ERASMUS+ PROJECT Let’s Living and Moving Consciously in our Europe
Project identification no. 2018-1-RO01-KA201-049106
KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
A three-day package holiday in the fabulous Danube Delta
Welcome to tulcea !
Welcome to Tulcea county, situated at the eastern border of the European Union, standing out through the presence of the Danube Delta, UNESCO site, on its territory. It is Europe’s youngest territory, surrounded by exceptional and diverse natural and cultural sights.
Tulcea is where the Danube, after its 2860 km journey, flows into the Black Sea through its three branches: Chilia, Sulina and Sfântu Gheorghe (Saint George). The town is located 125 km from Constanta, 267 km from Bucharest and 71.3 km from the Black Sea. If viewed from above, from the town's entrance, the intersection of roads that come together from all over the country or from the east, Tulcea is absolutely fascinating with its picturesque features highlighted by its glistenig waters, modern buildings with broad alleyways, as well as its narrow roads winding between small houses that still retain some of the old Greek, Slavonic, Muslim or Judaic architectural styles. Also known as the “City Gates to the Danube Delta” some of its economy is focused on tourism, therefore we will support in this presentation sustainable water tourism .
The heart of Tulcea County is the Danube Delta itself, the place that shelters some of the most spectacular sights in the world. Visitors can admire the simplicity and authenticity of the Danube Delta and they can enjoy the sandy beaches of the Black Sea, Danube Delta being the birthplace of the youngest land in Europe. The forests with Mediterranean vegetation, shelter for wild birds, draw ornithologists from all over the world for the famous birdwatching.
This is why we are proposing to you a three-day package holiday in our fascinating region. If you love travelling and water tourism, you will find here everything you need to get unforgettable memories, from people, places, landscape, food and well-being.
Arriving in Bucharest, tourists will come to Tulcea using different means of transportation – by bus, by train, by renting a car, and the trip to Tulcea usually takes 4-5 hours. Here, in Tulcea, you can find accommodation quite easily. There are many hotels, boarding houses, Airbnbs to host you, depending on your wishes.
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, related to the eating experience. Many restaurants serve fish-based dishes, that are healthy and delicious. Our recommendation is to go to “Ivan Pescar”, “La liman”, “La Cherhana”, or Delta and Esplanada hotels‘ restaurants.
After a good night’s sleep and some good food, your tour in the Danube Delta can begin. Enjoy it! These are the tours that we propose to you for a three –day itinerary.
This tour starts off in Tulcea, then goes through the Tulcea river branch up to Mile 23 and continues onwards on this channel until it reaches the Șontea Channel intersection, continues through the Sontea channel, and then on the Olguta channel, pushes onwards on Dunarea veche (Old Danube) until it reaches the Sulina-Crișan Branch. The return voyage is done via the Sulina Branch until it reaches Tulcea. Tourists who choose this tour have the opportunity to admire lush vegetation (consisting in poplars, willows and reed thickets), the wonderful birds that brought the Delta‘s renown (e.g. the mixed avian colony of Purcelu Lake), as well as the wondrous lilies inhabiting the small and charming lakes.
The tour starts off in Tulcea and follows the Tulcea Branch up to the Sf. Gheorghe intersection where the Borcea Branch splits into Sulina Branch to the left and Sf. Gheorghe Branch to the right. This tour’s main attraction is the fact that it can reach Gorgova, Isac and Uzlina Lakes. There are also several other lakes in the vicinity – Babintii Mari, Babintii Mici, Potcoava- that form the Potcoava Lake Strictly Protected Area, an ideal nesting ground for many birds (like the Little Bittern, the Eurasian BIttern, the Gadwall, the Red –Crested Pochard, the Heron, the Red-Necked Grebe, the White-Tailed Eagle) and other wildlife (like otters, minks, ermine, wild boars,etc). The aquatic fauna is represented by the Tench and the Crucian Carp. The second half of the tour reaches the Crișan Channel and the return back to Tulcea is done via the Sulina Channel.
This is the only tour upriver of Tulcea located in the area known as the “Upper Delta” and starts off at the Câșla Lake which is only 2 km from Tulcea. The journey continues on the Somova Pond and through the main lakes of the Somova-Parcheș Lake complex and then onto Ivanov Channel. The tour‘s end reaches Telincea Lake, which is on the “Rotundu Lake” Strictly Protected Area, where you may visit Saon Monastery. It is a very relaxing and peaceful tour and we highly recommend it.
During your stay in the Danube Delta, you will have the opportunity to enjoy and experience the Romanian style of living. Healty food based on fresh water fish recipes, traditionalș Russian –Lipovenian music, campfire, marvelous sunsets. You will find here everything you need for your tranquility and inner-peace.
We hope we stirred your curiosity and you will visit us, quite soon! Other touristic routes are waiting for you, from the Black Sea coast to the Boilers (Cazanele Dunării), another fascinating place where the Danube enters our country, in the west. We are happy to address to you the invitation to visit Tulcea and we are sure that once here, you will be
blackdunĂrii) sea BOAT The boilers (cazanele
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
BIBLIOGRAPHY Force Tourism , Business & Tourism Magazine, advertorial Tulcea County Council,
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Thank you for your attention! Students: Cosmin Alexandru CARP Alexandru GURGU Alejandro CHIPER Bianca Georgiana ALEXE Petre Cristian BOSCENCU Raluca Ioana BORDEI Radu TOMOȘOIU Coordinator: English teacher - Adina CONSTANTIN "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and National Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." 21