Process an Material inspired Design Process Book

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INSPIRATION PRODUCTS Ana Oropeza Prof. John Schaffeld IDUS325 - Emerging Materials

Project Objective:

Solid’, you might choose ‘Machining’ and ‘Turning’, and then develop one product concept for each of those two The intent of this project is to processes. ‘Section 2 Sheet’, you research and explore a diverse range might choose ‘Sheet-Metal Forming’ of material properties and manufacand ‘Metal Spinning’, and then turing processes and apply them to develop one product for each of those innovative product designs. two processes and so on. You will then present the 12 concepts, including composite and exploded assembly views for each one. Your goal is to demonstrate a comprehensive underPhase 1A: From the required reading: standing of how each design would be manufactured by sighting the Materials For Inspirational Design, manufacturing processes and approDevelop 2 product concepts for each priate materials, and providing a brief of the 5 material categories listed in narrative explaining why your designs the Contents section: Ceramics, Glass, Metal, Plastic and Wood. You and the materials you’ve specified are ideally suited for each of the two will then present the 10 concepts, process you selected. From these 12 including composite and exploded assembly views for each one showing concepts, you will be assigned to further develop and refine one in in a how it would be manufactured and way that is truly inspired and highly assembled, along with a brief narrainnovative. Your goal is to demontive explaining why your designs are strate a comprehensive understanding ideally suited for each material you selected. From these 10 concepts, you of the manufacturing methods you’ve elected to study, and show how each will be assigned to further develop concept could be executed as a and refine 1 in a way that is truly mass-produced consumer product. inspired and highly innovative. Your goal is to demonstrate a comprehenPhase 2: Using the required reading sive understanding of each material and show how they could be effective- text book: Manufacturing Processes ly applied to mass- produced consum- for Design Professionals, fully explore all aspects of tooling, fabrication, er products. processing, finishing and assembly Phase 1B: From the required reading: associated with the approved final Making it: Manufacturing Techniques design proposal for each of your two consumer product designs (Phase 1A for Product Design, Develop 2 and 1B). Both concepts should be product concepts for each of the 6 documented to the level that a manumanufacturing types listed in the facturer could use your information Contents section (sections 1 through to tool and produce the final product. 6). Example: ‘Section 1 Cut from

Project Description:


The documentation should include the entire conceptual development process, refinement and final renderings, screen shots of all 3D CAD documentation, material specification and call outs for any necessary fasteners or ancillary hardware needed to assemble the product. No physical 3-dimensional models are required. Your final presentation will be delivered in the form of two separate, high-quality printed process books; one based on the Materials exploration (Phases 1A and 2), and one based on the Manufacturing Process exploration (Phases 1B and 2). PowerPoint/pdf files for the process books must also be submitted.

Project Outcome: The following project outcomes indicate competencies and measurable skills that students develop as a result of completing this project: • Introduction to emerging material properties and associated manufacturing processes. • Familiarity with innovative material applications for a consumer product. • Demonstration of the ability to understand a range of diverse materials and appropriate applications. • Develop truly innovative solutions for emerging materials

Project Deliverables: • 15-minute research and concept presentation for Phase 1. PowerPoint/pdf only. • 15-minute final concept presentation showing detailed illustration and part design, (2) Printed process books and associated PowerPoint/pdf files. • Extra credit for material acquisition and experimentation up to 10 POINTS

Product 1 (Material) Porcelain









Material Description: Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 째C (2,192 째F) and 1,400 째C (2,552 째F). The toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired body at these high temperatures. Porcelain can informally be referred to as "china" or "fine china" in some English-speaking countries, as China was the birthplace of porcelain making. The most common uses of porcelain are for utilitarian wares and artistic objects. It can be difficult to distinguish between stoneware and porcelain because this depends upon how the terms are defined. A useful working definition of porcelain might include a broad range of ceramic wares, including some that could be classified as a stoneware. Porcelain is used to make household wares, decorative items and objects of fine art amongst other things.

Composition: Kaolin is the primary material from which porcelain is made, even though clay minerals might account for only a small proportion of the whole. The word "paste" is an old term for both the unfired and fired material. A more common terminology these days for the unfired material is "body", for example, when buying materials a potter might order an amount of porcelain body from a vendor.

changes in the content of water can produce large changes in workability. Thus, the range of water content within which these clays can be worked is very narrow and the loss or gain of water during storage and throwing or forming must be carefully controlled to keep the clay from becoming too wet or too dry to manipulate.

