El Caballo Español Magazine 2016 n.233

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Issue 233 · November-December 2016






Tirado Agudo President of ANCCE

SICAB: An International Showcase for Purebred Spanish Horses


A new ediTion of SiCAB iS ABouT To Begin, after having celebrated our 25-year anniversary challenge which was considered a temporary goal. This year we face a new era, a new challenge, that will help us achieve at least another 50 years of existence. No doubt, many of us will not even be here to witness the rise of our breed to higher glory. during TheSe CompliCATed TimeS of crisis—which we all know are still lurching—SICAB continues to be the breed’s the most important showcase, both in terms of quality and quantity. This is why I believe it is our obligation to cherish so that year after year, this event fulfills our wishes and desires as breeders. SiCAB iS And muST ConTinue To Be muCh more ThAn A ConformATion CompeTiTion. Our International Trade Fair must be a world-class screenshot for Purebred Spanish Horses. Note that I use the word “ours.” SICAB has no owner; instead it is a tool at service of a breed and its breeders. i Am well AwAre of The ConTroverSieS that have arisen due to the various tests making up the World Championship. My concerns are such that a few days ago, the Competition Commission sent out a communiqué requesting the opinions of breeders regarding possible modifications of aspects in the Rules & Regulations that where unworkable during 2016. I would like all of these proposals from breeders—all of which will be analyzed—seek common interests rather than political issues that would egotistically benefit us. We are all v conscious of aspects needing improvement, but to improve, I need your sincere commitment, from all of you who are part of the PRE world. on oCCASionS, SoCiAl neTworkS hAve Been unfAirly uSed to propagate the idea of boycotting SICAB without keeping in mind the actual consequences that such actions could have. SICAB is an endeavor that transcends generations; over the years, breeders have accomplished enormous achievements to create an extremely successful international platform with truly surprising projection. my work AS preSidenT iS puBliC and that is an intrinsic aspect of my job; consequently, it is subdued to critic, but not insult. The fact that there are some who infringe upon and act against an institutional endeavor that has yielded so much for the sector—and not only ANCCE—seems, to me, an irrational and thoughtless attitude. Time is forgetful; within a few years, people will remember who was at SICAB with their horses and who earned praiseworthy results. Those who were absent, just like in all aspects of life, are lost into oblivion. lASTly, AS The preSidenT of AnCCe And more imporTAnTly AS A Breeder, I strongly ask you to help SICAB 2016 be a far-reaching success. We must contribute and guarantee a better future for the Purebred Spanish Horse. ¡¡


Entrega Mater

Campeona del Mundo PRE

Desaire Mater

3er Clasif. del Mundo Sec. 10ª

Genio Mater Subcampeón del Mundo Sec. 6ª

Gloria Mater Subcampeona del Mundo Sec. 5ª

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Cobra Mater

Campeona del Mundo

5 • (+34) 916 653 360 • (+34) 607 804 737 • yeguadamaterchristi.com

el caballo español xxxxxxxxxxx THE PRE MAGAZINE SINCE 1978


Edited by: Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014 SEVILLA Telf: +34 954 68 92 60 www.ancce.com President of ANCCE: Juan Tirado Agudo Editing Committee: President: Pedro Pingarrón Santofimia Members-at-large: Francisco Angelet Sólvez Javier Amián Durán Juan Miguel Moreno Míguez Gonzalo Hernando Aboín Mirko Nesurini Fco. Javier Machuca Serrano Chief Editor: Inmaculada Rodríguez García prensa@ancce.com Publicity: Inmaculada Rodríguez García +34 954 689 260 - prensa@ancce.com Photos: Rafael Lemos, Alberto Martínez Bracero, Carlos Núñez, Bob Langrish y Juan Antonio Cano Publishing and Set up: Ediciones Reunidas, S.A. Grupo Zeta. Orduña, 3. Tel: 915 863 300. 28034 Madrid. Director of corporate publications: Óscar Voltas Assistant director: Antonio Guerrero Editor-in-chief: Milagros Baztán Coordinator: Isabel Tutor Writers: Julio Fernández, Pablo Fernández and Elena Llamazares Design Manager: Noelia Corbatón Layout: Arantza Antero, Carlos F. García and Javier Sanz Image processing: David Monserrat Secretary: Antonia López Corporate development manager: Carlos Silgado Production: María Jesús Fernández Translations: Yreva Arobed, S.L. traducciones@yrevaarobed.com Printing: QP PRINT ISSN: 1889-4615 Legal Registration Code: SE-186-1980 Cover: 4-in-hand from Yeguada Andic at the National Championship for Carriage Driving Photo: María Gómez © All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including its contents, texts, graphics and photographs, whether in English or Spanish, may be reproduced by any means without specific written permission from the publishers. El Caballo Español is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators in the articles published.


4 Editorial SICAB: An International Showcase for Purebred Spanish Horses

10 Report PRE in Spain’s ‘Guardia Civil’

18 News 24 Publicity Report: Yeguada Batán

30 Interview Sol Andic, owner of Yeguada Andic

36 Publicity Report: Serrano Training Center

40 ANCCE Reports 46 Publicity Report: Yeguada LGD

50 Dressage Putting the PRE on the Bit

56 Publicity Report: Yeguada Trujillo

60 Conformation Balance in the relationship between: Conformation-Functionality

68 Equestrian Routes Horses in Autumm

74 Promotion: Zentaurio System

76 Promotion: Portraits of Breeders

80 Associations - National - International

81 List of ANCCE Breeders

98 Shopping 7



PRE in Spain’s “Guardia Civil” Pure breed, pure noble spirit The Cavalry Squadron is a specialized equestrian unit within Spain’s Civil Guards (Guardia Civil). Since this group was created, it focuses on preventive safety and guaranteeing public order. It is also Spain’s main Ceremonial and Protocol Guard. Thus, its equine guards must have balance in keeping with the Guardia Civil’s conservative image of seriousness and austerity. Due to its physique, behavior and predisposition for dressage, the PRE is the breed that best adapts to the needs of this force. TEXT & PHOTOS: OFFICIAL “GUARDIA CIVIL” MAGAZINE (ORIS). With the cooperation of member of the Civil Guard Cavalry Squadron and professionals within the sector.

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SPAIN HAS A great number of equine breeds. However, the most widespread on the Iberian Peninsula and renown internationally is the Purebred Spanish Horse. These horses have enjoyed fame for centuries thanks to their unequaled beauty, elegance and proud stance. Viewing these horses is a gift; their noble spirit and character allow any rider to enjoy the power of these harmonious, energetic and brave mounts. They are docile for riding, strong when working in the fields and have a temperament that allows them to participate in thousands of battles. Although the Guardia Civil could not be understood without the men

and women of its corps, it cannot be explained without horses. Horses have been part of the institution since 1844 when there were two forces: Infantry and Cavalry. Nevertheless, it was not until the mid-20th century when the Guardia Civil General Command created a special cavalry unit, known today as El Escuadrón (The Squadron). It was then that the decision was made to slowly and continually withdraw those horses deployed throughout Spain at the many outposts, posts, companies and command centers. This withdrawal was not concluded until the 1980s, when the Squadron moved to its current base in Valdemoro.




PROOF OF LENGTHY TRADITION The Cavalry Squadron, with its unique resources and actions, focuses on defense of citizen security (usually in rural areas); guarantee public order and security at major gatherings (whether social-labor, recreational, sports or religious events); collaborate in protection and security of dignitaries and special installations; and reinforce the services of peripheral territorial units in keeping with its own policy or that of representation, honors or protocol. Thus, this force has been created as a major Honor Guard Unit within the Guardia Civil at particularly relevant events. This wide range of services is, to a great extent, due to the multiple uses of horses. They can be an essential, dual-purpose tool that range from forming a barrier or insurmountable wall and an intimidator at the service of public order to being the kindest face of a police force thanks to the friendly and loving nature of horses.

When public order police forces are in place, they are able to provide greater efficiency and safety, both for themselves and the citizens, when backed by the strength of a cavalry unit. SPECIFIC RESOURCES &FACILITIES The Cavalry Squadron has been equipped with magnificent facilities for its horses; these are top-ranking in terms of the Armed Forces and police are concerned. On Base, there are stables to house almost 170 horses, facilities for instruction and training and a veterinarian first-aid office for emergencies and basic equine health care. VERSATILITY & BALANCE For an equine to be a member of this Unit, it must meet certain conformation and behavior characteristics, as horses need to have balance, in keeping with the Guardia Civil’s conservative image of seriousness and austerity. In this



regard, the size, esthetics, behavior and predisposition for Dressage, means that the Purebred Spanish Horse is the breed that best adapts to the needs of the Squadron. When it comes to conformation, PRE horses have balanced forms and impressive general harmony. Their heads are beautiful, with a wide forehead, small yet very movable ears, with wide and muscular cheeks. The neck, of medium length and slightly arched, is thicker at the base; it mane is long and abundant. The withers, rather prominent, have to be wide and muscular, the same as the breast must have visible muscle mass. When it comes to the limbs, both the fore and hind legs are muscular, with good vertical and knees that are well structured and thin. The croup, on the other hand, is medium sized, proportionate to the rest of the body, with a low-set and abundant tail. Undoubtedly, that is a trait that embellishes all

horses, without prejudice of any other breed, but in Purebred Spanish Horses, these characteristics have been sought out and maintained since their inception. In general, PREs are considered extremely beautiful horses with balanced forms. Their paces are brilliant, energetic and rhythmic. Conformation alone fails to tell the whole story; no given element can be separated from the others. A horse must show good harmony, which is not irreconcilable with being energetic. Its behavior must be sociable, easy-going, with vigorous reactions, but lacking anxiousness or virulence while at the same time expressing a predisposition for dressage and a willingness to overcome difficulties. The nobility of Purebred Spanish Horses has been one of those traits that influenced most when selecting this breed. In addition to this, one must add its intelligence

and psychological balance. It must never be forgotten that in the past, horses were used in warfare; even today, they are used in surveillance and patrolling. Such tasks require intelligence, cunningness and bravery. Only the PRE Stud Book is authorized to issue official documents for Purebred Spanish Horses. ANCCE, the PRE Breeders’ Association took over Stud Book management in 2007. PERFECT BALANCE Spanish horses boast impressive beauty; they are one of the most beautiful of all horses, and they also have the characteristics and traits that make them unmatched by any other breed. These virtues are not visible to the average eye, and they are only noticed when you enter into direct contact with them, when horse and rider become one. When training horses, the Squadron acquires those that are at

report least socialized, but not trained, as the unit covers the important task of training. Horses are molded to the specific needs of the Squadron to avoid vices and mistakes in the training process. Instruction or training is a slow process. Horses, in a continued and ever-increasing manner socialize with their human counterparts and their new surroundings. Later, they move on to basic dressage to then begin specific police training; this latter includes overcoming obstacles, sports jumping and integrated work in the unit. After a year of instruction and when the horse has become accustomed to more aggressive stimuli –such as firecrackers and noise– they learn to work in smoke cause by flares or fire. They also learn to move around barricades and any other stimuli they might encounter during any given moment in a crowd. Riding a horse is challenging, but for a horse to do exactly what the rider wants is another world. There must be a close relationship between horse and rider; the rider must see and feel what the horse sees and feels. It is a matter of knowing at all time when its limbs are and how each muscle moves to attain maximum performance. For a horse to perform orders with precision and harmony, it demands

6-year-old chestnut PRE, with a Pearl mutation. This horse came due to judicial intervention against a drug trafficker in Granada. Today, the horse serves on the Guardia Civil Cavalry Squadron.

A HORSE FOR HEALING Ease, pacify, support and cure. Ten volunteers from the Cavalry Squadron collaborate in the rehabilitation of children and adults with neuro-muscular, psychological and cognitive problems. Horses, as a therapeutic tool, have become a unique instrument to help people. Squadron horses range from 5 years of age –when they have satisfactorily concluded their basic training– up to 18, more or less. Traditionally, a horse is no longer useful for service is auctioned off to be used in social efforts, equestrian clubs and riding schools, as these horses still very useful in less strenuous tasks than police work. Currently, a donation program is being designed for charity organizations and equine-assisted therapy centers to obtain horses that are no longer operational on the Force, but that are useful in rehabilitation activities. ¡¡



hours and hours of training. Constant effort, together with adequate methodology, is the pathway to total empathy and understanding. To become a member of the Squadron, guards must take and pass a basic equitation course and specific instruction. Day after day, the rider accumulates experiences and establishes rapport with his/ her horse; both learn to understand sensations and feelings. This training process is included in the Specific Instruction Plan. Executed over a 12-month period, improvement is seen from one year to the next, depending on the needs of the unit and the lessons learned while serving in the post. TOOL & SYMBOL Cavalry units have certain qualities or advantages; due to their idiosyncrasy, they have different skills than other units. Horses are considered an extremely useful tool for any task, especially their ground skills, when vehicles cannot be used due to the terrain or in protected areas with important environmental value without organic or acoustic pollution. Thanks to their height, horses are an advantage for observation, whether in urban areas or otherwise inaccessible elevations. Of course, horses offer two-fold advantages when “creating or removing walls” to provided added value for police forces while at the same time being the kind, personal and loving face. Horses in the Guardia Civil are a resource, a cost-effective tool when compared to its productivity and a symbol that enhances the image of the institution. ¡¡ 17


Bajel de Valdesol, Absolute Champion of Andalusia Rider José Antonio García Mena from Cadiz has earned the Gold Medal at the Andalusian Championship for Dressage with Bajel de Valdesol, a Purebred Spanish Horse owned by Yeguada Valdesol and bred by Gonzalo Valenzuela. The horse showed his worth both days to conclude with a 70.381% average. In the category for 7-year-olds, the Bronze went to Emilio Ordóñez riding Berquino (69.970%), a PRE owned by Antonio Morera Vallejo. Another outstanding rider was Juan de Dios Ramírez from Cordoba. He was Reserve Champion of Andalusia with two horses in the 6-year-old category: Duende MB and Dado MB, with 74.600%. Both PREs are owned by Antonio Martos Bermúdez. Juan de Dios Ramírez earned Gold in the 5-year-old category with Pabellón Erre, from Yeguada Ramírez. This PRE was victorious thanks to its 2-day average of 76.500%. Daniel Román also boasted a Gold in the 7 to 9-year-old category with Enebro XXXII, a PRE owned by Yeguada Sola Nogales and bred by La Hierbabuena. ¡¡

José García Mena riding Bajel de Valdesol.

Belén Bautista & Juan Miguel Riaza, Champions of Spain for Spanish Riding Juan Miguel Riaza, riding Embajador JLE, owned by Yeguada Rivera-Navarra and bred by José Luis de la Escalera, was proclaimed Champion of Spain in the category for Consolidated Riders, while Belén Bautista, riding Yunque XXV, owned by REAAE, was Champion of Spain in the category for Master Riders. Second and third place in the category for Consolidated Riders went to Antonio Monje and Samuel López, respectively. In the Master Riders’ category, second and third place was for Manuel Rodríguez and Manuel Aranda. There was a great deal of interest in the 6th edition of the Championship. Royal Order of Chivalry Archivist, Marcelo Maestre gave the Trophy to the Champion of Spain for Master Riders, with representatives from ANCCE (National PRE Breeders’ Association), which contributed the Special Award for the Best PRE Horse/Rider. Juan Carlos Román, director of the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (REAAE), Carlos Escribano, president de Expasa together with breeders and mounted bullfighters were also on hand, including the president of AAEE, Álvaro Domecq, Jaime Guardiola, Felipe Morenés, Marqués de Villareal de Burriel, and the winner of the Golden Horse, Antonio Diosdado and Sebastián Zambrano, among others. ¡¡ 18

Juan Miguel Riaza with Embajador JLE and Belén Bautista with Yunque XXV.

2016 Para-equestrian Champions from Spain.

Para-equestrian Dressage Workshop The technical management for Adapted Dressage at Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation held a Paraequestrian Dressage Workshop on the 4th, 5th and 6th of November. This workshop has become an annual event, with this year being its third edition. The program includes various sessions, from informative speeches that discuss the general objectives of the discipline to promotional, training and refresher conferences in the different performance areas that affect Para-equestrian Dressage athletes. Several national experts –including Francisco Guerra, national Para-equestrian judge and international Dressage judge– together with technicians from the Catalonian Equestrian Federation and international guests such as David Hamer, who is the Para-equestrian Dressage coordinator for the British Equestrian

Federation. Hamer recently earned a Gold medal in Rio. Anne Prain, international Para-equestrian 5* Dressage judge, and member of the Paralympic judges in Rio and president at the latest edition of the World Equestrian Games, also participated. The end goal is not only to aid horses and riders in their progression, whatever their technical level may be, but to also detect new athletes. Providing information to specialized equestrian institutions and centers could expedite the integration of adapted sports into their facilities and the professionalization of the technicians working in the field of adapted Dressage. Moreover, it is a matter of maintaining and increasing the presence and participation of female riders so that these improve their training and reach higher levels at competition, thus attaining true gender equality. ¡¡ 19


Purebred Spanish Horses on the podium at the Spanish National Carriage Driving Championship Equestrian Federations (Andalusia, Valencia, Catalonia, Galicia, Navarre and La Mancha) were represented by the more than 30 participants in Singles, Pairs and 4-in-hand. Purebred Spanish Horses played a more than outstanding role, with


Los Quemadales Sports Club –located in the village of Salters in the province of Sevilla– was designated by Spain Royal Equestrian Federation as the organizer to host the 35th National Carriage Driving Championship. At this edition, the various Regional

representatives in each of the various categories. Yeguada El Diabolo, Yeguada Bionest, Yeguada Antonio Repullo, Yeguada Gregorio Aranda and Yeguada José Barranco were among the top five in the Dressage, Marathon and Cones competition. In Pairs, Francisco Ballester, was Absolute Champion with horses from his own stud farm. Regarding 4-in-hand, LLibert Calvet, with horses from Yeguada Andic, was the unexpected revelation. This young whip (driver) premiered professionally at SICAB 2015. He participated in the ANCCE Cup for Carriage Driving to become Spanish National Champion in his category. Whip and horses have progressed magnificently; despite starting out second in the Dressage test, they improved in Marathon to execute the track and obstacles with skillfully care to the delight of the audience. ¡¡

International Equine Medicine and Surgery Congress Annually, the Andalusian Council of Official Boards of Certified Veterinarians holds an International Equine Medicine and Surgery Congress. This event is held at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos (Fair Grounds) in Sevilla on the 18th and 19th of November, coinciding with SICAB. As a meeting place, this even verses on scientific and research advances in the rehabilitation of horses and regenerative therapies. It allows veterinarians from all over the world to share and combine knowledge. This year, surgeon Antonio Cruz will be one of the speakers, together with equine physical therapist Narelle Stubbs. Both speakers are prestigious 20

professionals in their field of expertise. The scientific program will also include a variety of topics in the field of professional activities and advances, in which case, renowned scientists and professionals will be sharing their experiences. This annual and international meeting –this is the 17th edition– congregates more than 300 professionals for the specialized sessions where medical advances in equine health are discussed. Being that the Congress coincides with the International PRE Trade Fair and under the same roof guests to SICAB may attend. ¡¡


The History of PRE Champions; A New Book The history of PRE Champions/25 years of SICAB is hot off the press. Edited by Messidor Ediciones, the prologue is by former ANCCE President Javier Conde. To purchase your copy, it is on sale at Ebay and Amazon. With more than 500 pages in both Spanish and English, it honors PRE Champions from the historic point of view. It also covers previous editions of SICAB: the Championships held at Club Pineda in Sevilla, the oldest at the Casa de Campo in Madrid and the four years (in four independent chapters, with another chapter

dedicated to 25 years of SICAB) when Cría Caballar organized the Spanish National Championship in Madrid, Zaragoza, Albacete and Valladolid. It is noteworthy that each and every year of SICAB for the past 25 years, (plus the four itinerant National Championships by Cría Caballar) is a complete chapter. The presentation includes a chronical at the end of each year, the complete list of results for each edition and an excellent selection of photographs of the breeders and their Champion horses. ¡¡

Technical Workshops on the PRE Breeding Program & the Stud Book at SICAB ANCCE has organized two workshops within the framework of SICAB. These will be the 17th and 18th of November, Thursday and Friday afternoon and designed for breeders, enthusiasts and those generally interested in the equine sector. The first session is titled Breeding Program: PRE Breeding Stock; during this section, the 2016 PRE Breeding Stock Catalog will be presented, together with pointers about how to use and interpret it. Several speeches will be given about the situation of the PRE Breeding Program regarding the genes involved in functionality and their capacity for sports, the repercussions of having a full understanding of the equine genome and sequencing techniques when diagnosing genetic diseases in equines. The second session will discuss the PRE Stud Book: Procedures and Structure of the Breed per country. Two speeches will also be 22

given, titled: Gene Flow and Genetic Variability among countries breeding PRE Horses and PRE Stud Book Procedures. These workshops will be moderated by Dr. Mercedes Valera,

Professor at the University of Sevilla, and specialist in Equine Genetic Improvement with the MERAGEM Research Group. A number of other equine specialists will also be participating in the session. ¡¡


YEGUADA ANDIC www.yeguadandic.com info@yeguadandic.com +34 610 498560


publicity report

Yeguada Batán

Ureña Ram.


Passion for the Harmony of Purebred Spanish Horses Photos: SIEMPRECABALLOS


The firsT peT he ever had in his life was a horse. It was a gift from his grandfather. For Roberto García, that was the seedling for his limitless passion for horses; this love is so strong that three years ago, he decided to found his own stud farm. Yeguada Batán is a family project that honors Celestino González Olvera, his grandfather and the person who is responsible for this passion. Yeguada Batán was founded with a vocation and a future. As a solid project, Roberto sought out a life-long travel mate to advise him in the world of Purebred Spanish Horses. This person was Gonzalo Argüeso, an essential cornerstone and business partner in Spain, who helped find that difficult balance between conformation, breed, movement and noble spirit, which at the end of the day, translated into harmonious beauty that invites one to enjoy horses right from the first step out of the stable. The stud farm has ranches in Querétaro (Mexico) and in Palmar de Troya, Utrera (Sevilla). In Mexico, there are 20 broodmares, two sire stallions, 12 competition horses and two lots of foals. In Spain, five mares are included in the embryo program, 10 receptor mares and a competition team with seven horses. Among the most renowned are the successes

Orgulloso Ram.


publicity report

Yerman Ram.


