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My goal is for this to be a safe place to give & receive support for eating disorders and share recovery focused information. See the NOTES section for our weekly dsicussion topics too. "Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death." Some of the work in the MH field that I've done has been as a research assistant, psych rehab specialist/patient advocate and case manager in a number of different clinical settings. Some of the groups that I've led have been on Relapse Prevention (detox/rehab), ANAD eating disorder support group, started an Eating Disorders Anonymous group and a couple more different outpatient groups. After 9-11 & living near the Pentagon, I decided to go back to school and modify my career. Nursing school fit me perfectly in a number of ways. I worked in the ER while in school and co-led a group for dually diagnosed violent offenders in a local private practice. ****************************************************** Please note: Readers should not rely on the info