Projeto E.L.I.O.T. - Drama in Education

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Caderno Pedagรณgico

Drama in Education Richard Kitchin


Preâmbulo Sobre o autor 1.

Why use Drama in education?


What kind of stimuli can we use?


How do you plan a Drama based activity?


What strategies can we use to explore Drama in class?


How do we assess?

Testemunhos do trabalho desenvolvido

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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Preâmbulo Em julho de 2017, o professor Richard Kitchin dinamizou um workshop em inglês subordinado ao tema “Drama in Education”, que integrou o Programa das Jornadas Pedagógicas do Agrupamento de Escolas de Montemor-o-Velho e surgiu no âmbito da política de disseminação do Projeto Erasmus + E.L.I.O.T. pensada pela equipa responsável pela sua implementação. A atividade contou com a participação de colegas de diversos níveis de ensino do Agrupamento e foi muito bem acolhida por todos, dadas as inovadoras estratégias pedagógicas apresentadas e experienciadas. Este Caderno Pedagógico recorda esse momento de formação, respondendo a uma série de questões relacionadas com a utilização de estratégias dramáticas e de ensino interativo na sala de aula, apresentando, igualmente, um conjunto de jogos e atividades dramáticas. Agradecemos ao professor Richard Kitchin a possibilidade que nos foi oferecida de divulgar o seu trabalho, bem como o empenho de todos quantos colocaram em prática os seus ensinamentos.

Ana Cristina Fontes

Sobre o autor: Richard Kitchin é professor de Teatro na Furness Academy, Barrow in Furness,

Cumbria, Reino Unido. Ator de formação,

encenou várias produções dramáticas nas escolas, incluindo o musical “We will rock you”, “A Bela e o Monstro” e “O Feiticeiro de Oz” e “Mulan”. Ao longo da sua carreira, tem vindo a desenvolver métodos de aprendizagem interativos baseados numa pedagogia que assenta na exploração das potencialidades da representação/drama. Neste momento, é o Coordenador do Departamento de Artes Dramáticas da Furness Academy, sendo o responsável pela formação de professores a nível da dança e do teatro.

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1. Why use Drama in Education? Can aid different types of learners in a less academic range of activities Potentially motivating for some students Improve basic communication skills (non-verbal, team building, confidence, leadership, creative problem-solving etc.) Involving all students – can’t passively sit back and daydream More child centred rather than teacher led Improved teacher student


2. What kind of stimuli can we use? Drama arises from many sources and roots. Many different things stimulate the imagination and may give students a starting point for drama. These different stimuli include: Poetry Music Images –e.g. paintings, pictures, photos Play scripts Live theatre performances Television and film Newspaper and magazine articles Extracts from fiction and non-fiction texts Artefacts –e.g. objects, pictures, costumes, etc.

3. How do you plan a Drama based activity? Start with tasks that students are familiar or comfortable with Have clear aims and objectives (what do I want to teach and what is the best way to engage, remember, recall, experience, enjoy) Plan to set out expectations if appropriate in early sessions Gradually introduce tasks that they can do with guidance/confidence boosting Push students to do things that build on there progress. AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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No point in going in straight away with a task that is uncomfortable/embarrassing or way beyond a students ability or expectations.

4. What strategies can we use to explore Drama in class? These are ways of using drama to explore topics, themes, issues, play texts and performance. The strategies you are most likely to use are: Still image/freeze frame –the action is frozen like a photograph A still image is formed as part of the drama, sometimes used at the beginning and end of a scene. Consider: •

where you use it

how clear is the image to your audience?

Face, body, space, levels tell us something about the moment

How do you get in or out of the freeze? (speed, length, cue etc)

Can you show a process for your subject area?

Example of whole group freeze frame: Each person joins the image becoming a new object or character until the whole group is part of the image. •

A party

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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The fall of the Berlin Wall

A week before the fall of the Berlin Wall


A block of ice

Narrating –you describe what is happening/how someone is thinking or feeling but from the outside Narrating is the art of describing events in a story. This can be done in many ways by a variety of methods including: CHORAL SPEAKING, SHARED NARRATION, SOLO NARRATOR. Most often used to comment on the action from outside of the situation. Consider: •

What attitude will the narrator(s) have when discussing the scene?

Can you use the narrator(s) to add detail that would otherwise be unknown?

Try and use narration in several small moments rather than one long monologue

Example of activity: AA whoosh! The teacher or a student narrates a story/concept/plot. Other students sit in a circle and volunteer to act out the objects and characters spoken about. The leader uses a Whoosh! Sound to indicate the end of that moment, students all sit back down. Repeat. Hot-seating –you are in role and people ask you questions One student commits to playing a role and the other students question them to deepen their knowledge of the character and gain backstory and insight into the drama. This can also be used in performance in a realistic or abstract way. Consider: •

Which character(s) will be hot-seated and why?

Will it be a realistic moment e.g interview in a police station or TV studio or an abstract moment where the questioners are not playing characters?

How will you lead into or out of it?

Example of activity: Who am I? AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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One student is given a name, process or object. Other students must find out who or what they are by asking questions that give yes or no answers. Forum theatre – you watch a piece and then you step in and try to change it

Usually performed in the round, Forum Theatre allows the audience to interact with the performers by stopping the action, making suggestions and altering the plot, content, characters and decisions or even replacing actors in the scene. Role-play – taking on a role and acting like that person would Actors take on a character and portray them in a realistic way using body and voice in a piece of drama. The actor makes decisions and choices about how the character would react in different scenarios. Consider: • What is the story of your scene? • When and where is it set? • Who is involved? • What is happening or just happened? • Why is this an interesting moment for an audience? • Can we clearly see and hear your roleplay? (audience awareness) Excellent Link for cross-curricular ideas using drama:

5. How do we assess? All of the strategies you already use may be appropriate for your area, particularly for content and understanding: •


Written assessment

Verbal evaluation


Group feedback sheet

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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Self/peer evaluation sheet

Formative comments/observations

Video evidence

Writing in role

Role on the wall


Mind map/brainstorm

Drama logbook

Testemunhos do trabalho desenvolvido

“Foi um dos momentos mais divertidos que já tive, em contexto de formação. Tal como referiu um dos oradores, as jornadas vão desarrumar o cérebro e julgo que esta oficina desconstruiu o professor tradicional, num professor ator, como forma de chegar às crianças e jovens com outra perspetiva de ensinar/aprender. Adorei fazer parte deste grupo.”

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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"The ELIOT project was undoubtedly an enriching, motivating experience that allowed a socialization, an openness of mind and an involvement that favored the will to "teach" and "learn". There was an excellent collection of good practices and the challenges posed were placed to the level of teachers' needs, allowing them an intense multicultural enrichment. It involved me in a introspection about my practices of 30 years of teaching, favoring the change and innovation of strategies adopted in the teaching / learning process. The trainer was excellent." “It was a pleasure to be with such a motivational person who gave us funny and interesting "tools" that we can put into practice in our classes. They are really out of the box strategies that I am sure the students will join. Thank you and keep going with your excellent job. “

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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“It was a pleasure to be with you in this workshop (Why use Drama in Education?), because I had the chance to learn new/different ways of doing things, which will help me to motivate students in the classroom and improve their basic communication skills, among other things. It was awesome!

AEMOV – Jornadas Pedagógicas 2018

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