Active Life Antrim and Newtownabbey Leisure Magazine January 2016
fun • health fitness • activities
Get E-Fit Fitness classes are a great way to get active and keep fit, with the added help and motivation of our fully qualified fitness coaches. With a wide range of fitness classes available there is something to suit everyone, from the first time beginners to the fitness fanatics!
You can also access information on all of our offers and classes on the Council website by leisure centre.
Easy online booking
Discount on Classes
You can book classes online at a time that is convenient to you!
Register for online booking at
www.antrimandnewtownabbey. Simply click on the leisure centres page and then online leisure bookings. You can also book into any of our fitness classes by contacting your nearest leisure centre. Contact details can be found on the back page.
Active Life | January 2016
Activity and concession memberships are available, offering discount on our classes (qualifying criteria applies for the concession membership). Selected classes are also included in the monthly gym membership. Details of our gym membership options can be found on page 6.
Welcome Welcome to Active Life, your leisure magazine full of ideas to get you moving this New Year. In this edition we have lots of tips and advice as well as places where you can get active and have a bit of fun. Come and join us, regardless of your age or ability. If you have any ideas how we could develop or improve our leisure programme then let us know. We hope you enjoy this magazine and if you, or someone you know, would like the magazine in a different format please contact us on T 028 9446 3113 E
Contents 4 4
No more excuses…
6 New Year New You! 7 Top tips! 8 Inclusive clubs and activities your Easter 9 Plan activities early 10 12 Birthday parties 13 Swimming
Kids’ activities
14 multi activity 15 New sports hub in Antrim Swing into Spring
Active at 16 Get Glengormley Pavilion!
What’s on in your local Community Centre
Outdoor activities
20 Have your say survey 22 Contacts fun • health • fitness • activities
No more excuses… We all know that exercise is good for your physical health, but did you know it can benefit your mental health too? Dr Clare Stevinson, a lecturer in exercise psychology, explains the science of why exercise is good for our brains. “When mood state is studied before and after exercise, negative feelings such as depression, tension, confusion and fatigue all drop and there is a sharp rise in energy.” Research has shown that exercise releases chemicals into the brain that make you feel good - boosting selfesteem, helping you concentrate as well as sleep, look and feel better.
So what’s stopping you?
“Tackling something and achieving success can produce a real mental boost”, Clare explains. “You’ve mastered something you didn’t necessarily think you’d be able to do. That gives you a self-confidence that transfers into other aspects of life which is very important for your mental health.” Despite all this, it is often our brains rather than our bodies that let us down. Whatever it is that’s stopping you from getting out there and having a go, it might not be as much of a barrier as you think.
Check out our Couch to.. Programmes and classes to help get you started.
I am too tired
The weather is too bad to exercise It doesn’t have to
Believe it or not being active will help give you more energy.
be outside but if you are self-conscious, layer up and put a hat on.
I don’t have time
Organise your day and prioritise a short time to do something you enjoy.
I’ve missed a session, I’ll never get back on track
This happens to everyone. Just give it another go, it won’t take long to get you back to where you were.
It’s hard work Start off
gradually and build up.
Active Life | January 2016
Article adapted from Pages/overcoming-the-barriers-to-exercise
Just get moving! There are a number of programmes and classes on offer that will help to get you from the couch to feeling better.
For more in formation or to book a class see back page for contac t details or b ook online a t www.antrim andnew townabbe
All of these activities are designed for beginners and are tailored to people who have never or rarely exercised before.
Programme Couch to 5k Perfect for those who would love to run but never have
Leisure Centre
Day & Time
Start date
Antrim Forum
Mon & Wed 7-8pm
25 January
Wed 6.30-7.30pm 6 January Sat 10.30-11.30am
V36 At the Valley
Tues & Thur 7.30 – 8.30pm
19 January
Mon 7.30-8.15pm
4 January
Wed 8-9pm
6 January
Crumlin Couch to Core Combination of activities including Yoga, Pilates, Spin and Kettlebells
Sun 11am-12pm
10 January
Couch to Family Fitness (age 13+) Parent and childrens’ circuits class
Antrim Forum
4 January
Couch to Spin Indoor cycling that will make you all over body fit
Wed 7.30-8.30pm 6 January
Antrim Forum
Mon 7-7.45pm
4 January
Couch to Yoga A full body workout that will also help to relax your mind
Antrim Forum
Thurs 6-7pm
7 January
Couch to Kettlebells A handled weight that will work your whole body
Antrim Forum
Fri 7-7.45pm
8 January
Couch to Golf Learn a range of fundamental skills including iron play, driving, chipping and pitching
Allen Park
Mon 7-8pm
25 January
Couch to Zumba Exercise class with lots of fun and dancing
Tues 7-8pm Thurs 11am-12pm
For more information see page 14
fun • health • fitness • activities
New Year
New You!
