Water is life, let's clean it!
El Metn Highway, Nahr El Mout direction, Abou Jaoudeh center, 4th floor.
ABOUT US The Lebanese Development Environmental Sustainable Company (L-DESC) - Water Solu�on is providing the best technologies for wastewater treatment. Our company relies on the experience of chemists specialized in water, its composi�on and its treatment. In L-DESC Water Solu�on we are collabora�ng with different companies in the world according to the studied case and to our needs, in order to offer the best products and services in the water treatment field. We provide a single source for complete services from engineering, design and supply systems and construc�on - installa�on with full responsibility for the content of final products. Our offered solu�ons cover the various types of water and are designed in a way that conserves the natural wealth in the treated environment. In addi�on, the integrated technologies meet the increasing private consump�on through the use of safe and low-cost technologies in water treatment.
Our Goal Earning YOUR TRUST is our first and ul�mate goal. Our mission is to deliver the best products and services allowing you a comfortable and easy life. At L-DESC Water Solu�on, all our products and services are based on scien�fic research findings. This makes our solu�ons the most up to date and efficient ever. We provide the most recent solu�ons in the water and wastewater treatment field. Since our goal is your comfort, we take the responsibility of a very responsive and reliable service. We are on a quest to grow our abili�es to provide first class solu�ons, service and products. Our integrity is what we hold sacred and is our cornerstone for the future. At L-DESC Water Solu�on we consider your problems as ours and we work, based on our long experience in the water solu�ons field, to solve them. We take every single case as unique and we put all our efforts to make your water clean, pure and clear ready to be used again. Our company aims to clean wastewater with highly sophis�cated, innova�ve, and fully environmentally friendly technologies. Our technologies are of added value without being very expensive.
01- 877 013
Quality Products L-DESC Water Solu�on technologies are based on the latest scien�fic findings concerning the decontamina�on of sea water, wastewater and drinking water. Our team is con�nuously pu�ng efforts in the development of innova�ve technologies to efficiently reduce the cost of cleanup, crea�ng new facili�es and economical methods to remove damages from our coastal, rivers, lakes and streams. L-DESC Water Solu�on offers you the perfect solu�on for water treatment, regardless its type. Our company is commi�ed to providing the most reliable service, which can be tailored to meet individual needs. We lead designs, engineering, assembly, and distribu�on of water purifica�on and treatment systems. We offer complete plants for the treatment of contaminated water with iron, acids, bacteria, heavy metals and organic pollutants of industrial and household wastewater. We carry on detailed design and drawings to build a system that fits your needs. - Drinking water: the raw water and groundwater wells are treated using sophis�cated and high finished technologies to turn them into healthy and clean drinkable water, free of impuri�es and contaminants, germs and chemicals. - Industrial water treatment: water coming out of the factories is purified to become usable for irriga�on or for domes�c water use by refined methods. - Wastewater Treatment: wastewater produced from the everyday consump�on is treated using highly efficient technologies to get rid of all kind of impuri�es. With a record �me, sludge is converted into inflammable materials and wastewater is transformed into crystal clean water valid for domes�c use or irriga�on.
Product Overview L-DESC Water Solu�on has contacts with interna�onal companies related to the environmental problems. The Company developed a biodegradable process based on the natural fibers to adsorb the fuel oil from the water and other process to mineralize the hydrocarbons dispersed at the surface of water or dissolved in water.
L-DESC Water Solution Activities • • • • • •
Remedia�on of contaminated water by organics and heavy metals Oil spill and petroleum effluent cleanup in wastewater industries Wastewater and Domes�c Wastewater treatment Treatment of pes�cides effluents in wastewater Disinfec�on of water polluted by bacteria and/or chemical contaminants Remedia�on of chemically-contaminated sites.
IN ADDITION, WE CAN PROVIDE: • Analy�cal methodologies for quality control of carbohydrates in fruits and juices • Analy�cal methodologies for quality control of formulated drugs
L-DESC Sewage Treatment Technology L-DESC Water Solution is a unique wastewater purification company relying on recent worldwide patented purification methods. Services and products offered by L-DESC are needed and of high quality, which make our business demanded and successful. The fast purification of sewage and wastewater produced on daily basis from buildings, towers, industries and compounds constitute the need for our services. Since sewage and wastewater are intended to be treated once a day for 2 hours to get two products: charcoal and crystal clean water. These two products are useful in many fields in each building: Charcoal produced can be used by building or project owners to maintain nutrients on the cultivated soils; Guaranteed Crystal Clean Water, clear from all kinds of pollutants and bacteria, can be reused and pumped into canalization or can be used for implanted soil watering. Our plants are not space consuming, neither noisy nor of bad smell and hard to be noticed. A small plant can be built in 6 m2 space in a compound constituted of 20 housing units with an average occupation of 5 people/unit consuming 10 m3 of clean water a day. This small plant will be operated once daily to produce 10-15 kg of charcoal and 10 m3 of Crystal Clean Water. These two environmentally friendly products are 100% reusable. The plant consumes electricity and can be monitored by one person.
3 L-DESC Sewage Treatment Plant Description L-DESC Sewage Treatment solu�on is composed of two parts: - Sewage treatment reactor - Wastewater treatment reactor Sludge Treatment Reactor: Sewage is pumped into the treatment plant and se�led into a first reactor made of Stainless Steel materials. The sludge precipitates and water come to the top during the pumping �me. When the reactor is full the excess amount of water falls by gravity into the second reactor. Sludge precipitated into the reactor is carbonized within 20 minutes. Wastewater Treatment Reactor “OXY-CLEAN Reactor”: Wastewater is collected during the pumping before the sludge reactor is full. When the pumping stops the second reactor is turned on. Three chemical compounds are poured into the wastewater using three dosing pumps. Air bubbling into the wastewater starts using an air blower in order to start the oxyclean process. A�er 50 minutes clean water exits the reactor and enters in a sand filter for the last purifica�on step before its pumping into the building’s tanks. Obtained water is Crystal Clean Water exempt of all kinds of pollutants and bacteria, can be reused and pumped into canaliza�on or used for implanted soil watering. As shown in the figure below, our plants are not space consuming and simple to construct. Our plant’s by-products are all eco-friendly, pure and reusable.
At last but not least, DO NOT FORGET: WATER
IS LIFE...We must clean it!
Sludge Treatment Reactor Wastewater Treatment Reactor Oxy -Clean Reactor
Sand filter
Pure Water
Dosing pumps
Sludge Treatment Reactor Wastewater Treatment Reactor Oxy -Clean Reactor Dosing pumps
Sand filter
Pure Water