Don't forget the change

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INDEX Concept




Exhibition Murinsel Descriptions Area Map Scott Campbell Mark Wagner Peter Joseph Kristy Malakoff John Swing Justine Smith Andy Warhol

18 21 22 26 28 30 33 7 34 37 38 41



Merchandising Print

54 59

Organization Costs

63 64




Money “A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account.� Definition in dictionary




that will change your point of view

not for his value, but to realize

The money rules our world we all

about the money. Through paint-

that these coins or currency could 11

know it. But how often by simple

ings, videos and sculptures, we

be transformed and changed into

mistake do you forget the change,

will demonstrate another uses to

artistic pieces with a totally new

or, more important, to change?


meaning and emotion.

In our societies, money is the

The basic point of our exhibition

Onwards to Don’t forget the

thing that makes us powerful.

was to create a bridge that would

change! We hope you’ll enjoy it

This exhibition is an experience

make as people look to money

as much has we did.


Money “I was part of that strange race of people aptly described as spending their lives doing things they detest to make money they don’t want to buy things they don’t need to impress people they dislike.” Emile Henry Gauvreay


by another real image, but the order and the colors of the words cannot change. We chose the red, as the strongest color to highlight the most im-



. “Color dictionary” from BRANCO, Rosa Alice

The logo of the exhibition “Don’t

portant words to us (“don’t” and

forget the change” is a combina-

“change”). The light yellow would

tion of the words and image that

represent the color of money.

should work together. The excep-

Even if we know that it should be

tions are on the publicity, such as

more close to the gold, we want-

the flyers and ads, where the im-

ed it to be lighter so it doesn’t

age of the logo can be replaced

become too important, after all,


we want to transmit a change in

logo, is because is the animal

To add even more expression,

the way we face the money. The

that seems more like the human

we choose the oblique rectan-

dark blue has an influence with

being. It’s a kind of animal that

gles under the text, so it doesn’t

the people. It ‘‘works as an seda-

has our sympathy. For several

get too stable and to reveal some

tive in our mind, that allows us

decades, scientists have been


to connect with our intuitive part.

successfully teaching them hu-

“comes and goes” from one per-

But too much blue can make one

man tasks. This figure is used as

son to another.

person depressed”.1 And that is

an irony, because our intention

also what money make us feel

with our exhibition is to change

Like this, the combination of the

sometimes... Depressed!

(thought) people different facts

words and image should build

about the money, and we hope

together a solid structure to our

we can succeed.

exhibition CI.

The presence of a monkey in the


money 15


Money “Money well managed deserves, indeed, the apotheosis to which she was raised by her Latin adorers; she is Diva Moneta — a goddess.” Edward Bulwer-Lytton







in width, the “Murinsel” is con-

The “Murinsel” has characteris-

“The Murinsel” was the place we

nected to the bank of the Mur

tics we were looking for. The ex-

choose to build the exhibition in

by two bridges. Built for a maxi-

hibition will be in a point where

the city of Graz - Austria. This

mum number of 350 visitors, the

you can easily go from both sides 21

building, with a form or a sea-

“Murinsel” has in its centre an

of the river, It has a lot of visitors

shell, it’s an artificial platform in

amphitheatre, a playground and

daily, so we can reach the most

the middle of the Mur river. It was

also an café.

uninformed people, and we also

designed by Vito Acconci (New

please the fact of there is a coffee

York) to celebrate the Graz 2003

When we had to find a place to

where you can just relax while

European Capital of Culture.

do the exhibition, It was almost

you take a look at the pieces of

With 50m in length and 20m

spontaneous the chosen place.


PVC boxes, with the exposure of their content. The height of each one should permit a good visualiThe art pieces will be distributed

zation by the public, so the mid-

from the Murinsel space by ar-

dle of each art piece should be


distant from the ground, at least 1,50 m. Each box should have


In total, there will be eight areas,

only one art peace, except in

from each, five will be outside (1,

the cases where the art piece is

2, 3, 4 and 8) and the tree others

smaller than 50cm. In those cas-

inside (5, 6 and 7).2

es, it would be placed in the best aesthetical mode. (see next page)

In the outside areas, the paint2

the areas in page 26.

ings and collages will be inside

The sculptures placed outside,

EXHIBITION should be also inside a PVC box,

supervision of a security guard).

the exhibition has a big part out-

according to their dimensions

The tree movies provided in this

side, it should be during the sum-

and nailed to the stairs floor.

exhibition should be played in the

mer, not only because of the visi-

led big screen placed outside.

tors, but also for the art pieces.

