El Caballo Español Magazine 2018 n.243

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Issue 243


Issue 243 · November - December 2018

el caballo español

El Caballo Español PRE





Morales President of ANCCE


SICAB is laden with responsibilities No doubt, when a president accepts RESPONSIBILITIES at ancce, the first thing that comes to his or her mind is the next edition of the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair. Without forsaking the enormous task, there is a limited timeframe to iron out all of the hundreds of details involved. obviously, the pathway has already been laid by the outgoing board, and there is a professional team behind the scenes, but our Board wants to face SICAB in a slightly different light, both in ethical and esthetic terms. when it comes to ethics or integrity, we are fully committed to not repeating some of the highly embarrassing events seen at past editions. We want to recuperate the spirit of the 90s, when SICAB was an event of ladies and gentlemen in the true sense of the word. Back then, good behavior was more important than private and individual interests; being fifth in a section was a true achievement and fellowship was our true identifying trait. Anyone refusing to accept these simple rules will be pushed aside immediately. There will be no qualms, because we have decided to recuperate the pathway from which SICAB should have never gone astray. along this same line of thought, and based on the trail statistics from last year, anti-doping controls will be implemented, in keeping with legal prerogatives. These tests and controls will be performed by an outside laboratory with international recognition and fully disassociated with PRE breed interests. A major SICAB priority is to eradicate any possible malpractice. We want a clean SICAB, where all participating horses compete in an equal opportunity situation. in terms of esthetics, we also want to take on major changes. To start with, stand designs have been modified, not only the ANCCE corporate stand, but also the breeder stands. There are a number of surprises that have been prepared for our guests! REFERRING to breeders, which is our greatest concern, a new competitive discipline will be introduced: Working Equitation. There are two fundamental reasons why we are eager to promote this sport: because it adapts to PRE attributes and it opens a new market niche for our breed. At the same time and as an exhibition, we will be launching a Competition for Paces and Movements in Freedom for 2-and 3-year old fillies/colts. Such competitions are being implemented by the most prestigious breeds in Europe, because assessing locomotion quality in colts/fillies—that may not necessarily be the most—is useful for equitation. our OBLIGATION as ANCCE leaders is to search for alternatives to plain and simple Conformation, which account for 75% of ANCCE activities, 90% of the market and almost 100% of the problems. There are other, yet-to-be-explored market niches; over the next four years, those at the helm of ANCCE will be dedicated in full to this effort. lastly, I would like to wish the very best of luck to all participants and inspire everyone to show their best behavior in keeping with the importance of SICAB. Believe it or not, this is the 28th edition, and without any interruptions!


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el caballo español xxxxxxxxxxx


Edited by: Asociacion Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014 Sevilla, España Telf: +34 954 68 92 60 www.ancce.com President of ANCCE: Jose Juan Morales Fernandez Editing Committee: President: Carlos Bohorquez Domecq Members-at-large: Eduardo Jimenez Burgos Roberto Corral Diaz Jose Dominguez Fraile de Tejada Juan Martinez Moragas Chief Editor: Inmaculada Rodriguez Garcia prensa@ancce.com Publicity: Inmaculada Rodriguez Garcia +34 954 689 260 - prensa@ancce.com Photos: Lily Forado, Miguel Gomez, Rafael Lemos, Alberto M. Bracero, Carlos Nuñez y Azahara Perez Publishing and Set up: Ediciones Reunidas, S.A. Grupo Zeta. Orduña, 3. Tel: 915 863 300. 28034 Madrid.

Director of corporate publications: Oscar Voltas Assistant director: Antonio Guerrero Editor-in-chief: Milagros Baztan Coordinator: Isabel Tutor Writers: Julio Fernandez, Pablo Fernandez and Elena Llamazares Design Manager: Noelia Corbaton Layout: Arantza Antero and Carlos F. Garcia Image processing: David Monserrat Corporate development manager: Carlos Silgado Production: Julio Antunez Translations: Yreva Arobed, S.L. traducciones@yrevaarobed.com Printing: QP PRINT ISSN: 1889-4615 Legal Registration Code: SE-186-1980 Cover Photo: Foals owned by María Fernanda Escalera de la Escalera Author: Alberto M. Bracero © All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including its contents, texts, graphics and photographs, whether in English or Spanish, may be reproduced by any means without specific written permission from the publishers. El Caballo Español is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators in the articles published.


table of contents 4 Editorial

SICAB is Laden with Responsibilities

10 Opinion

Fear of the Unknown

16 Interview

Beatriz Ferrer-Salat, representative of Dressage Riders before the FEI Committee

24 News

34 Report

64 A Chat with‌

44 Report

68 Publicity Report

Working Equitation

BolaĂąos Saddlery

54 Report

Fernando Botero and His Horses: a Unique and Universal Breed

Yeguada La Conquista

Yeguada Plaza de Armas

72 Associations

International Associations

80 List of Members 97 Shopping





Fear of the Unknown


27 years have COME AND GONE since the first edition of the International PRE Horse Fair, known to all as SICAB. Over the years, we have seen significant developments when it comes to the quality of the participating horses. We often wonder whether it is a matter of general concern, specific selection, trend or natural evolution. It is crucial that we analyze what should be improved. Moreover, riders’ skills have also developed with improvements in their techniques and them becoming more professional; there is no doubt about that! But… What about the presenters? Have the judges changed over the past years? What is the role of ANCCE in all of this? We have analyzed conformation events to gain knowledge about the variables that directly affect them and their results. Everyone—whether breeders, presenters, riders, judges and even ANCCE—is influenced by a common variable: the market. Among breeders, there is a peculiar atmosphere that is hardly found in other parts of the world where horses are bred. Far from deepening into the horse as an animal and the reason why horses are bred, our sector considers one to be an outstanding expert in horses when that person is able to spill out scores and results granted by each judge as if reciting a list of presidents or kings since the 1700s. If that same person is also able to do so with horses that competed 20 years ago, he or she is automatically considered the undisputed master in the matter. This is all quite impressive, since there is barely an opinion about these horses that describes anything other than their grandiose beauty, class or breed. It is curiously interesting to observe horses being bred for riding with just basic notions of the purpose sought; this pushes us to ask whether conformation is a purpose per se. When it comes to breeders, the inheritance of the realestate bubble considerably boosted the number of PRE breeders and horses, thus leading to an increase in events, brokers, presenters, riders and everything related to the world of horses. At this important point in time, prestige, photographs, magazines and the celebrity entourage, along with the desire to show off, barged into conformation, thus transforming it into a purpose of its own accord. Therefore, a breeder’s objective is no longer breeding the best horses but rather, appearing in the photo. In principle, this matter should not be a problem as long as only the very best horses are the winners at conformation events. All this falls into the hands of the judges and ANCCE, who must decide—with prior approval from breeders—what should be assessed and how. After all these years, we continue to fight for the PRE Stud Book and, in the end, it is all thanks to the efforts of those that have held posts on the ANCCE Executive Board. At breeder meetings, the word on the street was that managing the PRE Stud Book would automatically bring a breeding program, which is what really matters and that, without a doubt, would help improve the breed. Unfortunately, time has proven otherwise. The tools are there for the taking, but breeders, once again, run away from training. Experts in equine statistical score see their status endangered while breeders fail to believe in the tools at their fingertips. Furthermore, breeders have not even bothered to show interest in how to use them. So, once again, when looking for a champion, we put our trust in conformation, thus becoming consolidated as an informal breeding program. With this backdrop and a scenario with too many horses, the market becomes scarce and picky; the vast majority have no clear idea about what is valuable and what is not. There is no established objective due to the unpredictability of conformation, the trends and a lack of uniform judging criteria. Due to the 11




absence of a firm foundation, it almost impossible to move forward since what is valuable today may very well be worthless tomorrow. Our opinion is that, in this environment and generally speaking, breeders must be horse enthusiasts with endless passion for learning everything about this animal. Training is more than decisive, in addition to analyzing our competitors’ performance—with competitors being all other saddle breeds. There are some very good examples that are near at hand; take a look at Portugal. With fewer resources, they obtain good results because their breeding program focuses on a functional horse. A well-rounded breeder should be a scholar of the breed he/she seeks to breed, with the sole desire of improving its descendants by correctly and successfully breeding future generations, while forsaking trends and verifying the results with other breeds. Any other attitude is just leaving everything to chance. Nowadays, it seems that breeders are lost and continuously searching for the right path by trusting an app that shows up-to-the-minute results of events and comparisons among numerous variables such as judges, horses and so on. Breeders are still searching for the Holy Grail of breeding. Sadly, there is no objective and constructive criticism about what needs to be changed and improved in our own horses. Year after year, the discussion verses around changing the judges, the rules and regulations, the score sheet, the categories of the judges, events and a thousand other aspects that end up confusing and distracting everyone. The key question is whether breeders breed their horses based on a given criterion and long-term goals. We think otherwise. We continue to breed based on fashion. In some cases, it’s a certain coat color, and in others it is a Roman nose, or fine necks. These trends place the spotlight on esthetic characteristics as the main objective, thus rendering excessive importance to a very specific parameter, aggravated by the fact that fashion comes and goes while horses have a rather long lifecycle. From our point of view, the generally applied selection criteria used by breeders is simply inadequate. Conformation competitions have been and continue to be the point of reference for most PRE horse breeders. This aspect should be taken advantage of only if we keep in mind that we breed horses for riding or carriage driving; being that this is the 21st century, we may still the most beautiful, photogenic breed in the book, but the ugliest in videos. This is precisely something that we must change. The challenge for the new generation of breeders is to exponentially increase the number of horses that can compete with other breeds, thus making them the best breed worldwide. Breeders who resort to breed quality when describing a horse’s head should know and understand that the matter of riding, which might ring a bell, is not the private opinion of this forum. It is part of our breed quality that initially defines the PRE horse as a breed whose main use is for riding. ¡¡ The Purebred Spanish Horse Opinion Forum 13







b 18

Beatriz Ferrer-Salat feels prepared to take on her new post representing dressage riders before the International Equestrian Federation (FEI). She was elected to the post after highly contested elections, with 52 candidates from 26 countries. It all began in May, when she sought the post, followed by a three-month voting period that began on July 29th; her dream became a reality last September 24th once the online voting concluded. The rider faces this new phase of her career “with expectation and a desire to work, as it is a major responsibility that will demand time and dedication,” she confesses, to then explain how the idea came about. “An organizer asked me during the Aachen 2017 competition. His proposal surprised me quite a bit, and as he tried to convince me, I answered

that I would ponder the idea. After considering the pros and the cons of it all, I decided to present my candidacy,” she explains. It is a post in which one has to be willing to defend certain values. In this regard, Ferrer-Salat points out that for her, what is most important is the “Welfare of the Horse,” and she insists that when it comes to practicing any equestrian sport, “it is essential to respect the horse because it is a surprising animal that deserves to be treated with love. When you treat



interview a horse well, Dressage is much more harmonious,” she states. Another essential point of her campaign is to have riders and judges working together to develop Dressage and improve judging. She explains that “There has to be good communication with judges, so that this communication is more fluid and direct. If there is good communication between riders and the FEI, many things may be improved. Whether you like it or not, it is us riders who are immersed in the day-to-day experience of competition and being able to present our problems and concerns before the FEI is a very important step.” Daughter of the former president of Spain’s Confederation of Business Organizations and the Spanish Olympic Committee, Carlos Ferrer-Salat, Beatriz began her career in sports at the age of 16 when she was gifted with her first horse. To further her education, she went to Germany train with Georg Theodorescu and Herbert Rehbein. Later, she trained under the leadership of Spanish National Coach Jürgen Koschel until the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA), after which she continued with German trainer



Jan Bemelmans, with whom she has enjoyed the most achievements to become one of the most successful female Dressage riders of Spain. To date, she has participated in three Olympic Games: Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. Her participation in the 2008 Beijing Games was dashed when her horse Fabergé, suffered a lastminute injury. Spanish National Champion in 2001 and 2003, she has also been distinguished with the Silver Medal from the Royal Order of Sports Merit and in 2004 with the Queen Sofia Award. She was also elected as the Best Female Athlete by the Sports Council of Spain. As a trainer, she has been most outstanding for her work with other Spanish Champions, including Nuria Vila, Teresa Jauquicoa and Chloe Morris. In this regard, she guarantees that she will continue as an athlete. “I would never quit,” she states with emphasis. She concludes, “Based on my calculations, I’ll have to dedicate four to six hours a week to the FEI, and although I have very little extra time, I’ll get things organized.” ¡¡

news SICAB 2019 POSTER

SICAB 2019 Poster Contest Rules ANCCE summons this contest to select the poster that will announce the 29th edition of the International Purebred Spanish Horse Fair, SICAB 2019. First: Participants Any and all artists interested in participating and who are at least eighteen (18) years of age, either citizens of Spain or any other country, as an individual or as a team. Second: Theme, technical characteristics and motto -Theme: The theme of the work shall consider the event: International Purebred Spanish Horse Fair (SICAB). All work must be original and unpublished; it must not have been presented at any other contests and no part of the work, or the actual work may be copied or a plagiarized from other work by the same artist or any other. Authors are responsible before ANCCE and any third party to comply with the rules established herein. The main objective is to have extraordinary advertising impact and be eye-catching as is expected for the poster announcing an event such as SICAB. -Technical Characteristics: The painting technique is optional (oil, acrylic, mixed, etc.) but retouched or made with digital means or photographic reproductions are not accepted. Work may be on canvas or wood, mounted, in both cases, on a frame. The format shall be vertical, with a size of 100 x 70 cm. Also, a 100 x 73 cm. format is acceptable, as it is the standard frame size. In the work, the author shall not include logos of any type nor anagrams; however, in the composition, he/she may (as seen appropriate) include the ANCCE and SICAB anagrams in the adaptation of the image for the various supports. Likewise, ANCCE reserves the right to insert, in the winning poster, the brands and/or logos of possible sponsors and/or collaborators. Also, ANCCE shall include the following text in the adaptation of the material to be reproduced: SICAB 2019: International PRE Trade Fair - Sevilla – World PRE Championship, date of the event and the logos of sponsors and collaborators. -Motto: On the back of each work, a motto (title) shall appear which will be used to conceal the identity of the author until the Judges have announced the winner. 24

Third: Awards The winning work of art shall be awarded three thousand euros (¤3000). Likewise, there will be two runners-up, who will be granted one thousand euros (¤1000) each. The corresponding taxes shall be deducted from the award money. Fourth: Presentation The deadline to present artwork is Tuesday, the 11th of December, 2018 at 2:00 pm. All work shall be presented or sent—duly packed for shipment—to the main ANCCE office, the address of which is: Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) s/n, 41014, Sevilla (Spain), from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 2 pm. In a closed envelope, the full name of the author shall appear, together with his/her ID/Passport number, full address, phone number/s, email and a sworn statement indicating that the work is original and unpublished. On the face of said envelope, the motto of the artwork shall appear, with no other indication that could possibly identify the contestant. Any further indications shall be considered breach of the rules and lead to exclusion from the contest. All work shipped by mail or courier service shall indicate the day and time of the delivery, but with no mention of the sender. Shipment costs shall be covered by the contestant. Each contestant may present one (1) work of art. Fifth: Judges The Jury, appointed by ANCCE will select and grant the award; it will be made up of a President, who in this case will be Antonio Muñoz Martinez, the second Deputy Mayor of the City of Sevilla, and by membersat-large, who include Jose Juan Morales Fernandez, President of ANCCE, Carlos Bohorquez Domecq, President of the Marketing & Press Commission, Isabel de Leon Borrero, Magdalena Haurie Vigne, Juan Fernandez Lacomba and Antonino Parrilla Garcia. The Jury shall meet to decide the winner. First of all, they shall verify that all works presented comply with the established Rules, after which the work may be accepted as a contestant. The Jury shall review the conception, the quality of the graphics or the actual artwork, its effectiveness announcing or informing about the event, and its conditions for reproduction. The Jury may declare the contest null and void

should they consider that the works presented fail to meet sufficient merits to be granted the award. In all cases, the decisions of the Judges are indisputable. All contestants, based on the fact that they participate in this contest, renounce their right to present any type of claim before any jurisdiction or tribunal. The Jury shall report their decision and inform the ANCCE Executive Committee. The Jury’s decision shall be announced publically on the ANCCE web site at www.ancce.com, in addition to the actual contest winners being duly notified.

collected or claimed by freight collect at the request of the authors, from the main ANCCE offices, whose address is: Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) s/n, 41014, Sevilla, Spain, once the contest has concluded, and within the fifteen (15) days following the announcement of the winners. Should an author not recuperate his/her artwork, it is understood said author renounces his/her ownership in favor of ANCCE. The Association, may, in turn, destroy or use said work as seen appropriate, which includes editing or printing it, as it was made available to ANCCE.

Sixth: the Jury’s Decision The final decision shall be announced publically within a week as of the deadline established for the presentation of artwork.

Ninth: Publicity The summons for this contest and its rules shall be published on the ANCCE web site www.ancce.com

Seventh: Award-winning Work From the legal standpoint, the award-winning work shall become the exclusive property of ANCCE and shall be reproduced to announce the event and other future events, in addition to being used for promotional activities as deemed appropriate, with specific mention of the author or authors. ANCCE reserves the right to introduce changes in the award-winning poster should there be some type of technical difficulty when printing or to introduce a given text or logo that may not appear in these Rules. Eighth: Remaining Works Those works that fail to win an award may be

Tenth: Final Rules The fact that an artist participates in this contest implies that he/she has knowledge of and accepts all of these rules. Thus, he/she shall not dispute the rules or the contest once the presentation has been formalized. Regarding aspects that are not covered by these Rules, the relevant bodies in each case, have the authority to solve any doubts that may arise, and make the necessary decision for the smooth running of the contest. It is the sole responsibility of the authors, thus releasing the organization of any possible claims that might arise, regarding the authorship of the poster and possible plagiarizing.¡¡ 25


Two PRE earned the category of “Excellent;” Five for the category of “Very Good” and ten “Good” More than 95% of the participating horses were Purebred Spanish Horses


The participating horses were assessed genetically and may seek a genetic category as Young Recommended Breeding Stock. Horses earning a genetic category will be listed in the corresponding Breeding Stock Catalog and in the PRE Stud Book for worldwide coverage within the scope of the PRE Breeding Program. ¡¡ Pegaso Los Arcos. carlos núñez

bred by Yeguada Senillosa (74.900%) and Cantora de Indalo from Yeguada Indalo (74.550%). The classification of Good was granted to five PRE horses in the 4-year-old class, three in the 5-year-old class and two in the 6-year-old class. Among the 4-year-olds were: Nazareth KP from Yeguada La Angostura (71.300%); Claire DA, owned by Los Leales (70.900%); Ñiu JL from Yeguada Virgen de La Soledad and bred by Yeguada Jimenez Latorre (70.550%); Altanero CCIII from Yeguada La Cartuja “Hierro del Bocado” (69.500%) and Campero OH, owned by Yeguada Principado de España and bred by Orientalia Hispana (69.200%). Among the 5-yearolds were Milano KP from Yeguada La Angostura (71.400); Alboroto TMJ, owned by Yeguada La Tamujosa and bred by Yeguada Dehesa Vieja (70,200%) and Bandolero de Ramos from Yeguada SR4 (70.100%). Among the 6-yearolds were Sun City Gal owned by Manuel Vera and bred by Moises Galvez Muriel (71.600%) and Chulito IV from Miura (69.800%). This test concludes the 2018 Performance Controls for Dressage.

carlos núñez

All in all, there were forty horses that participated in the 15th Young Horse Selection Test Final for Dressage, which was held at the Real Club Pineda (Riding Center) in Sevilla from the 4th to the 6th of October. Of the 40 participating horses, 38 were Purebred Spanish Horses. Of these, only 2 earned the classification as Excellent for Dressage. In the 4-year-old category, Pegaso Los Arcos, a PRE owned by Jaime Moreno Garcia – Centro Los Arcos and ridden by Gonzalo Aranaiz, earned the maximum category with an average of 75.000%. In the 5-year-old category, another PRE, Qu de Susaeta from Yeguada Susaeta and ridden by Guillermo Garcia Ayala, placed well with an even higher score in the Final, with an average of 75.400%. Likewise, three other PRE horses in the 4-yearold category and two in the 5-year-old category were considered Very Good for Dressage. These included: Torero de Centurion, owned by Veiga da Luaira and bred by Yeguada Centurion (72.850%); Del Tibio Ciclon, owned by Hnos. Yañez Azuaga and bred by Yeguada Ssamdi Bernal (72.800%) and Costalero XXV from Jose Antonio Romero Haupold (72.300%). Among the 5-year-olds, the PREs included: Seni Alazan, owned by Yeguada Moran and

Qu de Susaeta.