To kick-start your new healthy lifestyle, why not become a member of our fantastic fitness suites? Across the Borough, we have five superb leisure centres each offering a wide range of activities and facilities to help you get fit and active! There are plenty of membership options and activities on offer, with something to suit everyone!
Membership options (Prices per month) 5 Centre membership Includes Antrim Forum, Ballyearl, Crumlin, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres: Adult £31.70 Youth Plus £26 (age 16-20) Concession £18*
Memberships include Unlimited use of the fitness suites Unlimited use of health suites and swimming pools in Antrim Forum, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres Free selected classes with 7 day advance booking Free induction and personalised fitness programme No contract and no joining fee** * Over 60s and qualifying criteria apply ** 3 month membership or nonrenewal within 1 month is subject to £15 administration charge.
How to join If you are interested in taking out a fitness membership, please contact your nearest leisure centre to book an appointment with one of the membership advisors, who will be happy to help. Contact details can be found on the back page. For information on how to book classes go to page 2 or visit www.antrimand Don’t Forget!
Our newly refurbished Ballyearl Fitness Suite is now open. It now offers a range of new equipment including TRX Adult £26 cables, sand Youth Plus £21.40 (age 16-20) bags as well as Concession £18* date for an increased your diary muscular Crumlin Leisure Centre strength Crumlin Leisure Centre membership only endurance 1st Birthday Family Adult £22 section with Fun Day, 12-5pm Youth Plus £18 (age 16-20) additional Saturday 30 Concession £18* free weights. January
4 Centre membership
Includes Ballyearl, Crumlin, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres:
Active Life | January 2016
Top tips! To help you get off to a good start in 2016, we have put together our Ten Top Tips for a healthier lifestyle!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Make long term lifestyle changes not short term fixes. Curb your sweet tooth and improve your eating habits: food is your fuel for exercise! Increase your water intake to at least 8 glasses per day. Make sure you are getting your 5-a-day. Find a fitness friend – you can motivate each other! Make sure you have comfy foot wear to start your exercise regime. Pick your perfect workout tunes for your music player: go with any music that you find uplifting.
Rely on your clothes size not your weight to track your progress: exercising builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fatty tissue.
Take out a membership with one of our centres, pick activities that you enjoy and get going!
New to exercise? See page 5 for our new Couch to… classes and programmes.
Rest and read: ensure you are getting adequate rest between sessions and that you improve your knowledge on your new lifestyle choices.
Remember Consistency is the key! fun • health • fitness • activities
Inclusive clubs and activities The Council has lots of sport and physical activity programmes for all ages that promote inclusivity and encourage participation for all, regardless of ability or disability. To help you decide if a programme or activity is suitable for you, please feel free to contact our individual centres for more information. Below are a number of independent inclusive clubs that may be of interest…
Antrim Forum Knights Wheelchair Basketball Club (Adults & Children) Ulster Barbarians Wheelchair Rugby Club (Adults)
Sixmile Leisure Centre Sixmile Sharks Swimming (Children)
Stiles Community Centre Antrim Special Olympics Basketball Club (Adults & Children)
Valley Leisure Centre Wheelchair Football Club (Under 18s) Newtownabbey Kickers Football Club (Under 18s) Newtownabbey Racers - Athletics (Under 18s)
Active Life | January 2016
DisabledGo’s website DisabledGo is an independent organisation that provides detailed information on accessing places you may wish to visit. They send their specially trained surveyors to visit each of the sites to ensure information provided is consistent and accurate. Their surveyors ask questions that you as a visitor may find practical and helpful. A number of Council facilities are already listed on the site and we aim to increase this over time.
Go on, give it a go…
Information the way you want it… If you or someone you know would benefit from getting Council information in a different format, such as large print, braille or audio, then please let us know. T 028 9446 3113 E comms@ You can also avail of the Browsealoud facility on our website which reads the website information out loud. Just click on the icon and hover over the page.
