Let’s Living and Moving Consciously in our Europe
Project identification no. 2018-1-RO01-KA201-049106
KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education Erasmus+
Let’s Living and Moving Consciously in our Europe
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
ROMANIAN WATER-TOURISM - INTRO In terms of proportions and characteristic features in different geographical areas on the Globe, water is a modelling and decisive factor in the evolution of settlements. For economic activities, including tourism, water is used by two major transportation systems and one for tourism. In this presentation we will talk about: 1)Nautical tourism in Romania; 2)Romanian Seaside Tourism; 3)Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania; 4)Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta. Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania Nautical tourism is a form of tourism which beside recreational navigation, organized with one’s own or rented boats, accommodation and/or overnights on board, includes also trips organized by cruising ship owners and travel agencies, cabin cruisers for the tourist's’ rest and recreation (e.g. fishing, scuba diving, underwater photographing). Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania Very important in all the phases of implementing the marketing mix in nautical tourism and water-based sports is the general profile of a possible client/tourist. The profile of the nautical tourist: • middle aged person who loves the natural environment (nature, culture, beautiful landscapes); • prefers individual or smallgroup travels; • can spend a certain amount of Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania There are several types of events that can be promoted in this sector: – Schools for motor boat and sail boat navigation, issuing licenses, schools for underwater diving and swooping, also issuing official licenses;
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania There are several types of events that can be promoted in this sector: – International events, addressed to water-sports lovers and pleasureboaters; – Cruises for amateurs, which have a preset itinerary and a specific time-interval from departure to arrival; the first people who arrive are Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania There are several types of events that can be promoted in this sector: – Commercial events – showrooms and fairs of products designed for navigation and nautical sports, nautical holidays in marinas and in nautical and sporting clubs, fishing contests;
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Nautical tourism in Romania There are several types of events that can be promoted in this sector: – Sea/river parades of old boats used in certain historical stages of harbor evolution or of maritime and fluvial navigation; – Open Door Day to harbors, when commercial and transport departments, but also naval construction sites and repair workshops may Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism The seaside is also an important tourist destination in Romania, due to the Black Sea coastline. In terms of internal demand, it represents the most popular form of tourism in the country. So far, Romanian Seaside tourism has not been fully valorized, mainly because of its climate pattern, characterized by a short summer season, which has not allowed stakeholders to ensure continuity in their Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism The Romanian Black Sea coastal zone measures 245 km, between Musura (Ukraine) and Vama Veche representing 5.3% of the total Black Sea coastline, of which 70 km include sandy beaches, attractive for tourists. Constanta, one of the two counties with open access to the Black Sea has a total of 13 resorts, internationally known since the 70s. Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism The area’s main tourist resources are aerosols salt lakes, therapeutic mud and mineralized waters.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism The marine bio-climate is known not only for its moderate temperatures, but also for considerable thermostability, reduced precipitations, eastward orientation and uniformity in the humidity level.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism The beaches, the cultural heritage and architectural monuments represent other major tourist attractions.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Romanian Seaside Tourism In order to recover the activity and capitalize on the seaside tourism potential, action must be taken to increase investments for the infrastructure specific to seaside tourism, but also to protect the natural resources specific to this form of tourism, in order to ensure sustainable tourism on the Romanian Black Sea Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania Navigation tourism began to take a place and a role increasingly important on global, regional and local level. Tourist traffic, to the desired destinations through naval tourism routes, considering transport services in the "blue tourism", are consisting of: •racing line, •cruises and mini cruises and •individual travel with pleasure craft, for consumption of touristic Products.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania Example 12 Day Cruise aboard MS Vivaldi From the Blue Danube to the Black Sea
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania
12 Day Cruise ”From the Blue Danube to the Black Sea” --- Itinerary ---
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania Danube Delta offers also great potential. This has always been an important economic role, with natural wealth, and, politically and strategically, by its geographical position.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania In this context, for practicing of this type of tourism, in Danube Delta were provided accommodations spaces: -in pontoons by 3-star and 5 by 4-stars; -in the floating hotels which travels on channels and arms of the River Danube, between the fishing locations and the tourist's points of interest, and -in the motorboats with all the utilities for a real comfort on touristic routes, for periods between 1 and 15 days, it is a good offer.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta Flotel (floating hotel) is the newest trend in sustainable tourism and has the potential to become the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta In most of these hotels the rooms have a balcony, smart furniture and consoles for controlling the lights, TV and air conditioning. Whether they are looking for outdoor activities such as fishing, kayaking, or just want to relax, tourists who choose a floating hotel are guaranteed a memorable experience.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta Floating Hotel "CARPATIA - St. Constantine" a wonderful location, provides quality service with a very personal, being chosen as a location for shooting, fishing and rides on the Danube Delta channels. Floating Hotel ”CARPATIA - St. Constantine” – Sulina, TULCEA County, ROMANIA
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta
Floating Hotel ”ANDA” – TULCEA harbor, ROMANIA
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta Anda floating hotel owns a generator (generating electricity), central heating system, potable water tanks of 10 tons, air conditioning in all hotel, own kitchen, food cold storage space, entertainment covered terrace, terrace beach.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta The hotel has heating system and hot water. During the night, it usually anchors and guests can relax in perfect tranquility in the midst of the wildest area of Europe, the Danube Delta. It is offered free transport by boat in the Danube Delta to the fishing areas and tracking flying birds areas. It is also offered fishing gear (lines) and free bait for those who want to fish.
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta This accomodation can be booked using Holiday Vouchers. Floating Hotel ”PARADISE OF DELTA” – Murighiol, TULCEA County, ROMANIA
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Flotel (floating hotel) - the new standard for tourism in the Danube Delta Sustainable features for floating hotels: – The floating hotels could be relocated as needed, which means that they do not affect the environment as a permanent construction would. – The floating hotels could use renewable energy – solar, wind and geothermal. – The floating hotels could have their own waste recycling systems. – The floating hotels could be built of modules, with minimal impact on the environment. Erasmus+
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
BIBLIOGRAFY The Article ”Repositioning of Romanian Seaside Tourism as an Effect of Climate Change” Change” - George-Cornel DUMITRESCU, Simona MOAGAR POLADIAN and Alina-Cerasela ALUCULESEI The Article ”Shipping tourism on the tourist market from Romania” omania” - Rodica Manuela GOGONEA, Marian ZAHARIA The Article ”Promoting nautical tourism in Romania”, Romania”, Marioara PAVEL-MUSTEAŢA, PAVEL-MUSTEAŢA, Tamara SIMON
The 4th LTTA – 31th May – 05th June 2021, Tulcea, ROMANIA
Thank you for your attention!
Students: Alexandru GURGU Alejandro CHIPER Bianca Georgiana ALEXE Petre Cristian BOSCENCU Raluca Ioana BORDEI Radu TOMOȘOIU
Project coordinator: Ec. teacher Camelia Domnica MOCANU "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and National Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."