Abogada Bat, Mare Champion at Guadalajar; below, Quebrado Fav II.


earned by Abogada Bat (6 yr. old); Ureña Ram (4 yr. old); Yerma Ram (2 yr. old); Orgulloso Ram (3 yr. old); Quebrado Fav II (3 yr. old) and SF Intensa (a yearling). This young stud farm is immersed in obtaining the very best Purebred Spanish Horses by preferring quality over quantity. Healthy horses are selected; ones with aptitudes for competition and faithful PRE breed quality. Champion bloodlines and quality genetics are chosen. The stud farm foundation mares are winners of important competitions in the past twenty years. Under the watchful eye of Rafael Ayala, magnificent dams are coupled with exceptional stallions such as Educado X or Judío VII, to produce very high quality products, some of which are already earning awards. Undoubtedly, the stakes favor already proven and successful genetics that comply with the standards for quality that Yeguada Batán seeks. The results of these efforts are new being seen with such successes as Abogada Bat that was Mare Champion at Guadalajara 2016. Yeguada Batán does not like to differentiate or highlight one horse over another. All horses and mares have something special. Each one results from careful input and effort to obtain the very best. The successes of some of our horses on the PRE circuit in Spain and Mexico must not be forsaken, as is the case of Abogada

Bat, Ureña Ram, Yerma Ram, Perlita Ram, SF Intensa, Gibalbin de Utebo, Quebrado Fav II, Sonajera MFE and Orgullo Ram. Many of these horses will be competing in the SICAB 2016 arenas and in the World PRE Championship at the hand of Isaías Contreras, the presenter who works on the stud farm hand in hand with rider Jimmy Mena.

In addition to winners at competition, Yeguada Batán continues to work to maintain, defend and obtain all of the beauty that enshrouds the Purebred Spanish Horse. These are horses that conquer the senses, excite with their movements, capture hearts with their kindness and enchant us with the perfection of their appearance. ¡¡

Yeguada Batán PReFeRs qualitY over quantitY to select hoRses thAt ARe healthY, with aptitudes for competition ANd FAIthFul to PuReBRed spanish horse Breed qualitY

cARlos Núñez





TEXT: Inmaculada RodRíguez



FrEdEric camallonga

maría gómEZ



maría gómEZ

One of Yeguada Andic’s most recent and important achievements of has been to place first in the 4-in-hand category at the Spanish National Carriage Driving Championship, held in the village of Salters in the province of Sevilla. The team leading to this victory was composed of Olivo Mango, Hispano Mango II, Coriano Mango II and driven by Libert Calvet. This competition is extremely relevant and greatly impacts Carriage Driving since it is the best annual National Competition held in Spain and an event that summons the best national whips.

First place at Salters was a true success in the extremely complicated 4-in-hand category. What does this award entail for your stud farm? Well, it is great success since our debut in this discipline started with SICAB 2015, after which we began to enter competitions, and that was just a year ago. I am very proud of the fact

that our horses have formed a team bred, born and trained on our farm. To be successful in this discipline, perfect coordination among all four horses making up the team is a must, as are the endless hours training to see that sense of flawless balance…



marĂ­a gĂłmEZ

Driver Libert Calvet

Indeed, that is correct. Success in this discipline requires a great deal of coordination among the four horses in the team; you have to face three tests that assess the various characteristics such as Dressage, marathon and cones. In the first, we seek good quality paces, precision in the figures and unity of the team as whole. The marathon is considered the hardest test of all; you need fast and agile horses that also have great physical strength to undertake the effort. The capacity of 34

the horse to recuperate and perform a demanding and precision task is evaluated in the last test.

early age and as time has passed he has trained hand-in-hand with the horses.

Whip (driver) Llibert Calvet also deserves great deal of credit. What would you highlight from him? First of all, I would most definitely highlight his perseverance and his willingness as a hard worker as well as his motivation to keep learning. I am very proud to be able to count on him and his work, which started in our stud farm. He began at a very

To be outstanding in Carriage Driving, what virtues of the Purebred Spanish Horse would you emphasize? Without a doubt, PRE horses are well known for its intelligence, good heart and precision at all times. These characteristics are just as applicable for other disciplines, not only for Carriage Driving.



To have a herd for competition, you have to care for each and every detail, from the actual facilities to the nutrition of the horse and hours of training. How do you do all of this at Yeguada Andic? We try to care for even the smallest detail. We start by selecting the horses with aptitudes for sport without forsaking the natural beauty of the breed. When a horse is born in our stud farm, the first thing we do is a follow-up to watch its diet, growth and later on, its training. As foals, they go through a selection process, keeping in mind what kind of qualities they may have, with the objective of assigning them to one of the three possible disciplines at the stud farm: Dressage, Carriage Driving and Conformation. After this, they start training daily until the desired goal is reached. At our stud farm, we consider it crucial to have experts who are aided by veterinarians, farriers, nutritionists and physical therapists to achieve the best performance in each of our horses. What are your expectations for SICAB 2016? We are excited, as it is the first time in many years that the great majority of our horses participating at SICAB were actually bred in our stud farm. What are the objectives for the 2017 ANDIC team? We would very much like to continue competing at this level in both Conformation and Carriage Driving as well as in Dressage, a discipline for which I am deeply passionate, with at least one horse. ¡¡



publirreportaje publicity report

Serrano Training Center A Paradise Designed for Winners photos: siemPrecAbAllos



THE SONG SAYS dreams are just dreams, but in the case of Ricardo Serrano, his dreams have become a reality. Surrounded by horses as he grew up, this rider showed promising signs at a tender age. Right from the start, he knew that he wanted his equestrian hobby to be his profession; what he didn’t know was that life’s journey life would lead him to attain his dream and even more. From a tender age, he rode horses owned by others at the family stables; he joined his brother professionally by the time he turned 14. The talent shown by the youngest of the Serranos caught the eye of a prestigious breeder who took him to Mexico. Thanks to that opportunity on the other side of the world, he began to invest in horses and create what is known today as the Serrano Training Center. Here the mounts are all Purebred Spanish Horses that live in a true paradise where hygiene,

comfort and the latest in training techniques are essential elements.

Various views of Serrano Training Center.

FACILITIES The Training Center is located on a 7-hectare (17 acre) farm in the town of San JosĂŠ de la Rinconada (Sevilla), where there are three paddocks, a Dressage arena, store for feed, tack-room and 12-horse stable for competition horses and stallions. These facilities have been specifically designed to provide training services, preparation for competition and technical advice. Equestrian market demands pushed him to consider the need to have a specialized training center, as many breeders could not have such facilities on their own farms. Thus, this center offers the selection and breeding line on the one hand, and training on the other. When a horse arrives at the center for the first time, it enters into 37

publicity report

contact with the stable. For a horse, it is essential that is feels comfortable, and its diet is planned carefully. Later, the technical team assesses the horse from the perspective of conformation and movement. Note is made of the horse’s strong points as well as the least outstanding for improvement. Horse health and well-being is essential: first of all, the horse is tested to learn its psychological status and whether or not an inappropriate behavior can be altered. This is followed by a review of the hooves and the mouth to verify that it is healthy. There is a groom at the training center who is in charge of cleaning and feeding the horses. Another person cares for the facilities so that these are in running order. The groundskeepers live on the property to supervise and care for the farm 24-hours a day. The training staff is composed of a renowned

professional, Mario Palomino, who is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of competition horses. Owner and rider Ricardo Serrano is continually training at the hand of Olympic rider Juan Manuel Muñoz.

HORSES Currently, there are six competition foals, a Section 12, World Champion


stallion, Garbi VII, another stallion that is preparing for the competition arena, some a 20-mare herd as well as several recently weaned foals. The competition team in Spain includes a stud farm from Irapuato (México), Yeguada Manuel Martínez, with dressage horses that are training to enter the competition arena this next season. There is also a black foal from a French stud farm, and recently acquired Galileo YQ –by Judío VI– that will be competing at SICAB in Section 12 (7 year and older stallions). For this season, the goal is to continue opening up to new markets through agreements with clients in Central American countries to integrate their horses at this training center. Horses from three different stud farms will be competing at SICAB 2016, all with high hopes and expectations thanks to the efforts invested. ¡¡

Galileo YQ, from Yeguada del Carmen, Gold and Best Movements for Adult Stallions and Competition Reserve Champion.



ANCCE reports

ECuEstrE-C. míNguEz

Vestusto JV I, owned by Caballería Esteve, bred by Yeguada Juan Vázquez and ridden by Juan Lecina.


19 PRE horses considered ‘Excellent’ This past September, Valencia hosted the Final for the Young Horse Selection Test for Dressage by MAGRAMA, coordinated by ANCCE. The event coincided with the Spanish National Young Horse Final, which is a qualifier for the ANCCE Cup Final. Of the 160 equines qualified, five PREs were considered Excellent for Dressage, in the category for 4-year-olds. The first of PREs to qualify (and second on the general roster) was Sonajero ARB, owned by Ángel Prado Alonso and bred by Yeguada San Antonio with a 73.800% average. In the category for 5-year-olds, eight PREs qualified as Excellent, including Quincallo de Índalo, owned by José Luis Martín Lorca and bred by Yeguada El Índalo. This horse attained a higher score (77.200%). Lastly, in the category for 6-year-olds, there were six Spanish Horses that were considered Excellent for Dressage. In this case, Albeitar TR, from Yeguada Acosta Ponce, placed first with the maximum score of 80.500%. Four horses in the 4 and 5-year-old category were considered Very Good for Dressage. There 40

were four horses in the 4-year-old category, one in 5-year-old and three in the 6-year-old categories that were considered Good. This test concluded the 2016 Performance Testing for Verification for Dressage. With this assessment, those that have earned the consideration as Young Recommended Breeding Stock will be included in the corresponding Breeding Stock Catalogue and in the PRE Stud Book for dissemination within the scope of the PRE Breeding Program. Lastly, the high quality of the Purebred Spanish Horses presented at the Young Horse Selection Test and the Spanish National Young Horse Final is noteworthy. Most outstanding were Vestusto JV I, owned by Caballería Esteve and bred by Yeguada Juan Vázquez; this horse earned Gold in the 8 & 9-year-old, with an average of 73.250%. Albeitar TR (80.500%), from Yeguada Acosta Ponce followed suit to earn Bronze in 6-year-olds. Once again, Purebred Spanish Horses have held privileged places in the breed representation ranking. ¡¡


Changes in 2017 Conformation Rules & Regulations Last September, the ANCCE Executive Committee unanimously agreed to appoint a new Competition Follow-up and Control Commission. The composition of this Committee includes Antonio Moya, as president, with Millán Herce, Jesús Alberto Muela, José Antonio Becerra and Juan Huertas, members-at-large. Since their appointment, the Commission is working to reform the Competition Rules & Regulations. The text is open and dynamic, susceptible to improvement and reforms deemed necessary in such a way that they benefit all parties involved in Conformation Competitions. As stipulated in the current Rules & Regulations, judging is

the responsibility of the Technical Committee of Judges. However, what and how judging is undertaken must be approved by the Competition Commission and the governing bodies of ANCCE, but without this hindering that either body works in harmony and in a coordinated manner. Thanks to the competition follow-up, various matters have been detected that will be changed in 2017. Such aspects include the Special Award for Best Exhibitor, increasing the number of national judges, changed in the election of judges and the draws, the implementation of consensus among judges or individual scores and

lastly, carefully defining conflicts of interest for judges. For the correct adaptation and operation of the Rules & Regulations, it is essential to have suggestions and general interest proposals. These may be emailed to concursos@ancce.com before the 15th of December. With such contributions, the Commission seeks to include members in the modification process to obtain an updated draft so that nothing is overlooked. Any changes in the Competition Rules & Regulations will be applicable as of January 2017, once the new Rules have been drafted and published. ¡¡



ANCCE has drafted a Conformation-Functional Judging Manual, based on the Competition Rules and the Purebred Spanish Horse breed characteristics. It is a matter of defining and specifying—to the extent that this is possible— those concepts that help determine the fairest score for each movement or body region. Foreseeing everything that might arise in the arena is difficult; that is why by combining the experience and knowledge of judges is key when determining the score. This Manual has been altered by the Commission for the Breeding and Selection Programs, approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly in 2015. At the same time, the Manual has been verified by a group of Conformation and Functionality Judges, who have participated in drafting the text to obtain a professional product. Thus, judges and breeders now have a useful and pioneering tool. Available on the ANCCE web site. ¡¡

ANCCE has launched new Disciplinary Rules for Judges of Conformation-Functional Competitions. The text was created by the Technical Committee of Judges to define the protocol to be followed when possible disciplinary situations arise among active judges. These Rules have a dual function. On the one hand, it is useful for judges to specifically know where their limits are and to safeguard the interests of all involved. At the same time, it constitutes predetermined and common grounds, in which the will of the disciplinary body is established while respecting guarantees of impartiality, the reasoning behind the resolutions handed down, the principle of proportionality, the right of the affected Judge to be heard and provide proof, the right to appeal, prescription, etc. The Rules define offences, their degree of seriousness, the corresponding disciplinary action and the precautionary measures that may be adopted. ¡¡


Spanish High School Exhibition with horses owned by Yeguada Rafael Conde.

Jaime Molina, Marcelo Maestre & Ernesto Vázquez.


9th Equestrian Workshop “ConformationFunctional Competitions for Purebred Spanish Horses: A useful selection tool?” Last October 1, the Royal Order of Chivalry in Sevilla hosted at their Bullring, the 9th Equestrian Workshop, where the current situation of Purebred Spanish Horse ConformationFunctional Competitions was debated, and the usefulness of such events for the breeding program. The event was inaugurated by Marcelo Maestre, archivist for the Royal Order of Chivalry. He was accompanied by Jaime Molina, general director of ANCCE who represented its President Juan Tirado and Ernesto Vázquez, president of FOECE (PRE Opinion Forum). In his speech, Molina stated that “undoubtedly, Conformation Competitions are a useful tool for the breed to aid in marketing award-winning horses, and to a great extent, (these competitions) have increased the average level of the PRE herd over the years.” He also appreciated the tireless efforts of the Opinion Forum over the past 22 years, for its “dedicated effort in training regarding horses in general, and more specifically the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE). Vázquez, on the other hand, thanked the speakers and attendees at this ninth workshop. He advocated the claim that the Purebred Spanish Horse is extremely versatile and that is has traits for a variety of uses. 42

The speeches were given by outstanding specialists and technicians in the field of Conformation, such as Ignacio Bravo—member of the Technical team that drafted the Judging Manual and President of the Technical Committee of Judges in the field of Conformation—and Francisco Peña, university professor (University of Cordoba School of Veterinary Science), member of the technical team that drafted the new Conformation Rules and the Judging Manual. After the cocktail, members of the Forum, José Mª de la Lastra and Juan Manuel Fernández Argüeso debated with the attendees with various points of view that FOECE has regarding the new competition models. The workshop concluded with an equestrian exhibition directed by mounted bullfighter, breeder and member of FOECE, Álvaro Domecq, with his own horses, as well as several from Yeguada Rafael Conde, Yeguada La Cartuja, Yeguada Olivera and Candau. These workshops, organized by the Purebred Spanish Horse Opinion Forum, count on specialists and breeders from all over Spain, in collaboration with ANCCE (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association). Their main goal is to deepen into topics of current interest and directly linked to the PRE, its development and evolution. ¡¡

mANuEl VAsCo

ANCCE reports



SICAB has its poster for the 2017 edition The jury selected Ángel García Palacio from among 71 works of art from 11 countries Once again, ANCCE summonsed a contest to select the poster that would announce the next edition of SICAB. On this occasion, the painting by Ángel García Palacio from the town of Ecija, titled “La belleza de la proporción” (The Beauty


of Propotion) and based on the mare Jamaica from Grupo PRE, was the winner. His work will be presented during SICAB 2016. As its name indicates, the poster is inspired in the beauty of the proportions found in Purebred Spanish Horses and the parallelism with the golden ration found in nature and art. The poster—using acrylic paint on a board—shows an iconic and effective head of a gray horse, surrounded by a spiral in two very significant colors: albero sand yellow and red. With this 3000 euro award, the artist adds another prize to his career. Moreover, two honorable mentions were granted--€1000 each. One went to Antonio Picchi Álvarez from Sevilla for his work Caballar Andalusí. Paso Español (Andalusian Horses. Spanish Walk) and Manuel Higueras García from Malaga titled El sueño de los Cartujos (The Carthusian Dream). The contest Jury included Juan Carlos Cabrera, Deputy Mayor and Alderman for Safety, Mobility and Major Festivities at the Sevilla City Hall, who acted as president, and two members-at-large: Juan Tirado, President of ANCCE, Pedro Pingarrón, president of the Press, Promotion and Marketing Commission and other members, including Francisco Angelet, Juan Miguel Moreno, Javier Amián and Gonzalo Aboín. The contest enjoyed a high level of participation, surpassing all expectations, not only in terms of the number of works presented—more than 70—but also the diversity of their origin. In this regard, original artwork arrived from several geographical locations in Spain and internationally. Among the contestants were artists from eleven different counties, including Colombia, the United States, Finland, Israel, Italia, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. ¡¡

publicity report

Yeguada lgd Breeding PRE horses for half a century “I am privileged and proud to have maintained my father’s legacy, as well as his brand. It is both a matter of satisfaction and commitment to continue his dream, which has now become my own. What better way to remember him than through his horses, with one of them carrying his initials—lgd—as well as the brand my father created. It is a well-deserved tribute for the passion he passed down to me.” (The joy of Fernando Gonzalez, son of Luis Gonzalez, upon breeding PRE Horses for half a century) PHOTOS: SIEMPRECABALLOS



AN AMBITIOUS LEGACY. Half a century grants authority and respect, but above all else, it generates admiration. This is exactly the reaction that Purebred Spanish Horse enthusiasts feel for Yeguada Don Luis González Diez. It has been five decades of work to generate a single bloodline hers, with the best genetics and a standard line that has become an example for those dedicated to breeding PRE horses. PASSION FOR THE BREED Luis González’s passion for horses and especially Purebred Spanish Horses stems from the time spent in the Armed Forces in Spain, specifically in the Cavalry in Ronda. In 1966, and once established in Mexico, he launched his dream of breeding PRE horses with the acquisition of his first mares. That was the starting point for this stud farm.

Fernando, together with his siblings, to renew the bloodlines to include the Mañoso II line, through Fer Bolero. Unfortunately, the horse died in 2010, but he left a fantastic legacy of broodmares. Two years ago, Fernando decided to continue his father’s dream along; he retained the brand created by Luis González, renewed the bloodline with two sire stallions names Oficial de Torre (by Yaco II) and Armas Faro (grandson of Utebo II). Both of these horses have the Maluso blood of their

Panoramic view of the ranch El Camino. Below, a shot of the mare Romantica LGD.

YEguada lgd iS STud farm wiTH HiSTOry, buT alSO PreSenT in THe mOdern wOrld, WIth Its sIghts on thE futuRE

THE BEGINNINGS Among the initial mares purchased by González was Taca. She was bred by the Military Stud Farm and in foal by a sire stallion called Hosco (1960) with a Hierro del Bocado brand. On the trip from Spain to Mexico she foaled a colt named Minarete I.T.I.; in the end, he became of the stud farm’s cornerstones. All of these years, he has been the foundation behind the uniformity of the bloodline, as the owner was reluctant to introducing new bloodlines. That is why in 1999, when his father passed away, 47

forefathers. The family tree branches out into a number of awards that fill the owner with joy. The time had come and opportunity knocked on his door to change farms. He decided on a 55-hectare (almost 136 acres) ranch. These top notch facilities provided sufficient space for the horse to enjoy extraordinary standard of living and development. When reviewing our successes, one must mention Las Gotas de Agua (Drops of Water), a 3-mare cobra with Pícara, Nereida and Opereta; they were a joyous success at any championship where they participated. All were daughters of Dólar I.T.I. and Barracuda (1976) and granddaughters of Minarete I.T.I. Another outstanding mare is Barracuda (1997), renowned for her extraordinary movements in all three paces. Today, they continue to harvest satisfaction with a new generation of colts and fillies, with one of the most outstanding being Romántica LGD, granddaughter of Barracuda. Recently, she was the

rafael lemOS

publicity report

National Champion at Puebla where she earned the title as Youngstock Champion and Best Movements in her section. Fernando proudly defends his father’s brand. He has the difficult task of preserving and improving a legacy, and there is no lack of passion and dedication. ¡¡

“thE PRE WoRld HaS given me a number Of satIsfactIons: nEW and valuaBlE fRIEnds” 48

Above, Pampera LGD & Romantica LGD. Below, father and son: Luis & Fernando Gonzalez.



Putting the PRE on the Bit “On the bit” Is a generic and global expression. This expression includes the contact, the connection through the back, the position of the head, the length of the neck and the round or open attitude of the horse, etc. TEXT: JORGE CONDE PHOTOS: AZAHARA PÉREZ




w 52

WHAT IS SPECIFIC TO THE PRE that could mean we have to treat the breed differently when putting it on the bit? Well, it has a tremendous tendency to shorten. When the neck is short and the back somewhat contracted, the horse tends not to use its back. In the long-term, this will make transitions more difficult, and it will limit its carrying capacity, engagement and the correct use of its hindquarters. Of course, this happens in all breeds, but more in PREs, as they tend to be massive and somewhat short of the top line. Being aware of the problem, what should be done and what should be avoided? Let’s go back to the

beginning. Getting a horse on the bit can be achieved by a forwardthinking equitation (this does not imply running/rushing), where the horse, always in front of the leg, has the tendency to search for the contact in all the various positions (phases of stretching or of collection). The problem arises when an obsession to have the horse round causes the rider to work from the front to the back (rather than starting at the hindquarters); the horse ends up accepting this, thus causing it to both shorten and block its whole top line. It is therefore vital that the horse connects itself, starting from the hindquarters and working forward,

Nazareno XX, owned by Marjo Kujala and bred by Dehesa La Granja.

looking far ahead for the contact, leaving an open angle at the throat and a flexible and relaxed poll, to thus keep its back elastic and functional. It is for this reason that we, in the arena, speak so much about connection through the back (connected and disconnected).