Forty professionals met to debate about the recreational equestrian sector in rural regions Topics such as management of equestrian centers, training, equestrian tourism and the importance of associations were discussed. La Cellera de Ter Parish theatre hosted the first technical workshop for equestrian experts within the Equestrian Activities project supported by the Association of Rural Development in the Northeastern region of Catalonia (ADRINOC). The major and alderwoman for Economic Development & the County of Cellera de Ter, David Sarsanedas and Montserrat Puig, and the representative of ADRINOC and Mayor of Sant Julia del Llor I Bonmati, Marc Garcia, inaugurated the workshop. The morning session was organized by representatives from the Livestock Sectoral Section of DARP (Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries). Firstly, Gumersindo Villa reviewed that various regulations regarding equestrian centers of any size while highlighting basic and key aspects that must be followed. In this sense, he underscored the differences between noncommercial farms (less than five horses) and those that have more than five, known as Farms for Equestrian Activities; he also explained the differences between being a horse owner and owning a farm. Consecutively, Sandra Corbalan and Enric Sarro, technicians from DARP, spoke about the main aspects of horse identification by presenting the requirements that must be met to correctly and legally identify horses on farms. In addition to discussing regulations, the details of the 28

UELN (Universal Equine Life Number) were also discussed as well as the mandatory microchips for all horses. They proceeded to explain the on-going development of an app that facilitates online registrations and allows the use of the Horse Transportation Card in Catalonia. During the following session, Fernando MuĂąoz tackled training in the equestrian

sector; he explained the numerous options available from Department of Teaching to professional certificates and courses in job tr aining from the Department for Labor. Due to his extensive experience, he presented the best options based on the paths and final objectives of the candidates for the different types of training. Manel Ruiz, manager of Cabacci, explained the ins and outs of the equestrian tourism project in Andalusia and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses his experience has given him in such companies.

Furthermore, Ruiz highlighted the possibilities of growth for this activity in Spain thanks to the large percentage of international tourists. Maya Pou, president of the Association of Equestrian Sport Centers in Girona (ACEEGi), explained the structure of the organization, the benefits of all centers within the sector working together, the activities generated, the growth in Dressage and Show Jumping and the need to increase this activity in Girona. Two projects were presented during the workshop.

Top, Raul PinteĂąo, technician in Adapted Dressage, is the manager of the RidingClub that carries his name. Bellow, on the left, a networking session, and on the right, Maya Pou, president of ACEEGi.

Discussion panel that concluded the workshop.

The first one, presented by Elaine Fradley and Elena Lopez from AmbCavalls, is aimed at oncological rehabilitation with horses in their program “Take the reins of your life” for children and teenagers.

The second one addresses the inclusion of the handicapped in the world of horses. Raul Pinteño, technician in Adapted Dressage and manager of the Equestrian Club that carries his name, explained the current programs, the benefits this contact gives the handicapped and the possibilities of competition. The participants attended a networking session where they reflected on the efforts of the past years, looked towards the future and defined steps to be followed in all three aspects of equestrian activities: sport, social-therapeutic and equestrian tourism. During the panel discussion at the end of the workshop, major emphasis was placed on

equestrian tourism which led to an active debate that allowed professionals to tackle the reality of the equestrian world and share their concerns and experiences. This workshop was brought by the Equestrian Activities Project, an economic alternative in rural regions promoted by ADRINOC, subsidized by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishe ries and Food of the Catalonian Regional Government within the framework of incentives for the development of cooperation project among Catalonia LEADER actions and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER). ¡¡




ANCCE receives Values for Excellence Award thanks to its Contribution to the Economic Development and Tourism in Sevilla Recently, ANCCE President Jose Juan Morales received the Values for Excellence Award from the hand of the Deputy Mayor of Seville, Carmen Castreño. The Awards Ceremony was held within the framework of the Tourism Forum “Sevilla moves with positivity. Horizon 2025. Active Tourism,” organized by Nuevo Emprendimiento and Rull & Zalba Abogados (Law Firm). The goal of these awards is to promote the value of tourism, a sector of maximum relevance in Sevilla, and the driving force behind its progress and growth. In this regard, ANCCE has been recognized for its contribution to the economic development and tourism of Sevilla over the past three decades. The efforts of ANCCE are, for the 30

most part, channeled through the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair— SICAB. This year, its 28th edition will be held from the 13th to the 18th of November. This event has become consolidated as the greatest equestrian event dedicated exclusively to the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) in the world. Jose Juan Morales appreciated this recognition on behalf of Purebred Spanish Horse breeders and owners associated with ANCCE and stated that the institution contributes “greatly to the development of tourism in the city.” In this regard, he added that “we share your continued eagerness to promote values of excellence—in our case, the equestrian world—where

we seek to develop and project both nationally and internationally, and all from our city of Sevilla.” The awards were inaugurated by Ana de la Peña, CEO of Nuevo Emprendimiento S.L. and global manager of Rull & Zalba Abogados, who pointed out that “this edition shows the stable spirit and the absolute strengthening of these awards that arose to encourage key economic sectors in our city and province. In addition to this, you must add our social corporate responsibility to create synergies among the various firms it works with, as well as the possibility of reaching out to a maximum number of people and businesses to offer our global services.” ¡¡

Jose Juan Morales receiving the Values for Excellence Award.


rafael lemos



New Trail Assessment for Colts/Fillies ANCCE includes a trail assessment for 2 and 3-year-olds in freedom as part of the SICAB 2018 sports program This year, the novelty at the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair—SICAB 2018—is that ANCCE will be implementing an assessment system for 2 and 3-year-old colts/fillies in freedom. This test is based on international criteria to assess the movements of the main sport breeds, in an effort to detect talented young horses with abilities for sports. This test is well consolidated throughout Europe. In fact, Dutch breeders developed this test as a breeding selection method so that breeders could test their own colts/fillies prior to begin training, and as a new means to market the breed. Thus, a team of renowned 32

international judges, who are members of the KWPN breeding program team, will travel to SICAB to assess 2 and 3-yearold PRE colts/fillies as they perform natural paces, using the same circuit implement to assess sport horses in Holland. This pilot test will take place on Friday, the 16th of November in Pavilion 1, so that breeders may become familiar with the test. ANCCE would like to consolidate this event as a competition in future years so as to offer a new marketing outlet for our horses. The judges will assess these young horses at walk, trot and canter, alignment (on a hard surface) and conformation for

sport (a single score). Once each test has concluded, the quality of each colt/filly will be announced publically, as well as aspects to be improved. Owners will then be given an assessment sheet. There are multiple advantages when participating in this type of test to assess young horses, but one of the most important aspects that are beneficial to breeders is that the horse is not influenced by the presenter given that the colt/ filly is presented at freedom. Likewise, the cost is lower that with other competitions because there is no need for qualified staff to handle the horse and preparation is really basic. ¡¡

‘Radio El Caballo Español’ sees the light ANCCE launches a new weekly radio show on “traditional” FM radio and digital platforms to reach Purebred Spanish Horse enthusiasts all over the world. At the hand of COPE radio station, the new ANCCE program called Radio El Caballo Español hit the waves this past 1st of October, both on FM and Internet. Listen to the program Cope Más Sevilla at 105.8 FM, on the Cope and ANCCE web sites and apps, as well as via Ivoox; the broadcast is Mondays, from 6:30 - 7:00 pm, with a well-designed program grid with exclusive contents about current events, recreational activities, entertainment and lifestyle. The program will be conducted by journalist Isaac Escalera and coordinated by the ANCCE Press office. It will count on the collaboration of important professionals from the equestrian world to cover and discuss the latest events, debates, interviews and opinions generated through social networks in addition to anything and everything linked to Purebred Spanish Horses and the equestrian sector in general. Listeners will enjoy a new, high-quality program, with an international perspective that is close at hand, modern, factbased and independent. Every week, it will provide an in depth analysis of the sector. Being well-aware of the internationalization and popularity of Purebred Spanish Horses, which are currently bred in more than 65 countries, and digital technologies, this project reaches out to listeners wherever their geographic

location may be. ANCCE has sought to design a program

for enthusiasts wanting to follow from traditional FM radio as well as other digital platforms adapted to hand-held devices–ANCCE and COPE web sites and apps, the Ivoox radio platform, by means of Radio El Caballo Español profile and the official Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. ¡¡



Working Equitation SICAB 2018 hosts the 1st ANCCE Cup Final for Working Equitation Anyone who loves PRE Horses knows that SICAB is the cornerstone of such events. It is a week full of activities dedicated to Spanish Horses. This edition, the novelty is that the program includes the 1st ANCCE Cup Final for Working Equitation. TEXT: Lily Forado PHotos: alberto M. bracero




THERE IS A DISCIPLINE that combines the beauty and elegance of Dressage, the emotion and excitement of competing against the clock, the precision of Show Jumping and a series of skills horses need to have when working with cattle. This is none other than Working Equitation, a discipline founded in the 1990s in Italy and that is defined as the process in which a horse is trained to make the most of its skills and acquire the necessary skills to work with cattle in the countryside. HISTORIC CONTEXT Traditionally, Working Equitation was created to promote the various riding techniques used in different countries where horses are used to work on farms, ranches and with cattle. Today, the World Association for Working Equitation (WAWE), founded in 2004, is the governing body that has standardized the rules and supervises international competitions for this independent equestrian discipline. Year after year, this sport—its first international competition was held in 1996 with the European Championship—is growing in leaps and bounds. Today, it is the extremely popular in Europe and in the USA (Confederation for Working Equitation). Thus, countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Mexico and more recently the United States and Australia have a considerable number of participants. In an effort to preserve and maintain the cultural traditions of each country and its horses, Working Equitation allows the rural, country and out-of-doors environment to enter the boundaries of Dressage competition. By combining the customary country flare together with the elegance and subtleness that Dressage a showcase of traditional equitation is created. This, in turn, results in a truly unique sport. When it comes to breeds practicing this discipline, Iberian




Juan Miguel Riaza Sanchez and Imperioso JLE, owned by Antonio Jose Asensio Quesada and bred by Jose Luis de la Escalera.

breeds are most outstanding—both Purebred Spanish and Pure Blood Lusitano horses. They are ideal for this sport thanks to their agility, daringness, natural collection and their history working with cattle. S PA I N ’ S R O YA L E Q U E S T R I A N FEDERATION CONSIDERS THIS SPORT AS AN INDEPENDENT DISCIPLINE Just last year, Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation recognized Working Equitation as an

THE pre is ideal for working equitation thanks to its agility, daringness, natural ability for collection and its history of working with cattle 38

independent discipline, with its own national Rules & Regulations. The National Competition identifies two categories: Juniors (Alevines-U12, Infantiles-U14 and Juveniles-U18) and Seniors. This latter is divided into sub-categories: Seniors Novice (riders competing with horses up to 7 years of age), Seniors Intermediate (no age limit for horses and riders must hold the 4 reins with both hands) and Seniors Advanced (all trails are carried with two reins and using a single hand). The Dressage trials are different, depending on the categories and the obstacles are limited based on the category. As stated in the Rules, participants compete with the traditional attire of their country and may ride any breed.

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report Juan Miguel Riaza Sanchez and Imperioso JLE.

At the technical and descriptive level, Working Equitation has four phases: Dressage (training for work), Manageability (facility with which obstacles are overcome), Speed and Cow Trial (handling cattle). The first three phases are required at competitions for teams and individuals, while the fourth (Cows) is only for team competitions.

“for this discipline, there is a need for noble horses, with a calm spirit, that are good at Dressage, agile and with the skills for the OBSTACLE trial. PRE horses have all of these aptitudes” 40

PromoTING THE PRE UNAET, the National Union of Working Equitation Associations, created in 2017, is the organization that governs and brings together the three independent associations that were promoting Working Equitation in Andalusia, CastillaLa Mancha and Castilla y León. A year ago, ANCCE signed a collaboration agreement with the UNAET to promote the participation of Purebred Spanish Horses in this equestrian discipline. David Moreno, president of UNAET, states that this agreement “seeks to develop Working Equitation for the PRE, so that amateur riders as well as professionals and breeders have another sports option and use for their Purebred Spanish Horses. It is remarkable that there are more PRE Horses competing internationally than in our own country due to the fact that this discipline has not been developed internationally in Spain. However, since 2016, more and more horses are being prepared.” Moreno explains that when it comes to Working Equitation, Dressage training is essential for horses wanting to further into this discipline. “The versatility of the PRE is a fact that makes it an ideal breed for this discipline. Its noble spirit, functionality and versatility are all attributes that make it perfect. There is a need for noble horses, ones that have a calm spirit, that are good at Dressage, agile and that have the talent and skills to overcome the obstacles. PRE Horses have all of these aptitudes, and that is where its ability for success arises in this equestrian sport,” he points out. Over the past year, there have been a number of qualifier rounds for the ANCCE Cup, at the individual Senior level. SICAB 2018 will be the perfect place to host the 1 st ANCCE Cup Final for Working Equitation, as it combines the beauty, functionality, skill, diligence and willingness to work of the PRE with the tradition and culture of Working Equitation. ¡¡







Bolaños Saddlery An apprentice of perfection His passion has been his profession for the past 35 years. Ramon Bolaños is a master craftsman in Rota who combines tradition and innovation when making saddles. Being that saddles last for a lifetime, his slogan states that they become “the most comfortable saddle you’ve ever used.” His workmanship is famous both in Spain and abroad. TEXT: PURIFICACIÓN ÁLAMO Photos: Miguel Gómez




it was the 21st of march in 1956 when the town of Rota welcomed one of Spain’s best saddle makers. In grade school, he proved his skills; undoubtedly, art class was his favorite subject. While studying, he met some hippies and worked leather products with them during the summer months. He started making bags, belts, sandals and bracelets, but his true vocation appeared when he was 22 when he fell in love with horses. Master craftsman Manuel Rodriguez taught him sewing and with that, he made his first horse harness. His apprenticeship ended because the master no longer wanted to teach him anything else. “Back then, craftsmen were very secretive, reluctant to share the secrets of their profession and they never wanted to teach anyone. Besides—Ramon continues to explain—I learned too quickly.” A different style Ramon Bolaños was rather frustrated, but nobody or anything was going to hinder him from making his dream come true. He decided to learn on his own, so he took a saddle apart, piece by piece, studied it inside and out to reveal its inner secrets. That was the moment in which his self-educated phase began and he started to open his own business. At the time, he was 25 and full of high hopes. “Starting from the grass roots is difficult,” he explains; nevertheless, his unique style captivated clients right from the beginning. His first vaquera saddle was his calling card for a more than competitive sector; however, his style and color pallet were eye-catching. “At the time, all vaquera saddles were black, but mine were a hazel brown. The leather was pale, but I put them out in the sun, nurtured them with oils to obtain a

“back then, craftsmen were very secretive, reluctant to share their profession and they never wanted to teach anyone. besides, i learned too quickly” 46

very lovely color. Likewise, the saddle had a seat that was really innovative, because the old saddles were straight, without any actual indication of the seat.” His innovative work practice was widely accepted and the orders began to roll in. That first vaquera saddle brings back memories for this skilled saddle maker from Rota; he recalls the effort and the moments when he was overwhelmed. “I didn’t have a dime and I needed to sell it. There was a man, who was interested, and he said he would come at five in the afternoon to pick it up; that same morning, I still didn’t know how to make the pinecone pendants that had to go on each side.” Of course, he managed to do it, and his customer was more than thrilled and to such a point that years later, Ramon Bolaños has been unable to convince him to sell it back to him, or exchange it for a new saddle. “I would love to have it back,” he nostalgically recalls. golden era Little by little, the business flourished and the years prior to the economic crisis were a golden era for Bolaños Saddlery. “We have always had a lot of work, and back then, we had a twoyear waiting list.” At the time, the shop had five employees, but the recession really hit hard, and there just wasn’t enough work for everyone. Now, it is limited to Ramon Bolaños and Jose Manuel Perez Muñiz. “Although we have never lacked work, the crisis did affect us, which is complicated by the fact that there are more saddleries than there used to be.” This master craftsman is always reinventing himself, as he has the ability to innovate in order to overcome any situation. “We have renewed saddles, and done new things that are working out well, thus leading to an increased workload.” Although his hands are weathered by more than 35 years in the profession, he continues to innovate, experiment and learn. “I have never stopped learning. There are new raw materials that have to be treated


report differently and when it comes to horses, the breed moves forward and we have to adapt to change.” Survival is achieved through evolution and at the end of the day, effort has its compensation. TRADITION and INNOVATION Tradition and popular know-how transmitted from generation to generation are reason for being of Bolaños Guarnicioneros. However, this saddlery has contributed greatly to revolutionizing the saddle and harness making industry; its improvements have positive effects of horse and rider well-being. “I have always liked to research and investigate so that the saddle fits perfectly and doesn’t bother the horse.” Bolaños’ saddle shop was the first to introduce fiber saddles, thanks to which he solved the eternal problem of weight while at the same time avoiding the cantle from going soft or twisted due to humidity. This practical solution has been “copied” by almost all saddle makers. He spent many years researching the matter before developing a fiber vaquera saddle that was fully in

all work it crafted by hand and it takes at least 20 days to make a standard saddle, up to six months for a hand-laced saddle sewn to sheepskin


keeping with tradition. For the true sticklers and die-hards of tradition, a typical saddle must be made of rye and cased (with leather), and the same holds true for a mixed saddle. For side-saddles, Bolaños Guarnicioneros has come up with its own vaquera saddle design that compensates the balance of a woman on the horse. Innovation has been a constant, but it is noteworthy that Bolaños introduced the use of a fiber saddle tree for Spanish vaquera saddles; traditionally, these have always been made of wood. “It was an obsolete saddle because the seat was very flat, and it failed to lie well on the horse. Now, with a well-positioned seat, which is similar to that of an English saddle, it is more readily accepted.” The flagships of the workshop in Cadiz are, of course, the vaquera saddle that is so well-established in Lower Andalusia and the Spanish riding saddle, with its different versions: –Spanish saddle, Dressage, Pleasure riding and Spanish High School—but –he has never rejected an order, and even less if it translated into a major challenge and he lost his sleep trying to finish on time. “I have never said no, even if I didn’t know how to do it. Then, I would start investigating, I was successful and the customer was satisfied.”



He also handcrafts Portuguese and English saddles, as well as back pads for carriage horses. His saddles will last a life-time, in addition to the design and innovation, which are characteristics expresses in his slogan: “Feel like a Centaur with most comfortable saddle you have ever ridden.” up to six months of work Hide are tanned by hand, to then be cut and sewed…everything is done by hand, with no machinery of any type; only the essential tools for each task are used. Products are commissioned individually, with all saddles being exclusive, anatomical, perfectly adapted to the horses and personalized because each project is tailor-made and in keeping with the taste of the customer. It is a task that takes time and the pace cannot be quickened. A standard saddle takes at least twenty days to

Prior to retirement, Ramon Bolaños wants to organize an exposition with the various riding saddles to summarize his lifelong passion 50

make, and the timeline increases in keeping with the specifics of the order. A silk mount needs even more time, up to two months, and if the saddle is laced by hand and sewn to the sheepskin, then work takes up to six months. So much dedication, so much art and the use of high quality materials comes with a price tag. Prices begin at €1100 for a simple saddle, and €6000 for a more elaborate and artistic one. INTERNATIONAL prestige Ramon Bolaños has always been dedicated to his profession in heart and soul, and has confided in himself, but when it comes to discussing his fame, he is more than modest. “It is very positive to have a good opinion of our work. I like a job well done, with finishing touches. I always seek perfection; you can’t always, but that is my yearning.” He has never gone to a trade show, but his prestige has surpassed the boundaries of Spain, and his fame has spread by word-of-mouth and his web site. Bolaños Guarnicioneros has made saddles for riders all over the world. Most of his customers are from



abroad, mainly from Germany—his main market niche—the UAE, Japan, France and Poland, among others. To a certain extent, his international projection is due to his participation in an exposition of Great Masters of Latin American Popular Art, organized to commemorate the 22 nd Latin American Summit in Cadiz in 2012, an event that coincided with the 200th anniversary of Spain’s 1812 Constitution. Some 1150 samples crafted by 750 expert craftsmen were on show, including a vaquera saddle by Bolaños Saddlery to represent Spain’s leather work. This same exhibit traveled to Madrid. Jose Manuel Perez Muñiz recalls with excitement how a lady, who entered the workshop like any other client, had been travelling all over Spain for seven years to select the craftsmen who would participate in the exposition. “We were really proud, especially when you contemplate the number of craftsmen in the country,” he explains. Major popularity was also earned thanks to another order by Julio 52

Revilla, who requested a reproduction of the Andalusian style harness that the Sevilla City Hall gave to Queen Isabella II of Spain when a bridge bearing her name—commonly known as the Triana Bridge—was inaugurated. Bolaños accepted the challenge and he dared introduce a tri-dimensional effect on the embossment of the embroidery— something that had never been done in Spain until then—and that same design was reproduced on the harness, the carriage and the carriage driver’s uniforms. It is black with burgundy embroidery, which is very different from the current hazel tones used today. The set was truly impressive when the owner exhibited it at the Maestranza bullring in Sevilla. Although most of the orders come from international clients, Ramon Bolaños is a “prophet in his own land” because he rakes in orders from all over Spain. His customer list is long and includes important names, such as Antonio Santiago, dual Absolute Spanish High School Champion in Catalonia; Gonzalo Corrales Crespo, Dual Champion of Spain in Doma Vaquera; and Eduardo Mellado, Spanish Olympic rider, to mention a few. a farewell exposition Ramon Bolaños is now 62 and retirement looms ahead. He is not sure whether he will leave it all behind or not, as for him, this is more of a hobby than a job. Over the years, while he is still an active professional, he has been transmitting his savoirfaire to Jose Manuel, a craftsman in whom Ramon has entrusted the secrets of the profession; although he already has two decades of experience on his shoulders, he considers himself an apprentice. One thing that is clear in his mind is that prior to retirement, he wants to organize an exposition of the various riding saddles to summarize his lifelong passion. A paramount task awaits him, as it will be difficult to bring together such a vast variety of creations because one he finishes an item, it is quickly taken away. ¡¡

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Fernando Botero A Unique & Unive


& his Horses: rsal Breed

Throughout the history of art, important painters and sculptors have always admired the beauty of horses. Whether their forms or proportions, horses have been appreciated by artists for their important artistic value. Each artist has been inspired to depict horses using his/her own distinctive artistic style. The essence is, for them all, the same, but at the same time, with a different fragrance that makes each piece of art unique, as in the case of horses by Fernando Botero. TEXT: MarĂ­a SĂĄez de Propios



c 56

colombian artist Fernando Botero has developed his own style, one that is recognizable and universal by expressing reality using proportionately exaggerated forms and colors. United Arab Emirates, Germany, Mexico, Russia, France, England, Italy and Spain are but a few of the scenarios where he has exhibited his sculptures of horses. His works have traveled to almost all countries of Europe and America. Since the eighties, these monumental sculptures have travelled the world. However, it was as of 1992 when he presented his most important public exhibition of sculptures in the Champs Elysees in Paris, to later exhibit his work on the most important avenues and squares of the world: New York Avenue, Paseo de Recoletos in Madrid, Praça do Comercio in Lisbon, and Piazza della Signoria in Florence. The expressiveness of Botero’s work has a diversity of

cultural roots, from Pre-Colombian art and that of the Near East or ancient Greece statues to works by Renaissance masters or sculptures by Henry Moore, among others. His iconic command of his figures is shared with the aforementioned influences, as is the powerful presence that universalizes his message. horses; a NEVER-ENDING source of inspiration for painters & sculptors Horses are one of the main topics for sculptures, as it is “the most beautiful and noblest” animal in the world; this is where most sculptors get their inspiration. “Each sculptor has made a distinctive horse; what is important is that the artist sees (the horse) in a unique way, according to his/her ideas and concept of art,” Botero explains to El Caballo Español magazine. We all recall Renaissance horses,

horses are the eternal topic of SCULPTURES as they are “the most beautiful and noblest” animal, and from here, the inspiration for most artists

The sculpture ‘Horse with Bridle’ and several paintings by Fernando Botero with horses as the protagonist.



