Revista el Caballo Español 2008 n.183 (English)

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Año XXX Nº 183 Enero - Febrero 2008

Español / English

El Caballo Español

nº 183

Enero - Febrero 2008

Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española

El Caballo Español

El MAPA reconoce oficialmente a la ANCCE para la llevanza del Libro Genealógico de la Raza

GITANO XXXII: Nuevo Campeón de España de la Raza

José Palma Moreno dimite como Presidente de ANCCE

Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española


Cover Page: GITANO XXXII was Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion. He is owned by Yeguada Valdeviñas, and bred by Hnos. Rodriguez-Arias Photo by: M. Vasco

EL CABALLO ESPAÑOL The Purebred Spanish Horse magazine since 1978 Editor-in-Chief: Javier Conde Cerrato Editorial Committee: ANCCE Communication Taskforce Editor: José A. Fdez Lineros Technical Coordinator: Inmaculada Rodríguez Columnist: Jaime Molina, Manuel González and Jacobo Rojo Secretaries: Ana Luque e Inmaculada Segura Photos: Manuel Vasco, Rafael Lemos Design and Set up: Editorial Maritania Translations: Yreba Arobed, S.L. Legal Registration Number: SE-186-1980 Publicity: Inmaculada Rodríguez 954689260 - Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista, 41014 Sevilla, Spain Telephone: +34 954 68 92 60, Fax: +34 954 69 03 27 Photo mechanics and Printing: J. de Haro Artes Gráficas, S.L. Telf.: +34 954 180 010, Fax: +34 954 183 444 C/ Brújula, 43, P.I.S.A. 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe, Sevilla, Spain Edited by: Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista, 41014 Sevilla, Spain (España) Telephone: +34 954 68 92 60, Fax: +34 954 69 03 27 Web: E-mail: © All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including its contents, texts, graphics and photographs, whether in English or Spanish, may be reproduced by any means without specific written permission from the publishers. El Caballo Español is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators in the articles published.

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Activities Breeders' Marquee Social Review FRIDAY 23

SICAB 2007 TUESDAY 20 Competition

Conformation: 3rd & 4th Dressage: Preliminary 4, 5, & 6-year-olds

Activities Breeders' Marquee WEDNESDAY 21 Competition

Conformation: 5th, 6th, 7th & 10th Dressage: Final 4-year-olds & Saint George

Activities Inauguration of SICAB 2007 Breeders' Marquee THURSDAY 22



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Activities Breeders' Marquee Social Review SATURDAY 24



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Breeders' Marquee Social Review SUNDAY 25

Conformation: 8th, 9th, 12th Dressage: Final 5-year-olds & Kür Intermediare Show Jumping: Finals

Conformation: 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Dressage: Gran Prix Doma Vaquera:Young Horses & Trained Horses High School Driving: Dressage Test

Conformation: Special Awards & Champions of Spain Dressage: Kür Gran Prix Doma Vaquera: Young & Trained Horses High School: Final Driving: Marathon Best Groom Contest

Conformation: 14th Doma Vaquera: Final Driving: Cones Best Groom Contest High School Exhibition



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January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



Es en enero cuando recibes esta revista, número especial de SICAB, y ha llovido mucho desde que nuestro evento estrella terminó. SICAB, como siempre ha sido un éxito, mas visitantes, dentro de lo que se puede crecer, mayor superficie expositora, igual numero de ejemplares, pese a quitar el correturnos con el cual, el número de ejemplares calificados se ha visto reducido a una tercera parte. Pero no creo que pase a la historia este SICAB por volver a ser un éxito, sino por los acontecimientos que han tenido lugar alrededor de el. La dimisión irrevocable de un presidente y la apertura de unos expedientes informativos para ver si son sancionables las actuaciones tanto de él como del ganadero implicado según nuestros estatutos. A pesar de lo ocurrido, los mecanismos de que dispone la asociación han funcionado. El comité ejecutivo actuó como debía. Se convocó el consejo de dirección y ahora tenemos pendiente una asamblea que se celebrará como ya sabéis próximamente. Ancce ha funcionado y en ningún momento ha existido un vació de poder, todo lo contrario.



Todas las personas implicadas en la dirección de han estado donde debían estar. Que la gestión del Libro Genealógico no ha cumplido las expectativas que en ella teníamos depositadas es totalmente cierto. Pero lo que se ha hecho y las soluciones que están en marcha en la actualidad van por el buen camino y esperamos que muy pronto estemos al día con la documentación que está pendiente. De los problemas que tenemos, la mayor parte ajenos a nosotros, tenía conocimientos el MAPA, así como la prueba de nuestra limitada responsabilidad en el asunto. Vamos bien encaminados en el modelo de gestión que a partir del once del diciembre día que extinguía la concesión administrativa para la gestión del libro genealógico, el MAPA dictó una nueva resolución donde se nos concede el Libro Genealógico en régimen de autorización administrativa y sin período de caducidad. Tan mal no lo estábamos haciendo.

