Anabella Acevedo Peña | AAP | Architecture Portfolio

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Centro Cultural Abreu

[ academic ]

[ Abreu Cultural Center ]

La Grieta [ Fissure ]

Fábrica de Techo [ Housing Factory ]

Mercado La Limonera [ La Limonera Market ]

[ professional ]

[ index ]

Hatillalta [Hatillalta ]

[ centro cultural abreu | cultural center abreu ]

The Historic Center of Baruta and its surrounding areas are disconnected, specially in the intersection of Bolívar Street and Sucre Street. CENTRO CULTURAL ABREU is a new El Sistema’s Centre prototype in which culture and art are included as catalytic activities for the evolution of identity. This also represents an opportunity to reconnect all sectors

of Baruta, acting as a meeting space and cultural agora between the spontaneous and planned settlements. CENTRO CULTURAL ABREU has two main buildings: one helds Monseñor Lucas Castillo School activities during the morning, while in the afternoon these spaces will be used as art classroms.

The other building will have the largest spaces in the centre to held musical, dance and plastic arts activities, including an underground auditorium. These buildings will be linked by public space. Finally, CENTRO CULTURAL ABREU will articulate the different scales of the Baruta’s urban fragments.

Eastern Caracas 10 centres Western Caracas 35 centres

[ El Sistema’s Centres & proposal | metropolitan location ]

Municipality limit El Sistema Centre University

[ urban proposal ]

Unequiped slum Equiped slum

Urban proposal includes two major connection axes: the first seeks and urban east-west connection of Baruta’s Historic Centre with its surrounding sectors, while the second proposes the environmental north-south connection of the mountains that limit and shape the historic centre.

[ Centre & proposal’s location | Miranda State location ]

Current and potential public space

[ concepts | Baruta’s Downtown urban revitalization ]

Urban oportunities

Turning Baruta Historic Centre’s streets into pedestrian areas

Memorial park

Formal and definitive establishment of restaurants and shops in Calle El Hambre

Inverted priority circuit to allow vehicles to in surrounding areas of Baruta

Settle of Centro Cultural Abreu as Metropolitan equipment

Restore of Manzanares and La Guairita Ravine. Turn them into lineal and environmental parks

Recreational and environmental Bosque de la Virgen Park

Urban proposal - Revitalization of Baruta’s Historic Centre

Public space that promotes meeting and social interaction

Continuation of urban corridor

[ motorized mobility ]



[ non-motorized mobility ]

Manzanares Ravine recovering with water and planting terraces [ activities ]

Monseñor Lucas Castillo School Musical Classrooms Musical Arts Physical Arts Plastic Arts

Plaza receives people and gives a new face to Baruta-El Placer road

[ uses ]

[ public space ]

[ water terraces ]

[ transition space with connecting bridges to classrooms ]

[ plaza in front of the Cultural Center ]

[ rehearsal hall with observation deck ]

[ la grieta | fissure ] LA GRIETA consists in a Showroom Pavilion that materializes the new techniques and materials used to create postmodern tectonics nowadays. The project inserts in the campus of Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) by Carlos Raúl Villanueva, who made constant references to Le Corbusier’s work and reinterpreted his style into Venezuela’s tropical context, which resulted in the declaration of UCV as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000. LA GRIETA is located in “Tierra de Nadie“ [ No Man’s Land], a non-place in UCV, between its academic and artistic sites. LA GRIETA lowers the terrain a level in order to generate a public space similar to a fissure, from where the Pavilion emerges and shapes a new meeting place.

“Machine to live in“ Le Corbusier

Living in the machine

Public space and building lowered by a level (4 mts.) to prevent them from outstanding.

Continuation of Aula Magna’s geometry by both public space and the Pavilion.

[ circulation ]

[ public space ]

Showroom Pavilion gives Tierra de Nadie a new face with its facades, contributing to turn this space from Aula Magna’s backyard into a reception and meeting place for everybody [ uses ]

Spaces of “Tierra de Nadie“ acquire control and scale, reflecting a new uses and dormant potentials.

[ ground level plan ]

[ Geometry ]

[ Circulation ]

[ Enclosure ]

[ Structure ]

[ interior space in the Fissure ]

[ fábrica de techo | housing factory ] FÁBRICA DE TECHO is located in peripheral areas of Bogotá, in a plot owned by Compensar, a Colombian entity that offers health and economic services to needed families. FÁBRICA DE TECHO is a project of Social Interest Housing, a program that help families that cannot afford an apartment or a house in real state market. The project includes a public space that integrates urban fragments in the sector and promotes cohesion and social interaction.


ORAAFLEX | Constructive system


Metalic truss system, inexpensive, antisismic and sustainable. Allows the building to grow according to the needs of its habitants, in a way similar to a Lego system.