Two things can be noted regarding the head position: how perpendicular is the head to the ground? Where does the poll flexion take place? A horse that works behind the vertical tends to leave (drag) its hindquarters behind. Does this mean that under no condition should a horse be behind the vertical? In some cases, and to benefit a lack of tension, this technique can briefly be used and combined with other head positions, while working. Even so, the following must always be borne in mind: 1. that the horse does not stop pushing with and engaging its hind quarters, 2. that it is elastic and working through its back, 3. that it

Owner Cristina Durรกn riding Manchego ARB, bred by Yeguada San Antonio.



is connected and in balance, 4. in front of the rider’s leg and willingly going forward. Nevertheless the usual working model should be with the head vertical to the ground or slightly in front of the vertical, and the neck long. With regards to poll flexion, horses are often seen to be flexing at the third vertebra. This is the reason for the insistence in the regulations that the poll should be the highest point. When the horse flexes further back, it tends to remain hollow in the hands, without taking contact. This produces an unstable contact and is incorrect. Being that PREs tend to accumulate fat in their neck, this could give the false impression that the poll is not the highest point. When speaking of this, the point being referred to is the highest point of its skeletal structure. Another aspect is the angle at the throat–formed between the lower jaw and the lower edge of the neck. This angle should also be taken into consideration and the horse should never be excessively closed in the neck. This head-neck union, being quite chunky, can often hinder an easy flexion and a springy contact. 54

In conclusion, it must be clearly understood that being “on the bit” is somewhat of a global expression; it is an integral concept in the horse that has very little to do with the position of the head as the only concept. When the horse is correctly on the bit, 100% of the top line muscles are being used for its locomotion. This is the objective being sought. ¡¡

Above, Fiestero P II, owned by Yeguada Sosa. Aldebarán A, owned by Yeguada Antares and ridden by Anunciada Torres.

publicity report

Yeguada Trujillo From Recreational to Elite phOTOS: albERto maRtínEz bRacERo



Major projects are launched when the necessary motivation arises to proceed. His love for Purebred Spanish Horses was the motivation for Sabas Trujillo to invest in PREs. Initially, it was a recreational hobby, but eight years ago, he took another step forward and began breeding. That was the starting point of Yeguada Trujillo, a stud farm that is renowned for the quality of its horses. It is both motivating and exciting when horses bearing the Trujillo brand enter the competition arena to win some of the most important awards in Dressage, Spanish High School and Conformation. Located in New Cuyama (California, USA), the 350 hectare (approx. 864 acres) stud farm is home to seven sire stallions, 50 mares and 20 colts/fillies, all cared for by three grooms, two assistants, a veterinarian and a presenter. The

principle is that the essence and charm of the Purebred Spanish Horse has to share equally with aptitudes for sports, with key elements being good movements, breed quality and excellent character. Thus, horses are adequately nurtured and trained so that each one gives its very best to be among the elite. One of Yeguada Trujillo’s distinguishing trait is that horses are prepared according to breeding criteria. This does not imply that genetic bloodlines are overlooked. Most of the sire stallions, whether the second or third generation, are descendants of Navarro V (Marín García), Yeguada Militar or Miguel Ángel Cárdenas. Jalapeño de Trujillo, Romero de Trujillo, Solano XIV, Distinguido de Trujillo and Solitaria XXXIII are but some of the prize horses that have attained important achievements. Thanks to them, the trophy cupboard

On the previous page, Jalapeño de Trujillo II. On this page, Romero de Trujillo.


publicity report

is full of awards and recognitions from Europe and the United States. In the specific case of Jalapeño de Trujillo, he was Colt Champion of Spain in 2012; Romero de Trujillo was World Champion in 2015; Armas Inervo, World Reserve Colt Champion and Solano XIV, World Reserve Functionality Champion. In addition to these accomplishments,

Yeguada Trujillo was Best Exhibitor and winner of Best Horses Born in the USA for three years running. Currently, one of the stud farm’s strongest wagers is Conformation. Nevertheless, it is also involved in sports, and more specifically, Dressage. This year the stud farm has participated in Dressage with 4 and 5 year old stallions to obtain good results. For Yeguada Trujillo, SICAB is a mandatory date on the calendar. This year, the stud farm will be attending with a dozen horses, some in Dressage, but always in the hope of returning home with several awards. ¡¡

View of Solano XIV. Below, to the left, Solitaria.

AT Yeguada Trujillo, we cArefully nurTure and Train Our hOSeS TO geT The very beST frOm Them SO ThAT They Are among The eliTe 58

morfologĂ­a conformation


in the relationship between:

Conformation + Functionality TEXT: IGNACIO BRAVO



AzAhArA PÉrEz cArlos núñEz


Favorita CII, owned by Yeguada La Troyeta.



IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT dividing a horse into sections or parts to obtain a mathematical percentage for its quality could be a competitive method, but it is not very effective in terms of breed selection. Although the total tally of points might be high –even with a major fault in one or several of the assessed body areas, thus disqualifying that horse– and one that could become a champion based on its score tally, if the other scores were higher. In contrast, a participant that is sufficient in all the regions will come out badly in the competition line-up, but will be much more useful than the supposed champion when it comes to selection, use and general correction. This is the eternal contradiction between conformation scoring and functional reality, a characteristic repeatedly mentioned in the breed quality of riding horses. It is true

that said standard also used to state that disproportion between body areas was a serious defect. This is an important statement that the technicians who eliminated it failed to understand, but that continues to be essential when competitions are titled Conformation-Functional Competitions. So that conformation and functionality do not contradict each other –something that must not happen– there have been some changes made in the score sheets of both the Judging Manual and the conformation assessment system to reduce this problem and help to ensure that the assessment is more compliant with all PRE breed criteria. FORELIMBS The thoracic limb starts in the thorax, joins the scapula, thus forming the forelimb. Previously, this was

assessed by body area: shoulder, wither and forearm, on the one hand, and on the other, the rest of the body area in a combined score for forelimbs and limb alignment. These two illogical arithmetic measures generated major contradictions in the score-quality relationship. Therefore, if the mission of the forelimb is to develop impulsion, to give it somewhere to go, to direct it and to receive it, its operation entirely depends on the general quality of the whole limb and not on the mathematical average that the judge awards to all its parts. Moreover, this was mixed with other values, such as the withers and limb alignment. That is why the new score sheet and the Manual assess it under a general score corresponding to its quality.


WITHERS, BACK AND LOINS The withers have previously been scored together with the shoulder and forearm, although its height and position, influences the degree of slope and the freedom of the shoulders. Nevertheless, it is still a part of the spinal column and its relationship with the back and the rest of the topline is greater, thus conditioning it even more. Of course all body areas interrelate. Scoring the withers with the shoulder, as mentioned before, is logical. However, these same constraints exist between all conformation areas. The insertion (position) of the neck, whether high or low (position) or horizontally or vertically (angle) also depends on the withers. This angulation of the topline and neck will, in turn, cause the movement to be flatter or for the horse to find collection and elevation easier. In the end, a lack of synchronization in the horse’s conformation is what endangers the efficiency of an assessment by body areas and the scores granted. THORAX, BREAST & ABDOMEN Here, the only change is the order of the factors, which is now called thorax, breast and abdomen. In recent years, the custom has been to judge

–despite having forsaken massive and excessively wide breasts that are so negative for riding horses– the breed characteristic for this score, and forgetting to assess the thorax, which is so very important in the mechanics of a horse. The breast, which is none other than the area of the horse defined vertically by the sternum or breastbone, the insert of the neck and horizontally, by the scapulahumerus joint. Its aspect will depend on the quality of these four, already scored parts in the corresponding region. On too many occasions, this excessive attention given to the breast makes the thorax to be overlooked; it promotes cylindrical horses, barrel shaped or limited thoracic perimeter or with ribs poorly shaped (cylindrical instead of oval); all are defects with major repercussions on the horse’s functionality and movement. Having a good upper line is useless if the shape of the thorax hinders its use. It is more than possible that these body defects are those that have generated confrontation between those who defend conformation, movements and functionality. The thorax should double the depth than its width. Currently, basic attitude is to measure two diameters: width and depth, in addition to the perimeter of the thorax. Prior to lineal assessment, the perimeter of the thorax was measured only in the case of aptitudes as breeding stock. A horse could be more than two meters high, and with that information alone, one had an overall view about whether it was a virtue or a defect, and just the opposite. Without seeing a horse, but with these three measurements, we could draw the thorax and verify it correctness. At conformation–functional competitions, the Judging Manual underscores the importance of these characteristics in the region and conditions scores based on appearance. HIND LIMBS On the old score sheet, hind limbs were assessed together with 63


Bucanero XXXVII, owned by Hnos Garcia Cruces and bred by Jose Luis Perez.

MAnolo vAsco


alignments; this too, for some participants, led to contradictions. It is easy to find horses with good, healthy and solid joints that are optimally angled, with perfect bone distances to move well; consequently the horse has good muscles thanks to its skeleton. However, that same horse could have not so good limb alignments. Just the opposite was also common: a horse that is powerless, weak and with atrophy but with good alignment. This is extremely serious as this latter was more likely to benefit. Fleeing from mathematical averages for the various connotations takes us to an improved definition of the horse and it moves us towards the objective to link classification order with general quality. ALIGNMENTS On the other hand, regarding the scores for alignments, just the opposite has been done. Instead


Balance, Conformation-Functional Harmony & Breed Quality The previous system allowed this disproportion; consequently, an extraordinarily racial horse but mechanically deficient could become Champion. Another option would be just the opposite, in which case the winner was a wonderful horse for sports and functionality, but it failed to look like a Purebred Spanish Horse. Both cases were contentious and created divisions and clashes within the sector between the interested parties. FUNCTIONALITY AND ANALYTICAL TOOLS

There is evidence that the human factor cannot be dismissed when testing a horse’s aptitude for riding. Even the performance tests for other breeds –which can last months– environmental aspects involving the horse prior to the test, and of course, the actual testing, affect the results, even when these seek to obtain purely genetic information. The test used for the past three decades depended on the rider factor to the extent that on occasions, it could be stated


that “a horse is improvable to the point of ruining its owner.” With this in mind, a series of tests have been designed that conditions the virtues and defects of the paces and also, include exercises that are more in line with the age of the horses to equal the possibilities between adult and young horses. In summary, it is a matter of seeking out a classification based more on functionality rather than the degree of training and experience. Verifying balance in counter canter or a simple change, giving and taking of the reins and verifying the degree of self-carriage, regularity and flow when the horse extends and then collects are all simple exercises, but that provides the judge with the tools to assess the horse and to have an idea of a horse’s potential quality. Balance, regularity, length of stride, relaxation, rhythm, straightness, cadence... they are all essential for correct paces, independently of the conditions for quality and impressiveness. ¡¡

En COVAP contamos con una amplia gama de productos y programas de nutrición para animales de ganadería, desde vacas de carne hasta caballos, elaborados con materias primas seguras, trazables y que cumplen los más estrictos controles de calidad. Como Ecus, un alimento complementario para tu caballo de la máxima calidad, que compensa las deficiencias nutricionales de pastos y forrajes.

Ven a descubrirlo al stand de COVAP en SICAB 2016 (Pabellón 1) del 15 al 20 de noviembre.


conformation Kefir XI, owned by Yeguada La Devesa.

of dividing more, front and hind limbs have been grouped together in a single score. We know that alignment affects the durability of a horse and the trajectory of the limbs while in the air during paces. This is common place for hands and feet, as slang states. When it comes to the repercussions of this on movement, there are differences between front and hind legs, given that one project while the other receives the horse’s body mass. But in the lack of quality is not that different; a horse will not advance or suspend if it is weak when projecting itself or upon receiving impulsion. If what we seek to assess is the alignment, as has always been the case, if we imagine the useful life of a horse in competition, then front and hind limbs can be grouped together in a single score. That is why although a participant could be interested in specific information for competition, it is less detrimental to group scores together in a single score than to mix them with anatomical or breed scores and once again confusing mathematical measurements. ¡¡ rAFAEl lEMos

Guerrero lll, Best Adult Movements, owned by Yeguada Puerta Alta.


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ruta ecuestre equestrian routes

Horses in Autumn Colorful Trails

Autumn is perhaps the best season to enjoy nature accompanied by a Purebred Spanish Horse. On many occasions, beauty lies in the smallest detail. Fall is here and the countryside invites you to pull up riding boots and don windbreakers to indulge in the joys that the forest has to offer. TEXT: pEDRO MADERA



IF THE WEATHER COOPERATES, dirt trails are perfect to deepen into forests where exceptional beauty lies, and where new, truly astonishing sites have yet to be discovered. Exploring these trails and pathways on horseback is one of the most gratifying experiences for both amateurs and experienced riders. The surroundings and components are just as important as the actual destination. For those who have already been there, the Irati Forest is synonymous to autumn, but in capital letters. Although it is the perfect destination any time of year, it is indeed during the fall when the scenery is invaded by red and yellow leaves that contrast against the deep greens of perennial spruces. Located in the Pyrenees Mountains of Navarre, only a few kilometers from

Pamplona, the Irati Forest is one of the largest beech forests of Europe. Whether on foot or on horseback, it is full of trails waiting to be explored; in addition to its natural enchantment, this forest is known for its legendary creatures and other, more profane, such as smugglers who traded in essentials by crossing the mountain from France without ever being seen. In the old days, and even today, horses are the main characters of many adventures. This route offers the possibility of travelling with your horse along tracks that deepen into the darkness of the forest to the enjoyable sound of chirping woodpeckers, as you ride around the surrounding Irabia swamp, crossing the meadows of Azpegi among homesteads and country farm, typically found in the Aezcoa Valley or even approaching the Orbaizeta


equestrian routes ruta ecuestre

Autumn is the ideal time of the year to enjoy the countryside blessed by rain, invaded by fall colors and the deep green of valleys and woodlands.



Munitions Factory, an 18th century architectural gem almost in ruins but with an interesting and controversial history. If you prefer to seek a literary component, then it would be a matter of recuperating “Gredos” by Unamuno. Just a bit over two hours separates Madrid from this wonderful Natural Park that seems to have been designed for horseback enjoyment. There are numerous companies that offer rural accommodations that include trail riding. These are the woods that hover over the source of what later becomes the Tormes River, its surrounding valleys and even the Vera Valley on the south side, as well as the little villages on the north side of the Massif Central all the way to the town of Barco de Avila. Most of the trails begin at Hoyos del Espino, which is the main village of the area. They continue along old muleteer trails and neighboring paths through

groves of black pines, mountain ash, cytisus oromediterraneus shrubs as well as meadows. These are the lands of Pablo the miller, Domingo the saddler or Timotea the bacon cook. Here, people are known either by their nicknames or their trade, but when someone arrives on horseback they are always welcomed. In the collective memory, Purebred Spanish Horses have been considered as a noble and hardworking animal. It is the perfect chaperone to help recuperate some of the bridle paths that still are frequented by modern travelers. If you are familiar with this part of the country, it is a matter of exploring the trails of our own, but if you prefer, there are local companies ready and willing to organize a trip. It is a fact that Purebred Spanish Horses are perfectly submissive for such adventures through the countryside. Something similar occurs in the Rio Lobos Canyon. One of the



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equestrian routes



most spectacular landscapes on the Iberian Peninsula is hidden between Burgos and Soria. Even though the Rio Lobos Canyon is not fully accessible, along the upper most section in the province of Burgos, the river bank widens for the enjoyment of both hikers and riders travelling between stunning Mesozoic limestone walls hidden by poplars, alders and abeles until arriving to the Templar chapel of Saint Bartholomew. The scenery, the rocky formations and vegetation transform this landscape into a unique experience. To enjoy this area with your own horse, authorization at Park Office –known as La Casa del Parque–

must be requested. There are also companies that facilitate access and provide horses. Of course, this experience accompanied by a PRE horse has no comparison. Autumn in Andalusia means mild temperatures and pleasant weather. The holm and cork oak forests, rolling hillsides and shallow streams of the Sierra Norte area in the province of Sevilla only require a Purebred Spanish Horse to portray the perfect view. Recently, almost 20 trails have been adapted for hikers and riders. During the fall there are numerous activities linked to mushroom hunting, it is a great destination to enjoy fresh air all year round, as Spanish Imperial,

The Rio Lobos Canyon runs through impressive Mesozoic limestone walls surrounded by poplars, alders and abeles.

Bonelli´s and Golden eagles fly overhead. The Sierra Norte Via Verde (Green Road) runs from Cerro del Hierro to the Los Prados-Cazalla train station, passing through the Cascadas del Huéznar (waterfall), thus making it the perfect start point to discover the area.

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LA ACTUALIDAD DEL PRE EN LA PALmA DE TU mANO Accede a toda la información, búsqueda de ejemplares, datos genealógicos, resultados online, búsqueda en históricos, reglamentos... en cuestión de segundos

úTIL, ATRACTIvA y mUy INTUITIvA La interfaz de usuario, los EXCLUSIVOS servicios que ofrece, su diseño y funcionalidad hacen de esta APP la nº1 para estar al día de toda la información del PRE

Of course, the forests in Cataluña must be forsaken when exploring on horseback. The western face of the Sierra de las Guilleries, with its intrinsic forest was home of the famous bandit Serrallonga; the route continues through traditional harvesting areas of Plana de Vich. The Mediterranean scenery is rich in poplars, pines and elms where PREs can gallop along the banks of the Ter River and continue parallel to its meanders until sighting the 11 th Century Romanic monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres. Solid pathways, pleasant trails and outstanding scenery in a seductive natural environment await the visitor. Seeing the Sau swamp as the Collsacabra cliffs appearing to the sound of beating hoofs is a sight worth experiencing. In autumn, it is the tiny details that are appreciated more than ever before. ¡¡

rAFAel leMos


Frequencies For Well-being


Zentaurio is a biodynamic movement system that prevents injuries in equines while helping their digestion.


Although it may sound clichĂŠ, rest is as important as exercise. However, when a competition looms on the horizon, time is precious as we race against the clock. Having full physical and mental balance is key to attain successful results in a test or even to achieve general well-being. Zentaurio, an innovative

system that interacts in favor of the horse, has been launched to accomplish said premise. This method provides, about, maximum physical and mental regeneration in a recordbreaking time (10 to 15 minutes) to completely relieve stress. The horse’s blood flow and metabolism

are stimulated without any stressing elements, which varies greatly from electrostimulation systems. Tensions and contracted muscles can be caused by the “artificial” weight of saddle and rider on the horse´s anatomy. A body must consume a great deal of energy to dissolve them, thus weakening the immune system. Consequently, body mechanisms that automatically regenerate such problems hinder the correct function of the vital organs to produce pain and illnesses. Stress, nutrition, weariness, lack of exercise and incorrect posture are but a few examples of external factors that weaken the equine’s organism. Regular use of Zentaurio improves concentration and balance; it increases proprioception and reaction, security of walk and decrease the probabilities of injuries. This system works for both prevention and training, in sports, rehabilitation and therapy. Preventing colic and injuries Modern horses are herbivorous quadrupeds, thus, they prone to suffering digestive problems; the same holds true for Purebred Spanish Horses. This makes the Zentaurio System the perfect ally to prevent colic and problems in the locomotor system. It liberates tension and waste retained within the tissues. The body recuperates its natural tendon and ligament flexibility. Furthermore, it lowers

the acidity throughout the organism, which in many cases leads to arthrosis and illnesses in the hoofs that could be prevented and improved by activating the metabolism. Zentaurio System has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect that stimulates digestion in the cases of acute colic. As preventive therapy, it offers important advantages when treating physical and mental stress by relaxing the muscles and alleviating joints. Additionally, it improves tissues regulation to stimulate the generation of synovial liquid. The use of this system is ideal for the horse’s spine because it counteracts tensions and contracted muscles. Once the contracted muscles are relaxed, flexibility of the spine increases as well as the stability and flexibility of its joints and vertebrates to better support the rider’s weight, thus avoiding injuries of the spinal cord and nervous system.

ZentAurio SyStem: the perfect Ally by preventing colic And problemS in the locomotor SyStem

the system This method –a very successful regeneration system, designed for athletes– has now been adapted for equines. It is based on the combined effect of a subtle spiral biodynamic movement and the Schumann frequency, discovered by the German Physicist Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann. He proved, thanks to empiric evidence, the vital importance of this frequency for mammals. Zentaurio generates no harsh movements or vibrations that could act against t he horse’s biomechanics. There is no electric stimulation or chemical substances; this contributes to recuperating the horse’s natural balance and the natural harmonization of its organism. Thus, Zentaurio System is successful at preventing and eliminating the negative effects of functional body exercises, correcting imbalances to initiate or enhance the healing processes. SICAB 2016 will show the Zentaurio System for the first time in Spain thanks to an agreement between ANCCE and the importer. We encourage you to try this scientific advancement in the world of health and well-being with your PRE Horses. Information is available and you may arrange an appointment for a free trial. ¡¡ www.schumann-3d-platte.com ☎ +34-667-460-990 75

ruta ecuestre promotion

The most recent picture is of Desiree Lang with the July sunset in the background.

Portraits of Breeders A friendly little book It is a small book for which there are only 250 copies, distributed privately. This is the latest project created by WorkStyle for the equestrian sector, and complements the initial project that was launched back in 2013.

Rafael Ayala MuĂąoz vigorously calling his horses that live in freedom.


Miguel Ă ngel de Cardena Osuna with his magnificent gray PRE cobra in the background.

Macarena Lazo Villar with her family: Andalusian elegance and charm.