Javier Conde Cerrato Presidente de ANCCE

ANCCE REPORTS Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food Directorate General for Livestock Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry Ref: Ref: CAG Date: 14/12/2007 Subject: Notification of Resolution To: Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato, President of ANCCE, Cortijo de Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), Bellavista, 41014 SEVILLA For and on behalf of the Director General for Livestock, the following Resolution has been issued this Eleventh day of December in the year Two thousand and Seven (2007), RESOLUTION Having had sight of the petition from the ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) (hereinafter known as “ANCCE”), officially recognized as the said association for the maintenance of the Libro Genealógico del Caballo de Pura Raza Española (the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book), in accordance with the stipulations in the Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the 25 day of May, regarding the selection and reproduction of purebred equine livestock, and taking into consideration the following: WHEREAS FIRST - That on the Nineteenth day of June in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), and under registration number 200700025092, the said petition has been presented before the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry, in writing, on the Seventh day of June in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), together with the Articles of Association of the said association, and all the additional documentation as required by Article 5 of the said Royal Decree 662/2007 of the Twenty-fifth day of May. SECOND - That by means of a facsimile dated the Second day of July in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry required the applicant to submit all relevant information regarding the position and qualifications of each of the those contracted by the Association, more especially the knowledge and training in the subject of Zootechnology of the Technical Director of the Stud Book, in addition to the accreditation of the zootechnical and veterinarian resources to perform the analytical controls by their own or other authorized means, and the previous documentation presented, in the form of a simple photocopy, with the original or a legally notarised copy. THIRD – That the ANCCE presented the said documentation on the Twelfth day of July. FOURTH – That the corresponding facsimile from the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry, dated the Seventeenth day of August in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), communicated the said petition to the CONDEFERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE ORGANIZACIONES DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS (the Spanish Confederation of Organizations of Horse Breeders) with the Official Breed Stud Book (CECCA), the FEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE GANADO SELECTO (Federation of Select Livestock Associations) (FEAGAS), the FEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE GANADEROS DEL CABALLO ESPAÑOL (the Federation of PRE Breeder’s Associations) (FENACE), the UNIÓN DE CRIADOS DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES (the Union of Spanish Horse Breeders) (UCCE) and the UNIÓN DE CRIADOS DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA (the Union of Purebred Horse Breeders) (UCCPR), to appear in person in all three cases and to present the documents or formulate the allegations as deemed appropriate. FIFTH – That UCCE have presented themselves and requested and obtained a copy of the petition. SIXTH – That on the Fifth day of September, with postmark dated the Thirty-first day of September and with the Ministry Receipt Registration Number 200700034616 have received submitted in writing from the UCCE, dated the Thirtieth day of August, lodging allegations against the petition of the ANCCE and requesting that the ANCCE petition be made inadmissible, and their petition subsequently denied, as well as the maintenance of the Stud Book for the SERVICIOS DE CRÍA CABALLAR Y REMONTA DEL MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA (the Horse Breeding Services of the Ministry of Defence). SEVENTH – That having received written communication from FENACE, on the Thirty-first day of August, with a postmark of the same date, and received in this Ministry on the Fifth day of September, with Receipt Registration Number 200700034616, in which the said organization adheres to the allegations and petitions made by UCCE.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


EIGHTH – That having received written communication from FEAGAS, on the Twentieth, and received in the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry on the Fifth day of September, with Receipt Registration Number 1385, in which the said organization expresses its full approval with the ANCCE petition. NINTH – That on the Eighteenth day of September in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), the corresponding hearing was held with the interested parties. TENTH – That on the Fifteenth day of September, with postmark dated the Ninth day of October, and Receipt Registration Number 1606 at the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry, a written petition from UCCE, dated the Ninth day of October was received, formulating allegations against the ANCCE petition, and which requests that the authorization to handle the PRE Stud Book be denied, as it fails to be consistent with the petition, and furthermore declaring the illegality of the resolution dated the First day of March in the year Two Thousand and Seven (2007), by which the right and responsibility of maintaining the PRE Stud Book was granted to ANCCE, a matter that is currently “sub judice,” and that the Royal Decree 662/2007 has been legally appealed, and that the recognition is not in accordance with EUROPEAN UNION rules. ELEVENTH – That no other association other than ANCCE has requested authorization to maintain the PRE Stud Book, in accordance with Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May. TWELFTH – That the Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry has proposed the assessment of the petition. LEGAL GROUNDS I. That this Directorate General is competent for the resolution of the petition, in accordance with the precepts established in Articles 4.1 and 6.1a) of Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, in relation to Article 7 of Royal Decree 1417/2004, dated the Eleventh day of June, by which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food are established, in terms of the abovementioned purebred equine breed, for the purposes set forth in the aforementioned Royal Decree 662/2007 dated the Twenty-fifth day of May. II. That upon examining the documents provided by the petitioner, it has been confirmed that it complies with the mandates established by Royal Decree 662/2007 dated the Twenty-fifth day of May. III. That the allegations made by UCCE (and supported by FENACE) must be denied, therefore the petition by ANCCE must be allowed, there being no requirements of inadmissibility, and it complies with all the requirements demanded by the legislation. More specifically, the regime foreseen in Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twentyfifth day of May, which established the extinction of the concession granted through a legal Resolution from this office on the First day of March in the year Two Thousand and Six (2006), according to the provisions to that effect in the Second Transitory Article (of the said Resolution), once official recognition has been granted, according to the terms of European Union Law, which in Spain’s legal framework has the stature of an administrative authorization. On the other hand, in the terms of the Decision 92/353/CEE, made by the Commission, dated the Eleventh day of June in the year Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-two (1992), by which the criteria for the authorization or the recognition of the organizations and associations that maintain, or create stud books for registered equines, determines the need for official recognition, that is not in the power of the Administration, if it complies with the requirements of the appendix, which have been listed in Article 5 of Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, and which have been verified in this procedure, always bearing in mind, in this particular case, those aspects referring to the Stud Book of origin, are listed in the current legislation, specifically in Chapter IV of the said Royal Decree, in Order APA/3319/2002, dated the twenty-third of December, which establishes the Zootechnical rules for Purebred Spanish Horses, and in Order APA/1018/2003, dated the Twenty-third day of April, which establishes the basic requirements for the selection schemes and performance controls for genetic evaluation of pure bred equines, or as may be the case, those that are officially approved in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, and which, therefore, must be respected by ANCCE or any other organization that may obtain official recognition to maintain the PRE Stud Book. In addition, in terms of the allegations made by UCCE of the illegality of the resolution dated the First day of March in the year Two thousand and Six (2006), to grant ANCCE the right and responsibility of maintaining the Stud Book, and Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, the need to apply the current legislation must be taken into consideration, and the presumption of validity of the administrative actions, as well as the legality of the rules until there has been a court ruling. IV. That, in terms of the willingness, demonstrated by ANCCE in the Ninth clause of their petition to present proposals for the “usage and limiting of natural and assisted reproduction methods,” this Ministry cannot, at this point in time, make any declarations, and must therefore wait, as may be the case, for the formulation or not of specific proposals by ANCCE to enable evaluation and issue the corresponding ruling. V. The procedure of the petition has followed the established procedures.



