Revista el Caballo Español 2015 n.228 (English)

Page 1 Issue 228

Issue 228 · November-December 2015


El Caballo Español






Tirado Agudo President of ANCCE

A 25-year old responsibility


I Am well AwAre of The fAcT ThAT I wIll be A mAjor and hands-on participant in one of ANCCE’s most important milestones, which is none other than SICAB’s silver anniversary and the launching of the first PRE World Championship. Last year, when I had been in the presidential chair for scarcely four months, I must confess that I was not consciously aware of the significance of SICAB in the annual life of our Association. We work hard, of course, but we focus on an already accepted model in which we place the spotlight on the fact that breeders are members of ANCCE. ThroughouT 2015, I hAve observed The True dImensIon of sIcAb and the huge and continuous efforts made by the Commission. This Commission is dedicated to preparing any and everything relative to organizing the event. Its desire is to improve each edition and innovate so that the event is enjoyable for both breeders and guests. I Am mIndful of The commITmenT and the challenge that we face. I appreciate the efforts of the many presidents who have preceded me in this post. They are truly responsible for what SICAB is today: a world-class reference for equitation. They created a major trade show from nothing; Carmen Martínez de Sola consolidated SICAB as a must on the breeder calendar. Ignacio Candau took the event to world; Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán opened the event to communication and the media; while Javier Conde saved SICAB from the greatest economic crisis we have ever known. AT ThIs edITIon, we wIll be celebrATIng their many achievements while at the same time working to avoid fossilization with the passing of time. This year, and in keeping with our concern with satisfying the needs and desires of our members, we have decidedly faced major changes in the competition arenas. For the first time, the surfaces will be geotextile. We have concentrated breeder activities in Pavilion 1, so that it becomes the focal point for us all. There will be a Wi-Fi zone, thanks to which breeders will be connected with today’s technologies. There will also be important changes in the commercial zone. All of this, together with our 25th anniversary and the change of dates, facilitates breeders from other countries. This fact forecasts a promising SICAB. I hope that we will all enjoy the event and as always, I will be counting on your cooperation and collaboration; at the end of the day, it will result in benefits for us all.¡¡ 3

el caballo español xxxxxxxxxxx THE PRE MAGAZINE SINCE 1978

Edited by: Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de pura raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (viejo) 41014 sEvillA telf: +34 954 68 92 60 President of ANCCE: juan tirado Agudo Editing Committee: President: pedro pingarrón santofimia Members-at-large: Francisco Angelet sólvez javier Amián durán juan Miguel Moreno Míguez gonzalo hernando Aboín Mirko Nesurini Fco. javier Machuca serrano Chief Editor: inmaculada rodríguez garcía Publicity: inmaculada rodríguez garcía +34 954 689 260 - Photos: Carlos Núñez, rafael lemos, Azahara pérez and Almeda renes Publishing and Set up: Ediciones reunidas, s.A. grupo zeta. orduña, 3. tel: 915 863 300. 28034 Madrid.

Director of corporate publications: óscar voltas Assistant director: Antonio guerrero Editor-in-chief: Milagros baztán Coordinator: isabel tutor Writers: pablo Fernández, julio Fernández and Elena llamazares Head of design: Noelia Corbatón layout: Arantza Antero and Carlos F. garcía Image processing: david Monserrat Secretary: Antonia lópez Corporate development manager: Carlos silgado Production: María jesus Fernandez Translations: yreva Arobed, s.l. Printing: qp priNt ISSN: 1889-4615 legal Registration Code: sE-186-1980 Cover: odalisco iii Photo: lince photo Agency © All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including its contents, texts, graphics and photographs, whether in English or Spanish, may be reproduced by any means without specific written permission from the publishers. El Caballo Español is not 4 responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators in the articles published.

summary 3 Editorial A 25-year old responsibility

8 report 25 years at the International PRE Trade Fair, SICAB 2015

18 News 26 A chat with... Yeguada Coris

30 ANCCE reports 36 Feature Advertisement Yeguada SR4

44 Feature Advertisement Helvetia

47 Conformation The Functionality test

54 dressage PRE Sports Plan

60 Feature Advertisement

74 Equestrian routes Ronda

80 Associations International

82 list of stud farms 98 shopping

Yeguada AC

64 Eventing The advantages of a PRE in Eventing

70 working Equitation The PRE, a working horse



International PRE Trade Fair

“25 years is nothing”

Rummaging among the memories of Carlos gardel without losing sight of the future, in his famous Volver (Return), he sang: “…feel a breath of life, in which 20 years is nothing.” And 25 aren’t either!!... especially when passion and hope are exactly the same when facing a new challenge. That is what SICAB has been for ANCCE, the National Purebred Spanish horse Breeders’ Association. Over the past quarter of a century, it has been a continual challenge. Instead of stagnating or dying from success, the event has grown and developed progressively until today. It all fell into place at a very complicated point in time; the event was overshadowed by African horse Sickness. Nevertheless, the 2015 Silver Jubilee will be celebrated in style. The world PRE Championship will be launched to show that the best opportunities arise when the chips are down. tEXt by: ISABEl BERMEJO photo by: RAFAEl lEMOS AND CARlOS NúñEz


Sin título-2.pdf





THE INTERNATIONAL PRE Trade Fair is a unique event. It is a worldclass date on the international equestrian calendar and with a clear protagonist: the Purebred Spanish Horse. Right from the beginning, all of the activities held during SICAB have sought to underline the beauty, skills and characteristics of the PRE as a breed. The PRE may not be the fastest horse, but it is the most noble, the most versatile and the most complete. And for the past 25 years, the breed has enjoyed its own trade fair, which has also become the third most important event

held in Sevilla, behind the city’s world-famous Easter Week (Semana Santa) and the April Fair (Feria de Abril). SICAB is so important that it has become an intrinsic part of Sevilla’s social-cultural wealth and a mandatory autumn date that cannot be missed. Initially, there were a variety of objectives behind the event: to bring the PRE closer to society, to horse enthusiasts from Spain and abroad in an effort to move away from the elitist cliché to which the breed was traditionally associated. This mission was met perfectly as of 9

report 1.


1. carmen martínez



de sola.

2. carmen with members of her team who launched the sIcAb adventure in 1991.

3. Adolfo sánchez de movellán accepting honors at the hand of Ignacio candau.

4. Adolfo sánchez de movellán and jaime mayor oreja.

the very first edition in 1991. That year, SICAB had 100,000 visitors. That statistic may seem small when comparing it to the 200,000 people who annually visit the event, but that is proof of its power to draw people. Its inception was, however, linked to one woman: Carmen Martínez de Sola, who was the President of ANCCE the year that SICAB was launched. Her courage and stamina motivated her to take the reins of an extremely tragic situation for the sector, one that was seriously injured due to the effects of an outbreak of African 10

Horse Sickness in Andalusia, which isolated the region, together with Extremadura, from the rest of Spain. Her feat revitalized PRE breeding, with the motto: “If I can’t go out to the market place, the market place will have to come to me.” Carmen confirms that she “will always have SICAB in my heart, and even if I have done other things throughout my life, I am happy that my successors have been able to maintain it. Just take a look at how healthy the event is right now.” Two years later, in 1993, stud farms from outside Andalusia came to SICAB for the

siCAb is A UNIQUE EVENT. it is A world-ClAss dAtE oN thE iNtErNAtioNAl EquEstriAN CAlENdAr ANd with A ClEAr protAgoNist: thE PUREBREd SPANISh hORSE 5.


5. curator saskia mesdag accepting honors from farm managers.



6. Arena in Pavilion 3. 7. marquee with mares. 8. hrh, the countess of barcelona with Ignacio candau.

very first time. That was the turning point, when international status was reached and it has continued. Every year, more than 1000 horses from more than 300 stud farms —both in Spain and abroad— are on hand for the event. Carmen was followed by Ignacio Candau in the ANCCE Presidency. Until 1997, he worked tirelessly to professionalize the event, with the Association becoming the sole organizer and administrator of SICAB, thus improving the event’s economic results. Under his leadership, SICAB launched the

ANCCE Cup for Dressage, Doma Vaquera, Carriage Driving, Spanish High School and Show Jumping, to promote sports. In 1998, under the guidance of Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán, the first Spanish National Championship Final for PRE Stallions and Mares was held. The relaunching of SICAB that Movellán started, to expand SICAB’s profile to five major continents, was later continued with the next two Presidents: Javier Conde (2008-2012) and Juan Tirado (since 2013). They have not had an easy job when it comes to 11

report 9.




9. Politicians with hrh Princess elena in the royal box. 10. Tribute to jose sureda.

11. Awards ceremony. 12. olympic riders during the show. 13. former minister jose bono upon arriving to sIcAb.

14. juan Ignacio Zoido chatting with javier conde.

iN AdditioN to dElIghTINg hORSE ENThUSIASTS FroM All ovEr thE world, siCAb is AN iMportANt MEEtiNg plACE For BREEdERS ANd PROFESSIONAlS FroM thE sECtor

nurturing SICAB with innovative ideas in times of crisis. In 2015, a quarter of a century after SICAB opened its gates for the very first time, the World Purebred Spanish Horse Championship has been set in motion. Today, it is a well consolidated event and one of the most traditional housed by the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos (Fair Grounds) in Sevilla. A MEETINg PlACE FOR PROFESSIONAlS In addition to delighting horse enthusiasts from all over the 12

world, SICAB is an important meeting place for breeders and professionals from the sector. It is a commercial platform, par excellence, for the Spanish Horse. The two-week period prior to and after the event accounts for 50% of the global annual turnover; this makes it an essential source of business for PRE breeders. Also, the business generated at the stands for sector-related companies must be taken into consideration, as this covers a wide range of complementary products from the horse and equitation industry. The

15. gregorio serrano next to juan Tirado.




Pure Art number of commercial firms and breeders with stands surpasses the three hundred mark every year. A ShOwCASE ThAT IS OPEN TO ThE wORld At SICAB, the limelight is on socialites and important faces from a number of worlds —movies, fashion, politics, bullfighting and sports— both from Spain and on the international scene. Over the past quarter of a century, numerous celebrities have visited the PRE Trade Fair, including Charlton Heston, Bo Derek, Keanu Reeves,




familiar faces at sIcAb.

thE iNtErNAtioNAl diMENsioN oF SICAB is EquAlly visiblE iN thE rEpErCussioN it hAs iN thE MEdiA ANd its suCCEss iN thE VIRTUAl wORld, thANks to NEw TEChNOlOgIES ANd COMMUNICATION ChANNEls

Sophia Loren, La Toya Jackson, Catherine Deneuve, Alfredo Krauss, Isabel Preysler, the Duchess of Alba and Princess Kalina of Bulgaria. Due to this fact and since the 2014 edition, SICAB hosts the Premios Pura Raza (Pure Breed Awards), which recognize the personal or professional careers, comparable to some of the recognized virtues of the PRE horse. Moreover, the unconditional support of SICAB by Spain’s Royal Household is noteworthy, especially in the person of Princess Elena de Borbón, who until 2013 was the Honorary 14

President of SICAB. Today, this post is held by King Felipe VI. The international dimension of SICAB is equally visible in the repercussion it has in the media and its success in the virtual world. This has all been possible thanks to new technologies and communication channels. SICAB was a pioneer in using the Internet, where it has been visible since 1999; today, the event has its own Internet space through SICAB.TV. With three channels broadcasting live, all of the various equestrian tests and categories, interviews and reports are available

for the world to see. Social networking, in both English and Spanish, has closed communication gaps between the many enthusiasts in the more than sixty countries where Purebred Spanish horses are bred. A CATAlYST FOR SOCIAl-ECONOMIC dEVElOPMENT In addition to the above, an important pillar of SICAB is the Show. It is open to the city and people visiting from all over the world. The show is an identifying characteristic. More than 6000 15

report Images of the sIcAb show.

people enjoy the impressive performances every day; many of the routines later visit some of the main equestrian stages of the world. On the other hand and over the past twenty-five years of history, SICAB has welcomed four million guests; this translates into 30 million euros annually in touristrelated business. In any case, 25 years is nothing; when the curtain falls on this SICAB Silver Jubilee, the party will continue because ANCCE will keep the engine running as they begin preparing edition number 26. ¡¡ 16

its iNCEptioN wAs, howEvEr, liNkEd to oNE woMAN: CARMEN MARTÍNEz dE SOlA, who wAs thE prEsidENt oF ANCCE thE yEAr thAt SICAB wAs lAuNChEd. hEr FEAt rEvitAlizEd PRE brEEdiNg, with thE Motto: “iF i CAN’t go out to thE MArkEt plACE, thE MArkEt plACE will hAvE to CoME to ME”



The Young Horse Selection Test -14 PRE horses considered “Excellent” 84% of the participating horses were PREs In September, the city of Jerez de la Frontera hosted the Young Horse Selection Test Final for the discipline of Dressage organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and coordinated by ANCCE, together with the Spanish National Young Horse Championship Final, a qualifier for the ANCCE Cup Final. Of the 145 qualified horses considered Excellent for the Dressage category for 4-year-olds, three were PREs. The first of these to qualify was Quincallo de Indalo, from Yeguada El Indalo, with an average of 75.400%. Of the horses participating in the 5-year-old category, five were considered Excellent. The PRE with

the highest score in this category was Albeitar TR, from Yeguada Acosta Ponce, with a final average of 73.900%. In the category for 6-year-olds, there were six horses that earned the consideration of Excellent for Dressage. Juncal LXXXVII, owned by Alfonso Gormaz, was the first with the maximum score for its age: 76.500%. Likewise, eight horses were considered Very Good for Dressage in the 4-year-old category. There were five in the category for 5-yearolds, and three in the section for 6-year-olds. Eight horses in the category for 4-year-olds were considered Good, while there was one in the 5-year-old category.

juncAl lXXXvII, owned bY Alfonso gormAZ nAvArro


This Final concludes the 2015 Dressage Performance Tests. A Conformation Performance Test was also carried out during the competition using the Lineal Conformation Score. This system is used to genetically assess both the attitude for Dressage and Conformation. Following this assessment, those horse achieving the category of Recommended Young Breeding Stock will be published in the corresponding Breeder Catalog and in the PRE Stud Book, for dissemination within the scope of the PRE Breeding Program. Once again, the Purebred Spanish Horse has held a privileged place on the breed ranking. ¡¡



“Rules & Passion” finalist at the EQUUS Film Festival PRE horses are the stars of this audiovisual exposition The documentary film by Work Style, titled Rules & Passion, designed to promote the Purebred Spanish Horse, has been selected as a finalist at the Equus Film Festival. This unique event—held in New York on the 20th and 21st of November— is dedicated exclusively to horses. The Purebred Spanish Horse stars in ‘Rules & Passion’ to show the various aspects of breeding, selection, history, aptitudes and handling through first-hand contributions from the various participants. Filmed at privileged sites, with exceptional music, the project was shot on location at the various stud farms and institutions in Spain. ANCCE collaborated actively in the production, supplied data and offered the backdrops so that the production department could transmit a more realistic image of the bree. ¡¡

The Royal Equestrian Federation organizes a Spanish Equestrian Evening to celebrate the successes of 2015 On the 7th of December, Madrid will host a Spanish Equestrian Evening. The event is being organized by Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation, to celebrate the success of Spanish equestrian athletes throughout 2015, and to honor them. The focus of the event will be a dinner served at the La Zarzuela Race Track, for which the Royal Equestrian Federation invites all members of the Spanish teams from the various disciplines and categories to participate, including the owners of horses qualifying for the Olympics, National Sports representatives, Spain’s Olympic Committee and other institutions involved in the 20

equestrian world. Guests also include representatives from other equestrian disciplines, regional federation presidents, the main organizer of international competitions in Spain, sponsors and the specialized press. All in all, 500 attendees are expected and they will represent the very best of this extensive sport. With this event, the Royal Equestrian Federation expresses their appreciation for the many equestrian successes seen in the various sports and competition categories. The Federation also seeks to honor the efforts of breeders, and riders who are making Spain a point of reference in this sport. ¡¡



¡ORIGEN DE TRADICIONES! Tequila Indianos va más allá que las modas pasajeras del día, va forjando una calidad insuperable, que nace de su extraordinaria historia, inspirado en personalidades excepcionales, donde la búsqueda de excelencia es el fundamento de todo lo que hacemos. Tequila Indianos es sinónimo de México, sus aromas, sus colores, sus sabores y su gente, sabe a épocas de gloria y de batallas, surge por siglos de experiencia y el amor campesino, y su proceso de fabricación artesanal hace de esta bebida, algo totalmente diferente a todo. Tequila Indianos rinde homenaje a los emprendedores, migrantes y gente que persigue grandeza y construye un mundo mejor a lo largo del camino. Es un producto hecho 100% de agave azul, tan único como este grupo de notables individuos y un galardón por su heroísmo, sus logros y su legado que dieron origen a nuestras tradiciones.