The composition of porcelain is highly variable, but the clay mineral kaolinite is often a raw material. Other raw materials can include feldspar, ball clay, glass, bone ash, steatite, quartz, petuntse and alabaster. The clays used are often described as being long or short, depending on their plasticity. Long clays are cohesive (sticky) and have high plasticity; short clays are less cohesive and have lower plasticity. In soil mechanics, plasticity is determined by measuring the increase in content of water required to change a clay from a solid state bordering on the plastic, to a plastic state bordering on the liquid, though the term is also used less formally to describe the facility with which a clay may be worked. Clays used for porcelain are generally of lower plasticity and are shorter than many other pottery clays. They wet very quickly, meaning that small

Material prices:

$ 500 - 1,000 /ton

easy chopsticks


Ceramic finger chopsticks with overmolded rubber

easy chopsticks


EXPLODED VIEW Description 1 2

Chopsticks Finger covers





Injection molding



Over molding



Injection Molding:

(Phillips Plastics Corporation)

rubber-like form. This is normally Over molding (injection molding) carried out in a two stage process at is a term used to describe injection molding over any preformed material. the point of manufacture into the desired shape, and then in a prolonged post-cure process. It can also be injection molded.

Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic or other materials including metals, glasses, elastomers and confections. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity. After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds are made by a moldmaker (or toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars.

Overmolded material:

Silicone rubber is an elastomer composed of silicone—itself a polymer— containing silicon together with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Ceramic IM:

Ceramic injection molding is ideal for high-volume production of complex, tight-tolerance components, ceramic injection molding offers significant advantages over conventional forming methods: • Cost-effective technique for complex designs • Ability to produce net or near-net shape parts • Very tight tolerance control • Low-cost, high-volume manufacturing runs



High tooling Low units costs


Very high surface finish Highly repeatable process


Injection cycle time is generally between 30 and 60 seconds

Silicone rubbers are widely used in industry, and there are multiple formulations. Silicone rubbers are often one- or two-part polymers. Silicone rubber is generally non-reactive, stable, and resistant to extreme environments and temperatures from −55 °C to +300 °C while still maintaining its useful properties. Due to these properties and its ease of manufacturing and shaping, silicone rubber can be found in a wide variety of products, including: automotive applications; cooking, baking, and food storage products; apparel such as undergarments, sportswear, and footwear; electronics; medical devices and implants; and in home repair and hardware with products such as silicone sealants. During manufacture, heat may be required to cure the silicone into its

Environmental IMPACT

Although many of the environmental effects of pottery production have existed for millennia, some of these have been amplified with modern technology and scales of production. The principal factors for consideration fall into two categories: effects on workers, and effects on the general environment. Within the effects on workers, chief impacts are indoor air quality, sound levels and possible over-illumination. Regarding the general environment, factors of interest are fuel consumption, off-site water pollution, air pollution and disposal of hazardous materials. Historically, "plumbism" (lead poisoning) was a significant health concern to those glazing pottery. While the risk to those working in ceramics is now much reduced, it can still not be ignored. With respect to indoor air quality, workers can be exposed to fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide and certain heavy metals. The greatest health risk is the potential to develop silicosis from the long-term exposure to crystalline silica. Proper ventilation can reduce the risks. Another, more recent, study at Laney College, Oakland, California suggests that all these factors can be controlled in a well-designed workshop environment.

The use of energy and pollutants in the production of ceramics is a growing concern. Electric firing is arguably more environmentally friendly than combustion firing although the source of the electricity varies in environmental impact

Ceramic is not recyclable, and a broken plate will contaminate a whole crate of recycled glass. But it is repurposed, ceramics are now being crushed to produce Recycled Porcelain Aggregate. This green building material is extremely hard, durable, and has zero absorption making it ideal for a wide variety of applications including Terrazzo flooring, high friction road surfacing, permeable paver infill, and many more.

Product 2 (Process) Lampworking





Glass is formed I to hollow shapes and vessels by lamp working, also known as flame working, by a combination of intense heat and manipulation by a skilled lamp worker. Products range from jewelry to complex scientific laboratory equipment.

Lampworking is used to create artwork, including figurines, trinkets, curios, Christmas tree ornaments, beads and much more. It is also used to create scientific instruments as well as glass models of animal and botanical subjects.

