Determinant of Individual Prosperity or Poverty By Jagdish Raj Ratra, India Typing: Shrikanth Gopalan
“ ” is prosperity or excess of revenues
Jagdish Raj Ratra is B.Com (hons) L.L.B Fellow (F.I.I) worked in Insurance Sector (LIC Of India) for 38 years. He has been dedicated to serious study in astrology since last few decades. He retired in Feb 1996, has special interest in Jaimini Astrology. He Researches on a) Why there are 150 nadis in a sign and what is the span of each nadi b) What is their importance and its contribution in natives age span? His work on Jaimini Astrology has been the most unique and different than the traditionally known understanding of Jaimini Astrology.
over expenses or accumulation of wealth. Everyone is always eager to know astrologically about financial prosperity in one’s life. Parashara as well as host of other writers have written down various wealth giving combinations like Dhana Yoga, Laxmi Yoga, Shrinath Yogas e.g. At times they are not lucid and clear as given by Jaimini. Unlike Parashar, Jaimini uses many predictive lagnas e.g., Karakansha Lagan, Patni Lagan, Upapada Lagan, Kaalbhava lagan, Kaalhora lagan, Kaalghati lagan, Pitree lagan, Ghatika lagan other than birth lagan for assessment of various aspects of life like career, longevity, wife, children, wealth, social respect (dignity). Jaimini has given simple working but difficult to grasp sutras on Shreeman and Shreeheen Yogas. (Adhyaya I Pada 3)
lābhapade kendretrikoṇe vā śrīmantaḥ 18 anyathā duaḥsthee 19 Sutras define Prosperity and Poverty. The term labha is keyword but what is labha. Is it 11 th bhava or 7th bhava? It is both. Rishi while stating the sources of revenues and expenses says . (etairvyaya evaṁ lābhaḥ). He speaks about Labha as 11th bhava revenue and incomes. When he talks about his predictive laganas and their polar signs (7 th bhavas) thereof Labha is 7th bhava e.g.,
patnīlābhayoḥ diṣṭayā nirābhāsāgarlā Arooda (Padam) of Rising Lagna is Patni Arooda or Patni Pada. It is first bhava in Arudha kundli from it bhavas are counted in natural forward order. If Patni Lagna is Mesha, second bhava is Vrishabha . . ., 10th is Makara, 11th is Meena. There is no backward count. Arooda system of predictions was extensively dealt by Maharishi Jaimini. He delved deep and located many pearls out of his wisdom and intuition. Birth chart is a matrix of 12 signs. These 12 signs are owned by 7 planets. It is law of karma that at birth time each planet is allocated a seat (sign) from where he discharges his duties by conjunctions and aspects with other planets. It is significant to note the distance he is placed away from its Moon sign. This measure is extended further the new point is Arooda or Pada. In a birth chart Ascendant is significant house. Pada of Lagna is pioneer Pada. It is the predictive lagan under Arooda system. To give it honour of place it has been named as Patni Lagan (Patni Arooda) as first of the system. Every other Bhava follow Patni Lagan has Aroodas and also have different names such as Kosha Pada, Labha Pada etc., Prosperity is linked with accumulation of assets or wealth which is represented by 2 nd bhava. Find Aroodas of 2nd bhava and 11th bhava counted from Patni Lagna. If both are in mutual kendras or trikonas it is Shreeman Yoga, incase they are mutually 6/8 or 2/12 it is Shreeheen yoga. (Poverty Yoga)
Summary of Rules for Finding Aroodas
1) Degree or Navamsha Method: Find degrees of a sign lord and the sign. Under equal house system every sign has same degrees as of rising Ascendant. Formula: Graha Sphuta x 2, less Bhava Sphuta = Arooda. 2) If Bhava lord is retro reduce resultant Arooda by 30 degrees. 3) Where sign lord is in any of his kendras rules are (i) When sign lord is in its own sign, Arooda is Planet + 90 degrees. (2) When lord is in 4th sign from its own sign, Arooda is Planet + 90 degrees. (3) When lord is in 7th and 10th bhava Arooda is Planet + 270 degrees. 4) Where degrees are not available use signs as 2n – 1. Where n is sign number of planet from its own sign. Impact of Shreeman Yoga is dominant and pervasive.
