama Mashraqi’s rigorous efforts to prevent the Muslims and India from being divided, while Quaid-e-Azam remained focused on the partition of India. Separation divided the country and the Muslims into three parts, and the majority of 100 million Muslims became second-class citizens in their own homeland. To nationalist leaders of the time (who were anti-partition), Quaid-e-Azam was playing in the hands of 10

the British; and the gilded gentry of All-India Muslim League (AIML) had no history of serving the masses and partition was a short cut to their ambition. Did the British use the AIML, and was a truncated Pakistan a parting kick of the British to weaken the Muslims? And why did the British never imprison AIML leadership, if the AIML was truly fighting to end their rule? Many other intriguing questions arise that have yet to satisfy a logical mind. For instance, why did the British deny recognition of all Muslim parties, except AIML, and never sought their points of view? Why did the AIML insist on division, when Pakistan could not safeguard 100 million Muslims? Why was it necessary to create Pakistan out of Muslim majority provinces where they were already in power? Were nationalists, who were anti-partition, lacking in vision or apathetic to the future of the Muslims? Why has the nationalist point of view of an undivided India been kept concealed (libraries are kept empty of their material), and why has the public only been reading the AIML’s perspective? This book brings these questions to light and presents Mashraqi’s point of view. The author uncovers facts that are not easy to dispute and unearths the falsehood, the twisting and manipulation of facts and the propaganda surrounding the freedom movement. It reveals the hidden truths behind the creation of Pakistan and shatters misconceptions regarding the history of the Indian sub-continent. Key Feature: It is a first book of its kind that talks about the political differences between Allama Mashraqi (founder of the Khaksar Movement) and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (founder of Pakistan). Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. This publication is an immense source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic and revolutionary, freedom movements, and Pakistan-India history. The audience includes: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Others interested in Indo-Pak history


Book Title:

Pakistan's Freedom & Allama Mashriqi: Statements, Letters, Chronology of Khaksar Tehrik (Movement), Period: Mashriqi's Birth to 1947 Editor: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price US $39.99 (FOB) • Year published: August, 2004 • Language: English • ISBN: 0976033305 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2004106195 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 372 • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (SubContinent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Mashriqi (Mashraqi) Allama Khan Inayatullah Book Description: Allama Mashriqi, one of the founding fathers of Pakistan, was one of the greatest scholars and leaders of the 20th century. Pakistan’s Freedom & Allama Mashriqi is a timeline of events surrounding this giant among men and his Khaksar Tehrik (also known as the Khaksar Movement). Mashriqi, a genius, broke records at the Cambridge University (U.K.) and emerged as a world-renowned mathematician and scholar. It is believed that his academic records at the Cambridge University are yet to be broken. He held the position of Under Secretary (Education Dept.) in British India. Prior to partition, the British offered him title of Knighthood and Ambassadorship; he declined both offers. Mashriqi was also among great writers, and his monumental work is Tazkirah (nominated for Nobel Prize), which presents a scientific view of the Holy Quran. After resigning from the government service, Mashriqi founded the Khaksar Tehrik in 1930. This Movement created history


and led to the freedom of the Indian subcontinent and the emergence of Pakistan and India. Pakistan’s Freedom & Allama Mashriqi is the result of almost a decade of exhaustive research by Mr. Nasim Yousaf ( grandson of Allama Mashriqi ). It is one of the most important documents in Indo-Pak history that has ever been produced on the Khaksar Movement. This work will go a long way in unveiling many hidden facts surrounding independence, as Pakistan and India’s history remains incomplete and imperfect without discussing the Khaksar Movement’s role toward freedom. This chronology goes far beyond merely listing dates of events; it includes important correspondence, resolutions, press statements, official communiqués, photos, and much more. This work allows the reader to get an undistorted and factual understanding of Mashriqi and the Khaksars’ unparalleled resistance and suffering that mobilized the nation for freedom. Pakistan’s Freedom & Allama Mashriqi is an eye-opener and an immense source of information for scholarly studies, historians, professors, students, film-makers, journalists, and others interested in Indo-Pak history. The editor has used credible sources, including non-Khaksar materials. In addition, his personal knowledge provides great insight into the life of Mashriqi and his Movement. Based on this information, Mr. Yousaf has provided comments wherever needed. Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. This publication is an immense source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic and revolutionary, freedom movements, and Pakistan-India history. The audience includes: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Others interested in Indo-Pak history