‘The President and First Lady,’ painted by Botero in 1989.

“in art, everything is excessive. each artist EXAGGERATES & qualifies his concepts”

those by Caravaggio, Velazquez or Picasso, but the artist states that his horse “is a horse within my concept of art.” His ideas have led him to create his own personal and recognizable style, “which is extremely difficult and something that few artists achieve,” he states. Botero was born in 1932, in Medellin, Colombia. Today, he is the most popular Latin American artist who continues to be active 58

throughout the second half of the 20th century. In 1944, he went to bullfighting school in Medellin, which is where his vocation for the world of bullfighting began, as did his first paintings dedicated to the subject, together with equestrian themes. As a child, Botero verified the usefulness of horses as a means of transportation in a Colombia with limited highways and their beauty earned his admiration. “The mixture of beauty and the usefulness of horses have made them a source of inspiration for sculptors,” explains Botero, “because, in nature, there is no other animal as beautiful as a horse.”



Volume is his hallmark. In this regard, while in Italy, he was interested in Quattrocento art, which is very volumetric, as were his first works of art. They invented volume and space on a flat surface. And this confirmed his preference towards volume in his work “as the exaltation of volume and sensuality. In art, everything is excessive. Each artist exaggerates and qualifies his/ her concepts,” he explains. ‘Horse with Bridle’ or ‘Horse’, as Botero himself calls it, is one of his monumental sculptures, which he made in 2012 to commemorate the exposition Celebration at the BBK Museum on Gran Vía in Bilbao. It is one of his best examples of his art as a sculptor, which began at a 60

steady pace in 1973. Work number 80—weighing a ton and a half— was chosen for the retrospective exhibit because it coincided with his birthday in 2012; and that is why Celebration was the title of the exhibit. His paintings and sculptures are figurative because for him, “art confines a concept, a different way of presenting nature.” His characteristic volumetric style is present in the rounded forms of his representations, both animal and human figures, shown individually, as a couple, and in some cases, fragmented. The sensuality of color is substituted for a smooth surface with the shine of marble, or as in this case,

Since 1980, works by Fernando Botero have travelled with world far and wide.


Botero painted ‘At the Park’ in 2006.

bronze, the material of choice for his representations to perfection using lost-wax casting. He usually begins his work with clay models, which are then made in marble or bronze in the Tuscany town of Pietrasanta (Italy), renowned

his paintings & sculptures are FIGURATIVE, because for him, “art confines a concept, a different way of presenting nature” 62

for its Carrara marble quarry— visited on many occasions by Michelangelo—and for its bronze foundries. Botero has had a studio there since 1983. His entire life has been dedicated to artistic creation, with which he has defined a style that flows against the tide. He has granted art his own intention, one that harmonizes with the thoughts of Aristotle, who in the 4th Century BC stated that “the objective of art is to bring life to the secret essence of things, not to copy their appearance.” ¡¡

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A chat with... In the section A chat with... we will visit a number of stud farms. Thanks to interviews with their owners, we will learn about their origins, motivations... and their formula for success.

Yeguada La Conquista


How did you get started in the world of Purebred Spanish Horses? My husband and I are both veterinarians by training and we wanted to have a family hobby, something that we all enjoy, learn and where our kids could be part of it; so we decided to go ahead with PRE’s because of their beauty and great temperament, as well as their versatile performance in different sports. How many PRE horses are there at your stud farm? We proudly own 15 horses in total. Your best stallion/mare/foal is: I would call it my favorite instead of my best, because for me, all are the best horses ever! (ha ha!) So, my favorite is Oxido de Vilaire who had a very successful conformation career, finishing 5 th in Section 4 at SICAB 2017. Oxido is currently being trained by an Olympic rider; if everything goes well, we hope to debut in dressage next year. What are your priorities: sports, hacking, breeding, etc.? Dressage is our main sport, but one of my priorities is to breed horses that people of all ages and horsemanship levels enjoy being around with; basically, we maintain a great functionality, the beauty


Fact sheet Name of stud farm: La Conquista. geographic location: Alberta, CanadĂĄ.




A chat with... Ketama.



best horses ever, and with lovely conformation; they are physically beautiful; you can practice different sports with them and they are always willing to try new things for you and give you their best; you create a magnificent bond with them, much better than with other breeds. They have an amazing mindset and learn pretty fast, which makes them a breed suitable for people of varied backgrounds and goals.

of a PRE horse, and their beautiful temperament. What does the future hold for PRE horses in your country? Everything!! I think they are the 66

What do you like most about Purebred Spanish Horses? Canada has a very large population of horses, and the province of Alberta is the country’s horse Capital. Although PRE’s are not a very popular breed, people are getting really interested in their versatility. Being the only ANCEE registered breeding program in Canada, we are committed to breeding top quality horses that succeed in the many horse venues held in the country. ¡¡


publicity report


Yeguada Plaza de Armas

Pioneers in PRE breeding


Florencio Moreno Moreno was born in Pozoblanco (Cordoba) in 1970. For over 25 years, this veterinarian and passionate breeder has been part of the breeding world. He is a member of COVAP (Los Pedroches Valley Farming Cooperative), manager of Confevap, the body that organizes Los Pedroches Valley Country Fair. Florencio has been passionate about horses since his childhood. Along with his siblings, he was able to continue his father’s legacy by making Yeguada Plaza de Armas a

world-class stud farm. Its beginnings trace back to the 70’s when the main purpose of any horse was transportation and performing farm chores. Florencio Moreno Muñoz— well-known within the breeding community as one of the first founding members of COPAV—was a visionary who bought a few PRE mares, with which he began what would later become Yeguada Plaza de Armas. Florencio’s love for animals, and, especially for horses was encouraged by his father when he first introduced PREs to Los Preprocess Valley. “My father was one of ANCCE’s first members and a horse enthusiast. He passed on this love for horses to my siblings and I,” he says. When the horse breeding operation began, “our main objective was to select good horses to create our own stud farm,” the breeder explains; origins come from Vizcondes de la Montesina stud farm, located in the region of Extremadura, crossbred with stallions from Yeguada Militar and Yeguada del Bocado and more than 60 mares from their own stud farm. During the selection process, working with PRE horses was of utmost importance, as was selecting them based on their conformation, functionality and nobleness. “This selection was extremely important in order to obtain unique horses for competition,” Florencio states. Furthermore, he is convinced that horse nutrition and hygiene are 69

publicity report

crucial. “As a member of COVAP, we trust the feed provided by ECUS since its intended for the various growth phases.” Los Pedroches Valley (in the province of Cordoba, Spain) provides

Passionate about horses since his childhood, he was able to continue his father’s legacy together with his siblings, by making Yeguada Plaza de Armas a world-class studfarm 70

enough natural resources for the mares at Plaza de Armas to be raised extensively until the age of three when they reach their reproductive phase. This type of breeding is rather slow, but the horses are more enduring and live longer. “Breeding horses is a very slow process and logically, there has to be renovation from one generation to the next. Therefore, it is key to be passionate since there are both good and bad moments. But if you are passionate enough, you keep going.” Throughout the years, Yeguada Plaza de Armas has had some extraordinary horses such as Fresón that won two gold medals at the 1991 Spanish National Championship, and that same year, won first place in SICAB’s first edition. “This horse was the main pillar that transformed our stud farm after competing for 30 years,” highlights Florencio. After Fresón, this stud farm has had other remarkable horses such as Lagunera, winning five gold medals and a three-time runner-up at the Spanish National Championship. Lagunera has been one of the most award-winning mares and has left high-quality descendants such as Armas Enea and Silencio at Yeguada R4, owned by Sergio Ramos. Armas Jarota and Armas Tarugo are two other remarkable horses, well worthy of mention. This latter was runner-up in the Spanish National Championship and Spanish Champion in functionality and was later sold and sent to Mexico. To date, he has more a progeny that include more than 350 mares. This breeder is truly proud of his stud farm since has earned renown world-wide thanks to its remarkably award-winning horses. Furthermore, horses from Yeguada Plaza de Armas are living in Latin-America— Ecuador, Mexico and Costa Rica— and descendants of some of their best horses are competing in CentralEurope. “This all makes us extremely proud of the decision we made during our beginnings especially in terms of genetics and the breeding stock used,” concludes Florencio. ¡¡

Elige un menĂş de alta calidad a la medida de tu caballo.

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international associations UNITED KINGDOM

UK National Breed Show and National PRE Basic Evaluations TEXTO: Mary McBryde


n the past months, a number of event s around the UK featuring Spanish horses have been held but the most significant are without doubt, the UK National Breed show for PRE hor ses, and t he U K N a t ion al P R E B a sic Ev alu a t ion s .

Soleada VII, owned by Karen Clithero and bred by Yeguada Fuego, with sidesaddle Amy Clithero.

Mill Mazapan owned by Mandy Wheatcroft.


The National Breed Show was the 3 rd or ganize d by t he r e c en t l y cr e a t e d organization, GBPRE, who are following in the footsteps of 30 years of National Breed Shows organized by the British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse (BAPSH Ltd). This year the Breed Show provided a large range of Dressage classes regulated by three different governing bodies, ANCCE, British Dressage, and The Masters du Cheval Iberique (MCI); plus ANCCE Morphology classes, Ridden Showing classes, and trial classes for Doma Vaquera and Alta Escuela. Sadly there were no Show Jumping classes, which caused disappointment to exhibitors and spectators who have really enjoyed the excit ement of these classes in the past, especially the very popular ‘Horse and Hound’ jumping class where each entr y is a team of Horse and Rider paired with a Hound and Handler who must all complete the course of show-jumps adding both scores together to make the team’s total. The ANCCE Morphology classes hosted 25 owners entering 43 horses. After two days of morphology and functionality judging, the titles of Champion

Maximo JLBA owned by JLB Andalusians.

Stallion and Functionality Champion were awarded to the impressive grey 7-year-old Calificado stallion Roque VII owned by Naomi Vance Webb and bred by Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia. Reserve Champion Stallion went to Danes Ca owned by Pete Saunders of Illixa PRE and Reserve Functionality Champion was won by Resuelto X X owned by Karen Bourdon of Premier PRE. Champion Mare and Reser ve Champion Mare titles were awarded to UK-bred mares with Primadonna winning Champion Mare for owner Chr istine Reale of Spir it osa PRE Stud, and Jareta Xaenera, bred and ow ned by Jo Jar et t , gaining t he Reserve place. Junior Filly Champion and Junior Movement Champion titles wer e awar ded t o t he ver y lovely 2-year-old grey Novelera de Romeo also owned by Naomi Vance Webb and bred by Yeguada Casa Romeo. Junior Champion Colt went to Bacchus NSHL, bred and owned by UK breeder Nadia Lister. Overall there was a pleasing 50/50 balance in the distribution of the major prizes between Spanishbred imported horses and UK-bred horses. NATIONAL PRE BASIC EVALUATIONS This was the 33 rd annual PRE Grading held in Unicorn Trust, a beautifully situated central equine centre in the English Cotswold hills. The venue is blessed with good accommodation and onsite stabling and a huge indoor arena. It had 35 horses entered for assessment ranging from 3-years to 9-years of age, nine stallions and 26 mares of which four Spanish-bred horses presented for Evaluation with the remaining horses bred by UK stud farms. Highest marks for Breed Quality (8/9) and Harmony (8/9) went to Spanish-bred 3-yearold old Perlino filly Beca Vinyet owned by Eileen Brooks. Another Spanish import, Lacayo I Rey, achieved the only other 8/9 for Breed Quality combined with 6/9 for Harmony and really good movement scores of Walk-7, Trot-7, and Canter-8. Lacayo was presented by the owner’s wife, Rebecca Brennand, who competes this handsome Bohorquez stallion in Dressage. UK-br ed youngs t er s wer e close-up in achiev ing good Br eed Qualit y & Har mony

scores with Mill Bambu and Maryss Xinnia gaining 7/9 for both categories. The best movement scores were achieved by UK born 5yr black mar e Her a NV W, br ed by Naomi Vance Webb and presented by Oriol Matas; Hera NVW scored an impressive Walk-8, Trot7, and Canter-8, despite her spect acular crossbred foal interfering by showing off his own paces around his mother. At the end of the Evaluations there were 9 APTO Stallions and 19 APTO Mares added to the PRE breeding herd in the UK. ¡ ¡

Top, Roque VII, owned by Naomi Vance Webb and bred byy Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia. Bellow, Beca Vinyet, owned by Eileen Brooks and bred by Nicolás y García.

international associations NORWAY

The PRE in the Artic The Purebred Spanish horse has established its footing in Norway, the land of the Midnight Sun and Northern Lights, where winters are cold, long and dark with summers being short and intense. Far away from Spain’s warm climate, the Purebred Spanish Horse has proven itself highly adaptable. With its friendly disposition, wonderful character and great versatility, the breed has captivated the hearts of many TEXTO: irene andersen


here are about 250 Spanish horses in Norway and in 2017, thirteen foals were registered. The breed is widely used due to its versatility and competes in most disciplines. Mares, for the most part, are used as riding or carriage horses and may have a foal or two. Owners are found in all age groups and have horses either as a hobby or for professional use. In Norway, most horse owners have just one or two horses, and many rent a box at a

Gro Marie Aakre enjoying the beauty of Norway with her gelding Hercules LXXIII, who gives his best both with a rider and in front of a sleigh.


barn or stable yard. Although most PRE owners in Norway keep horses on a small scale, there are also several breeders who have a larger number of horses and actively breed and sell them. ADMITTING STALLIONS IN STABLES Contrary to standard practice in Spain, keeping the males as stallions is not usual in Norway. Most of them are gelded at a young

Todo tiene un orige n. En este caso, todo em pezó en 1970 con la primera celebración del Día de la Tierra, cuando un fabricante de cartón de Chicago lanzó a concurso el del icono del reciclaje diseño . En apenas un par de días, un joven estudiante de arquitectura lo plasm ó, basándose en la ba nda de Moebius qu representa un proc e eso sin fin como el de l reciclaje, símbolo universal de nuestra recién estre nada conciencia medioam biental.

Siempre mostramo s con orgullo lo qu e nos define. Por eso, en 1997 creamos el sím bolo Hybrid que hoy luc en con orgullo todo s los Toyota C-HR que ve ndemos. Conduce como pie





Consumo medio (l/100): 3,8 – 3,9. Emisiones CO₂ (g/km): 86 – 87.


Avda. Fernández Murube, 30 P. I. Ctra. Amarilla SEVILLA 954 999 696 Avda. de la Libertad, 3 - 5 DOS HERMANAS 954 999 869


international associations age as barns and stable only allow mares or geldings. Norwegian authorities require that all horses be turned out in a paddock for a minimum number of hours per day. This might be a contributing factor to why barns are more reluctant to accepting stallions as it places a higher level of compliance regarding fencing, and more experienced stable hands to handle them. However, the docile character of the breed has earned it a good reputation; several barns that usually have a policy against stallions have agreed to take in PRE stallions. ARTIC BREEDING Long distances, high costs of production and the cold climate make breeding a challenge. There is only a short period where the


The Norwegian Champion Since 2011, the Norwegian P.R.E. Association has organized five championships in Norway. The championship is a great opportunity for people from all over the country who share the same passion for the Spanish horse to come together. It is the most important arena for the recruitment and promotion of the breed, with a record-breaking number of participants this year. The Championship has great significance, as it is important that broodmares and stallions be awarded a professional evaluation by Spanish judges. Norway is a far-reaching country, which is challenging in terms of long distances travelled by some participants. Some travel as far as 1200 kilometers just to show their horses. Thanks to ANCCE, for the last two years, the annual evaluation has been held at the same time as the Championship. This has been quite beneficial to breeders and owners in Norway as it solves a number of logistical challenges and encourages increased involvement. The services provided by ANCCE have proven successful, especially now that stud book services are coordinated directly between ANCCE and members, which has worked out very well.

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international associations horses can be outside at all hours and eat grass; the rest of the year, horses must be safeguarded and fed. Although summers are short, the days are long and in some parts of Norway we have what is known as the Midnight Sun, where the sun never sets for 70 days. Furthermore, the grass is highly nutritious, so horses can be fed high quality hay throughout the year. SELLING FOALS Guro Hansen is one of Norway’s PRE-breeders owning three broodmares and her own stallion. It all began when she purchased a PRE gelding, but then she got the urge to start her own stud farm. In 2013, she acquired her first broodmare and produced the first foal in 2015. From then “I expanded with two more mares

Quincalla V is the founding mare of Eplehagens P.R.E. stud farm owned by Guro Hansens, and the only mare in Norway that has earned the category as Cualificado.


that carry the crème gene. I want to breed horses with good conformation and sound temperament—the color is just a bonus,” Guro says. The breeding season in Norway is short, so “I prefer that foals be born in April or May; that way they can take maximum advantage of the pasture season.” “The breed is not that common in Norway; I compete with several national as well as international breeds. It’s a small market—a buyers’ market”. However she emphasizes on marketing the offspring and selling them by the time they are yearlings since “the costs of keeping horses in Norway is high, so it is an advantage to sell early.” Although it’s a small market, she has already received numerous offers. Likewise, “I only sell if it feels right—it needs to be the right buyer for the horse.” ¡¡


list of ANCCE breeders

Who is who at ANCCE? List of stud farms registered with National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association. Further information (representative and contact info) using the QR code. ACITORES GANADERÍA Tlf.: 609 620 808 macitor@gmail.com Murcia

ALTAJARA, S.L. Tlf.: 955 600 282 Móvil: 609 521 803 jddom@ibccopiers.com Sevilla

Bohórquez ESCRIBANO, D. FERMÍN Tlf.: 956 184 579-83 carlos@ferminbohorquez.org Cádiz

ACORDY Tlf.: 952 073 079 – 655 309 027 www.hipica-acordy.com info@acordy.com Cádiz

ANDIC ERMAY, D. NAHMAN Tlf.: 610 498 282 - 610 498 560 www.yeguadandic.com info@yeguadandic.com Barcelona

AGRAPUR, S.L. Tlf.: 696 416 811 www.caballeriaesteve.com jordi@grupagra.com Lérida

ANSTALT ANATOL Móvil: 630 316 053 - 616 495 433 fincaelermitaño@yahoo.es Sevilla

Bohórquez GARCÍA DE VILLEGAS, D. MIGUEL Tlf.: 956 307 893 Móvil: 625 570 377 www.actiweb.es/ ganaderiamiguelbohorquez soymiguelbohorquez@hotmail.com Cádiz

AGRíCOLA GUZMáN, S.A. Tlf.: 618 748 474 jnb-@hotmail.es Sevilla AGRÍCOLA SMIRR Tlf.: +49 68723807 Móvil: +49 1702010894 www.smirr.de info@smirr.de Alemania AGRÍCOLA VALVI, S.A.U. Tlf.: 954 047 233 mtge@actividadesgestoras.com Sevilla agrícola y ganadera cueva serrana Tlf.: 676 978 382 rmenarguez@marsol.org Alicante AGRÍCOLAS RUIZ, S.L Tlf.: 649 898 927 yeguadaar@icloud.com Murcia AGROPECUARIA EL ANCLA Tlf.: 956 232 561 Móvil: 619 112 250 www.agropecuariaelancla.com Cádiz AGROPECUARIA LARIOS, S.A. YEGUADA LARIOS Tlf.: 956 420 595 Móvil: 696 935 306 www.larios.es www.facebook.com/yeguadalarios larios@larios.es Cádiz AGUAYMANTO Tlf.: +57 44488224 yeguada.aguaymanto@gmail.com Colombia AGUILAR MATESANZ, HNOS. Tlf.: 921 124 136 Móvil: 615 636 201 www.yeguadaaguilarmatesanzhnos.com aguilarpre1@gmail.com Segovia ALARCÓN DE LA LASTRA ROMERO, D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 666 455 837 salvador.alarcon@canagrosa.com Sevilla ALONSO MORENO DE LA COVA Tlf.: 609 553 163 jccamacho@juancarloscamacho.com Sevilla