FABRICA DE TECHO is located in Usme, Bogotá, especifically in Bolonia sector. This area consists in a series of spontaneaous settlements, which are next to Entrenubes Park, an important environmental corridor. In the last years, government has been seeking to make urban improvement on this area, one of these consists on the future construction of the Páramo Venue, an important road that will connect several sectors of Usme, but will also result in the relocation of a significant amount of families. FABRICA DE TECHO seeks to give these families a new home, without having to go far away from their original location. The proposal includes potentials of spontaneous settlements in the design of 9 housing buildings, with all kinds of facilities, as well as a complete improvement of the surrouding public space.

A main structure will accomodate the first housing units and, later on, support the extension modules. Main structure

[ concepts ] DISLOCATION

Rupture of the unit and displacement of the elements

TRANSFORMABILITY Progressive building evolution CELULAR GROWTH Housing unit growth according to the family


PRODUCTIVE Capable of developing economic activity PRO GR

SELF-MANAGEMENT Family takes all decissions concerning the construction of the housing unit




spontaneous V IVIEND A settlements I L SELF-M AN AG



[ potentials ]

SELF-CONSTRUCTION Family build their own housing unit PROGRESSIVE Housing unit is capable of evolving and growing to adapt to the family needs.

Modular constructive system, extensible according to the user’s needs. The sum of modules will form different typologies.

Extension modules



1st phase

2nd phase

A. Housing unit

B. Designed extension Structure Adapted circulation C. Future extension Structure capable of extending

Free plan

ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY Adaptative constructive system for pronounced topography, with few contact points that ensure the least damage to the terrain.

[ skatepark ] [ urban kitchen ]

[ public space ]

[ children’s playground ]

[ housing units ]

[ Plaza Bolonia ]

[ terraces ]

[ communitarian agriculture]

Topographic amphitheatre harnesses the morphology of the terrain

Use of plant species that help to support steep terrain and prevent landslides

Adaptation to topography through the construction of terraces

Improvement of surrounding areas, such as Páramo Venue

MORPHOLOGY Bolonia’s average block is composed by 16 plots disposed in a rectangular morphology. FÁBRICA DE TECHO takes the original concept of these blocks and verticalizes it.

COHESIVE SOCIAL SPACES Connection of surrounding neighborhoods through FÁBRICA DE TECHO’s public space, urban equipments and activities.

[ Fabrica de Techo Overview ]

[ community laundry room ]

[ typology into the building ]

[ covered courtyards ]

[ activated corridors connecting the housing units ]

SEGÙN SU FUNCIÓN TYPOLOGIES Tipología principal according itssecundaría functionality Tipología

INCOME GENERATION Due to its amount of M2, the family that owns the housing unit has the possibility of renting rooms or part of the house.

Principal typology Secondary typology

HOUSING UNIT DIVISION Due to its amount of M2, in case of family separation, the housing unit can be divided so that each part has its own space and neither of the two parts is left without a home..

[ typology “I” ]

[ typology “S” ]

[ typology “X” ]

71 m2

84 m2

111 m2

68,995,076.53 COP 68.995076,53 COP

84m2 m2 84

81,451,169.33 COP 81.451.169,33 COP

TYPOLOGY “X” TIPOLOGÍA X módulos + +3 3 55 modules

111 m2 m2 111

108,397,201.32 COP 108.397.201,32 COP

TYPOLOGY “7” TIPOLOGÍA Y 66modules módulos ++ 33

127m2 m2 127

1023,169,348.88 COP 123.169.348,88 COP

[ typology “Y” ] 127 m2

2 people 2 PERS ONAS 66 PERS ONAS people

single parent MONOPARENTAL

FRATERNA fraternal

single UNIPERperson SONAL

4 people 4 PERS ONAS 8 PERS ONAS 8 people

NUCLEAR nuclear

SIMULTÁNEA simultaneous

6 people 6 PERS ONAS 10 PERSONAS 10 people

8 people 8 PERS ONAS 12 PERS ONAS 12 people

NUCLEAR nuclear

EXTENDIDA extended

SIMULTÁNEA simultaneous

MULTIPER SONAL multipersonal

COMUNITARIA communitarian


71 71 m2m2

TYPOLOGY “S” TIPOLOGÍA S 44modules módulos ++22


TYPOLOGY “I” TIPOLOGÍA I 3 modules 3 módulos++22

[ TYPOLOGIES according the user ] Original plots measurements were analyzed and adapted to fit a module that could replicate itself and form housing units. There are 4 different typologies designed to fit different types of families, depending on the number and layout of modules, varying in square meters and internal spatiality.


VERSATILE FURNITURE FLEXIBLE AND VERSATILE HOUSING UNITS Optimization of spaces through the use of Housing units designed to grow and evolve over changing and adaptable furniture according to time and according to the needs of its inhabitants. the needs of each family and user. Multipurpose rooms and space optimization.