Book Title:

Pakistan's Birth & Allama Mashraqi: Chronology & Statements, Period: 1947-1963 Editor: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price: US $39.99 (FOB) • Year published: August, 2005 • Language: English • ISBN: 0976033348 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2005932487 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 364 • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Mashriqi (Mashraqi) Allama • Khan Inayatullah Book Description: Allama Mashraqi (Inayatullah Khan), sage of the East, was among few courageous leaders who bravely fought for the independence of India that resulted in the creation of Pakistan and India. Mashraqi’s role prior to and after the partition of India is vital to the history of the Indian sub-continent. He was founder of Khaksar Tehreek (Movement) (founded in 1930) and Islam League (founded after independence). Mashraqi devoted his life to the uplift of the common man. He was not only an outstanding leader of the 20th century but also one of the greatest revolutionaries, visionaries, scholars, and mathematicians that emerged in that part of the world. Mashraqi’s genius was proven when early on when he set unprecedented academic records at the Cambridge University (U.K.). There he completed four Triposes in five years with distinction. He was declared a Bachelor Scholar, Foundation Scholar and a Wrangler. It is believed that his academic records at this University are yet to be surpassed. He returned to India after his education and within a few years, in 1917, at age 14

29, he was appointed Under Secretary (Education Dept.) in British India. The British offered him Ambassadorship to Afghanistan in 1920 and the title of Sir in 1921. However, he declined both offers, and opted to represent and fight for the masses. Mashraqi was also among great speakers and writers, and his monumental work is “Tazkirah” (“Tazkira”) an interpretation of the Holy Quran from a scientific perspective. Indeed, these credentials speak of a man born with astounding skills and exceptional abilities. Such personalities are born once in centuries. Mashraqi’s followers and supporters ran in millions. He passed away in 1963 and well over 100,000 people came to attend his funeral and mourn his demise. With his death, an important chapter of Pakistan and India’s history closed, as he played a vital role in both the pre- and post- independence eras. Though Mashraqi passed away, people will continue to be inspired by this legendary personality. “Pakistan’s Birth & Allama Mashraqi” is a time line of events surrounding this giant among men, his political activities, and his parties. This publication is a result of exhaustive research on this subject that Mr. Yousaf, Mashraqi’s grandson, has been carrying on for over a decade. This work includes important dates, events, press statements, information on court proceedings, photos, and more. It also provides additional insight through the editor’s comments. It is one of the most comprehensive and important pieces that the editor has published on Mashraqi and his parties. It is a great source of information for scholars, researchers, professors, historians, authors, journalists, students, movie/documentary makers and anyone else interested in this great personality. This book is a sequel to “Pakistan’s Freedom and Allama Mashriqi: Statements, Letters, Chronology of Khaksar Tehrik (Movement), Period: Mashriqi’s Birth to 1947.” Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. This work is also a great source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic and revolutionary, freedom movements, and Pakistan-India history. The audience includes: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Others interested in Indo-Pak history


Book Title:

Allama Mashriqi and Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan: Two Legends of Pakistan Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB): US $39.99 Hard Cover • Retail Price FOB: US $34.99 Soft cover/paperback: • Year published: October, 2003 • Number of pages: 500 • Language: English • ISBN: 1401090974 Hardcover • ISBN: 1401090966 paperback/ soft cover • Pages: 500 • Publisher: Other • Published and printed in the USA Subject: Scholarly / Academic: • Biography • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/ Tehreek) • Mashriqi (Mashraqi) Allama • Khan Inayatullah • Social Sciences • Social Scientist • Rural Development • Poverty Alleviation • Urban communities • Economic Development • Khan Ahktar (Akhter) Hameed Book Description: Allama Mashriqi was an eminent mathematician and scientist and a renowned scholar who broke records at Punjab University in Pakistan as well as at Cambridge University in England. He was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan and the founder of the Khaksar Movement; he played a vital role in the independence of Indo-Pakistan. The first part of this book is an eye opener, as Mashriqi’s grandson reveals facts from Pakistan's history that are unknown to many.


Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan was a scholar, a world renowned social scientist, and the founding father of the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development and the Orangi Pilot Project. His projects acclaimed global recognition and are benefiting millions of poor people around the world. Mashriqi and Dr. Khan were closely related. Both men’s services to Pakistan are unprecedented as they successfully mobilized the masses for their causes: Mashriqi for freedom and Dr. Khan for poverty alleviation. Mashriqi’s followers were in millions while Dr. Khan’s projects are benefiting millions. Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. Allama Mashraqi and the British Government in India is an immense source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic movements, and PakistanIndia history. The audience includes: • Book shops • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements, community developments • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Institutions of rural and community developments • Others interested in Indo-Pak history, economic development


Book Title:

Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan - Pioneer of Microcredit & Guru of Rural Development Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB): US $19.99 Hard Cover • E-book Retail Price: US $09.99 (Kindle Edition) • Year published: 2012 • Number of pages: 116 (Hardcover) • Language: English • ISBN: 978-0982611029 Hardcover • ASIN: B009SGLZTW • Published in the USA Subject: Scholarly / Academic: • Biography • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh • Microcredit/Microfinance • South Asia • Social Sciences • Social Scientist • Rural Development • Poverty Alleviation • Urban communities • Economic Development • Khan Ahktar (Akhter) Hameed Book Description: Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan – Pioneer of Microcredit & Guru of Rural Development is a collection of ten articles and two poems on Dr. A.H. Khan – a world renowned social scientist and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Dr. Khan was a guru of rural development, pioneer of microfinance and recipient of many prestigious awards. He led the way in rural development and poverty alleviation. Dr. A.H. Khan was founder of two worldfamous institutions, i.e. Bangladesh (previously Pakistan) Academy for Rural Development (BARD) and Orangi Pilot Project (OPP). Dr. Khan was also recognized by many academics, world leaders and global organizations, such as the World Bank, for his contributions to poverty alleviation. Dr. Khan passed away on October 09, 1999, and per his will, he was laid to rest on the premises of the OPP. In honor of this great social scientist, his nephew, scholar and historian Nasim Yousaf, has published this work as a tribute to Dr. A.H. Khan on his 13th death anniversary. This compilation of pieces highlights Dr. Khan’s work and achievements. This work contains


articles authored by well-respected and illustrious scholars in their field and includes poems from an expert on rural development. The articles also include statements and views of a number of prominent and learned persons on Dr. Khan. These articles contribute to the enrichment of scholarship in the fields of microcredit, rural development, poverty alleviation and self-reliance based development. The author and compiler, Nasim Yousaf, is a recognized historian and his works have been published globally in various mediums. Additional contributions have been included from the following distinguished persons: Professor Norman Uphoff of Cornell University, Professor Emeritus George H. Axinn of Michigan State University and Akbar Khan, son of Dr. Khan. This work includes bios of the author and contributors as well as information on Dr. Khan’s children. Sources, where available, are included within or at the end of each article. Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. Allama Mashraqi and the British Government in India is an immense source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic movements, and PakistanIndia history. The audience includes: • Book shops • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements, community developments • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Institutions of rural and community developments • Others interested in Indo-Pak history, economic development