Lampworking is a type of glasswork where a torch or lamp is primarily used to melt the glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand movements. It is also known as flameworking or torchworking, as the modern practice no longer uses oil-fueled lamps. Lampworking differs from glassblowing in that glassblowing uses a furnace and glory hole as the primary heat source, although torches are also used. Early lampworking was done in the flame of an oil lamp, with the artist blowing air into the flame through a pipe. Most artists today use torches that burn either propane or natural gas, or in some countries butane, for the fuel gas, mixed with either air or pure oxygen as the oxidizer. Many hobbyists use MAPP gas in portable canisters for fuel.


Typically no tooling cost Moderate to high unit


Very high but depends on hand work (lamp worker)


Moderate to long cycle time depending on the size and complexity of the piece

Beadmakers sometimes make hollow vessels by forming a steel wool shape around the end of a mandrel. Glass is wound around the shape, then gaps are coaxed shut to make a solid surface. The artist continues to add glass to build the vessel and create the envisioned shape. The steel wool is not removed until after the vessel is kiln annealed. Some lampwork artists use rubber plugs at the top of the vessel and some make tiny glass plugs to close them so that they can safely hold essential oils or other liquids..

see what u’re drinking



Triple walled lamp-worked cup, has a barrier for the tea leaves and prevents your hands to get burned with the boiling water.

see what u’re drinking

Material Description:

Soda Lime Glass

Also called soda-lime-silica glass, is the most prevalent type of glass, used for windowpanes, and glass containers (bottles and jars) for beverages, food, and some commodity items. The most familiar type of glass, used Glass bakeware is often made of for centuries in windows and drinking tempered soda-lime glass. vessels, is soda-lime glass, composed Soda-lime glass is prepared by meltof about 75% silica (SiO2) plus ing the raw materials, such as sodium sodium oxide Na2O from soda ash, carbonate (soda), lime, dolomite, lime CaO, and several minor additives. Often, the term glass is used in a silicon dioxide (silica), aluminium restricted sense to refer to this specific oxide (alumina), and small quantities of fining agents (e.g., sodium sulfate, use. sodium chloride) in a glass furnace at temperatures locally up to 1675 째C. In science, however, the term glass is The temperature is only limited by usually defined in a much wider the quality of the furnace superstrucsense, including every solid that ture material and by the glass compopossesses a non-crystalline (i.e., sition. Relatively inexpensive mineramorphous) structure and that als such as trona, sand, and feldspar exhibits a glass transition when heated towards the liquid state. In this are usually used instead of pure chemicals. Green and brown bottles wider sense, glasses can be made of are obtained from raw materials quite different classes of materials: containing iron oxide. The mix of metallic alloys, ionic melts, aqueous raw materials is termed batch. solutions, molecular liquids, and Class is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material. Glasses are typically brittle and optically transparent.

polymers. For many applications (bottles, eyewear) polymer glasses (acrylic glass, polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate) are a lighter alternative to traditional silica glasses.

Soda-lime glass is divided technically into glass used for windows, called flat glass, and glass for containers, called container glass. The two types differ in the application, production method (float process for windows, blowing and pressing for containers), and chemical composition. Float glass has a higher magnesium oxide and sodium oxide content than container glass, and a lower silica,

calcium oxide, and aluminium oxide content. From this follows the slightly higher quality of container glass for chemical durability against water, which is required especially for storage of beverages and food. Principal Uses: Mirrors, microscopic slides, touch screens, filters, photomasks, glass masters, data storage disks, printed circuit substrates, photographic plates, substrates, wafers and optical windows

Material price: Soda lime tubes

$ 500 - 5,000 / Ton

Environmental IMPACT

The common glass (soda-lime glass) natural gas) is surprisingly friendly when it comes to the environment. It uses common, • Forming and annealing (where the easy to extract materials, the produc- products assume their final shapes). tion process does not generate much waste, and the recycling ratios of glass are one of the highest of all materials (about 50% in US, 60% in UK, up to 95% in Switzerland). Glass is composed of about 70% silica (silicon oxide, or, basically, sand), 15% soda (sodium carbonate), 15% lime (calcium oxide, usually made on site from limestone), and minor amounts of other additives. Thus the name of the common glass: soda-lime glass. Glass is used in huge variety of product, but vast majority is made into windows or into containers. For many uses glass needs to be made with different additives. For example, replacing the lime with lead oxide produces "crystal" glass, replacing soda and lime with boron oxide produces borosilicate glasses such as Pyrex, etc. However, we do not consider these specialty glasses in this article.The production of glass is composed of three major parts: • Preparation of raw materials (here, for example, a lot of water is used -to wash the recycled bottles...) • Melting (here the most energy is used - usually in form of burning of


easy chopsticks

see what u’re drinking

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