[ community spaces in the complex ]

[ community spaces in the complex ]

[ mercado la limonera | la limonera market ]

SUSTAINABLE AND COMMUNITARIAN CITY is a urban project that seeks to revitalize the Baruta-Sartenejas sector, located in the southeast of Caracas. This project is distributed in 12 sectors, in order to develop further projects in an architectonic scale. In this case, LA LIMONERA MARKET

is part of SUSTAINABLE AND COMMUNITARIAN CITY, especifically located in La Limonera sector. Taking a closer look to LA LIMONERA MARKET reveals that te proposal is based on the idea of the bridge, as an element that gathers and makes place, answering to the needs of the sector in two ways:

removing the fill of La Limonera and reopening the Sartenejas ravine to reactivate the ecological corridor and providing equipment the community lacks and creating public space.

[ sustainable and communitarian city ] The sector Baruta-Sartenejas is located in the southeast of Caracas, which is essentially composed by urban fragments, limits that separate them, and a main road that connect them. project develops urban projects that turn borders into integration places.

[ fragments ] places that only connect through one street to city

“... a space which cannot be defined as relation, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non-place...” Marc Augé

“...a city should not only be the sum of its buildings; people should have where to sit, to admire things and enjoy the light...” Norman Foster

[ interstices ] informal spaces between two fragments that result in a no-place

[ risks ] housing areas in risk of landslides and flooding

“The city is plaza, agora, debate, eloquence... People build their houses to live in them, and found the city to leave home and meet with others who also left theirs“

“The great book of nature is always opened and we have to make an effort to read“

José Ortega y Gasset

Antoni Gaudí

[ public space ] scarce of public space and urban equipments in the area

[ Baruta Boulevard ]

[ Meanders Park ]

[ Agriculture Park]

Baruta Library Shops Baruta Square

Water reservoir Technical Training Centres Ojo de Agua Boulevard Sport Centre

Agriculture Training Centre Vegetables fields Cocoa trees fields Cocoa factory Cocoa Museum and Market

[ El Placer Cultural Centre] Cultural Centre Simón Bolívar School Student Housing Shops

A’ A

[ floor plan ]

[ section A-A’ ]

[ uses ]

[ public space ]

[ connectings spaces ]

[ water control ]

[ market external spaces ]

Hatillalta is an architecture project consisting in a two-family house located in El Hatillo, Caracas, at 1176 masl. The house looks for integrating the two families while also preserving their privacy.

[ hatillalta ]

Built in a terrain with percentage of slope over 40%, the development grows inversely, towards the ground, rather

than the sky, adapting to the terrain while also leveraging the topography to favor the views to El Ávila, the huge mountain that rises in the North to shape the valley of Caracas.

Project designed in Minima Design Studio and developed in Revit.

Construction Area Percentage: 60% Footprint Area Percentage: 40%. Lot Area: 1234.84 m2 Maximum Height: 10 m. Max Footprint Area: 493.93 m2 Max. Construction Area: 740.90 m2

[ opening to views ]

private area social area

[ concept scheme ]

The house is divided in two volumes. The vertical offset of 3.20 m elevates House A, while House B goes down, in order to place the construction on the steep topography and to favor the views and privacy in both houses.

facade and articulating the floors of the house.

The house rests on a parcel that is 69 meters, with a height difference of 31 meters between the highest and the lowest level. It seeks to respect its natural condition through leaning the The northeast facade incorporates the idea of a structure on a system of terraces and trays that ribbon that unites formally different levels of the prevent making large movements of earth and, building. A continuous line is generated through in turn, avoiding the construction large retaining the use of vertical planes, running through the walls.

[ Southeastern facade of the house ]

[ level 1 | private A ] HOUSE A • Main room, with bathroom and vestier • Secondary rooms • Secondary bathroom • Family room

[ ground floor | access A - access B ]

HOUSE A & B • Parking • Access hall • Living + Dining room • Kitchen • Auxiliary bathroom • Terrace • Laundry and service bathroom • Storage

HOUSE DESCRIPTION The access level is a corridor illuminated by natural light filtered by a pergola, sunbathing internal gardens and the vertical circulation module. The hall arrives into the living, dining rooms and the kitchens, all enjoying the views to El Ávila.

Private areas are usually located in a different floor, hosting the main room, secondary rooms and the family room, enhancing the privacy of the family. Social levels are the places to receive visits, hold meetings and celebrations, accompanied by platforms used as multipurpose areas for events that require larger spaces.

[ level -1 | social A - private B ]

[ level -2 | garden - social B ]

HOUSE A • Guest room • Guest bathroom • Play area

HOUSE A • Multipurpose area HOUSE B • Play area • Bar

HOUSE B • Main room, with bathroom and vestier • Secondary rooms • Secondary bathroom • Family room • Home office

[ southwest ]

s to n e




st o n e w oo d



cla d d i

w oo d



cla d d i

w oo d

w oo d



cla d d i



st o n e


[ northwest ]







w oo d


[ southeast ]

[ kitchen, living and dining room of house A ]

[ exterior terrace house B ]

[ kitchen, living and dining room of house B ] Anabella Acevedo Peña +1(551)323-9573

[ Anabella Acevedo Peña ]


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