Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Lesson Plan
Description of the Project. In this project students will be exposed to the creation of podcasts as a mean of exploring a topic to be researched and discussed; moreover, through this project students would develop collaborative work , speaking , researching and technological skills. This is a group of University students (19-22 years old)
which English level is B1. They have
different learning styles as well as interests; however , after debating important and global issues , they found suitable and interesting to discuss about Global warming effects since it is a topic that has become really releveant to society because of the effects that nowadays are evident. Plus, learners would be focused on information that can advise people who may feel interested in helping the environment.
Objective: The main aim of this project is to have students develop researching skills , and to create a serie of podcasts (3 episodes) so that they can work on an assignment that could contribute to the practice and inforcement of their fluency , accurancy, intonation , and pronunciation when speaking. Driving Questions: What is the global warming? What are the consequences of global warming? What can we do to help the environment? ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Procedure: Session 1 (50 minutes) Students will decide on a topic. It may be taken from the content of the syllabus or T. can encourage SS to think about trendy topics using reading materials as well as videos. http://www.apple.com/mx/itunes https://www.ted.com/
Students will decide on the groups to work with.( 3 teams) SS. Will create an outline about key information about the topic, in this case “Global warming”. T will have ss. brainstorm ideas so that they can reduce information to get main points. SS. Will agree on the main 3 points they must cover in this project as well as assigning one topic to each group. OUTLINE:
EPISODE #1: What is the global warming? When was this concepted developed ? EPISODE #2: Discuss the positions of international institutions and organizations towards Global warming. Recent evidence of the consequences that global warming has broguht to the world. EPISODE # 3:
Global warming and future consequences. How can we help? Useful actions to do to help the enviroment.
For homework, SS will bring useful information about the topic.
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Session 2 (50 minutes) SS will be introduced to basic information to create Podcast. Showing a videopodcast as well as hearing some others. SS will create an audioboom account. https://audioboom.com/ SS will see a tutorial about audacity ;how to install it and use it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiupDAbB34o SS will gather to write their script. Corrections and feedback would be provided by the teacher.
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Session 3 (50 minutes) SS will be given the rubric of evaluation for this project , they will suggest modifications or more aspects to be evaluated. SS will rehearse their script. Giving a chance to check correct intonation and pronunciation. SS will save their recording and edit it if it’s necessary. SS. will design and create a logo or pictures that can be related to their series. SS will share it in audioboom. SS. will have a self-assessment about their work.
“ Humans willingly ignore Global Warming”.
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
SPECIAL FEATURES Each group needs to find reliable information.( They will share sources) They may interview experts of the topic. As a group, students will hand a script or plan for each episode in order to get feedback from the teacher before recording. Once they are ready to record , these are the characteristics expected in each episode:
Each episode must last between 1. 30 minutes to 2:30 minutes. All the participants of the group must be heard in the episode. They are free to have interviews or a report. They are free to include music and a logo to identify their topic. The serie would be posted on an audioboom account which link they will be responsible to share.
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
TEACHER’S GUIDE We must remember this is an assignment oriented learning , so the teacher would be involved as a source of feedback and as a monitor.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
T. must guide SS to choose a suitable topic. T. must encourage SS to find reliable information. T. must show an example of podcast that may be related to the topic. T. must guide SS to get the tools to create podcast ; for instance , T may help to get some programs downloaded as well as giving direction to create accounts for sites such as podomatic or audioboom. T. must feel free to enrich the content of the serie helping ss improve their self-confidence to speak while they are recording. T. must encourage SS to rehearse before they record. T. must give an accurate rubric. T. must give feedback at the end of the project.
Useful websites: https://www2.uwstout.edu/content/profdev/rubrics/podcastrubric.html https://audioboom.com/ http://articles.latimes.com/2012/nov/27/nation/la-na-tt-global-warming-20121126
http://www.apple.com/mx/itunes https://www.ted.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiupDAbB34o
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
CATEGORY Introduction
Catchy and clever introduction. Provides relevant information and establishes a clear purpose engaging the listener immediately.
Describes the topic and engages the audience as the introduction proceeds.
Somewhat engaging (covers well-known topic), and provides a vague purpose.
Irrelevant or inappropriate topic that minimally engages listener. Does not include an introduction or the purpose is vague and unclear.
Tells who is speaking, date the podcast was produced, and where the speaker is located.
Tells most of the following: who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.
Alludes to who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.
Speaker is not identified. No production date or location of the speaker is provided.
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Creativity and original content enhance the purpose of the podcast in an innovative way. Accurate information and succinct concepts are presented
Technical Production
Accurate information Some is provided information is succinctly. inaccurate or long-winded.
Information is inaccurate.
Vocabulary is adequate.
Vocabulary is inappropriate for the audience.
Vocabulary enhances content.
Vocabulary is appropriate.
Highly effective enunciation, expression, and rhythm keep the audience listening.
Enunciation, expression, pacing are effective.
Enunciation, expression, rhythm are sometimes distracting.
Enunciation of spoken word is not clearly understandable or expression, and rhythm are distracting throughout the podcast.
Transitions are smooth and spaced correctly without noisy, dead space.
Transitions are smooth with a minimal amount of ambient noise.
Transitions are uneven with inconsistent spacing; ambient noise is present.
Transitions are abrupt and background noise needs to be filtered.
Volume is occasionally inconsistent.
Volume changes are highly distracting.
Volume of voice, Volume is music, and acceptable. effects enhance the presentation. Podcast length keeps the audience interested and ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Podcast length keeps Podcast length is audience listening. somewhat long or somewhat short to keep Ana Karina Chairez Medrano
Podcast is either too long or too short to keep the
Group/Partner Work
audience engaged.
audience engaged.
All team members contributed to the finished product and assist in process by offering critique and sharing in skill development.
Finished own part but did not assist group/partner.
Contributed little to the project.
Assisted group/partner .
Click here to see the final project: https://audioboom.com/boos/4554506-humans-willingly-ignore-global-warming-1 https://audioboom.com/boos/4554511-humans-willingly-ignore-global-warming-2 https://audioboom.com/boos/4554511-humans-willingly-ignore-global-warming-3
ALAD Podcasts for ELT teachers
Ana Karina Chairez Medrano