Francisco Tineo & Belén Bautista, Champions of Spain in Spanish Riding Just last month, Yeguada de La Cartuja-Hierro del Bocado, in Jerez de la Frontera (in the province of Cadiz), hosted the 5th Edition of Spanish Riding. The event was coordinated by the Spanish High School Riding Association, led by its Vice-president Joaquín Fernández, and the Yeguada de La Cartuja-Hierro del Bocado team as the organizing committee. In the Advanced Test, Francisco Tineo, riding Presumido, returned home as Champion. The reserve Champion was Álvaro Maldonado, riding Logro. Alejandro Cadenas on Ureo VII earned the bronze. Belén Bautista with Yunque XXV, earned the title of Spanish Champion for Masters, followed by Manuel Rodríguez on Toledano XXXI, and Iván Castillejo riding Branco. The bleachers at Yeguada de la Cartuja were full of spectators anxious to enjoy this fifth Championship. Among those in attendance were Francisco Camas —Deputy Mayor of Jerez, who granted the Jerez City Hall Trophy to the Champion of Spain in the category of Master Rider— and Marcelo Maestre, Archivist for the Royal Order of Chivalry in Sevilla, who offered their trophy to the Champion of Spain in the category of Advanced Rider. Representatives from ANCCE were

also there to provide a Special Award. Juan Carlos Román, Manager of the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (REAAE), Carlos Escribano, president of Expasa, as well as breeders and mounted bullfighters, including the President of the Spanish High School Association (AAEE), Álvaro Domecq, Ángel and Rafael Peralta and Felipe Morenés, were on hand for the Championship. During the competition, there was time to unveil a commemorative plaque in the Patio de Caballos honoring rider, breeder, mounted bullfighter and founder of AAEE, Ángel Peralta. It was a heart-moving moment that sparked the applause of all those there. Everything was perfectly organized and prepared for the various horse/rider combinations traveling from all over Spain. This was the final touch for a wonderful day of traditional Spanish riding. ¡¡

ANCCE’s PRE Conformation & Movement course travels to Córdoba & Tenerife The course was taught by Conformation Judge, Ignacio Bravo ANCCE, in its efforts to meet the general demands of breeders and after the success of the first course offered in Sevilla, has organized another PRE Conformation and Movement course: one in Cordoba and another in Tenerife (the Canary Islands). Thus, the Association complies with its vocation for teaching and serving its members by expanding their knowledge about Conformation. The courses were taught by Ignacio Bravo, who is both 22

a Conformation & Tribunal Judge, as well as a presenter. He offered an in-depth analysis of the various regions of the horse, backed by videos showing how horses use each body part, and the influence of this on its movements. Both workshops were organized and supported by local PRE Breeder Associations (ACCAC & ACCCE). The response was impressive, as the available classrooms were full. ¡¡


a chat with... In the section A chat with... we will visit a number of stud farms. Thanks to interviews with their owners, we will learn about their origins, motivations... and their formula for success.

Manuel Borge Carvajal


how did you get stated in the world of Purebred spanish horses? I breed beef and milk cattle, so it was from there that the need for horses arose. Initially, I started out with Costa Rican Paso horses, but then I discovered the Spanish Horse. That was several years ago, and due to their submissiveness, beauty and elegance, I decided to dedicate all my efforts towards this noble beast, and I am very proud and satisfied with the endeavor. how many Pre horses are there at your stud farm? Currently, we have 20 broodmares, two sire stallions and ten horses for riding and carriage driving, as well as others for sale. We are using frozen semen from Spanish National Champions such as Jalón and Gitano; we are also using Viñas Obus from my stud farm, who is giving us very good foals. Your best stallion/mare/foal is: Viñas Obus, but we also have some very select mares and we are launching an embryo transplant project. We are breeding a horse that is taller, is exceptionally beautiful and has very correct confirmation. We are really enthusiastic as we plan for both our PRE Trade Fair--



NAME oF thE stud FArM: Yeguada Coris. gEogrAphiCAl loCAtioN: In the Río Coris river valley, in the province of Cartago, Costa Rica ( just 25 km from the capital). origiNs: we began breeding eight years ago, with horses imported from Spain, boasting brands such as Tomás Osborne, los Pepes, Valdeviñas, Escalera and Salvatella.


a chat with...


programmed for March of 2016--and the Central American Trade Fair.

what does the future hold for Pre horses in your country? In Costa Rica, there are 150 registered PRE breeders; obviously, some have more horses than others. We have good access at trade fairs for other breeds, and major participation in horse parades. Remember that, despite the small size of our country, we congregate more than 300 horses every year, with the high point being December 26th. Several years ago, national authorities declared that date Día Nacional del Caballista (National Horsemen’s Day). This involves more than five thousand horses nationally, with the riders beautifully dressed; there are marching bands and other participants, who all parade along the main avenues of the capital. Being that we export, we have horses that meet all quarantine laws and are monitored by our veterinarians. The horses adapt perfectly to our tropical climate. In my country, since the midnineteenth century, breeders such as Tomás Batalla and Adrián Collado began importing horses from Spain. At that time, horses travelled by ship; in some cases, the mares foaled during the journey. Others, unfortunately, died on the way. Luckily, this did not dampen the enthusiasm and the first association was founded, endorsed by Spain, with which foals were registered in the PRE Stud Book. To date, we have an association that has worked to the benefit of breeders and the breed.

what are your priorities: sports, hacking, breeding, etc.? We breed mainly for riding and carriage driving, but our main priority right now is to breed an Improver horse. Of course, for that, we require a horse with correct movement and morphology; everything else is provided by the breed through genetics: personality, beauty, nobility, etc. That is why we have horses fit for a king.

what do you like most about the spanish horse? When it comes to the PRE, I like everything: I enjoy watching the foals being born, observing the mares, seeking how to breed them, enjoying a sunny day riding a beautiful horse and spending afternoons with friends as we grill some meat and talk about horses. It is a way of life. I recommend it, as it keeps the doctor away! ¡¡


Major success for the new ANCCE app for iOS & Android ANCCE continues to actively promote the Purebred Spanish Horse using new technologies by creating and launching a new app for both Android and iOS. Since September, you can now download this app free of charge. Thanks to this app, you can enjoy Conformation Competitions online, as well as the ANCCE Cup for Dressage. Enjoy first-hand information regarding results, scores, rankings, new and much more. This new application is unique as it offers official results and the genealogy (family tree) of all PRE horses participating in Conformation and Dressage Competitions. From your handheld device, you have quick access to results, qualifications, scores, rules & regulations, videos and photographs. Likewise, exclusive information will be provided so that you can follow the Conformation Competition live. Accessing official genealogical data is easy and fast, as it is provided by the ANCCE PRE Stud Book office for each of the participating horses. You can search competition archives for historic information, and in the case of Conformation, you can access details about


the scores from each judge and how a given horse/score has developed throughout the year. There is also an interactive map with the location of the Conformation and Dressage Competitions underway. Thanks to its innovative design, this user-friendly, attractive and intuitive App offers exclusive services that make it the Number 1 Application for PRE information. Despite its short life, it is a roaring success. In just over a month, there have been more than 2000 downloads. It appears as the first App when searching for Conformation Competitions and as the second when searching for ANCCE ( just behind the PRE Stud Book App). It is an essential application to be on top of the latest PRE information. ÂĄÂĄ

Training course at cabalcor in córdoba Jorge Conde taught a course about functional characteristics and the assessment of Functionality ANCCE participated at Cabalcor—the 20th City of Cordoba Conformation Competition—with a stand where a number of activities were carried out. For the inauguration, members were offered a welcome appetizer, which was the perfect excuse for breeders to meet with members of the Board. Another essential reason behind ANCCE’s presence at the Royal Stables—as a reference center for the equine sector in Andalusia—was to organize a training session in conjunction with the PRE Breeders’ Association of Cordoba and Córdoba Ecuestre. Titled “Functional Characteristics and Functional Assessment of the Purebred Spanish Horse”, the main speaker was Jorge Conde, who is a National a Dressage Judge, President of the ANCCE Dressage sub-Committee and a certified Senior Equitation Instructor. All

of the attendees were able to expand their knowledge on these subjects thanks to this prestigious speaker. ¡¡

The Purebred spanish horse has a hoof in chinese press Miguel Moreno, member of the Press, Promotion and Marketing Commission and Manuel González, executive secretary of ANCCE, recently travelled to China where they attended meetings to promote the PRE there. One of the most fruitful operations was an agreement of intentions with the Beijing International Equestrian Club to cooperate in the promotion of Purebred Spanish Horses by supplying contents and training. One of the first steps in the cooperation is the broadcasting

of all SICAB competitions live and on demand to the Chinese equestrian web site This portal appears as one of the most interesting in China, both for its human resources but also for the business development plan they propose. They have experts in developing sports in the media in China and have been successful in introducing the NBA, NFL and soccer to Chinese TV. Currently, they are working on the creation of a portal to promote equestrianism throughout the country. This

site will offer information about competitions, riding and handling training courses for riders and handlers, nutrition, history, breed characteristics of the various breeds, etc. Other appointments on the agenda of these emissaries included a meeting with the Director General of Foreign Health there, as well as the executives of Global Flying Magazine and Equuelus International Riding Club in addition to other members of Chinese television. ¡¡



1st ANCCE Breeder Presentation Competition At this newest edition of SICAB, ANCCE has created the 1st ANCCE Breeder Presentation Completion. Breeders who participate in one of the two categories will be rewarded: presentation in hand or under saddle. To participate in either of these tests, the only requirement is to have a breeder code, be a fullfledged member of ANCCE and have at least one horse entered in SICAB. This test will specifically and directly assess the image presented by both horse and rider. Also, the empathy between horse and rider will be taken into account as well as the movements made. When presenting in hand, the participating breeder may present a horse, whatever its age and sex. He/she must present the horse wearing the traditional “traje corto” (Andalusian country attire). When presenting a horse under saddle, the contestant

has a wide range of possibilities, as he/she may ride wearing the English style with top hat and a tail-coat or the Spanish style, with the traditional “traje corto” (Andalusian country attire). The rider must perform a 5-minute, free-style test that includes a series of mandatory movements, after which the rider may inclu-

de any and all other exercises that he/she deems appropriate. Horse at least 4 years of age may participate under saddle, riding either a stallion or a mare. With this competition, the organizers seek to offer SICAB visitor a variety of activities with greater possibilities, both for breeders and enthusiasts. ¡¡

ANCCE to reward the Best Breeder in Dressage If at SICAB there is anything more important that the horses, it is their breeders, those who have the prerequisites clear in their minds: welcome the best Purebred Spanish foals into this world. This is a more than sufficient reason for the ANCCE Dressage Commission to reward the best breeder; the breeder whose horses have qualified for the ANCCE Cup Final for Dressage, which is one of the events held during SICAB. For the first time, this recognition will be granted to the stud farm with at least two horse/rider combinations in any of the six levels included in this Final. The participation of each horse/ rider combination will grant the stud farm points based on the 32

position earned in each of the tests and the percentage during the two-day competition. The stud farm which after tallying the score for all of his/her horses has the highest score will be honored as the Best Breeder in the ANCCE Cup for Dressage, even if none of his horses are currently his/her property. ¡¡



Adolfo sánchez de movellán, juan Tirado, carmen martínez de sola and Ignacio candau.

ANCCE President Juan Tirado recognized the role played by breeder in SICAB success This past 15th of October, ANCCE celebrated 25 years of SICAB history through the eyes of the various Presidents who have been part of SICAB history. The Royal Driving Club of Andalusia, housed in the Carriage Museum in Sevilla, welcomed the celebration, which was full of memories and experiences. SICAB arose from the need to show and highlight the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) during the African Horse Sickness crisis. It was a major setback for President Carmen Martínez de Sola, who in 1991 was able to turn the situation around by launching an equestrian event that soon became a must on the breeder calendar. The success over time is an achievement that the current President of ANCCE, Juan Tirado, describes as being due to “the work of breeders. Without their efforts, we would not be celebrating this event today.” The level and quality of the participants has made

SICAB a mandatory event for the very best stud farms in the world. Tirado also underlined the main landmarks of former Presidents, who were on hand for the celebration. He emphasized their efforts when referring to his term in office as a matter of “managing the magnificent inheritance received.” Proof of this is in the statistics, with more than 20,000 PRE horses, business turnover for the city that surpasses 200 million euros, 3000 horses competing in the various equestrian sports and an impact in the media that has been calculated at almost 1000 million euros. Carmen Martínez de Sola took the floor to recall and share how it all began. Ignacio Candau highlighted the “commercial aspects” of his era, when he launched breeder stands and consolidated SICAB as a meeting place for renowned celebrities.



At its Silver Jubilee, SICAB occupies the full surface area of the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones fairgrounds in Sevilla. This growth took place under the leadership of Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán. Javier Conde, who was President for almost seven years, was unable to attend this important event. Nevertheless, he addressed the attendees through a note red by moderator Ramón Moreno de los Ríos. Conde stressed the work carried by ANCCE, as a private organization carrying out such a major event. Moreover, he referred to the good work environment that surrounds SICAB. “I can say that there is never a lack of work, but it is almost effortless, because it is seen as the hopes, the commitment and the responsibility of the breeders who accompany me, as well as the splendid efforts of the ANCCE employees. My most sincere appreciation goes to them all,” he pointed out in his note. During the event, a 25 anniversary SICAB video was presented. This audiovisual production is being shared on social networks and it outlines the most outstanding landmarks of SICAB history. To conclude the event, commemorative plaques were given to each of the former Presidents in appreciation for a job well done. ¡¡


round table with Ancce Presidents, moderated by ramón moreno de los ríos.

gallery of breeders, sponsors and suppliers that have made up sIcAb history.


rAFAEl lEMos

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silencio de ramos.


Yeguada SR4 “Competition is the only way to achieve an increasingly better species”


FROM A BLURRED DREAM to a welldefined reality with a clear concept: defend the Purebred Spanish Horse. Sergio Ramos yearned to have his own stud farm; by purchasing the farm ‘La Alegría’ in 2012, that dream began to take shape. Today, he has twenty mares, five stallions and some twenty foals. The characteristics of his horses have earned this stud farm the award as Best Exhibiting Stud Farm in 2015; it was a first-time recognition.

bonacho de ramos.

In the arena, his mares offer the perfect balance between beauty and sportsmanship. This is the result of carefully contemplated work to obtain maximum potential from these mares through training. Their necks are long, their backs correct, their croups strong with a well-inserted tail and good limb alignment, to create an all-encompassing horse when competing. At Yeguada SR4, each and every detail to defend the conformation of the Purebred Spanish Horse has been taken into consideration. Thanks to its location –in the area known as Camino Cuatro Vita, in the town of Bollullos de la Mitación– Yeguada SR4 is able to breed its horses in semi-freedom. Ten professionals care for the horses, monitoring that the herd has all the essential elements, to be the best. “Competition is the only way to achieve an increasingly better species” Carlos Muela, the technical director is clear on that point. Pícara de Ramos is the kingpin. This year, she has garnered a number of titles: Mare Champion in Section 3 at Equimur and Youngstock Mare Champion of Europe. She also won over the judges in Andújar, Córdoba and Zafra in this same category. Chivia de Ramos is another mare who collects trophies: she was Mare

AlbErto M. brACEro


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AlbErto M. brACEro

“our hOPE is to EArN rECogNitioN At SICAB 2015 to CoNtiNuE to Add to thE CAtEgory oF bEst EXhibitiNg stud FArM, AFtEr thE suCCEss iN zAFrA. wE ArE AwArE oF thE diFFiCultiEs thAt this ENtAils; wE will AttENd, hAviNg doNE our hoMEwork, ANd with ENthusiAsM to AttAiN bEttEr horsEs,” CoNCludEd CArlos MuElA AlbErto M. brACEro

Champion of Europe, Competition champion in Cordoba and Reserve Mare Champion in Zafra. At those competitions, she was also number 1 in Section 11. Aldeano de Ramos is another up and coming star: he is Reserve Stallion Champion of Europe, silver In Section 10 in Andujar and bronze in Zafra. He has also earned awards for his movement at a number of other competitions and in section with other horses. The mares making up the stud farm have well-proven genetic lines. They are covered by sire stallions in an effort to seek breed characteristics, movement and maximum functionality. At this stud farm, the physical body is important; there is concern to defend breed conformation and that the movements be correct for the Purebred Spanish Horse. “Our hope is to earn recognition at SICAB 2015, to continue to add to the category of Best Exhibiting Stud Farm, after the success in Zafra. We are aware of the difficulties this entails –due to the rivalry and the quality of the contest- but we will have done our homework and with enthusiasm, to attain better horses,” concluded Carlos Muela, technical director at the stud farm. ¡¡ 38

Picara de ramos.







Once again, Helvetia reiterates its passion for horses As ANCCE’s (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) official insurance company and sponsor of SICAB, Helvetia offers special services and exceptional conditions that have been especially designed for members of ANCCE. The passion that Helvetia Seguros (Insurance) has for the world of horses is seen in the wonderful relationship that the firm has with ANCCE, a relationship based on mutual confidence. With more than 150 years in the insurance Industry and high-quality products and services, Helvetia has reinforced its ties with ANCCE even more by sponsoring the International PRE Trade Fair (SICAB) for a third consecutive year. That is why the firm continues to back this sector to offer members of ANCCE the best possible conditions when contracting insurance. Helvetia Seguros is a company with a long-standing tradition in the breeder and agricultural sector to offer an extensive line of products that fully covers these sectors. Likewise, the company combines tradition with innovation. It works in the development of new insurance solutions that seek to satisfy its customers’ ever needs. That is the case with a newly launched product; Helvetia Caballos (Helvetia Horses) has been especially designed for members of ANCCE and those visiting SICAB 2015. Helvetia Caballos has been designed for individual horse owners. This policy covers liability and the cost to remove and eliminate deceased horses. For the current market, this second guarantee is innovative, as it covers all the costs derived from the process, up to the limit established by the company. One of the most outstanding aspects of this coverage is its special and extremely competitive price, which starts at €80/year. Likewise, those who own several horses may take advantage of a variety of discounts: a 5% discount when contracting a policy to cover more than five (5) horses. There is a


10% discount when more than ten (10) horses are included in the same policy. Even greater discounts are available when contracting coverage for more than twenty (20) horses. On the other hand, Helvetia Agro guarantees maximum protection for farms in a single policy; there are a wide variety of coverage options from which to select the coverage that best adapts to the type of farming/breeding operation. This product contemplates a wide range of insurable activities, including all types of crop farms, to breeding operations, chicken farms, the breeding of hunting species, etc. The company also has other products for the farming and breeding sector, such as liability insurance for farms and coverage for tractors, among others. Members of ANCCE are provided with other insurance policies that may be of interest. Among these possibilities are Helvetia Hogar Top, designed for collective estates

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Alberto, empleado de Helvetia Seguros.

and top end dwellings. Another option is the Helvetia Agro Helvetia Ahorro (savings) by which capital

Helvetia Seguros offers members of ANCCE the best possible advantages. solvency by the estaremos Swiss insurance siempre Sea cual sea istubacked pasi贸n, tu lado. Forafurther information: group. Helvetia Seguros invites members of ANCCE to learn about the wide range of products and receive exclusive consultancy regarding insurance. Thanks to this preferential service, members may request Tu aseguradora suiza. information about products for individuals and companies in which case, a personalized, nostrings-attached study will be provided based on your individual needs.




The Functionality Test

In the previous issue of this magazine, we discussed the Functionality Test in an article that reviewed the past, the present and the future, the optimization of the tests… with the latest innovations, the role of judges and the quality of the presenters. Now, we are here with another chapter that is much more practical and that will focus on the horse’s paces. tEXt: IGNACIO BRAVO



nazareno XXXII, owned by la stella & bred by fermín bohórquez.