Based on all of the above, having taken account of Law 30/1992, dated the Twenty-sixth day of November, of the Legal Framework for Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, and other applicable general and specific rules, DECLARE First – To officially recognize that, based on the directives of Article 4 of Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, on the selection and reproduction of pure bred equine livestock, the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (ANCCE) has the right and responsibility of maintaining the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book. Second – Agree to include the aforementioned organization in the Register established in Article 13 of Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May. Third – In accordance with the provisions of the Second Transitory Article of Royal Decree 662/2007, dated the Twenty-fifth day of May, do hereby declare the administrative concession granted to ANCCE through a Resolution by this Directorate General on the First day of March in the year Two thousand and Six (2006) to be cancelled with effect from the date of the notification of this Resolution, for the provisions of the First Additional Article of Royal Decree 1113/2002, dated the Thirty-first day of October, which regulates pure equine breeds, the legal framework of the stud books, breeder associations and the Zootechnical characteristics of the various breeds. Fourth – The suitable actions will be undertaken for the appropriate compliance with this Resolution by the SubDirectorate General for Animal Husbandry. Fifth – In accordance with the provisions of Article 57.3 of Law 30/1992, dated the twenty-sixth of November, and with the concurrence of the requirements of the said established precept, this document will be effective from the day of its signature.

Whereas I set my hand and seal this eleventh day of December in the year Two Thousand and Seven. The Sub-Directorate General for Animal Husbandry

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


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The Ministry of Agriculture grants ANCCE the LG PRE Stud Book This past December 13, the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) General Director of Animal Husbandry signed the Resolution by which ANCCE has been granted the right and responsibility of handling the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book. The Press Release issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and found on its Official Web Site is translated below. Nevertheless, you can also consult the link below: h t t p: // w w w. m a p a . e s /g a b i n e t e/n o t a . asp?codi=10726_AT131207 The General Director of Animal Husbandry has signed the resolution which officially confirms that ANCCE (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) has been granted the right to handle the breed Stud Book. This concession falls within the current legislation about the selection and reproduction of pure equine breeds, by which the recognition procedure for the equine breeders is comparable to all other farm breeds and species. Carlos Escribano, General Director of Animal Husbandry for the Ministry of Agriculture has signed a Resolution by which ANCCE (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) has been officially recognized to handle the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book.





In view of the recent deceit and accusations expressed by Ms. Barbara Currie in a letter received at this LG PRE stud book office, made public through digital media, I would like to express the following: • The LG PRE ANCCE (Stud Book) belongs to and serves breeder throughout the world, whatever their nationality may be or the organization and association they are a member of. Therefore, the said stud book is not involved in any of the political maneuvers that may arise within any of the said organizations or associations. In this sense, we would like to reassure and guarantee all breeders that the Stud Book will continue to document Purebred Spanish Horses (PRE) using any valid method. • ANCCE, in the light of pressure from breeders or groups of breeders, who seek impossible personal objectives that are misinformed and causing confrontation among breeders, will not renounce its legal right granted by the corresponding authorities of Spain, to handle the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book. • ANCCE, contrary to what has been stated by Ms. Currie, recognizes and has always recognized, as would be only logical, the registrations and documents issued by the organization that handled the stud book until now—Cría Caballar—and for the past 100 years, whatever the registration format: passport or birth certificate. • ANCCE accepts the voluntary resignation to collaborate with the LG PRE ANCCE (Stud Book), made by Ms. Currie, in the name of the FOUNDATION.



