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e o i e
by e a el e i e t
e Toy Boat was something totally new for ASTRA, and with new things always comes a bit of skepticism and questioning. Despite all that, we forged ahead and it was amazing. Vendor table tops, a ernoon education sessions, game and kit nights, toy sync and general connecting with colleagues in a relaxed environment set this apart as not only a new experience, but something that participants are eager to do again. While many of these photos speak for themselves, here are a few of the comments from those on board when asked, “ I loved the ASTRA Toy Boat because”….
“It was an AWESOME chance to connect and celebrate with fun toy people, forge strong relationships and rad memories”. - Manufacturer
“Networking! Sales! And the opportunity to spend time – quality, relaxed time – with retailers and other manufacturers was awesome. Great events, seminars and the scenery was great!” - Manufacturer
“It was a toy industry experience like no other”. - Manufacturer
“We were able to build community with our toy people. We were able to form new relationships and brainstorm solutions for industry issues. New lines stood out and orders were easy to write”. - Retailer
“ e ability to connect with our industry was an incredible experience. Meaningful conversations, laughter and LOTS of business made the cruise the best week ever. I le the cruise with many new friends and lots of new products”. - Retailer

“I could give my family a glimpse into the toy industry and strengthen realationships with friends. I feel reenergized and ready to take this year on.” - Retailer
“It was a life changing event! I loved making new connections and strengthening long term ones”. - Retailer
“ e ASTRA Toy Boat exceeded my expectations in every way – thank you to all involved. I’m on board for the next Toy Boat!” - A liate
“I got to meet folks I hadn’t met yet, and deepen the relationship much better than casual aquaintances. It was so relaxing and fun”. - A liate
And facebook posts a er our Toy Boat docked and people were heading home:

“So much fun seeing a toy show through my kids eyes, and I think they’ve worked harder than me this week! Educational sessions and game nights were incredible, and you never know when you’ll cross paths with someone on the boat somewhere!”

“I was hopeful about the kind of intimate connections and think-tank type vibe that Toy Boat could create, but it was even better than I could have imagined. I saw everyone breaking out of the rut of talking only to the people they already knew. ere were new members, and not a single glazed over “show face”.
“ ank you for the fabulous week of buying, learning, and networking! Looking forward to our next adventure!”
….and so many more! ank you for all that decided this fun new idea was worth a try and help make it the success it was.
Will we do it again? We are currently in the process of reviewing options for 2025. With the great response we received, we know we want to create this type of experience again, as it was unlike any other. Our plan is to go every other year and create the same community and relationship building opportunity. Sign up to stay in touch if you are not a member on our website. Sign-up is at the bottom of our home page, at https://www. astratoy.org.