Chart 1 A baffling horoscope was discussed by Shri HR Shankar under horoscope of the month in Astrological magazine Feb 1979 issue at page 198. Native born on 25-04-1918 at 6:40 hrs 12° N 18’ and 76° E 37’
Some excellent features of the chart under Parashari system are:a) Exchange of signs by lagna lord and 5th lord – super yoga. b) 2nd lord Venus in 11th and occupation by 9th lord Jupiter, the 2nd – a yoga which gives luck and prosperity in abundance. c) Malika Yoga – all signs from Lagna are occupied by six planets. d) Jupiter as 9th lord in Kutumbha Bhava promises prosperous children. 5th lord in Lagna promises first issue as Male child. e) 10th lord Saturn in 4th with full aspect on the 10th is surety for political success or high position in society. f) Jupiter’s powerful aspect on the 10th bhava indicates wuthering heights in profession. Facts of Life. None of the yogas happened. Native was unfortunate, failure in life and poverty stricken. The native lost his father at age eleven. He could not as a student go beyond intermediate. He took up job at distant Bombay at age 21, dissatisfied with professional progress changed job after job with no success. He is not married and is living lonely life. At times finding square meals a day appears for him a herculean task. Every time he makes a new attempt which hold great promise, issue fizzles out surprisingly for no apparent reason and leave him frustrated but poorer than when he started. Shri Shankar could not find out any fault (astrologically) for this chart except exchange of navamsha by Sun and Moon as reason for his misfortune. Let us see what Shriman Yoga says about this native. There are no planetary degrees available we may use navamshas as basis. Lagna Arooda (Patni Lagna) Mars x 2 minus Aries = 43 x 2 (- ) 7 = 86 – 7 = 79 Navamshas Represents Sagittarius. Since Mars is retro reduce one sign from Sagittarius, get Scorpio as Patni Lagna. Labha Arooda – i.e., 11th from Scorpio is Virgo. Mercury x 2 minus Virgo = 5 x 2 (-) [5 x 9 + 7] = 10 – 52 = 10 + 108 – 52 = 66 Navamsha represents Scorpio Kosha Arooda i.e., 2nd from Scorpio i.e., Sagittarius Jupiter x 2 – Sagittarius
15 x 2 – (72 + 7) = 59 Navamsha = Libra Labha Arooda vs Kosha Arooda mutually are in Scorpio vs Libra = 2/12 position ie., surety for poverty. Kosha is wealth, excess of earnings over outgo and expenses. Second house represents kosha.
Chart 2 - A Millionaire subsists on begging bowl. A male born on 18-08-1904 at 11:30 am. Reference Dec 1979 issue of Astrological magazine Page 911). Native was born in a very rich family, lost every asset now lives on pittance provided by his foreign based son (more details withheld)
(1) The Sun, Venus, Mercury are in the 11th should give luxurious life when Jupiter aspects lagna and 11th bhava (Parashara aspect). (2) 10th lord and 2nd lord (the Moon and Mars) exchange signs with cancellation of Debilitation. Why is he poor? This horoscope was discussed under Jaimini Kemadhruma yoga viz Sutra 119, Section 2, Chapter 1) svāpitṛpadāt bhāgyarogayo pāpa sāmye kemadrumaḥ Three different phalit lagnas are referred
carry 1st person of 5th case (पंचम विभवि)
singular form. If equal evil planets are found in the 2nd and 8th houses from any of the 3 laganas, native suffers poverty and misfortune. Kemadruma from AK Lagna Kemadruma from Pitree Lagna - give same result
Kemadruma from Pada Lagna Patni Lagna (Lagna Arooda) is Gemini whose 2nd house is Cancer and 8th house is Capricorn which each has one malefic (Mars and Saturn) hence Kemadhruma. Let us see whether reverse of Shriman Yoga is also applicable. Second from Gemini is Cancer. Eleventh from Gemini is Aries. 11th house Arooda = Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer – again Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra = Libra 2nd house Arooda = Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio again Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces = Pisces. Libra and Pisces are mutually 6/8 = Poverty. This is common knowledge that Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Vivekananda, Sai of Shirdi had no wealth. Does Shriman Sutra (opposite of it) is applicable to these charts? Yes
Chart 3 – Shri Shankaracharya of Sringeri. Born 13-11-1917 at 8:29 hrs Bangalore.
