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ThE CiTy Of hAvANA.

There is no literature that contains information from the point of view of the natural landscape in all its magnitudes of the national flora from Havana and its characteristics. Architecture and urban planning students do not have an informational platform that provides them with knowledge about cuban vegetation and its development habitat in order to creat with the landscape.


The importance of this diplome work is being a starting point for future works that provide information about the Cuban landscape. Only by studing it from all scales will be possible to manage it.

The work is developed starting from general aspects of green infraestructure, international tendencies in ways of acting on the landscape; diagnosis of the state of the vegetation systems in the different strata of Havana, until the proposal of the manual. The manual is organized by different scenarios, from green systems in architecture to the background landscape.

In order to reactivate the city, it is necessary to develop green systems that cover all urban areas. The main lines of action for a greener city include:

_ the increase of green surfaces, incorporating new systems to the architectural pieces, through their roofs, walls, interiors, spaces between one building and another;

_the increase of aquatic habitats, restoring existing ones and creating new ones;

_creation of corridors, green axes connecting all urban strata;

_ the creation of complete catalogues of green spaces and habitats of interest.

This handbook offers a catalogue of limited scenarios in which to develop green systems, from those related to architecture to the “background landscape”. In the annexes to the work, tables of shrub, herbaceous and climber packages are presented. These are packages that must continue to expand, as the diversity of vegetation in cuban natural context is very wide.


botella plástica de 2 litros tierra abonada con cascarilla de arroz una caneca de 20 litros tubos de media pulgada con llaves de paso techo con teja ondulada semillas de lechuga o rábano

Parks with traditional design. Indoor gardens in Old town.

Part from Manual´s drawings. Analysis. Green existing interventions in the city.

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