Sth to wash the cutting unit of the blender.
A purse that avoid to lose things at the bottom.
Sth that avoid messy earphones.
Sth to carry a wet umbrella after the rain.
Sth that calm ache in the wrist after a lot of time writing or texting.
Sth that avoid to lose hair elastic bands.
Sth that prevent to forget the keys of the house.
Sth to build a fire in a fireplace.
Sth to do winged eyeliner in a fast way.
A service that provides nutritive and fast replacement of breakfast when there is not much time.
I chose this gap because I experienced this a lot of times in my own or with my sister (we live together), so I want to fix this. My friends complained about this same problem and is frequent. Now I have some ideas and I think I could give a good solution in 8 weeks. I work in industrial design and I am interested in create different objects that people use every day. For me, it is the best option for this course.