Antrim and Newtownabbey
This initiative has been funded by the EU’s PEACE IV Programme managed by the SEUPB
INTRODUCTION The PEACE IV Programme, funded by the Special EU Programmes Body, is a unique initiative of the European Union, which has been designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.
PEACE IV Programme Preparations for the Antrim and Newtownabbey PEACE IV Programme began in early 2016 and an extensive consultation and engagement exercise took place from March until August 2016. The PEACE IV Partnership was established in September 2016 before a detailed application, assessment and clarification process was undertaken between September 2016 and January 2017. A draft letter of offer was received from the SEUPB in January 2017. Since January 2017 the PEACE IV Partnership has been designing and developing programmes, satisfying funder conditions, and preparing programmes to allow for project delivery to start
in September 2017. Projects will be completed by December 2019.
Collaborative Approach For the PEACE IV Programme to be delivered successfully, it is critical that there is a balanced delivery approach. Delivery partners and external delivery organisations must demonstrate appropriate skills and expertise on peace building and reconciliation to ensure that the interests and needs of the local community are addressed. Delivery agents are required to take cognisance of the importance of collaboration between the local authority, the community and voluntary sector, statutory stakeholders, and private delivery agents. This collaboration is essential to the overall success and sustainability of the projects and the PEACE IV Partnership strongly recommends that local knowledge and expertise is utilised in the delivery of programmes.
PLEASE NOTE: All programmes outlined in this document are subject to final approval of funding from the Special European Union Programmes Body.
Antrim and New townabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Respecting Difference Project
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Early Intervention Programme delivered to circa 229 Children and Young People aged 3-6 years which will invest in development of resilience skills to address the negative pressures from others and increase their respect and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Schools Based Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Moving Forward Together
OJEU Tender
OBJECTIVE: Schools and Family Based Good Relations Programme at nursery, primary, secondary and special school level with a focus on promoting greater sharing, understanding and reconciliation between schools and school communities in the Borough to approximately 1,188 children and young people and their families.
Out of School Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Life Skills Development Programme
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Seven Out of School area based programmes to approximately 290 11 to 24 year olds and their families through a menu based programme to include opportunities to improve life choices and emotional intelligence among young people.
Leadership and Life Skills Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Leadership and Life Skills
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Accredited and non-accredited leadership, personal development and active citizenship programme to 238 young people aimed at building leadership and team work skills, empowering young people to take greater control of their own lives and building their emotional intelligence and coping skills.
SHARED SPACES AND SERVICES Community Connections Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Community Connections Programme
Public Tender
Addressing Manifestations
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Place Making Programme with 70 participants through a place making dialogue and networking approach with a view to inspiring people to collectively reinvent public spaces within their communities.
Creation of a Virtual Shared Space Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Virtual Shared Space Development
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Virtual Shared Space Programme which will harness creativity and develop skills with 30 young people with a view to using technology together to share, learn, create and influence the shape of their local areas.
Antrim and New townabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan
BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS Capacity for Dialogue with Church/Faith/Religious Groups Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Building Connections and Exploring Roles
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Interfaith, Church and Religion based programme for 40 participants aimed at building church connections across the Borough and exploring the role of church, faith and religious groups in peace building. Includes a resource allocation budget of £9,000.
Growing Understanding Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Integration of and Connection with BME
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Growing Understanding Programme with 60 participants aimed at providing support to local groups to build understanding, collaboration, dialogue, integration and connections between Black Minority Ethnic communities and the wider local community. Includes best practice site visit opportunities.
Leadership Programme for Peace Building Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Leadership Programme for Peace Building
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Leadership programme for peacebuilding for emerging leaders and programme stakeholders. To include mediation and facilitating dialogue training and skill building around conflict management and negotiation on hard issues. Includes best practice site visit opportunities.
Dialogue Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Dialogue Programme
Public Tender
Objective: Dialogue Programme to initiate and conduct hard conversations with 48 participants aimed at building their capacity to discuss contested spaces, to overcome the influence of gatekeepers and to undertake dialogue in safe places on hard issues. Includes a resource allocation budget of £16,000.
Capacity Building Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Capacity Building & Engagement Programme
Public Tender
Objective: Community Capacity Building and Engagement Programme (mentor and practical project based) in seven areas aimed at supporting less engaged groups to develop their capacity through an area based, place making approach to peace building work. Includes a resource allocation budget of £70,000.