E-Book (Kindle Edition) Title: Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah Paid Subsidy for Pakistan: 1945-1946 Elections Manipulated Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price: US $5.99 • Year published: July, 2012 • Number of pages: 16 • Language: English • ASIN: B008RLVVVG • Published in the USA Subject: Scholarly / Academic: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/ Tehreek) • Mashriqi (Mashraqi) Allama • Inayatullah Khan • Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah • Founder of Pakistan Description: In the 1945-46 elections held in the Indian subcontinent, the All-India Muslim League experienced a sweeping victory. How did Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (who became founder of Pakistan in 1947) and his party, the All-India Muslim League, achieve a sweeping victory and emerge as the sole representatives of the Muslims in British India? What were the widespread reactions of the public? This piece uncovers the facts behind this victory, so that Pakistanis, the people of the region, and others interested in the history of the Indian sub-continent can be exposed to the truth. Audience: The audience of the book is not only in the USA and Indian sub-continent but also in many parts of the world. Allama Mashraqi and the British Government in India is an immense source of information for scholarly studies, Islamic movements, and PakistanIndia history. The audience includes: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries


• Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements, community developments • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors • Journalists and public media • Institutions of rural and community developments • Others interested in Indo-Pak history, economic development


Section III Books on International Trade


Book Title:

Export Housewares, Gifts & Decorative Accessories to the United States of America Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB): US $34.99 • Year published: August, 2005 • Language: English • ISBN: 097603333X • Library of Congress Control Number: 2005907537 • Paperback/ soft cover: 324 pages • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: • International Trade • Import/Export • Entrepreneurship • Gift, housewares, home decoration Industry • Start-up Business Book Description: This book is a practical and comprehensive guide for anyone planning to export housewares, gifts and decorative accessories to the USA. It targets a worldwide audience and caters to all who are interested in exporting to the country. This publication provides useful information on the following: overview of the industry in the USA, setting up an export business, business planning and marketing, sources of financing, finding importers, trade fairs, potential avenues of selling in the USA, intl. modes of payment (such as letters of credit), and much more. It also provides useful web sites and other contact information in the USA. In writing this book, the author has used over two and a half decades of his knowledge and experience in international trade. He has also traveled extensively to stay abreast of the current trends and developments in various countries. Audience: Audience is worldwide: Book shops, public and research libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, manufactures, exporters, trading companies, import / export agents, trade fair organizers, export promotion offices etc.


Book Title:

Import & Export of Hand Knotted Oriental Rugs Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB) US $39.99 • Year published: January, 2005 • Language: English • ISBN: 0976033313 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2004195186 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 356 • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: • International Trade • Import/ Export • Entrepreneurship • Rugs • Carpets & flooring • Home furnishing, home decoration Industry • Start-up Business Book Description: In writing this book, the author has used over two and a half decades of his knowledge and experience in international trade. This is an extremely practical trade resource for new entrepreneurs, importers, exporters, business executives, students, and others. This publication guides entrepreneurs on how to import and export hand knotted oriental rugs. It also benefits affluent end-consumers as well as furniture and home furnishing retailers, who wish to avoid middlemen and purchase rugs directly from the source. Import & Export of Hand Knotted Oriental Rugs targets a worldwide audience. It is a must for anyone seeking knowledge in the business of rugs. This publication is divided into two parts. Part I & Part II Part I: Export to U.S.A. Part I explains how to set up an import and export business and provides information on the rug market in the United States of America. It discusses import and export


procedures, feasibility studies, business planning, marketing, types of companies, financing, finding US importers, trade shows and potential sources of selling in the USA, business travel, working with customers, international modes of payment (such as letters of credit), patents, production, shipping, and more. It provides information on hand knotted oriental rugs, the American area rug market, and trade statistics. Part II: Import from Pakistan Part II provides an introduction to Pakistan and takes you to the cities of Pakistan where rugs are manufactured by hardworking artisans and then exported to world markets. It covers topics such as culture, traveling to Pakistan, finding Pakistani exporters, and more. Entrepreneurs, including individuals, who are interested in importing from Pakistan and have little or no knowledge of the country, can certainly benefit from this part of the book. This book also provides useful web sites and other contact information in USA and Pakistan. Audience: Audience is worldwide: Book shops, public and research libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, manufactures, exporters, trading companies, import / export agents, trade fair organizers, export promotion offices etc.


