Tracking Lights | lighting design project

Page 23


45 Infrastuctural nodes “Københavns Kommunes ambition er at inspirere til sammenhængende løsninger omkring byens belysning. En række områder er særligt vigtige. Særligt fremhæves infrastrukturelle knudepunkter.” (Fællens udvikling af byens belysning” p. 9 ) To further argue for the importance of functional lighting design in our chosen area, in the Masterplan it is mentioned how infrastructural nodes have special importance. These kind of places are easily experienced as unsafe, and special attention needs to be taken to successfully create a safe and comfortable environment.

Fig. 3.7 The Railway City in the middle. (source: Citelum, 2014)

3.4 Lighting Master Plan There are no suggestions for the lighting in The Railway City in specific in The Copenhagen lighting masterplan, but the general guidelines of the masterplan will be considered on the design. Even though the Lighting Masterplan has specific guidelines for most of the areas in Copenhagen, for some reason or another there is no guideline for The Railway City. Nevertheless, there is plenty of general guidelines and suggestions for lighting design in Copenhagen regardless of the specific location. Based on our site analysis, the design of this project will consider guidelines regarding lighting design for areas with prominent historical identities and lighting for areas where soft traffic is the main form of transportation. There are also more abstract mentions about increasing coherence and the importance of tunnel lighting.

One theme that was observed during the analysis was, that the tunnel area doesn’t feel to belong to the rest of the city, as the atmosphere is so different from its surroundings. As it is mentioned in the masterplan, that the citizens tend to experience city areas as connected entities, the design should consider how there could be added coherence between The Railway City and the tunnel area.

Creating with light

F r a m e w o r k

Coherence “De analyser, der er foretaget I forbindelse med Belysningsmasterplanen, viser, at borgere oplever byens eller kvarterers belysning som en helhed. Det er derfor afgørende for den samlede oplevelse af byens belysning, at lyset hænger sammen.” (Fællens udvikling af byens belysning” p. 9 )

More than light “Fokusområderne og lyskoncepterne tjener som inspiration til at vise, at lys kan understøtte andre af kommunens visioner, f.eks. i forhold til at understøtte fysisk aktivitet, styrke tryghed, formidle kulturarv og understøtte lokalt byliv.” p. 10 Mere end lys It is acknowledged in the masterplan, that lighting design can have more goals than providing sufficient illumination. In our case, we would especially like to support the cultural heritage and the local community with light. Luminaires As for the recommendations for the luminaires in The Railway City, the guidelines about lighting for local roads, soft traffic and lighting for historical workers neighborhoods will be implemented. “For at understøtte den særlige stemning i de gamle arbejderkvarterer, foreslår vi et specifi kt armatur, der kombinerer klassiske og industrielle stilarter.” p. 23

Fig. 3.8.: Suggested colour temperatures for the streets of Copenhagen. (source: Citelum 2014)

As for the street lighting in The Railway City area, a luminaire with a mounting height of 4m that combines classical and industrial styles is suggested. (fig. 3.9) (Belysningsmasterplan, p. 23) This light should have a kelvin value of 3000, as it is considered ideal for soft

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