Cultural Expressions Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Williamite Project
Quotation Process
Key Institutions Programme
OJEU Tender
Objective: Cultural Expression Programme that explores shared history locally across 200 participants aimed at increasing awareness among communities about their own heritage and cultural identity and breaking down myths. Includes a resource allocation budget of £87,000.
Antrim and New townabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan
Sports, Arts and Recreation Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Sports Engagement Project
Public Tender
Arts Engagement Project
Public Tender
Recreation Engagement Project
Public Tender
OBJECTIVE: Sports, Arts and Recreation Engagement Programme delivered to 230 participants aimed at widening participation rates across different communities in non-traditional activities and building relationships locally to challenge perceptions around sectarianism, racism and prejudice. The Arts and Recreation Programmes include a resource allocation budget of £17,500 each.
Cross Border Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism Indicative Budget
Key Institutions Cross-Border Project
Quotation Process
OBJECTIVE: Cross Border Exchange and Learning Programme with 100 participants building on established cross-border links, working with Community Planning Department and Key Institution groups in each area.
Delivery Mechanism
Indicative Budget
Reclaiming Play Spaces
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section
Objective: Early Intervention Programme delivered to circa 229 Children and Young People aged 3-6 years which will invest in development of resilience skills to address the negative pressures from others and increase their respect and appreciation of cultural diversity.
SHARED SPACES AND SERVICES New Shared Space Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism
Indicative Budget
Project Management/Set Up
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Capital Projects Section
Skateboard / Urban Sports Park
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Capital Projects Section
Parkhall College / Antrim Grammar Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough School Council Capital Projects Section
Crumlin Glen
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Capital Projects Section
Objective: Shared Space Programme resulting in the creation of 3 new shared / consensual spaces in the Borough.
Antrim and New townabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan
Shared Space Engagement and Events Project Title
Delivery Mechanism
Indicative Budget
Perceptions Piece and Management
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section
V36 Shared Space Engagement
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section
V36 Education and Play
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section
Community Centres Programme
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough £10,000 Council Community Services Section
Leisure/Sports Facilities Programme
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section
Theatres Programme
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Arts and Culture Section
OBJECTIVE: Shared Space Engagement Programme in minimum of 10 spaces aimed at making better use of existing civic spaces, shared spaces and creating new opportunities for improved usage of these spaces and facilities.
BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS Cross Border Programme Project Title
Delivery Mechanism
Indicative Budget
Community Planning Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough £15,000 and Services (Sligo) Council Community Planning Department Community Planning Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough £29,000 and Services (Louth) Council Community Planning Department OBJECTIVE: Cross Border Exchange and Learning Programme with 100 participants building on established cross-border links, working with Community Planning Department and Key Institution groups in each area.
Antrim and Newtownabbey
Membership type
Cllr Neil Kelly
Elected Member - Alliance
Cllr Audrey Ball
Elected Member - DUP
Cllr Linda Clarke
Elected Member - DUP
Cllr Nigel Kells
Elected Member - DUP
Cllr Stephen Ross
Elected Member - DUP
Cllr Michael Goodman
Elected Member - Sinn Fein
Cllr Noreen McClelland
Elected Member - SDLP
Cllr David Hollis
Elected Member - TUV
Cllr Jim Bingham
Elected Member - UUP
Cllr Michael Maguire
Elected Member - UUP
Cllr David Arthurs
Elected Member - UUP
SI Emma Bond
Police Service of Northern Ireland (Statutory)
Alyson Dunn
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Statutory)
Francis Loughlin
Education Authority (Statutory)
John Read
Northern Ireland Housing Executive (Statutory)
Valerie Adams
Social Partner
David Crooks
Social Partner
Mark Glover
Social Partner
Michelle Harris
Social Partner
Ken Nelson
Social Partner
Kathy Wolff
Social Partner
The PEACE IV Partnership consists of 11 elected members, 4 statutory representatives and 6 independent representatives.
Antrim and New townabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan
HOW TO GET INVOLVED If you would like to be added to the PEACE IV mailing list, please visit Alternatively, you can register by sending the details below to E. Name Email Address Telephone Number Organisation Area(s) of Interest
For more information contact E. T. 028 9034 0226 @ANBorough
This initiative has been funded by the EU’s PEACE IV Programme managed by the SEUPB