Book Title:

Importing Gifts, Housewares & Decorative Accessories from Hong Kong Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB): US $34.99 • Year published: July, 2005 • Language: English • ISBN: 0976033321 • Library of Congress Control Number: 2005905741 • Paperback/ soft cover: 280 pages • Publisher: AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA Subject: • International Trade • Import/ Export • Entrepreneurship • Gift, housewares, home decoration Industry • Start-up Business Book Description: This book is a practical and comprehensive guide for anyone planning to import gift items and decorative accessories from Hong Kong. It targets a worldwide audience and caters to all who are interested in importing from that region. In writing this book, the author has used over two and a half decades of his knowledge and experience in international trade. He recently revisited many parts of Asia, including Hong Kong, to stay abreast of the current trends and developments in these countries. Importing Gifts, Housewares & Decorative Accessories from Hong Kong includes comprehensive information relevant to and necessary for importing. Hence, this is a practical trade resource for new entrepreneurs and importers who are not familiar with Hong Kong's market potential as well as for others. This book provides useful information on the following: overview of the gift industry in the United States of America and Hong Kong, setting up an import business, business planning and marketing, sources of financing, finding Hong Kong manufacturers and exporters, sources of information, trade shows, potential sources of selling in the USA, business travel, international modes of payment (such as letters of credit), shipping, trade statistics, and more. This publication also provides useful web sites and other contact information in the USA and Hong Kong.


Audience: Audience is worldwide: Book shops, public and research libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, manufactures, exporters, trading companies, import / export agents, trade fair organizers, export promotion offices etc.


Book Title:

Import & Export of Apparel and Textiles Author: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price (FOB): US $39.99 Hard Cover • Ex-works Retail: US $34.99 Soft cover/paperback • Year published: December, 2001 • Number of pages: 404 • Language: English • ISBN: 1401014119 Hardcover • ISBN: 1401014100 paperback/ soft cover • Library of Congress Control Number: 2001117379 • Paperback/ soft cover: 403 pages • Publisher: Other • Published and printed in the USA Subject: • International Trade • Import/ Export • Entrepreneurship • Textile industry • Apparel industry • Start-up Business Book Description: This book is helpful for importers as well as exporters of apparel and textiles to the USA. Exporters from different countries can make use of the information available in this book. The book targets importers, exporters, business executives, textile industry professionals, students, etc. The book is divided into two parts. in the USA, business travel, international modes of payment (such as letters of credit), shipping, trade statistics, and more. This publication also provides useful web sites and other contact information in the USA and Hong Kong. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1: Export to the USA This part provides a wealth of information for exporters around the world who want to sell their products to the US. It covers topics in depth, including methods of finding US buyers, market research, important trade shows, options of selling, web sites of designers and large US chain stores, garment production, apparel machinery, fashion and color forecasting information, and much more!


Part 2: Import from Pakistan This part serves as a guide for importers on how to acquire apparel and textiles from Pakistan. It provides information on how to reach Pakistani manufacturers, exporters, and more. Audience: Audience is worldwide: Book shops, public and research libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, manufactures, exporters, trading companies, import / export agents, trade fair organizers, export promotion offices etc.