For AN IdEAl wAlk, thE horsE’s ForE liMbs will Flow FrEEly ForwArd FroM its shouldErs, thANks to thE FACt thAt its BACk IS RElAxEd. thE hoovEs will MAkE dirECt CoNtACt with thE grouNd, oNE AFtEr ANothEr iN A ClEAr FOUR-TIME RhYThM


WALK. This should be a very regular, four-time pace. This regularity, together with total relaxation must be maintained throughout all work at walk. Medium walk is a pace that is clear, regular, and free, with moderate extension. The horse is “in the hand” and must move decisively forward, with strides that are relaxed, energetic and of equal length. The hind hooves step just ahead of the track left by the front hooves. The rider has to maintain a light, soft and stable contact with the bit, thus allowing natural head and neck movement. With extended walk, the horse must cover as much ground as possible, with no rushing or losing the regularity of its strides. The hind hooves clearly over-track the hoof print left by the front hooves. The rider must allow the horse to extend its neck and head, but without losing contact with the horse’s mouth or the control of its poll, thus allowing it to stretch the whole of its top-line. The walk must never be as impressive or expressive as trot or canter. At walk, the horse will always have two or three of its hooves on

the ground. There will be a lack of impulsion and suspension; instead, activity will be sought. For an ideal walk, the horse’s fore limbs will flow freely forward from its shoulders, thanks to the fact that its back is relaxed. The hooves will make direct contact with the ground, one after another in a clear four-time rhythm. The walk starts with three of the horse’s hooves being on the ground and then changes to a phase when two of these are. This phase, when two hooves are on the ground, changes, in turn, between lateral and diagonal pairs of limbs bearing the horse’s weight. This also means that the pair of hooves that is in the air changes with each phase, between the laterals and the diagonals. The main faults at walk are that the horse is ambling, that one of its hind legs makes a longer stride than the other, that it rushes and it trots with short strides. Also, a lack of activity and clear straightness in front can be seen. If the lateral limbs leave the ground faster than the diagonal limbs, a correct, 4-time rhythm will 49

conformation not be maintained and the walk will start to resemble an amble. If the hooves end up leaving the ground totally in lateral pairs, this will be an amble. This would be the most serious deterioration of the walk. If, on the other hand, the diagonal pair leaves the ground faster than the laterals, this would also be a clear loss of the 4-time rhythm. In this case, the rhythm would closer resemble that of the trot sequence. If the hooves leaving the ground coincide with the two diagonal pairs, then the horse would have broken into a trot. These faults could also appear in only one of the diagonal or lateral pairs, in such cases it would be more noticeable on one rein than on the other. The rhythm at walk is one of the most important characteristics that

A CONSTANT RhYThM with A ClEAr dEsirE to AdvANCE, oNCE thAt is bAlANCEd ANd FrEE oF tENsioN, ArE iNdiCAtioNs oF A CorrECt pACE. thE quAlity ANd iMprEssivENEss oF thE TROT is sEEN iN its lENgth oF STRIdE, SUSPENSION, ElASTICITY, SElF-CARRIAgE, CAdENCE ANd IN ThE ElEVATION a judge looks for. Optically, when a horse has a good walk with a clear 4-time rhythm, it will give the feeling that the two hooves on the same side are drawing a “V”. In other words, the foreleg remains on the ground for the maximum possible time, while the hind legs advance under the horse to finally hit the ground. The hind legs seem to almost touch the heels of the forelegs. It is better to have an acceptable walk —without faults in coordination, one that is active in each stride, with freedom of the shoulders, withers, head and neck— than a horse that greatly over tracks, but that is weak, with no push, lacking natural straightness or uncoordinated. Also, at walk, one must ensure that the horse uses the whole of its body, that the croup swings from side to side, that it lacks tension, raising its top-line and that its shoulders move and advance freely, covering the ground, and that the horse is relaxed but frank. The 50

activity at walk is that the horse is constantly pushing forwards. TROT. The trot is a very symmetrical pace, in two-time and bouncy, because it must have a moment of suspension between the diagonal pairs (foreleg and hind leg of opposite sides), which remain parallel during the pace. This parallelism is constant, both when the limbs are moving forwards and when they are on the ground as if moving backwards or when moving forward with diagonal pairs during the moment of suspension. Trot is a transition pace; when horses are running free, they usually walk all day long, but when they are in a hurry or are scared, they gallop. Of all the paces found in horses, this is the most adaptable with training; possibly due to its tempo being parallel. As long as we do not alter this symmetry, regularity and coordination is almost always guaranteed. A constant rhythm with a clear desire to advance, once that is balanced and free of tension, are indications of a correct pace. The quality and impressiveness of the trot is seen in its length of stride, suspension, elasticity, self-carriage, cadence and in the elevation. We perceive the impression of quality in the sensation of being projected upwards and forwards, but that, at any given moment, the horse could effortlessly change direction, stop or change its pace with no loss of rhythm or balance. Trot defects are, for example, that the horse fails to maintain the rhythm when changing the length of stride or the direction, a lack of impulsion or, if the horse shows signs of excessive effort, being tense, etc. When trotting, the diagonal pairs of limbs both hit the ground, and leave it, at the same time; between each diagonal, there is a moment of suspension. When leaving and returning to the ground fails to occur at the same time, it is known as dissociation of the hind quarters or of the forehand. In the first case, the horse shows a positive attitude for the pace, balance and the


relamido III at dehesa la granja.



napoleón Xlv, owned by Yeguada candau.

ability for collection are promoted; prior to knowing this definition, I called it the launching effect. The opposite case is a serious deterioration of the trot; it places the horse on its forehand, out of balance and unable to respond to the aids, which places it at the mercy of inertia. Positive diagonal dissociation means that the hind limbs leave the ground and return to it before the forelimbs. Negative diagonal dissociation is when the front hooves of the horse lave the ground and return to it much faster. CANTER. Canter is a bouncy 3-time pace; so-called, for the phases when the legs touch the ground, plus a moment of suspension. First, the outside hind leg of the canter to be performed, to the right or to the left; second, the inside diagonal pair of legs (inside hind and outside front) and third, the outside front, which is the one that defines the leg on which the horse is cantering (the leading leg). This is followed by a jump into a moment of suspension. The horse flies forward in the air until it once again touches the ground to then start again with the outside hind leg.


A gOOd CANTER is AlwAys FlEXiblE; it swAys bEtwEEN thE lUMBAR AREA ANd ThE CROUP. thE bEst is whEN thE bACk is FrEEr ANd thE horsE’s CROUP IS MORE FlExIBlE thAN thE luMbAr ArEA Going from the outside hind leg to the diagonal and then to the inside front leg should look like a spring that is compressed and stretches forwards. There must be a clear moment of suspension. As with all the paces, when cantering, one must look for the regularity of the stride; that the horse canters with a constant canter rhythm, while it must give the impression that it is “jumping forwards.” In this pace, one can clearly see how the whole of the horse’s top line works. In a good canter, it is always flexible and it sways between the 52

lumbar area and the croup. The best is when the back is freer and the horse’s croup is more flexible than the lumbar area. When a horse is balanced, there should be no resistance in the head and neck and they should remain in their natural position, being able to lengthen, shorten or bend to both sides. This should give the rider the same feeling of balance and going uphill as has been described for the trot. In many horses, a quality walk and canter usually coincide and these usually function well in the lumbar area and its union with the croup. Upon extending the paces — walk, trot and canter— horses must not run faster, nor must they rush. They should simply adopt a more horizontal and lengthened position, which allows them to cover more ground and to lengthen the stride. If collection and the ability for selfcarriage on the hindquarters are lost, with the horse rushing, altering the regularity or compromising its balance, then it is not showing quality paces. It is a fault. When cantering, it is considered a serious fault if the horse moves in 4-time (the diagonal inside hind and outside front leg fail to leave and land at the same time) or disunited. Other faults include a lack of impulsion and when the hind legs move together. During the diagonal, or the second beat, of the canter described above, you may also see the dissociations described at trot. Due to an increase in balance and collection, the hind legs may hit the ground first or, the complete opposite, the horse canters in four-time, due to a lack of balance and impulsion, and thus touches the ground early with its forelimbs and is always on its forehand. Both cases are unmistakable and the feelings they give the rider are complete opposites. Finally, it must be stated that even when movements are balanced, rushing when demonstrating them, whether in hand or under saddle, will force the limbs to seek the ground hurriedly. This in turn will, day-by-day, hinder extension and suspension, thus resulting in a loss of quality. ¡¡




ANCCE dEsigNs A sports plAN For thE purEbrEd spANish horsE The dressage Commission creates a work tool for breeders to facilitate the inclusion of horses in competitive sports.




i 56

INNOVATE OR dIE. The achievements of the past do not guarantee the success of the future, but they do help. At ANCCE, this prerequisite is clear in our minds, and that is why we continually strive to improve. With the Olympics and its incursion into high performance sports, the unarguable success of the Pure-bred Spanish Horse as a breed in Dressage motivates us to be responsible for maintaining and reaching goals along these lines. Those mile-stones have been achieved through the hard work of our predecessors in this association. However, the road to defend and promote the Purebred Spanish Horse is long and winding; I would venture to say that it is infinite, as are the possibilities that our be-loved horse offers. Having athletes (both horses and riders) available is essential to guarantee continuity in major sports events. That is why the ANCCE Dressage Commission has embarked on a new project that is now taking its first steps, but with its eyes on the future. Everything is being undertaken from a strictly professional standpoint.

The Commission is creating a technical workgroup to back the Purebred Spanish Horse for competition. The idea is that there should be no shortage of PRE horses in all national and international competitions. First of all, a census needs to be created, with perfectly identified horses, including data regarding their potential, percentages, strong points, weaknesses, etc. The method to search and detect “talented horses� will be through the Conformation Competitions, Functionality tests, National Competitions and other mechanisms yet to be specified. Dedicating specific training to these horse would be the main objective, as well as planning their goals and following the development of each horse. This project is programmed to obtain visible results within four years. The initial phase involves recruiting, selection and organizing. Phase two, foreseen for 2016, would develop the work programmed, so that in 2017, the first assessment can be made. It has been foreseen that by 2018

dalio IX, owned by Kathleen marie shubin and bred by Antonio sĂĄnchez corado.

our sights would be on national and international competitions. This sports program translates into an important opportunity for breeders and riders with a view to compete. They would be facilitated with professional orientation. Until now, such assistance has not been available to many, due to a lack of knowledge in the sports environment and the individual expense involved, which has hindered many from accessing Dressage. Consequently, the breed has missed out a number of talents. We hope that this project materializes in improved results for PRE horses in competition and better positioning of the breed in sports. wORk METhOdOlOgY The Dressage Commission is seeking to organize concentrations with equestrian regions (north, south and east) where work sessions will be offered. First of all, the horses will be placed in the area with their riders or trainers, who will receive assistance from JosĂŠ Antonio GarcĂ­a Mena, the program trainer. He was chosen for this post because of his ideal qualities as a trainer, his experience in competitions and his skills as a rider. Undoubtedly, we are sure that he will do an excellent job. Later, there will be work sessions in a classroom, where the problems of each rider/horse will be discussed, to establish the necessary guidelines to be followed. Also, this allows breeders and riders to share their Intentions regarding the 57

dressage libanés+mor, owned by las morerías.

competition. These work sessions seek to reinforce assessment regarding how to plan and orient the season. Secondly, we will launch sessions to assess the work in the arena, with the focus being on the competition. This initial measurement will facilitate followup and develop both horse and rider. It is an athletic training system with a 2.0 work model where guidelines are provided in a variety of fields (not only techniques) throughout the training process. For this, a qualified team is necessary. This would include a trainer, to supply the technical focus, and a technician in equitation, to design the program, select the dates depending on the competitions and carry out the follow-up with the data collected. A judge is another key member of the team. During the competitive phase, his or her collaboration is needed to assess and help identify areas 58

for improvement, thus preparing riders to enter the arena in the best way possible. Developing this plan will be coordinated by the ANCCE Competition Department, which will report back to the Dressage Commission regarding the progress made. As indicated above, this Commission is responsible for managing this new idea, as well as overseeing that it works well. As the various phases begin, develop and the project matures, detailed information will be published on the various association news and current events platforms. We encourage all Purebred Spanish Horse breeders to actively collaborate and participate in this project. You are invited to SICAB to attend the official presentation of this project, where further details regarding the content will be provided. We hope to count on your contributions to incorporate them and seek out, among us all, the success of the Purebred Spanish Horse in the field of Dressage. ¡¡

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Yeguada AC “We believe that Dressage is the future for the PRE”


AT HACIENDA Las Pilas, in Guatemala, Yeguada AC is a clear example of respect and admiration for a breed: the Purebred Spanish Horse. Javier Arzú, its guiding light, loves Dressage and all types of equestrian competitions. He entered the PRE world at the hand of a good friend, to whom he owes his love for this “passionate” sector. This competitive spirit is the moving force to achieve an always improved PRE. Stud farm staff cares for every genetic detail to obtain the best horses. The goal is to have functional horses that are competitive and in keeping with breed standards, while at the same time being outstanding in sports, but preserving the movement


and strength of their Spanish blood. They seek quality above all else; they strive to have horses that are athletes, versatile within the various fields of sports and recreational activities. Examples include Dressage, show jumping, riding and carriage driving, as well as conformational-functional competitions. Undoubtedly, Arzú favors a given discipline and is adamant about it: “we believe in Dressage as the future for the PRE.” Finding balance is not easy, although Arzú has it all very clear in his mind: “we are not in a hurry to reach our objective. We want our own bloodline and that is why we will be genetically establishing the qualities of our horses.” The stud farm is moving on solid ground.

rAFAEl lEMos

juan lecina riding Yerbero, 2014 Prix st. georges champion.


feature advertisement Since its founding in 2003, it has sought out the best sire stallions in Spain to define the breed. In addition to that, there are the many hours invested in training and caring for the horses in an optimal breeding environment. The warm temperatures and the extensive pastures have become the perfect ally for the growth and development of the twenty-five mares, three sire stallions and 30 young horses currently found on the farm. ThE PROTAgONISTS Some of the horses making up the stud farm are well known to

equestrian and equine enthusiasts; these horses are the protagonists of many ANCCE competitions. One such case is Yerbero; he is a renowned sire stallion, thanks to his double title as Prix St. Georges Dressage Champion of Spain at the 2013 and 2014 editions. This horse, ridden by Juan Lecina, is bringing home happiness from the sports arenas. His owner, Javier Arzú, has high hopes for his international projection. On the other hand, Piconera de Luna, Reala de Luna, Quieta Ram, Mabileña Dav, Quieta AC and Tejana MP are other stud farm stars. They have all won titles to become essential pillars for the stud farm. Yeguada AC was one of the first Latin American stud farms to compete at SICAB. It all began in 2012; since then, awards have been won in a variety of categories. “This year, we will go to SICAB with excitement and our hopes set on three horses: Quieta AC, Mabileña Dab and Yerbero,” clarified Arzú. ¡¡ 62

“this yEAr, wE will go to SICAB with ExCITEMENT ANd our hOPES sEt oN thrEE horsEs: quiEtA AC, MAbilEñA dAb ANd yErbEro”

Download our new competition APP, free of charge! Have all of the information and results for Conformation & Dressage Competitions in the palm of your hand.




Download it FREE! This new cell phone application is for competitions. It is available at Apple Store and Google Play.

Access all of the information; find horses, genealogical data, online results, search history, rules & regulations and much more in a matter of seconds.

The user interface, the EXCLUSIVE services it offers, its design and functionality make it the number 1 APP to have the latest PRE information.



PRE horses: Noble and hard working with endless possibilities The noble spirit and willingness of the PRE makes it the best horse to enter into the world of Eventing tEXt: CARlOS DĂ?Az photo: lINCE PHOTO AGENCY


hUMAN ANd ANIMAl behavior is transposable to geometry. Drawing an equilateral triangle using a square and triangle is not that difficult, but drawing it with balanced qualities is much more complex. However, the Purebred Spanish Horse can do just that. Its willingness, its emotional balance, strength and skill are ready to serve the passion, faithfulness and honesty that make it the perfect athlete. It is useless to have the most agile horse in the world if it is

hardheaded and disobedient. Seeking balance between Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross-country is the key to being outstanding in Eventing. Horses are triathletes: flexible, agile and with strength. That fact does not scare off a PRE, and even less its rider; the connection they establish allows them to achieve unimaginable goals based on efforts and hours of hard work. A Purebred Spanish Horse is perfectly able to spin the vertexes of the triangle together, 65


odalisco III, owned by Yeguada de la cartuja hierro del bocado.

as represented by the discipline of Eventing. I can share my personal experience with a horse that is reaping many achievements for the breed. OdAlISCO III ON ThE hORIzON My encounter with this Purebred Spanish Horse was when I was working for Yeguada de La Cartuja Hierro del Bocado; and this was interested in introducing its horses into the activity as an instrument for competition in any one of the

right FroM thE bEgiNNiNg, OdAlISCO III provEd his good quAlitiEs For this disCipliNE: gOOd TRAININg, CORRECT JUMP ANd whAt is Most diFFiCult: RESISTANCE, FOR ThE CROSS-COUNTRY CROSS 66

specific disciplines included in the sport. Right from the beginning, this wonderful horse proved its good qualities for this discipline: good training, correct jump, and what is the most difficult: resistance, for the cross-country. The first test we faced was the Andalusian league, where we earned the title as Absolute Champion. The following year, we began by running the Young Horse Circuit in the test for six-year-olds. It was one of the most important competitions, equivalent to level 1. To qualify a PRE was a real challenge, as was reaching the final. We achieved it in a worthy position. Being that the horse responded, and continued to give its all, the following year, we continued

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revoltoso lXv, owned by Yeguada de la cartuja hierro del bocado.

forward to compete in Level 2, for seven-year-olds… this was unthinkable. Nevertheless, we managed to obtain surprising results, as we took third place. So, seeing that the horse faced up to challenges, we decided to run in an international competition in Utrera (Sevilla). We finished fourth. It was a true success for both us and the breed. With these results, and being aware of the horse’s competitive

his woNdErFul ATTITUdE, his COURAgE ANd his CoNtiNuAl wIllINgNESS TO OVERCOME MIlESTONES MAkE hiM AN UNFORgETTABlE hORSE For ANyoNE. hE IS A PlEASURE TO RIdE, whEthEr you ArE A proFEssioNAl or A sEvEN-yEArold ChIld

abilities and its eagerness to excel, we dared cross borders and compete in yet another international event, but this time, abroad. We were about to place third. Odalisco performed an impressive Dressage test, a show jumping round that was clear of penalties, but then he tripped over the next to the last obstacle of the cross-country; that lowered the score to fourth place. Nevertheless, we were happy upon returning to Spain and with a great attitude. His courage and continual willingness to overcome milestones make him an unforgettable horse for anyone. He is a pleasure to ride, whether you are a professional or a seven-yearold child. Our next objective: SICAB. ¡¡ 69

working equitation Xacobo III, owned by Yeguada Yasmina moreno.

