Supervised Home Training You may already think of RehaCom as a professional software tool to support cognitive rehabilitation. It is used in thousands of hospitals and clinics across Europe. But did you know it is also a great way of supporting clients in their own homes? Supervised home training with RehaCom supports your goals for cognitive training, since proven studies show that daily training aids cognitive ability. Therapists can overcome any difficulty of providing care in the community by supervising their patients “at a distance” with RehaCom. RehaCom helps clients to get back to their daily routine more easily after their injury. A higher quality of life is the result. We expect that the transfer to everyday life is much better for affected persons if they train in their usual environment and have got the possibility to get back to their daily routine right away. In Germany this therapy solution is already very well accepted. Clients start with RehaCom training early during their hospital stay. After that, they typically continue with RehaCom training at a practice of a community-based therapist. This combination of the episodic training at a therapist´s and the daily training at home is very effective. Ideally, an affected person should train after the accident or disease for a period of 6 to 18 months with a frequency of 10 minutes (early rehab phase) to 1 hour (later rehab phase) – and train each day in the early rehab phase or at least 3 times a week in the later rehab phase). A therapist using RehaCom has the possibility to control and influence the patient´s training on a daily basis (if chosen data transfer via internet) or as often as the therapist and the patient will meet up (if chosen data transfer via USB stick). Both therapist and patients have to have a RehaCom system for that. Either the patients get it for their home on their own or the therapist provides it for them on loan. Supervision via USB Stick
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Patient trains at the therapist´s, and the therapist exports the patient´s data
Therapist imports the patient´s data and is able to evaluate the training results and to set up new training prescriptions
Patient imports the patient´s data at his/her home computer
Patient trains at home and exports the training results for the next appointment at the therapist´s
Supervision via Internet
Patient trains at home, and the training results are stored on his/her internet account
Therapist logs into the patient´s internet account to explore the patient´s training results
Patient gets the new training prescriptions on the internet account
Therapist evaluates the patient´s training results to set up new prescriptions
Selection of the best approach will be influenced by the resources available to the client and their attitude to the style of training.
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Supervised Home Training – Instruction for therapists Please follow the instructions – for supervision via internet please have the computer online all the time.
1. RehaCom Installation • Insert the RehaCom installation DVD. • Follow the instructions of the installation program. • Afterwards please start RehaCom.
2. Setting up therapist´s data • If not popping up automatically, choose the user mode “As therapist, with external clients” by clicking “System” in the main window and “User mode” in the smaller window. • If not popping up automatically, choose the correct license mode by clicking “System” in the main window and “License mode” in the smaller window: “Licensing over panel/dongle”, if you will use a RehaCom panel or a RehaCom dongle (in this case RehaCom will want to look for a panel/dongle then, so connect your panel/dongle to a USB port of your computer before you click “Yes”); “Licensing over internet”, if you will use an internet account. • If not popping up automatically, click “Therapist” in the main window and “New” in the smaller window. To set up a therapist please fill in the rows in green. Make sure that the date is written in the correct form of the menu language (e.g. for English: 1960/10/14). • Confirm with “OK”. • The therapist will pop up by name in the „Therapist list” then. Click that therapist to mark the line blue. • Afterwards click “Choose“. Now you are back in the RehaCom main window.
3. Setting up client´s data and an internet account for a patient • If not popping up automatically, click “Client” in the main window and “New” in the smaller window. To set up a client please fill in the rows in green. Make sure that the date is written in the correct form of the menu language (e.g. for English: 1960/10/14). • Please tick the box “Supervision by internet” if applicable. Additionally, in the last 3 rows please enter a user name and password for the client, which he/she will register with later at home and tell him/her. • Please tick the box “Licensing over internet” if the patient trains with his/her licenses over the internet (no licensing via dongle). • Close the window with “OK“. Now an account with those data will be created in the internet.
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4. Making a therapy schedule • Go back to the main window and click: Client Choose the client you work with at the moment Edit Prescriptions Double click into the day’s window (when the training is supposed to start). • The window ”New prescriptions“ will open. • Choose the procedure to be trained by the client by clicking “Training”. • Via “Parameter“ you can set up different settings, such as duration of consultation, level settings, or input mode. Click “OK” to finish. • In the window ”New prescriptions“ please choose the days of the training and the starting level of difficulty. • Choosing “Repetition permits“ means the client can train the task several times. • Choosing ”Ask for patient’s feedback“ means information transfer with the client is possible. • Please choose if the licensing will be via your own or the client’s home account (only possible with “Supervision by internet”). • Choosing “Instruction before the training“ / “Instruction after the training“ means giving messages to your client before or after the training is possible. • After clicking “OK” your prescriptions will be in the therapy plan. • Double click into the day´s window for further prescriptions. • Finish your prescriptions with “OK“. • The prescriptions are stored in the internet (if supervision by internet), or you have to make an export file now. For that please click: Client Choose the client Export Choose your connected USB stick. Give the USB stick to your client who has to connect it to his/her home computer before the training. • The client will come back for another therapy session and bring back the USB stick with the new data. For the import click: Client Choose client Import Open (to choose the USB stick) OK (to confirm) • Afterwards the client´s and the therapist´s computer will be equal (for hat particular client) the RehaCom database has been equalized.
5. Checking the training results • To take a look at the training results of the client go to the RehaCom main window and click: Client Edit Prescriptions. • Click into a green window (= The client trained the prescription; Grey window = The client missed the training). • In the window “Client data” you will find possible messages from your client. • Click into one of the green windows and you will see a result sheet “Result RehaCom/Name of the procedure and of the client“. Now you can explore the results and the performance graph of the client. • Close the window “Result RehaCom“ by clicking “Close“ to get back to the window „Client data“ • You can set up new prescriptions now, e.g. changing the parameter settings or choosing different procedures for the client.
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