Patni Lagna = Mars x 2 – Scorpio = 8s 25 o 58 min – 7s 26 o 37 min = 0 – 29 o 21 mins Aries. Second sign from Aries = Vrishabha Kosha Pada = Ven x 2 – Vrishabha = 16s 26 o 38 min – 1s 26 o 37 min = 3s 0 o 00 min Cancer Eleventh Sign from Aries = Aquarius
Labha Pada = Sat x 2 – Aquarius = 7s 13 o 22 min – 10s 26 o 37 min = 8s 16 o 45 min Sagittarius Cancer and Sagittarius are 6/8 – Dhanheen Yoga.
Chart 4 – Saibaba of Shirdi Born 18 May 1837 at 8:20p Patheri
Patni Lagna – Lagna to Mars, again Mars to 10 signs = Taurus. Second from Taurus = Gemini. Kosha Pada = Gemini to Taurus again Taurus to 12 signs = Aries Eleventh from Taurus = Pisces. Labha Pada = Pisces to 5 signs again Cancer to 5 signs = Scorpio Aries and Scorpio are 6/8 Poverty.
Chart 5 – Swami Vivekananda Born Jan 12, 1863
Patni Pada = Jupiter x 2 – Sagittarius = 2 x 185 o 28’ – 267 o 31’ = 370 o 56’ – 267 o 31’ = 103 o 25 = Cancer Second sign from Cancer is Leo. Arooda of Leo (Kosha Pada) = 2 x Sun – Leo = 2 x 260 o 24’ – 147 o 31’ = 373 o 17’ = 13 o 17’ = Aries Eleventh sign from Cancer = Taurus Arooda of Labha = 2 x Venus – Taurus = 2 x 288 o 12’ – 57 o 31’ = 158 o 53’ = Virgo Virgo is 6/8 from Aries Poverty Chart No 6 - (born on 11-6-1932 at 2:40am). The lady was born in an ordinary family became billionaire over night by marrying a widower. Her exalted Jupiter occupies Patni Lagna and owns Labhapada.
Patni Lagna = Aries is occupied by Mars. 4 signs away is Cancer. Labha Pada = Vrishabha owned by Venus [R] = Ven x 2 (-) Vrishabha = 82 x 2 – 35 = 164 - 35 = 129 Less 30 (Venus is retrograde) = 99 degrees (Cancer) Kosha Pada = Sun X 2 (-) Leo = 58 x 2 – 125 = 359 degrees = Pisces Cancer and Pisces are in mutual trines. Exalted Jupiter occupies Patni & Labha Pada and at the same time owns Kosha Pada. Chart No 7 to 11 belong to industrialists and these appeared (without degrees) under Dhanwaan Yogas as for Parashara rules in the annual number of Babajee 2009 of Delhi.
Chart No 7
Patni Lagna = Lagna to Venus and again Venus to 6 signs = Leo Kosha Pada = Second from Leo = Virgo Arooda of Virgo = Virgo to eight signs = Aries again Aries to eight signs is Scorpio. Labha Pada- Eleventh from Leo is Gemini whose Pada is Aquarius. Scorpio and Aquarius are angular mutually – hence very rich.
Chart No 8
Patni Lagna = Mars is in its own, the fourth sign from it is Arooda = Cancer
Kosha Pada = Arooda of 2nd from Patni i.e., Leo is Aries Labha Pada = Arooda of 11th from Patni i.e., Taurus = Leo. Aries and Leo are mutually triangular Create Shrimaan Yoga. Jupiter aspects Sun. Venus aspects Patni. Lagna from 11th Bhava.
vyaye sagrahe grahadreṣṭevā śrīmantaḥ
Chart No 9 Shri. Jugal Kishore Birla born on 23-5-1883 at Pilani.
