Portfolio_Ana Maria Nater

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Ana María Náter López anamnater@gmail.com 787.298.4372


NEURO-ARCHITECTURE Ashford Community Hospital Location: Condado, Puerto Rico Space, understood as the place we inhabit, affects the mood and mindset of its occupants. There is a discipline in the United States which has recently shown interest in understanding the correlation between human behavioral science and architecture, known as Neuro-Architecture. This is based on the premise that the environment in which we live affects physically and mentally [OL OLHS[O VM O\THU ILPUNZ ;OL Ă„LSK OHZ YHPZLK JVUJLYUZ MVY ZWHJL ^OVZL WYVNYHT PZ [V KPYLJ[ attention to the individual, particularly hospitals and/or health centers. The design of these, particularly the areas of recovery and rehabilitation, must recognize the impact of the spatial quality created by the architecture in patients, visitors and faculty who manage them.

Left: Aerial photo Right: Existing site conditions

This project has the specific objective of creating a health care center which integrates the elements found in the surrounding landscape. The connection between outdoor and indoor spaces were the primary concerns in allocating the programs, in which the medical facilities were incorporated indoor and the spaces for therapy were strategically located in the exteriors to benefit from conditions of the natural context.

The central courtyard’s main purpose is an exterior space with therapeutical benefits that culminates in the ocean making its trajectory a sensorial and therapeutical experience based on the principles of reflexology. The courtyard was designed to be a public space which can be accessed either from the Ashford Presbyterian Hospital or the main street in order to give the community a healing space.


View of building’s entrance

View of interior courtyard

Transversal section

Longitudinal section

South elevation

View of Reflexology Path

SNAKE LAB Snake Research Center

Location: Arizona, United States

This Snake Lab is designed to be a sustainable response to the building’s unique context, the Chaco Canyon Desert in Arizona. The extreme climate makes sustainable design a particular challenge: hot, dry summers and cool dry winters. Therefore, the concept of this design was based on studying the climatological adaptations of a native animal and employ them as design guidelines. In this case, I chose the Sidewinder Snake, due to its distinct sideways movement for which its named after. This type of snake creates pressure points to help them raise most of their bodies, reducing its contact with the hot sand. This phenomenon was incorporated into the design by creating mechanisms which allow the building to “breathe�, such as strategically located openings that function as outdoor patios/ laboratories created around the existing snake habitats and by elevating strategic parts of the building that respond to sun and wind paths.



COURTYARD HOUSING Building Block Apartments Location: Barcelona, Spain

;OPZ /V\ZPUN *VTWSL_ THZ[LYWSHU ^HZ KLZPNULK ZWLJPÄJHSS` MVY [OL KLZPNU JV\YZL I` [OL Professor in order for the students to face common challenges in an ideal urban scenario. The building is located between two party walls which making access to light crucial for the units HUK P[Z KPZ[YPI\[PVU (Z H ÄYZ[ Z[LW [V ZLWHYH[L I\PSKPUNZ ^LYL JYLH[LK PU VYKLY [V TH_PTPaL [OL natural light, crating an inner courtyard between them, which serves as a communal space alongside the other two buildings in the block.

Ground level floorplan

Individual unit layouts


Detail of balcony


Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Following the concept of “Commonwealth Space” as descibed by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, the project entitled to develop new spaces of the “common” for the marginalized sector of El Caño Martin Peña. This particular proposal set out to transform the residual areas around the realignment of the Barbosa Avenue into an area that promotes encounters through space and program. To name a few, new housing units for the relocated residents of “El Caño”, urban gardens, commercial spaces, a new bus terminal and a community center would now reinvigorate what was once considered an abandoned wasteland.

intervention in bridge area bikeways dredging of the body of water


vehicular routes

recreational areas


commercial infrastructure

Project phases Left: Project phases Right: Masterplan

View of entrance from street

Top left: Transversal section Top right: Longitudinal section Bottom: Longitudinal section


5th Avenue Boutique Sergio Rossi Shoe Boutique Location: Manhattan, New York

Following Sergio Rossi’s vision “... a woman is a sensual idol and her shoes are not just acJLZZVYPLZ I\[ HU L_[LUZPVU VM OLY ILH\[` VULZ [OH[ HYL WLYMLJ[S` Z\P[LK [V OLY ÄN\YL ;OL OLLS gives her energy and momentum – it does not nail her to the ground but elevates her body. For her, the shoe is a medium, a key element of her feminine vitality, and helps to preserve her poise.” The concept of design was created by allowing free and organic movement on the ÄYZ[ ÅVVY [OL ^VTLU»Z ÅVVY [V YLWYLZLU[ MLTPUPUP[` HUK TVYL Z[YHPNO[ SPULZ VU [OL ZLJVUK ÅVVY ^OPJO ILSVUNZ [V [OL TLU»Z ZLJ[PVU ;OL ÅVVYWSHU PZ KP]PKLK PU[V KPMMLYLU[ aVULZ YLWYLZLU[PUN his most iconic shoe collection and the materials chosen for the area responds accordingly to the collection. It helps organize the store while giving it an elegant free movement sequence for the buyer to walk through the store.






Interior Section-Elevation H scale :: 3/8”=1’00”










Sensorium Culinary School

Location: Culver, California

The concept behind this culinary school is that the food experice goes beyond the palate. The senses play an important role in how the building is experienced, you explore space through `V\Y ZLUZLZ ,HJO Ă…VVY OVSKZ KPMMLYLU[ WYVNYHTZ [OH[ YLZWVUK [V KPMMYLU[ ZLUZVYPHS LSLTLU[Z such as materials, surfaces, light, sound, and plants that are both edible and olfactory.


level floorplan


level floorplan

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