THE PRE… A WORKING HORSE Payaso II, owned by Yeguada Almuzara.





Please allow me a certain amount of poetic license to paraphrase the title of this article using that of a wonderful book by Master Juan Llamas. I am doing so because, although the Purebred Spanish Horse is a courtier, it also has the virtue of being an excellent horse for those tasks and equestrian disciplines linked to country life. This is something that is not within reach of most horse breeds found in the world today. We are currently living in an era in which magnificent opportunities are arising to promote the PRE hand-in-hand with a relatively new equestrian discipline –Working equitation. This sport includes four tests: dressage, ease of handling, speed and cow trial. It is a sport that is flourishing in Spain and deep-

rooted in a number of countries, including Germany, Italy, France and Portugal. It is also popular in a number of American countries, such as Colombia, Brazil and the USA. The WAWE (World Association for Working Equitation) is the association that is responsible for boosting the sport by developing a competition calendar, where the Portuguese dominate the field. One could forecast that Working Equitation –probably sooner than later– will become an Olympic sport. It is all due to the fact that there are an ever-growing number of countries interested in it. This sport may be done by novice as well as professional riders, as versatility is its main characteristic. It is inter-generational and adaptable to almost any riding school that is


working equitation

thE PUREBREd SPANISh hORSE is A CourtiEr thAt Also hAs thE virtuE oF bEiNg AN EXCEllENt horsE For thosE TASkS ANd EQUESTRIAN dISCIPlINES liNkEd to CouNtry liFE, whiCh is soMEthiNg thAt is Not withiN thE rEACh oF Most brEEds

rAFAEl lEMos

loading cattle at Yeguada herederos salvador guariola fantoni.


able to provide minimal conditions. The obstacles are easy to obtain; unused/outdated equipment may be recycled, which also provides an additional plus. It combines excitement, technique and skill when executing the various exercises and all in an enjoyable environment. The bottom line is that it is a full blown “equestrian performance.” We need not forget the golden age that Doma Vaquera is enjoying, with a record number of participants –50 horses/ riders– at the most recent Spanish National Championship, held in the city of Cordoba. Keep an eye on Doma Vaquera, as it is extremely dynamic; it could possibly be promoted abroad, as proven by

the participation of riders from France and Italy. PRE horses should be seen more in this discipline, and to achieve this, there must be understanding between breeders and riders. Nevertheless, and going back to Working Equitation…What is the role played by the PRE? Undoubtedly, our horse could be –and I dare state must be– the ideal horse for Working Equitation. The PRE has all of the essential physical qualities, and especially, it has a magnificent personality and an even greater willingness to work. Just as a dancer is appreciated for his/her technique and physical skills, that same dancer must be able to transmit emotion. In the arena, a horse must

cagancho rc, owned by Yeguada miraltesa & bred by jose romero cuevas.

rAMóN AzAñóN

thE prE Could bE ThE IdEAl hORSE For workiNg EquitAtioN thANks to its PhYSICAl QUAlITITES, its MAgNiFiCENt pErsoNAlity ANd williNgNEss to wORk

be expressive, and, when all is said and done, our PRE has no rival. The proof is in the pudding, with such celebrities as Invasor, Evento and more recently, Fuego. Therefore, we have Working Equitation developing at full speed and we have the ideal horse for the sport. What are we waiting for but to put the lyrics and the music together? Just as Portugal has clearly laid its stakes on Working Equitation as the means to promote its PSL (Purebred Lusitano) to obtain excellent results in the form of sales

abroad, we must first start working together on a common project between breeders and Spain’s Equestrian Federation to promote the growth of Working Equitation throughout Spain. That would be the springboard into international competitions, with which the PRE would be the focal point in the showcase. In addition to having magnificent horses, we have an excellent number of riders, together with a growing association movement interested in expanding Working Equitation. This constitutes another asset to reinforce the relationship between the PRE and Working Equitation. Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation, in conjunction with the National Working Equitation Association has been developing strategies that focus upon the implementation of this discipline in Spain. In due course, the Rules & Regulations will be approved to become the starting signal for the launch of the training process for future Working Equitation judges. It will also translate into the celebration of regional and national competitions that will conclude with the Spanish National Championship as a prerequisite for the European and World Championships. Being that we consider training to be the cornerstone for the standardized practice of Working Equitation in Spain, the city of Cordoba has recently seen the inauguration of a facility with a 70 x 40 meter arena, a warm-up arena, stables and all of the obstacles needed, as well as classrooms equipped with video. Our goal is to combine training with competition, so that in short, we will have riders with an adequate technical level to face future international competitions. Being that we are committed to the Purebred Spanish Horse, we are working hand in hand with ANCCE to develop and launch joint action to position the PRE at the zenith of world Working Equitation. ¡¡


equestrian routes

The Route of a thousand stars On horseback from Osuna to Ronda This magical route recuperates the pathways of Sevilla’s countryside, the trails through the foothills of Cadiz and the winding sections of an old roman road before arriving in Ronda. It is a unique experience in which sports and cultural heritage go hand-in-hand with the charm of nature, history and art. Purebred Spanish Horses are a basic piece of the puzzle to comprehend this area. tEXt by: PEDRO MADERA



ThE ShAdOwS continue to lengthen. Although the evening is cold, the horses are in a hurry. They know it is going to be a special day. The trail from Osuna to Ronda is the perfect way to understand Andalusia, with no borderlines from one province to the next and with no gates that hinder the use of the trails. Jesús Sánchez, promotor of Rural Tourism (http://www. has turned his favorite route into one of the most stimulating products of modern equestrian tourism. What used to be a long trail has, with friends, become the perfect journey. There are varied sights, the surface is good and Purebred Spanish Horses have turned out to be the perfect travel mate to blend history with nature. The horses owned by Jesús are a clear indication of his passion. He proudly bridles up Clavel, Fusilero and Girasol, three siblings that are the joy of any enthusiast. They are fine, noble steeds. They are elegant but levelheaded. They are gallopers, but also have a good walk, because the trail is there to be enjoyed. Most of the trail follows an ancient Drover’s Road; this old mule-track is well known in Osuna. It is the southern route to the sea. Not all that

long ago, it was a place where you crossed paths with yokes of oxen pulling carts full of stone from the local quarry and mule-trains travelling north from the coast, or travelling south with oil and flour from the farmsteads in the valley. Even today, the town’s May Fair is a reference for the entire area. Osuna is an architectural jewel that must be visited. The university building, on high grounds, and the collegiate church are separated by narrow, entwined streets. Many of its houses are whitewashed, almost with devotion, and in contrast with the renowned Baroque figures of its churches, including Our Lady of Victory (Nuestra Sra. de la Victoria) or Saint Augustine (San Agustín). The many palaces and civil building reflect the town’s wealth. The patios at the palace of the Marques of La Gomera are there to be enjoyed; even more so today, as it has been turned into a hotel. Likewise, the main façade of the Palace belonging to the Council of Cannons is an excellent example of impressive constructions on the streets known as San Pedro and Sevilla. That is why after a night’s sleep at any one of the rural cottages known as “las Casas de las Viñas,” you will 75

equestrian routes

better understand this land. It is a pleasure to watch the sky and know that the fragrances of the countryside await you at night, to exchange a steering wheel for some reins, or a computer for an open horizon. There are more and more people who flee urban life to spend a few days surrounded by Mother Nature, where peacefulness and fresh air guarantee total disconnection. One experience that is gaining more and more followers is horseback riding trails, but not on the back of just any horse. Riding a Purebred Spanish Horse is a unique experience. Prior to starting the journey, the horses to be used on the route need to be tested. In addition to the

hE proudly bridlEs up ClAVEl, FUSIlERO ANd gIRASOl, thrEE sibliNgs thAt ArE thE joy oF ANy ENThUSIAST. thEy ArE FiNE, NoblE stEEds. thEy ArE ElEgANT but lEvElhEAdEd aforementioned horses, Capitán, Cartujano and Guardarropa almost always sign up for the adventure. This is especially true in the case of Guardarropa, who was born on the farm. Initially, it is the varied landscape that impresses everyone. There are century-old olive trees, holm oaks, cork oaks, Kermes oak and other brush and bushes typically found around the Mediterranean; here you have a unique view of them all. The 76

many large farms allow riders to enjoy large open spaces. The land is home to livestock: fighting bulls, beef cattle and some of the best PRE stud farms. Throughout the almost 100 kilometers, you can get to know a land that safeguards the essence of what is authentic. The varied lay of the land helps. The olive groves of the countryside have nothing to do with the Calderon Lagoon, which is famous for birdwatching, as it is home to flocks of flamingos and herons. On the other hand, the Blanco River is home to birds of prey, with the sparrow hawk takes the spotlight. There are also wonderful flocks of robins and goldfinches that suspiciously fly around the riders. By riding a noble PRE, one that is especially adapted to the terrain, you realize that you are travelling along historic trails. The territory offers an extensive variety of sceneries, both natural and cultural. These facts turn the journey into much more than a ride on horseback. This four day-three night experience includes rural hotels, horse rental –and the essential equipment– meals, transfer by car, insurance and the instructor. Travelers can enjoy exclusive activities, such as going to the source of the Corbones River in the hamlet of la Atalaya, and having lunch in the Caños Santos Convent in the village of Alcalá del Valle (in the province of Cadiz), which was founded by the ducal house of Osuna.

Throughout the trip, there are unforgettable moments: your arrival in the village of El Saucejo (in the province of Sevilla), where you will take a break, to then continue to the Caños Santos Convent, a place that is as beautiful as it is historic. There the horses are freed of their saddles

while you enjoy a country lunch made from local products. After resting for a while, the journey continues upstream following the Corbones River to its source; the day concludes in Alcalá del Valle, where you will spend the night. Although you may be tired and anxious to “hit the sack,” a stroll


equestrian routes

along the narrow streets is well worth your time. These whitewashed houses, with geranium and flowerclad balconies, are beautiful. The faint sound of flamenco singing hidden behind lace curtains reminds you that you are in the very heart of Andalusia. Day three sees you up at dawn for the final leg of your trip, through the foothills to a village in Malaga called, Ronda, famous for its bandits,

by ridiNg A NoblE PUREBREd SPANISh hORSE, EspECiAlly AdAptEd to thE tErrAiN, you rEAlizE thAt you ArE trAvElliNg AloNg hISTORIC TRAIlS. thE tErritory oFFErs AN EXtENsivE vAriEty oF both NATURAl ANd CUlTURAl SCENERIES bullfighters and travelers. This last section, which follows the ancient Roman road, just before arriving at the San Francisco gate, is always a challenge. The narrow, zigzagging path takes you up the steep hill. After cantering a long stretch, it is time to walk; to enjoy the sights. Both riders and horses begin to realize that they have reached their final destination; the feeling that they have achieved something important. That is why this trip will always be remembered. Still on horseback, 78

you will stop at the two-century old bullring, home of a bullfighting museum. Having concluded the journey, the time has come for refreshments, the bases of which are typical products, with Serranía de Ronda Iberian pork products and marvelous red wines. Ronda is boiling with history; it boasts the permanent marks of time and of the many inhabitants who made the town their home. The new bridge and the Royal Order of Chivalry in Ronda are the city’s symbols and soul. The Mondragon Palace dates back to the Nazrid kingdom; undoubtedly, it is one of the city’s most beautiful civil constructions. Then there are the impressive city walls and Islamic gates, in addition to the remains of the Arab baths. A stroll along the streets of Ronda confirms what Goytisolo stated: as the natural extension of the landscape and the sunlight, it seemed like “the most beautiful city in the world.” History and art have made Ronda a place to be remembered. This concludes our experience, one that offers the best of nature that offers the best of the landscape together with the monuments of urban life. A trail through picturesque villages and the cuisine they have to offer while riding one of the best possible travel mates: the Purebred Spanish Horse. ¡¡

international associations gERMANY

Mirjam Gall, the German who conquered Dressage with a PRE


e could say that Mirjam Gall could ride a horse before she could walk. Equitation is her passion. It is part of her DNA, as her mother, a veterinarian and horse trainer, made sure she had instilled her love for horses to the point that she reared a successful rider. She has won Dressage trophies since she was seven, so today, at the age of 18, she is an up and coming promise in this sport. The most important successes in her career have been achieved on the horse she owns, a Purebred Spanish Horse called Guajiro, who has given her some very happy moments. In 2010, she became a member of the Saarland Junior A-team. By 2014, horse and rider had become the Vice-champion on the junior rider team and at the same time, qualified to enter Prix St. Georges, where she placed well. However, her successes have been non-stop; this summer, she placed second in her first Kür, in which Guajiro was the only PRE. Having a PRE to compete in this discipline was a well pondered decision by Mirjim Gall’s parents. They finally decided for this breed at a time when PREs were not a common sight at Dressage competitions in Germany. Their decision was based on the breed’s elevated paces and its ability to learn any movement, thus making it

mirjam gall with guijiro, owned by the rider and bred by Yeguada cubas.


the perfect horse. Likewise, his potential for the discipline was decisive when selecting this horse bred by Yeguada Cubas. Today, Guajiro is a horse that is conquering Dressage in Germany; he is the perfect example of the breed’s versatility. ¡¡

list of ANCCE breeders

who is who at ANCCE? list of stud farms registered with National Purebred Spanish horse Breeders’ Association. Further information (representative and contact info) using the QR code. ACITORES GANADERIA Tlf.: 609 620 808 Murcia AGRAPuR, S.l. Tlf.: 696 416 811 Lérida

BENITO RuIz, D. JOSé luIS Tlf.: +502 247 02015 Móvil: +502 56510711 Guatemala

AlGAIDA Tlf.: 699 088 178 – 639 343 474 Sevilla

BERMEJO PERTEGAl YEGuADA Tlf.: 924 536 100 Móvil: 687 421 845 Badajoz

AGRÍCOlA CuCAlERAS, S.l. Tlf.: 968 410 690 Móvil: 619 779 903 Murcia

AlMANSA RODRÍGuEz, D. JOSé Tlf.: 959 356 600 Huelva

AGRÍCOlA FERMÍN VIOquE Tlf.: 610 715 565 - 617 401 874 Córdoba

AlTAJARA, S.l. Tlf.: 955 600 282 Móvil: 609 521 803 Sevilla

AGRÍCOlA GuzMáN, S.A. Tlf.: 618 748 474 Sevilla

ANDIC ERMAY, D. NAHMAN Tlf.: 610 498 282 - 610 498 560 Barcelona

AGRÍCOlA JuAN ROJAS, S.l. Tlf.: 954 450 199 Móvil: 609 502 691 Sevilla AGRÍCOlA SAN álVARO, S.l. Tlf.: 954 222 095 - 955 953 274 Móvil: 606 332 993 - 609 657 007 Sevilla AGRÍCOlA SMIRR Tlf.: +49 68723807 Móvil: +49 1702010894 Alemania AGRÍCOlA VAlVI, S.A. Tlf.: 954 502 858 Móvil: 607 378 615 Sevilla AGROPECuARIA El ANClA Tlf.: 956 232 561 Móvil: 619 112 250 Cádiz AGROPECuARIA lARIOS, S.A. YEGuADA lARIOS Tlf.: 956 420 595 Móvil: 696 935 306 Cádiz AGROPECuARIO E INDuSTRIAl El CARMIN YEGuADA El CARMEN Tlf.: +593 72884452 – +593 72819666 Ecuador AGuAYMANTO Tlf.: +57 44488224 Colombia AGuIlAR GARCÍA, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 955 803 076 Móvil: 679 443 404 Sevilla


AGuIlAR MATESANz, HNOS. Tlf.: 921 124 136 Móvil: 615 636 201 Segovia

ANDREA MARTÍNEz, S.l Tlf.: 606 300 506 Murcia ANSTAlT ANATOl Móvil: 630 316 053 - 616 495 433 fincaelermitañ Sevilla ARANDA AlCáNTARA, D. GREGORIO CHAPuElA 1999, S.l Sevilla ARROYO P.R.E. Tlf.: 913 401 033 Móvil: 609 266 061 - Madrid ASTARlOA SORDO, D. IlDEFONSO Móvil: 608 607 436 Madrid

BIOAlAzOR Tlf.: 609 501 038 Sevilla BOHóRquEz ESCRIBANO, D. FERMÍN Tlf.: 956 184 579-83 Cádiz BOHóRquEz GARCÍA DE VIllEGAS, D. MIGuEl Tlf.: 956 307 893 Móvil: 625 570 377 ganaderiamiguelbohorquez Cádiz BOlOIX AS – HDROS. DE MARTINEz BOlOIX Tlf.: 968 886 050 Móvil: 609 822 006 Murcia CABAllOS DE lA luz Tlf.: +49 1718803387 - 0208 371921 Alemania CABAllOS DEl JARAMA Móvil: 630912683 Madrid CABAllOS llARGuéS Tlf.: 935 601 358 Barcelona

BAllESTEROS MORCIllO, D. JESúS Tlf.: 957 540 142 - 957 553 159 Córdoba

CADENAS BElTRáN , D. AGuSTÍN Tlf.: 956 172 938 Móvil: 650 104 961 Cádiz

BAONES GONzálEz, D. MISAEl Tlf.: 959 143 173 Móvil: 607 675 088 Huelva

CAMACHO BENÍTEz, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 520 051 Móvil: 608 554 930 Córdoba