Inside, all the paintings and col-

They should be playing in a con-

lages should be hanged to a PVC

stant loop but with a break of 30

With the total duration of two

transparent board.

minutes between two movies and

months, the space should be 23

have a break of 10 minutes in the

open everyday from 11 a.m. until

middle of each one.

11 p.m.

m). Or, in the case of the chairs,

The exhibition should be open

The exhibition is free for all per-

just in the ground without any kind

every day since the opening cer-

sons. It is possible to contribute

of protection (the general public

emony. This would happen in the

as a sponsor or as an anony-

is allowed to use them with the

fist Saturday night of July. Since

mous person.

The sculptures inside should be support by a column (max. 1,20





3 26

4 1







Title: “Bless is mess”

Title: “Burnt Butterfly”

Title: “Three gun”

Artist: Scott Campbell

Artist: Scott Campbell

Artist: Scott Campbell

Date: 2011

Date: 2010

Date: 2009

Materials: Uncirculated US cur-

Materials: Uncirculated US cur-

Materials: Cut US currency

rency sheets, lasered

rency sheets, lasered, fire

Size: 53,3 x 63,5 cm

Size: 53,3 x 63,5 cm

Size: 15,2 x 22,9 x 5,1 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary


Title: “Sacred Heart”

Title: “Rosary”

Artist: Scott Campbell

Artist: Scott Campbell

Date: 2009

Date: 2010

Materials: Cut US currency

Materials: Laser on uncut US currency

Size: 15,2 x 22,9 x 5,1 cm

Size: 53,3 x 63,5 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

29 Scott (Scott C.) Campbell was an Production Designer for Double Fine Productions, and is currently an illustrator living in New York. Born in December 28, 1973, and raised in San Jose, California, Scott studied illustration at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and graduated with a BFA in Illustration focusing on comic and children’s book illustration in 1992.


Title: “Self Worth”

Title: “Bingo”

Title: “Liberty - panel 3 of 14”

Artist: Mark Wagner

Artist: Mark Wagner

Artist: Mark Wagner

Date: 2011

Date: 2010

Date: 2011

Materials: Currency collage and

Materials: Currency collage on

Materials: Currency collage and

mixed-media on panel


mixed-media on panel

Size: 40,6 x 30,5 cm

Size: 40,6 x 30,5 cm

Size: 487,7 x 121,9 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary



Title: “Red Tapo”

Title: “Worker Bees”

Title: “Rub-A-Dub”

Artist: Mark Wagner

Artist: Mark Wagner

Artist: Mark Wagner

Date: 2011

Date: 2011

Date: 2010

Materials: Currency collage and

Materials: Currency collage on

Materials: Currency collage on

mixed-media on panel



Size: 61 x 61 cm

Size: 40,6 x 94 cm

Size: 61 x 61 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary


Title: “Gaming System”

Title: “Pretty Please”

Artist: Mark Wagner

Artist: Mark Wagner

Date: 2011

Date: 2010

Materials: Currency collage and

Materials: Currency collage on

mixed-media on panel


Size: 30,5 x 40,6 cm

Size: 30,5 x 40,6 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Mark Wagner was born quietly in the rural Midwest (in 1976) at the tail end of thirteen children. Since leaving the sandbox at the age of fourteen, he has continued his creative career in the fields of writing, collage, and bookmaking. Artist, writer, publisher, he is co-founder of The Booklyn Artists Alliancevv, and has published books under the name Bird Brain Press and X-ing Books.



Title: Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Director: Peter Joseph Date: 2011

Title: Zeitgeist: addendum Director: Peter Joseph Date: 2008

Title: Zeitgeist: The movie Director: Peter Joseph Date: 2007

Documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.

Zeitgeist: Addendum, was born out of public interest in possible solutions to the cultural issues presented in Peter Joseph’s first work, Zeitgeist: The Movie. Building upon the topics of social distortion and corruption, Addendum moves to also present possible solutions.

Zeitgeist: The Movie is a treatment on Mythology and Belief in society today, presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues.