PORTRAITS of BREEDERS Book cover by photographer Paolo Mazzo. The shot of Antonio Diosdado Galan in Jerez de la Frontera was taken while suspended from a 20 meter high crane.


cce.indd 1

“WE HAVE CONTINUED THIS PROJECT WITH PASSION and expectation,” states photographer Paolo Mazzo, “with the inquisitive spirit of the documentary journalist rather than that of a photographer specialized in horses.” This is perhaps the uniqueness of WorkStyle, which, according to Roberto Benzi, photographer and director of documentary films, “focuses on narrating the essence

Other images in the book

of the sector by emphasizing the relationship between horses, people and where they work.” In this sense, Benzi adds that “we have striven to present our audience with an exciting product, thanks the balanced presence of three elements; horses, people and the workplace. That is how we made this 225page publication titled Reglas y Pasión (Rules and Passion) and the documentary film it includes. The work was recently presented at the Equus Film Festival in New York.” Both the book and the documentary film, produced in collaboration with ANCCE and the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrain Art Foundation, were extremely successful. The web site http://www.workstyle.ch/rulesand-passion/ recalls that passionate experience. Should you be interested in a copy of this book –there are still a few copies–email a request to elisapozzi@gwhswiss.com. Mirko Nesurini, author of the book, shared that Antonio Domecq suggested the title Reglas y Pasión (Rules & Passion), which “inspired us to edit this little friendly book that is hardly conventional, as the rules and the passion are the contributions of breeders to the business. This work has focused on the people who care for their horses, with portraits of their workplace, which for us, is highly significant. Each photograph reveals something about the person, his or her way of understanding and following the rules and passion for Purebred Spanish Horses.” WorkStyle is a Swiss publisher that focuses on the world of work. To receive a free copy (shipping costs not 14/10/16 08:53 included), write to libretto@gwhswiss. com (subject to availability). ¡¡

(in order of appearance): Diego Marín Fidalgo, Florencio Moreno Moreno, Rafael Camacho Benítez with Mieke Bastianen, Francisco Santiago Ruíz, Macarena Lazo Villar with her family, Antonio Diosdado Galán with Javier Ruíz Garrido, Ignacio Bravo Martínez, Ignacio Bravo García, Eva Navarro with her family and team, Enrique Lovera García, Jaime Guardiola Fantoni, Vicente de la Escalera García, Miguel Ángel de Cardenas Osuna, Rafael Ayala Muñoz, Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde, mysterious Nun ,Carlos Bohórquez Escribano, Álvaro Domecq Domecq, Manuel Novales de la Escalera, Millán Herce García, Cristóbal Cortés Bueno, Antonio Domecq Domecq, Students at the Royal Cavalry Riding School in Ronda and School Director Juan de Heredia and Díaz del Riguero, José Luis de la Escalera García, Desiree Lang, Mirko Nesurini, Paolo Mazzo, Roberto Benzi. ¡¡



ASOCAMAN-PRE organizes a workshop on equine nut


horse’s diet is essential for both its health and performance. For this reason, the Castilla-La Mancha Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association (ASOCAMANPRE) organized, together with Pavo, the equine feed experts, a training course versing on the importance of animal nutrition.

During the course, a number of specifics were covered, including nutritional requirements during pregnancy and while lactating, how energy and protein measurements develop in gestating mares and the objectives in managing the feed of lactating mares, which is none other than to maximize the growth of the foal and the fertility of the mare. Also, emphasis was placed on feeding (vitamins, starch overload, mineral intake, etc.) as this is one of the factors that could cause equine osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). The speaker at the workshop backed each and every point with data and studies. At the conclusion, those attending voiced questions and doubts that were answered by the expert. With this format, ASOCAMAN-PRE shows its continued interest in training PRE breeders and caretakers to contribute to their well-being while at the same time improving their quality of life. ¡¡


The PRE Breeders’ Association of Ecuador renews its Board of Directors


ecently, the Purebred Spanish Breeders’ Association of Ecuador (AECCPRE) held elections to elect the new members of the Board who will lead the organization during the next two years. Thus, the new President is Martín Chiriboga and the Vice-president Wilson Granja. Álvaro Lugo, Francisco Roldán and Gonzalo Chiriboga, respectively, will hold the posts of first, second and third main directors, while Juan Andrés Vergara, Fernando Hidrobo and Josefina Bakker are first, second and third alternative directors. This new Board of Directors is working with expectation in the defense and promotion of the Purebred Spanish Horse in Ecuador. This Association was founded in 1992. Today, it serves a hundred breeders in the provinces of de Pichincha, Azuay, Imbabura, Tungurahua and Guayas, where there is a Purebred Spanish Horse census of more than a thousand horses. The

high level of the horses bred in Ecuador is the result of careful selection, which has facilitated the export of horses to a number of neighboring countries such as Colombia and Peru. ¡¡

Martín Chiriboga, new President of AECCPRE.

list of ANCCE Breeders

Who is who at ANCCE? List of stud farms registered with National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association. Further information (representative and contact info) using the QR code. ACITORES GANADERÍA Tlf.: 609 620 808 macitor@gmail.com Murcia

AGUILAR GARCÍA, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 955 803 076 Móvil: 679 443 404 antonioaguilargarcia@hotmail.com Sevilla

BALLESTEROS mORCILLO, D. JESÚS Tlf.: 957 540 142 - 957 553 159 cabalgue.pre@gmail.com Córdoba

ACORDY Tlf.: 952 073 079 – 655 309 027 www.hipica-acordy.com info@acordy.com Málaga

AGUILAR mATESANZ, HNOS. Tlf.: 921 124 136 Móvil: 615 636 201 www.yeguadaaguilarmatesanzhnos.com aguilarpre1@gmail.com Segovia

BAONES GONZáLEZ, D. mISAEL Tlf.: 959 143 173 Móvil: 607 675 088 Huelva

AGRAPUR, S.L. Tlf.: 696 416 811 www.caballeriaesteve.com jordi@grupagra.com Lérida

ALGAIDA Tlf.: 699 088 178 – 639 343 474 apdo.11.carmona@gmail.com Sevilla

AGRÍCOLA CUCALERAS, S.L. Tlf.: 968 410 690 Móvil: 619 779 903 cucaleras@cucaleras.com Murcia AGRÍCOLA FERmÍN VIOqUE Tlf.: 610 715 565 - 617 401 874 haciendavallehermoso@hotmail.es Córdoba

ALmANSA RODRÍGUEZ, D. JOSé Tlf.: 959 356 600 luismialmansa87@hotmail.com Huelva ALTAJARA, S.L. Tlf.: 955 600 282 Móvil: 609 521 803 jddom@ibccopiers.com Sevilla

AGRÍCOLA GUZmáN, S.A. Tlf.: 618 748 474 jnb-@hotmail.es Sevilla

ANDIC ERmAY, D. NAHmAN Tlf.: 610 498 282 - 610 498 560 www.yeguadandic.com info@yeguadandic.com Barcelona

AGRÍCOLA JUAN ROJAS, S.L. Tlf.: 954 450 199 Móvil: 609 502 691 jrojas@grupoferro.es Sevilla

ANDREA mARTÍNEZ, S.L Tlf.: 606 300 506 patricia@amtuna.com Murcia

AGRÍCOLA SAN áLVARO, S.L. Tlf.: 954 222 095 - 955 953 274 Móvil: 606 332 993 - 609 657 007 agrisal@agrisal.e.telefonica.net Sevilla

ANSTALT ANATOL Móvil: 630 316 053 - 616 495 433 fincaelermitaño@yahoo.es Sevilla

AGRÍCOLA SmIRR Tlf.: +49 68723807 Móvil: +49 1702010894 www.smirr.de info@smirr.de Alemania AGRÍCOLA VALVI, S.A.U. Tlf.: 954 047 233 mtge@actividadesgestoras.com Sevilla AGRÍCOLA Y GANADERA CUEVA SERRANA Tlf.: 676 978 382 rmenarguez@marsol.org Alicante AGROPECUARIA EL ANCLA Tlf.: 956 232 561 Móvil: 619 112 250 www.agropecuariaelancla.com Cádiz AGROPECUARIA LARIOS, S.A. YEGUADA LARIOS Tlf.: 956 420 595 Móvil: 696 935 306 www.larios.es www.facebook.com/yeguadalarios larios@larios.es Cádiz AGUAYmANTO Tlf.: +57 44488224 yeguada.aguaymanto@gmail.com Colombia

ANTÓN LÓPEZ, D. JOSé Móvil: 629 870 299 www.pepeanton.com pepe@pepeanton.com Valencia ARANDA ALCáNTARA, D. GREGORIO CHAPUELA 1999, S.L Sevilla ARROYO P.R.E. Tlf.: 913 401 033 Móvil: 609 266 061 www.arroyo-pre.com - m.arroyo@telkron.es Madrid

BAYO SáNCHEZ, D. JAVIER Móvil: 722 656 804 Badajoz BENÍTEZ mORENO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 141 404 - Part.: 954 141 164 Finca: 955 953 688 info@hermanosbenitezmoreno.es Sevilla BENITO RUIZ, D. JOSé LUIS Tlf.: +502 247 02015 Móvil: +502 56510711 jose.benito@servipackgt.com Guatemala BERmEJO PERTEGAL YEGUADA Tlf.: 924 536 100 Móvil: 687 421 845 www.yeguadabermejo.com luis@yeguadabermejo.com Badajoz BIOALAZOR Tlf.: 609 501 038 luiscarlos1@telefonica.net Sevilla BOHÓRqUEZ ESCRIBANO, D. FERmÍN Tlf.: 956 184 579-83 info@angustiasysol.com Cádiz BOHÓRqUEZ GARCÍA DE VILLEGAS, D. mIGUEL Tlf.: 956 307 893 Móvil: 625 570 377 www.actiweb.es/ ganaderiamiguelbohorquez soymiguelbohorquez@hotmail.com Cádiz BOLOIX AS – HDROS. DE mARTÍNEZ BOLOIX Tlf.: 968 886 050 Móvil: 609 822 006 ja.gomez@grucopel.com Murcia

ASTARLOA SORDO, D. ILDEFONSO Móvil: 608 607 436 Madrid

BUENA SUERTE Tlf.: (+31) 620250516 www.andalusiers.nu andalusiers@chello.nl Holanda

AZAHAR HORSES Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia

CABALLOS DE LOS CISNE Tlf.: +1 8327555112 pre4usa@yahoo.com Estados Unidos

BáEZ SPINOLA, D. mIGUEL Tlf.: 639 956 944 juanantonio_vadillo@hotmail.com Huelva

CABALLOS DEL JARAmA Móvil: 630 912 683 rodrigo@casasmovilesjarama.com Madrid

BALINOT VALDIVIA, D. FRANCISCO JOSé Tlfs.: 958 680 004 – 605 287 793 Granada

CABALLOS LLARGUéS Tlf.: 935 601 358 Móvil: 637 242 489 www.caballosllargues.com caballos@llargues.info caballos.llargues@gmail.com Barcelona


list of ANCCE Breeders CADENAS BELTRáN , D. AGUSTÍN Tlf.: 956 172 938 Móvil: 650 104 961 elconde616@hotmail.com Cádiz CAmACHO BENÍTEZ, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 520 051 Móvil: 608 554 930 hcamacho@arrakis.es Córdoba CámARA YSERN, Dª ROCÍO DE LA Tlf.: 954 272 359 Móvil: 639 169 080 Sevilla CáRDENAS OSUNA, D. PEDRO DE Tlf.: 954 830 502 agrícolacardenas@gmail.com Sevilla CARO ANDRADE, D. mANUEL Tlf.: 954 411 818 gerencia@comunicacioneselpuerto.com Sevilla CARRIÓN ROmERO HNOS Tlfs.: 957 271 292 – 629 119 900 antonio@carrionfernandez.com Córdoba CARTUJANO BAYERN – PRE ZUCH UNTERSCHWAIG Tlf.: +49 1718212046 www.cartujano-bayern.de rosemarie.scherrer@ideoflex.de Alemania CASA ESTANqUE Tlf.: +49 2482911000 info@casa-estanque.de Alemania CASCO LA VENTA Tlf.: +52 5552231763 lucial@telmex.com México CENSYRA Tlf.: 924 010 584 – 924 010 564 juanjesus.carrasco@gobex.es Badajoz CENTRO ECUESTRE EL PINTOR Tlf.: 678 403 537 centroecuestreelpintor@hotmail.com Granada CHAPEL CREEK RANCH Tlf.: 001 9404585513 chapelcreekranch@medievaltimes.com Estados Unidos CHAVES SAINZ, D. FEDERICO FERNANDO Tlf.: 942 270 521 Móvil: 609 417 993 direccion@roper.es Santander CHINCHILLA RODRÍGUEZ , D. DOmINGO Móvil: 677 537 199 www.domingochinchilla.com dom@domingochinchilla.com Granada COLORADO LÓPEZ, D. JOSé Tlf.: 955 953 126 – 615 493 392/3 www.josecolorado.com Sevilla CORPORACIÓN AGROGANADERAS LEZCANO, S.A. Tlf.: +507-2095220 Móvil: +507-64809718 lezpan@cwpanama.net Panamá CORTéS DE LA ESCALERA, HDROS. DE mª DOLORES Tlf.: 617 402 609 - 954 229 507 fdobarquin@terra.com Sevilla


CORTéS GARCÍA, D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 696 902 135 www.ganaderiasalvadorcortes.com ccortesbueno@yahoo.es Cádiz

CUEVAS BAJAS, S.L. Tlf.: 957 760 791 Móvil: 629 848 430 acarrillo@ptvtelecom.com antoniocarrilloptv@hotmail.com Córdoba

CORTéS RODRÍGUEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 958 824 852 Móvil: 646 982 712 - 670 904 921 www.yeguadaantoniocortes.com antoniocortescaballosespanoles@gmail.com Granada

CUqUERELLA ÚBEDA, D. JUAN Tlf.: 954 500 606 954500313@telefonica.net Sevilla

CORTIJO ALBARRACÍN Tlf.: 902 300 078 www.cortijoalbarracin.net jmolina@laudreco.com Barcelona CORTIJO DE LA Z Tlf.: +505 22767157 – +505 88850200 www.cortijodelaz.com info@cortijodelaz.com Nicaragua CORTIJO EL APÓSTOL Tlf.: +52 818 3420778 marpee01@hotmail.com www.cortijoelapostol.com.mx México CORTIJO EL ROBLEDAL Tlf.: 646 278 991 - 669 819 014 www.elrobledal.com admin@elrobledal.com Málaga CORTIJO EL ROCÍO Tlf.: +505 22785901 – +505 88830000 lacayoca@aol.com cortijo.elrocio@gmail.com Nicaragua CORTIJO LA mARqUESA, S.L.U. Tlf.: 954 630 883 Móvil: 619 716 384 asuarez@tepro.es Sevilla CORTIJO LA mORALEJA ESP Móvil: 678733871 joselamuno@hotmail.com jenaroalgora@gmail.com Huelva

DE CáRDENAS Tlf.: +1 3524086788 gloria@gloriaaustin.com Estados Unidos DE LA ROSA FRANCISCO, Dª NADIA mª Tlf.: 637 755 026 Sevilla DEHESA DE CABEZA RUBIA, S.L. Tlf.: 619 243 120 www.dehesacabezarubia.com ramonmartin@dehesacabezarubia.es Badajoz DEHESA LA GRANJA, S. A. Tlf.: 956 622 700 Móvil: 674 749 841 www.yeguadadehesalagranja.com jaime.pujol@telefonica.net Cádiz DEHESA mIGALINDA Tlf.: 954 156 244 Móvil: 639 338 676 http://migalinda.blogspot.com.es dehesamigalinda@gmail.com Sevilla DÍAZ NAVARRO, D. JUAN Tlf.: 953 523 184 www.diaznavarro.com yeguada@diaznavarro.es Jaen DIOSDADO GALáN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 340 655 Móvil: 658 788 874 diosdadogalan@gmail.com Cádiz DOLGARENT, S. A. Tlf.: 955 682 184 Sevilla

CORTIJO LAS CASTAÑAS Tlf.: +52 26157020 frantala@gmail.com México

DOmECq ROmERO, D. áLVARO Tlf.: 956 314 747 inmaculadacid@gmail.com Cádiz

CORTIJO LOS LEONES Tlf.: 954 629 361 Móvil: 637 457 582 emrocho@hotmail.com Sevilla

DOmECq ZURITA, Dª BLANCA Fax: 956 333 046 Móvil: 607 335 407 sms.jerez@gmail.com Cádiz

CORTIJO mIRAmONTES, S.A. Finca: 955 953 457 Móvil: 616 914 788 Oficina: 955 731 664 - 955 731 275 ahocasa@telefonica.net Sevilla

DOmÍNGUEZ GALIANO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 224 786 Móvil: 639 724 041 - 607 674 468 www.caballocartujano.es info@caballocartujano.es Sevilla

CORTIJO SAN mIGUEL Tlf.: +505 23115821 Móvil: +505 88500004 cortijosanmiguel@gmail.com Nicaragua

DURáN GALLARDO, D. JOSé mANUEL Tlf.: 956 450 331 Móvil: 646 966 603 josemanuel.duranromero@gmail.com Cádiz

CRIADERO DE CABALLOS CALIENTE Tlf.: 01152 6646337326 www.criaderodecaballoscaliente.com criadero@caliente.com.mx México

DURáN VICENS, Dª CRISTINA Móvil: 677 133 391 crisduranvi@hotmail.com Málaga

CROSS WINDS FARm Tlf.: +1 3042820353 pasavygirl@yahoo.com Estados Unidos

EL ESPARRAGAL, S. A. Tlf.: 955 783 431 www.elesparragal.com oficina@elesparragal.com Sevilla

CUADRA CONqUISTA Tlf.: +52 3336306022 cuadraconquista@yahoo.com.mx México

EL qUIEBRAJANO Móvil: 677563456 mtrini_lopez@hotmail.com Jaén EmBARBA DE FRUTOS, D. ANICETO Tlf.: 952 233 967 - 952 176 517 secretario@embarba.com Málaga ENRIqUE Y JOAqUÍN PAGáN Móvil: 657 289 902 www.yeguadapagan.com 657289902@amena.com Albacete ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, D. JOSé LUIS Tlf.: 954 837 165 Móvil: 689 287 366 - 666 083 068 610 035 354 www.yeguadadelaescalera.es info@yeguadadelaescalera.es Sevilla ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, Dª mª FERNANDA Tlf.: 954 514 739 Móvil: 653 590 272 - 608 150 357 www.yeguadaescalera.com info@yeguadaescalera.com Sevilla

FORLI Tlf.: 670 686 409 - 619 705 636 www.embrionesequinos.es info@embrionesequinos.es Sevilla FRANCISCO OLIVERA, S.L. Tlf.: 955 681 976 Móvil: 600 678 253 - 650 361 373 www.yeguadaolivera.es cortijoolivera@hotmail.com Sevilla G RANCH INT Tlf.: +505 86707304 yeguadamajaloba@hotmail.com Nicaragua GALIANO ORIHUELA, D. JUAN Finca: 959 415 249 Móvil: 627 471 545 - 660 661 873 Oficina: 902 933 367 gestoria@ripollesgaliano.com Huelva GANADERA AG, S.A. Tlf.: +506 2205 3600 +506 2438 0863 www.ganaderaag.com info@ganaderaag.com Costa Rica

GANADERÍA CERRADO DEL CASIL Tlf.: 915 625 415 vab@roninver.com Cáceres GANADERÍA CHILOECHES Tlf.: +57 42669140 mpalaciob@une.net.co Colombia GANADERÍA CORTéS LARREY Tlf.: 924 870 678 – Móvil: 655 909 405 vacoes_1951@hotmail.com Badajoz GANADERÍA COVES-DARDEN Tlf.: 667 751 577 covesdardenpre@gmail.com Estados Unidos GANADERÍA CRISLUDI Tlf.: 687 469 909 info@hipicatllar.com Tarragona GANADERÍA DEL PONTÓN Móvil: 606 330 090 www.pontondoma.es info@pontondoma.es Segovia GANADERÍA DOmINGO ARRABE Tlf.: 920 348 112 Móvil: 608 428 284 domingoarrabe@hotmail.com Ávila

ESPINA NOGUERAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 665 576 - 954 721 292 jespina@ravsa.com Sevilla

GANADERA AméRICA Tlf.: +506 2509-9800 www.amcocr.com cvenegas@amco.co.cr Costa Rica

ESPINOSA HIDALGO, D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 956 308 518 Móvil: 629 494 987 - 600 455 872 espi.salva@gmail.com Cádiz

GANADERA JOCHA Tlf.: +506 22334818 +506 83849090 www.ganaderajocha.com info@ganaderajocha.com Costa Rica

ESTEBAN RUIZ, D. IVáN Tlf.: 917 450 035 Móvil: 649 954 823 ivanesteban@gruponavisa.com Madrid

GANADERÍA ANDÚJAR Tlf.: 637 800 466 ganaderiandujar@hotmail.com Barcelona

EUGASSADA CESCAP Tlf.: 607 546 525 www.eugassada-cescap.com info@eugassada-cescap.com Barcelona

GANADERÍA ANTARES, S.L. Tlf.: 966 736 902 Móvil: 696 974 955 manuel.ortuno@olezamovil.es Alicante

EXPLOTACIONES AGRÍCOLAS RABAN, S.A. Tlf.: 957 334 016 info@benjumea.es Córdoba

GANADERÍA AZAHAR Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia

FEDERSPIEL PINTO, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +506 22430246 Móvil: +506 71616110 rfederspiel@guniversalcr.com fcastro@guniversalcr.com Costa Rica

GANADERÍA BECGAR DOBLE S Tlf.: 645 804 295 - 659 916 561 carmenpascual@telmasur.com Madrid

GANADERÍA EqUINA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Móvil: 609 506 949 ganaderiaequinapre@hotmail.com Granada

GANADERÍA BOHÓRqUEZ ROmáN Tlf.: 606 627 680 Móvil: 669 111 717 aldhair@msn.com Sevilla

GANADERÍA ESCALERA DEL mAYORAZGO www.escaleradelmayorazgo.com emiliogomez@escaleradelmayorazgo.com Barcelona

GANADERÍA BRAGANZA GámEZ Tlf.: 679 479 681 inlarosa@yahoo.es Ciudad Real

GANADERÍA F. CUEVAS Tlf.: 600 562 008 paco@integraldelascensor.com Barcelona

GANADERÍA CAmP RODÓ Tlf.: 654 211 437 caballosjmfernandez@gmail.com Barcelona

GANADERÍA F. GUTIéRREZ CASANOVA Tlf.: 955 684 075 Móvil: 610 713 138 franciscogutierrezespina@hotmail.com Sevilla

GANADERÍA CARIDAD DEL COBRE Tlf.: 899 980057 nelsonjoseh@hotmail.com Nicaragua

GANADERÍA FRANCISCO LAZO DÍAZ Tlf.: 954 755 561 macarenalazo@hotmail.com Sevilla

FERNáNDEZ-DAZA Y FDEZ. DE CORDOVA, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 924 660 868 fernandez-daza@hotmail.es Badajoz FERNáNDEZ FERNáNDEZ, D. JOSé mª Tlf.: 954 860 225 Móvil: 666 423 323 elarrebolado@hotmail.com joseramonfernandezvillegas@hotmail.com Sevilla FINCA LO TACÓN Tlf.: 609 656 969 - 615 249 737 jorgelotacon@gmail.com Murcia FINCA LOS PANDUREJOS Tlf.: +43 6641014071 - +43 6642148905 fincalospandurejos1@aon.at Austria