This Resolution is included in the current legislation linked to the reproduction of pure bred equines, by which the recognition procedure for the breeder associations of equine breeds is the same as those of other farm breeds and species, within the general policy of promoting the equine sector, that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is undertaking. Thus, the PRE (Purebred Spanish Horse) is incorporated into the system that follows, in compliance with EU legislation for handling Stud Books, by which the breeder associations are responsible for handling the Stud Books. ANCCE, until the signing of this resolution, had the concession to handle the Stud Book, and is the only association that had requested the Ministry of Agriculture to be recognized to handle the PRE Stud Book. A breed stud book is an essential tool for the development of a selection scheme and to improve the breed. The Ministry of Agriculture, as is the case of the other associations, which number approximately 140 in Spain, will provide all its support, together with the various Departments of Genetics at the various Spanish Universities, to collaborate in the design and control of the selection schemes, to advance in the improvement of the quality and the competitiveness of the equine sector.




As of now, LG PRE ANCCE (Stud Book) is holding conversation with the LG PRE ANCCE representative in the USA to determine new collaboration formulas, with the hope of providing services as of February 2008. • The deadline of January 1, 2008, which had been established by the LG PRE Stud Book for stud farms to be updated and petitions for Ownership Carts, as well as for registrations of new foals, without any additional charge, will be extended until March 31, 2008. • The FICCE, created in the past by ANCCE to channel the concerns of international breeders, does not represent ANCCE in any way, shape or form, nor does it represent the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book. All to the contrary; it has become, in the hands of its president, the means to disclose her claims. The LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book feels disappointed for the treatment received by the current representative of THE FOUNDATION and its president, which was the first association to be recognized by ANCCE to collaborate with the LG PRE Stud Book. You must remember that in less than five months, four trips have been made for basic evaluations; there have been two TQBs and a trip to the FOUNDATION office, which has been an exceptional effort for everyone. Lastly, and after appearing in the media, I would like to confirm that LG PRE ANCCE has contracted the services of a new IT firm, SADIEL SA, which will substitute Melpi SL, in the development of software to handle the LG PRE Stud Book.






In the light of events that took place during SICAB 2007 and the communiqué offered by the legal representative of Yeguada Torreluna and, for the time being, without taking into consideration the legitimacy of the statements made while acknowledging the clear bias of the incident, the 2007 SICAB Organizing Committee would like to offer the following announcement: 1º) For any question or event that happened during the celebration of SICAB 2007, its Organizing Committee has reacted independently in the exercise of its responsibilities and in strict compliance with the current and applicable contest rules and regulations. 2º) All of the complaints and allegations lodged by participants have been officially communicated in legal format, with the corresponding resolutions having been adopted and notified based on documents, files and registration files, against



which the interested parties have the legitimate right to exercise the corresponding actions. 3º) Likewise, the complaints and allegations presented by Yeguada Torreluna have been treated in the same manner as any other participant, stated in the files of the organization for which proceedings have begun and have been resolved by agreements adopted initially by the Organizing and Admission Committees and later by the Superior Appeals Committee. 4º) The Organizing Committee neither can, nor should, enter into debate on the questions included in the proceedings outside the legal framework, notwithstanding conversations or any informal meeting that members may have held with the interested parties to clarify and solve any of the aforementioned problems.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


Official Communiqué from the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association (ANCCE) about the events before, during and after SICAB 2007, as well as changes in the governing body

1) Faced with the events that happened prior to, during and after the celebration of SICAB 2007, the ANCCE Executive Committee held an emergency and extraordinary meeting on November 29 at 4.00 pm at the Association offices, in which all of the member attended, either directly, or by proxy. The aforementioned meeting of the Executive Committee unanimously adopted, and in application of the current association statues, agreed to: - Temporarily suspend Mr. Palma in his Executive functions and as President. - Propose informative proceedings against Mr. Palma Moreno and Mr. Castel Romero, in an effort to clarify the events described in these minutes. - Call for an urgent meeting of the ANCCE Board of Directors to hold a meeting this next December 4 at 4 pm.

of SICAB 2007. This proposal was passed with 63 votes in favor, one against and two abstentions. - Begin informative proceedings against Mr. José Palma Moreno to clarify the serious events that happened before, during and after the celebration of SICAB 2007. This proposal was adopted by 59 votes in favor, one against, and 6 abstentions. - Not to accept the written manifestation presented by Mr. José Palma Moreno dated December 4 of 2007. This information is provided to the members of the Association for the effects deemed applicable. THE ANCCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

During the Executive Committee meeting, the various facts were explained which were noted in the minutes, the literal contents of which is included in Appendix 1, for better, and in depth knowledge of the events for ANCCE members. 2) Prior to the Executive Committee meeting, the main ANCCE office received a letter signed by Mr. José Palma Moreno, by which he presented his irrevocable resignation as President of the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain. A copy of the said resignation is included herein as Appendix 2. 3) In compliance with the agreements of the Executive Committee, on the afternoon of December 4, an extraordinary Board of Directors’ meeting was held, with the presence of the directors, as listed in Appendix 3, which is included in this communiqué. The following agreements were adopted at the said Board Meeting: - Accept the resignation of the President of ANCCE, presented in writing, and irrevocable, dated the 29th of November of 2007. The resolution was accepted with 65 votes in favor and one abstention. - Appoint Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato as the person to occupy the post as President of the Association, in application of articles 47 and 48 of association statutes. Likewise, this motion was approved by 65 votes in favor and one abstention. - Begin informative proceedings against Mr. D. Luis Castell Romero to clarify the serious events that happened before, during and after the celebration




