3 minute read
The Business of Bluey: Licensing the Famous Blue Heeler Pup
a Q & A with Andrew Carley Director of Global Licensing at BBC Studios

Q. What are some of the most successful Bluey collaborations thus far?
Jim Pressman (middle) with his wife Donna (right) and daughter Kate (le ).
A. For me, it has to be Bluey’s debut in the Macy’s anksgiving Day Parade last year! To see the giant balloon oating through the streets of New York, and to be part of something that has the reach and coverage of the parade was hugely signi cant. It presented Bluey as a property that is truly resonating with it’s audience and turning heads. To top it o , the voice talent from the series were invited on e Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, which just shows how Bluey has crossed over into the cultural mainstream in the U.S.
Another moment like that was the Airbnb partnership that ran in Australia for February 2022, where they created a real-life version of the home from the show. Imagine the excitement for a Bluey fan to be able to stay in the Heeler Home. e attention to detail in the conversion of family house to the Heeler Home was incredible. Social media was talking about it for months, and it’s still cropping up now online!
Q. What was your strategy to license Bluey as it was rst starting out? What is the licensing strategy moving forward?
A. e strategy at launch and the strategy now remains pretty much the same. We’re building awareness, exceeding expectations, and appointing licensees that we know have the creativity to capture the DNA of the show. Finding the right partners and markets takes time and careful planning. We are happy to hold back and wait for the right moment to launch and build whether that’s a new category, or a program in a new market. A er that, it’s about joining all the touch points, which includes all the work that BBC Studios does behind the scenes on driving the other channels – notably YouTube channels, Instagram, TikTok, etc. – to ensure the program is fully supported in the market and that fans are able to engage with the show on many di erent levels and platforms.
Q. Bluey is now known and beloved all over the world. Which licensing agreements really helped put Bluey on the map, outside of Australia?
A. Our global master partnerships with Moose Toys and Penguin Random House for publishing were very much part of the original launch in Australia and have been integral to the global roll out, totally putting us on the map. e products and the partnerships themselves reinforce exactly what we desire from a licensee. e translation of product and storytelling from on-screen to o -screen is perfect. ey help fans recreate what they see in the show and bridge that gap between Bluey’s worlds and our own, extending the opportunities to learn through play. ey’re fantastic partners, and the way we work with them became the basis for how we work with other licensees and what we look for in potential new partners.
Q. Any plans for a theatrical release?
A. It’s always an ambition! We’ve said before that given the right script, fans would love a Bluey lm. ere’s de nitely an appetite for it.
Q. Bluey seems to work on multiple levels with viewers. Children love it, and adults do as well. Why do you think that is?

A. As with any successful content, be it adult or children’s, on-screen or o -screen, it’s all about the writing. e storytelling captures the very essence of growing up for both a child and an adult in a manner that everyone can relate. It’s truthful, it’s relatable, it doesn’t condescend, it’s very funny, and it’s beautifully written. at transcends age groups, genders, and continents. It de nitely hits that sweet spot with audiences where adults and children can watch it together and appreciate it at the same time, which is rare when so many families can enjoy di erent content on their own devices. is show brings people together.
e world is so richly imagined too, and there’s so much wonderful cra that goes into it, from the animation to the score. Surprisingly, we’re now seeing that people who don’t have kids are getting into the show too, as it’s so gentle and o ers an escape. We’re hearing from university students who love the program!