Patni Lagna = Arooda of Cancer = Cancer to 5th and again further 5th = Pisces. Kosha Pada = 2nd sign from Pisces is Aries, whose Arooda is Cancer by rule of svaste dārāḥ Labha Pada = 11th sign from Pisces is Capricorn whose Arooda is Virgo. Cancer and Virgo are 3/11 medium type of rich. But Kosha lord and Patni lord aspected by Jupiter, Moon is neechabhanga. At the same time Jupiter aspects Mercury lord of Labha Pada.
Chart No 10 Shri Andrew Carnegie born on 25-11-1835 at 20:00hrs at 56o05’N and 3o25E.
Lagna lord in 3rd Kendra. Patni Lagna as per 2nd from Libra is Scorpio as per 11th from Libra is Leo as per
is Libra (sutasthe janmaḼ) Arooda is Aquarius. Arooda is Aquarius.
Pada of 2nd and 11th both in same sign aspected (Jaimini) by exalted Saturn which occupies Patni Pada. Chart No 11 – Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia Born on 17-1-1928 No other information
Patni Lagna Lord of Aquarius is placed 10 signs away, so Arooda is in Leo. (10 signs away from Scorpio) Kosha Pada 2nd from Leo is Virgo whose Arooda is Taurus. Labha Pada 11th from Leo is Gemini whose Arooda is again Leo Leo and Taurus are in mutual kendras and hence rich.
Chart No 12 – Shri Hemchand K Shah Born on 31-1-1896
Patni Lagna from Sagittarius is in Taurus, whose pada is in Aquarius. Kosha Pada - 2nd from Patni is Pisces whose Arooda is Scorpio Labha Pada – 11th from Patni is Sagittarius, whose Arooda is Aquarius. Kosha and Revenue Pada are in mutual angles. Hence rich. Moreover exalted Jupiter aspects P2, Patni Pada and P11. We have selected political personalities from South Asian region and tested Shreeman yoga (as understood by us) on them.
Chart No 13 – Jawaharlal Nehru Born 14 Nov 1889 23 hrs 05 81 E 51 26 N 27
Lagna Arooda (Patni Pada) = Moon X 2 (-) Cancer not applicable. By special rule Moon + 90 = Libra Labha Pada From Libra 11th house is Leo 11th Pada = by special rule Sun + 90 = Aquarius Kosha Pada From Libra 2nd house is Scorpio 2nd Pada = Mars X 2 (-) Scorpio = 10s – 19 deg 58’ – 7s 22 deg 49’ = 2s deg 27’ = Gemini 11th Pada and 2nd Pada mutually triangular. Special note – Jupiter aspects P2; Venus aspects P11. Venus occupies Patni Lagna.
Chart No 14 – Smt. Indira Gandhi Born 19 Nov 1917 23:11 hrs 81E51, 26N27
Lagna Arooda (Patni) = By special rule Moon + 270 deg = Libra 11th Pada (from Libra) Leo whose lord is placed in 4th from Leo = Sun + 90 deg = Aquarius. 2nd Pada = Mars + 270 = Taurus. 11th Pada and 2nd Pada mutually angular. Special : Jupiter aspects Patni Lagna.
Chart No 15 – Sanjay Gandhi born 14 Dec 1948; 9:27 hrs 77E13; 28N40
Patni Lagna – Saturn is in the 7th house from Lagna, by special rule pada is Saturn + 270 deg = Aries.
But Saturn is retro by reducing one sign we get Pisces. 11th Pada from Patni is Capricorn. By special rule (Sat + 10 signs – 1 sign for retro) Pada is Pisces. Special Note: Sutra No 15 of Chapter 1 section 3 gives another combination of Shrimaan – If these planets are involved with Patni, PXI and P2 one is rich. Venus joins Jupiter, lord of Patni and PXI and aspects P2; these 3 planets mutually aspect each other. 2nd Pada from Patni = Mars X 2 (-) Sagittarius = 224 deg 25 X 2 (-) 1 deg 24 = 448 deg 50 – 1 deg 24 = 87 deg 26 = Leo 11th Pada and 2nd Pada are Padas are 6/8 mutually. Yoga not formed. Chart No 16 – Morarjee Desai born Feb 29, 1896 at Bhadoli, India.