Meeting in the city of Sevilla (Spain) at the main ANCCE offices, the ANCCE Executive Committee, in an extraordinary session, was attended by the people listed below: - Mr. José Palma Moreno, President - Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato, 1st Vice President - Mr. Pedro Maza Iñiguez, 2nd Vice President - Mr. José Díaz Solís, Secretary - Mr. Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde - Mr. Manuel Novales de la Escalera, Member - Mr. Joaquín Molina Sánchez, Member - Mr. Pedro Pons Verd, Member Proxy attendees delegating their vote: - Mr. Augusto Romero Haupold, in Mr. Javier Conde. - Mr. Pedro Luis Llorente, in Mr. Pedro Maza. All those meeting were summonsed formally and in keeping with the statutory premise, with the following AGENDA 1º-. ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION CREATED BY YEGUADA TORRELUNA DURING SICAB 2º-. VARIOUS MATTERS 3º-. REQUESTS & QUESTIONS Once the Agenda was accepted unanimously, the various matters were discussed. 1-. ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION CREATED BY YEGUADA TORRELUNA DURING SICAB All of the members of the Committee are informed of the content of the meeting held on Tuesday, November 27 with Mr. José Palma and four (4) members of the ANCCE Board of Directors, in which the President recognized a direct professional relationship with Yeguada Torreluna and its owner, Mr. Luis Castel Romero. Mr. Javier Conde takes the floor, on behalf of the Committee, and advises the President to resign due to the significance, in the opinion of Board Members, of recognizing the fact that he has a professional relationship with the owner of Yeguada Torreluna and of the events that took place during SICAB 2007, and linked to the said stud farm. Mr. José Palma takes the floor and states that he was not going to resign. At this point, he decides to leave the meeting, but prior to leaving, Mr. Conde makes a motion to temporarily suspend the President of his functions while the informative proceedings are being resolved. The motion by Mr. Conde is accepted unanimously by

all those present and proxy votes. The informative proceedings, as proposed by the ANCCE Board of Director, are planned for the next week. The President states that he will abide by the decision, and proceeds to leave the meeting. Once the President has left on his own accord, Mr. Javier Conde and Mr. Ignacio Candau and Mr. José Díaz, who were present at the November 27 meeting, explain the extent of the events to those present, stating that Mr. Palma recognized the following facts: - That he (Mr. Palma) called Mr. Virgilio Fernández de la Vega asking him to intercede on behalf of Yeguada Torreluna to sell a cobra of mares on the Saturday prior to SICAB 2007. - That during SICAB 2007, and once the resolutions on behalf of the Admission Committee and the Superior Appeals Committee had been stated, in the Yeguada Torreluna stand, he signed a letter, in his own writing, that he was opening in disagreement with the aforementioned bodies.. - That he has economic ties with Mr. Luis Castel prior to the celebration of SICAB 2007, having received, two amounts of money, as professional consultant and management fees, the first of which amounted to €30,000 and a second amount of €18,000; amounts for which he signed a joint receipt. - That he had an offer as advisor for Mr. Luis Castel’s equestrian project for which he had negotiated a monthly amount of €4,000. Consequently, the Executive Committee unanimously adopted the following agreements: - Temporarily cease Mr. Palma in his executive and Presidential functions. - Propose informative proceedings against Mr. Palma Moreno and Mr. Castel Romero, to clarify the facts described in these minutes. - Call an urgent meeting of the ANCCE Board of Directors to be held in Sevilla on the 4th of December at 4 pm. Those present at the meeting motioned to write out the minutes of the events, and sign them as the meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



Jose Palma Moreno C/ Moratín 16-18 2ºC 41001 Sevilla (Spain)

November 29, 2007 Sevilla, Spain Dear Executive Committee Member: In view of the events that happened during the celebration of SICAB 2007 that have given rise to disagreement between the ANCCE Executive Committee and my own criteria, which could lead to the deterioration of the image of the Association, and due to the lack of backing and support of all the (committee) members, together with the health problems I am suffering, and based upon medical recommendations, I present my irrevocable resignation as President of ANCCE, post which I have held to date. I sign this in the city of Sevilla on the 29th of November of 2007 and for the effects deemed acceptable.


Jose Palma Moreno ID number 28,356,072-Q

Appendix3 ANCCE BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING SEVILLA, December 4, 2007 ATTENDEES Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Ignacio Zalvide Álvarez De Rementería

Mr. José Díaz Solís

Mr. Pedro Pons VerMr.

Mr. Pedro Maza Íñiguez

Mr. Antonio Torres.

Mr. Augusto Romero Haupold

Mr. Antonio Pérez Sierra.

Mr. José Luis De La Escalera Y De La Escalera

Mr. Juan José Díaz Molina

Mr. Manuel Novales De La Escalera

Mr. José Antonio Becerra.