Plan your Easter activities early Easter Inferno
Swimming Crash Courses
An exciting sport and physical activity programme for boys and girls age 4-14 years. It features activities such as martial arts, urban rebounding, street dance and cheer, mini Olympics and orienteering.
Introduce your child to swimming or help improve their water confidence in time for summer holidays with our 5 day swimming crash courses. Each lesson lasts 30 minutes and is suitable for age 4+.
Antrim Forum
Monday 28 March – Friday 1 April
Tuesday 29, Wednesday 30 & Thursday 31 March
Crumlin Leisure Centre Wednesday 30 & Thursday 31 March Age 4-7: 9.30am-12pm or 1-3.30pm Age 8-14: 1-3.30pm Cost £8 per day (£21 for 3 days). Discount available for families booking 2 or more children at the same venue. Registration forms will be available from 1 March 2016. For more information or to register your details on our mailing list contact E active@antrimandnewtownabbey.
Sport Relief Mile Be part of one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events and take part in our Sport Relief Mile events:
Antrim Forum
IFA Football Camps Open to boys and girls, age 5-14, these camps provide a fantastic opportunity to have fun outdoors, learn new football skills and meet new friends. Wednesday 30, Thursday 31 March & Friday 1 April, 10am-1pm. For venues, more information or to book a place, log onto www.
Easter Parties £5 per child. Activities include soft play session, arts & crafts, face painting and lots more. Spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Sunday 20 March, 1.30pm
For more information or to book contact:
V36 At the Valley
Valley Leisure Centre
Antrim Lough Shore Park
Sunday 20 March, 9.30am You can choose to walk, jog or run the 1,3 or 6 mile routes while enjoying some of the Borough’s scenic countryside. There will be lots of family entertainment and activities taking place throughout the day.
Thursday 24 March, 1.30-4pm E gayle.millar@
Antrim Forum Saturday 26 March, 1.30-4pm E forum.reception@
For more information or to register log onto fun • health • fitness • activities
Kids’ Activities There’s lots to keep your kids active this new year!
Activ8 Wildcats Club Age
Day & Time
Start date
Age 3-9
Valley Leisure Centre
Wednesday, 4.00-5.15pm
20 January
Age 3-4
Antrim Forum
Thursday, 2.30-3.20pm
21 January
Age 3-4
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Thursday, 2.30-3.20pm
Age 5-8
Antrim Forum
Thursday, 3.30-4.20pm
Age 5-8
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Thursday, 3.00-4.20pm
Age 3-9
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Thursday, 4.00-5.15pm
Dodgeball Age
Day & Time
Start date
Age 8-14
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Monday, 4.00-5.00pm
18 January
Age 8-14
Valley Leisure Centre
Thursday, 4.00-5.00pm
21 January
Day & Time
Start date
Age 5-8
Neillsbrook Community Centre
Monday, 5.00-6.00pm
4 January
Age 9-12
Neillsbrook Community Centre
Monday, 6.00-7.00pm
Age 5-8
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Tuesday, 3.45-4.45pm
Age 9-12
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Tuesday, 5.00-6.00pm
Age 5-8
Glengormley Pavilion
Wednesday, 5.15-6.00pm
Age 9-12
Glengormley Pavilion
Wednesday, 6.00-6.45pm
Age 5-8
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Thursday, 3.45-4.30pm
Age 9-12
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Thursday, 4.30-5.15pm
Age 5-8
Antrim Forum
Friday, 3.45-4.45pm
Age 9-12
Antrim Forum
Friday, 5.00-6.00pm
Active Life | January 2016
5 January
6 January
7 January
8 January
Gymnastics *NEW* Age
Day & Time
Start date
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Monday, 1.45-2.30pm
4 January
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Monday, 2.30-3.15pm
Age 5-8
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Monday, 3.30-4.30pm
Age 5-8
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Monday, 4.30-5.30pm
Parent & Toddler Glengormley Pavilion
Monday, 11.00-11.45am
4 January
Parent & Toddler Crumlin Leisure Centre
Wednesday, 12.45-1.30pm 6 January
Waiting lists are held for current Gymnastics at Antrim Forum, Crumlin Leisure Centre and Neillsbrook Community Centre. Please contact the centres directly to add your child’s name.