GANADERÍA EL AHIJÓN Tlf.: 925 821 206 Móvil: 607 601 877 gesveterinaria@gmail.com Madrid GANADERÍA EL CAJÓN Tlf.: 627 961 220 – 664 725 655 soniacg10@hotmail.com Zaragoza GANADERÍA EL CALDERO Tlf.: 955 763 034 Móvil: 609 158 219 caldero_49@hotmail.com www.ganaderiaelcaldero.com Sevilla GANADERÍA EL CAmINO ANDALUZ Tlf.: +49 3429279256 Móvil: +49 1777423799 www.pre-zucht.de info@pre-zucht.de Alemania

GANADERÍA CARLOS DELGADO Tlf.: 619 269 525 cdelgado@smartmind.es Madrid


list of ANCCE Breeders GANADERÍA FRANCISCO SANTIAGO RUIZ Tlf.: 952 711 460 www.ganaderiafranciscosantiagoruiz.com Santiago@ganaderiafranciscosantiagoruiz.com Tlf.: 952 218 591 centromodamalaga@gmail.com Málaga GANADERÍA GILSAN Tlf.: 915 744 799 Móvil: 649 803 503 yolandagil@gilgo.es Toledo

GANADERÍA SON PERICASSES Móvil: 645 391 805 – 659 103 305 www.sonpericasses.com jo_luvr@hotmail.com Baleares

GANADERÍA mARIANA CARRASCO JIméNEZ Tlf.: 654 543 072 eulogioherrera@hotmail.com Málaga

GANADERÍA THE WOLF Tlf.: 687 890 055 mario@tradingall.com Badajoz

GANADERÍA HERmANOS mESTRE Tlf.: 932 986 400 - 935 084 400 maria.mestre@jmestre.es Barcelona

GANADERÍA mARIANNE SUNDéN Tlf.: +46 708242832 www.seglinge.nu mariannesunden@hotmail.com Suecia

GANADERÍA HERmANOS VARGAS SILVA Tlf.: 653 662 903 yeguadahermanosvargas@hotmail.com Cáceres

GANADERÍA mARTÍNEZ mORAGA Tlf.: 967 216 762 Móvil: 629 715 070 - 629 640 108 Albacete

GANADERÍA HERNANDO ABOÍN Tlf.: 648 063 576 Móvil: 695 697 237 hersagonzalo@yahoo.es Ávila

GANADERÍA mATER CHRISTI, S.L. Tlf.: 916 653 360 info@yeguadamaterchristi.com Madrid

GANADERÍA HIERRO DEL SIETE Tlf.: 679 819 212 - 606 330 090 info@pontondoma.es Madrid

GANADERÍA OLIVARES Móvil: 657 751 147 yeguadaolivares@gmail.com Ciudad Real

GANADERÍA HNOS. AYALA Tlf.: 955 867 848 emilioayala@hermanosayala.com Sevilla

GANADERÍA PEDRO mORATA Tlf.: 629 014 747 www.yeguadamwh.es pedro-morata@hotmail.com Baleares

GANADERÍA HNOS. BATRES Tlf.: 625 729 724 a.batres@hotmail.com Toledo GANADERÍA HNOS. mUÑOZ Tlf.: 955 676 453 Móvil: 637 469 281. sandra_ml7@hotmail.com Sevilla GANADERÍA HNOS. NIETO Tlf.: 660 601 684 Móvil: 649 405 220 info@yeguadahnieto.com www.yeguadahnieto.com Tarragona GANADERÍA HNOS. NÚÑEZ BARBERO Móvil: 616 948 517 - 691 816 167 Sevilla GANADERÍA ISABEL mERELLO VIUDA DE TERRY Tlf.: 956 871 640 lamicona@gmail.com Cádiz GANADERÍA JAUqUICOA mARTINENA Tlf.: 619 786 999 Móvil: 696 429 084 teresamartinena@cenavarra.es Navarra GANADERÍA JUAN RODRÍGUEZ BEBIA Tlf.: 959 300 379 Móvil: 608 558 956 Huelva GANADERÍA LA DULCINA Tlf.: +54 91156905050 granadosdulce@hotmail.com Argentina GANADERÍA LACAÑINA Tlf.: 670 767 616 marcos@sumalca.com Sevilla GANADERÍA mANUEL VERA Tlf.: 954 279 764 Móvil: 687 543 441 hatoblanco@hotmail.com Sevilla


GANADERÍA mARÍA LUISA GUARDIOLA Tlf.: 954 222 191 www.caballosguardiola.com halcon@caballosguardiola.com Sevilla

GANADERÍA PUJADAS Tlf.: 617 333 462 www.yeguadapujadas.es jaimepujadas@lobones.com Segovia GANADERÍA PYRAmID Tlf: 659 327 988 pyramidcentre@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/ganadería.pyramidpre Granada GANADERÍA RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ Tlf.: 656 607 261 r.rodricasa@hotmail.com Madrid

GANADO DE LA SIERRA Tlf.: 506 25091900 mauarce@piasa.co.cr Costa Rica GARCÍA DIéGUEZ LÓPEZ, D. mIGUEL Tlf.: 954 215 666 - 954 212 991 miguel@garciadieguezabogados.com Sevilla GARCÍA ROmERO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 956 307 741 Móvil: 619 096 606 franciscojaviersiete@hotmail.com Cádiz GARCÍA VáZqUEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 953 560 118 agv@pinussa.es Jaén GERESA 2000, S.L. Tlf.: 952 640 454 Móvil: 670 855 430 – 628 293 107 yeguadageresa@gmail.com Málaga. GESTA PRE Tlf.: +46 703399345 www.gesta.se agneta@gesta.se Suecia GESTÜT mISPEL HOF Tlf.: +49 28357999127 – +49 1738295606 www.mispelhof.de info@mispelhof.de Alemania GESTÜT PARAISO Tlf.: +49 8385922799 www.muellers-pferdeparadies.de info@muellers-pferdeparadies.de Alemania

GANADERÍA ROmáN ROmERO SáNCHEZ Tlf.: 657 919 642 - 670 654 250 www.romanromero.es romanrrs@hotmail.com Sevilla

GESTÜT SCHLOSS AmERANG Tlf.: +49 17623771159 www.schlossamerang.de gestuet@schlossamerang.de Alemania

GANADERÍA SALVADOR SALVATIERRA LÓPEZ Tlf.: 958 340 087 Móvil: 670 390 457 www.ganaderiasalvadorsalvatierralopez. com salvater94@hotmail.com Granada

GLEN ARYN FARm Tlf.: +1 540 3388257 - 703 9667377 www.glenarynfarm.com info@glenarynfarm.com Estados Unidos

GANADERÍA SáNCHEZ-NORIEGA Tlf.: 955 863 344 Móvil: 607 703 030 – 671 493 922 ganaderiasanchez-noriega@hotmail.com Sevilla GANADERÍA SANTOS PEREIRA Tlf.: 986 767 117 – Móvil: 639 041 971 www.hipicaamazonas.com info@hipicaamazonas.com Pontevedra GANADERÍA SARmIENTO Tlf.: 956 451 042 Móvil: 679 444 112 jacinto.gil@sarmicom.net Cádiz

GÓmEZ ROLDOS, HNOS. Tlf.: 956 257 509 Móvil: 620 131 308 - 629 344 411 669 990 252 mgm@comunidadesdelsur.com Cádiz GONZáLEZ NARANJO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 430 911 - 954 430 544 955 715 062 elisabet.g.n@gmail.com Sevilla GONZáLEZ SOTO, Dª CARmEN Tlf.: 956 308 830 Móvil: 607 882 771 cgsoto1@gmail.com Cádiz GORDILLO áVILA, D. JUAN Tlf.: 656 951 184 direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz

GORmAZ NAVARRO, D. ALFONSO Tlf.: 656 252 550 agormaznav@gmail.com Zaragoza

HERmANOS GÓmEZ-JARAIZ Tlf.: 649 995 018 eduardogomezgamero@gmail.com Madrid

GOVANTES OSUNA, Dª mª áNGELES Tlf.: 955 905 760 Móvil: 667 983 039 mariamonsalvesgovantes@hotmail.com Sevilla

HERmOFER, S.L. Tlf.: 954 514 143 Móvil: 676 462 209 grupocsp@cateringsanpablo.net Sevilla

GRANDA LOSADA, D. mIGUEL Tlf.: 927 490 060 - 924 220 759 Móvil: 670 220 758 Finca: 927 490 060 Oficina: 927 322 961 www.ganaderiagranda.es administracion@ganaderiagranda.es Cáceres

HERNáN SALGUERO, D. ROBERTO Móvil: 618 794 100 rhernan@rhernan.com Madrid

GUARDIOLA DOmÍNGUEZ, Dª CONSUELO Móvil: 630 663 191 alfga@ono.com consueloguardiola@gmail.com Sevilla

HERNáNDEZ POZO, D. AUREO Tlf.: 914 096 235 – Móvil: 609 465 095 lastenerias@hotmail.com Madrid HIERRO CANDáU Tlf.: 954 274 841 Móvil: 649 976 942 cbc@inmark.es Sevilla

GUARDIOLA FANTONI, YDA. HDROS. DE D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 954 226 716 www.yeguadaguardiolafantoni.com guardiola@elpinganillo.es Sevilla

HIERRO mG Tlf.: +52 818 1041725 www.hierromg.com rosy@hierromg.com México

HACIENDA DE LA ROSA Móvil: 637 755 027 haciendadelarosarafael@hotmail.com Sevilla

HISTRIA PRE Tlf.: +38 631470560 info@histria-pre.com Eslovenia

HACIENDA DEL SOL ANDALUSIANS Tlf.: +1 7727701563 espana1@gate.net Estados Unidos

HNOS. JURADO RIERA, S.L. Tlf.: 678 733 871 melo_primaxe@hotmail.com Huelva

HACIENDA DON RICARDO Tlf.: +507 66798100 - +507 2239125 www.hdrpanama.com presidenciahdr@toyotarp.com rperez@toyotarp.com Panamá

HNOS. mURIEL POmARES Tlf.: 959 659 046 Móvil: 686 979 790 Huelva

HACIENDA GRANADOS Tlf.: 818 4645864 rohen1948@gmail.com Estados Unidos HACIENDA SANTA CRUZ Tlf.: 502 24397043 haciendastcruz@gmail.com Guatemala HACIENDA SANTA LUCÍA Tlf.: (521) 9933590203 www.haciendasantalucia.net picojimenez@gmail.com México HAmPTON GREEN FARm Tlf.: +1 2318656000 klvankampen@aol.com Estados Unidos HDROS. FERNANDO BAONES GONZáLEZ Tlf.: 959 143 113 www.baones.net jenaroalgora@gmail.com Huelva HERCE GARCÍA, D. TEODORO Tlf.: 954 837 572 - 954 837 545 Móvil: 600 406 115 - 615 457 627 www.yeguadateodoroherce.com javiherce@yahoo.es Sevilla HERmANOS FAVIER Tlf.: +52 3336484500 ext. 101 y 102 www.ganaderiahermanosfavier.com jjfavier@grupofavier.com México

HNOS. TEJEDOR FERNáNDEZ Tlf.: 934 209 333 Móvil: 647 714 876 hnos.tejedor.fdez@hotmail.com Segovia HUERTO GAENA, S.A. Tlf.: 952 490 993 Málaga Tlf.: 955 957 211 Sevilla ganaderia@grupobadia.com ImmANUEL ANDALUSIANS Tlf.: +1 2622153764 immanuelandalusians@gmail.com Estados Unidos J. LLOP Tlf.: 649 444 290 jllop@new-farms.com Lérida J.S. HAmmERER Tlf.: +43 66488461043 simone.hammerer@gmail.com Málaga JOSé ANTONIO VARONA DE LA CUADRA, S.L. Tlf.: 679 400 198 www.yeguadajavarona.com info@yeguadajavarona.com Madrid

KILImANJARO RANCH Tlf.: +1 8183356318 www.kilimanjaroranch.com avi@kilimanjaroranch.com Estados Unidos LA CASA GRANDE ACEITE DE OLIVA Tlf.: 918 161 162 Móvil: 629 227 115 asuncion.fernandez@desguaceslatorre.es Madrid LA PLATA COmUNIDAD DE BIENES Tlf.: 954 687 088 elpinodesanjose@elpinodesanjose.com Sevilla LABOGAR, S.L. Tlf.: 932 801 963 labogar@labogar.com Barcelona LARROSA ABELLáN, D. JAVIER Tlf.: 966 611 021 Móvil: 678 777 550 www.spanishhorsesjl.com info@spanishhorsesjl.com Alicante LAS LOBERUELAS Tlf.: 954 932 992 Móvil: 699 452 488 mloh@madarias.com Sevilla LAS mORERÍAS Tlf.: +52 8181338500 www.lasmorerias.com.mx lasmorerias@yahoo.com.mx México LEÓN SOTO, D. CRISTÓBAL Tlf.: 659 339 231 cristoballeonsoto@hotmail.com Sevilla LÓPEZ GIBAJA, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 521 814 Móvil: 627 096 724 www.yeguadacartujana.com info@yeguadacartujana.com Madrid LÓPEZ méNDEZ, D. RAFAEL Tlf.: 959 126 272 Móvil: 689 641 761 jrafaellopezm@hotmail.com Huelva LÓPEZ PALOmO, D. VÍCTOR LUIS Tlf.: 958 257 741 Móvil: 667 582 157 victorll@ugr.es Granada mACHUCA SERRANO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 927 533 338 jmachuca@grupomacal.com Cáceres mALO GARCÍA, D. mIGUEL áNGEL Tlf.: 977 317 370 Tarragona mARÍA INéS Tlf.: 669 887 382 jesus@atienzaycliment.com Alicante mARqUéS DE LORENZANA Y HNOS. Tlf.: 924 531 425 - 924 530 387 jaraquemadaf@yahoo.es Badajoz

JOSé DE ORIOL GOVANTES E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 810 063 - 954 239 031 www.caballosoriol.com p.oriol@caballosoriol.com Sevilla

mARTÍ VERDIA, D. FRANCISCO Móvil: 629 177 296 www.pacomarti.com pacomarti@pacomarti.com Castellón

KARA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Tlf.: +46 767708708 colbrie@gmail.com Suecia

mARTÍN LORCA, D. JOSé LUIS Tlf.: 952 475 200 www.yeguadaindalo.com info@yeguadaindalo.com Málaga


list of ANCCE Breeders mARTÍNEZ BOLOIX ORTI, S.L. Tlf.: 952 406 723 Móvil: 608 841 031 www.boloixpre.com jlmobm1944@gmail.com Malaga

mORENO mORENO, D. FLORENCIO Tlf.: 957 770 073 – 607 504 714 florenciomoreno@confevap.es Córdoba

PéREZ mILLAN, D. JOSé ANTONIO Tlf.: 914 157 630 - 979 122 684 979 122 343 vegayares@hotmail.com Palencia

mARTÍNEZ RIVERO, D. JOSé mª Tlf.: 607 357 727 www.royalhipica.com info@royalhipica.com Cádiz

mORENO PUNCELL, Dª ISABEL Tlf.: 959 055 011 www.ganaderiaelobispo.com almensa@gmail.com Huelva

PINOS DE JUAICA Tlf.: 573 103278943 catalinaconvers@me.com Colombia

mARTÍNEZ SUAY, D. RAFAEL Móvil: 639 317 901 msuay@hotmail.com Valencia

mORERA VALLEJO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 367 512 - 954 367 525 grupomorerayvallejo@ grupomorerayvallejo.es Sevilla

mARTOS BERmÚDEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 280 374 Móvil: 608 655 456 – 600 586 870 yeguadamartosbermudez@hotmail.es Sevilla mATEU GIPPINI, DÑA. CONCHA Tlf.: 918 908 254 – 918 988 506 Móvil: 667 490 624 www.yeguadaconchaymar.es concha@yeguadaconchaymar.es Madrid mAURI mORENO, D. ANTONIO Móvil: 607 949 419 mariomaurilamadrid@gmail.com Sevilla mESA mORENO, D. JESÚS Tlf: 679 720 088 Móvil: 620 832 787 www.ganaderiamesa.jimbo.com ganaderiamesa@gmail.com Sevilla mEZA LOBO, D. mANUEL Tlf.: +506 88217771 mmeza@extralum.co.cr Costa Rica mIGUEL A. DE CáRDENAS, S.L. Tlf.: 954 831 062 www.caballoscardenas.com cardenas@telefonica.net Sevilla mIURA mARTÍNEZ, D. EDUARDO Y D. ANTONIO Finca: 955 953 836 Oficina: 954 614 246 zahariche1@yahoo.es Sevilla mOLL GONZáLEZ, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +502 2331 8331 www.rmbaluartepre.com rmoll@rmbaluartepre.com info@rmbaluartepre.com Guatemala

mUÑOZ CAÑAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 339 233 Móvil: 659 816 113 Córdoba NADIA LISTER Tlf.: +44 1372361501 lusolush@hotmail.com Reino Unido NADINE LADEWIG HOF SALZBERG Tlf.: +49 1708686618 – +49 2662947922 n_ladewig@t-online.de Alemania NAOmI VANCE-WEBB Tlf.: +44 7710815221 – +44 1293871575 www.naomivancewebb.com naomivancewebb@hotmail.com Reino Unido NImO mALDONADO, D. JOSé RAmÓN ramon.nimo@nigoauto.com Sevilla NOBLEZA DEL GUADIANA, S.L Tlf.: 609 439 301 noblezadelguadiana@arrakis.es Badajoz ORIENTALIA HISPANA, S.L. Móvil: 676 977 645 www.ganaderiaoh.com admonoh@hotmail.com Valencia PALLARéS Tlf.: 954 271 985 Sevilla

mONTE LA ERmITA Tlf.: 916 307 301 montelaermita2013@gmail.com Madrid

PARRA mONTERREY, Dª ISABEL Tlf.: 924 371 080 Móvil: 657 981 529 Badajoz

mORAL ARANDA, D. FERNANDO Tlf.: 958 255 954 - 958 267 106 fernando@moralabogados.com Granada

PAU, KARINA Tlf.: 670 845 542 - 629 494 987 paupaupaugib@hotmail.com Cádiz

mORATO COSTA, D. JUAN Tlf.: 938 459 015 morato.joan@terra.es Barcelona

PEÑA GUTIéRREZ, D. FELIPE Y HDROS. PEÑA DÍAZ Tlf.: 954 775 587 Móvil: 629 747 778 www.ganaderiapc.com manuelpena@ganaderiapc.com Sevilla

mORENO GARCÍA, D. JAImE Tlf.: 918 907 915 Móvil: 676 474 083 www.losarcospre.com jmoreno@losarcospre.com Madrid mORENO mIURA, S.C. Finca: 957 338 290 Móvil: 679 572 911 Oficina: 954 658 914 Móvil: 646 480 010 www.cochero.es jmmiura@hotmail.com Sevilla


mOYA ALmENDRAL, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 955 682 222 Móvil: 633 865 913 moyaalmendral@gmail.com Sevilla

PEÑA GUTIéRREZ, D. mANUEL E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 770 153 - 954 773 609 administración@grupohpo.es Sevilla PéREZ LÓPEZ, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 222 167 Sevilla

PLACERES RANCH Tlf: +1 7143090232 Móvil: 669995760 carlosroncesm@gmail.com Estados Unidos PRE CABALLOS Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia PRE-GESTÜT BEL AIR Tlf.: +49 81939986871 Móvil: +49 1711986377 www.meine-spanischen-pferde.de christina.pre@web.de Alemania PREmIER PRE Tlf.: +44 1869340770 Móvil: +44 7802690577 www.premierpre.com dressage@premierpre.com Reino Unido RAmÓN JIméNEZ DÍAZ (YEGUADA LA CIERVINA) Tlf.: 927 231 997 Móvil: 689 020 709 www.laciervina.com yeguadalaciervina@gmail.com Cáceres RANCHO EL CID CAmPEADOR Tlf.: +55 55248805 carinamartinez@afasa.com.mx México RANCHO EL ENCANTO Tlf.: +1 8317869250 www.ranchoelencanto.com ranchoelencanto09@yahoo.com Estados Unidos RANCHO INCANSABLE Tlf.: +1 4089216475 marysollujano@ymail.com Estados Unidos RANCHO LA ESCONDIDA Tlf.: 505 88820882 Nicaragua RANCHO LA STELLA Tlf.: +52 1333170725 ealvarez@pisa.com.mx México RANCHO LOS ENCINOS Tlf.: 341 11585876 losencinospre@hotmail.com México RANCHO LOS HERNáNDEZ Tlf.: +1 650 9967752 - +1 323 3865879 ehbb11@att.net Estados Unidos RANCHO SEÑORA FINA Tlf.: 660 222 708 amador_rodriguezlozano@yahoo.com Málaga REYES SEDA, D. FELICIANO Tlf.: 924 315 560 Móvil: 670 974 034 frspuentecaida@gmail.com Cáceres

ROBLES SALGUERO, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 959 248 048 Móvil: 659 758 944 www.yeguadafranciscorobles.com yeguadafranciscorobles@hotmail.com Huelva RODRÍGUEZ-PINA CRUZ, D. J. DE DIOS Tlf.: 916 611 693 Móvil: 619 275 121 senoriojpina@htomail.com Madrid ROGER mALFAGÓN, D. LUIS mIGUEL Móvil: 629 349 791 luismiguelrogermalfagon92@gmail.com Valencia ROJAS PALATÍN, D. JOSé mª Tlf.: 955 760 342 Móvil: 670 666 836 Sevilla ROJO RUIZ DE TERRY, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 631 260 - 954 720 791 jacoborojo@gmail.com Sevilla ROmERA FERRER, D. mIGUEL FRANCISCO Móvil: 670 550 099 ana@invernaderosferrer.com Almería ROSA mARRERO, D. JUAN FRANCISCO Tlf.: 928 816 000 – 928 836 841 Móvil: 606 503 613 cmoral@gruporosa.com Canarias RUIZ mARTÍN, D. mANUEL Tlf.: 955 945 889 Móvil: 655 853 064 facebook.com/ganaderiamanuelruiz ganaderiamanuelruiz@gmail.com Sevilla SALGUERO PéREZ, D. mANUEL Tlf.: 956 564 035 Móvil: 619 035 662 proyectos@mantdesur.com Cádiz SAN ROmáN mORáN, Dª ALmUDENA Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 636 976 655 sanromanalmudena@yahoo.es Madrid SAN ROmáN mORáN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 363 800 - Móvil: 669 737 095 pilarmorato@sanedi.com Madrid SáNCHEZ BARBUDO mARTÍN, D. SALVADOR Finca: 955 898 265 Móvil: 670 303 040 s.sanchezbarbudo@hotmail.com Sevilla SáNCHEZ BEDOYA Y FERNáNDEZ mENSAqUE, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 230 279 Sevilla SEÑORÍO mONTES DEL PARDO Tlf.: 917 350 059 Móvil: 609 207 309 alamedadelpardo2004@yahoo.es Madrid S’HORT PETIT Tlf.: 620 943 344 Móvil: 616 664 619 info@tabernadelaboveda.com Baleares SIERRA BARÓN, D. ASIER Tlf.: 946 104 850 Móvil: 686 413 800 - 630 099 274 www.yeguadalallana.com informacion@yeguadalallana.com Bizkaia SOLERA BRAVO, S.L. Tlf.: 609 207 218 solerabravo@gmail.com Badajoz

