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It’s time for newspaper subscriptions to move beyond online and offline SUBSCRIPTION, PAGE 4


ANA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEET, TIGHTEN STRATEGY FOR FUTURE The board met in Payson last month to discuss the direction the association will take. Get the details. 2008, PAGE 2

GET A TASTE OF ANA’S 2008 FALL CONVENTION You want to know when, where and who’s speaking? We’ve got your back. The schedule and pricing for the convention is all in this issue. Register now for an early-bird discount! 2008 ANA FALL, PAGE 12


Countdown to the convention The 69th annual ANA convention will be filled with innovative ideas and hands-on sessions to help your newspaper transition into the 21st century. The convention will be held Oct. 10-11 at the downtown Phoenix campus of Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. For newsroom participants, ANA will feature a day-long ethics session lead by long-time American Press Institute trainer Steve Buttry and a hands-on video and editing lab with ASU professor Serena Carpenter, as well as a keynote address by multimedia guru Dan Gillmor and a panel dicussion on the “Nuts and Bolts of the Wired Journalist”. For advertising staff members, ANA has brought in Mike Blinder for a day-long session in “Multimedia Streetfighting”. Blinder will be training traditional sales people on how to embrace new media sales. Novices and seasoned sales staff can learn the skills and systems to help close the deal! Attendees will learn techniques in building better customer rapport, uncovering customer needs, establishing improved relationships, identifying new prospects, closing more effectively and establishing time management skills. And don’t miss ANA’s special events, including the Freedom of

Mike Blinder, President of the Blinder Group, is coming to Arizona on Oct. 10 to present his training course ‘Multimedia Streetfighting’, which focuses on advertising and sales in the digital age.

Information luncheon, the Hall of Fame dinner and the Better Newspapers Contest awards reception. Early birds: Register and pay for both days of the convention by Sep. 26 and receive a $25 discount. Register online at www.ananews.com. Throughout the convention, we’ll also raffle off items (including The Flip video camera) to raise money for Foundation scholarships, provide tours of the new, cutting-

edge journalism facility and present the Newspaper of the Year award to one daily and one non-daily newspaper. For those needing hotel rooms, we highly recommend the newly-built Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, which is walking-distance from the university. Other hotel options are available on our Web site. You can see the full schedule of events on page 8.

SNA names Arizona Daily Star newspaper of the year The Arizona Daily Star has been named Newspaper of the Year in its circulation category by the trade group Suburban Newspapers of America. The Star took the top spot for general excellence among daily papers larger than 30,000 circulation. Judges, from the American Press Institute, called the Star “an absolutely first-class newspaper that is a pure pleasure to read. The content is rich, offering readers a full complement of news, features and other information. “ “The Daily Star walks the talk: It is invested in its readers and its community.” Judges praised the paper’s “sophisticated typography, design and layout that invites the reader into each page. It’s obvious that time is spent on planning photo, graphics

and artwork so that they tell their own stories.” Online, judges said, “the Daily Star does a great job of leveraging its Web site by alerting readers about stories, slide shows and multi-media offerings. It’s a new era, and The Daily Star has jumped on board.” Suburban Newspapers of AmerANAgrams Arizona Newspapers Association 1001 N. Central Avenue, Suite 670 Phoenix, AZ 85004 - 1947

ica is a trade association representing nearly 2,400 daily and weekly newspapers in the United States and Canada. Winners in this year’s contest will be recognized at the SNA Fall Publishers’ and Advertising Directors’ Conference, to be held in October in Minneapolis. “PRSRT STD” U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX ARIZONA PERMIT NO. 3429


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