ANTONIO LEÓN ROMERO Tlf.: 669 880 148 www.yeguadacerrodeloscastillejos.com pre_caballos@hotmail.com Córdoba ARANDA ALCÁNTARA, D. GREGORIO CHAPUELA 1999, S.L Sevilla ARROYO P.R.E. Tlf.: 913 401 033 Móvil: 609 266 061 www.arroyo-pre.com - m.arroyo@telkron.es Madrid

BOLOIX AS – HDROS. DE MARTÍNEZ BOLOIX Tlf.: 968 886 050 Móvil: 609 822 006 ja.gomez@grucopel.com Murcia BUENA SUERTE Tlf.: (+31) 620250516 www.andalusiers.nu andalusiers@chello.nl Holanda CABALLOS DEL JARAMA Móvil: 630 912 683 rodrigo@casasmovilesjarama.com Madrid

AZAHAR HORSES Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia

CABALLOS LLARGUÉS Tlf.: 935 601 358 Móvil: 637 242 489 www.caballosllargues.com caballos@llargues.info caballos.llargues@gmail.com Barcelona

BáEZ SPINOLA, D. MIGUEL Tlf.: 639 956 944 juanantonio_vadillo@hotmail.com Huelva

CADENAS BELTRÁN , D. AGUSTÍN Tlf.: 956 172 938 Móvil: 650 104 961 elconde616@hotmail.com Cádiz

BALINOT VALDIVIA, D. FRANCISCO JOSÉ Tlfs.: 958 680 004 – 605 287 793 Granada

CAMACHO BENÍTEZ, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 520 051 Móvil: 608 554 930 hcamacho@arrakis.es Córdoba

BALLESTEROS MORCILLO, D. JESÚS Tlf.: 957 540 142 - 957 553 159 cabalgue.pre@gmail.com Córdoba

CÁMARA YSERN, Dª ROCÍO DE LA Tlf.: 954 272 359 Móvil: 639 169 080 Sevilla

BENÍTEZ MORENO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 141 404 - Part.: 954 141 164 Finca: 955 953 688 info@hermanosbenitezmoreno.es Sevilla

CáRDENAS OSUNA, D. PEDRO DE Tlf.: 954 830 502 agrícolacardenas@gmail.com Sevilla

BENITO RUIZ, D. JOSÉ LUIS Tlf.: +502 247 02015 Móvil: +502 56510711 jose.benito@servipackgt.com Guatemala BERMEJO PERTEGAL YEGUADA Tlf.: 924 536 100 Móvil: 687 421 845 www.yeguadabermejo.com luis@yeguadabermejo.com Badajoz BIOALAZOR Tlf.: 609 501 038 luiscarlos1@telefonica.net Sevilla BOHEMIA SANTA Tlf.: 609 690 937 – 629 867 270 rsantcar@hotmail.com Madrid

CARRIÓN ROMERO HNOS Tlfs.: 957 271 292 – 629 119 900 antonio@carrionfernandez.com Córdoba CASA ESTANQUE Tlf.: +49 2482911000 info@casa-estanque.de Alemania CASCO LA VENTA Tlf.: +52 5552231763 lucial@telmex.com México CENTRO DE REPRODUCCIÓN EQUINA PEPE ANTÓN Móvil: 629 870 299 www.pepeanton.com pepe@pepeanton.com Valencia

CENTRO ECUESTRE EL PINTOR Tlf.: 678 403 537 centroecuestreelpintor@hotmail.com Granada CHAPEL CREEK RANCH Tlf.: 001 9404585513 chapelcreekranch@medievaltimes.com Estados Unidos CHAVES SAINZ, D. FEDERICO FERNANDO Tlf.: 942 270 521 Móvil: 609 417 993 direccion@roper.es Santander CHINCHILLA RODRÍGUEZ , D. DOMINGO Móvil: 677 537 199 www.domingochinchilla.com dom@domingochinchilla.com Granada

CT EQUESTRIAN Tlf.: 620 991 385 www.ct-equestrian.com therese.dahlstedt@gmail.com Teruel CUADRA CONQUISTA Tlf.: +52 3336306022 cuadraconquista@yahoo.com.mx México CUADRA COTIJA Tlf.: (+1)209726-9247 sonihernandez98@gmail.com Estados Unidos CUEVAS BAJAS, S.L. Tlf.: 957 760 791 Móvil: 629 848 430 antoniocarrillo@ptvtelecom.com Córdoba

COMPADRITOS RANCH Tlf.: (+1)5107507807 aguila-y@hotmail.com Estados Unidos

CUQUERELLA ÚBEDA, D. JUAN Tlf.: 954 500 606 954500313@telefonica.net Sevilla

CORTÉS DE LA ESCALERA, HDROS. DE Mª DOLORES Tlf.: 617 402 609 - 954 229 507 fdo.barquin@gmail.com Sevilla

DE CÁRDENAS Tlf.: +1 3524086788 gloria@gloriaaustin.com Estados Unidos

CORTÉS García, D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 696 902 135 www.ganaderiasalvadorcortes.com ccortesbueno@yahoo.es Cádiz CORTIJO ALBARRACÍN Tlf.: 902 300 078 www.cortijoalbarracin.net jmolina@laudreco.com Barcelona CORTIJO DE LA Z Tlf.: +505 22767157 – +505 88850200 www.cortijodelaz.com info@cortijodelaz.com Nicaragua CORTIJO EL ROBLEDAL Tlf.: 646 278 991 - 669 819 014 www.elrobledal.com admin@elrobledal.com Málaga CORTIJO EL ROCÍO Tlf.: +505 22785901 – +505 88830000 lacayoca@aol.com cortijo.elrocio@gmail.com Nicaragua CORTIJO LA MORALEJA ESP Móvil: 678733871 joselamuno@hotmail.com jenaroalgora@gmail.com Huelva CORTIJO LAS CASTAÑAS Tlf.: +52 26157020 frantala@gmail.com México CORTIJO LOS LEONES Tlf.: 954 629 361 Móvil: 637 457 582 emrocho@hotmail.com Sevilla CORTIJO SAN MIGUEL Tlf.: +505 23115821 Móvil: +505 88500004 cortijosanmiguel@gmail.com Nicaragua CRIADERO DE CABALLOS CALIENTE Tlf.: 01152 6646337326 www.criaderodecaballoscaliente.com claudia.araujo@caliente.com.mx criadero@caliente.com.mx México

DE LA ROSA FRANCISCO, Dª NADIA Mª Tlf.: 637 755 026 Sevilla DEHESA DE CABEZA RUBIA, S.L. Tlf.: 619 243 120 www.dehesacabezarubia.com ramonmartin@dehesacabezarubia.es Badajoz DEHESA EL PESQUERIL Tlfs.: 610 986 317 – 647 478 435 auxiga@gmail.com Sevilla DEHESA LA GRANJA, S. A. Tlf.: 956 622 700 Móvil: 674 749 841 www.yeguadadehesalagranja.com jaime.pujol@telefonica.net Cádiz DEHESA LAS NAVETAS, C.B Tlf.: 670 305 080 www.yeguadalasnavetas.es enrique@provideo.es Sevilla

DOMECQ ZURITA, Dª BLANCA Fax: 956 333 046 Móvil: 607 335 407 sms.jerez@gmail.com Cádiz DOMÍNGUEZ GALIANO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 224 786 Móvil: 639 724 041 - 607 674 468 www.caballocartujano.es ayaladominguezcab@gmail.com Sevilla DUQUE DE VALENCIA Tlf.: 610 478 769 almudenanarvaez@hotmail.com Cáceres DURÁN GALLARDO, D. José MANUEL Tlf.: 956 450 331 Móvil: 646 966 603 josemanuel.duranromero@gmail.com Cádiz DURÁN VICENS, Dª CRISTINA Móvil: 677 133 391 crisduranvi@hotmail.com Málaga ECE GOLDEN ANDALUSIAN HORSES ES Tlf.: 607 873 305 patriziabellore@hotmail.com Barcelona ÉCURIES DIABOLO Tlf.: (418) 956-2860 www.lesecuriesdiabolo.com ecuriesdiabolo@videotron.ca Canadá EL ESPARRAGAL, S. A. Tlf.: 955 783 431 www.elesparragal.com oficina@elesparragal.com Sevilla EL QUIEBRAJANO Móvil: 677563456 mtrini_lopez@hotmail.com Jaén ELEVAGE FICARELLA Tlf.: 0680944080 antoine.ficarella@orange.fr Francia ÉLITE P.R.E. MARIO GÓMEZ Tlf.: 675 857 875 – 626 923 375 adm.gestionmg@gmail.com Ávila

DEHESA LAS TIENDAS Tlf.: 652012171 dehesalastiendas@hotmail.com Badajoz

ELMAKKAOUI FOUAD Tlf.: 620 442 292 ganadería.alatlas@hotmail.com Lérida

DEHESA MIGALINDA Tlf.: 954 156 244 Móvil: 639 338 676 http://migalinda.blogspot.com.es dehesamigalinda@gmail.com Sevilla

EMBARBA DE FRUTOS, D. ANICETO Tlf.: 952 233 967 - 952 176 517 secretario@embarba.com Málaga

Díaz NAVARRO, D. JUAN Tlf.: 953 523 184 www.diaznavarro.com yeguada@diaznavarro.es Jaen DIOSDADO GALÁN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 340 655 Móvil: 658 788 874 diosdadogalan@gmail.com Cádiz DOLGARENT, S. A. Tlf.: 955 682 184 manuel@galantisinversiones.com Sevilla DOMECQ ROMERO, D. ÁLVARO Tlf.: 956 314 747 inmaculadacid@gmail.com Cádiz

EMPALME AGRÍCOLA GANADERA Tlf.: 679 968 964 gafesame@gmail.com Cádiz ENRIQUE Y JOAQUÍN PAGÁN Móvil: 657 289 902 www.yeguadapagan.com 657289902@amena.com Albacete ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, D. José LUIS Tlf.: 954 837 165 Móvil: 689 287 366 - 666 083 068 610 035 354 www.yeguadadelaescalera.es info@yeguadadelaescalera.es Sevilla


list of ANCCE breeders ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, Dª Mª FERNANDA Tlf.: 954 514 739 Móvil: 653 590 272 - 608 150 357 www.yeguadaescalera.com info@yeguadaescalera.com Sevilla ESPINA NOGUERAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 665 576 - 954 721 292 jespina@ravsa.com Sevilla ESPINOSA HIDALGO, D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 956 308 518 Móvil: 629 494 987 - 600 455 872 espi.salva@gmail.com Cádiz ESTEBAN RUIZ, D. IVÁN Tlf.: 917 450 035 Móvil: 649 954 823 ivanesteban@gruponavisa.com Madrid EUGASSADA LLEO Tlfs.: 661 323 893 – 600 281 584 ericlleo87@gmail.com Barcelona FEDERSPIEL PINTO, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +506 22430246 Móvil: +506 71616110 rfederspiel@guniversalcr.com fcastro@guniversalcr.com Costa Rica FERNÁNDEZ-DAZA Y FDEZ. DE CORDOVA, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 924 660 868 fernandez-daza@hotmail.es Badajoz

GANADERA JOCHA Tlf.: +506 22334818 +506 83849090 www.ganaderajocha.com info@ganaderajocha.com Costa Rica GANADERÍA ANDÚJAR Tlf.: 637 800 466 ganaderiandujar@gmail.com ruth.andujar@hotmail.com Barcelona Ganadería ANTARES, S.L. Tlf.: 966 736 902 Móvil: 696 974 955 manuel.ortuno@olezamovil.es Alicante Ganadería AZAHAR Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia Ganadería BOHÓRQUEZ ROMÁN Tlf.: 606 627 680 Móvil: 669 111 717 aldhair@msn.com Sevilla Ganadería braganza gámez Tlf.: 679 479 681 inlarosa@yahoo.es Ciudad Real GANADERÍA CAMP RODó Tlf.: 654 211 437 caballosjmfernandez@gmail.com Barcelona

FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, D. José Mª Tlf.: 954 860 225 Móvil: 666 423 323 elarrebolado@hotmail.com joseramonfernandezvillegas@hotmail.com Sevilla

GANADERÍA CARIDAD DEL COBRE Tlf.: 899 80057 nelsonjoseh@hotmail.com Nicaragua

FERNÁNDEZ PUERTAS, D. FRANCISCO Tlfs.: 696 427 427 – 628 574 422 raul@grupoitesa.com Almería

Ganadería CARLOS DELGADO Tlf.: 619 269 525 cdelgados@vectoritcgroup.com fincaveneroclarodp@gmail.com Madrid

FINCA LO TACÓN Tlf.: 609 656 969 - 615 249 737 jorgelotacon@gmail.com Murcia FINCA LOS PANDUREJOS Tlf.: +43 6641014071 - +43 6642148905 fincalospandurejos1@aon.at Austria FRANCISCO OLIVERA, S.L. Tlf.: 955 681 976 Móvil: 600 678 253 - 650 361 373 www.yeguadaolivera.es cortijoolivera@hotmail.com Sevilla G RANCH INT Tlf.: +505 86707304 yeguadamajaloba@hotmail.com Nicaragua GALIANO ORIHUELA, D. JUAN Finca: 959 415 249 Móvil: 627 471 545 - 660 661 873 Oficina: 902 933 367 gestoria@ripollesgaliano.com Huelva GANADERA AG, S.A. Tlf.: +506 2205 3600 +506 2438 0863 www.ganaderaag.com info@ganaderaag.com Costa Rica


GANADERA AMÉRICA Tlf.: +506 2509-9800 www.amcocr.com cvenegas@amco.co.cr Costa Rica

Ganadería CERRADO DEL CASIL Tlf.: 915 625 415 yeguadacasil@gmail.com Cáceres Ganadería CHILOECHES Tlf.: +57 42669140 mpalaciob@une.net.co Colombia GANADERÍA CORTÉS LARREY Tlf.: 924 870 678 – Móvil: 655 909 405 vacoes_1951@hotmail.com Badajoz Ganadería COVES-DARDEN Tlf.: 667 751 577 covesdardenpre@gmail.com Estados Unidos GANADERÍA CRISLUDI Tlf.: 687 469 909 info@hipicatllar.com Tarragona Ganadería DEL PONTÓN Móvil: 606 330 090 www.pontondoma.es info@pontondoma.es Segovia GANADERÍA DOMINGO ARRABE Tlf.: 920 348 112 Móvil: 608 428 284 domingoarrabe@hotmail.com Ávila

Ganadería EL AHIJÓN Tlf.: 925 821 206 Móvil: 607 601 877 gesveterinaria@gmail.com Madrid Ganadería EL CAJÓN Tlf.: 627 961 220 – 664 725 655 soniacg10@hotmail.com Zaragoza Ganadería EL CALDERO Tlf.: 955 763 034 Móvil: 609 158 219 caldero_49@hotmail.com www.ganaderiaelcaldero.com Sevilla GanaderíA el Camino Andaluz Tlf.: +49 3429279256 Móvil: +49 1777423799 www.pre-zucht.de info@pre-zucht.de Alemania GANADERÍA EQUINA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Móvil: 609 506 949 ganaderiaequinapre@hotmail.com Granada GANADERÍA ESCALERA DEL MAYORAZGO www.escaleradelmayorazgo.com emiliogomez@escaleradelmayorazgo.com Barcelona Ganadería F. CUEVAS Tlf.: 600 562 008 paco@integraldelascensor.com Barcelona Ganadería F. GUTIÉRREZ CASANOVA Tlf.: 955 684 075 Móvil: 610 713 138 franciscogutierrezespina@hotmail.com Sevilla Ganadería FRANCISCO LAZO Díaz Tlf.: 954 755 561 macarenalazo@hotmail.com Sevilla Ganadería FRANCISCO SANTIAGO RUIZ Tlf.: 952 711 460 www.ganaderiafranciscosantiagoruiz.com Santiago@ganaderiafranciscosantiagoruiz.com Tlf.: 952 218 591 centromodamalaga@gmail.com Málaga Ganadería HERMANOS MESTRE Tlf.: 932 986 400 - 935 084 400 maria.mestre@jmestre.es Barcelona GANADERÍA HERMANOS VARGAS SILVA Tlf.: 653 662 903 yeguadahermanosvargas@hotmail.com Cáceres Ganadería HERNANDO ABOíN Tlf.: 648 063 576 Móvil: 695 697 237 hersagonzalo@yahoo.es Ávila GANADERÍA HIERRO DEL SIETE, S.L. Tlf.: 679 819 212 - 606 330 090 info@pontondoma.es Madrid Ganadería HNOS. AYALA Tlf.: 955 867 848 emilioayala@hermanosayala.com Sevilla Ganadería HNOS. BATRES Tlf.: 625 729 724 a.batres@hotmail.com Toledo GANADERÍA HNOS. CALLE Tlf.: 639 488 722 hermanoscalle.pre@gmail.com Baleares

Ganadería HNOS. NIETO Tlf.: 660 601 684 Móvil: 649 405 220 info@yeguadahnieto.com www.yeguadahnieto.com Tarragona Ganadería HNOS. NúÑEZ BARBERO Móvil: 691 816 167 Sevilla Ganadería ISABEL MERELLO VIUDA DE TERRY Tlf.: 956 871 640 lamicona@gmail.com Cádiz

Ganadería MATER CHRISTI, S.L. Tlf.: 916 653 360 info@yeguadamaterchristi.com Madrid Ganadería PEDRO MORATA Tlf.: 629 014 747 www.yeguadamwh.es pedro-morata@hotmail.com Baleares GANADERÍA PONCE-CAMPANO Tlf.: 677 439 113 ganaderiaponcecampano@gmail.com León

GANADERÍA JABASA Móvil: 722 656 804 Huelva

Ganadería PUJADAS Tlf.: 617 333 462 www.yeguadapujadas.es jaimepujadas@lobones.com Segovia

GANADERÍA JAGUAR Tlf.: 08380001049 zoet_lemus@jaguaringenieros.com.mx luis_yescas@jaguaringenieros.com.mx México

Ganadería PYRAMID Tlf: 659 327 988 pyramidcentre@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/ganadería.pyramidpre Granada

Ganadería JAUQUICOA MARTINENA Tlf.: 619 786 999 Móvil: 696 429 084 teresamartinena@cenavarra.es Navarra

Ganadería Rodríguez Díaz Tlf.: 656 607 261 r.rodricasa@hotmail.com Madrid

GANADERÍA JOSEP-ALBERT Tlfs.: 972 730 924 - 696 082 259 albertmb87@gmail.com Gerona

GANADERÍA ROMÁN ROMERO Sánchez Tlf.: 657 919 642 romanrrs@hotmail.com Sevilla

Ganadería JUAN RODRÍGUEZ BEBIA Tlf.: 959 300 379 Móvil: 608 558 956 Huelva Ganadería LA DULCINA Tlf.: +54 91156905050 granadosdulce@hotmail.com Argentina GANADERÍA LACAÑINA Tlf.: 670 767 616 marcos@sumalca.com Sevilla GANADERÍA MAGIN MATEU Tlf.: 617 024 259 – 657 848 622 magmat1@hotmail.com Tarragona Ganadería MANUEL VERA Tlf.: 954 279 764 Móvil: 687 543 441 mveradelacuesta@gmail.com Sevilla GANADERÍA María LUISA GUARDIOLA Tlf.: 954 222 191 www.caballosguardiola.com halcon@caballosguardiola.com Sevilla GANADERÍA MariaNA CARRASCO JIMÉNEZ Tlf.: 654 543 072 centrohipico@losalbardones.com Málaga

Ganadería SALVADOR SALVATIERRA López Tlf.: 958 340 087 Móvil: 670 390 457 www.ganaderiasalvadorsalvatierralopez. com salvater94@hotmail.com Granada GANADERÍA Sánchez-NORIEGA Tlf.: 955 863 344 Móvil: 607 703 030 – 671 493 922 ganaderiasanchez-noriega@hotmail.com Sevilla GANADERÍA SANTOS PEREIRA Tlf.: 986 767 117 – Móvil: 639 041 971 www.hipicaamazonas.com info@hipicaamazonas.com Pontevedra GANADERÍA SON PERICASSES Móvil: 645 391 805 – 659 103 305 www.sonpericasses.com jo_luvr@hotmail.com Baleares García DIÉGUEZ López, D. MIGUEL Tlf.: 954 215 666 - 954 212 991 miguel@garciadieguezabogados.com Sevilla García ROMERO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 956 307 741 Móvil: 619 096 606 franciscojaviersiete@hotmail.com Cádiz

GANADERÍA MARIANNE SUNDEN Tlf.: +46 708242832 www.seglinge.nu mariannesunden@hotmail.com Suecia

GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 953 560 118 agv@pinussa.es Jaén

GANADERÍA MARTANA Tlf.: 615 605 326 flomartana@gmail.com Cádiz

GERESA 2000, S.L. Tlf.: 952 640 454 Móvil: 670 855 430 – 628 293 107 yeguadageresa@gmail.com Málaga.