Mr. Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde

Mr. Francisco Juárez Jurado.

Mr. Fernando González Pérez.

Mr. José Antonio Leiva.

Mr. Rafael Doménech Jordá.

Mr. José Miras Lloret.

Mr. Juan Soltero Pardo.

Mr. José Cruz Cano.

Mr. José Mª Castillo Villafranca

Mr. Mauricio Soler Escobar.

Mr. Manuel Aranda

Mr. Andrés Montiel Molina.

Mr. Antonio Diosdado

Mr. Pablo Martín.

Mr. Ginés Parra

Mr. Alfredo Alonso De La Florida

Mr. Manuel Fernández Jiménez.

Mr. José Ramón Fernández.

Mr. José Colorado

Mr. José Varo Garrido

Ms. Macarena Lazo Villar.

Mr. Miguel Bohórquez Ruiz

Mr. José Antonio Esteban.

Mr. José Palma Moreno





Mr. Antonio Páramo Aguado

Mr. Manuel Novales

Mr. Gregorio Ruiz Martínez

Mr. Manuel Fernández

Mr. Carlos Velasco López

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Joaquín Molina Sánchez

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Áureo Hernández Pozo

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Santiago Casado Castañeda

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Asociación de Suecia (Svenska Avelsforeningen P.R.E.)

Mr. Pedro Pons Verd


Mr. Pedro Pons Verd


Mr. Pedro Pons Verd


Mr. Fernando González Pérez

José Antonio Pérez Millán

Mr. Mauricio Soler Escobar

Mr. Roberto Federspiel

Mr. Fernando González Pérez

Mr. Álvaro Muguruza Garteizgogeascoa

Mr. Fernando González Pérez


Mr. Fernando González Pérez

Mr. Juan Jesús Lozano González

Mr. José Antonio Esteban

Mr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Hervás

Mr. José Antonio Esteban

Mr. Juan Ignacio Otamendi Chico

Mr. José Antonio Esteban

Mr. Pedro Luis Llorente Pérez

Mr. Pedro Maza Íñiguez

Mr. Antonio Jorodovich Estancovich

Mr. Pedro Maza Íñiguez

Mr. Domingo Chinchilla

Mr. Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde

Ms. Saskia Mesdag

Mr. Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde


Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Feliciano Reyes Seda

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Francisco Angelet Solbez

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Juan Tirado Agudo

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Mr. Juan Vázquez Márquez

Mr. Javier Conde Cerrato

Asociación Navarra

Mr. Manuel Fernández Jiménez

Mr. Miguel Cánovas Corbalán

Mr. Rafael Doménech Jordá

Mr. Francisco Tarazón Llorens

Mr. Rafael Doménech Jordá


Mr. Pedro Maza Íñiguez

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


Letters to the editor Demanding Dear Mr. President, I can quite understand why there is a great deal of criticism regarding the regulations for the TQBs. Every breeder wants all of his or her horses to become qualified, and, if the PRE is to maintain its quality and even to improve this, they cannot all do so. I am fully aware that if one owns a nice stallion or mare, one would like this animal to become qualified, to the extent of trying to disguise any small fault that it might have. This does NOT further the aims of the association, nor does it further the aims of the improvement scheme. The Hanoverians are extremely stringent in their requirements for breeding stock – and I am talking about ALL breeding stock, not just the elite…. They have very few stallions that are permitted to breed at all, and if you happen to have a nice stallion, and he does not happen to be one of the VERY BEST, he WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO BE USED FOR BREEDING AT ALL. This can be extremely disappointing for an owner, who has prepared what they believe to be a very good stallion, but when the crunch comes, he is just not quite good



enough. They are also more stringent with the mares than we are, but while most mares will be permitted to breed, most are certainly not awarded elite status (more or less the equivalent of being Qualified with the PRE) . The PREs allow almost all stallions and mares to be bred from (Basic Aptitude), which does not improve the breed in nearly such an efficient manner, but keeps all the owners fairly happy. In my opinion, even though it would probably have a negative affect on my horses, I think that this basic approval should be MUCH more stringent – however, if this was started, we would probably have a revolution on our hands! Until the breeders are able to open their eyes to the benefit of improving the breed, as a whole, and accept that not all their stallions (and mares) should be used for breeding, the breed will not improve very quickly. The Hanoverian people have improved their breed enormously in a relatively short period of time, and this is largely due to their being so very strict… Fiona Crawford (PRE breeder, on a small scale, here in Spain)