Other activities Activity
Day & Time
Start date
FUNdamental Sportshall Athletics
Age 4-12
Antrim Forum
Wednesday, 4.00-5.00pm
6 January
Indoor Tennis
Age 8-14
Valley Leisure Centre
Monday, 3.45-4.45pm
18 January
Rugby & Homework Club
Age 8-14
Valley Leisure Centre
Thursday, 3.30-5.00pm
21 January
Sprocket Rocket
Age 8-14
Valley Leisure Centre
Friday, 4.00-5.00pm
22 January
Dance A wide range of dance classes, suitable for 2-18 years, take place throughout the week at the following venues: Antrim Forum
Ballyearl Leisure Centre
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Sixmile Leisure Centre
Stiles Community Centre
Valley Leisure Centre
Neillsbrook Community Centre
For more information including prices or to book a place on any of the above programmes, please contact the centres directly, see the back page for details or visit
fun • health • fitness • activities
Birthday parties Our leisure and community centres across the Borough offer fantastic facilities and activities to help celebrate your child’s big day!
Soft Play Party Choose from Caveman Capers at Antrim Forum or Playzone at Valley Leisure Centre. Party includes soft play session, party room and choice of party food. Cost £8.50 per child.
Ten Pin Party Bowl your way to an outer space party with ten pin bowling, party room and choice of party food at Antrim Forum. Cost £8.50 per child.
Bouncy Castle Party Party Rooms are available for self-catering. Available at Crumlin Leisure Centre, Muckamore Community Centre, Sixmile Leisure Centre or Stiles Community Centre.
Indoor Activity Party Have a blast of a time with our indoor activity party which includes a choice of indoor activities at Antrim Forum or Crumlin Leisure Centre. Party Food is also available at Antrim Forum, or self-catering at Crumlin.
Pool Party Party includes use of swimming pool for 1hr, followed by party room and choice of party food at Antrim Forum. Cost £8.50 per child.
Disco/Movie Party Bring your own music or movie to Crumlin Leisure Centre and we supply everything else.
Football Party Kick off your child’s birthday party with a fun-filled day of football! Available at Antrim Forum, Crumlin Leisure Centre, Muckamore Community Centre, Neillsbrook Community Centre or Valley Leisure Centre.
How to book For more information or to book a birthday party, please contact the relevant centre. Contact details can be found on the back page or visit
www.antrimandnewtownabbey. 12
Active Life | January 2016
Swimming Whether you are looking for a relaxing swim or fun for all the family, swimming is the perfect activity to please everyone! Antrim Forum, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres all have swimming facilities including:
Antrim Forum
25m Main Pool Minor Pool Water Mushroom Small Slide
Main Pool Minor Pool Lazy River* Slide*
25m Main Pool Minor Pool Water Mushroom
* Open 1-4pm Saturday & Sunday. Please Note: Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult.
Timetables Swimming timetables are available online or at Antrim Forum, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centre receptions. Don’t forget to pick one up on your next visit!
Swimming Lessons If you would like to learn how to swim, Antrim Forum, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres all offer swimming lessons for adults, as well as children. For more information on the swimming facilities or activities that are on offer, please contact the relevant leisure centre, details can be found on the back page or visit
www.antrimandnewtown fun • health • fitness • activities
Swing into Spring Interested in golf?
Never played before?
Come along and enjoy the challenge of Council’s two top class golfing facilities within the Borough.
Why not take part in the new Couch to Golf programme at Allen Park.
Allen Park This 18-hole Par 72 course is located a short distance from Antrim Town and includes a fully floodlit driving range and synthetic practice areas.
Ballyearl Situated on the Doagh Road, this 9-hole Par 3 course is suitable for all skill levels and boasts a floodlit driving range with five right handed and two double sided tee systems.
Open to everyone Open 7 days a week, both courses are open to members and non-members and offer flexible easy payment options to suit individual requirements. Dual membership packages are also available, giving full access to both courses.
Junior Golf The recently formed Antrim Junior Golf Club now boasts over 40 members who play regularly in weekly competitions on the shortened course at Allen Park. All junior membership packages offer full access to both Allen Park and Ballyearl golf courses.
Active Life | January 2016
Suitable for both men and women, this specially designed course by PGA Professional Peter McCarroll will guide you from the very start of golf.