Section IV “Al-Islah” (Khaksar Movement weekly)


Journal Title:

Al-Islah (the Khaksar Tehrik’s weekly) Editor/Compiler: Nasim Yousaf • Retail Price: Contact us • Language: Urdu • Available on: CD • Digital version produced in the USA • Distributor: AMZ Publications Compilation of historic publication of Al-Islah:

Subject: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • Political History • Politics & Government • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Mashriqi (Mashraqi) Allama Khan Inayatullah Khan • Journals • Newspapers Description: “Al-Islah” was originally founded in 1934 by Allama Mashriqi (founder of the Khaksar Tehrik) and launched from Lahore. It quickly established a large following, including subscribers in British India, England, Bahrain, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia. “Al-Islah” played a key role in spreading Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksar Tehrik’s ideology and helped Mashriqi raise a well-disciplined private army of 5 million. In addition, “Al-Islah” inspired other Muslim as well as non-Muslim organizations to follow the Khaksar Tehrik and form similar organizations. The newspaper is essential to a complete understanding of the freedom movement because it describes the critical role played by the Khaksar Movement in bringing independence to the nation; without access to this publication, there would remain a large gap in the knowledge of the freedom movement. Thus, the digital compilation of “Al-Islah” is indeed momentous, as it will enable professors, students, researchers, historians and others to further study Allama Mashriqi’s role in the struggle for the freedom of British India and emergence of Pakistan and India as two separate countries.


Audience: • Public, universities and colleges libraries across the globe • Research Institutions/libraries on South Asian countries • Research Institutions/libraries on Islamic movements • Professors & students on research project on the freedom of Pakistan and India • Historians/researchers/authors, journalists • Others interested in Pakistan-India history


Appendix – I Book Title:

The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C. (reprinted 2008) • A Publication of the Khaksar Movement in British India

• Retail Price: US $49.99 (FOB) • Year published: April, 2008 • Language: English • ISBN: 978-0-9760333-9-4 • Hard cover • Number of pages: 160 • Publisher: Reproduced by AMZ Publications • Published and printed in the USA • Reprinted 2008 Subject: Khaksar Constitution: • Asia: Pakistan / India / Bangladesh (Sub-continent) • South Asia • Constitution • Mashriqi’s Constitution • Khaksar Constitution • Government of Pakistan • Government of India • History • Political History • Politics & Government • Politicians • Freedom Movement • Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik/Tehreek) • Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi Description: In 1945, Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi, founder of the Khaksar Tehreek, published "The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C." Also known as the Mashriqi Constitution or Khaksar Constitution, the document was created in order to prevent the partition of India.


The Constitution was formulated, under Mashriqi's guidance, by eminent personalities and intellectuals from various disciplines, such as politics, finance, and administration and law. The result was a monumental work that accommodated the rights of all — including Muslims, Hindus, Scheduled Castes, Sikhs, Jains, Parsees, Budhists, Jews and Christians. According to Mashriqi: “We addressed almost every important element of India’s national life requesting it to send its declaration of interests so that in case the interests did not clash with those of other parties in the country they might be incorporated in the body of the Constitution ‘as far as possible, feasible and consistent with the interests of other parties.’ We addressed more or less 75 parties and over three hundred million people in the country accepted our invitation through their accredited leaders.”*

By December of 1945, 50,000 copies of the Constitution had been printed. Ultimately, however, the Constitution was not adopted for political reasons, and British India was subsequently partitioned in 1947. Nevertheless, The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C. serves as a lasting example of the Khaksars' efforts to bring the nation together — and how close they came to achieving the vision of a united, independent India. *Source: Mashriqi's address at the University Institute Hall, Calcutta on October 21, 1945, entitled Where Leaders Fail: A Dispassionate Dissection of Indian Politics from a Non-Party Point of View

Foreword By Nasim Yousaf "The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C." (also known as the Khaksar Constitution or Mashriqi Constitution) was a monumental document, as it attempted to unite all parties in British India, and strived for the equal protection of the rights of both the majority and minority communities in the country. Published in 1945, the document was constructed under the auspices of the Khaskar Tehrik. Legal Committees — comprised of a broad cross-section of prominent personalities, including famous politicians, Members of the Legislative Assembly, professors, finance professionals, administration and law experts, journalists, and knighthood holders — were formed to frame the Constitution.

Once created, the Constitution was highly publicized and sent to political leaders, British authorities, and others. In fact, acceptance of the Constitution was a prerequisite for candidates who wished to be part of the Khaksar party ticket for the 1945-1946 elections (see the Appendix for a copy of the form candidates were asked to sign).