BARBA BARRERA, D. JOSé Tlf.: 954 159 345 Móvil: 607 165 421 Sevilla BAYO SáNCHEz, D. JAVIER Móvil: 722 656 804 Badajoz BENITEz MORENO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 141 404 - Part.: 954 141 164 Finca: 955 953 688 Sevilla

CAMACHO RIVERA, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: 926 322 640 Móvil: 629 630 901 Ciudad Real CAMARA Y SERN, Dª ROCÍO DE lA Tlf.: 954 272 359 Móvil: 639 169 080 Sevilla CáRDENAS OSuNA, D. PEDRO DE Tlf.: 954 830 502 agrí Sevilla

CARO ANDRADE, D. MANuEl Tlf.: 954 411 818 Sevilla CARTuJANO BAYERN – PRE zuCH uNTERSCHWAIG Tlf.: +49 1718212046 Alemania

CORTIJO El ROCÍO Tlf.: +505 22785901 – +505 88830000 Nicaragua

DEHESA MIGAlINDA Tlf.: 954 156 244 Móvil: 639 338 676 Sevilla

CORTIJO lA MARquESA, S.l.u. Tlf.: 954 630 883 Móvil: 619 716 384 Sevilla

DÍAz NAVARRO, D. JuAN Tlf.: 953 523 184 Móvil: 629 126 152 Jaen

CASA-ESTANquE Tlf.: +49 2482911000 Alemania

CORTIJO lA MORAlEJA ESP Móvil: 678733871 Huelva

CASCO lA VENTA Tlf.: +52 5552231763 México

CORTIJO lAS CASTAñAS Tlf.: +52 26157020 México

DOlGARENT, S. A. tlf.: 955 682 184 Sevilla

CENSYRA Tlf.: 924 010 584 – 924 010 564 Badajoz

CORTIJO lOS lEONES Tlf.: 954 629 361 Móvil: 637 457 582 Sevilla

DOMECq ROMERO, D. álVARO tlf.: 956 314 747 Cádiz

CENTRO DE SElECCIóN lA TORRECIllA, S.A. Tlf.: 911 020 010 Madrid

CORTIJO MIRAMONTES, S.A. Finca: 955 953 457 Móvil: 616 914 788 Oficina: 955 731 664 - 955 731 275 Sevilla

DOMECq zuRITA, Dª BlANCA Fax: 956 333 046 Móvil: 607 335 407 Cádiz

COlORADO lóPEz, D. JOSé Tlf.: 955 953 126 – 615 493 392/3 Sevilla

CORTIJO SAN MIGuEl Tlf.: +505 23115821 Móvil: +505 88500004 Nicaragua

CORPORACIóN AGROGANADERAS lEzCANO, S.A. Tlf.: +507-2095220 Móvil: +507-64809718 Panamá

CRIADERO lA PuERTA Tlf.: +52 3336401180 - +52 3336400796 México

CORTéS DE lA ESCAlERA, HDROS. DE Mª DOlORES Tlf.: 617 402 609 - 954 229 507 Sevilla CORTéS GARCÍA, D. SAlVADOR Tlf.: 696 902 135 Cádiz CORTéS RODRÍGuEz, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 958 824 852 Móvil: 646 982 712 - 670 904 921 Granada CORTIJO AlBARRACÍN Tlf.: 902 300 078 Barcelona CORTIJO DE lA z Tlf.: +505 22767157 – +505 88850200 Nicaragua CORTIJO El APóSTOl Tlf.: +52 818 3420778 México CORTIJO El ROBlEDAl Tlf.: 646 278 991 - 669 819 014 Málaga

CROSS WINDS FARM Tlf.: +1 3042820353 Estados Unidos CuADRA CONquISTA Tlf.: +52 3336306022 México CuEVAS BAJAS, S.l. Tlf.: 957 760 791 Móvil: 629 848 430 Córdoba CuquEREllA uBEDA, D. JuAN Tlf.: 954 500 606 Sevilla CHAVES SAINz, D. FEDERICO FERNANDO Tlf.: 942 270 521 Móvil: 609 417 993 Santander CHINCHIllA RODRÍGuEz , D. DOMINGO Móvil: 677 537 199 Granada DEHESA DE CABEzA RuBIA, S.l. Tlf.: 619 243 120 Badajoz DEHESA lA GRANJA, S. A. Tlf.: 956 622 700 Móvil: 674 749 841 Cádiz

DIOSDADO GAláN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 340 655 Móvil: 658 788 874 Cádiz

DOMÍNGuEz GAlIANO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 224 786 Móvil: 639 724 041 - 607 674 468 Sevilla DuRáN GAllARDO, D. JOSé MANuEl Tlf.: 956 450 331 Móvil: 646 966 603 Cádiz DuRáN VICENS, Dª CRISTINA Móvil: 677 133 391 Málaga El ESPARRAGAl, S. A. Tlf.: 955 783 431 Sevilla EMBARBA DE FRuTOS, D. ANICETO Tlf.: 952 233 967 - 952 176 517 Málaga ESCAlERA DE lA ESCAlERA, D. JOSé luIS Tlf.: 954 837 165 Móvil: 689 287 366 - 666 083 068 Sevilla ESCAlERA DE lA ESCAlERA, Dª Mª FERNANDA Tlf.: 954 514 739 Móvil: 653 590 272 - 608 150 357 Sevilla ESPINA NOGuERAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 665 576 - 954 721 292 Sevilla ESPINOSA HIDAlGO, D. SAlVADOR Tlf.: 956 308 518 Móvil: 629 494 987 - 600 455 872 Cádiz ESTEBAN RuIz, D. IVáN Tlf.: 917 450 035 Móvil: 649 954 823 Madrid


list of ANCCE breeders

EuGASSADA CESCAP Tlf.: 607 546 525 Barcelona EXPlOTACIONES AGRÍCOlAS RABAN, S.A. Tlf.: 957 334 016 Córdoba FEDERSPIEl PINTO, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +506 22225822 Móvil: +506 83812235 Costa Rica FERNáNDEz-DAzA Y FDEz. DE CORDOVA, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 924 660 868 Badajoz

GANADERÍA El COYOl Tlf.: +506 2233 0383 Costa Rica

GANADERÍA BECGAR DOBlE S Tlf.: 645 804 295 - 659 916 561 Madrid

GANADERÍA EquINA PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA Móvil: 609 506 949 Granada

GANADERÍA BENABAD CORTES Tlf.: 971 263 805 Móvil: 695 349 749 Baleares GANADERÍA BlANCA ROJAS Tlf.: 957 488 417 Móvil: 619 477 074 Córdoba GANADERÍA BOHóRquEz ROMAN Tlf.: 606 627 680 Móvil: 669 111 717 Sevilla

FERNáNDEz FERNáNDEz, D. JOSé Mª Tlf.: 954 860 225 Móvil: 666 423 323 Sevilla

GANADERÍA BRAGANzA GAMEz Tlf.: 679 479 681 Móvil: 658 689 693 Ciudad Real

FINCA lO TACóN Tlf.: 609 656 969 - 615 249 737 Murcia

GANADERÍA CARlOS DElGADO Tlf.: 619 269 525 Madrid

FINCA lOS PANDuREJOS Tlf.: +43 6641014071 - +43 6642148905 Austria

GANADERÍA CERRADO DEl CASIl Tlf.: 915 625 415 Cáceres

FORlI Tlf.: 670 686 409 - 619 705 636 Sevilla

GANADERÍA CHIlOECHES Tlf.: +57 42669140 Colombia

FRANCISCO OlIVERA, S.l. Tlf.: 955 681 976 Móvil: 600 678 253 - 650 361 373 Sevilla G RANCH INT Tlf.: +505 86707304 Nicaragua GAlIANO ORIHuElA, D. JuAN Finca: 959 415 249 Móvil: 627 471 545 - 660 661 873 Oficina: 902 933 367 Huelva GANADERA AG, S.A. Tlf.: +506 289 45 45 +506 438 08 63 Costa Rica GANADERA AMéRICA Tlf.: +506 2509-9800 Costa Rica GANADERA JOCHA Tlf.: +506 22334818 +506 83849090 Costa Rica GANADERÍA ANTARES, S.l. Tlf.: 966 736 902 Móvil: 696 974 955 Alicante


GANADERÍA AzAHAR Tlf.: 968 011 339 Murcia

GANADERÍA CORTéS lARREY Tlf.: 924 870 678 – Móvil: 655 909 405 Badajoz GANADERÍA COVES-DARDEN Tlf.: 667 751 577 Estados Unidos GANADERÍA DEl PONTóN Móvil: 606 330 090 Segovia GANADERÍA DOMINGO ARRABE Tlf.: 920 348 112 Móvil: 608 428 284 Ávila GANADERÍA El AHIJóN Tlf.: 925 821 206 Móvil: 607 601 877 Madrid GANADERÍA El CAJóN Tlf.: 627 961 220 – 664 725 655 Zaragoza GANADERÍA El CAlDERO Tlf.: 955 763 034 Móvil: 609 158 219 Sevilla GANADERÍA El CAMINO ANDAluz Tlf.: +49 3429279256 Móvil: +49 1777423799 Alemania

GANADERÍA ESCAlERA DEl MAYORAzGO Barcelona GANADERÍA F. CuEVAS Tlf.: 600 562 008 Barcelona GANADERÍA F. GuTIéRREz CASANOVA Tlf.: 955 684 075 Móvil: 610 713 138 Sevilla GANADERÍA FRANCISCO lAzO DÍAz Tlf.: 954 755 561 Sevilla GANADERÍA FRANCISCO SANTIAGO RuIz Tlf.: 952 711 460 Tlf.: 952 218 591 Málaga GANADERÍA FRONTEGIl Tlf.: 650 401 778 Móvil: 650 401 760 Sevilla GANADERÍA GIlSAN Tlf.: 915 744 799 Móvil: 649 803 503 Toledo GANADERÍA HERMANOS MESTRE Tlf.: 932 986 400 - 935 084 400 Barcelona GANADERÍA HERMANOS VARGAS SIlVA Tlf.: 653 662 903 Cáceres GANADERÍA HERNANDO ABOÍN Tlf.: 648 063 576 Móvil: 695 697 237 Ávila GANADERÍA HIERRO DEl SIETE Tlf.: 679 819 212 - 606 330 090 Madrid GANADERÍA HNOS. AYAlA Tlf.: 955 867 848 Sevilla GANADERÍA HNOS. BATRES Tlf.: 625 729 724 Toledo GANADERÍA HNOS. MuñOz Tlf.: 955 676 453 Móvil: 637 469 281. Sevilla GANADERÍA HNOS. NIETO Tlf.: 660 601 684 Móvil: 649 405 220 Tarragona

GANADERÍA HNOS. NúñEz BARBERO Móvil: 616 948 517 - 691 816 167 Sevilla GANADERÍA ISABEl MEREllO VIuDA DE TERRY Tlf.: 956 871 640 Cádiz GANADERÍA JAuquICOA MARTINENA Tlf.: 619 786 999 Móvil: 696 429 084 Navarra GANADERÍA JuAN RODRÍGuEz BEBIA Tlf.: 959 300 379 Móvil: 608 558 956 Huelva GANADERÍA lA DulCINA Tlf.: +54 91156905050 Argentina GANADERÍA llOPIS MEVIN, DñA. PIlAR Tlf.: 962 589 016 Valencia GANADERÍA MANuEl VERA Tlf.: 954 279 764 Móvil: 687 543 441 Sevilla GANADERÍA MARÍA ISABEl JIMéNEz GRANDE Tlf.: 607 686 013 – 627 735 127 Ávila GANADERÍA MARÍA luISA GuARDIOlA Tlf.: 954 222 191 Sevilla

GANADERÍA PYRAMID Tlf: 659 327 988ía.pyramidpre Granada

GESTÜT PARAISO Tlf.: +49 8385922799 Alemania

GANADERÍA RODRÍGuEz DÍAz Tlf.: 656 607 261 Madrid

GESTÜT SCHlOSS AMERANG Tlf.: +49 17623771159 Alemania

GANADERÍA ROMáN ROMERO SáNCHEz Tlf.: 657 919 642 - 670 654 250 Sevilla GANADERÍA S/S STABlES Tlf.: +1 540 4568520 – +1 540 2561878 Estados Unidos GANADERÍA SAlVADOR SAlVATIERRA lóPEz Tlf.: 958 340 087 Móvil: 670 390 457 www.ganaderiasalvadorsalvatierralopez. com Granada GANADERÍA SáNCHEz-NORIEGA Tlf.: 955 863 344 Móvil: 607 703 030 – 671 493 922 Sevilla GANADERÍA SANTOS PEREIRA Tlf.: 986 767 117 – Móvil: 639 041 971 Pontevedra GANADERÍA SARMIENTO Tlf.: 956 451 042 Móvil: 679 444 112 Cádiz


GANADERÍA SON PERICASSES Móvil: 645 391 805 – 659 103 305 Baleares

GANADERÍA MARIANNE SuNDéN Tlf.: +46 708242832 Suecia

GANADERÍA THE WOlF Tlf.: 687 890 055 Badajoz

GANADERÍA MARTÍNEz MORAGA Tlf.: 967 216 762 Móvil: 629 715 070 - 629 640 108 Albacete GANADERÍA MATER CHRISTI, S.l. Tlf.: 916 653 360 Madrid GANADERÍA OlIVARES Móvil: 657 751 147 Ciudad Real GANADERÍA PEDRO MORATA Tlf.: 629 014 747 Baleares GANADERÍA PuJADAS Tlf.: 617 333 462 Segovia

GARCÍA DIéGuEz lóPEz, D. MIGuEl Tlf.: 954 215 666 - 954 212 991 Sevilla GARCÍA ROMERO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 956 307 741 Móvil: 619 096 606 Cádiz GARCÍA VázquEz, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 953 560 118 Jaén GERESA 2000, S.l. Tlf.: 952 640 454 Móvil: 670 855 430 – 628 293 107 Málaga. GESTA PRE Tlf.: +46 703399345 Suecia GESTÜT MISPEl HOF Tlf.: +49 28357999127 – +49 1738295606 Alemania

GlEN ARYN FARM Tlf.: +1 540 3388257 - 703 9667377 Estados Unidos GóMEz ROlDOS, HNOS. Tlf.: 956 257 509 Móvil: 620 131 308 - 629 344 411 669 990 252 Cádiz GONzálEz BRAVO, D. JOSé Tlf.: 958 283 275 Móvil: 637 751 055 Granada GONzálEz NARANJO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 430 911 - 954 430 544 955 715 062 Sevilla GONzálEz SOTO, Dª CARMEN Tlf.: 956 308 830 Móvil: 607 882 771 Cádiz GORDIllO áVIlA, D. JuAN Tlf.: 656 951 184 Cádiz GORMAz NAVARRO, D. AlFONSO Tlf.: 656 252 550 Zaragoza GOVANTES OSuNA, Dª Mª áNGElES Tlf.: 955 905 760 Móvil: 667 983 039 Sevilla GRANDA lOSADA, D. MIGuEl Tlf.: 927 490 060 - 924 220 759 Móvil: 670 220 758 Finca: 927 490 060 Oficina: 927 322 961 Cáceres GuARDIOlA DOMÍNGuEz, Dª CONSuElO Móvil: 630 663 191 Sevilla GuARDIOlA FANTONI, YDA. HDROS. DE D. SAlVADOR Tlf.: 954 226 716 Sevilla HACIENDA DE lA ROSA Móvil: 637 755 027 Sevilla HACIENDA DEl SOl ANDAluSIANS Tlf.: +1 7727701563 Estados Unidos


list of ANCCE breeders

HACIENDA DON RICARDO Tlf.: +507 66798100 - +507 2239125 Panamá

JOSé ANTONIO VARONA DE lA CuADRA, S.l. Tlf.: 679 400 198 Madrid

HAMPTON GREEN FARMS Tlf.: +1 2318656000 Estados Unidos

JOSé DE ORIOl GOVANTES E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 810 063 - 954 239 031 Sevilla

HDROS. FERNANDO BAONES GONzálEz Tlf.: 959 143 113 Huelva HERCE GARCÍA, D. TEODORO Tlf.: 954 837 572 - 954 837 545 Móvil: 600 406 115 - 615 457 627 Sevilla HERMANOS FAVIER Tlf.: +52 3336484500 ext. 101 y 102 México HERMANOS GóMEz-JARAIz Tlf.: 649 995 018 Madrid HERMOFER, S.l. Tlf.: 954 514 143 Móvil: 676 462 209 Sevilla HERNáN SAlGuERO, D. ROBERTO Móvil: 618 794 100 Madrid HERNáNDEz POzO, D. AuREO Tlf.: 914 096 235 – Móvil: 609 465 095 Madrid HIERRO CANDáu Tlf.: 954 274 841 Móvil: 649 976 942 Sevilla HIERRO MG Tlf.: +52 818 1041725 México HNOS. JuRADO RIERA, S.l. Tlf.: 678 733 871 Huelva

KIlIMANJARO RANCH Tlf.: +1 8183356318 Estados Unidos lA CASA GRANDE ACEITE DE OlIVA Tlf.: 918 161 162 Móvil: 629 227 115 Madrid lA PlATA COMuNIDAD DE BIENES Tlf.: 954 687 088 Sevilla lABOGAR, S.l. Tlf.: 932 801 963 Barcelona lARROSA ABElláN, D. JAVIER Tlf.: 966 611 021 Móvil: 678 777 550 Alicante lAS lOBERuElAS Tlf.: 954 932 992 Móvil: 699 452 488 Sevilla lAS MORERÍAS Tlf.: +52 8181338500 México lEóN SOTO, D. CRISTóBAl Tlf.: 659 339 231 Sevilla lóPEz GIBAJA, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 521 814 Móvil: 627 096 724 Madrid

HNOS. MuRIEl POMARES Tlf.: 959 659 046 Móvil: 686 979 790 Huelva

lóPEz MéNDEz, D. RAFAEl Tlf.: 959 126 272 Móvil: 689 641 761 Huelva

HNOS. TEJEDOR FERNáNDEz Tlf.: 934 209 333 Móvil: 647 714 876 Segovia

lóPEz PAlOMO, D. VÍCTOR luIS Tlf.: 958 257 741 Móvil: 667 582 157 Granada

HuERTO GAENA, S.A. Tlf.: 952 490 993 Málaga Tlf.: 955 957 211 Sevilla

MACHuCA SERRANO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 927 533 338 Cáceres