Weeks 1-6 Learn a range of fundamental skills including iron play, driving, chipping and pitching.
Weeks 7-9 Practice time to get ready for the golf course.
Week 10 & 11 Get out onto the course with Peter to test out your new skills.
Getting started Begins 25 January at Allen Park, class times are: Monday 7.00-8.00pm Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm or Thursday 11.00am-12.00pm All equipment will be provided. Course costs ÂŁ40.
PGA Professional Ballyearl also benefits from the services of a full time PGA Golf Professional. As well as operating the golf shop, Richard Johnston is on hand to advise on all your golfing needs offering lessons and one-to-one tuition. For contact details see back page or visit www.
antrimand newtown
New multi activity sports hub in Antrim Work is well underway at Allen Park Centre in Antrim to transform it into a multi activity sports hub.
new target green areas have been positioned at various yardages along the range.
The existing driving range has been completely modernised and is now open to the public. As well as new golf matting, the range also features a new roof, internal lighting and carpeted bays. The former brick dividers have been replaced with hanging netted dividers, providing a modern and open practice space to absorb the shock of the ball and club strike. A high rise protective fence has also been installed on both sides of the range to catch any wayward balls and
A new large coaching bay, ball washing facility and ball dispensing area are due for completion later in 2016 and will form part of the connection to the new building. In addition to the upgraded driving range, the £4.5 million development also includes: A new full size sports hall, meeting room, changing room and a reception area Three outdoor 3G pitches suitable for football, rugby and gaelic sports Refurbished clubhouse and restaurant Extended car park with more coach and disabled parking facilities During construction works, there will be full access to the golf course with some restriction to the practice areas. See back page for contact details if you want to find out more about the new facilities coming soon or visit
www.antrimand newtownabbey.
fun • health • fitness • activities
Get Active at Glengormley Pavilion! Getting active in Glengormley has never been easier with the new look Glengormley Pavilion in Lilian Bland Community Park. Located between the Carnmoney Road and Ballyclare Road, this Centre has recently had a £600k refurbishment and now offers a range of new classes and activities. For the fitness enthusiast why not try the power hoop class or relax and unwind with a yoga class. There is something for everyone with the new Fit and Active Club for Over 50s and for the children, activities such as toddler gymnastics, Glengormley strikers or even children’s birthday parties with self-catering kitchens are all on offer. A number of clubs and groups also use the Pavilion as their base; Lagan Camerata and Una Voice Choir, Acting up Drama, Seniors Forum, Little Kickers football and Slimming World. Do you know of a club, class, group or association that would like to use the Pavilion building?
Active Life | January 2016
What’s on offer? 3 multifunctional rooms -
one with AV equipment 2 kitchen areas suitable for self-catering Free WIFI Outdoor grass lawn bowling rink – home to Glengormley Lawn Bowling Club Set in Lilian Bland Community Park with grass pitch areas, children’s play area, multiuse games area and outdoor performance areas Free parking and easy access. Ideally located at the heart of the Glengormley, it’s the ideal location with lots to offer. For more information on classes available see page 17 or to book the facility contact T 028 9034 0137
