Benefits of Using Word Press as CMS

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Generally WordPress is a simple blogging Software But today WordPress has become a complete Content Management System. This helps to build any type of website of your choice  The WordPress where you can do blogging with free hosting.  It is the community site users of WordPress CMS software.

Unbelievable statistics about WordPress o More than 55 million comments o Nearly 61 million posts every month o More than 409 million readers o 16.3 billion views per month o 116 versions of this CMS o 77 million websites

ome Advantages of WordPress Over other CMS Platforms  Vast Choice of Themes

 A social media friendly platform

 Integration

 Higher SEO rankings with AV content

 Easy to use

 Extended security facilities

 Easy to Install

 Ease of Development

1. Vast Choice of Themes  Though it was initially developed as a blog platform, WordPress is a simple CMS that can also be used to develop websites.  The development process is very easy to understand and straight forward.  In fact it is so simple that, even a rookie at PHP can easily find his way through WordPress.  WordPress provides an unlimited selection of themes.  Want to use a more personal themes or unique, you can edit a free themes, or buy the unique one that you like.

2. Integration  Most web software has integration with WordPress already made available or is working on one.  This helps to save the time needed to work with codes and allows its users to be benefitted by the ease of use, for which WordPress is known for.  When integrating with a third party service, a quick process rather than editing code might be essential.  It also opens up a whole new world for those looking to expand their websites with new functionality.  With a huge collection of plug-ins, you can easily accomplish new things and expand your website with new plug-ins.

3. Easy to use  A point that most people would agree on is that when compared to Joomla development, Word Press's usability makes it a king among others.  What is it that makes this easy to use? Apart from having a simple and straight forward interface, it also boasts of unparalleled customizability.  Sometimes, it is even used as a benchmark for developing a proper user interface.  This CMS even provides a distraction free writing mode to let you focus on your writing skills.

4. Easy to Install  This is another great advantage of using WordPress over Magento development platforms.  It is quite easy to install when compared to other CMS’.  The services of Fantastico have made installation of all three CMS easy, but without it WP is definitely the easiest to install.  While using a hosting service like Bluehost, it is a lot easier with their automated tools and WordPress managed hosting services.

5. A Social Media Friendly Platform Offers the opportunity to tag your post automatically to social media sites including Twitter, Face book and LinkedIn. Social media friendly feature of WordPress has offered this CMS a popular choice to consider the same whenever there is a requirement of developing a website. Creative SEO custom abilities are extended benefits.

6. Higher SEO Rankings With AV Content Audio and video content are easy to add to a website developed using WordPress. An opportunity to maximize their ranking with additional audio and video clippings attached to their posts. Audio and video clipping are now considered in the search engine results by major browsers like Google and thus adding video links can offer higher SEO ranking to a webpage.

7. Extended security facilities WordPress is designed to be “hacker-proofed ” CMS and thus it ensures the security of the content published on this open source blogging system. WordPress offers full protection to the installation of content over the site with its extended security features included while a website is developed over this platform.

8. Ease of Development Though it was initially developed as a blog platform, WordPress is a simple CMS that can also be used to develop websites. The development process is very easy to understand and straight forward. In fact it is so simple that, even a rookie at PHP can easily find his way through WordPress.

ďƒ˜ The popularity of the WordPress is raising every day.. ďƒ˜ Due to the higher benefits that WordPress offers as a content management system


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