J.S. HAMMERER Tlf.: +43 66488461043 Málaga


KARA PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA Tlf.: +46 767708708 Suecia

MAlO GARCÍA, D. MIGuEl áNGEl tlf.: 977 317 370 Tarragona

MARquéS DE lORENzANA Y HNOS. Tlf.: 924 531 425 - 924 530 387 Badajoz MARTÍ VERDIA, D. FRANCISCO Móvil: 629 177 296 Castellón MARTÍN lORCA, D. JOSé luIS Tlf.: 952 475 200 Málaga MARTÍNEz BOlOIX ORTI, S.l. Tlf.: 952 406 723 Móvil: 608 841 031 Malaga MARTÍNEz SuAY, D. RAFAEl Móvil: 639 317 901 Valencia MARTOS BERMúDEz, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 280 374 Móvil: 608 655 456 – 600 586 870 Sevilla MATEu GIPPINI, DñA. CONCHA Tlf.: 918 908 254 – 918 988 506 Móvil: 667 490 624 Madrid MAuRI MORENO, D. ANTONIO Móvil: 607 949 419 Sevilla MAzA ÍñIGuEz, D. PEDRO Tlf.: 944 113 300 Móvil: 609 402 449 Bilbao MESA MORENO, D. JESúS Tlf: 679 720 088 Móvil: 620 832 787 Sevilla MEzA lOBO, D. MANuEl Tlf.: +506 88217771 Costa Rica MIGuEl A. DE CáRDENAS, S.l. Tlf.: 954 831 062 Sevilla MIuRA MARTÍNEz, D. EDuARDO Y D. ANTONIO Finca: 955 953 836 Oficina: 954 614 246 Sevilla MOll GONzálEz, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +502 2331 8331 Guatemala MORAl ARANDA, D. FERNANDO Tlf.: 958 255 954 - 958 267 106 Granada MORATO COSTA, D. JuAN Tlf.: 938 459 015 Barcelona

MORENO GARCÍA, D. JAIME Tlf.: 918 907 915 Móvil: 676 474 083 Madrid

PéREz MIllAN, D. JOSé ANTONIO Tlf.: 914 157 630 - 979 122 684 979 122 343 Palencia

MORENO MIuRA, S.C. Finca: 957 338 290 Móvil: 679 572 911 Oficina: 954 658 914 Móvil: 646 480 010 Sevilla

PlACERES RANCH Tlf: +1 7143090232 Móvil: 669995760 Estados Unidos

MORENO PuNCEll, Dª ISABEl Tlf.: 959 055 011 Huelva MORERA VAllEJO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 367 512 - 954 367 525 grupomorerayvallejo@ Sevilla MOYA AlMENDRAl, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 955 682 222 Móvil: 633 865 913 Sevilla MuñOz CAñAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 339 233 Móvil: 659 816 113 Córdoba NADINE lADEWIG HOF SAlzBERG Tlf.: +49 1708686618 – +49 2662947922 Alemania NAOMI VANCE-WEBB Tlf.: +44 7710815221 – +44 1293871575 Reino Unido NIMO MAlDONADO, D. JOSé RAMóN Sevilla ORIENTAlIA HISPANA, S.l. Móvil: 676 977 645 Valencia PAllARéS Tlf.: 954 271 985 Sevilla PARRA MONTERREY, Dª ISABEl Tlf.: 924 371 080 Móvil: 657 981 529 Badajoz PAu, KARINA Tlf.: 670 845 542 - 629 494 987 Cádiz PEñA GuTIéRREz, D. FElIPE Y HDROS. PEñA DÍAz Tlf.: 954 775 587 Móvil: 629 747 778 Sevilla

PRE-GESTÜT BEl AIR Tlf.: +49 81939986871 Móvil: +49 1711986377 Alemania PREMIER PRE Tlf.: +44 1869340770 Móvil: +44 7802690577 Reino Unido RAMóN JIMéNEz DÍAz (YEGuADA lA CIERVINA) Tlf.: 927 231 997 Móvil: 689 020 709 Cáceres

ROJO RuIz DE TERRY, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 631 260 - 954 720 791 Sevilla ROSA MARRERO, D. JuAN FRANCISCO Tlf.: 928 816 000 – 928 836 841 Móvil: 606 503 613 Canarias RuIz MARTÍN, D. MANuEl Tlf.: 955 945 889 Móvil: 655 853 064 Sevilla SAlGuERO PéREz, D. MANuEl Tlf.: 956 564 035 Móvil: 619 035 662 Cádiz SAN ROMáN MORáN, Dª AlMuDENA Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 636 976 655 Madrid SAN ROMáN MORáN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 363 800 - Móvil: 669 737 095 Madrid

RANCHO El CID CAMPEADOR Tlf.: +55 55248805 México

SáNCHEz BARBuDO MARTÍN, D. SAlVADOR Finca: 955 898 265 Móvil: 670 303 040 Sevilla

RANCHO El ENCANTO Tlf.: +1 8317869250 Estados Unidos

SáNCHEz BEDOYA Y FERNáNDEz MENSAquE, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 230 279 Sevilla

RANCHO INCANSABlE Tlf.: +1 4089216475 Estados Unidos

SEñORÍO MONTES DEl PARDO Tlf.: 917 350 059 Móvil: 609 207 309 Madrid

RANCHO lA STEllA Tlf.: +52 1333170725 México

S’HORT PETIT Tlf.: 620 943 344 Móvil: 616 664 619 Baleares

RANCHO lOS HERNáNDEz Tlf.: +1 650 9967752 - +1 323 3865879 Estados Unidos

SIERRA BARóN, D. ASIER Tlf.: 946 104 850 Móvil: 686 413 800 - 630 099 274 Bizkaia

RANCHO SEñORA FINA Tlf.: 660 222 708 Málaga REYES SEDA, D. FElICIANO Tlf.: 924 315 560 Móvil: 670 974 034 Cáceres ROBlES SAlGuERO, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 959 248 048 Móvil: 659 758 944 Huelva RODRÍGuEz-PINA CRuz, D. J. DE DIOS Tlf.: 916 611 693 Móvil: 619 275 121 Madrid

PEñA GuTIéRREz, D. MANuEl E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 770 153 - 954 773 609 Sevilla

ROGER MAlFAGóN, D. luIS MIGuEl Móvil: 629 349 791 Valencia

PéREz lóPEz, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 222 167 Sevilla

ROJAS PAlATÍN, D. JOSé Mª Tlf.: 955 760 342 Móvil: 670 666 836 Sevilla

SOlERA BRAVO, S.l. Tlf.: 609 207 218 Badajoz SuMERu 2001, S.l. Tlf.: 913 601 440 Madrid TIRADO BuzóN, D. MANuEl Móvil: 655163705 Sevilla TORREóN DE ARMENTEROS Tlf.: 944 422 990 Bilbao TORRICO FERNáNDEz, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 960 424 Cádiz VAlDEJARA Jl Tlf.: 954 212 242 – Fax: 954 561 284 Sevilla


list of ANCCE breeders

VAlENzuElA RuIz, D. GONzAlO Tlf.: 957 520 558 Móvil: 659 550 102 Córdoba VARA MuñOz-CASIllAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 924 232 181 Móvil: 608 922 278 Badajoz WARBuRG, DñA. AlEXA ISABEl Tlf.: 956 237 330 Móvil: 670 747 766 - 607 558 420 Cádiz WINDSOR STABlES Tlf.: +1 561 3338168 Estados Unidos YEGuADA A FERRIOl Tlf.: 971 756 657 Móvil: 616 486 060 Baleares YEGuADA AC Tlf.: +502 24203900- +502 24203906 Guatemala

YEGuADA áNGEl CANTOS Tlf.: 967 440 712 – Móvil: 609 048 146 Albacete YEGuADA ANGuAS MEDINA Tlf.: 954 750 658 Móvil 635 428 485 - 605 807 367 Sevilla YEGuADA ANTONIO MORETA Tlf.: 916 125 130 Móvil: 608 804 208 Madrid YEGuADA AquIlINO FRAIlE Oficina: 954 663 649 Móvil: 699 066 838 Finca: 954 747 355 Sevilla

YEGuADA ACOSTA PONCE Tlf.: 959 381 250 Móvil: 606 384 000 Huelva

YEGuADA AquIlINO MOYA Móvil: 696 654 764 Sevilla

YEGuADA AIMARáN, S.A. Tlf.: 669 937 061 - 609 985 720 Málaga

YEGuADA ARAuzO Tlf.: 923 541 350 Móvil: 607 700 661 Salamanca

YEGuADA AlARCóN Tlf.: 954 708 480 Sevilla

YEGuADA ARDITE Tlf.: 952 823 085 Móvil: 629 686 968 Málaga

YEGuADA AlBERTO BOYA Tlf.: 973 648 730 Lérida YEGuADA AlBERTO SCHuTTE Tlf.: +52 9988922429 México YEGuADA AlBORáN Tlf.: 627 507 293 Córdoba YEGuADA AlCAñICES Tlf.: 916 500 125 - 916 521 005 Móvil: 609 385 602 Madrid YEGuADA AlEGRÍA Tlf.: +32 477427645 – +32 492736898 Bélgica YEGuADA AlHAMIllA Móvil: 609 034 273 Almería YEGuADA AlICIA MEDINA. CONDESA DE BARDEAu Tlf.: 922 031 416 Móvil: 647 170 029 Canarias


YEGuADA ANA MARÍA BOHORquEz ESCRIBANO Tlf.: 956 348 517 - 956 347 947 956 340 230 Cádiz

YEGuADA ARROYOMONTE Tlf.: 653 812 306 Ávila YEGuADA ARTuRO FERNáNDEz DE lA VEGA Móvil: 619 005 449 Lugo YEGuADA áVIlA CASTEllANO Móvil: 617 374 252 Sevilla YEGuADA AYAlA Tlf.: 955 811 626 Móvil: 619 022 439 Sevilla YEGuADA BAñEz MINGuET Tlf.: 680 456 479 Castellón YEGuADA BERENGuER Tlf.: 966 781 621 Alicante YEGuADA BIONEST Tlf.: 959 450 656 Móvil: 670 611 982 Huelva

YEGuADA BOHEMIA Tlf.: +502 57046895 – +502 23343078 Guatemala YEGuADA BROCPYME, S.l. Tlf.: 646 034 368 Sevilla YEGuADA CABAllO NEGRO Tlf.: 956 796 231 Móvil: 607 572 940 Cádiz YEGuADA CAMACHO FAlCóN Móvil: 678 151 587 Sevilla YEGuADA CAMPO BAJO Tlf.: 957 488 417 - Finca: 957 350 206 Móvil: 639 737 030 - 619 477 074 Córdoba YEGuADA CAN AlzINA Tlf.: 609 754 905 Barcelona YEGuADA CAN BOADA Tlf.: 659 131 546 Gerona YEGuADA CAN MAYNOu Móvil: 637 350 396 - 664 890 050 635 576 826 Barcelona YEGuADA CANDAu Móvil: 655 572 043 Sevilla YEGuADA CANDIOTA Tlf.: 609 551 001 YEGuADA CAPITáN Tlf.: 955 814 175 Móvil: 690 846 588 Sevilla YEGuADA CARRIóN Tlf.: 954 225 705 Móvil: 609 127 069 Finca: 955 950 675 Sevilla YEGuADA CARTHAGO Tlf.: 968 330 320 Móvil: 629 641 644 - 606 131 538 Murcia YEGuADA CASA ROMEO Tlf.: 608 585 948 La Coruña YEGuADA CASTANOBlE, S.A. Tlf.: +502 22307021 Guatemala YEGuADA CASTElNOVO Tlf.: 924 856 096 Badajoz

YEGuADA CASTROPOl Tlf.: +502 23808989 Guatemala YEGuADA CAVAlREAl Tlf.: 647 721 955 Barcelona YEGuADA CAzA JuAN Tlf.: 954 268 348 Móvil: 620 268 222 Sevilla YEGuADA CEBRIAN P.R.E. Tlf.: 950 335 360 Móvil: 615 092 533 Almería YEGuADA CHANDO Móvil: 659071846 – 630712552 Alicante YEGuADA CIFuENTES Tlf.: 609 446 241 Móvil: 660 063 206 Madrid YEGuADA ClAuDIO POT Tlf.: 972450880 Móvil: 610414712 Gerona YEGuADA COlONIAS DE PESquERIl Tlf.: 627 940 500 Sevilla YEGuADA CORIS Tlf.: +506 22716071 Móvil: +506 83569297 Costa Rica YEGuADA CORONINAS Tlf.: 952 802 075 Móvil: 619 464 515 Málaga YEGuADA CuENCA DElGADO Tlf.: 953 220 316 Móvil: 609 508 660 Jaén YEGuADA DE AzORES Tlf.: 957 541 100 - 957 542 207 Córdoba YEGuADA DE lA CARTuJA HIERRO DEl BOCADO Tlf.: 956 162 809 Cadiz YEGuADA DE lA ESPIRAl ESTIRPE CARTuJANA Tlf.: 954 923 005 Móvil: 657 995 739 Sevilla YEGuADA DE lA lOMA DE úBEDA Tlf.: 953 757 148 - 953 127 035 Jaen YEGuADA DE MIGuEl CARRIóN Tlf.: 639 107 403 Toledo

YEGuADA DE NAVARRO Tlf.: 967 396 483 Móvil: 649 488 238 – 649 488 496 Ciudad Real

YEGuADA El AllOzAR Tlf.: 914 100 020 - 914 100 025 Móvil: 926 695 024 Madrid

YEGuADA DE YMAS Tlf.: 914 119 203 Móvil: 667 599 535 Madrid

YEGuADA El CARMEN Tlf.: 607 719 968 Málaga

YEGuADA DEHESA El HERRERO Tlf.: 954 631 273 - 954 630 488 Sevilla YEGuADA DEl ARA Tlf.: 696 942 354 Badajoz YEGuADA DEl CuERO Tlf.: +43 6645021149 Austria YEGuADA DEl HIERRO DE lA MAGDAlENA Tlf.: 983 837 355 Móvil: 629 419 279 Valladolid YEGuADA DEl HIERRO DEl áNGEl Tlf.: 938 444 051 Móvil: 639 391 313 Barcelona YEGuADA DEl ODIEl Tlf.: 677 131 013 Huelva YEGuADA DÍAz SOlÍS Tlf.: 670 607 030 Sevilla YEGuADA DICAR Tlf.: 696 461 035 Barcelona YEGuADA DIMOBA Tlf.: 950 252 577 Móvil: 607 906 556 Almería YEGuADA DON luIS GONzálEz DÍEz Tlf.:+52 5552496007 México YEGuADA DuquE DEl INFANTADO Tlf.: 957 330 069 Móvil: 628 124 233 – 608 817 609 Córdoba YEGuADA El AlADROquE Tlf.: 918 034 810 Móvil: 610 314 471 Madrid YEGuADA El AlAMIllO Tlf.: 917 021 720 Madrid

YEGuADA El CISNE Tlf.: 957 370 917 Móvil: 629 723 031 Córdoba YEGuADA El CHOPO Móvil: 630 933 149 Ávila YEGuADA El DIABOlO Tlf.: 666 566 214 - 667 647 446 Sevilla YEGuADA El EuCAlIPTO Tlf.: 687 751 389 Oficina: 916 398 357 Madrid YEGuADA El HIERRO INDIVISO Tlf.: 687 338 741 Cádiz YEGuADA El HINOJAl Tlf.: 916 640 213 Móvil: 616 999 082 - 638 169 128 - Cáceres YEGuADA El MORAlEJO Tlf.: 609 222 345 - 629 624 012 Albacete YEGuADA El RECuERDO Tlf.: 985 678 645 Móvil: 639 813 125 Asturias YEGuADA El ROMERITO Tlf.: 952 363 548 Móvil: 618 748 527 Málaga YEGuADA El SOl Tlf.: 957 33 1342 Móvil: 696 987 738 – 628 461 721 Córdoba YEGuADA El TOMIllAR Tlf.: 914 588 054 - 917 591 420 grupomartinmar@ Madrid YEGuADA El TREMEDAl Tlf.: 954 283 385 Sevilla YEGuADA El YuNquE Tlf.: 954 277 233 Sevilla


list of ANCCE breeders

YEGuADA EquuS CONSulTING Tlf.: 959 244 072 Móvil: 633 648 707 - 620 348 860 Huelva YEGuADA ERMITA SAN BERNARDO Tlf.: 629 232 391 Madrid YEGuADA ESTREllA JJRR Tlf.: +57 3214534564 Colombia YEGuADA EuSEBIO CANO Tlf.: 971 420 217 Móvil: 660 110 065 Baleares YEGuADA F2 Tlf.: 954 424 300 Móvil: 649 450 961 Sevilla YEGuADA FAMIlIA 5J MáRquEz Tlf.: 959 371 211 Huelva YEGuADA FARRIOlS Tlf.: 937 970 516 Móvil: 654 357 384 Barcelona YEGuADA FElIPE GARROCHO Tlf.: 955 957 324 - 955 957 194 955 853 211 Móvil: 610 780 657 Sevilla YEGuADA FERNáNDEz DE lA VEGA (AGROPECuARIA ESPERANzA, S.l.) Tlf.: 617 354 164 Toledo YEGuADA FERNáNDEz - ORDáS Tlf.: 954 770 153 Sevilla

YEGuADA GARCÍA BRIñóN, S.l. Tlf.: 615 211 748 Salamanca YEGuADA GARCÍA FERRERO Tlf.: 954 181 413 Móvil: 679 981 920 Sevilla YEGuADA GARCÍA MORIllA Tlf: 952 703 242 Móvil: 610 456 202 Málaga YEGuADA GARROTAlES SAN FCO., S.A. Tlf.: 955 746 533 Móvil: 649 929 284 Sevilla YEGuADA GASTARREJONES Tlf.: 655 831 804 Málaga YEGuADA GERMAN GIlETE SANTANO Tlf.: 924 321 979 Móvil: 629 772 369 - 659 447 797 Badajoz YEGuADA G-M Tlf.: 976 511 006 Móvil: 655 236 598 Zaragoza YEGuADA GONzálEz SáNCHEz Tlf.: +52 56166984/ 85 +52 15559664429 México YEGuADA GREDOS Móvil: 629113165 Madrid