GANADERÍA Martínez MORAGA Tlf.: 967 216 762 Móvil: 629 715 070 - 629 640 108 jmm@ganaderiamarmo.com Albacete

GESTA PRE Tlf.: +46 703399345 www.gesta.se agneta@gesta.se Suecia

GESTÜT MISPEL HOF Tlf.: +49 28357999127 – +49 1738295606 www.mispelhof.de info@mispelhof.de Alemania Gestüt Paraiso Tlf.: +49 8385922799 www.muellers-pferdeparadies.de info@muellers-pferdeparadies.de Alemania GESTÜT SCHLOSS AMERANG Tlf.: +49 17623771159 www.schlossamerang.de gestuet@schlossamerang.de Alemania GLEN ARYN FARM Tlf.: +1 540 3388257 - 703 9667377 www.glenarynfarm.com info@glenarynfarm.com Estados Unidos GÓMEZ CUQUERELLA, D. JESÚS Tlfs.: 620 884 182 – 663 121 388 parajeyenguas@gmail.com Ciudad Real Gómez ROLDOS, HNOS. Tlf.: 956 257 509 Móvil: 620 131 308 - 629 344 411 669 990 252 mgm@comunidadesdelsur.com Cádiz González NARANJO, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 430 911 - 954 430 544 955 715 062 elisabet.g.n@gmail.com Sevilla GONZALO CHIRIBOGA CORDOVEZ E HIJOS CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE Tlf.: 5932 – 2564966 gonzalo.chiriboga@confiteca.com.ec Ecuador Gordillo ÁVILA, D. Juan Tlf.: 656 951 184 direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz GORMAZ NAVARRO, D. ALFONSO Tlf.: 656 252 550 agormaznav@gmail.com Zaragoza GOVANTES OSUNA, Dª Mª ÁNGELES Tlf.: 955 905 760 Móvil: 667 983 039 mariamonsalvesgovantes@hotmail.com Sevilla GRANDA LOSADA, D. MIGUEL Tlf.: 927 490 060 - 924 220 759 Móvil: 670 220 758 Finca: 927 490 060 Oficina: 927 322 961 www.ganaderiagranda.es administracion@ganaderiagranda.es Cáceres GUARDIOLA DOMÍNGUEZ, Dª CONSUELO Móvil: 630 663 191 alfga@ono.com Sevilla GUARDIOLA FANTONI, YDA. HDROS. DE D. SALVADOR Tlf.: 954 226 716 www.yeguadaguardiolafantoni.com guardiola@elpinganillo.es Sevilla HACIENDA DE LA ROSA Móvil: 637 755 027 haciendadelarosarafael@hotmail.com Sevilla


list of ANCCE breeders HACIENDA DEL SOL ANDALUSIANS Tlf.: +1 7727701563 espana1@gate.net Estados Unidos HACIENDA DON RICARDO Tlf.: +507 66798100 - +507 2239125 www.hdrpanama.com riperez@cableonda.net Panamá

HISTRIA PRE Tlf.: +38 631470560 info@histria-pre.com Eslovenia

HACIENDA GRANADOS Tlf.: 818 4645864 rohen1948@gmail.com Estados Unidos

HNOS. BAYÓN MAYORAL Tlf.: 616 398 765 bayonyerai@hotmail.com Badajoz

HACIENDA LANDEROS Tlf.: (+1) 6264044690 estherconway@sbcglobal.net Estados Unidos

HNOS. HERNÁNDEZ BONILLA Tlf.: 659702806 rafael.hernandez.penella@hotmail.es Badajoz

HACIENDA SANTA CRUZ Tlf.: 502 24397043 haciendastcruz@gmail.com Guatemala

HNOS. JURADO RIERA, S.L. Tlf.: 678 733 871 yeguadahjr@hotmail.com Huelva

Hacienda santa lucía Tlf.: (521) 9933590203 www.haciendasantalucia.net picojimenez@gmail.com México

HNOS. TEJEDOR FERNÁNDEZ Tlf.: 647 714 876 hnos.tejedorfdez@hotmail.com Segovia

HAMPTON GREEN FARM Tlf.: +1 2318656000 klvankampen@aol.com Estados Unidos

HROS. DE D. JUAN MANUEL URQUIJO Tlfs.: 955 898 177 – 606 412 574 www.sanjuandelhornillo.com p.escudero@sanjuandelhornillo.com Sevilla

HERCE García, D. TEODORO Tlf.: 954 837 572 - 954 837 545 Móvil: 600 406 115 - 615 457 627 www.yeguadateodoroherce.com javiherce@yahoo.es Sevilla

HUERTO GAENA, S.A. Tlf.: 952 490 993 Málaga Tlf.: 955 957 211 Sevilla ganaderia@grupobadia.com

HEREDEROS DE JUANA ROJAS SÁNCHEZ Tlf.: 645 923 048 canuelorojas@hotmail.com Córdoba

J. LLOP Tlf.: 649 444 290 jllop@new-farms.com Lérida

HEREDEROS DEL MARQUÉS DE TEJADA Tlf.: 649 400 296 www.caballostejada.es acoroneldepalma@gmail.com Cáceres

JOSÉ ANTONIO ROMERO HAUPOLD LAS CUEVAS DE LA CARTUJA, S.L Tlf.: 627 704 932 jrh@haupold.com Cádiz

HERMANOS FAVIER Tlf.: +52 3336484500 ext. 101 y 102 www.ganaderiahermanosfavier.com jjfavier@grupofavier.com México

José ANTONIO VARONA DE LA CUADRA, S.L. Tlf.: 679 400 198 www.yeguadajavarona.com info@yeguadajavarona.com Madrid

HERMANOS Gómez-JARAIZ Tlf.: 649 995 018 eduardogomezgamero@gmail.com Madrid HERMOFER, S.L. Tlf.: 954 514 143 Móvil: 676 462 207 j jmoralesabogado@gmail.com Sevilla HERNÁN SALGUERO, D. ROBERTO Móvil: 618 794 100 rhernan@rhernan.com Madrid HERNÁNDEZ POZO, D. AUREO Tlf.: 914 096 235 – Móvil: 609 465 095 lastenerias@hotmail.com Madrid HIERRO CANDAU Tlf.: 954 274 841 Móvil: 649 976 942 casimiro.barrero@onsales.es Sevilla HIERRO DEL YUNQUE Tlf.: +34 636 045 471 - +34 650 498 570 hierrodelyunque@gmail.com Sevilla


HIERRO MG Tlf.: +52 818 1041725 www.hierromg.com diana.jaimealcala@gmail.com México

LA JANDA Tlf.: 669 203 850 almahieu.es@gmail.com Málaga LA PLATA COMUNIDAD DE BIENES Tlf.: 954 687 088 elpinodesanjose@elpinodesanjose.com Sevilla LABOGAR, S.L. Tlf.: 932 801 963 labogar@labogar.com Barcelona LARROSA ABELLÁN, D. JAVIER Tlf.: 966 611 021 Móvil: 678 777 550 javierlarrosa33@gmail.com Alicante LAS LOBERUELAS Tlf.: 954 932 992 Móvil: 699 452 488 mloh@madarias.com Sevilla LAS MORERÍAS Tlf.: +52 8181338500 www.lasmorerias.com.mx lasmorerias@yahoo.com.mx México LEÓN SOTO, D. CRISTÓBAL Tlf.: 659 339 231 cristoballeonsoto@hotmail.com Sevilla López GIBAJA, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 521 814 Móvil: 627 096 724 www.yeguadacartujana.com info@yeguadacartujana.com Madrid López MÉNDEZ, D. RAFAEL Tlf.: 959 126 272 Móvil: 689 641 761 jrafaellopezm@hotmail.com Huelva López PALOMO, D. VÍCTOR LUIS Tlf.: 958 257 741 Móvil: 667 582 157 victorll@ugr.es Granada MACHUCA SERRANO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Tlf.: 927 533 338 jmachuca@grupomacal.com Cáceres MALO García, D. MIGUEL ÁNGEL Tlf.: 977 317 370 Tarragona

José DE ORIOL GOVANTES E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 810 063 - 954 239 031 www.caballosoriol.com p.oriol@caballosoriol.com Sevilla

MARCOS FERNÁNDEZ, D. MANUEL Tlf.: 608 333 783 info@jardineriasonservera.es Baleares

JUALI Tlfs.: 918 458 676 – 666 445 800 gallardo@juali.com Madrid

MARÍA INÉS Tlf.: 669 887 382 jesus@atienzaycliment.com Alicante

KARA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Tlf.: +46 767708708 colbrie@gmail.com Suecia

MARQUÉS DE LORENZANA Y HNOS. Tlf.: 924 531 425 - 924 530 387 jaraquemadaf@yahoo.es Badajoz

LA CASA GRANDE ACEITE DE OLIVA Tlf.: 918 161 162 Móvil: 629 227 115 lacasagrandeaceitedeoliva@hotmail.es Madrid

MARTÍ VERDIA, D. FRANCISCO Móvil: 629 177 296 www.pacomarti.com pacomarti@pacomarti.com Castellón

LA HEROICA Tlf.: 659 424 245 mjmpolvillo@aym-asesores.es Sevilla

MARTÍNEZ BOLOIX ORTI, S.L. Tlf.: 952 406 723 Móvil: 608 841 031 www.boloixpre.com jlmobm1944@gmail.com Malaga

MARTÍNEZ RIVERO, D. JOSÉ Mª Tlf.: 607 357 727 www.royalhipica.com info@royalhipica.com Cádiz

MORENO MORENO, D. FLORENCIO Tlf.: 957 770 073 – 607 504 714 florenciomoreno@confevap.es Córdoba

MARTÍNEZ SUAY, D. RAFAEL Móvil: 639 317 901 msuay@hotmail.com Valencia

MORENO PUNCELL, Dª ISABEL Tlf.: 959 055 011 www.ganaderiaelobispo.com almensa@gmail.com Huelva

MARTOS BERMÚDEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 280 374 Móvil: 608 655 456 – 600 586 870 yeguadamartosbermudez@hotmail.es Sevilla MATEU GIPPINI, DÑA. CONCHA Tlf.: 918 908 254 – 918 988 506 Móvil: 667 490 624 www.yeguadaconchaymar.es concha@yeguadaconchaymar.es Madrid MESA MORENO, D. JESÚS Tlf: 679 720 088 Móvil: 620 832 787 www.ganaderiamesa.jimbo.com ganaderiamesa@gmail.com Sevilla MEZA LOBO, D. MANUEL Tlf.: +506 88217771 mmeza@extralum.co.cr Costa Rica MIGUEL A. DE CÁRDENAS, S.L. Tlf.: 954 831 062 www.caballoscardenas.com cardenas@telefonica.net Sevilla MIURA Martínez, D. EDUARDO Y D. ANTONIO Finca: 955 953 836 Oficina: 954 614 246 zahariche1@yahoo.es Sevilla MOHEDANO F Tlf.: 616 399 661 pizzarica@pizzarica.net Córdoba MOLL GONZÁLEZ, D. ROBERTO Tlf.: +502 2331 8331 www.rmbaluartepre.com rmoll@rmbaluartepre.com info@rmbaluartepre.com Guatemala

MORERA VALLEJO, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 954 367 512 - 954 367 525 grupomorerayvallejo@ grupomorerayvallejo.es Sevilla MOYA ALMENDRAL, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 955 682 222 Móvil: 633 865 913 moyaalmendral@gmail.com Sevilla MUÑOZ CAÑAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 957 339 233 Móvil: 659 816 113 Madrid MUÑOZ RIBERA, Dª Mª JOSÉ Tlf.: 622 216 210 imperioso77@hotmail.com Valencia NADIA LISTER Tlf.: +44 1372361501 lusolush@hotmail.com Reino Unido NADINE LADEWIG HOF SALZBERG Tlf.: +49 1708686618 – +49 2662947922 n_ladewig@t-online.de Alemania NAOMI VANCE-WEBB Tlf.: +44 7710815221 – +44 1293871575 www.naomivancewebb.com naomivancewebb@hotmail.com Reino Unido NARVÁEZ GARRIDO, Dª YOLANDA Tlf.: 625 481 820 vibrocuba@hotmail.com Sevilla NELILYN Tlf.: 358405691480 tiina.mattila@fimnet.fi Finlandia

MONTE LA ERMITA Tlf.: 916 307 301 montelaermita2013@gmail.com Madrid

NIMO MALDONADO, D. José RAMÓN ramon.nimo@nigoauto.com Sevilla

MORAL ARANDA, D. FERNANDO Tlf.: 958 255 954 - 958 267 106 fernando@moralabogados.com Granada

NOBLEZA DEL GUADIANA, S.L Tlf.: 609 439 301 Móvil: 650 467 810 noblezadelguadiana@arrakis.es Badajoz

MORATO COSTA, D. JUAN Tlf.: 938 459 015 joan@mrt.cat Barcelona

ORIENTALIA HISPANA, S.L. Móvil: 660 677 601 www.ganaderiaoh.com admon@orientaliah.com Valencia

MORENO GARCÍA, D. JAIME Tlf.: 918 907 915 Móvil: 676 474 083 www.losarcospre.com jmoreno@losarcospre.com Madrid

PALLARÉS Tlf.: 954 271 985 Sevilla

MORENO MIURA, S.C. Finca: 957 338 290 Móvil: 679 572 911 Oficina: 954 658 914 Móvil: 646 480 010 www.cochero.es jmmiura@hotmail.com Sevilla

PARRA MONTERREY, Dª ISABEL Tlf.: 924 371 080 Móvil: 657 981 529 franciscogarciamonterrey.fm@gmail.com rakelgg77@hotmail.es Badajoz PATRICIA MARTÍNEZ Tlf.: 619 097 486 – 650 152 246 flopesabab@hotmail.com Madrid

PAU, KARINA Tlf.: 670 845 542 - 629 494 987 paupaupaugib@hotmail.com Cádiz PEÑA GUTIÉRREZ, D. MANUEL E HIJOS Tlf.: 954 770 153 - 954 773 609 administración@grupohpo.es Sevilla Pérez López, HNOS. Tlf.: 954 222 167 Sevilla Pérez MILLAN, D. José ANTONIO Tlf.: 914 157 630 - 979 122 684 979 122 343 yvegay@arrakis.es Palencia PINOS DE JUAICA Tlf.: 573 103278943 catalinaconvers@me.com Colombia PLACERES RANCH Tlf: +1 7143090232 Móvil: 669995760 carlosroncesm@gmail.com Estados Unidos POKORA Tlfs.: 81245576709 – 606 579 657 k.masame@gmail.com Japón PRE CABALLOS Tlf.: 968 011 339 carmen@lamangabeach.com Murcia P.R.E ZUCHT NIEMÖLLER Tlf.: 01714855935 timansgar@gmx.de Alemania PRE-GESTÜT BEL AIR Tlf.: +49 81939986871 Móvil: +49 1711986377 www.meine-spanischen-pferde.de christina.pre@web.de Alemania PREMIER PRE Tlf.: +44 1869340770 Móvil: +44 7802690577 www.premierpre.com dressage@premierpre.com Reino Unido RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ DÍAZ (YEGUADA LA CIERVINA) Tlf.: 927 231 997 Móvil: 689 020 709 www.laciervina.com yeguadalaciervina@gmail.com Cáceres RANCHO AMADOR Tlf.: (+1)8314445054 mdr_brnd@yahoo.com Estados Unidos RANCHO ARCADIA Tlf.: (+1) 3237073935 dario@artoytrading.com Estados Unidos RANCHO EL AFORTUNADO Tlf.: (+1) 5107600761 ranchoelafortunado@sbcglobal.net Estados Unidos RANCHO EL ALCATRAZ CR Tlf.: (+1) 2097470774 elalcatraz@yahoo.com Estados Unidos


list of ANCCE breeders RANCHO EL CAMINO REAL Tlf.: (+1) 714 8634932 elcaminoreal1993@yahoo.com Estados Unidos RANCHO EL CEREZO Tlf.: 3511467807 yeguada@grupoelcerezo.com México RANCHO EL CID CAMPEADOR Tlf.: +55 55248805 carinamartinez@afasa.com.mx México

SALAZAR SALAZAR, D. BASILIO Tlf.: 924 681 003 – 633 213 805 antuan332@hotmail.com Badajoz

TORRICO FERNÁNDEZ, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 956 960 424 grupotorrico@gmail.com Cádiz ÚBEDA RONCERO, D. JESÚS Tlf.: 679 493 920 adsequino@gmail.com Murcia

SALGUERO Pérez, D. MANUEL Tlf.: 956 564 035 Móvil: 619 035 662 proyectos@mantdesur.com Cádiz

VADETO GANADERÍA Tlf.: 3847337179 www.ganaderiavadeto.com rodrigo.vargas@gvadeto.com México

SAN ROMÁN MORÁN, Dª ALMUDENA Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 636 976 655 sanromanalmudena@yahoo.es Madrid

VALDEJARA JL Tlf.: 954 212 242 ramonvalencia@dogma-abogados.es Sevilla

RANCHO LA ESCONDIDA Tlf.: 505 88820882 Nicaragua

SAN ROMÁN MORÁN, D. ANTONIO Tlf.: 916 363 800 agroganadera@sanedi.com Madrid

RANCHO LA STELLA Tlf.: +52 1333170725 ealvarez@pisa.com.mx México

SÁNCHEZ ALAYO, D. FIDEL ERNESTO Tlf.: (511) 618 0200 pedromontesabogado@gmail.com Perú

VALENZUELA RUIZ, D. GONZALO Tlf.: 957 520 558 Móvil: 659 550 102 avalenzu@hotmail.es gonzalovalen@outlook.com Córdoba

RANCHO SEÑORA FINA Tlf.: 660 222 708 amador_rodriguezlozano@yahoo.com Málaga

Sánchez Barbudo Martín, D. Salvador Finca: 955 898 265 Móvil: 670 303 040 s.sanchezbarbudo@hotmail.com Sevilla

RANCHO EL ENCANTO Tlf.: +1 8317869250 www.ranchoelencanto.com ranchoelencanto09@yahoo.com Estados Unidos

RANCHO TROPICANA Tlf.: (+1) 4089853225 salvadoribarra_trop@yahoo.com Estados Unidos REAL MAESTRANZA DE CABALLERÍA DE RONDA Tlf.: 952 871 539 escuela@realmaestranza.org Málaga

SANTANA SANTANA, D. FRANCISCO Tlfs.: 918 739 431 – 609 690 937 rsantcar@hotmail.com Madrid SEMENTALES ANDALUCES LB Tlf.: 506 83834971 ibarrantesa@gmail.com Costa Rica

REYES SEDA, D. FELICIANO Tlf.: 924 315 560 Móvil: 670 974 034 frspuentecaida@gmail.com Cáceres

SERDIO Tlf.: 606 392 842 jaime.mrojas@gruponauticalia.com Madrid

ROBLES SALGUERO, D. FRANCISCO Tlf.: 959 248 048 Móvil: 659 758 944 www.yeguadafranciscorobles.com yeguadafranciscorobles@hotmail.com Huelva

S’HORT PETIT Tlf.: 620 943 344 Móvil: 616 664 619 info@tabernadelaboveda.com Baleares

Rodríguez-PINA CRUZ, D. J. DE DIOS Tlf.: 916 611 693 Móvil: 619 275 121 senoriojpina@htomail.com Madrid ROGER MALFAGÓN, D. LUIS MIGUEL Móvil: 629 349 791 luismiguelrogermalfagon92@gmail.com Valencia


RUIZ MARTÍN, D. MANUEL Tlf.: 955 945 889 Móvil: 655 853 064 facebook.com/ganaderiamanuelruiz ganaderiamanuelruiz@gmail.com Sevilla

SHUBIN, MARIE KATHLEEN Tlf.: 638 960 818 alejandroasensio@icloud.com Sevilla SIERRA BARÓN, D. ASIER Tlfs.: 946104850 – 686413800 www.yeguadalallana.com yeguadalallana@hotmail.com Vizcaya

ROJAS PALATÍN, D. José Mª Tlf.: 955 760 342 Móvil: 670 666 836 Sevilla

SOLERA BRAVO, S.L. Tlf.: 609 207 218 solerabravo@gmail.com Badajoz

ROJO RUIZ DE TERRY, HNOS. Tlf.: 955 631 260 - 954 720 791 jacoborojo@gmail.com Sevilla

SUMERU 2001, S.L. Tlf.: 913 601 440 Madrid

ROMERA FERRER, D. MIGUEL FRANCISCO Móvil: 670 550 099 ana@invernaderosferrer.com Almería

TIRADO BUZÓN, D. MANUEL Móvil: 655163705 tiradobuzon.manuel@gmail.com Sevilla

ROSA MARRERO, D. JUAN FRANCISCO Tlf.: 928 816 000 – 928 836 841 Móvil: 606 503 613 cmoral@gruporosa.com Canarias