Title: Honey

Title: Polyhedra series - Cana-

Title: Polyhedra series - Iraqi

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

dian Star ball


Date: 2008

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Materials: 8 bills of foreign cur-

Date: 2008

Date: 2008


Materials: 2 Canadian $5 bills

Materials: 3 Iraqi dinar bills

Size: 7 x 7 x 7 cm

Size: 5 x 5 x 5 cm

Size: 7 x 7 x 7 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary



Title: Polyhedra series - Inter-

Title: Polyhedra series - Desert

Title: Polyhedra series - Snappy

secting star


Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Date: 2008

Date: 2008

Date: 2008

Materials: 3 bills of foreign cur-

Materials: 4 bills

Materials: 8 bills

rency (Zambia, Brazil, Peru)

Size:2.5” x 2.5” x 2.5”

Size:2.3” x 2.3” x 3,0”

Size: 5 x 5 x 5 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary


Title: Ornithological Series Robin

Title: 5 pound Note

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Artist: Kristi Malakoff

Date: 2004

Date: 2004

Materials: 3 Canadian $2 bills

Materials: 3 and 5 pound notes

Size: 12 x 5 x 5 cm

Size: 4 x 3 x 2,5 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Kristi Malakoff received a BFA graduate of the Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver in 2005. She is originally from Canada but has lived abroad in Moscow, Berlin, Germany, ReykjavĂ­k, and London.



Title: Nickel Couch

Title: Half dollar butterfly chair

Artist: Johnny Swing

Artist: Johnny Swing

Materials: 7 000 nickels, 35 000

Materials: 1,500 half dollars and

welds, and a substructure of

7,000 welds.

stainless Size: 80” x 42” x 28”

Size: 46” x 32” x 34”

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Johnny Swing, the Vermontbased designer and repurposer of junk, has turned his attention to money—a topic that is extremely topical, given the fiscal state of the union. In a move that seems to question our reliance on money, Swing has created a series of furniture pieces made from welded coins. Real coins. This choice means he should be worried that some people might steal his ideas—and his material!


Title: Specimen Saudi Arabia

Title: Specimen Turkmenistan

Title: The Calculation of Loss

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Year: 2009

Year: 2007

Year: 2007

Materials: Saudi Riyals, glass

Materials: Turkemenistan Manat,

Materials: English Pounds, wire,

dome, fly

wire, fly, glass dome, lady bird

lady bird, glass dome.

Size: 54 x 24 x 24 cm

Size: 48 x 33 x 33 cm

Size: 20 x 24 x 20 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary



Title: $

Title: EU Ewe

Title: Washington

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Year: 2005

Year: 2001

Year: 2005

Materials: US Quarter Dolars,

Materials: Wire, plaster, Euros,

Materials: US Dolars, leather,

acrylic thread

perspex case

Edition of 8.

Size: 73 x 140 x 10 cm

Size: 108 x 82 x 50 cm

Size: 80 x 39 x 23 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary


Title: Instruments of State -

Title: Instruments of State -

Title: Collateral Damage



Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Year: 2007

Materials: Iran Rials, Perspex

Materials: Chinese Yuan, Per-

Materials: US Dolars, Perpex


spex case.


Size: 11 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm

Size: 11 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm

Size: 11 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary


Title: “200 One Dollar Bills” Date: 1962

Materials: Seregraphy

Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop 41 art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished by the 1960s. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist. The Andy Warhol Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, holds an extensive permanent collection of art and archives. It is the largest museum in the United States of America dedicated to a single artist.


Title: Deification

Title: Holy Trinity

Title: Love

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Year: 2007

Date: 2007

Year: 2007

Materials: US Quarter Dolars,

Materials: US Quarter Dolars,

Materials: US Quarter Dolars,

sprayed wood, rope light

sprayed wood, rope light

sprayed wood

Size: 51 x 41 x 8 cm

Size: 105 x 68 x 9 cm

Size: 120 x 41 x 9 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary



Title: Absolute Power II

Title: Street

Artist: Justine Smith

Artist: Justine Smith

Year: 2005

Year: 2008

Materials: US Dolars,Perspex

Materials: UK, US and Japanese


coins, sprayed wood.

Size: 71,5 x 18 x 4,5 cm

Size: 230 x 64 x 9 cm

Style: Contemporary

Style: Contemporary

Paper has always been a primary material in the work of Justine Smith. Her current work is concerned with the concept of money and how it touches almost every aspect of our lives. She has exhibited in galleries and museums internationally, and has work in the collections of the British Council, the UK Government Art Collection, financial institutions, international corporations and numerous private collections. She lives and works in London.