Patni Lagna = Gemini to Mercury equal space thereafter. = Mercury X 2 (-) Capricorn = 291 deg 21’ X 2 (-) 78 deg 57’ = 582 deg 42’ (-) 78 deg 57’ = 503 deg 45’ – 360 deg = 143 deg 45 = Leo
2nd Pada from Leo = Mercury X 2 – Virgo = 582 deg 42’ – 168 deg 57’ = 413 deg 45’ – 360 = 53 deg 45 = Taurus. 11th Pada from Leo = Mercury X 2 - Gemini = 582 deg 42’ – 78 deg 57’ = 503 deg 45’ – 360 = 143 deg 45’ = Leo Pada 2 and 11th are mutually angular hence Rich.
Chart No 17 – Rajiv Gandhi born Aug 20, 1944; 8:11 hrs 73E50;18N58
Patni Lagna = Mercury X 2 (-) Virgo = 2 x 4s – 28 deg 36’ (-) 5s 13 deg 01’ = 4s – 14 deg 11’ = Leo Labha Pada = Moon X 2 (-) Cancer = 4s – 18 deg 09’ x 2 (-) 13 deg 01’ = 5 – 28 deg 17’ = Virgo
Kosha Pada = Venus X 2 – Libra = 4s – 18 deg 46’ (-) 6s 13 deg 07’ = 2s – 24 deg 31’ = Gemini Virgo and Gemini are in mutual angles.
Chart No 18 – Pramod Mahajan Oct 30, 1948
Patni Lagna = Mercury X 2 (-) Gemini = 5s – 26 deg 53’ X 2 (-) 2s 8 deg 46’ = 9s – 15 deg = Capricorn Kosha Pada from Aquarius (Aquarius is 2nd from Capricorn) By special rule Saturn + 270 deg = Taurus Labha Pada from Scorpio (Scorpio is 11th from Capricorn) By special rule Mars + 90 deg = Aquarius Kosha Pada and Labha Pada are mutually angular.
Chart No 19 – N.T. Ramarao Born 28-05-1923 16:43hrs 84E20, 19N21;
Patni Lagna (Asc Lord Ven placed in 3rd Kendra.) = By special rule per
Ven + 270
= Capricorn Kosha pada from Capricorn (Aquarius is 2nd from Capricorn) = Sat x 2(-) Aquarius = 5s – 20 deg 53’ x 2 (-) 10s – 21 deg 33’ = 11s – 11 deg 46’ (-) 10s – 21 deg 33’ = 0 – 10 deg 16’ as Saturn is retrograde reduce 30 deg = 11 – 10 deg 16’ – Pisces Labha Pada from Capricorn (Scorpio is 11th from Capricorn) = Mars x 2 (-) Scorpio = 4 – 11 deg 16’ (-) 7 – 21 deg 33’ = 8 – 19 deg 46’ = Sag = Sagittarius is angle to Pisces hence Shreeman
Chart No 20 – A. B. Vajpayee born 25 Dec 1924 5:45hrs 78E10, 26N13;
Patni Lagna = Mars x 2 (-) Scorpio = 22s – 21 deg 04’ (-) 7s – 21 deg 51’ = 2s – 29 deg 13’ = Gemini 11th Pada from Gemini = Mars x 2 (-) Aries = (11 – 10 deg 32’) x 2 (-) 0 – 21 deg 51’ = 22 – 21 deg 04’ – 0 – 21 deg 51’ = 9 – 29 deg 13’ = Capricorn 2nd Pada from Gemini = Moon x 2 (-) Cancer = Pisces These Padas are in 3/11 mutually – Moderate assets
Chart No 21 – Narendra Modi 17 Sep 1950 10:10hrs 72E38, 23N27
Patni Lagna = Venus x 2 – Libra = 7s – 01 deg 18’ – 6s 20 deg 16’ = 0s – 11 deg 02’ = Aries Labha Pada 11th Pada from Aries Aquarius’ lord in 7th by special rule its pada is Taurus. Kosha Pada 2nd Pada from Aries is Taurus whose lord Venus is placed 4th from it. By special rule pada is Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio are mutually angular assuring Shriman yoga. Chart No 22 – Naveen Patnaik 16 Oct 1946 1:00hr 85E50, 20N30