TORREÓN DE ARMENTEROS Tlf.: 916 585 027 sandamendi@sandamendi.es Madrid

VARA MUÑOZ-CASILLAS, HNOS. Tlf.: 924 232 181 Móvil: 608 922 278 fernandovaramc@gmail.com Badajoz VILLANUEVA DACASA Tlf.: 981 516 040 villanueva_miguel@hotmail.com La Coruña WARBURG, DÑA. ALEXA ISABEL Tlf.: 956 237 330 Móvil: 670 747 766 - 607 558 420 ymbro@yahoo.es Cádiz YEGUADA AC Tlf.: +502 24203900- +502 24203906 javierarzu@grupoac.net.gt Guatemala YEGUADA ACOSTA PONCE Tlf.: 959 381 250 Móvil: 606 384 000 jacosta@trconstruya.es Huelva YEGUADA AIMARÁN Tlf.: 669 937 061 - 609 985 720 www.yeguadaaimaran.com aimaran@yeguadaaimaran.com Málaga YEGUADA ALADRO Tlf.: 676 435 646 yeguadaaladro@gmail.com Asturias YEGUADA ALARCÓN Tlf.: 954 708 480 Sevilla YEGUADA ALBERTO BOYA Tlf.: 973 648 730 aboya@supermercadoboya.com Lérida YEGUADA ALBERTO SCHUTTE Tlf.: +52 9988922429 aschutte@passionpre.com México YEGUADA ALBORÁN Tlf.: 627 507 293 www.yeguadaalboran.com pre@yeguadaalboran.com Córdoba YEGUADA ALCAÑICES Tlf.: 916 500 125 - 916 521 005 Móvil: 609 385 602 antonioparamoaguado@gmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA ALHAMILLA Móvil: 609 034 273 www.yeguadaalhamilla.com yeguadaalhamilla@hotmail.es Almería YEGUADA ALICIA MEDINA. CONDESA DE BARDEAU Tlf.: 922 031 416 Móvil: 647 170 029 aliciamedina29@gmail.com Canarias YEGUADA ALONSO MORENO DE LA COVA, S.L Tlfs.: 649 908 910 – 696 482 429 cmsolacp@yahoo.es Córdoba YEGUADA AMADO Tlf.: + 49 151 65711530 www.facebook.com/barquero.jf.58 barquero.jf@web.de Alemania YEGUADA ANA María BOHORQUEZ ESCRIBANO Tlf.: 956 348 517 - 956 347 947 956 340 230 info@angustiasysol.com Cádiz

YEGUADA AYALA Tlf.: 955 811 626 Móvil: 619 022 439 www.yeguadaayala.net yeguadaayala@gmail.com info@guarnicioneriaayala.es Sevilla

YEGUADA CAN MAYNOU Móvil: 622 338 082 - 664 890 050 635 576 826 www.yeguadacanmaynou.com info@yeguadacanmaynou.com Barcelona

YEGUADA BAÑEZ MINGUET Tlf.: 638 968 094 www.yeguadabanezminguet.es juananbanez@gmail.com Castellón

YEGUADA CANDAU Móvil: 655 572 043 www.yeguadacandau.com candau@yeguadacandau.com Sevilla

YEGUADA BARCELONA HORSES Tlf.: 609 754 905 – 636 199 596 www.barcelona-horses.com barcelona-horses@hotmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA CANDIOTA Tlf.: 609 551 001 www.yeguadacandiota.com contacto@yeguadacandiota.com

YEGUADA BASSOLS Tlf.: 606 803 389 www.yeguadabassols.es yeguadabassols@hotmail.com Gerona YEGUADA BATÁN, S.C Tlf.: 525 5520266120 robertogarcia@ggyb.mx México

YEGUADA CAPITÁN Tlf.: 955 814 175 Móvil: 690 846 588 maycagomez@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA CARLOS GALDON Móvil: 619 680 087 www.btor.es cgaldon@avanzalia.es Toledo

YEGUADA ÁNGEL CANTOS Tlf.: 967 440 712 – Móvil: 609 048 146 dptoexterior@pinturas-macy.com Albacete

YEGUADA BAUTISTA VICH, S.L Tlfs.: 971 295 808 – 600 423 749 www.bautistavichstud.com guillermo@grupobautista.es Baleares

YEGUADA CARRIÓN Tlf.: 954 225 705 Móvil: 609 127 069 Finca: 955 950 675 www.caballoscartujanos.com luiscarrion@financa.es Sevilla

YEGUADA ANGUAS MEDINA Tlf.: 954 750 658 Móvil 635 428 485 - 605 807 367 www.anguasmedina.com anguasmedina@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA BENITO RODRÍGUEZ E HIJOS (YEGUADA BRH) Tlf.: 619 012 967 www.yeguadabrh.com enriquedebenito@gmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA CARTHAGO Tlf.: 968 330 320 Móvil: 629 641 644 - 606 131 538 www.yeguadacarthago.com Info@yeguadacarthago.com Murcia

YEGUADA ANTONIO MORETA Tlf.: 916 125 130 Móvil: 608 804 208 www.yeguadaantoniomoreta.es smoreta@yeguadaantoniomoreta.es Madrid

YEGUADA BERENGUER Tlf.: 966 781 621 mariaberenguer29@hotmail.com Alicante

YEGUADA CASA ROMEO Tlf.: 608 585 948 jlamas@mundo-r.com La Coruña

YEGUADA BERMEJO SÁNCHEZ Tlfs.: 625 582 745 – 921 500 800 yeguadabermejosanchez@gmail.com Segovia

YEGUADA CASTANOBLE, S.A. Tlf.: +502 22307021 ycastanoble@itelgua.com Guatemala

YEGUADA BIONEST Tlf.: 959 450 656 Móvil: 670 611 982 www.bionest.es juan@bionest.es Huelva

YEGUADA CASTELNOVO Tlf.: 924 856 096 atanasio@tany.es Badajoz

YEGUADA AQUILINO FRAILE Oficina: 954 663 649 Móvil: 699 066 838 Finca: 954 747 355 www.yeguadaaquilinofraile.com correo@ganaderiaaquilinofraile.com Sevilla YEGUADA AQUILINO MOYA Móvil: 696 654 764 www.yeguadaaquilinomoya.com yeguadaaquilinomoya@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ARAUZO Tlf.: 923 541 350 Móvil: 607 700 661 mariarelea@dataius.com Salamanca Yeguada Ardite Tlf.: 952 823 085 Móvil: 629 686 968 www.yeguadaardite.com yeguadaardite@gmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA BOHEMIA Tlf.: +502 57046895 – +502 23343078 gonzalezasturias@gmail.com Guatemala

YEGUADA CAVALREAL Tlf.: 616 927 407 www.cavalreal.com mail@cavalreal.com Barcelona

YEGUADA CABALLO NEGRO Tlf.: 956 796 231 Móvil: 607 572 940 clifford.pilcher@pascoe.gi Cádiz

YEGUADA CAZA JUAN Tlf.: 954 268 348 Móvil: 620 268 222 cazajuan@cazajuan.com Sevilla

YEGUADA CAMBRA ROYO Tlf.: 607 465 227 cambrasusto@hotmail.com Zaragoza

YEGUADA CEBRIAN P.R.E. Tlf.: 950 335 360 Móvil: 615 092 533 www.yeguadacebrian.com suministroscebrian@gmail.com Almería

YEGUADA ARROYOMONTE Tlf.: 653 812 306 www.yeguadarroyomonte.com fs@yeguadarroyomonte.com Ávila

YEGUADA CAMPO BAJO Tlf.: 639 737 030 yeguadacampobajo@gmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA ARTURO FERNÁNDEZ DE LA VEGA Móvil: 619 005 449 fdezdelavega@hotmail.com Lugo

YEGUADA CAN ALZINA Tlf.: 609 754 905 www.barcelona-horses.com agustielias13@me.com Barcelona

YEGUADA ÁVILA CASTELLANO Móvil: 617 374 252 ejavila4@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA CAN BOADA Tlf.: 659 131 546 yeguada@canboada.com Gerona

YEGUADA CHACÓN MENA Tlfs.: 695 806 231 – 606 100 677 yeguada.chacon.mena@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA CHANDO Móvil: 659071846 – 630712552 www.yeguadachando.com yeguadachando@hotmail.com Alicante


list of ANCCE breeders YEGUADA CLAUDIO POT Tlf.: 972450880 Móvil: 610414712 www.yeguadaclaudiopot.com yeguadapot@icloud.com Gerona

YEGUADA DE TRUJILLO Tlf.: 664 445 760 www.yeguadatrujillo.com vmcorcoles@hotmail.es Barcelona

YEGUADA DIMOBA Tlf.: 950 252 577 Móvil: 607 906 556 www.yeguadadimoba.com yeguada@dimoba.com Almería

YEGUADA COLONIAS DE PESQUERIL Tlf.: 627 940 500 jaimegc81@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA DE YMAS Tlf.: 914 119 203 Móvil: 667 599 535 www.sandaraca.es ymas@sandaraca.es Madrid

YEGUADA DON LUIS González DÍEZ Tlf.:+52 5552496007 jacqueline.amezcua@grupogondi.com México

YEGUADA CONDE DE UZAN Tlfs.: 948 850 408 – 646 987 601 www.yeguadacondedeuzan.com condedeuzan@gmail.com Navarra YEGUADA CORIS Tlf.: +506 22716071 Móvil: +506 83569297 www.yeguadacoris.com mbc@urbanizadorasiglo21.com mbc@yeguadacoris.com Costa Rica YEGUADA CORONINAS Tlf.: 952 802 075 Móvil: 619 464 515 www.coroninas.com coroninas@coroninas.com Málaga YEGUADA CUBAS Tlf.: 629 592 700 www.yeguadacubas.com cumbrealta@gmail.com Guadalajara YEGUADA CUENCA DELGADO Tlf.: 953 220 316 Móvil: 609 508 660 correo@grupocuenca.es Jaén

YEGUADA DUQUE DEL INFANTADO Tlf.: 957 330 069 Móvil: 628 124 233 – 608 817 609 diego.obrero@hacienda-ribera.com Córdoba

YEGUADA DEL ARA Tlf.: 696 942 354 www.yeguadadelara.com info@yeguadadelara.com Badajoz

YEGUADA EL ALADROQUE Tlf.: 918 034 810 Móvil: 610 314 471 www.yeguadaelaladroque.com merypradera@yahoo.es Madrid

YEGUADA DEL CARMEN Tlfs.: 651 060 729 – 616 019 144ricardojinete@hotmail.es Sevilla

YEGUADA EL ALAMILLO Tlf.: 917 021 720 www.yeguadaelalamillo.com info@elalamillo.com Madrid

YEGUADA DEL CUERO Tlf.: +43 6645021149 www.purarazaespanola.at claudia.wimberger@horseandhuman.at Austria

YEGUADA CURRO GIL Tlf.: 675 085 564 dirección@gcecuestre.com Málaga YEGUADA D. JOSÉ MORGADO Tlf.: 661 975 333 yeguadajosemorgado@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA DEL ODIEL Tlf.: 677 131 013 inversionesmorenobroker@gmail.com Huelva

YEGUADA DE AZORES Tlf.: 957 541 100 - 957 542 207 yeguadaazores@hotmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA DEL REAL CASTILLO Tlf.: (+1)7074191316 mcastilloconc@yahoo.com Estados Unidos

YEGUADA DE LA CARTUJA HIERRO DEL BOCADO Tlf.: 956 162 809 secretaria@expasa.es Cadiz

YEGUADA DEL RÍO Móvil: 671 453 424 www.yeguadadelrio.com Málaga

YEGUADA DE LA LOMA DE ÚBEDA Tlf.: 953 757 148 - 953 127 035 aracreli@hotmail.com Jaen YEGUADA DE LOS HOYOS Tlf.: 652 902 119 validomar@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA de NAVARRO Tlf.: 967 396 483 Móvil: 649 488 238 – 649 488 496 yeguadanavarro@outlook.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA DON THOMAS Tlf.: +209 4800174 dffcheese@aol.com Nicaragua

YEGUADA DEHESA EL HERRERO Tlf.: 954 631 273 - 954 630 488 diresur2000@yahoo.es Sevilla

YEGUADA DEL HIERRO DE LA MAGDALENA Tlf.: 983 837 355 Móvil: 629 419 279 www.cartujanos.net jose@casado.es santiago@casado.es Valladolid

YEGUADA DE LA ESPIRAL ESTIRPE CARTUJANA Tlf.: 954 923 005 Móvil: 657 995 739 www.cartujanosdelaespiral.com comercial@cartujanosdelaespiral.com Sevilla


YEGUADA DEHESA EL CHAPATAL C.G, S.L Tlfs.: 607 790 785 – 687 757 759 dehesaelchapatal@gmail.com Cádiz

YEGUADA EL ALLOZAR Tlf.: 914 100 020 - 914 100 025 Móvil: 926 695 024 manolomoreno@pasteleria-mallorca.com Madrid YEGUADA EL CARMEN Tlf.: 607 719 968 yeguadaelcarmen@hotmail.com Málaga YEGUADA EL CHOPO Móvil: 630 933 149 yeguadaelchopo@yahoo.es Ávila YEGUADA EL CINCUENTA Tlf.: 01 3320006096 jesus_tirado@andaluzmusic.com México YEGUADA EL CISNE Tlf.: 957 370 917 Móvil: 629 723 031 www.yeguadaelcisne.com yeguadaelcisne@hotmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA DELGADO DEL CASTILLO Tlf.: 918 86 20 10 – 629 525 349 rdelgado@autobrillante.com Madrid

YEGUADA EL DIaBOLO Tlf.: 666 566 214 - 667 647 446 www.yeguadaeldiabolo.es yeguadaeldiabolo@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA DÍAZ SIERRA Tlf.: 649 986 873 jdr7@hotmail.es Cáceres

YEGUADA EL DISCÍPULO Tlf.: 664 890 050 moises@yeguadaeldiscipulo.com Barcelona

YEGUADA Díaz SOLÍS Tlf.: 670 607 030 jdiaz@guadalmaquina.com Sevilla

YEGUADA EL EUCALIPTO Tlf.: 687 751 389 Oficina: 916 398 357 www.yeguadaeleucalipto.com jiglesias@cinesladehesa.es Madrid

YEGUADA DICAR Tlf.: 696 461 035 rafaelcodina@orangemail.es Barcelona YEGUADA DIEZ Tlf.: + 502 56961446 luisaguirre1@hotmail.com Guatemala

YEGUADA EL GARABATO Móvil: 637 581 538 perfil@grupocrisol.com Córdoba YEGUADA EL MOLINILLO Tlf.: 619 072 138 www.yeguadaelmolinillo.com info@yeguadaelmolinillo.com Málaga

YEGUADA EL MORALEJO Tlf.: 609 222 345 - 629 624 012 www.yeguadaelmoralejo.com concha@congesaconsulting.com Albacete YEGUADA EL PRINCIPADO ESPAÑA Móvil: 660 019 111 – 630 933 450 direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz YEGUADA EL ROMERITO Tlf.: 952 363 548 Móvil: 618 748 527 pedroaranda00@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA EL SOL Tlf.: 957 33 1342 Móvil: 696 987 738 – 628 461 721 www.yeguadaelsol.com yeguadaelsol@yahoo.es Córdoba YEGUADA EL TOMILLAR Tlf.: 914 588 054 - 917 591 420 grupomartinmar@ grupomartinmar.e.telefonica.net Madrid YEGUADA EL TREMEDAL Tlf.: 954 283 385 marianosantos@telefonica.net Sevilla YEGUADA EL VARÓN Tlf.: 607 830 576 Ciudad Real YEGUADA EQUUS CONSULTING Tlf.: 959 244 072 Móvil: 633 648 707 - 620 348 860 www.equusconsulting.com equusconsulting@hotmail.com Huelva YEGUADA ERMITA SAN BERNARDO Tlf.: 629 232 391 www.yeguadasanbernardo.com albinana.javier@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA EUSEBIO CANO Tlf.: 971 420 217 Móvil: 660 110 065 jlsalar@hotmail.es Baleares Yeguada F2 Tlf.: 954 424 300 Móvil: 649 450 961 yeguadaf2@letteranet.com Sevilla Yeguada Familia 5J MÁrquez Tlf.: 959 371 211 Móvil: 680 401 559 www.familia5jmarquez.com javier5j@yahoo.es Huelva YEGUADA FARRIOLS Tlf.: 937 970 516 Móvil: 654 357 384 www.yeguadafarriols.com yeguadafarriols@gmail.com Barcelona YEGUADA FELIPE GARROCHO Tlf.: 955 957 324 - 955 957 194 955 853 211 Móvil: 610 780 657 agarabito@productosajf.es Sevilla YEGUADA FERNÁNDEZ DE LA VEGA (AGROPECUARIA ESPERANZA, S.L.) Tlf.: 617 354 164 www.fernandezdelavega.com virgilio@yeguadafernandezdelavega.com Toledo

YEGUADA FERNÁNDEZ - ORDÁS Tlf.: 954 770 153 f.egea@olivareralacorchuela.es Sevilla

YEGUADA GRAN VIDA Tlf.: 620 227 135 yolilluca@hotmail.com León

YEGUADA FERRERO, S.L. Tlf.: 971 452 828 - 971 453 232 info@yeguadaferrero.com Baleares

YEGUADA GREDOS Móvil: 629113165 www.yeguadagredos.com yeguadagredos@grupofogesa.com Madrid

YEGUADA FERRI Tlf.: 647 352 626 ferritwsa@gmail.com Toledo YEGUADA FRANCISCO TRIVIÑO Tlf.: +41 0218073906 Móvil: +41 0218073267 francisco.trivino@trivino.ch Suiza YEGUADA FUENTE EL SOL Tlf.: 914 310 913 - 924 700 033 agropasa@agropasa.com Madrid YEGUADA FUENTES Tlf.: +33 466816261 Móvil: +33 611775835 www.yeguadafuentes.com fuentes@cheval-espagnol.com Francia YEGUADA GANGA Tlf.: 653 798 350 www.yeguadaganga.com jrangaraj@aol.com Madrid YEGUADA García BRIÑÓN, S.L. Tlf.: 615 211 748 yeguadagarciabrinon@hotmail.com Salamanca YEGUADA García FERRERO Tlf.: 954 181 413 Móvil: 679 981 920 www.yeguadagf.com jlgarciavargas@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA García MORILLA Tlf: 952 703 242 Móvil: 610 456 202 validomar@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA GARROTALES SAN FCO, S.A. Tlf.: 955 746 533 Móvil: 649 929 284 garrotalessanfrancisco@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA GERMAN GILETE SANTANO Tlf.: 924 321 979 Móvil: 629 772 369 - 659 447 797 www.yeguadagilete.es angelgilete@hotmail.com Badajoz YEGUADA GITANA Tlf.: 637 004 547 – 646 500 064 hipicorepique@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA G-M Tlf.: 976 511 006 Móvil: 655 236 598 Zaragoza YEGUADA González Sánchez Tlf.: +52 55 56166984 / 85 +52 15559664429 victor@godep.net México YEGUADA GRAN DUCADO Tlfs.: 653 153 669 – 657 172 314 masquecaballos@hotmail.com Granada

YEGUADA GUERRERO Tlf.: 956 702 896 Móvil: 607 442 419 www.yeguadaguerrero.com franciscoguerrero@tecnicageneral.com Cádiz YEGUADA HAUS DOHR Tlf.: +49 24611323 Móvil:+49 1701661643 klaus.scharmer@t-online.de Alemania YEGUADA HERMANOS BERNAL GODOY Tlf.: 924 580 081 Móvil: 615 178 156 fcobernalfonseca@yahoo.es Badajoz YEGUADA HERMANOS García-FILOSO, C.B. Tlf.: 967 143 698 Móvil: 657 872 855 pacofiloso8@hotmail.com Albacete YEGUADA HERMANOS JURADO LENA Tlf.: 924 237 188 Móvil: 630 037 610 – 607 266 232 www.yeguadajuradolena.com carlosjurado@icaba.com Badajoz YEGUADA HERMANOS MOLERO MALO Tlf.: 977 320 948 Móvil: 680 422 844 www.yeguadamoleromalo.es samuelmolero@gmail.com Tarragona YEGUADA HERMANOS ROMANOS Tlf.: 976 464 125 Móvil: 669 437 097 www.gruporomanos.com miguelangel@gruporomanos.com Zaragoza YEGUADA HIERRO DEL ÁNGEL Móvil: 639 391 313 www.hierrodelangel.com info@hierrodelangel.com Barcelona YEGUADA HIERRO DEL CIELO Tlf.: +57 44037000 – +57 43521026 Móvil: +57 3117621036 yeguadahierrodelcielo@gmail.com Colombia YEGUADA HIGUERA Tlf.: 957 435 062 Móvil: 667 664 663 vhiguera@hotmail.es Córdoba YEGUADA HISPANO SUIZA PRE, S.L. Móvil: +41 792314021 – +41 796603020 daniela.willy@dwilly.ch Alicante YEGUADA HNOS. ARANDA TEJERIZO Tlf.: 955 881 604 Móvil: 679 106 077 arandacabrera.m@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA HNOS. BOHÓRQUEZ BENJUMEA Tlf.: 607 686 521 carlos@ferminbohorquez.org Cádiz YEGUADA HNOS. CARDIEL SANCHO Tlf.: 616 482 027 ccardiel@macarsan.com Zaragoza


list of ANCCE breeders YEGUADA HNOS. GUTIÉRREZ DELGADO Tlf.: 954 830 945 gudel2005@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA JUAN VÁZQUEZ Tlf.: 934 406 500 Móvil: 609 852 888 Barcelona