What’s on in your local Community Centre The Council owns a number of community centres and pavilions across the Borough and provides a varied programme of activities. These activities are open to all and there are plenty of opportunities for you to try something new. Ballyduff, Monkstown, Rathfern and Whiteabbey Community Centres are also owned by the Council and managed independently by local community groups. For more information log onto
Stiles Tuesday Friday
Parkhall Powerhoop 9.30–10.30am 16+ Fit & Active (over 50s) 10.30am–12pm
Neillsbrook Monday Tuesday
Strikers 5–7pm 5+ yrs Street Dance 4.30–9pm 5yrs–15yrs Wednesday Fit & Active (over 50s) 10–11.30am Altitude Dance 3.30–5.30pm 5+ yrs Ju Jitsu* 6–9pm 5+ yrs Thursday Gymnastics 1pm–6.30pm 3–8yrs Line Dancers* 8–9pm 16+ Friday Irish Dance* 3.45–5.45pm 3+ yrs Saturday Gymnastics 9.30am–2pm 3–8yrs
Muckamore Thursday
Tiger Cubs Taekwondo* 3–5yrs 4–5pm 5+ yrs 5.30–6.30pm Tiny tutus (ballet)* 3–5pm 18mths–5yrs
Greystone Wednesday Yoga 8–9.30pm 16+
Rathenraw Wednesday Women’s Boot Camp 7–9pm 16+ Thursday Ju Jitsu* 6.30–9pm 5yrs + Sunday Ju Jitsu* 1 2.30–3pm 5yrs +
Irish Dance* 6–9.30pm 3yrs+ Wednesday Irish Dance 6–9.30pm 3yrs + Friday Doogan Dance School* 3–5pm 4yrs + Friday Ballet* 5–7pm 4yrs + Saturday Irish Dance* 10am–1pm 3yrs +
Glengormley Pavilion Monday
Parent & Toddler Gymnastics 11–11.45am Fit & Active (over 50s) 2–3.30pm Little Kickers 5–6pm 18 months–5 yrs Yoga* 6.15pm–7.45pm 16+ Tuesday Senior Citizen’s Forum Boccia* 10am–12pm Acting Up Drama Class* 5–6pm Powerhoop 6-6.45pm 16+ Wednesday Zumba Gold (over 50s) 12–1pm Senior Citizen’s Forum Tai Chi* 1.45–3.15pm Strikers 5.15–6pm 5yrs–8yrs 6.00–6.45pm 8yrs–12yrs Sunday Little Kickers* 3pm–5pm 18 months–5 yrs
For more information contact the centres directly, see back page for details. * Independent clubs based at Council facilities.
fun • health • fitness • activities
Outdoor activities Walking Trails Antrim Loughshore 2 miles
Neilsbrook River Path
Carnmoney Hill 3 miles
Linear Park
Crumlin Glen 1.8 miles Hazelbank* Jordanstown Loughshore* Mill Race Trail 1.6 miles Monkstown Wood New Mossley 1.2 miles Newtownabbey Way* 4.3 miles Randalstown 1.7 miles Randalstown Forest 2.5 miles
Outdoor Gym Key
Randalstown Canoeing Forest
Fishing Cycling
Walking Running
Rea’s Wood 1.6 miles
Outdoor Gym
Six Mile Water 3.8 miles Six Mile Water Park 1.2 miles
Tardree Forest 2.5 miles
Cycling Running
Three Mile Water 1.3 miles
Toome Canal 1.2 miles Valley Park 1.4 miles
Outdoor Gym Cycle Trails Antrim Town Loop 4.5 miles Cycling Hill walk River walk/ coastal
Lough Neagh Trail total 113 miles
Canoeing Walking
Lower Bann Cycle Way total 45 miles Newtownabbey Way 4.3 miles
Parkruns Free 5K runs every Saturday morning at 9.30am Antrim Lough Shore Park V36 At the Valley, Newtownabbey * Part of the Newtownabbey Way
Canoe Trails Lower Bann – access and egress point at Toome Canal (36 miles) Lough Neagh – access and egress points at Toome Canal and Antrim Lough Shore Park (90 miles) Six Mile Water river – access and egress points in Antrim Town (Muckamore to Lough Neagh) For more information please log onto
Active Life | January 2016
or E
Tardree Forest Sixmile Leisure Centre
BALLYCLARE Six Mile Water Park
Allen Park Lough Shore Park Antrim Forum & Stadium
Civic Centre
Mill Race TraIl
Templepatrick Wallace Park
Ballyearl Arts & Leisure Centre New Mossley Three Mile Woodland Walk Water Park Monkstown Mossley Wood Mill Carnmoney Hill Jordanstown Loughshore GLENGORMLEY The Valley Leisure Centre V36 Hazelbank Park
Rea’s Wood
Belfast International Airport
Outdoo Gym
Key Crumlin
Crumlin Leisure Centre
Crumlin Glen
Fishing A Rod Licence is required (age 12 and over) for all fishing, additional permit may be required.
Coarse Fishing Six Mile Water River (from Antrim Forum to Lough Neagh) - available seasonally. No Sunday fishing. River Bann – all year round.
Game Fishing From 1 March to 31 October. Mossley Mill Fishery - exclusively brown trout, tickets online.