YEGuADA FERRERO, S.l. Tlf.: 971 452 828 - 971 453 232 Baleares

YEGuADA GuERRERO Tlf.: 956 702 896 Móvil: 607 442 419 Cádiz

YEGuADA FERRI Tlf.: 647 352 626 Toledo

YEGuADA HACIENDA El MOlINO Tlf.: 955 871 192 Móvil: 676 460 478 Sevilla

YEGuADA FRANCISCO CARRERA Tlf.: 981 675 490 Móvil: 639 130 580 La Coruña

YEGuADA HACIENDA MARÍA Tlf.: 959 369 191 Móvil: 659 466 304 Huelva

YEGuADA FRANCISCO TRIVIñO Tlf.: +41 0218073906 Móvil: +41 0218073267 Suiza YEGuADA FuENTE El SOl Tlf.: 914 310 913 - 924 700 033 Madrid YEGuADA FuENTES Tlf.: +33 466816261 Móvil: +33 611775835 Francia


YEGuADA GAlA Móvil: 630 916 037 Sevilla

YEGuADA HAuS DOHR Tlf.: +49 24611323 Móvil:+49 1701661643 Alemania YEGuADA HERMANOS BERNAl GODOY Tlf.: 924 580 081 Móvil: 615 178 156 Badajoz YEGuADA HERMANOS GARCÍA-FIlOSO, C.B. Tlf.: 967 143 698 Móvil: 657 872 855 Albacete

YEGuADA HERMANOS JuRADO lENA Tlf.: 924 237 188 Móvil: 630 037 610 – 607 266 232 Badajoz YEGuADA HERMANOS MOlERO MAlO Tlf.: 977 320 948 Móvil: 680 422 844 Tarragona YEGuADA HERMANOS ROMANOS Tlf.: 976 464 125 Móvil: 669 437 097 Zaragoza YEGuADA HERNáNDEz GuTIéRREz Móvil: 689 519 219 – 677 542 774 Cáceres YEGuADA HIERRO DEl CIElO Tlf.: +57 44037000 – +57 43521026 Móvil: +57 3117621036 Colombia YEGuADA HIGuERA Tlf.: 957 435 062 Móvil: 667 664 663 Córdoba YEGuADA HISPANO SuIzA PRE, S.l. Tlf.: +41 7923140210 Móvil: +41 7966003020 Alicante YEGuADA HNOS. ARANDA TEJERIzO Tlf.: 955 881 604 Móvil: 679 106 077 Sevilla YEGuADA HNOS. CARDIEl SANCHO Tlf.: 616 482 027 Zaragoza YEGuADA HNOS. GuTIERREz DElGADO Tlf.: 954 830 945 Sevilla YEGuADA HNOS. JIMENéz BuRGOS Tlf.: 667 615 440 Sevilla YEGuADA HNOS. RODRÍGuEz ESCAñO Tlf.: 954 751 336 Móvil: 669 360 103 - 669 360 104 Sevilla YEGuADA J.M. TRESSERRAS, S.l. Tlf.: 977 207 151 Móvil: 629 127 263 - 678 715 535 Tarragona YEGuADA JABAlquINTO Tlf.: 687 833 080 – 627 584 582 Jaén YEGuADA JARquIN Tlf.: +505 22540993 – +505 88871806 Nicaragua YEGuADA JEREz Tlf.: 915 771 193 Móvil: 607 842 311 Madrid

YEGuADA JIMéNEz Tlf.: +1 626 7869475 Estados Unidos YEGuADA JIMéNEz lATORRE Tlf.: 914 011 983 Ciudad Real YEGuADA JJ MONTES Tlf.: 968 481 767 Móvil: 696 917 257 Murcia


YEGuADA lOS AlGARVES Tlf.: 677 289 929 Cádiz

YEGuADA lA TROYETA Tlf.: 629 505 656 Alicante

YEGuADA lOS AMADORES Móvil: 659 223 088 Madrid

YEGuADA lA VIGÍA Tlf.: 913 082 744 Madrid

YEGuADA lOS CASTAñONES Tlf.: 917 770 866 Móvil: 639 156 700 Madrid

YEGuADA JOSé FRANCO SáNCHEz Tlf.: 956 237 642 Cádiz

YEGuADA lA YEDRA Tlf.: 952 815 455 Móvil: 609 600 774 administració Málaga

YEGuADA JuAN MARTOS Tlf.: 950 627 777 Móvil: 616 429 107 Almería

YEGuADA lAS ARENAS Tlf.: 955 977 036 Móvil: 620 264 239 Sevilla

YEGuADA lOS CORRAlES Tlf.: 926 690 323 Móvil: 619 303 516 Ciudad Real

YEGuADA JuAN VázquEz Tlf.: 934 406 500 Móvil: 609 852 888 Barcelona

YEGuADA lAS AVES Tlf.: +57 43265847 Colombia

YEGuADA lOS DuEñAS Tlf.: +1 509 8404310 Estados Unidos

YEGuADA lA AGuADA Tlf.: +574 5633590 Colombia

YEGuADA lAS luNAS Tlf.: 938 480 403 Barcelona

YEGuADA lOS OlIVOS tlf.: 971 317 318 - 971 317 365 Baleares

YEGuADA lAS NEGRIllAS Tlf.: 914 264 230 Madrid

YEGuADA lOS POzOS Tlf.: 956 730 468 Cádiz

YEGuADA lAS TIJERAS Tlf.: 938 714 638 Móvil: 629 336 565 Barcelona

YEGuADA lOVERA Móvil: 678 428 469 - 670 604 727 Córdoba

YEGuADA lAS YEGuAS DEl CARACOl Tlf.: 926 544 948 Móvil: 609 126 584 Ciudad Real

YEGuADA luCÍA lOVERA GARCÍA Tlf.: 957 474129 Móvil: 687 835019 - 687 835020 Córdoba

YEGuADA lA DEVESA Tlf.: 932 152 113 Barcelona Tlf.: 977 830 162 Tarragona YEGuADA lA ESPADA Tlf.: 670 662 888 Córdoba YEGuADA lA GAllARDA Tlf.: 956 362 989 Cádiz YEGuADA lA lIRA Y lA W, S.l. Tlf.: 917 267 202 Móvil: 630 987 555 Madrid YEGuADA lA MONTARAzA, S.l Móvil: 651 548 813 Burgos YEGuADA lA NOSTRE llAR Tlf.: 937 776 712 Barcelona YEGuADA lA POSADA Tlf.: 609 139 754 Valladolid YEGuADA lA PROVENzA CB Tlf.: 913 526 165 Badajoz YEGuADA lA quERENCIA Tlf.: +57 3104240789 Colombia

YEGuADA lAuRuS NOBIlIS Móvil: 609148613 Cuenca YEGuADA lAYOS Tlf.: 918 419 032 Madrid YEGuADA lERMA Tlf.: 955 843 546 - Móvil: 606 316 900 Sevilla YEGuADA lEzAMA lEGuIzAMóN Tlf.: 952 885 856 Móvil: 630 986 055 Málaga YEGuADA llORENTE Tlf.: 639 168 882 - 666 471 585 Segovia YEGuADA lóPEz DE HARO Tlf.: +1 8095350900 República Dominicana YEGuADA lOS AlCORES Tlf.: 983 352 241 Móvil: 669 785 915 Valladolid

YEGuADA lOS CIERVOS Tlf.: 915 422 005 Madrid

YEGuADA MAIPE Tlf.: 968 526 640 Murcia YEGuADA MAJAlOBA Tlf.: +505 22760331 Móvil: +505 86707304 Nicaragua YEGuADA MANzANO MARTÍN Tlf.: 924 261 478 Móvil: 686 927 281 Badajoz YEGuADA MARÍN GARCÍA Tlf.: 959 251 830 Móvil: 617 391 664 670 978 248 - 607 950 663 Huelva YEGuADA MARquéz lóPEz, S.l. Tlf.: 600 954 504 Sevilla YEGuADA MARTET Tlf.: 971 838 377 construccionsmartet@ Mallorca


list of ANCCE breeders

YEGuADA MAS D´EN CISA Tlf.: 937 261 530 Móvil: 619 777 909 Barcelona

YEGuADA MORáN, S.l. Tlf.: 938 405 195 Móvil: 696 957 347 Barcelona

YEGuADA PIñERO Tlf.: 926 360 337 Ciudad Real

YEGuADA MENDOzA CADEMA Móvil: 629 803 434 Madrid

YEGuADA MuElA AYAlA Tlf.: 926 359 109 Móvil: 646 978 969 Ciudad Real

YEGuADA PINIllA-GóMEz Tlf.: 925 370 603 – 925 370 224 Móvil: 670 784 883 Toledo

YEGuADA MIGuEl áNGEl FélIX Tlf.: 687 570 207 Huelva YEGuADA MIGuEl NúñEz DÍAz Tlf.: +1 714 4460196 - +1 714 4460119 Móvil: +1 714 4203161 Estados Unidos YEGuADA MIGuEl SáNCHEz Tlf.: 957 770 288 - 957 131 258 Móvil: 610 764 732 Córdoba YEGuADA MIGuEl TOVAR SANz Tlf.: 927 320 202 Móvil: 627 506 856 Cáceres YEGuADA MIlE, S.l. Tlf.: 648 013 199 Alicante YEGuADA MIlITAR Tlf.: 913363427 Madrid YEGuADA MIlláN HERCE Tlf.: 954 838 540 Móvil: 615 457 629 - 600 406 113 Sevilla YEGuADA MIllARES Tlf.: 959 500 319 Móvil: 657 991 514 Huelva YEGuADA MIñO Tlf.: 966 700 689 Móvil: 606 389 606 Alicante YEGuADA MIRAlTESA Tlf.: 607 850 860 Córdoba YEGuADA MIRAS Tlf.: 914 261 717 Madrid YEGuADA MIRKO Tlf.: +39 3409216910 Cádiz YEGuADA MONTE lA llAMA Tlf.: 660 324 070 Móvil: 610 266 439 Madrid


YEGuADA NADAlES Tlf.: 952 625 303 Móvil:617 392 593 Málaga YEGuADA NOBlEzA DE TOMIñO Tlf.: 669 561 453 Pontevedra YEGuADA NOBlEzA DEl PARquE Tlf.: +56 451974108 - +56 5626160404 Chile YEGuADA ONIX Móvil: 639 336 264 Tarragona YEGuADA OVElAR Tlf.: 918 760 320 Móvil: 639 100 214 Madrid YEGuADA PAlAzuElOS NORTE Tlf.: 920 353 310 Móvil: 629 830 852 Ávila YEGuADA PAlENzuElA HENS Tlf.: 957 400 900 Móvil: 670 910 910 Córdoba YEGuADA PAlOJO Tlf.: 914 316 641 Móvil: 667 484 777 Madrid YEGuADA PANTONI, S.l. Tlf.: 953 510 361 Jaén YEGuADA PASAlRIO DE SAN ROquE Tlf.: 956 442 246 Móvil: 620 629 060 Cádiz YEGuADA PEDRO SIlVA Tlf.: 607 653 136 Móvil: 600 616 560 Barcelona YEGuADA PEñA DE BéJAR, S.l. Tlf.: 968 226 370 Móvil: 667 682 465 Murica YEGuADA PEñA, S.l. Tlf.: 916 422 797 Móvil: 647 424 861 Madrid YEGuADA PéREz MAquEDA. áVIlA Tlf.: 916 322 535 Móvil: 620 939 123 Madrid YEGuADA PIlAR REYES Tlf.: 956 708 422 Móvil: 669 118 663 Cádiz

YEGuADA PIqué-áNGEl Tlf.: 933 435 330 Móvil: 619 838 642 Barcelona YEGuADA PlAzA DE ARMAS Tlf.: 957 770 543 Móvil: 607 504 714 Córdoba YEGuADA POVEDANO Tlf.: 628 124 237 Córdoba YEGuADA POzANCO SANS Tlf.: 620 867 113 – 665 858 870 Lérida YEGuADA PuERTA AlTA Tlf.: 953 583 839 - 953 580 833 Jaén YEGuADA PuERTA OSCuRA Tlf.: 952 338 312 Móvil: 670 888 702 Málaga YEGuADA quERENCIAS Tlf.: 699 019 505 Málaga YEGuADA RAFAEl CONDE Tlf.: 924 771 023 Móvil: 670 734 939 Badajoz YEGuADA RAFAEl PASTOR Tlf.: 639 636 984 Alicante YEGuADA RAMÍREz Tlf.: 957 475 356 Móvil: 629 222 288 www.yeguadaramí Córdoba YEGuADA RAMóN BAñOS Tlf.: 650 178 607 Sevilla YEGuADA RANA Tlf.: +39 0458587311 – +39 0458587340 Italia YEGuADA REAl TESORO JOSé ESTéVEz, S.A. Tlf.: 956 321 004 Móvil: 649 431 303 Cádiz YEGuADA REMACHE Tlf.: 646 034 368 Sevilla

YEGuADA RIBERA NAVARRA Tlf.: 948 819 812 Móvil: 608 777 349 Navarra YEGuADA ROGGE Tlf.: 956 795 952 Móvil: 691 808 107 Cádiz YEGuADA ROMERO BENÍTEz Móvil: 629 368 356 Cádiz YEGuADA ROSA, C.B. Tlf.: 924 846 100 Móvil: 606 312 245 Badajoz

YEGuADA SIERRA DE GuADAluPE, S.l. Tlf.: 942 570 700 Móvil: 649 469 368 Cantabria

YEGuADA TOVAR BAzAGA Tlf.: 627 506 856 Cáceres

YEGuADA SIERRA MAYOR Tlf.: 955 024 694 Móvil: 606 357 016 Sevilla

YEGuADA TRES REYES Tlf.: 629 161 204 Madrid

YEGuADA SOlA NOGAlES, S.l. Tlf.: 956 371 777 Móvil: 619 601 601 629 545 750 - 616 477 608 Cádiz

YEGuADA TRuJIllO Tlf.: +1 714 7137700 – +1 805 8568505 Estados Unidos

YEGuADA SOlITEl Tlf.: 980 660 778 Móvil: 699 494 701 Zamora

YEGuADA TRuJIllO SOuTO Tlf.: 986 581 273 – Móvil: 616 693 177 Pontevedra

YEGuADA SA SINIA Tlf.: 971 551 900 Móvil: 607 879 977 Baleares

YEGuADA SON XANTRE, S.l. Móvil: 670 384 668 Baleares

YEGuADA uRIOl PERAlTA Tlf.: 915 738 204 Móvil 625 154 712 Madrid

YEGuADA SARDONIl MAESO Tlf.: 947 482 504 Móvil: 630 902 039 Burgos

YEGuADA SOTO GIl Tlf.: 948 399 015 Móvil: 609 458 253 Navarra

YEGuADA VAlDEOlIVAS Tlf.: 920 370 117 Ávila

YEGuADA SAlVATIERRA Tlf.: 954 381 300 Sevilla YEGuADA SAN ANTONIO Finca: 976 124 314 Móvil: 607 874 034 Zaragoza YEGuADA SAN FRANCISCO Tlf.: +52 33 36314163 México YEGuADA SAN JuAN DE AlBERCHE Tlf.: 914 334 488 - 914 731 541 Madrid YEGuADA SAN JuAN DE BuENAVISTA Tlf.: 667 599 535 Madrid YEGuADA SAN NICOlAS ESP Tlf.: 924323130 Móvil: 658943046 Badajoz YEGuADA SAN ROMáN CAlVO Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 620 033 132 Madrid YEGuADA SANz-PAREJO Tlf.: 618 807 955 Córdoba YEGuADA SENIllOSA Tlf.: 972 199 001 Móvil: 619 601 601 Gerona YEGuADA SEñORÍO DE BARIAIN, S.l. Tlf.: 944 415 804 Bilbao

YEGuADA SPANISH VICOBA, S.l.u. Tlf.: 679 498 581 Móvil: 606 844 462 Badajoz YEGuADA SR4 Tlf.: 627 932 399 Sevilla YEGuADA SSAMDI BERNAl Tlf.: 620 404 466 - 660 019 111 direcció Cádiz YEGuADA SuSAETA Tlf.: 917 650 208 Móvil: 629 184 048 Madrid YEGuADA TARAzóN Tlf.: 961 600 294 - 963 630 212 Móvil: 607 303 846 Valencia YEGuADA TOMáS OSBORNE Tlf.: 956 854 111 Móvil: 649 916 444 Cádiz YEGuADA TORREHERMOSA Tlf.: 957 472 609 - 957 331 135 Móvil: 654 952 818 Córdoba YEGuADA TORRElONGA Tlf.: 954 531 715 Sevilla YEGuADA TORREluNA Tlf.: 954 988 281 Sevilla YEGuADA TORRES Tlf.: 953 502 265 Movil 677 458 856 Jaén

YEGuADA VAlDERAS-FERNáNDEz Tlf.: 606 306 306 Sevilla YEGuADA VAlDEVIñAS Tlf.: 925 779 080 Móvil: 620 823 884 Ciudad Real YEGuADA VAlDESOl Tlf.: 696 931 302 Almería YEGuADA VAlENTÍN DE SOTO Móvil: 609 439 256 Cádiz YEGuADA VAllE, S.l. Tlf.: 650 983 952 Burgos YEGuADA VAllE MIñOR, S.l. Tlf.: 986 343 434 Pontevedra YEGuADA VARGAS VázquEz Tlf.: 649 893 677 Sevilla YEGuADA VEGA CASTIllO, S.l Tlf.: 667 392 480 Córdoba YEGuADA VICENTE ANDRéS PASTOR Tlf.: +212 22331917 Marruecos YEGuADA VIDAl-RIBAS MORENO Tlf.: 629 745 776 – 639 245 018 Gerona


list of ANCCE breeders

YEGuADA VIGARA GONzálEz Tlf.: 917 258 963 - 649 873 264 953 469 105 - 670 378 485 953 064 981 Madrid YEGuADA VIlAIRE Tlf.: 971 545 800 Móvil: 617 478 807 Mallorca YEGuADA VIllAGElY Tlf.: +52 9811273200 México YEGuADA VIllANuEVA Tlf.: +52 664 6610713 - +52 664 9024521 +52 619 6907987 México YEGuADA VINYET Tlf.: 670 671 660 – 666 763 487