SUmERU 2001, S.L. Tlf.: 913 601 440 Madrid

YEGUADA ALBERTO BOYA Tlf.: 973 648 730 aboya@supermercadoboya.com Lérida

TIRADO BUZÓN, D. mANUEL Móvil: 655163705 tiradobuzon.manuel@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA ALBERTO SCHUTTE Tlf.: +52 9988922429 aschutte@passionpre.com México

TORREÓN DE ARmENTEROS Tlf.: 944 422 990 sandamendi@sandamendi.es Bilbao

YEGUADA ALBORáN Tlf.: 627 507 293 www.yeguadaalboran.com pre@yeguadaalboran.com Córdoba

TORRICO FERNáNDEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 960 424 grupotorrico@gmail.com Cádiz URqUIJO Y NOVALES, HROS. D. JUAN mANUEL, CONDE DE ODIEL Tlfs.: 955 898 177 – 606 412 574 www.sanjuandelhornillo.com p.escudero@sanjuandelhornillo.com Sevilla VALDEJARA JL Tlf.: 954 212 242 ramonvalencia@dogma-abogados.es Sevilla VALENZUELA RUIZ, D. GONZALO Tlf.: 957 520 558 Móvil: 659 550 102 gonzalovalen@hotmail.es Córdoba VARA mUÑOZ-CASILLAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 924 232 181 Móvil: 608 922 278 fernandovaramc@gmail.com Badajoz VILLANUEVA DACASA Tlf.: 981 516 040 villanueva_miguel@hotmail.com La Coruña

YEGUADA ALCAÑICES Tlf.: 916 500 125 - 916 521 005 Móvil: 609 385 602 antonioparamoaguado@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA ALEGRÍA Tlf.: +32 477427645 – +32 492736898 www.pure-race-espagnole.be contact@pre-race-espagnole.be Bélgica YEGUADA ALHAmILLA Móvil: 609 034 273 www.yeguadaalhamilla.com yeguadaalhamilla@hotmail.es Almería YEGUADA ALICIA mEDINA. CONDESA DE BARDEAU Tlf.: 922 031 416 Móvil: 647 170 029 aliciamedina29@gmail.com Canarias YEGUADA ANA mARÍA BOHORqUEZ ESCRIBANO Tlf.: 956 348 517 - 956 347 947 956 340 230 info@angustiasysol.com Cádiz

VILLENEUVE ANDALUSIANS Tlf.: +33 549875049 www.villeneuve-andalusians.com info@villeneuve-andalusians.com Francia

YEGUADA áNGEL CANTOS Tlf.: 967 440 712 – Móvil: 609 048 146 dptoexterior@pinturas-macy.com Albacete

WARBURG, DÑA. ALEXA ISABEL Tlf.: 956 237 330 Móvil: 670 747 766 - 607 558 420 ymbro@yahoo.es Cádiz

YEGUADA ANGUAS mEDINA Tlf.: 954 750 658 Móvil 635 428 485 - 605 807 367 www.anguasmedina.com anguasmedina@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA A FERRIOL Tlf.: 971 756 657 Móvil: 616 486 060 www.yeguadaferriol.com tallerferriol@gmail.com Baleares

YEGUADA ANTONIO mORETA Tlf.: 916 125 130 Móvil: 608 804 208 www.yeguadaantoniomoreta.es smoreta@yeguadaantoniomoreta.es Madrid

YEGUADA AC Tlf.: +502 24203900- +502 24203906 javierarzu@grupoac.net.gt Guatemala

YEGUADA AqUILINO FRAILE Oficina: 954 663 649 Móvil: 699 066 838 Finca: 954 747 355 www.yeguadaaquilinofraile.com correo@ganaderiaaquilinofraile.com Sevilla

YEGUADA ACOSTA PONCE Tlf.: 959 381 250 Móvil: 606 384 000 jacosta@trconstruya.es Huelva YEGUADA AImARáN Tlf.: 669 937 061 - 609 985 720 www.yeguadaaimaran.com aimaran@yeguadaaimaran.com Málaga YEGUADA ALADRO Tlf.: 676 435 646 yeguadaaladro@gmail.com Asturias YEGUADA ALARCÓN Tlf.: 954 708 480 Sevilla

YEGUADA AqUILINO mOYA Móvil: 696 654 764 www.yeguadaaquilinomoya.com yeguadaaquilinomoya@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ARAUZO Tlf.: 923 541 350 Móvil: 607 700 661 mariarelea@dataius.com Salamanca YEGUADA ARDITE Tlf.: 952 823 085 Móvil: 629 686 968 www.yeguadaardite.com yeguadaardite@gmail.com Málaga


list of ANCCE Breeders YEGUADA ARROYOmONTE Tlf.: 653 812 306 www.yeguadarroyomonte.com fs@yeguadarroyomonte.com Ávila YEGUADA ARTURO FERNáNDEZ DE LA VEGA Móvil: 619 005 449 fdezdelavega@hotmail.com Lugo YEGUADA áVILA CASTELLANO Móvil: 617 374 252 ejavila4@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA AYALA Tlf.: 955 811 626 Móvil: 619 022 439 www.yeguadaayala.net yeguadaayala@gmail.com info@guarnicioneriaayala.es Sevilla YEGUADA BAÑEZ mINGUET Tlf.: 680 456 479 www.yeguadabanezminguet.es juanantonio@yeguadabanezminguet.es Castellón YEGUADA BATáN, S.C Tlf.: 525 5520266120 robertogarcia@ggyb.mx México YEGUADA BAUTISTA VICH, S.L Tlfs.: 971 295 808 – 600 423 749 www.bautistavichstud.com guillermo@grupobautista.es Baleares

YEGUADA COLONIAS DE PESqUERIL Tlf.: 627 940 500 lascoloniasdepesqueril@yahoo.es Sevilla

YEGUADA CAN mAYNOU Móvil: 622 338 082 - 664 890 050 635 576 826 www.yeguadacanmaynou.com info@yeguadacanmaynou.com Barcelona

YEGUADA CONDE DE UZAN Tlfs.: 948 850 408 – 646 987 601 www.yeguadacondedeuzan.com condedeuzan@gmail.com Navarra

YEGUADA CANDAU Móvil: 655 572 043 www.yeguadacandau.com candau@yeguadacandau.com Sevilla YEGUADA CANDIOTA Tlf.: 609 551 001 www.yeguadacandiota.com contacto@yeguadacandiota.com YEGUADA CAPITáN Tlf.: 955 814 175 Móvil: 690 846 588 maycagomez@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA CARLOS GALDON Móvil: 619 680 087 www.btor.es cgaldon@avanzalia.es Toledo YEGUADA CARRIÓN Tlf.: 954 225 705 Móvil: 609 127 069 Finca: 955 950 675 www.caballoscartujanos.com luiscarrion@financa.es Sevilla

YEGUADA CORIS Tlf.: +506 22716071 Móvil: +506 83569297 www.yeguadacoris.com mbc@urbanizadorasiglo21.com mbc@yeguadacoris.com Costa Rica YEGUADA CORONINAS Tlf.: 952 802 075 Móvil: 619 464 515 www.coroninas.com coroninas@coroninas.com Málaga YEGUADA CUENCA DELGADO Tlf.: 953 220 316 Móvil: 609 508 660 odiwan4@hotmail.com Jaén YEGUADA DE AZORES Tlf.: 957 541 100 - 957 542 207 yeguadaazores@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA DE LA CARTUJA HIERRO DEL BOCADO Tlf.: 956 162 809 secretaria@expasa.es Cadiz

YEGUADA CARTHAGO Tlf.: 968 330 320 Móvil: 629 641 644 - 606 131 538 www.yeguadacarthago.com Info@yeguadacarthago.com Murcia

YEGUADA DE LA ESPIRAL ESTIRPE CARTUJANA Tlf.: 954 923 005 Móvil: 657 995 739 www.cartujanosdelaespiral.com comercial@cartujanosdelaespiral.com Sevilla

YEGUADA CASA ROmEO Tlf.: 608 585 948 jlamas@mundo-r.com La Coruña

YEGUADA DE LA LOmA DE ÚBEDA Tlf.: 953 757 148 - 953 127 035 aracreli@hotmail.com Jaen

YEGUADA CASTANOBLE, S.A. Tlf.: +502 22307021 ycastanoble@itelgua.com Guatemala

YEGUADA DE mIGUEL CARRIÓN Tlf.: 639 107 403 i_demiguel@inmonta.com Toledo

YEGUADA BOHEmIA Tlf.: +502 57046895 – +502 23343078 gonzalezasturias@gmail.com Guatemala

YEGUADA CASTELNOVO Tlf.: 924 856 096 atanasio@tany.es Badajoz

YEGUADA BROCPYmE, S.L. Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA CAVALREAL Tlf.: 616 927 407 www.cavalreal.com mail@cavalreal.com Barcelona

YEGUADA DE NAVARRO Tlf.: 967 396 483 Móvil: 649 488 238 – 649 488 496 yeguadanavarro@outlook.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA CABALLO NEGRO Tlf.: 956 796 231 Móvil: 607 572 940 clifford.pilcher@pascoe.gi Cádiz

YEGUADA CAZA JUAN Tlf.: 954 268 348 Móvil: 620 268 222 cazajuan@cazajuan.com Sevilla

YEGUADA CAmACHO FALCÓN Móvil: 678 151 587 Sevilla

YEGUADA CEBRIAN P.R.E. Tlf.: 950 335 360 Móvil: 615 092 533 www.yeguadacebrian.com suministroscebrian@gmail.com Almería

YEGUADA BERENGUER Tlf.: 966 781 621 mariaberenguer29@hotmail.com Alicante YEGUADA BERGANTÍN Móvil: 687 502 231 www.yeguadabergantin.com info@yeguadabergantin.com Badajoz YEGUADA BIONEST Tlf.: 959 450 656 Móvil: 670 611 982 www.bionest.es juan@bionest.es Huelva

YEGUADA CAmPO BAJO Tlf.: 957 488 417 - Finca: 957 350 206 Móvil: 639 737 030 - 619 477 074 www.yeguadacampobajojem.com blancarogui@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA CAN ALZINA Tlf.: 609 754 905 www.barcelona-horses.com agustielias13@me.com Barcelona


YEGUADA CAN BOADA Tlf.: 659 131 546 yeguada@canboada.com Gerona

YEGUADA CHANDO Móvil: 659071846 – 630712552 www.yeguadachando.com yeguadachando@hotmail.com Alicante YEGUADA CLAUDIO POT Tlf.: 972450880 Móvil: 610414712 www.yeguadaclaudiopot.com claudiopot@terra.com Gerona

YEGUADA DE YmAS Tlf.: 914 119 203 Móvil: 667 599 535 www.sandaraca.es ymas@sandaraca.es Madrid YEGUADA DEHESA EL HERRERO Tlf.: 954 631 273 - 954 630 488 diresur2000@yahoo.es Sevilla YEGUADA DEL ARA Tlf.: 696 942 354 www.yeguadadelara.com info@yeguadadelara.com Badajoz YEGUADA DEL CARmEN Tlfs.: 651 060 729 – 616 019 144ricardojinete@hotmail.es Sevilla YEGUADA DEL CUERO Tlf.: +43 6645021149 www.purarazaespanola.at claudia.wimberger@horseandhuman.at Austria

YEGUADA DEL HIERRO DE LA mAGDALENA Tlf.: 983 837 355 Móvil: 629 419 279 www.cartujanos.net cartujanos@cartujanos.net santiago@casado.es Valladolid YEGUADA DEL HIERRO DEL áNGEL Tlf.: 938 444 051 Móvil: 639 391 313 www.hierrodelangel.com info@hierrodelangel.com Barcelona YEGUADA DEL ODIEL Tlf.: 677 131 013 yeguadadelodiel@hotmail.com Huelva YEGUADA DEL RÍO Móvil: 671 453 424 www.yeguadadelrio.com layeguadadelrio@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA DES OmS Tlf.: 630 431 122 miguel.obrador@ssib.es Baleares

YEGUADA EL CISNE Tlf.: 957 370 917 Móvil: 629 723 031 www.yeguadaelcisne.com yeguadaelcisne@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA EL CORVEJON Tlf.: +503 71605943 gerardo.caceres@puntual.com.sv El Salvador YEGUADA EL CHOPO Móvil: 630 933 149 yeguadaelchopo@yahoo.es Ávila YEGUADA EL DIABOLO Tlf.: 666 566 214 - 667 647 446 www.yeguadaeldiabolo.es yeguadaeldiabolo@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA EL EUCALIPTO Tlf.: 687 751 389 Oficina: 916 398 357 www.yeguadaeleucalipto.com jiglesias@cinesladehesa.es Madrid

YEGUADA EL YUNqUE Tlf.: 954 277 233 yeguadaelyunque@telefonica.net Sevilla YEGUADA EqUUS CONSULTING Tlf.: 959 244 072 Móvil: 633 648 707 - 620 348 860 www.equusconsulting.com equusconsulting@hotmail.com Huelva YEGUADA ERmITA SAN BERNARDO Tlf.: 629 232 391 www.yeguadasanbernardo.com albinana.javier@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA ESTRELLA JJRR Tlf.: +57 3214534564 yeguadaestrella@gmail.com Colombia YEGUADA EUSEBIO CANO Tlf.: 971 420 217 Móvil: 660 110 065 jlsalar@hotmail.es Baleares

YEGUADA EL GARABATO Móvil: 637 581 538 perfil@grupocrisol.com Córdoba

YEGUADA F2 Tlf.: 954 424 300 Móvil: 649 450 961 yeguadaf2@letteranet.com Sevilla

YEGUADA EL HIERRO INDIVISO Tlf.: 687 338 741 www.elindiviso.com didier@elindiviso.com Cádiz

YEGUADA FAmILIA 5J máRqUEZ Tlf.: 959 371 211 Móvil: 680 401 559 www.familia5jmarquez.com javier5j@yahoo.es Huelva

YEGUADA DIEZ Tlf.: + 502 56961446 luisaguirre1@hotmail.com Guatemala

YEGUADA EL HINOJAL Tlf.: 916 640 213 Móvil: 616 999 082 - 638 169 128 www.yeguadahinojal.es isaac@exalin.es - ifp@exalin.es Cáceres

YEGUADA FARRIOLS Tlf.: 937 970 516 Móvil: 654 357 384 www.yeguadafarriols.com yeguadafarriols@gmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA DImOBA Tlf.: 950 252 577 Móvil: 607 906 556 www.yeguadadimoba.com yeguada@dimoba.com Almería

YEGUADA EL mOLINILLO Tlf.: 619 072 138 www.yeguadaelmolinillo.com info@yeguadaelmolinillo.com Málaga

YEGUADA DON LUIS GONZáLEZ DÍEZ Tlf.:+52 5552496007 jacqueline.amezcua@grupogondi.com México

YEGUADA EL mORALEJO Tlf.: 609 222 345 - 629 624 012 www.yeguadaelmoralejo.com concha@congesaconsulting.com Albacete

YEGUADA FERNáNDEZ DE LA VEGA (AGROPECUARIA ESPERANZA, S.L.) Tlf.: 617 354 164 www.fernandezdelavega.com virgilio@yeguadafernandezdelavega.com Toledo

YEGUADA EL PRINCIPADO ESPAÑA Móvil: 660 019 111 – 630 933 450 direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz

YEGUADA FERNáNDEZ - ORDáS Tlf.: 954 770 153 sevilla@esmosa.es Sevilla

YEGUADA EL ROmERITO Tlf.: 952 363 548 Móvil: 618 748 527 pedroaranda00@gmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA FERRERO, S.L. Tlf.: 971 452 828 - 971 453 232 info@yeguadaferrero.com Baleares

YEGUADA EL SOL Tlf.: 957 33 1342 Móvil: 696 987 738 – 628 461 721 www.yeguadaelsol.com yeguadaelsol@yahoo.es Córdoba

YEGUADA FERRI Tlf.: 647 352 626 ferritwsa@gmail.com Toledo

YEGUADA DÍAZ SOLÍS Tlf.: 670 607 030 jdiaz@yeguadadiazsolis.com jdiaz@guadalmaquina.com Sevilla YEGUADA DICAR Tlf.: 696 461 035 rafaelcodina@orangemail.es Barcelona

YEGUADA DON THOmAS Tlf.: +209 4800174 dffcheese@aol.com Nicaragua YEGUADA DUqUE DEL INFANTADO Tlf.: 957 330 069 Móvil: 628 124 233 – 608 817 609 diego.obrero@hacienda-ribera.com Córdoba YEGUADA EL ALADROqUE Tlf.: 918 034 810 Móvil: 610 314 471 www.yeguadaelaladroque.com merypradera@yahoo.es Madrid YEGUADA EL ALAmILLO Tlf.: 917 021 720 www.yeguadaelalamillo.com info@elalamillo.com Madrid YEGUADA EL ALLOZAR Tlf.: 914 100 020 - 914 100 025 Móvil: 926 695 024 manolomoreno@pasteleria-mallorca.com Madrid YEGUADA EL CARmEN Tlf.: 607 719 968 yeguadaelcarmen@hotmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA EL TOmILLAR Tlf.: 914 588 054 - 917 591 420 grupomartinmar@ grupomartinmar.e.telefonica.net Madrid YEGUADA EL TREmEDAL Tlf.: 954 283 385 marianosantos@telefonica.net Sevilla YEGUADA EL VARÓN Tlf.: 607 830 576 Ciudad Real

YEGUADA FELIPE GARROCHO Tlf.: 955 957 324 - 955 957 194 955 853 211 Móvil: 610 780 657 agarabito@productosajf.es Sevilla

YEGUADA FRANCISCO CARRERA Tlf.: 981 675 490 Móvil: 639 130 580 francisco@automovilescarrera.com La Coruña YEGUADA FRANCISCO TRIVIÑO Tlf.: +41 0218073906 Móvil: +41 0218073267 francisco.trivino@trivino.ch Suiza YEGUADA FUENTE EL SOL Tlf.: 914 310 913 - 924 700 033 agropasa@agropasa.com Madrid


list of ANCCE Breeders YEGUADA FUENTES Tlf.: +33 466816261 Móvil: +33 611775835 www.yeguadafuentes.com fuentes@cheval-espagnol.com Francia

YEGUADA HERmANOS JURADO LENA Tlf.: 924 237 188 Móvil: 630 037 610 – 607 266 232 www.yeguadajuradolena.com carlosjurado@icaba.com Badajoz

YEGUADA GALA Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA HERmANOS mOLERO mALO Tlf.: 977 320 948 Móvil: 680 422 844 www.yeguadamoleromalo.es samuelmolero@gmail.com Tarragona

YEGUADA GARCÍA BRIÑÓN, S.L. Tlf.: 615 211 748 Salamanca

YEGUADA HERmANOS ROmANOS Tlf.: 976 464 125 Móvil: 669 437 097 www.gruporomanos.com miguelangel@gruporomanos.com Zaragoza

YEGUADA GARCÍA FERRERO Tlf.: 954 181 413 Móvil: 679 981 920 www.yeguadagf.com jlgarciavargas@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA GARCÍA mORILLA Tlf: 952 703 242 Móvil: 610 456 202 info@yeguadaGarciamorilla.com Málaga YEGUADA GARROTALES SAN FCO., S.A. Tlf.: 955 746 533 Móvil: 649 929 284 garrotalessanfrancisco@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA GERmAN GILETE SANTANO Tlf.: 924 321 979 Móvil: 629 772 369 - 659 447 797 www.yeguadagilete.es angelgilete@hotmail.com Badajoz

YEGUADA HIERRO DEL CIELO Tlf.: +57 44037000 – +57 43521026 Móvil: +57 3117621036 yeguadahierrodelcielo@gmail.com Colombia YEGUADA HIGUERA Tlf.: 957 435 062 Móvil: 667 664 663 vhiguera@hotmail.es Córdoba YEGUADA HISPANO SUIZA PRE, S.L. Móvil: +41 792314021 – +41 796603020 daniela.willy@dwilly.ch Alicante

YEGUADA G-m Tlf.: 976 511 006 Móvil: 655 236 598 yeguadagm@hotmail.com Zaragoza

YEGUADA HNOS. ARANDA TEJERIZO Tlf.: 955 881 604 Móvil: 679 106 077 arandacabrera.m@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA GONZáLEZ SáNCHEZ Tlf.: +52 56166984/ 85 +52 15559664429 victor@godep.net México

YEGUADA HNOS. CARDIEL SANCHO Tlf.: 616 482 027 ccardiel@macarsan.com Zaragoza

YEGUADA GREDOS Móvil: 629113165 www.yeguadagredos.com yeguadagredos@grupofogesa.com Madrid YEGUADA GUERRERO Tlf.: 956 702 896 Móvil: 607 442 419 www.yeguadaguerrero.com franciscoguerrero@tecnicageneral.com Cádiz YEGUADA HACIENDA EL mOLINO Tlf.: 955 871 192 Móvil: 676 460 478 blas@asesoriafrutos.com Sevilla YEGUADA HACIENDA mARÍA Tlf.: 959 369 191 Móvil: 659 466 304 www.yeguadahaciendaMaria.com info@yeguadahaciendaMaria.com Huelva YEGUADA HAUS DOHR Tlf.: +49 24611323 Móvil:+49 1701661643 klaus.scharmer@t-online.de Alemania YEGUADA HERmANOS BERNAL GODOY Tlf.: 924 580 081 Móvil: 615 178 156 fcobernalfonseca@yahoo.es Badajoz YEGUADA HERmANOS GARCÍA-FILOSO, C.B. Tlf.: 967 143 698 Móvil: 657 872 855 pacofiloso8@hotmail.com Albacete