Money “Money’s only important when you don’t have any.”





As Danny Devito said: “Every-

hibition would not be forgot or. E

in strategic points of the city (city

would not even take the risk to

centre, bus and tram stops, im- 47

hear the so common excuse of “I

portant avenues, etc).

didn’t know about it”.

body loves money. That’s why

Even if there are someone really

it’s called money”. But even the

So we made our advertising in-

distracted, we can always give

things we love we have certain

vite the city of Graz to be a part of

to him our business card and an

tendency to forget after some

our exhibitions with flyers, flags,

invitation. Nobody can escape to

time. So we made sure our ex-

stickers and outdoors, all of them

our advertising!








Money “ A penny safe, is a penny earned “

Benjamim Franklin





Still very related to the advertising, the merchandising products are also very important when it comes to remember the exhibition in the future. 55

The visitor can feel free to take a simple sticker, a pen or even a lighter.

In the other hand, he can also buy one of our t-shirts, available only for 10 euros.


Man t-shirt




Woman t-shirt

Even with all the advertizing in the streets, we would need to invite people to our event or simply give our contacts for furder contacts. 58

In this two pages, you can find the buisness cards, invitations and letters that would help us comunicate with our public. All the advertisement would start spreading throw important austrian cities, at least one month before the begining of it.




Money “The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.� popular proverb




As every normal event, every-

More waitresses would be need-

thing has a price. Our organiza-

ed also. With the elapse of the

would be considered, as well the

tion decide to adapt the Murisel’s

event, the bar would register a

transportation, maintenance and

space, witch is not a common

bigger affluence, so we could not

other costs.

space for exhibitions and adapted

take the risk of having unsatisfied

As we were developing the pro-

it to receive all the art pieces that


ject and searching for the ad-

we found important for it. It was

In the opening ceremony, there

equate places and concept, we

necessary changes in the physi-

will be a band playing live music

were lucky to have some private 63

cal space: such as change the

outside, with the movies as back-

sponsors that generously donate

bar disposition, new boards and

ground and a small buffet for the

money to help us dealing with the

boxes for exhibit the art works.

guests in the first floor. Music will

initial costs.

In the staff level, we needed to

be a constant presence in the

In the following pages you can

hire security to guarantee the

environment - the music licenses

find in detail the costs of the or-

safety during the open hours,

would be also part of the costs.

ganization of Don’t forget the

and also during the closing time.

Advertising and merchandising


Space Murinsel

15.000 €

Opening ceremony

10.000 €

Invitations (artist, special guest)

10.000 € Total

35.000 €

Materials . Set-up space 64 PVC boards

30.000 €

PVC columns

15.000 €

Power supply and instalation

30.500 €

Screen and projector

1.500 €


15.000 €


1.750 €

Disposal costs

35.000 € Total

128.750 €


Staff Security

20.000 €

Personal cashier

10.000 €

Shopping responsable

5.000 €

Cathering Service

6.000 € Total

41.000 €

Advertising Buisness cards

700 €

Letterhead and envelopes

200 €


600 €


800 €



10.000 €


1.500 €

Space rents

15.000 € Total

28.800 €

Sponsors - 50.000 €

Private sponsors Merchandising T-shits

5.000 €


1.500 €


1.500 € Total

8.000 €

66 Artists

Mark Wagner

40.000 €

Kristi Makakoff

47.000 €

Andy Wahrol

105.000 €

Peter Joseph

500 €

Johnny Swing

76.000 €

Justine Smith

80.000 € Total

348.500 €

Aditional Costs Cleaning services

32.000 €



7.000 €

Transport of works

400.000 € Total

439.000 €

Total Space

35.0000 €

Materials & Set-up space

128.750 €


41.000 €


28.800 €



8.000 €


348.500 €

Aditional Costs

445.000 € Sponsors

- 50.000 €


944.050 €





Our team, even compounded by only two members made this project with the biggest amount of care and love we could give.


The tasks were divided: Ana Lourenรงo took care of the Corporative design and the exhibi-


tion plan and Joana Martins was

Both members were responsible

responsible by the organization,

for choosing the art pieces that

planning and contacts.

are present in this exhibition.





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