May God save us from a patriotic saviour Dear Mr. President, It is extremely difficult for me to dare write this, but under the current circumstances, I have no other choice. I repeat, this is the first time in my life that I have done this. I have been linked to horses since I was born, and in fact, I am a professional broker. Therefore, I fail to understand how a person with no technical knowledge, nor anything that remotely resembles it can make statements and comments like Ms. Olga Tarragona does. I am surprised and absolutely perplexed that people listen to Ms. Tarragona, taking into account that most of the deals end up badly or in court (there is documented proof of the court cases). Ms. Tarragona, you speak of crisis, respect, defence, freedom, etc, towards the PRE sector, but may I pray that God save us from a patriotic saviour; if you practice just a bit of what you preach, you would have left long ago. On December 7, you sent me one of your e-mail newsletters, which I answered, and I told you to publish

it on your forum, but being that you are a manipulator, intoxicator, you didn’t. I stated that you only have a spiteful tongue and suffer from verbal diarrhoea. I have no other choice but to state something that we all know about: In your “dis-informationâ€? forum, you only publish what is to your interest, or that you can profit from, one way or another. In any case, I can say that in the 45 years I have lived, and always linked to horses, I have never met a person who has sewn so much strife within the industry. You say that you only do business in Andalusia; in Catalonia, they know you all too well. That is fine with me; heaven help anyone who approaches you. I have no doubts that your incursion in Andalusian lands will end up just the same, or even worse (people are not stupid). Well meaning men and women, breeders and enthusiasts, she has never seen more than half of the horses she mentions. Remember the Serrat song “be careful of bad company.â€? Juan Manuel FernĂĄndez MartĂ­n Professional broker

Enorme Dear Sir, On October 6, at the Young Horses Dressage Circuit (MAPA) final, our horse ENORME received the result of EXCELLENT and was also placed first of 41 horses of several breeds. In their notes, the judges (6 national judges) highlighted his extraordinary walk and canter, as well as a very high-level of trot. Two weeks later the horse ENORME, took part in the TQB in Trujillo, and judged by the judges Mr. Vicente Jodar and Mr Fernando Caballos, who scored him as NOT APPROVED in walk, NOT APPROVED in trot and NOT APPROVED in canter. If the TQB´s are looking for horses suitable for a fair or a pilgrimage, it is possible that our horse is not suitable, but he is clearly suitable for competition, however, the gentlemen Mr. Vicente Jodar and Mr. Fernando Caballos do not know what a functional horse is, they have neither the knowledge nor the training. They are never seen as judges or as observers or even as spectators at competitions of dressage, doma vaquera or carriage driving.

and they are usually not even fond of dressage, they are very often breeders who trade their horses sooner or later, with the competing breeders. (An incomprehensible misdeed condoned by ANCCE). We will not participate in these tests again because we believe that they are confusing the breeders. The best thing to do would be to suspend this type of TQB for the time being, until there are judges who are trained to know what a functional horse and a competition horse is. This could be carried out by offering the current judges training and retraining courses or by them being aided by national or international dressage judges. Ignacio Susaeta

Very probably the ignorance of Mr. Vicente Jodar and Mr. Fernando Caballos about competition horses is a general problem amongst all the judges of beauty (conformational) competitions. These judges usually are not riders

Dialogue brings us closer to one another and enriches us. Experiences, stories, consultations, and opinions from all who support the Purebred Spanish Horse are good for us and are interesting to everyone. The magazine “El Caballo EspaĂąolâ€? trusts that this section, “Letters to the Editorâ€?, will be an interesting and useful means of communication with its readers. The letters to this section must be signed, with name, surname(s), ID and telephone number, and must not exceed 350 words. Send your letters for publication to: t 1PTUBM BEESFTT 3FWJTUB i&M $BCBMMP &TQBĂ—PMw "/$$& $PSUJKP EF $VBSUP 7JFKP #FMMBWJTUB o 4FWJMMB 4QBJO &TQBĂ—B


January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Success of two PRE horses in Europe Rociero and Fuego, the two PRE dressage horses that have appeared in recent issues of the magazine as the promising future of the breed in this discipline are obtaining magnificent results within the international competition panorama. Take the results obtained in the CDI of Oldenburg (Germany) as an example. Rociero, bred by the Ferrer Rovira stud farm, owned by Margaret Carrera and ridden by Kristina Harrison, scored 68.083%, which was worth 2nd place. Also, Fuego, owned by Yeguada Miguel Ángel Cárdenas, bred by Joaquín Márquez García and ridden by Juan Manuel Muñoz scored 65.833%, which put him in 6th place.

Rociero —from Ganadería Ferrer Rovina— ridden by Kristina Harrison and owned by Margaret Carrera

Andalusian Dressage Championships Brincador, silver medal winner at the Andalusian Dressage Championships

The 16th Dressage Championships of Andalusia took place in the Equestrian Club of Cordoba on the 20th and 21st of October with the excellent participation of Purebred Spanish Horses. Several of these earned medals, such as Delfin de Nadales, owned by Yeguada Nadales and ridden by Juan López Dobao, who received the bronze medal in the Adults Category. Brincador IX, owned by José Tomás González, ridden by José Tomás González Quife, received the silver medal in the category for 13 to 15 year-olds. Valdeón de Nadales, owned by the Yeguada Nadales and ridden by Gema Nadales Ruiz, won the bronze medal in the category for 11 to 13 year-olds. Quitasueño, ridden by Maria del Carmen Pancho Custodio, won the bronze medal in the category for 9 to 11 year-olds.

News 180


A number of PRE horses participated. In the total computation of the tests four medals were achieved. This is just another example that this horse is a suitable horse for this discipline.