Ultimately, "The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C." was not adopted, and the nation was partitioned in 1947. The repercussions of this action reverberated far beyond that year. Partition resulted in the separation of millions of families and divided the nation into three parts. It has led to endless animosity between Pakistan and India, and numerous conflicts, including escalating nuclear tensions and the ongoing Kashmir issue. Countless lives have been lost. Perhaps these dire consequences could have been avoided had the Khaksar Constitution — which accommodated the needs of all communities — been accepted and a united demand for independence of British India put forth.


Appendix – II Research & Academic Libraries: The following information is provided to help researchers and others find Scholar & Historian Nasim Yousaf’s works. Below are some of the libraries where one or more of the author’s books can be found: Australia: • Australian National University • Charles Darwin University • National Library of Australia (NLA) • The University of Queensland Library • Victoria University • University of Ballarat

Canada: • Canadian University College • Carleton University • Queens University • McGill University • Mount Allison University Libraries and Archives • Ryerson University • University of Alberta • University of British Columbia • University of Calgary • University of Ottawa • University of Toronto • Vancouver Public Library Egypt: • American

University Cairo

Germany: • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek • Universitätsbibliothek Marburg • University Library of Heidelberg

Hong Kong:


• TDC Business InfoCentre • The Chinese University of Hong Kong • Hong Kong PolyU Library

Kuwait: •

American University of Kuwait

Mexico: • Universidad

Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez

Netherlands: • Bibliotheek Universiteit Leiden • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen • University of Amsterdam • University of Groningen Library New Zealand: • Invercargill City Libraries Philippines: • Asian Library Singapore: • National Inst of Education • National University of Singapore South Africa: • Cape Peninsula Univ of Tech, Cape Town • Technikon Peninsula, Bellville, Cape Town

Taiwan: • National

Tsing-HUA University

United Kingdom: • Leeds University • London School of Economics • University of Cambridge


• University of

London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

USA: • Air University Library • Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale Library • American University • Anderson University • Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale • Averett University • Bergen Community College • Brigham Young University • Buffalo & Erie County Public Library • California State University, Northridge • Case Western Reserve University • Central Michigan University Libraries • Cerritos Library • Chatham University • Clearwater Public Library System • College of St Rose • Columbia University • Cornell University • Emory University • Everett Community College • Fashion Institute of Tech Library (New • Fuller Theological Seminary • Garden City Library • George Mason University • Georgetown University • Harvard University • Houston Community College • Jackson Community College Library • Jacksonville Public Library • Jefferson County Public Library • Johnson County Library • Kansas State University • Kent State University • K-State Libraries • Kutztown University • Library of Congress • Minuteman Library Network • Monroe County Public Library • New York Public Library • North Carolina Cent University • North Carolina State University • North Eastern State University • Northern Virginia Community College



• Old Dominion University • Owensboro Community & Tech College • Radford University Library • Rochester Community And Technical College • Saginaw Valley State University, Zahnow • Saint Olaf College • Saint Petersburg Public Library • San Francisco Public Library • Santa Clara County Library • Schaumburg Township District Library • Shoreline Community College Library • Sinclair Community College • South Texas College • Southern Polytechnic State University • Stanford University • Syracuse University • United States Military Academy • University of California, Berkeley • University of California, Los Angeles • University of California, Riverside • University of Chicago • University of Colorado, Denver, Downtown Campus • University of Florida • University of Houston • University of Iowa • University of Kentucky • University of Massachusetts Dartmouth • University of Memphis • University of Miami • University of Michigan • University of Minnesota, Minneapolis • University of Missouri, Columbia • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill • University of Pennsylvania • University of Texas at Arlington • University of Texas at San Antonio • University of Texas at El Paso • University of Washington Libraries • Villanova University • West Virginia University Libraries • Western Wyoming Community College • Williams College • Woodstock Theol Center • Yale University • Yeshiva University


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