YEGuADA VISTA-AlEGRE, S.l. Tlf.: 654 395 202 - 654 395 170 Salamanca

YEGuADA zACO Tlf.:670 355 609 Sevilla

YEGuADA VISTABEllA Tlf.: 962 225 060 Móvil: 663 362 056 Valencia

YEGuADA zAMAR Tlf.: 968 136 656 Móvil: 626 315 802 Murcia

YEGuADA WIllTONY Tlf.: +61 749931392 – +61 419742790 Australia

YEGuADA zARzAlóN Tlf.: 660 019 111 Cádiz

YEGuADA Y GANADERÍA áVIlA FARzóN Tlf.: 956 401 178 Cádiz YEGuADA Y.I Móvil: 655953323 Sevilla YEGuADA YACO Tlf.: 619 768 443 Sevilla

list of ANCCE associated organizations ESPAñA / SPAIN ASOCIACIóN ANDAluzA DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE P.R.E. “CABAllO ANDAluz” Presidente: D. José Luis Martínez Orti. C/ Panaderos, 6 3º A-B, 29005 Málaga Tlf.: 952 229 134 - Fax: 952 226 127 Móvil: 629179687 “ES CAVAll” ASOCIACIóN BAlEAR DE CRIADORES PROPIETARIOS Y SIMPATIzANTES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA Presidente: D. Eusebio Cano González Cuartel General Luque Avda. General Luque, s/n 1º 07300 Inca - Baleares Tlf.: 971 880 904 – 650 034 346 ASOCIACIóN DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS ESPAñOlES DE GAlICIA – ACCEGA Sede: Recinto Ferial Semana Verde, s/n Apartado Correos, nº 26 36540 Silleda - Pontevedra Móvil: 619 452 169 Oficina Administrativa: C/ Cándido Acuña Blanco, nº 5, Portal 2, 1ºB 36980 O Grove – Pontevedra. Móvil: 654 983 254 - 619 452 169 ASOCIACIóN DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE RAzAS PuRAS DE lA REGION DE MuRCIA Presidente: D. Juan José Belando Abellán. C/ Acisclo Díaz, nº 9, 4ºK Edificio Argos, 30005 Murcia Tlf.: 968 296406 Móvil: 620 423 723

A.C.C.P.R.E.C. ASOCIACIóN DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA DE CADIz Presidente: D. José Antonio Romero Haupold. C/ Conde de Guevara, 4 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) Tlf.: 627 704 932

CESCAlE – ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS ESPAñOlES DE CASTIllA Y lEON Presidente: D. Carlos Suárez Delgado. Mercado de Ganado de Salamanca Ctra. Ciudad Rodrigo, Km 6,2 37192 Salamanca Tlf.: 600 465 655

FuNDACIóN DEl CABAllO EXTREMEñO PRE Representante: Fco. Javier Conde Cerrato. Ctra. Nacional V, Km. 259 10200 Trujillo - Cáceres Tlf.: 924 771 023 - 670 734 939

ASOCAMAN-PRE. ASOCIACION DE CASTIllA-lA MANCHA DE PRE Presidente: D. Jesús Alberto Muela Ayala. Avda. Rey Santo, 8 1º 13001 Ciudad Real Tlf.: 926 213 642 – 628 747 158 – 610 474 944

ASOCIACIóN NACIONAl DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA DE ESTIRPE CARTuJANA D. José Antonio Pérez Millán. Campus Universitario de Rabanales Servicios Clínicos, Despacho 1 Ctra. de Madrid, km 396, 14071 Córdoba Tlf.: 957 326 539

ASOCIACIóN AlEMANA DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA (AACCPRE) President: Daniel Barton Gestüt Birkenstein Zum Kantenhof 1 D-54597 Roth bei Prüm – Alemania Tlf.: +49 1722068542

ASOCIACIóN AlMERIENSE DE CRIADORES DE PRE PORTOCARRERO Ctra. La Cañada-Viator, s/n. Haza Tableada 04120 La Cañada (Almería) Tlf. 609 532 244 Fax: 950 452 111 APREA - ASOCIACIóN DE PRE DE AlICANTE C/ Jorge Juan, 12 Entresuelo Comercial 03201 Elche - Alicante Tlf.: 691 307 603

ASOCIACIóN CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE P.R.E. EN CORDOBA Presidente: D. Enrique Lovera de las Morenas. C/ Rey Heredia, 22, 14003 Cordóba Tlf.: 957 497 843 Fax: 957 497 844 asociacioncriadoresprecordoba@gmail. com

ASOCIACIóN CANARIA DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS ESPAñOlES - A.C.C.C.E Presidente: D. Rogelio Viera Salgado. C/ Pintor Óscar Domínguez, 13 bajo Carrizal de Ingenio (Las Majoreras) 35240 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Canarias Tlf.: 627 552 841 – 679 829 100

ASOCIACIóN DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA DE lA COMuNIDAD VAlENCIANA C/ Guillén de Castro, 79. 46008 Valencia Tlf.: 963 153 256 - Fax: 963 153 257

ASOCIACIóN DE GANADEROS ASTuRIANOS DE CABAllOSDE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA – AGACPRE C/ Molinón, s/n 33194 Villaperez – Oviedo Tlf.: 985 678 645 Móvil: 639 813 125 – 653 936 349

ESPACAN - ASOCIACIóN REGIONAl DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA DE CANTABRIA Presidente: D. Alfonso Casuso Gómez Polg. Ind. El Campón, 22 A 39001 Peñacastillo. Santander Tlf.: 942 321 327 (ext.115) Fax: 942 321 339 Movil: 630 910 193


ASOCIACIóN ABulENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA – AACCPRE Presidente: D. José Antonio Andrinal Yuste. Apartado de Correos, 38. 05005 Ávila Tlf.: 920 220 473 Móvil: 649 920 685 - 608 585 425 ASSOCIACIó MENORquINA DE CRIADORS I PROPIETARIS DE CAVAllS DE P.R.E. Presidente: D. Miguel A. Pons Mascaró. Avda. San Agustín de la Florida, 28 07760 Ciutadella de Menorca – Baleares Tlf.: 626 995 139 - 630 884 472

VEREIN DER FREuNDE uND zÜCHTER DES PFERDES REINER SPANISHER RASSE (VFzPRE) Presidente: Mrs. Sonja Thomas Dorfstrasse, 29 56288 Korweiler – Alemania Tlf.: +49 6762961513 AuSTRAlIA PREAA PuRA RAzA ESPAñOl (PRE) ASSOCIATION OF AuSTRAlASIA INC. Presidente: Mrs. Rita Gallaway P.O. Box 272 Eaglehawk VIC 3556 - Australia Tlf.: +61 447924426 BélGICA / BElGIuM ANCCE-BélGICA ASOCIACIóN NACIONAl DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA – BélGICA Presidente: Ms. Nadia Joosen Riki Verbeek – Secretariat Ganzendries, 110 B-3212 Pellenberg, Belgica Tlf.: +32 0475658393 COlOMBIA ANCCE-COlOMBIA ASOCIACIóN DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA Presidente: D. Alberto Serna Lira Calle 20B Sur Nº 38-55 Conjunto Residencial Borinquen. Apto. 301 Medellín. Colombia Tlf.: +57 43132767 Móvil: +57 3206778438


list of ANCCE associated organizations


GuATEMAlA ASOCIACIóN COSTARRICENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA Presidente: D. Mauricio Arce Lara Directora Ejecutiva: Paula Chantada Vicente Centro Comercial Via Lindora, Local #29 de Corporación Garnier Santa Ana, San José, Costa Rica Tlf.: +506 22916810 – +506 22916811 Fax: +506 22960339 Móvil: +506 70133020

HOlANDA/ HOllAND PRE STAMBOEK NEDERlAND Presidente: Ms. Aranka Ouwehand. Nieuw Laar 5 5258TL Berlicum – The Netherlands Tlf.: +31 628554884

DINAMARCA - DENMARK DANISH PRE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Mrs. Charlotte Eichel Larsen Solhoejvej 42, Torslunde DK-2640 Hedehusene Dinamarca Tlf.: +45 21485211

HuNGRÍA / HuNGARY MAGYARORSzáGI ANDAlúz lóTENYéSzTOK EGYESÜlETE Presidente: Mr. István Nagy. Széchenyi utca 84 3530 Miskolc, Hungría Tlf./Fax: + 36 46427890

ECuADOR ASOCIACIóN ECuATORIANA DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PRE - AECCPRE Presidente: D. Francisco Roldán Cobo Avda. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edif. Finandes, nº 939, piso 4º Quito – Pichincha – Ecuador Tlf.: +593 23228132 Fax: +593 22501198

uNITED STATES PRE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (uSPREBA) Presidente: Mr. Alexander Zilo. Representante: Mr. Juan A. Espinoza. 3307 West Beverly Boulevard Montebello, California 90640 USA Tlf.: +1 818 4787850 FRANCIA/ FRANCE ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DES ElEVEuRS DE CHEVAuX Du PuRE RACE ESPAGNOlE - AECE Presidente: Sr. D. Richard Dupont Ferrier. Le Clos Du Mas 10 rue Jacques Claude Aubert 13200 Arles - Francia Tlf.: +33 621472640


ANCCE-PANAMA ASOCIACIóN PANAMEñA CRIADORES CABAllOS PRE Presidente: D. Ricardo R. Pérez Martinis PH Blue Business Center, Piso 10, Oficina 3 Calle 67, San Francisco, Panamá Tlf.: +507 2107000 Ext. 7110 REINO uNIDO / uNITED KINGDON BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE PuREBRED SPANISH HORSE Mrs. María Estrella Ribback 19 Warton Close, East Boldre, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7WW Reino Unido. Tlf.: +44 7817067120 REPúBlICA CHECA / CzECH REPuBlIC ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF PuRE SPANISH RACE HORSES OF THE CzECH REPuBlIC Malé námestí 138/4 11000 Praha 1. Czech Republic President: Mr. Jan Suk Tlf.: +42 0233378406 Móvil: +42 0602 / 206235

ITAlIA / ITAlY uNIFICAzIONE ASSOCIAzIONI ITAlIANE PuRA RAzA ESPAñOlA – u.A.I.P.R.E Presidente: D. Angelo Grasso C. Regionale di Incremento Ippico Via Ippodromo, 31 44100 Ferrara- Italia Tlf./Fax: +39 0532 762005

ESTADOS uNIDOS/ uSA uNITED STATES P.R.E. ASSOCIATION Presidente: Ms. Kimberly Van Kampen 12765 Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 1315 Wellington, Florida 33414 USA Tlf.: +1 786-2641108 Fax: +1 888-9590190

PANAMá/PANAMA ASOCIACIóN GuATEMAlTECA DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS PRE – AGCCPRE D. José Ernesto Batres González. Septima Avenida 14-44, Zona 9, Edificio La Galeria no. 26 A Guatemala Tlf.: +502 2334 0366 – 2334-0368 Fax: +502 2334 0367

MéXICO / MEXICO ANCCEMEX, A.C Presidente: D. Fernando González Cimadevilla C/ Hamburgo, 97, piso 5 06600 Col. Juarez – Delegación Cuauhtemoc, México Tlf.: +52 55332001/3/4 Fax: +52 55332002 NICARAGuA ASOCIACIóN NICARAGuENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS PRE – ANCPRE D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Reparto Bolonia. En el Central, 200 metros Oeste, Contiguo al Hotel Holiday Inn, Plaza Eclipse, Módulo 3 Managua – Nicaragua Tlf.: +505 22684437 Fax: +505 22669975 NORuEGA/NORWAY NORSK PRE AVlSFORENING Kaare Liadal Jr. C/O Kaare Liadal Jr. Liadal 6150 Oersta – Noruega Tlf.: +47 90776630

SuECIA / SWEDEN ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABAllOS DE PRE EN SuECIA Mrs. Asa Werkel P.O. Box 38002 100 64 Stockholm. Suecia Tlf.: +46 87329496 Fax: +46 070 8849495 SuIzA / SWITzERlAND AECE – ASSOCIATION SuISSE DES ElEVEuRS DE CHEVAuX DE PuRE RACE ESPAGNOl Presidente: Rolf Plüss En Châtagnis, 11 CH – 1143 Apples Suiza Tlf.: +41 798 882 021

breeder membershIP reQuesT form

If you would like to be a member of ANCCE, please fill out this Membership Request Form. An essential prerequisite is to be an owner of at least one (1) Purebred Spanish (PRE) Mare that is registered as a broodmare in the PRE Stud Book. NAME OF THE MEMBER (Individual or corporation): ___________________________________________________________________________________ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ID or VAT (Tax) Number (essential): : ______________________ BREEDER CODE (essential): _________________________________________________ NAME OF THE STUD FARM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Nº __________________________ MUNICIPALITY: ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE: _________________ COUNTRY: _______________________ POSTAL CODE: _____________________________________________ PHONE/S: ________________________ FAX: ______________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________ WEB: ______________________________________________________ Number of MARE REGISTERS ON YOUR STUD FARM: ___________ REFERENCE STUD FARM: ______________________________________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE: € 480



✓ 1ST QUOTA (REGISTRATION FEE): Bank transfer in the name of ANCCE with IBAN code: ES05 0049 4712 1527 1628 8529. (SANTANDER Bank). Swift BIC: BSCHESMMXXX ALL OTHER QUOTAS:

✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº ___________________________________________ Expiration date________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment authorization in keeping with SEPA rules and regulations by sending an e-mail to ancce@

(Applicable for Spain and the EU)

Dear Mr/Mrs: Our daily tasks and efforts include guaranteeing the quality of the services we offer. A fundamental part of this process is respect for the confidentiality of your personal information. To guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data, we hereby inform you that your personal information has been incorporated into a MEMBERS file held by the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter referred to as ANCCE), with VAT and registration number G- 41071960. Your personal information will be used for economic, accountingand fiscal- related affairs and to provide informative about the latest news from the sector through newsletters/press releases sent by e-mail or traditional mail, as well as for the creation of publicity about your stud farm including it in the list of Full Members that appears on the last pages of the Magazine “EL Caballo Español” and on the web-site, The details could also be passed on to other magazines within the sector, for the advertising purposes. Likewise, please note that your economic details will be turned over to the National Revenue Department (of Spain) in compliance with the current legislation. Consequently, it will be understood that you have granted consent to the inclusion of your personal information, as described above, if, within one (1) month of having received this letter, you have not notified us to the contrary. You are free to exercise your right to access, change or cancel your personal information, or express your opposition, at any time, free of cost. To do so, you may contact ANCCE at the Cortijo el Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista; 41014 Sevilla (España). Please include the reference “LOPD” (Data Protection Law) in your letter. Should you prefer, and prior to these undertakings, you may request, at the aforementioned address, the pre-prepared request form that you can fill out and return. As you know, the quality of our services is one of our highest priorities; therefore all our efforts focus on offering you the best services. Once again, we would like to thank you for the trust and confidence you have in ANCCE.

In the city of ______________________ Date with Day + Month + Year: ________________________________

Application forms are also available at

Signature _____________________

AssocIATe membershIP reQuesT form Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving a yearly subscription to the magazine (El Caballo Español) delivered to your home address and timely information from ANCCE. FULL NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Nº __________________________ MUNICIPALITY: ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE: _________________ COUNTRY: ________________________ POSTAL CODE: _____________________________________________ PHONE/S: ________________________ FAX: ______________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________ ANNUAL QUOTA:





✓ 1ST QUOTA (REGISTRATION FEE): Bank transfer in the name of ANCCE with IBAN code: ES05 0049 4712 1527 1628 8529. (SANTANDER Bank). Swift BIC: BSCHESMMXXX ALL OTHER QUOTAS:

✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº ___________________________________________ Expiration date________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment authorization in keeping with SEPA rules and regulations by sending an e-mail to

(Applicable for Spain and the EU)

Dear Mr/Mrs: Our daily tasks and efforts include guaranteeing the quality of the services we offer. A fundamental part of this process is respect for the confidentiality of your personal information. To guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data, we hereby inform you that your personal information has been incorporated into a MEMBERS file held by the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter referred to as ANCCE), with VAT and registration number G-41071960. Your personal information will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal-related affairs and to provide informative about the latest news from the sector through newsletters/press releases sent by e-mail or traditional mail, as well as for the creation of publicity about your stud farm including it in the list of Full Members that appears on the last pages of the Magazine “EL Caballo Español”. Consequently, it will be understood that you have granted consent to the inclusion of your personal information, as described above, if, within one (1) month of having received this letter, you have not notified us to the contrary. You are free to exercise your right to access, change or cancel your personal information, or express your opposition, at any time, free of cost. To do so, you may contact ANCCE at the Cortijo el Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista; 41014 Sevilla (España). Please include the reference “LOPD” (Data Protection Law) in your letter. As you know, the quality of our services is one of our highest priorities; therefore all our efforts focus on offering you the best services. Once again, we would like to thank you for the trust and confidence you have in ANCCE..

In the city of ______________________ Date with Day + Month + Year: ________________________________

Signature _____________________



1. ChAMP-gRIP BREEChES manufactured with cavagrip® coating to provide a high quality sports seat that sticks to the saddle like no other! At the same time, these breeches offer excellent comfort and freedom of movement (€204).

2. FABIENNE JACkET Tailored jacket made of high-tech fabric for thermal insulation to retain body heat. with a fleece lined collar, it is very lightweight and comfortable. water resistant and easy to wash (€179.50).

3. xPANdgIRTh manufactured from very versatile materials, this girth is less aggressive when in contact with the horse: top quality leather, highly breathable materials, made of coconut fiber and polyurethane sponge. The stainlesssteel buckles are strategically cut to adapt to the horse’s body, following its movements as it breaths (€153.90).

4. ESkAdRON FlExISOFT AIR EASY BOOTS with perforated, breathable neoprene to maintain body temperature; the protective network guarantees ideal air circulation inside the boot, while at the same time providing optimum shock absorption. Thanks to its press lock system, it is easy and safe to use. Protection against knocks and impacts is guaranteed with an outer shell of TPe. It is also ergonomic, to facilitate movement (starting at €65.90).


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