YEGUADA HERNáNDEZ GUTIéRREZ Móvil: 689 519 219 – 677 542 774 www.yeguadahernandezgutierrez.com yeguadahergu@hotmail.com Cáceres

YEGUADA HNOS. GUTIERREZ DELGADO Tlf.: 954 830 945 gudel2005@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA HNOS. JImENéZ BURGOS Tlf.: 667 615 440 www.yeguadajimenezburgos.com yeguada@yeguadajimenezburgos.com Sevilla YEGUADA HNOS. RODRÍGUEZ ESCAÑO Tlf.: 954 751 336 Móvil: 669 360 103 - 669 360 104 balroe5@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA J.m. TRESSERRAS, S.L. Tlf.: 977 207 151 Móvil: 629 127 263 - 678 715 535 yeguada3r@gmail.com Tarragona YEGUADA JABALqUINTO Tlf.: 687 833 080 – 627 584 582 cinegeticajabalquinto@hotmail.com Jaén YEGUADA JARqUIN Tlf.: +505 22540993 – +505 88871806 jjarquin@cargotrans.com.ni Nicaragua YEGUADA JAVIER HERNáNDEZ Tlfs: 606 316 991 – 696 850 054 www.yeguadajavierhernandez.com info@yeguadajavierhernandez.com Zamora

YEGUADA JEREZ Tlf.: 915 771 193 Móvil: 607 842 311 yeguadajerez@yahoo.es Madrid YEGUADA JIméNEZ Tlf.: +1 626 7869475 www.ranchojimenez.com ranchojimenez@aol.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA JJ mONTES Tlf.: 968 481 767 Móvil: 696 917 257 www.yeguadajjmontes.com pedromontesabogado@gmail.com Murcia YEGUADA JOSé FRANCO SáNCHEZ Tlf.: 956 237 642 yeguadajosefrancosanchez@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA JOSé LUIS RODRÍGUEZ RAmÍREZ Móvil: 677 900 076 jlrodra@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA Jq Tlf.: 525 526230752 ojquintana@hielofiesta.com.mx México YEGUADA JT, S.L Tlf.: 911 020 010 secretaria@yeguadajt.es Madrid YEGUADA JUAN mARTOS Tlf.: 950 627 777 Móvil: 616 429 107 www.yeguadajuanmartos.com yeguadajuanmartos@gmail.com Almería YEGUADA JUAN VáZqUEZ Tlf.: 934 406 500 Móvil: 609 852 888 Barcelona YEGUADA LA AGUADA Tlf.: +574 5633590 mateolg@me.com mateo.lourido@grupodis.com Colombia YEGUADA LA ALDARA Tlf.: 935 601 358 - 637 242 489 www.caballosllargues.com caballos@llargues.info Sevilla YEGUADA LA ALHAmBRA Tlf.: 653 044 044 montsefernandez29@hotmail.com Barcelona YEGUADA LA B Tlf.: 619 783 825 www.yeguadalab.com j.burgos@inkema.com Barcelona YEGUADA LA CONqUISTA Tlf.: 403 8635802 lburciaga@hotmail.com Canadá YEGUADA LA DEVESA Tlf.: 932 152 113 Barcelona Tlf.: 977 830 162 Tarragona www.yeguadaladevesa.com rafeldomenech1@gmail.com YEGUADA LA ESPADA Tlf.: 670 662 888 mima1266@hotmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA LAS CADENAS Tlfs.: 918 857 093 – 659 433 526 www.hipicalascadenas.com yeguada@hipicalascadenas.com Madrid

YEGUADA LOS CASTAÑONES Tlf.: 917 770 866 Móvil: 639 156 700 ww.yeguadaloscastanones.com castanones@yeguadaloscastanones.com Madrid

YEGUADA LAS ESPADAS Móvil: 639 126 568 meyme24@gmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA LOS CHOPOS Tlf.: 686 928 879 lolomrn@hotmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA LAS LUNAS Tlf.: 938 480 403 cfiameni@hipicacanvila.com Barcelona

YEGUADA LOS CIERVOS Tlf.: 915 422 005 luisafernandez@industrializacion.es Madrid

YEGUADA LAS NEGRILLAS Tlf.: 914 264 230 www.yeguadalasnegrillas.com martin.marcos@adendia.com Madrid

YEGUADA LOS CORRALES Tlf.: 926 690 323 Móvil: 619 303 516 www.yeguadaloscorrales.com yeguadaloscorrales@gmail.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA LAS TIJERAS Tlf.: 938 714 638 Móvil: 629 336 565 sergia.valls@gmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA LOS DUEÑAS Tlf.: +1 509 8404310 rancholosduenas@live.com Estados Unidos

YEGUADA LAS YEGUAS DEL CARACOL Tlf.: 926 544 948 Móvil: 609 126 584 jesuscaballero25@hotmail.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA LOS OLIVOS Tlf.: 971 317 318 - 971 317 365 yeguadalosolivosibiza@gmail.com Baleares

YEGUADA LA POSADA Tlf.: 609 139 754 yeguadalaposada@hotmail.com Valladolid

YEGUADA LAURUS NOBILIS Móvil: 609148613 gonzalo@insesa.es Cuenca

YEGUADA LA qUERENCIA Tlf.: +57 3104240789 jaramillo@inverjota.com Colombia

YEGUADA LAYOS Tlf.: 918 419 032 juan.layos@gmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA LOS POZOS Tlf.: 956 730 468 www.yeguadalospozos.com ahd@yeguadalospozos.com Cádiz

YEGUADA LA TRINIDAD miguelderojas@yahoo.es Sevilla

YEGUADA LERmA Tlf.: 955 843 546 - Móvil: 606 316 900 joseluis@yeguadalerma.com Sevilla

YEGUADA LA GALLARDA Tlf.: 956 362 989 salvadormartinez@canoncadiz.com Cádiz YEGUADA LA LIRA Y LA W, S.L. Tlf.: 917 267 202 Móvil: w630 987 555 eg@lirayw.com Madrid YEGUADA LA mONTARAZA, S.L Móvil: 651 548 813 www.yeguadalamontaraza.com info@yeguadalamontaraza.com Burgos YEGUADA LA NOSTRE LLAR Tlf.: 937 776 712 info@fruitesbaixllobregat.com Barcelona YEGUADA LA PARRITA Móvil: 616895983 germanramos60@yahoo.es Canarias YEGUADA LA PESqUERA Tlfs.: 952 764 174 - 639 202 099 www.yeguadalapesquera.com comercialmarbella@lapesquera.com Málaga

YEGUADA LA TROYETA Tlf.: 629 505 656 www.yeguadalatroyeta.es info@yeguadalatroyeta.es Alicante YEGUADA LA VIGÍA Tlf.: 913 082 744 mail@la-vigia.com Madrid YEGUADA LA YEDRA Tlf.: 952 815 455 Móvil: 696 949 420 www.yeguadalayedra.com noramarbella@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA LAGAR VIEJO Tlfs.: 616 901 172 – 608 252 862 www.yeguadalagarviejo.com farmacia289@cofcordoba.com Sevilla YEGUADA LAGO Tlfs: 01 935891230 – 07585118161 yeguadalago@yahoo.com Reino Unido YEGUADA LAS ARENAS Tlfs.: 616 901 172 – 608 252 862 www.yeguadalasarenas.com info@yeguadalasarenas.com Sevilla YEGUADA LAS AVES Tlf.: +57 43265847 manuel.mejia@corbeta.com.co Colombia YEGUADA LAS CABECERAS Tlfs.: 926 251 718 – 626 377 220 d.perezabogado@hotmail.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA LEZAmA LEGUIZAmÓN Tlf.: 952 885 856 Móvil: 630 986 055 yeguadalezama@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA LLORENTE Tlf.: 639 168 882 - 666 471 585 www.yeguadallorente.com pedrollorente@binkal.com carlosllorenteperez5@gmail.com Segovia YEGUADA LÓPEZ DE HARO Tlf.: +1 8095350900 jrodriguez@blh.com.do República Dominicana YEGUADA LÓPEZ-ROSADO, S.L Tlf.: 925 382 222 – Móvil: 626 491 086 www.yeguadalopez-rosado.com yeguadalopezrosadopre@gmail.com Toledo YEGUADA LOS ALCORES Tlf.: 983 352 241 Móvil: 669 785 915 isagma2@hotmail.com Valladolid YEGUADA LOS ALGARVES Tlf.: 677 289 929 jrbs1978@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA LOS AmADORES Móvil: 659 223 088 www.yeguadalosamadores.com info@yeguadalosamadores.com Madrid YEGUADA LOS CAIRELES Tlf.: 619 113 190 f.guillen@jghlogistica.es Murcia

YEGUADA LOVERA Móvil: 678 428 469 - 670 604 727 enrique@yeguadalovera.net Córdoba YEGUADA LUCÍA LOVERA GARCÍA Tlf.: 957 474129 Móvil: 687 835019 - 687 835020 eborrajop@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA mADRE Tlf.: 676 456 639 velohe25@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA mAIPE Tlf.: 968 526 640 www.yeguada-maipe.com info@yeguada-maipe.com Murcia YEGUADA mAJALOBA Tlf.: +505 22760331 Móvil: +505 86707304 ismael@ibw.com.ni Nicaragua YEGUADA mANUEL mARTÍNEZ ESP Tlf.: 651 060 729 ricardojinete@hotmail.es Sevilla YEGUADA mARIANO mORENO INIESTA Tlf.: 667 568 239 morenolazarodavid7@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA mARÍN GARCÍA Tlf.: 959 251 830 Móvil: 617 391 664 670 978 248 - 607 950 663 www.yeguadamaringarcia.com diegomafi@hotmail.com info@yeguadamaringarcia.com Huelva YEGUADA mARTET Tlf.: 971 838 377 construccionsmartet@ construccionsmartet.com Mallorca


list of ANCCE Breeders YEGUADA mAS D´EN CISA Tlf.: 937 261 530 Móvil: 619 777 909 permanyer@trovels.com Barcelona

YEGUADA mORáN, S.L. Tlf.: 938 405 195 Móvil: 696 957 347 gestion.admon@grupouni.com Barcelona

YEGUADA PILAR REYES Tlf.: 956 708 422 Móvil: 669 118 663 yeguadadereyes@hotmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA mAS PELAT Tlf.: 629 253 370 yeguadamaspelat@hotmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA mUELA AYALA Tlf.: 926 359 109 Móvil: 646 978 969 info@fincalacuesta.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA mENDOZA CADEmA Móvil: 629 803 434 www.yeguadamendoza.es nmendozaf@cadema.es Madrid

YEGUADA NADALES Tlf.: 952 625 303 Móvil:617 392 593 yeguadanadales@gmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA PINILLA-GÓmEZ Tlf.: 925 370 603 – 925 370 224 Móvil: 670 784 883 www.montescartujanos.com rupigo@pivellon.com Toledo

YEGUADA mIGUEL áNGEL FéLIX Tlf.: 687 570 207 grupo.mafelix@gmail.com Huelva YEGUADA mIGUEL NÚÑEZ DÍAZ Tlf.: +1 714 4460196 - +1 714 4460119 Móvil: +1 714 4203161 cnnorco@yahoo.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA mIGUEL SáNCHEZ Tlf.: 957 770 288 - 957 131 258 Móvil: 610 764 732 www.yeguadapre.com miguelSanchez@yeguadapre.com mariasanchez@yeguadapre.com Córdoba YEGUADA mIGUEL TOVAR SANZ Tlf.: 927 320 202 Móvil: 627 506 856 mtovarsan@gmail.com Cáceres YEGUADA mILE, S.L. Tlf.: 648 013 199 info@yeguadamile.com Alicante YEGUADA mILITAR Tlf.: 913363427 www.defensa.gob.es/ccfas/ vmalrub@oc.mde.es Madrid YEGUADA mILLáN HERCE Tlf.: 954 838 540 Móvil: 615 457 629 - 600 406 113 www.yeguadamillanherce.com millanherceveter@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA mILLARES Tlf.: 959 500 319 Móvil: 657 991 514 www.ganaderiamillares.com ganaderiamillares@hotmail.com Huelva YEGUADA mIÑO Tlf.: 966 700 689 Móvil: 606 389 606 yeguada@mino.es Alicante YEGUADA mIRALTESA Tlf.: 607 850 860 www.centroecuestremarcos.com yuliojem78@gmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA mIRAS Tlf.: 914 261 717 josemirasgomez@hotmail.com Madrid YEGUADA mIRKO Tlf.: +39 3409216910 www.yeguadamirko.com mirko@nesurini.com Cádiz YEGUADA mONTE LA LLAmA Tlf.: 660 324 070 montelallama@msn.com Madrid


YEGUADA NEILA Tlf.: 913 690 396 neila@josemarianeilaabogados.com Madrid YEGUADA NJ Tlf.: +32 476 450 453 nadiajoosen@hotmail.com Bélgica YEGUADA NOBLEZA DEL PARqUE Tlf.: +56 (45) 292 3431 Móvil: +56 (9) 6168 0458 asalas@noblezadelparque.cl contacto@noblezadelparque.cl Chile YEGUADA ONIX Móvil: 639 336 264 selenitachileno@gmail.com yeguada@yeguadaonix.com Tarragona

YEGUADA PIÑERO Tlf.: 926 360 337 jantonio@yeguadapinero.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA PIqUé-áNGEL Tlf.: 933 435 330 Móvil: 619 838 642 www.yeguadapiqueangel.com email@yeguadapiqueangel.com Barcelona YEGUADA PLAZA DE ARmAS Tlf.: 957 770 543 Móvil: 607 504 714 florenciomoreno@confevap.es Córdoba YEGUADA PORTO Móvil: 629 557 746 santi@yeguadaporto.com Toledo YEGUADA POVEDANO Tlf.: 628 124 237 fpovete@gmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA OVELAR Tlf.: 918 760 320 Móvil: 639 100 214 www.yeguadaovelar.com joc@ovelar.com Madrid

YEGUADA POZANCO SANS Tlf.: 620 867 113 – 665 858 870 www.yeguadapozancosans.com info@yeguadapozancosans.com Lérida

YEGUADA PALAZUELOS NORTE Tlf.: 920 353 310 Móvil: 629 830 852 miguel.ajimenez@grupoa-alvarez.com Ávila

YEGUADA PUERTA ALTA Tlf.: 953 583 839 - 953 580 833 info@yeguadapuertaalta.com Jaén

YEGUADA PALENZUELA HENS Tlf.: 957 400 900 Móvil: 670 910 910 rafael@yeguadapalenzuelahens.net rafael@clinicapalenzuela.net Córdoba

YEGUADA qUERENCIAS Tlf.: 699 019 505 www.yeguadaquerencias.com info@yeguadaquerencias.com Málaga

YEGUADA PALOJO Tlf.: 914 316 641 Móvil: 667 484 777 www.palojo.com yeguada@palojo.com Madrid

YEGUADA RAFAEL CONDE Tlf.: 924 771 023 Móvil: 670 734 939 www.rafaelconde.com info@rafaelconde.com Badajoz

YEGUADA PANTONI, S.L. Tlf.: 953 510 361 antonio@aritosa.com Jaén

YEGUADA RAFAEL PASTOR Tlf.: 639 636 984 rafa.pg@live.com Alicante

YEGUADA PASALRIO DE SAN ROqUE Tlf.: 956 442 246 Móvil: 620 629 060 rosa@conil-eurosur.com Cádiz

YEGUADA RAmÍREZ Tlf.: 957 475 356 Móvil: 629 222 288 www.yeguadaramírez.com yeguadaramirez@gmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA PEDRO SILVA Tlf.: 607 653 136 Móvil: 600 616 560 yeguadapedrosilva@gmail.com Barcelona YEGUADA PEÑA DE BéJAR, S.L. Tlf.: 968 226 370 Móvil: 667 682 465 info@yeguadabejar.com Murica YEGUADA PEÑA, S.L. Tlf.: 916 422 797 Móvil: 647 424 861 www.yeguadapena.es contabilidad@luxar.es Madrid YEGUADA PéREZ mAqUEDA. áVILA Tlf.: 916 322 535 Móvil: 620 939 123 gerardoperezjimenez@gmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA RAmÓN BAÑOS Tlf.: 650 178 607 ramonveterinaria@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA RANA Tlf.: +39 0458587311 – +39 0458587340 glrana@rana.it Italia YEGUADA REAL TESORO JOSé ESTéVEZ, S.A. Tlf.: 956 321 004 Móvil: 649 431 303 www.grupoestevez.es jce@grupoestevez.com Cádiz

YEGUADA REmACHE Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA RETAmAR Tlf.: 968 685 078 – 636 146 320 Murcia YEGUADA RIBERA NAVARRA Tlf.: 948 819 812 Móvil: 608 777 349 www.yeguadariberanavarra.es grnavarra@gmail.com Navarra


YEGUADA SANTIAGO Tlf.:655 554 025 santiagocanaveras@hotmail.com Alicante YEGUADA SANZ-PAREJO Tlf.: 618 807 955 terra-sur@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA SENILLOSA Tlf.: 972 199 001 Móvil: 619 601 601 www.yeguadasenillosa.com senillosa@yeguadasenillosa.com Gerona

YEGUADA ROGGE Tlf.: 956 795 952 Móvil: 691 808 107 yeguadarogge@gmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA SEÑORÍO DE BARIAIN, S.L. Tlf.: 944 415 804 www.bariain.com bariain@bariain.com Bilbao

YEGUADA ROmERO BENÍTEZ Móvil: 629 368 356 pepicarabus@hotmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA SIERRA DE GUADALUPE, S.L. Tlf.: 942 570 700 Móvil: 649 469 368 sierradeguadalupe@gmail.com Cantabria

YEGUADA ROSA, C.B. Tlf.: 924 846 100 Móvil: 606 312 245 www.manuelrosa.com mrosa@manuelrosa.com Badajoz

YEGUADA SIERRA mAYOR Tlf.: 955 024 694 Móvil: 606 357 016 www.sierramayor.com jar@yeguadasierramayor.com Sevilla

YEGUADA SA SINIA Tlf.: 971 551 900 Móvil: 607 879 977 psureda@miguelsureda.com Baleares

YEGUADA SOLA NOGALES, S.L. Tlf.: 956 371 777 Móvil: 619 601 601 629 545 750 - 616 477 608 www.yeguada-solanogales.com yeguada@yeguada-solanogales.com Cádiz

YEGUADA SARDONIL mAESO Tlf.: 947 482 504 Móvil: 630 902 039 yeguadasadornilmaeso@gmail.com Burgos YEGUADA SALVATELLA Móvil: 607 990 899 www.yeguadasalvatella.com info@yeguadasalvatella.com Barcelona YEGUADA SALVATIERRA Tlf.: 954 381 300 majaloba@majaloba.com Sevilla YEGUADA SAN ANTONIO Finca: 976 124 314 Móvil: 607 874 034 hipicamariadehuerva@gmail.com Zaragoza YEGUADA SAN FRANCISCO Tlf.: +52 33 36314163 www.yeguadasanfrancisco.com.mx infoyeguadasf@yahoo.com.mx México YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE ALBERCHE Tlf.: 914 334 488 - 914 731 541 inconsa@inconsa.e.telefonica.net Madrid YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE BUENAVISTA Tlf.: 667 599 535 www.sandaraca.es ymas@sandaraca.es Madrid YEGUADA SAN NICOLAS ESP Tlf.: 924323130 Móvil: 658943046 bruno-r@hotmail.com Badajoz YEGUADA SAN ROmáN CALVO Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 620 033 132 www.yeguadasrc.com sanromanalmudena@yahoo.es Madrid YEGUADA SANTAROSA Tlf.: +503 7894-4184 gfunes@me.com El Salvador

YEGUADA SOLITEL Tlf.: 980 660 778 Móvil: 699 494 701 yeguadasolitel@yahoo.es Zamora YEGUADA SON mENUT Tlf.: 629 663 395 www.sonmenut.com antonio@sonmenut.com Baleares YEGUADA SON XANTRE, S.L. Móvil: 670 384 668 yeguada@sonxantre.es Baleares YEGUADA SOTO GIL Tlf.: 948 399 015 Móvil: 609 458 253 www.yeguadasotogil.com info@yeguadasotogil.com Navarra

YEGUADA TOmáS OSBORNE Tlf.: 956 854 111 Móvil: 649 916 444 www.yeguadatomasosborne.com secretaria@rives.es Cádiz YEGUADA TORREHERmOSA Tlf.: 957 472 609 - 957 331 135 Móvil: 654 952 818 www.torrehermosa.com info@torrehermosa.com Córdoba YEGUADA TORRELONGA Tlf.: 954 531 715 antonioborbolla@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA TORRELUNA Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA TORRES Tlf.: 953 502 265 Movil 677 458 856 arsanapatrimonial@gmail.com Jaén YEGUADA TOVAR BAZAGA Tlf.: 627 506 856 mtovarsan@gmail.com Cáceres YEGUADA TRES REYES Tlf.: 629 161 204 caballos@pacorey.es Madrid YEGUADA TRUJILLO Tlf.: +1 714 7137700 – +1 805 8568505 www.yeguadatrujillo.com sabastrujillo@yahoo.com gustavo@yeguadatrujillo.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA TRUJILLO SOUTO Tlf.: 986 581 273 – Móvil: 616 693 177 www.yeguadatrujillosouto.comyeguada@ trujillosouto.com Pontevedra YEGUADA URIOL PERALTA Tlf.: 915 738 204 Móvil 625 154 712 furiol@izasa.es Madrid YEGUADA VADEmAR Móvil: 656 878 868 yeguadavademar@hotmail.com Baleares

YEGUADA SPANISH VICOBA, S.L.U. Tlf.: 679 498 581 Móvil: 606 844 462 yeguada@vicoba.es Badajoz

YEGUADA VALDEOLIVAS Tlf.: 920 370 117 f.valdeolivas@yahoo.es Ávila

YEGUADA SR4 Tlf.: 627 932 399 carlos.yeguada.sr4@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA VALDERAS-FERNáNDEZ Tlf.: 606 306 306 valfersl@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA SSAmDI BERNAL Tlf.: 620 404 466 - 660 019 111 dirección@gcecuestre.com ssamdibernal@gmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA VALDESOL Tlf.: 696 931 302 josemiguel@nila.es Almería