Outdoor Gym
Crumlin River - Flows through Crumlin Glen to enter Lough Neagh. Disabled platforms at Crumlin Glen. Lower Bann – Fish from the sluice gates at Toome. River Maine - Enters Lough Neagh south of Randalstown and flows through the Shane’s Castle Demesne. Six Mile Water River - Enters Lough Neagh at Antrim town. No Sunday fishing.
fun • health • fitness • activities
Prize draw
y Have your say surve
All responses received will be entered into a FREE PRIZE DRAW to win a year’s leisure centres membership.
Leisure Centre Membership
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is continually trying to improve its facilities and services for ratepayers and as part of that process we are always interested in the views and opinions of our residents. We want to know what you think of having a Kids or Family Membership for our leisure centres. Please take a few moments to fill in the survey below and tell us what you think. Please return it to: Freepost RTLJ-KAZB-ERRS, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Customer Services, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey, BT36 5QA Alternatively, complete the survey online at www.antrimandnewtownabbey.
Closing date to receive completed entries is Friday 29 January 2016. 1. Do you use any of the Council’s Leisure Centres (please tick all that apply)
Antrim Forum
If no, please go to question 6. 2. Which of the following best describes your usage
Activity Card member
Crumlin only membership
Pay as you go
Member of a sports club
Ballyearl, Crumlin, Sixmile & Valley membership
All 5 centres membership
only go to supervise/accompany children
Other (please specify) 3. Do you go to the leisure centres by yourself or with others? (Please tick all that apply)
By myself
With partner/spouse/friends
With my children
4. If you go with your children, please state how many fit into the following age categories?
0-5 years
6-11 years
12-16 years
5. Please state what activities your children participate in at the leisure centre?
n n
Soft Play
Ten Pin Bowling (Antrim Forum only)
Activities e.g. Gymnastics, Wildcats, Football, Dance (please state which activities)
6. Please state what other activities, if any, either you or your children attend outside the leisure centres? e.g. dance, drama, parks and playgrounds
Active Life | January 2016
7. How much on average per month, per child do you spend on leisure/ entertainment activities (including leisure centres)?
We are considering a Kids Membership that would include children’s activities at Council’s leisure centres e.g. swimming pool, badminton, squash, ten pin bowling, soft play. The membership would include up to 4 children up to the age of 16, living at the same address. This would not include any sport specific programmes e.g. swimming lessons, golf or activities run by external clubs/organisations. 8. Would you be interested in a Kids Membership?
If yes, how much per month would you be willing to spend on a Kids Membership? £
Do you have any comments regarding a Kids Membership?
We are considering a Family Membership that would include parents and children’s activities at Council’s leisure centres. The membership would include up to 2 adults and 4 children up to the age of 16, living at the same address. This would not include any sport specific programmes e.g. swimming lessons, golf or activities run by external clubs/organisations. 9. Would you be interested in a Family Membership?
If yes, how much per month would you be willing to spend on a Family Membership?
Do you have any comments regarding a Family Membership?
10. How can we improve our Council’s leisure centres?
Prize draw When you have completed the survey and your details below, post to the Freepost address on page 20. Name Address Postcode Daytime telephone number Email
Thank you for completing this survey For competition rules please visit CompetitionRules or these can be posted on request, please T 028 9034 0034.
Allen Park, Antrim
Stiles Community Centre
T 028 9442 9001 E allenpark@
T 028 9446 7862 E David.Jordan@
Antrim Forum
Neillsbrook Community Centre
T 028 9446 4131 E forum@
T 028 9447 2595 E David.Jordan@
Ballyearl Leisure Centre, Newtownabbey
Muckamore Community Centre
T 028 9084 8287 E ballyearl@
Crumlin Leisure Centre T 028 9445 2733 E crumlin@
Sixmile Leisure Centre, Ballyclare T 028 9334 1818 E sixmile@
T 028 9446 3208 E David.Jordan@
Greystone Community Centre T 028 9446 8175 E David.Jordan@
Rathenraw Community Centre T 028 9446 0781 E David.Jordan@
Parkhall Community Centre
Valley Leisure Centre, Newtownabbey
T 028 9446 2519 E David.Jordan@
T 028 9086 1211 E valley@
Glengormley Pavilion T 028 9034 0137 E Kim.Murray@
Easter Closures ALLEN PARK
St Patrick’s Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Easter Tuesday
May Day
May Bank Holiday
It’s all happening online…. > Swimming timetables > Activity directory for classes & clubs > Book your classes and activities online 7 days in advance
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Active Life © Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council