YEGUADA HNOS. JIMENÉZ BURGOS Tlf.: 667 615 440 www.yeguadajimenezburgos.com yeguada@yeguadajimenezburgos.com Sevilla

YEGUADA LA AGUADA Tlf.: +574 5633590 mateolg@me.com mateo.lourido@grupodis.com Colombia

YEGUADA HNOS. Rodríguez ESCAÑO Tlf.: 954 751 336 Móvil: 669 360 103 - 669 360 104 balroe5@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA LA ALdara Tlf.: 935 601 358 - 637 242 489 www.caballosllargues.com caballos@llargues.info Sevilla

YEGUADA LA YEDRA Tlf.: 952 815 455 Móvil: 696 949 420 www.yeguadalayedra.com noramarbella@gmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA INDALO Tlf.: 952 475 200 www.yeguadaindalo.com info@yeguadaindalo.com Málaga

YEGUADA LA ALHAMBRA Tlf.: 653 044 044 montsefernandez29@hotmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA LAGAR VIEJO Tlfs.: 616 901 172 – 608 252 862 www.yeguadalagarviejo.com farmacia289@cofcordoba.com Sevilla

YEGUADA J.M. TRESSERRAS, S.L. Tlf.: 977 207 151 Móvil: 629 127 263 - 678 715 535 yeguada3r@gmail.com Tarragona YEGUADA JABALQUINTO Tlf.: 687 833 080 – 627 584 582 cinegeticajabalquinto@hotmail.com Jaén YEGUADA JARQUIN Tlf.: +505 22540993 – +505 88871806 jjarquin@cargotrans.com.ni Nicaragua YEGUADA JAVIER HERNÁNDEZ Tlfs: 606 316 991 – 696 850 054 www.yeguadajavierhernandez.com info@yeguadajavierhernandez.com Zamora YEGUADA JEREZ Tlf.: 915 771 193 Móvil: 607 842 311 lblancoj@yahoo.es Madrid YEGUADA JESÚS GONZÁLEZ Tlf.: 692 994 457 soniafergonzalez@hotmail.com Asturias YEGUADA JIMÉNEZ Tlf.: +1 626 7869475 www.ranchojimenez.com ranchojimenez@aol.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA JJ MONTES Tlf.: 968 481 767 Móvil: 696 917 257 www.yeguadajjmontes.com pedromontesabogado@gmail.com Murcia YEGUADA José FRANCO Sánchez Tlf.: 956 237 642 yeguadajosefrancosanchez@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA JQ Tlf.: 525 526230752 ojquintana@hielofiesta.com.mx México YEGUADA JT, S.L Tlf.: 911 020 010 secretaria@yeguadajt.es Madrid YEGUADA JUAN MARTOS Tlf.: 950 627 777 Móvil: 616 429 107 www.yeguadajuanmartos.com yeguadajuanmartos@gmail.com Almería


YEGUADA LA B Tlf.: 619 783 825 www.yeguadalab.com j.burgos@inkema.com Barcelona YEGUADA LA CONQUISTA Tlfs.: (403) 9183797 – (403) 8635802 yeguadalaconquista@outlook.com Canadá YEGUADA LA DEVESA Tlf.: 932 152 113 Barcelona Tlf.: 977 830 162 Tarragona www.yeguadaladevesa.com rafeldomenech1@gmail.com YEGUADA LA ESPADA Tlfs.: 608 488 831 – 608 388 632 mima1266@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA LA GALLARDA Tlf.: 956 362 989 salvadormartinez@canoncadiz.com Cádiz YEGUADA LA MONTARAZA, S.L Móvil: 651 548 813 www.yeguadalamontaraza.com info@yeguadalamontaraza.com Burgos YEGUADA LA NOSTRE LLAR Tlf.: 937 776 712 info@fruitesbaixllobregat.com Barcelona YEGUADA LA PARRITA Móvil: 616895983 germanramos60@yahoo.es Canarias YEGUADA LA PESQUERA Tlfs.: 952 764 174 - 639 202 099 www.yeguadalapesquera.com comercialmarbella@lapesquera.com Málaga YEGUADA LA QUERENCIA Tlf.: +57 3104240789 jaramillo@inverjota.com Colombia YEGUADA LA TAMUJOSA Tlf.: 667 720 136 javier.alcoz@gmail.com Cáceres YEGUADA LA TRINIDAD miguelderojas@yahoo.es Sevilla

YEGUADA LA TROYETA Tlf.: 629 505 656 www.yeguadalatroyeta.es info@yeguadalatroyeta.es Alicante YEGUADA LA VIGÍA Tlf.: 913 082 744 mail@la-vigia.com Madrid

YEGUADA LAGO Tlfs: 01 935891230 – 07585118161 yeguadalago@yahoo.com Reino Unido YEGUADA LAS ARENAS Tlfs.: 616 901 172 – 608 252 862 www.yeguadalasarenas.com info@yeguadalasarenas.com Sevilla YEGUADA LAS AVES Tlf.: +57 43265847 manuel.mejia@corbeta.com.co Colombia YEGUADA LAS CABECERAS Tlfs.: 926 251 718 – 626 377 220 d.perezabogado@hotmail.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA LAS CADENAS Tlfs.: 918 857 093 – 659 433 526 www.hipicalascadenas.com yeguada@hipicalascadenas.com Madrid YEGUADA LAS COLONIAS Tlf.: 680 422 770 fjmartindeprado@gmail.com Badajoz YEGUADA LAS ESPADAS Móvil: 639 126 568 meyme24@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA LAS NEGRILLAS Tlf.: 914 264 230 www.yeguadalasnegrillas.com martin.marcos@adendia.com Madrid YEGUADA LAS TIJERAS Tlf.: 938 714 638 Móvil: 629 336 565 sergia.valls@gmail.com Barcelona YEGUADA LAS YEGUAS DEL CARACOL Tlf.: 926 544 948 Móvil: 609 126 584 jesuscaballero25@hotmail.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA LAURUS NOBILIS Móvil: 609148613 gonzalo@insesa.es Cuenca YEGUADA LAYOS Tlf.: 918 419 032 juan.layos@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA LEZAMA LEGUIZAMÓN Tlf.: 952 885 856 Móvil: 630 986 055 fincalezama@gmail.com Málaga

YEGUADA LLORENTE Tlf.: 639 168 882 - 666 471 585 www.yeguadallorente.com pedrollorente@binkal.com carlosllorenteperez5@gmail.com Segovia YEGUADA López DE HARO Tlf.: +1 8095350900 jrodriguez@blh.com.do República Dominicana YEGUADA LÓPEZ-ROSADO, S.L Tlf.: 925 382 222 – Móvil: 626 491 086 www.yeguadalopez-rosado.com yeguadalopezrosadopre@gmail.com Toledo YEGUADA LOS ALCORES Tlf.: 983 352 241 Móvil: 669 785 915 isagma2@hotmail.com Valladolid YEGUADA LOS ALGARVES Tlf.: 677 287 929 jrbs1978@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA LOS AMADORES Móvil: 914 160 027 www.yeguadalosamadores.com dealar@dealar.es Madrid YEGUADA LOS CAIRELES Tlf.: 619 113 190 f.guillen@jghlogistica.es Murcia YEGUADA LOS CASTAÑONES Tlf.: 917 770 866 Móvil: 639 156 700 ww.yeguadaloscastanones.com castanones@yeguadaloscastanones.com Madrid YEGUADA LOS CHOPOS Tlf.: 686 928 879 lolomrn@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA LOS CIERVOS Tlf.: 915 422 005 luisafernandez@industrializacion.es Madrid YEGUADA LOS CORRALES Tlf.: 926 690 323 Móvil: 619 303 516 www.yeguadaloscorrales.com yeguadaloscorrales@gmail.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA LOS OLIVOS Tlf.: 971 317 318 - 971 317 365 yeguadalosolivosibiza@gmail.com Baleares YEGUADA LOS POZOS Tlf.: 956 730 468 www.yeguadalospozos.com ahd@yeguadalospozos.com Cádiz YEGUADA LOVERA Móvil: 678 428 469 - 670 604 727 loveraenrique@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA LUCÍA LOVERA García Tlf.: 957 474129 Móvil: 687 835019 - 687 835020 eborrajop@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA MADRE Tlf.: 676 456 639 velohe25@hotmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA MAIPE Tlf.: 968 526 640 www.yeguada-maipe.com info@yeguada-maipe.com Murcia YEGUADA MAJALOBA Tlf.: +505 22760331 Móvil: +505 86707304 yeguadamajaloba@hotmail.com Nicaragua YEGUADA MANHUE Tlf.: (569) 94523030 jsduch@gnbrands.com Chile YEGUADA MANUEL MARTÍNEZ ESP Tlf.: 651 060 729 ricardojinete@hotmail.es Sevilla YEGUADA MARENGO Tlf.: 610 241 982 s.bastida04@hotmail.com Valencia YEGUADA MARIANO MORENO INIESTA Tlf.: 667 568 239 morenolazarodavid7@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA MARÍN García Tlf.: 959 251 830 Móvil: 617 391 664 670 978 248 - 607 950 663 www.yeguadamaringarcia.com diegomafi@hotmail.com info@yeguadamaringarcia.com Huelva

YEGUADA MIGUEL TOVAR SANZ Tlf.: 927 320 202 Móvil: 627 506 856 mtovarsan@gmail.com Cáceres YEGUADA MIGUEL VERGARA Tlfs.: 983 25 55 22 - 608 268 994 www.miguelvergara.com cebaderos@miguelvergara.com Salamanca YEGUADA MIGUEL-ROMERO Tlf.: 630 416 332 ldemiguelromero@yahoo.es Badajoz YEGUADA MILITAR Tlf.: 913363427 www.defensa.gob.es/ccfas/ vmalrub@oc.mde.es Madrid YEGUADA MILLÁN HERCE Tlf.: 954 838 540 Móvil: 615 457 629 - 600 406 113 www.yeguadamillanherce.com millanherceveter@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA MIÑO Tlf.: 966 700 689 Móvil: 606 389 606 vanesa@mino.es yeguada@mino.es Alicante YEGUADA MIRAS Tlf.: 914 261 717 josemirasgomez@hotmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA MARTET Tlf.: 971 838 377 construccionsmartet@ construccionsmartet.com Mallorca

YEGUADA MIRKO Tlf.: +39 3409216910 www.yeguadamirko.com mirko@nesurini.com Cádiz

YEGUADA MAS D´EN CISA Tlf.: 937 261 530 Móvil: 619 777 909 permanyer@trovels.com Barcelona

YEGUADA MONTE LA LLama Tlf.: 660 324 070 montelallama@msn.com Madrid

YEGUADA MAS PELAT Tlf.: 629 253 370 yeguadamaspelat@hotmail.com Barcelona

YEGUADA MORÁN, S.L. Tlf.: 938 405 195 Móvil: 696 957 347 gestion.admon@grupouni.com Barcelona

YEGUADA MENDOZA Tlf.: 14086870659 www.yeguadamendoza.com jesse@yeguadamendoza.com Estados Unidos

YEGUADA MUELA AYALA Tlf.: 926 359 109 Móvil: 646 978 969 info@fincalacuesta.com Ciudad Real

YEGUADA MENDOZA CADEMA Móvil: 629 803 434 www.yeguadamendoza.es nmendozaf@cadema.es Madrid YEGUADA MIGUEL Ángel Félix Tlf.: 687 570 207 grupo.mafelix@gmail.com Huelva YEGUADA MIGUEL NúÑEZ Díaz Tlf.: +1 714 4460196 - +1 714 4460119 Móvil: +1 714 4203161 cnnorco@yahoo.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA MIGUEL Sánchez Tlf.: 957 770 288 - 957 131 258 Móvil: 610 764 732 www.yeguadapre.com miguelSanchez@yeguadapre.com mariasanchez@yeguadapre.com Córdoba

YEGUADA NADALES Tlf.: 952 625 303 Móvil:617 392 593 yeguadanadales@gmail.com Málaga YEGUADA NEILA Tlf.: 916 236 255 brumosone@googlemail.com Madrid YEGUADA NJ Tlf.: +32 476 450 453 nadiajoosen@hotmail.com Bélgica YEGUADA NOBLEZA DEL PARQUE Tlf.: +56 (45) 292 3431 Móvil: +56 (9) 6168 0458 asalas@noblezadelparque.cl contacto@noblezadelparque.cl Chile YEGUADA OLIVARES Móvil: 657 751 147 yeguadaolivares@gmail.com Ciudad Real


list of ANCCE breeders YEGUADA ONIX Móvil: 639 336 264 selenitachileno@gmail.com Tarragona YEGUADA OVELAR Tlf.: 918 760 320 Móvil: 639 100 214 www.yeguadaovelar.com joc@ovelar.com Madrid YEGUADA PALAZUELOS NORTE Tlf.: 920 353 310 Móvil: 629 830 852 miguel.ajimenez@grupoa-alvarez.com Ávila YEGUADA PALENZUELA HENS Tlf.: 957 400 900 Móvil: 670 910 910 rafael@yeguadapalenzuelahens.net rafael@clinicapalenzuela.net Córdoba YEGUADA PALOJO Tlf.: 914 316 641 Móvil: 667 484 777 www.palojo.com yeguada@palojo.com Madrid YEGUADA PANTONI, S.L. Tlf.: 953 510 361 antoniotorreslosrodeos@gmail.com Jaén YEGUADA PASALRIO DE SAN ROQUE Tlf.: 956 442 246 Móvil: 620 629 060 rosa@conil-eurosur.com Cádiz YEGUADA PEDRO SILVA Tlf.: 607 653 136 Móvil: 600 616 560 yeguadapedrosilva@gmail.com Barcelona YEGUADA PEÑA DE BÉJAR, S.L. Tlf.: 968 226 370 Móvil: 667 682 465 info@yeguadabejar.com Murica YEGUADA PEÑA, S.L. Tlf.: 916 422 797 Móvil: 647 424 861 www.yeguadapena.es contabilidad@luxar.es Madrid YEGUADA PÉREZ DE CASTRO Tlf.: 664 456 622 yeguadaperezdecastro@hotmail.es Sevilla YEGUADA Pérez MAQUEDA. ÁVILA Tlf.: 916 322 535 Móvil: 669 860 707 gerardoperezjimenez@gmail.com Madrid YEGUADA PILAR REYES Tlf.: 956 708 422 Móvil: 669 118 663 yeguadadereyes@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA PINILLA-Gómez Tlf.: 925 370 603 – 925 370 224 Móvil: 670 784 883 www.montescartujanos.com rupigo@pivellon.com Toledo YEGUADA PIÑERO Tlf.: 926 360 337 jantonio@yeguadapinero.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA PIQUÉ-Ángel Tlf.: 933 435 330 Móvil: 619 838 642 www.yeguadapiqueangel.com email@yeguadapiqueangel.com Barcelona YEGUADA PLAZA DE ARMAS Tlf.: 957 770 543 Móvil: 607 504 714 florenciomoreno@confevap.es Córdoba


YEGUADA SA SINIA Tlf.: 971 551 900 Móvil: 607 879 977 psureda@miguelsureda.com Baleares

YEGUADA PORTO Móvil: 629 557 746 santi@yeguadaporto.com Toledo

YEGUADA SALVADORE Tlf.: 593 23957558 d.salvador@salvacorpsa.com Ecuador

YEGUADA POVEDANO Tlf.: 628 124 237 fpovete@gmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA SALVATELLA Móvil: 607 990 899 www.yeguadasalvatella.com info@yeguadasalvatella.com Barcelona

YEGUADA POZANCO SANS Tlf.: 620 867 113 – 665 858 870 www.yeguadapozancosans.com info@yeguadapozancosans.com Lérida

YEGUADA SALVATIERRA Tlf.: 954 381 300 majaloba@majaloba.com Sevilla

YEGUADA PUERTA ALTA Tlf.: 953 583 839 - 953 580 833 info@yeguadapuertaalta.com Jaén

YEGUADA SAMBLAS Tlf.: 636 311 152 felixsamblas@hotmail.com Jaén

YEGUADA QUERENCIAS Tlf.: 699 019 505 www.yeguadaquerencias.com info@yeguadaquerencias.com Málaga

YEGUADA SAN ANTONIO Finca: 976 124 314 Móvil: 607 874 034 hipicamariadehuerva@gmail.com Zaragoza

YEGUADA RAFAEL CONDE Tlf.: 924 771 023 Móvil: 670 734 939 www.rafaelconde.com javier@rafaelconde.com Badajoz

YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE ALBERCHE Tlf.: 914 334 488 - 914 731 541 inconsa@inconsa.e.telefonica.net Madrid

YEGUADA RAMÍREZ Tlf.: 957 475 356 Móvil: 629 222 288 www.yeguadaramírez.com yeguadaramirez@gmail.com Córdoba

YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE BUENAVISTA Tlf.: 667 599 535 www.sandaraca.es ymas@sandaraca.es Madrid

YEGUADA RANA Tlf.: +39 0458587311 – +39 0458587340 glrana@rana.it Italia

YEGUADA SAN NICOLAS ESP Tlf.: 924323130 Móvil: 658943046 bruno-r@hotmail.com Badajoz

YEGUADA REAL TESORO José ESTÉVEZ, S.A. Tlf.: 956 321 004 Móvil: 649 431 303 www.grupoestevez.es jce@grupoestevez.com Cádiz

YEGUADA SAN ROMÁN CALVO Tlf.: 916 360 752 Móvil: 620 033 132 www.yeguadasrc.com sanromanalmudena@yahoo.es Madrid YEGUADA SAN ROQUE Tlf.: (+1) 951 421 2019 gatitopatitochepe@me.com Estados Unidos

YEGUADA RETAMAR Tlf.: 968 685 078 – 636 146 320 www.layeguadaretamar.com yeguadaretamar@gmail.com Murcia

YEGUADA SÁNCHEZ DEL MAZO Tlf.: 678 556 957 aedimazo@hotmail.com Madrid

YEGUADA RIBERA NAVARRA Tlf.: 948 819 812 Móvil: 608 777 349 www.yeguadariberanavarra.es grnavarra@gmail.com Navarra

YEGUADA SANTA ISABEL Tlf.: 271 71 460 71 sergiobueno@tbueno.com.mx México

YEGUADA ROGGE Tlfs.: 956 795 952 – 691 808 107 cardenasmarchenilla@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA ROIG MONTESA Tlf.: 617 305 729 aroig@slotcharter.net Valencia YEGUADA ROMERO BENÍTEZ Móvil: 629 368 356 pepicarabus@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA ROMERO VILLALÓN Tlf.: 656 937 227 alvar-ito87@hotmail.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA ROSA, C.B. Tlf.: 924 846 100 Móvil: 606 312 245 www.manuelrosa.com mrosa@manuelrosa.com Badajoz


YEGUADA SANTAROSA Tlf.: +503 7894-4184 gfunes@me.com El Salvador YEGUADA SANTIAGO Tlf.:655 554 025 santiagocanaveras@hotmail.com Alicante YEGUADA SANZ-PAREJO Tlf.: 618 807 955 terra-sur@hotmail.com Córdoba YEGUADA SENILLOSA Tlf.: 972 199 001 Móvil: 619 601 601 www.yeguadasenillosa.com senillosa@yeguadasenillosa.com Gerona

YEGUADA Señorío DE BARIAIN, S.L. Tlf.: 944 415 804 www.bariain.com bariain@bariain.com Bilbao YEGUADA SIERRA MAYOR Tlf.: 955 024 694 Móvil: 606 357 016 www.sierramayor.com jar@yeguadasierramayor.com Sevilla YEGUADA SOLA NOGALES, S.L. Tlf.: 956 371 777 Móvil: 619 601 601 629 545 750 - 616 477 608 www.yeguada-solanogales.com yeguada@yeguada-solanogales.com Cádiz YEGUADA SOLITEL Tlf.: 980 660 778 Móvil: 699 494 701 yeguadasolitel@yahoo.es Zamora YEGUADA SONEIRA RIVAS Tlf.: 649 210 674 barfrenazo@hotmail.es Ciudad Real YEGUADA SOTO GIL Tlf.: 948 399 015 Móvil: 609 458 253 www.yeguadasotogil.com info@yeguadasotogil.com Navarra YEGUADA SPANISH VICOBA, S.L.U. Tlf.: 679 498 581 Móvil: 606 844 462 vicoba@vicoba.es Badajoz YEGUADA SR4 Tlf.: 627 932 399 carlos.yeguada.sr4@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA SSAMDI BERNAL Tlf.: 620 404 466 - 660 019 111 direccion@gcescuestre.com ssamdibernal.pre@gmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA SUR DE CALIFORNIA Tlf.: (+1) 7472005656 jmunoz_20@yahoo.com Estados Unidos YEGUADA SusaETA Tlf.: 917 650 208 Móvil: 629 184 048 www.yeguadasusaeta.com info@yeguadasusaeta.com Madrid YEGUADA TARAZÓN Tlf.: 961 600 294 - 963 630 212 Móvil: 607 303 846 rutalchi@rutalchi.com Valencia YEGUADA TOMÁS OSBORNE Tlf.: 956 854 111 Móvil: 649 916 444 www.yeguadatomasosborne.com secretaria@rives.es Cádiz YEGUADA TORREHERMOSA Tlf.: 957 472 609 - 957 331 135 Móvil: 654 952 818 www.torrehermosa.com info@torrehermosa.com Córdoba YEGUADA TORRELONGA Tlf.: 954 531 715 antonioborbolla@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA TORRELUNA Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla

YEGUADA TORRES Tlf.: 953 502 265 Movil 677 458 856 arsanapatrimonial@gmail.com Jaén

YEGUADA VICENTE ANDRÉS PASTOR Tlf.: +212 22331917 v.andrespastor@gmail.com Marruecos

YEGUADA TOVAR BAZAGA Tlf.: 627 506 856 mtovarsan@gmail.com Cáceres

YEGUADA VIDAL-RIBAS MORENO Tlf.: 629 745 776 – 639 245 018 www.yeguada-vrm.com info@yeguada-vrm.com Gerona

YEGUADA TRIANA CARRIÓN Tlf.: 685 323 735 trianacv98@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA TRUJILLO Tlf.: +1 714 7137700 – +34 664 445 760 www.yeguadatrujillo.com sabastrujillo@yahoo.com vmcorcoles@hotmail.es Estados Unidos YEGUADA TRUJILLO SOUTO Tlf.: 986 581 273 – Móvil: 616 693 177 www.yeguadatrujillosouto.comyeguada@ trujillosouto.com Pontevedra YEGUADA URIOL PERALTA Tlf.: 915 738 204 Móvil 625 154 712 furiol@izasa.es Madrid YEGUADA VADEMAR Móvil: 656 878 868 yeguadavademar@hotmail.com Baleares YEGUADA VALDECORNERO Tlf.: 661 852 594 info@yeguadavaldecornero.com Madrid YEGUADA VALDEOLIVAS Tlf.: 920 370 117 f.valdeolivas@yahoo.es Ávila YEGUADA VALDERAS-FERNÁNDEZ Tlf.: 606 306 306 valfersl@hotmail.com Sevilla Yeguada Valdesol Tlf.: 696 931 302 josemiguelruizcrespo@gmail.com Almería YEGUADA VALDEVIÑAS Tlf.: 925 779 080 Móvil: 620 823 884 www.yeguadavaldevinas.com info@yeguadavaldevinas.com Ciudad Real YEGUADA VALENTÍN DE SOTO Móvil: 609 439 256 jvsoto2@hotmail.com Cádiz YEGUADA VALLE MIÑOR, S.L. Tlf.: 986 343 434 www.yeguadavalleminor.com ricardo.barros@grupominor.com Pontevedra YEGUADA VARGAS VÁZQUEZ Tlf.: 649 893 677 estructuras@estrucerra.com Sevilla YEGUADA VARSIL Tlf.: 622 764 184 yeguadavarsil@icloud.com Badajoz

YEGUADA VIGARA González Tlf.: 917 258 963 - 649 873 264 953 469 105 - 670 378 485 - 953 064 981 www.yeguadavigaraGonzalez.es yeguadavigara@hotmail.com Madrid YEGUADA VILAIRE Tlf.: 971 545 800 Móvil: 617 478 807 www.yeguadavilaire.com info@yeguadavilaire.com Mallorca YEGUADA VILARIÑO Tlf.: 952 338 312 Móvil: 670 888 702 dirección@gcecuestre.com Málaga YEGUADA VILLAGELY Tlf.: +52 9811273200 www.yeguadavillagely.com ledey24@hotmail.com México YEGUADA VINYET Tlf.: 670 671 660 – 666 763 487 www.yeguadavinyet.com administracion@yeguadavinyet.com YEGUADA VISTA-ALEGRE, S.L. Tlf.: 654 395 202 - 654 395 170 yeguadavistaalegre@yahoo.es Salamanca YEGUADA VYP Tlf.: 521 3314112233 - 523 313684393 yeguadavyp@gmail.com México YEGUADA Y Ganadería ÁVILA FARZÓN Tlf.: 956 401 178 bartolo@proviaf.com Cádiz YEGUADA YACO Móvil: 619 768 443 www.yeguadatorreluna.com martacantalapiedra@gmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ZACO Tlf.:670 355 609 joseluismesaredonda@hotmail.com Sevilla YEGUADA ZAMAR Tlf.: 968 136 656 Móvil: 626 315 802 www.yeguadazamar.com zamar@yeguadazamar.com Murcia Yeguada ZarzalÓn Tlf.: 660 019 111 www.gcecuestre.com direccion@gcecuestre.com Cádiz ZUMACAR Tlfs.: 629 149 485 – 615 389 330 clubhipicozumacar@yahoo.es Ciudad Real

YEGUADA VEGA CASTILLO, S.L Tlf.: 667 392 480 www.yeguadavegacastillo.com yeguadavegacastillo@hotmail.com Córdoba


list of ANCCE breeders

List of ANCCE Associated Organizations ESPAÑA / SPAIN ASOCIACIÓN ANDALUZA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. “CABALLO ANDALUZ” Representante: D. Agustín Aragón Domínguez Ctra. de Benagalbón “Finca la Paca” 29738 Benagalbón -Málaga Tlf.: 605 849 795 www.caballoandaluz.com concursos@caballoandaluz.com agustin@hipicalapaca.es “ES CAVALL” ASOCIACIÓN BALEAR DE CRIADORES PROPIETARIOS Y SIMPATIZANTES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA Presidente: D. Eusebio Cano García Cuartel General Luque Avda. General Luque, s/n 1º 07300 Inca - Baleares Tlf.: 971 880 904 – 650 034 346 www.escavall.net oficina@escavall.net ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES DE GALICIAACCEG Sede: Recinto Ferial Semana Verde, s/n Apartado de Correos, nº 26 36540 Silleda – Pontevedra accegasecretaria@gmail.com Oficina Administrativa: C/ Cándido Acuña Blanco, nº 5, Portal 2, 1ºB 36980 O Grove – Pontevedra Móvil: 600 891 708 accegasalnes@movistar.es

ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE ESTIRPE CARTUJANA D. José Antonio Pérez Millán Campus Universitario de Rabanales Servicios Clínicos, Despacho 1 Ctra. de Madrid, km 396, 14071 Córdoba Tlf.: 957 326 539 www.estirpecartujana.com info@estirpecartujana.com ASOCIACIÓN ALMERIENSE DE CRIADORES DE PRE PORTOCARRERO Ctra. La Cañada-Viator, s/n. Haza Tableada 04120 La Cañada (Almería) Tlf. 609 532 244 Fax: 950 452 111 gerente@viagro.es APREA - ASOCIACIÓN DE PRE DE ALICANTE C/ Jorge Juan, 12 Entresuelo Comercial 03201 Elche - Alicante Tlf.: 691 307 603 info@caballosaprea.com

ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE RAZAS PURAS DE LA REGION DE MURCIA Presidente: D. Juan José Belando Abellán C/ Acisclo Díaz, nº 9, 4ºK Edificio Argos, 30005 Murcia Tlf.: 968 296406 Móvil: 620 423 723 accmurcia@gmail.com

ASOCIACIÓN ABULENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – AACCPRE Presidente: D. José Antonio Andrinal Yuste Apartado de Correos, 38. 05005 Ávila Tlf.: 920 220 473 Móvil: 649 920 685 - 608 585 425 aaccpre@gmail.com

ASOCIACIÓN CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. EN CORDOBA Presidente: D. Enrique Lovera de las Morenas C/ Rey Heredia, 22, 14003 Cordóba Tlf.: 957 497 843 Fax: 957 497 844 www.cordobaecuestre.com asociacioncriadoresprecordoba@gmail. com

ASSOCIACIÓ MENORQUINA DE CRIADORS I PROPIETARIS DE CAVALLS DE P.R.E. Presidente: D. Miguel A. Pons Mascaró Avda. San Agustín de la Florida, 28 07760 Ciutadella de Menorca – Baleares Tlf.: 626 995 139 - 630 884 472 www.espremenorca.com espremenorca@gmail.com

ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA C/ Guillén de Castro, 79. 46008 Valencia Tlf.: 963 153 256 - Fax: 963 153 257 www.precval.com precval@precval.es

ASOCAMAN-PRE. ASOCIACION DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA DE PRE Presidente: D. Jesús Alberto Muela Ayala Avda. Rey Santo, 8 1º 13001 Ciudad Real Tlf.: 926 213 642 – 628 747 158 – 610 474 944 www.asocaman-pre.com asocaman-pre@asocaman-pre.com

ESPACAN - ASOCIACIÓN REGIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CANTABRIA Presidente: D. José Mª Benito González Polg. Ind. El Campón, 22 A 39001 Peñacastillo. Santander Tlf.: 942 321 327 (ext.115) Fax: 942 321 339 www.espacan.org info@espacan.org


A.C.C.P.R.E.C. ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CADIZ Presidente: D. José Antonio Romero Haupold C/ Conde de Guevara, 4 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) Tlf.: 627 704 932 accprec@yahoo.es

asociación extremeña de criadores de caballos de pura raza española (AECCPRE) Presidente: María del Carmen Pinilla Mercado Regional de Ganados Ctra. Madrid-Lisboa, s/n 10200 Trujillo-Cáceres Tlf.: 927 322 729 www.extremadurapre.com aeccpre@gmail.com ALEMANIA/ GERMANY VEREIN DER FREUNDE UND ZÜCHTER DES PFERDES REINER SPANISCHER RASSE (VFZPRE) Presidente: Mrs. Sonja Thomas Dorfstrasse, 29 56288 Korweiler – Alemania Tlf.: +49 6762961513 www.andalusierverein.de geschaeftsstelle@andalusierverein.de AUSTRALIA PREAA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (PRE) ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA INC. Presidente: Ms. Rebecca Power P.O. Box 272 Eaglehawk VIC 3556 - Australia Tlf.: +61 447924426 www.preaa.com.au registrar@preaa.com.au BÉLGICA / BELGIUM ANCCE-BÉLGICA Presidente: Ms. Nadia Joosen P/a Prins van Oranjestraat 41 2930 Brasschaat Bélgica Tlf.: +32 476450453 www.ancce-belgica.be info@ancce-belgica.be COSTA RICA ASOCIACIÓN COSTARRICENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Presidente: Oldemar Chavarria Granados. Directora Ejecutiva: Andrea Somarriba Centro Corporativo Lindora, 3er piso 10903 Santa Ana, Pozos, San José Costa Rica Tlfs.: +506 22053684 - +506 22030850 Móvil: +506 83044988 www.precostarica.org asocpre@precostarica.org asomarriba@precostarica.org DINAMARCA / DENMARK DANISH PRE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Presidente: Mrs. Mette Andersen Langgade 65 5620 Glamsbjerg – Dinamarca Tlf.: +45 22401230 www.pre-horse.dk staldrohan@gmail.com pre-horse@pre-horse.dk


honduras ASOCIACIÓN ECUATORIANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE - AECCPRE Presidente: D. Wilson Granja Portilla Avda. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edif. Finandes, nº 939, piso 4º Quito – Pichincha – Ecuador Tlfs.: + 593 2561423 - + 593 0998533020 Fax: +593 22501198 www.caballoespanolecuador.com aeccpre@caballoespanolecuador.com.ec

ITALIA / ITALY UNIFICAZIONE ASSOCIAZIONI ITALIANE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – U.A.I.P.R.E Presidente: D. Angelo Grasso C. Regionale di Incremento Ippico Via Ippodromo, 31 44100 Ferrara- Italia Tlf./Fax: +39 0532 762005 www.uaipre.com info@uaipre.com

ESTADOS UNIDOS / USA UNITED STATES P.R.E. ASSOCIATION Presidente: Ms. Kimberly Van Kampen 12765 Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 1315 Wellington, Florida 33414 USA Tlf.: +1 786-2641108 Fax: +1 888-9590190 www.usprea.com tanyaduffey@usprea.com klvankampen@aol.com

MÉXICO / MEXICO ANCCEMEX, A.C Presidente: D. Abelardo Morales Purón C/ Hamburgo, 97, piso 5 06600 Col. Juarez – Delegación Cuauhtemoc, México Tlf.: +52 55332001/3/4 Fax: +52 55332002 www.anccemex.com anccemex@hotmail.com administracion@anccemex.com

FRANCIA / FRANCE ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DU PURE RACE ESPAGNOLE - AECE Presidente: Sr. D. Richard Dupont Ferrier. Le Clos Du Mas 10 rue Jacques Claude Aubert 13200 Arles - Francia Tlf.: +33 621472640 www.aece-pre.fr studbook.aece@free.fr GUATEMALA ASOCIACIÓN GUATEMALTECA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – AGCCPRE D. José Ernesto Batres González 5ta. Calle “A”, 3 – 19, zona 6, Los Álamos San Miguel Petapa Guatemala Tlf.: +502 5806-9077 agccpre@gmail.com

REINO UNIDO / UNITED KINGDON ASOCIACIÓN HONDUREÑA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA - AHCPRE Presidente: D. Luis Alberto Vásquez Lanza Blv. Morazán contiguo a Delipan Francisco Morazán – Honduras Tlf.: (504) 9784-0753 www.prehonduras.com prehonduras@yahoo.es

BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE Directors: Ms. Mary Mcbryde and Mr. Peter Brooks Holly Trees Farm, Chesterblade Road, Stoney Stratton, Shepton Mallet Somerset. BA4 4EQ Reino Unido. Tlf.: + 44 1749 83879 - +44 7887 890098 www.bapsh.co.uk bapshregistrar@btinternet.com buildit@sky.com REPÚBLICA CHECA / CZECH REPUBLIC ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF PURE SPANISH RACE HORSES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Malé námestí 138/4 11000 Praha 1. Czech Republic President: Mr. Jan Suk Tlf.: +42 0233378406 Móvil: +42 0602 / 206235 jan.suk@akms.cz SUECIA / SWEDEN SVENSKA P.R.E. FÖRENINGEN ASCPRE Presidente: Mrs. Lisa Mard Langängen 1 74372 Björklinge – Uppland Suecia Tlf.: +46707467918 www.presverige.se info@presverige.se

NICARAGUA ASOCIACIÓN NICARAGÜENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – ANCPRE D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Reparto Bolonia. En el Central, 200 metros Oeste, Contiguo al Hotel Holiday Inn, Plaza Eclipse, Módulo 3 Managua – Nicaragua Tlf.: +505 22684437 Fax: +505 22669975 www.ancpre.com ancpre@gmail.com

SUIZA / Switzerland AECE – ASSOCIATION SUISSE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DE PURE RACE ESPAGNOL Presidente: Bruce Maurer Rue Juste Olivier, 5 CH–1260 Nyon (VD) Suiza Tlf.: +41 792031180 info@acryluma.ch

HOLANDA / HOLLAND PRE STAMBOEK NEDERLAND Presidente: Ms. Aranka Ouwehand. Nieuw Laar 5 5258TL Berlicum – The Netherlands Tlf.: +31 628554884 www.pre-stamboek.nl a.m.ouwehand@kpnplanet.nl

NORUEGA / NORWAY NORSK PRE AVLSFORENING Kaare Liadal Jr. C/O Kaare Liadal Jr. Liadal 6150 Oersta – Noruega Tlf.: +47 90776630 www.prenorge.no kaare.liadal@grovik.no PANAMÁ / PANAMA ANCCE-PANAMA ASOCIACIÓN PANAMEÑA CRIADORES CABALLOS PRE Presidente: D. Ricardo R. Pérez Martinis PH Blue Business Center, Piso 10, Oficina 3 Calle 67, San Francisco, Panamá Tlf.: +507 2107000 Ext. 7110 administracion@anccepanama.com


list of ANCCE breeders Breeder Membership Request Form

To become a member of ANCCE, please fill out this Membership Request Form. To be a member, an essential pre-requisite is that you own at least one (1) Purebred Spanish (PRE) mare, registered as a broodmare in the PRE Stud Book. FULL NAME (individual or corporation): _ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ID or VAT (Tax) Number (of said individual or corporation): _______________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE: _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ID or VAT (Tax) Number (of legal representative):________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE STUD FARM:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUNICIPALITY: _ ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE:_ _________________ COUNTRY: _________________________ POSTAL CODE: _______________________ PHONE/S:_________________________________________________ FAX:_______________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________________________________ WEB:_______________________________________________________ Number of MARES registered on your Stud Farm:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE: € 480



✓ 1ST QUOTA (REGISTRATION FEE): Bank transfer to ANCCE, into the account with IBAN code: ES22 3187 0812 8010 9498 7227 (Caja Rural del Sur) SWIFT BIC: BCOEESMM187 ALL OTHER QUOTAS: ✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº_ ___________________________________________ Expiration date_________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment in keeping with SEPA rules & regulations by sending an email to ancce@ancce.com (Applicable for Spain and the European Union) All data and information obtained complies with the mandates laid out in the legislation of Spain, specifically Law 15/1999, regarding the Protection of Personal Data. This registration form will be included a MEMBERSHIP file, registered with the General Register of the Protection of Data Protection that is responsible for the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter ANCCE), with VAT number: G41071960. This personal data file will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal membership-related purposes and the maintenance of ties among member by providing information services about aspects affecting the sector by means of newsletters sent by e-mail or standard mail, as well as advertising your stud farm, including it in the list of full members, which appears on the last pages of the magazine “El Caballo Español” and on the web-site, www.ancce.com. The details could also be offered to other magazines within the sector for stud farm advertising purposes; these objectives coinciding with those declared before the Spanish Association for the Protection of Data. You, as the owner of this information, consent and authorize ANCCE to include this information in the said file, and agree to the stated conditions. Should you not agree, it will be impossible for us to maintain any type of commercial relationship with you. Likewise, be informed that your financial information could be turned over to the Internal Revenue Office in compliance with the current law, and in such case as would be necessary. You may exercise, free of charge, your rights of access, change, cancel and express your opposition to this information by contacting ANCCE at the following address: Cortijo del Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), Sevilla, 41014 Spain, using the reference LOPD. By signing this document, I accept the aforementioned conditions.

In the city of _________________________________________ on the____________________________day of _ _______ 2018 Signature: ______________________________

This and other application forms are also available at


ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP REQUEST FORM Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving a yearly subscription to our magazine and information from ANCCE. FULL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ID Nº:_________________________ FULL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUNICIPALITY: _ ____________________________________________ PROVINCE/STATE:_ _________________ COUNTRY: _________________________ POSTAL CODE: ______________________ PHONE/S:__________________________________________________ FAX:_______________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________________________________ OWNER CODE:_ _____________________________________________ ANNUAL QUOTA:





✓ 1ST QUOTA (REGISTRATION FEE): Bank transfer in the name of ANCCE with IBAN code: ES22 3187 0812 8010 9498 7227 (Caja Rural del Sur). Swift BIC: BCOEESMM187 ALL OTHER QUOTAS:

✓ Bank transfer to the aforementioned account number. ✓ Credit Card: c VISA c MASTERCARD c AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº_ ___________________________________________ Expiration date_________________ ✓ Direct Debit Authorization: request direct debit payment authorization in keeping with SEPA rules and regulations by sending an e-mail to ancce@ancce.com

(Applicable for Spain and the EU)

All data and information obtained complies with the mandates laid out in the legislation of Spain, specifically Law 15/1999, regarding the Protection of Personal Data. This registration form will be included a MEMBERSHIP file, registered with the General Register of the Protection of Data Protection that is responsible for the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter ANCCE), with VAT number: G41071960. This personal data file will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal membership-related purposes and the maintenance of ties among member by providing information services about aspects affecting the sector by means of newsletters sent by e-mail or standard mail, as well as advertising your stud farm, including it in the list of full members, which appears on the last pages of the magazine “El Caballo Español” and on the web-site, www.ancce.com. The details could also be offered to other magazines within the sector for stud farm advertising purposes; these objectives coinciding with those declared before the Spanish Association for the Protection of Data. You, as the owner of this information, consent and authorize ANCCE to include this information in the said file, and agree to the stated conditions. Should you not agree, it will be impossible for us to maintain any type of commercial relationship with you. Likewise, be informed that your financial information could be turned over to the Internal Revenue Office in compliance with the current law, and in such case as would be necessary. You may exercise, free of charge, your rights of access, change, cancel and express your opposition to this information by contacting ANCCE at the following address: Cortijo del Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), Sevilla, 41014 Spain, using the reference LOPD. By signing this document, I accept the aforementioned conditions.

In the city of ________________________________________ on the__________________________ day of _ ______ 2018

Signature ___________________

shopping KINGSLAND’S ANTON UNISEX SWEAT JACKET Norwegian company Kingsland offers this stretchy and soft sweat jacket in a straight fit with hood and kangaroo pocket. The Anton sweat jacket is perfect for ridding and leisure activities. It is made of cotton (96%) and elastane (4%). The upper most section of the sweat jacket is available in gray and red. www.kingslandequestrian.com

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cedar full grip equiline breeches Breeches for ladies featuring an X-Grip silicone full seat, thus allowing optimum stability in the saddle seat; it is available in multiple colors. Featuring E-Plus fabric for a perfect let fit, these breeches are designed with special stitching around the pressure points and 4 Way-Stretch microfibers to ensure optimum comfort. www.tiendaequus.com

MARJOMAN spanish Saddle This solid and robust saddle is ideal for horseback riding in the countryside. Its high-quality calf-skin with a synthetic sheepskin top pad guarantees rider safety at all times. It comes with vaquero stirrups and leathers, girth and crupper. www.a-alvarez.com


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