YEGUADA SUSAETA Tlf.: 917 650 208 Móvil: 629 184 048 www.yeguadasusaeta.com info@yeguadasusaeta.com Madrid YEGUADA TARAZÓN Tlf.: 961 600 294 - 963 630 212 Móvil: 607 303 846 rutalchi@rutalchi.com Valencia

YEGUADA VALDEVIÑAS Tlf.: 925 779 080 Móvil: 620 823 884 www.yeguadavaldevinas.com info@yeguadavaldevinas.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA VALENTÍN DE SOTO Móvil: 609 439 256 jvsoto2@hotmail.com Cádiz


list of ANCCE Breeders YEGUADA VALLE, S.L. Tlf.: 650 983 952 www.yeguadavalle.es info@yeguadavalle.es Burgos

YEGUADA VILAIRE Tlf.: 971 545 800 Móvil: 617 478 807 www.yeguadavilaire.com info@yeguadavilaire.com Mallorca

YEGUADA VALLE mIÑOR, S.L. Tlf.: 986 343 434 www.yeguadavalleminor.com ricardo.barros@grupominor.com Pontevedra

YEGUADA VILARIÑO Tlf.: 952 338 312 Móvil: 670 888 702 dirección@gcecuestre.com Málaga

YEGUADA VARGAS VáZqUEZ Tlf.: 649 893 677 estructura@estrucerra.com Sevilla YEGUADA VEGA CASTILLO, S.L Tlf.: 667 392 480 www.yeguadavegacastillo.com yeguadavegacastillo@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA VICENTE ANDRéS PASTOR Tlf.: +212 22331917 v.andrespastor@gmail.com Marruecos YEGUADA VIDAL-RIBAS mORENO Tlf.: 629 745 776 – 639 245 018 www.yeguada-vrm.com info@yeguada-vrm.com Gerona YEGUADA VIGARA GONZáLEZ Tlf.: 917 258 963 - 649 873 264 953 469 105 - 670 378 485 - 953 064 981 www.yeguadavigaraGonzalez.es yeguadavigara@hotmail.com Madrid


YEGUADA VILLAGELY Tlf.: +52 9811273200 www.yeguadavillagely.com ledey24@hotmail.com México YEGUADA VINYET Tlf.: 670 671 660 – 666 763 487 www.yeguadavinyet.com administracion@yeguadavinyet.com YEGUADA VISTA-ALEGRE, S.L. Tlf.: 654 395 202 - 654 395 170 yeguadavistaalegre@yahoo.es Salamanca YEGUADA VYP Tlf.: 521 3314112233 - 523 313684393 yeguadavyp@gmail.com México YEGUADA WILLTONY Tlf.: +61 749931392 – +61 419742790 www.willtony.com.au inquiri@willtony.com.au Australia YEGUADA Y GANADERÍA áVILA FARZÓN Tlf.: 956 401 178 bartolo@proviaf.com Cádiz

YEGUADA Y.I Móvil: 655953323 instalacionesgarcisur@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA YACO Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ZACO Tlf.:670 355 609 joseluismesaredonda@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ZAmAR Tlf.: 968 136 656 Móvil: 626 315 802 www.yeguadazamar.com zamar@yeguadazamar.com Murcia YEGUADA ZARZALÓN Tlf.: 660 019 111 www.gcecuestre.com direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz ZUmACAR Tlfs.: 629 149 485 – 615 389 330 clubhipicozumacar@yahoo.es Ciudad Real

List of ANCCE Associated Organizations ESPAÑA / SPAIN ASOCIACIÓN ANDALUZA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. “CABALLO ANDALUZ” Representante: D. Agustín Aragón Domínguez Ctra. de Benagalbón “Finca la Paca” 29738 Benagalbón -Málaga Tlf.: 605 849 795 www.caballoandaluz.com concursos@caballoandaluz.com agustin@hipicalapaca.es “ES CAVALL” ASOCIACIÓN BALEAR DE CRIADORES PROPIETARIOS Y SImPATIZANTES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA Presidente: D. Eusebio Cano González Cuartel General Luque Avda. General Luque, s/n 1º 07300 Inca - Baleares Tlf.: 971 880 904 – 650 034 346 www.escavall.net oficina@escavall.net ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES DE GALICIA – ACCEGA Sede: Recinto Ferial Semana Verde, s/n Apartado Correos, nº 26 36540 Silleda - Pontevedra Móvil: 619 452 169 accega@accega.es Oficina Administrativa: C/ Cándido Acuña Blanco, nº 5, Portal 2, 1ºB 36980 O Grove – Pontevedra. Móvil: 654 983 254 - 619 452 169 accegasalnes@movistar.es ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE RAZAS PURAS DE LA REGION DE mURCIA Presidente: D. Juan José Belando Abellán C/ Acisclo Díaz, nº 9, 4ºK Edificio Argos, 30005 Murcia Tlf.: 968 296406 Móvil: 620 423 723 accmurcia@gmail.com ASOCIACIÓN CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. EN CORDOBA Presidente: D. Enrique Lovera de las Morenas C/ Rey Heredia, 22, 14003 Cordóba Tlf.: 957 497 843 Fax: 957 497 844 www.cordobaecuestre.com asociacioncriadoresprecordoba@gmail. com ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE LA COmUNIDAD VALENCIANA C/ Guillén de Castro, 79. 46008 Valencia Tlf.: 963 153 256 - Fax: 963 153 257 www.precval.com precval@precval.es ESPACAN - ASOCIACIÓN REGIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CANTABRIA Presidente: D. Alfonso Casuso Gómez Polg. Ind. El Campón, 22 A 39001 Peñacastillo. Santander Tlf.: 942 321 327 (ext.115) Fax: 942 321 339 Movil: 630 910 193 www.espacan.org info@espacan.org A.C.C.P.R.E.C. ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CADIZ Presidente: D. José Antonio Romero Haupold C/ Conde de Guevara, 4 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) Tlf.: 627 704 932 accprec@yahoo.es

FUNDACIÓN DEL CABALLO EXTREmEÑO PRE Representante: Fco. Javier Conde Cerrato Ctra. Nacional V, Km. 259 10200 Trujillo - Cáceres Tlf.: 924 771 023 - 670 734 939 javier@yeguadarafaelconde.com frspuentecaida@gmail.com

ASOCAmAN-PRE. ASOCIACION DE CASTILLA-LA mANCHA DE PRE Presidente: D. Jesús Alberto Muela Ayala Avda. Rey Santo, 8 1º 13001 Ciudad Real Tlf.: 926 213 642 – 628 747 158 – 610 474 944 www.asocaman-pre.com asocaman-pre@asocaman-pre.com ASOCIACIÓN EXTREmEÑA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (AECCPRE) Presidente: María del Carmen Pinilla Mercado Regional de Ganados Ctra. Madrid-Lisboa, s/n 10200 Trujillo-Cáceres Tlf.: 927 322 729 www.extremadurapre.com asociacion@extremadurapre.com

ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE ESTIRPE CARTUJANA D. José Antonio Pérez Millán Campus Universitario de Rabanales Servicios Clínicos, Despacho 1 Ctra. de Madrid, km 396, 14071 Córdoba Tlf.: 957 326 539 www.estirpecartujana.com info@estirpecartujana.com ASOCIACIÓN ALmERIENSE DE CRIADORES DE PRE PORTOCARRERO Ctra. La Cañada-Viator, s/n. Haza Tableada 04120 La Cañada (Almería) Tlf. 609 532 244 Fax: 950 452 111 gerente@viagro.es

ALEmANIA/ GERmANY ASOCIACIÓN ALEmANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (AACCPRE) President: Daniel Barton Gestüt Birkenstein Zum Kantenhof 1 D-54597 Roth bei Prüm – Alemania Tlf.: +49 1722068542 www.aaccpre.com aaccprevorsitzender@gmail.com aaccpre@t-online.de

APREA - ASOCIACIÓN DE PRE DE ALICANTE C/ Jorge Juan, 12 Entresuelo Comercial 03201 Elche - Alicante Tlf.: 691 307 603 info@caballosaprea.com ASOCIACIÓN CANARIA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES - A.C.C.C.E Presidente: D. Rogelio Viera Salgado C/ Pintor Óscar Domínguez, 13 bajo Carrizal de Ingenio (Las Majoreras) 35240 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Canarias Tlf.: 627 552 841 – 679 829 100 asociacioncanariapre@gmail.com

VEREIN DER FREUNDE UND ZÜCHTER DES PFERDES REINER SPANISCHER RASSE (VFZPRE) Presidente: Mrs. Sonja Thomas Dorfstrasse, 29 56288 Korweiler – Alemania Tlf.: +49 6762961513 www.andalusierverein.de geschaeftsstelle@andalusierverein.de AUSTRALIA PREAA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOL (PRE) ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA INC. Presidente: Ms. Rebecca Power P.O. Box 272 Eaglehawk VIC 3556 - Australia Tlf.: +61 447924426 www.preaa.com.au registrar@preaa.com.au

ASOCIACIÓN DE GANADEROS ASTURIANOS DE CABALLOSDE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – AGACPRE C/ Molinón, s/n 33194 Villaperez – Oviedo Tlf.: 985 678 645 Móvil: 639 813 125 – 653 936 349 preasturias@gmail.com ASOCIACIÓN ABULENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – AACCPRE Presidente: D. José Antonio Andrinal Yuste Apartado de Correos, 38. 05005 Ávila Tlf.: 920 220 473 Móvil: 649 920 685 - 608 585 425 aaccpre@gmail.com ASSOCIACIÓ mENORqUINA DE CRIADORS I PROPIETARIS DE CAVALLS DE P.R.E. Presidente: D. Miguel A. Pons Mascaró Avda. San Agustín de la Florida, 28 07760 Ciutadella de Menorca – Baleares Tlf.: 626 995 139 - 630 884 472 www.espremenorca.com espremenorca@gmail.com CESCALE – ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES DE CASTILLA Y LEON Presidente: D. Carlos Suárez Delgado Mercado de Ganado de Salamanca Ctra. Ciudad Rodrigo, Km 6,2 37192 Salamanca Tlf.: 600 465 655 www.cescale.es cescalepre@gmail.com

BéLGICA / BELGIUm ANCCE-BéLGICA Presidente: Ms. Nadia Joosen P/a Prins van Oranjestraat 41 2930 Brasschaat Bélgica Tlf.: +32 476450453 www.ancce-belgica.be info@ancce-belgica.be COLOmBIA ASOCIACIÓN COLOmBIANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Presidente: D. Alberto Serna Lira Calle 20B Sur Nº 38-55 Conjunto Residencial Borinquen. Apto. 301 Medellín. Colombia Tlf.: +57 43132767 Móvil: +57 3206778438


list of ANCCE associated organizations COSTA RICA

HOLANDA/ HOLLAND ASOCIACIÓN COSTARRICENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Presidente: D. Andre Garnier Kruse. Directora Ejecutiva: Andrea Somarriba Pozos de Santa Ana, 125 metros oeste de Momentum Lindora. Centro Corporativo Lindora, 3er piso. Santa Ana, San José, Costa Rica Tlfs.: +506 22053684 - +506 22030850 Móvil: +506 83044988 www.precostarica.org asocpre@precostarica.org asomarriba@precostarica.org

PRE STAmBOEK NEDERLAND Presidente: Ms. Aranka Ouwehand. Nieuw Laar 5 5258TL Berlicum – The Netherlands Tlf.: +31 628554884 www.pre-stamboek.nl a.m.ouwehand@kpnplanet.nl

mAGYARORSZáGI ANDALÚZ LÓTENYéSZTOK EGYESÜLETE Presidente: Mr. József Dobos Ady Endre 65/b H-2244 Úri – Hungría Tlf.: (+36)706152152 www.andaluzlo.hu info@andaluzlo.hu ITALIA / ITALY UNIFICAZIONE ASSOCIAZIONI ITALIANE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – U.A.I.P.R.E Presidente: D. Angelo Grasso C. Regionale di Incremento Ippico Via Ippodromo, 31 44100 Ferrara- Italia Tlf./Fax: +39 0532 762005 www.uaipre.com info@uaipre.com

ECUADOR ASOCIACIÓN ECUATORIANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE - AECCPRE Presidente: D. Martín Chiriboga Chaves Avda. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edif. Finandes, nº 939, piso 4º Quito – Pichincha – Ecuador Tlfs.: + 593 2561423 - + 593 0998533020 Fax: +593 22501198 www.caballoespanolecuador.com aeccpre@caballoespanolecuador.com.ec

méXICO / mEXICO ANCCEmEX, A.C Presidente: D. Fernando González Cimadevilla C/ Hamburgo, 97, piso 5 06600 Col. Juarez – Delegación Cuauhtemoc, México Tlf.: +52 55332001/3/4 Fax: +52 55332002 www.anccemex.com anccemex@hotmail.com administracion@anccemex.com

ESTADOS UNIDOS/ USA UNITED STATES P.R.E. ASSOCIATION Presidente: Ms. Lizabeth Anne Ketcham 12765 Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 1315 Wellington, Florida 33414 USA Tlf.: +1 786-2641108 Fax: +1 888-9590190 www.usprea.com tanyaduffey@usprea.com betsy@ketchamranch.com FRANCIA/ FRANCE ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DU PURE RACE ESPAGNOLE - AECE Presidente: Sr. D. Richard Dupont Ferrier. Le Clos Du Mas 10 rue Jacques Claude Aubert 13200 Arles - Francia Tlf.: +33 621472640 www.aece-pre.fr studbook.aece@free.fr GUATEmALA ASOCIACIÓN GUATEmALTECA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – AGCCPRE D. José Ernesto Batres González. Septima Avenida 14-44, Zona 9, Edificio La Galeria no. 26 A Guatemala Tlf.: +502 2334 0366 – 2334-0368 Fax: +502 2334 0367 agccpre@gmail.com


ANCCE-PANAmA ASOCIACIÓN PANAmEÑA CRIADORES CABALLOS PRE Presidente: D. Ricardo R. Pérez Martinis PH Blue Business Center, Piso 10, Oficina 3 Calle 67, San Francisco, Panamá Tlf.: +507 2107000 Ext. 7110 riperez@anccepanama.com


DINAmARCA - DENmARK DANISH PRE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Mrs. Charlotte Eichel Larsen Solhoejvej 42, Torslunde DK-2640 Hedehusene Dinamarca Tlf.: +45 21485211 charme@mail.dk www.pre-horse.dk


NICARAGUA ASOCIACIÓN NICARAGUENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – ANCPRE D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Reparto Bolonia. En el Central, 200 metros Oeste, Contiguo al Hotel Holiday Inn, Plaza Eclipse, Módulo 3 Managua – Nicaragua Tlf.: +505 22684437 Fax: +505 22669975 www.ancpre.com ancpre@gmail.com NORUEGA/NORWAY NORSK PRE AVLSFORENING Kaare Liadal Jr. C/O Kaare Liadal Jr. Liadal 6150 Oersta – Noruega Tlf.: +47 90776630 www.prenorge.no kaare.liadal@grovik.no

REINO UNIDO / UNITED KINGDON BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE Directors: Ms. Mary Mcbryde and Mr. Peter Brooks Holly Trees Farm, Chesterblade Road, Stoney Stratton, Shepton Mallet Somerset. BA4 4EQ Reino Unido. Tlf.: + 44 1749 83879 - +44 7887 890098 www.bapsh.co.uk bapshregistrar@btinternet.com buildit@sky.com REPÚBLICA CHECA / CZECH REPUBLIC ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF PURE SPANISH RACE HORSES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Malé námestí 138/4 11000 Praha 1. Czech Republic President: Mr. Jan Suk Tlf.: +42 0233378406 Móvil: +42 0602 / 206235 jan.suk@akms.cz SUECIA / SWEDEN ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE EN SUECIA Mrs. Asa Werkel P.O. Box 38002 100 64 Stockholm. Suecia Tlf.: +46 87329496 Fax: +46 070 8849495 www.swedishprehorses.se infoswedishpre@tele2.se SUIZA / SWITZERLAND AECE – ASSOCIATION SUISSE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DE PURE RACE ESPAGNOL Presidente: Rolf Plüss En Châtagnis, 11 CH – 1143 Apples Suiza Tlf.: +41 798 882 021 am50@bluewin.ch

Breeder MeMBership request ForM

To become a member of ANCCE, please fill out this Membership Request Form. To be a member, an essential pre-requisite is that you own at least one (1) Purebred Spanish (PRE) mare, registered as a broodmare in the PRE Stud Book. FULL NAME (individual or corporation): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ID or VAT (Tax) Number (of said individual or corporation): ______________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ID or VAT (Tax) Number (of legal representative): _______________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE STUD FARM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUNICIPALITY: ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE: _________________ COUNTRY: ________________________ POSTAL CODE: ______________________ PHONE/S:________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________ WEB: ______________________________________________________ Number of MARES registered on your Stud Farm: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE: € 480




Bank transfer to ANCCE, into the account with IBAN code: ES22 3187 0812 8010 9498 7227 (Caja Rural del Sur) SWIFT BIC: BCOEESMM187 ALL OTHER QUOTAS:

✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº ___________________________________________ Expiration date________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment in keeping with SEPA rules & regulations by sending an email to ancce@ancce.com (Applicable for Spain and the European Union)

All data and information obtained complies with the mandates laid out in the legislation of Spain, specifically Law 15/1999, regarding the Protection of Personal Data. This registration form will be included a MEMBERSHIP file, registered with the General Register of the Protection of Data Protection that is responsible for the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter ANCCE), with VAT number: G41071960. This personal data file will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal membership-related purposes and the maintenance of ties among member by providing information services about aspects affecting the sector by means of newsletters sent by e-mail or standard mail, as well as advertising your stud farm, including it in the list of full members, which appears on the last pages of the magazine “El Caballo Español” and on the web-site, www.ancce.com. The details could also be offered to other magazines within the sector for stud farm advertising purposes; these objectives coinciding with those declared before the Spanish Association for the Protection of Data. You, as the owner of this information, consent and authorize ANCCE to include this information in the said file, and agree to the stated conditions. Should you not agree, it will be impossible for us to maintain any type of commercial relationship with you. Likewise, be informed that your financial information could be turned over to the Internal Revenue Office in compliance with the current law, and in such case as would be necessary. You may exercise, free of charge, your rights of access, change, cancel and express your opposition to this information by contacting ANCCE at the following address: Cortijo del Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), Sevilla, 41014 Spain, using the reference LOPD. By signing this document, I accept the aforementioned conditions.

In the city of ________________________________________ on the ___________________________day of ______________________________ , 2016 Signature: ______________________________

This and other application forms are also available at


AssoCiAte MeMBership request ForM Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving a yearly subscription to our magazine and information from ANCCE. FULL NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ID Nº: ________________________ FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUNICIPALITY: ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE: _________________ COUNTRY: ________________________ POSTAL CODE: _____________________ PHONE/S: _________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________ OWNER CODE: _____________________________________________ ANNUAL QUOTA:





✓ 1ST QUOTA (REGISTRATION FEE): Bank transfer in the name of ANCCE with IBAN code: ES22 3187 0812 8010 9498 7227 (Caja Rural del Sur). Swift BIC: BCOEESMM187 ALL OTHER QUOTAS:

✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº ___________________________________________ Expiration date________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment authorization in keeping with SEPA rules and regulations by sending an e-mail to ancce@ancce.com

(Applicable for Spain and the EU)

All data and information obtained complies with the mandates laid out in the legislation of Spain, specifically Law 15/1999, regarding the Protection of Personal Data. This registration form will be included a MEMBERSHIP file, registered with the General Register of the Protection of Data Protection that is responsible for the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter ANCCE), with VAT number: G41071960. This personal data file will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal membership-related purposes and the maintenance of ties among member by providing information services about aspects affecting the sector by means of newsletters sent by e-mail or standard mail, as well as advertising your stud farm, including it in the list of full members, which appears on the last pages of the magazine “El Caballo Español” and on the web-site, www.ancce.com. The details could also be offered to other magazines within the sector for stud farm advertising purposes; these objectives coinciding with those declared before the Spanish Association for the Protection of Data. You, as the owner of this information, consent and authorize ANCCE to include this information in the said file, and agree to the stated conditions. Should you not agree, it will be impossible for us to maintain any type of commercial relationship with you. Likewise, be informed that your financial information could be turned over to the Internal Revenue Office in compliance with the current law, and in such case as would be necessary. You may exercise, free of charge, your rights of access, change, cancel and express your opposition to this information by contacting ANCCE at the following address: Cortijo del Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), Sevilla, 41014 Spain, using the reference LOPD. By signing this document, I accept the aforementioned conditions.

In the city of ______________________ Date with Day + Month + Year: ________________________________

Signature _____________________


shopping 1. QUILTED RIDING JACKET BY CAVALLO This quilted jacket for ladies –model Holly– offers a comfortable stretch design with front pockets and color combination, along with softshell fabric on the sides for greater ease of movement. The jacket, made with a sophisticated mixture of materials offers warmth and full Insulation. Its breathable fabric is waterproof, wind resistance and dirt-proof. Available in two colors: brown and purple. www.elcorcel.es

2. SUXXEED GLAMOUR RIDING CAP FROM UVEX This model combines the subtle decoration of tiny Swarovski Elements with maximum safety and rider protection, thanks to the special injection molding used to manufacture it. Its black velvet finish gives it that touch of elegance. Available in black, silver and blue. www.elcorcel.es

3. ANKY DRESSAGE SADDLE CLOTH The exterior fabric of this saddle cloth is made of suede; the logo on both sides is made of shiny, non-slip material so that you’re saddle doesn’t move. The interior fabric has been designed with Coolmax® technology to provide optimal control of moisture, while its fine filling absorbs Impacts to provide your horse with optimal comfort. This dressage saddle cloth is 100% polyester and available in seven different colors. www.anky-atc.com

4. ENGLISH DRESSAGE SADDLE BY ERREPLUS The Elena Dressage saddle is a double-flap that offers two versions using the latest design launched by the Italian brand ErrePlus. This model combines tradition and technology for modern dressage. It offers the rider maximum comfort and performance. The close contact grants the saddle solid support without hindering movement, to offer that feeling of moving with the horse. www.zonaequus.com


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