Patni Lagna – Moon x 2 – Cancer 2s – 5 deg 46’ x 2 (-) 3s – 22 deg 41’ = 0 – 17 deg 05’ = Aries Kosha Pada Venus is placed 7th to Taurus. By special rule Kosha Pada is Leo. XI Pada (for Aq) = Sat x 2 (-) Cancer = 6 – 29 deg 14’ (-) 10s – 22 deg 41’ = 8 – 8 deg 23’ = Sagittarius Revenue Pada and Assets Pada are in mutual konas. Chart No 23 – Pervez Musharraf born 11 Aug 1942 15:19hrs 77:13, 28N40
Patni Lagna = Mars x 2 (-) Scorpio = 266 deg 36’ – 237 deg 56’ = 28 deg 40’ = Aries Kosha Pada from Patni (Taurus is 2nd from Aries) = Ven x 2 – Taurus = 180 deg 02’ – 57 deg 56’ = 122 deg 06’ = Leo Labha Pada from Patni (Aquarius is 11th from Aries) = Sat x 2 (-) Aquarius = Sat being in the 2nd Kendra. Hence by special rule Pada is Leo Both padas fall in Leo with Mars (army) Rahu (manipulator), Mercury (schemer) planets. Chart No 24 – Benazir Bhutto born 21 Jun 1953 19:43 hrs 67E03, 24N52
Patni Lagna = Jupiter x 2 (-) Sagittarius = 46 deg 48’ x 2 – 259 deg 16’ = 93 deg 36 – 259 deg 16’ = 194 deg 20 = Libra Scorpio is 2nd from Libra Kosha Pada (Scorpio is 2nd from Libra) = Mars x 2 (-) Scorpio = 62 deg 28’ x 2 – 229 deg 16’ = 124 deg 56’ – 229 deg 16’ = Sagittarius 11th Pada (Leo is 11th from Libra) = Sun x 2 – 139 deg 16’ = 138 deg 24 – 139 deg 16’ = 359 deg 08’ = Pisces Both Padas are in mutual kendras. Hence Rich. The results will be more satisfactory if planetary and lagna degrees are available. Distortion in the Arooda is witnessed where lagna degrees are 5 or less while degrees of sign lord is 25° and above or vice versa. In majority of cases Aroodas by navamsa and sign serve the purpose.
There is another important Sutra which reads as
candraguruśukreṣukśrīmantaḥ If Koshapada falls in the signs of the Moon, Jupiter, Venus or occupied and/or aspected by one or more of them, the native is Shreeman. The above 3 planets gets exaltation in their respective signs. The Moon gets exaltation in the sign of Venus (Taurus), Venus in Pisces (of Jupiter) and Jupiter in Cancer (of Moon). Hence Koshapada or Patni Pada should be joined by one or more planets i.e., the Moon, Jupiter or Venus or receive their respective aspects. The more the planets are involved more riches ie., increase is in geometric progression. The chart of Nawaz Sharif is a typical example Born 25 Dec 1948 12:09 hrs 74E20, 31N32
The native is the ex prime minister of Pakistan and extremely rich. Patni Lagna = Mercury x 2 Less Virgo = 256 deg 34’ x 2 (-) 134 deg 37’ = 358 deg 31 = Pisces Labha Pada (11th from Pisces) from Capri
= Saturn x 2 – Capricorn = 10s 21 deg 23’ less one sign for retro Sat = Aquarius Kosha Pada (2nd from Pisces) = Mars x 2 – Aries = 5s 22 deg = Virgo As per formula of sutra he should be poor as Virgo and Aquarius are 6/8 mutually. Sutra no 15 precedes Sutra No 18. The Sutra becomes applicable where Sutra No 15 gives no decision. Sutra No 15 is applicable here. Koshapada is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Sun and the Moon. Pisces is one of 3 Aroodas recommended by Rishi and out of 3 planets Jupiter, Moon and Venus, the Moon and Jupiter aspect Arooda Lagna (Patni Lagna) granting Shreeman yoga.