Held from October 19-21, in the International Fair Grounds in Galicia

250 horses and 70 stud farms from all over Spain participated in the Galicia Equestrian Fair, Equina 2007 The Conformational Competitions for Purebred Galician and Spanish Horse, the ACCEGA Cup for Dressage and a Horseball Championship were the main activities on the program A total of 250 horses, 210 Purebred Spanish Horses and 40 Purebred Galician Horses, belonging to 70 stud farms from all over Spain, participated in the various competitions and exhibitions of the 9th Equestrian Fair of Galicia, EQUINA 2007, held from October 19-21 at the Galician International Fair Grounds, in conjunction with the 16th Tourism, Sports and Rural development Fair, Turisport 2007 (from the 18th to the 21st). The 9th conformation competitions for Purebred Spanish Horses (PRE) and the 10th for Purebred Galician Horses (PRG), very prestigious and long-running at Equina, played a major role at the event. Holding of both competitions simultaneously translated into clear support for the development, expansion and advance of these breeds, in addition to offering breeders a better means for selection.

La Esperanza de Toledo, Champion P.R.E Stud Farm When it came to the conformation competition for Purebred Spanish Horses, horses worth more than five million euros participated; including horses from the Agropecuaria La Esperanza Stud Farm, from Toledo (owned by Virgilio Fernández de la Vega) achieved the award for the best livestock. Second place went to Yeguada Centurion from Segovia, whose horses Impetuoso Cen and Karaka Cen achieved the titles of Youngstock Champion and Best Movement, respectively. The award for the Best Exhibitor went to Yeguada Can Maynou, from Roca del Vallés (Barcelona) whose filly, Estupenda Fa, took the reserve championship for Filly Youngstock and Espléndido LXIX was both Reserve Stallion Breed Champion and Reserve Champion of Functionality. The Stallion Breed Champion was Obvio F, owned by Antonio Jorodovich, registered within Yeguada Can Maynou; while the best mare was Triunfadora XXX, owned by Mater Christi, from Madrid. The 3rd “ACCEGA Cup” for Dressage was also held during the competition, a unique competition, in which Purebred Spanish Horses are observed in understanding with man. This year it consisted of four tests, in which the first placed in each received a prize. In class 1, first place went to María Eugenia Lorenzo riding Jecomías, owned by the Monterrey Stud Farm; in class 2, the winners were María Lage riding Segedano, owned by the stables belonging to María Lage Pinteño; in class 3, the top place went to Sara Domínguez riding Bubiyo, owned by Yeguada las Siete Cruces; in the class 4, Felipe Barroso riding Artista, owned by Yeguada Segedana, took first place.


A Horseball championship, which was disputed by four Galician teams and was won by the group from Santa Comba (A Coruña), completed the program of activities at Equina 07.

Prestigious Stud Farms Some very prestigious stud farms from all over Spain took part in the Fair. Those present were Can Maynou (Roca del Vallés, Barcelona), one of the most famous nationally; Yeguada Centurion (Segovia); and from Madrid, Mater Chistri, Beresaluze de Ymas and San Fernando-La Macarena. Stables from Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha, Castile-León and Extremadura also participated. When it came to Purebred Spanish Horse stud farms based in Galicia, the most outstanding were Patiño Guillán, Valle Miñor, Casanova, El Paso Equestrian Club, Cuadras San Amaro and Yeguada Pintos. The event also permitted us to be able to admire Purebred Spanish Horses of fairly uncommon genetics, such as those of diluted color, with the participation of two dun fillies and one dun colt.

Equipment and equestrian entities The Equina 07 exhibition area played host to diverse companies offering horse feed, equestrian facilities, equipment and harness, in addition to some stud farms who attended with their own stands. There were also groups from the equestrian world present, such as ACCEGA (Galician Association of Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders), ANCCE (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) and the Asociación Pura Raza Cabalo Galego (Association for Purebred Galician Horses), all of whom demonstrated the support for the competition from the sector.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


The REAAE participated in paris in a combined show with the most important european equestrian institutions FOTO: REAAE

The Andalusian foundation participated, with two individual numbers and two group together with the schools from France, Portugal and Austria from November 23-25 in Paris Bercy, The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (REAAE), a foundation dependent upon the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Sports, participated in a combined show of classic European equitation schools, which took place from the November 23 to 25, in Paris-Bercy. The Andalusian school participated in this event together with the National School of France (Saumur), the Spanish Riding School of Vienna and the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art. Each one of these used between 15 and 20 horses for the various performances, carrying out two individual numbers and two group numbers in a Show that lasted for two hours. For this, the REAAE prepared a program with the numbers “Field Horses” and “Solo (Olympic Fantasy)” in which the Olympic horse, Invader, participated, while the joint exhibitions included “Work in Hand” and “School Leaps,” in addition to a final parade with eight representatives from each institution.

REAAE participating in the traditional European Equitation Art Show

In conjunction with this event, on the 24th of November, the National Library in Paris held a day of conferences and meetings to study the common values and characteristics of the equitation schools.

New PRE success in Dressage The MAPA Final was dominated by Purebred Spanish Horses The Final of the Classic Young Horses Circuit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), was held at the Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) race track. Of 96 horses participating in the Dressage Final, 85 were Purebred Spanish Horses. The winners in the three categories—four, five and six year-olds—were all Purebred Spanish Horses. 4 YEARS OLD Pos. Horse





"Bético XVI"


Jaime Moreno Garcia



"Cariñoso LXVI"


Fidel Sáez Muñoz








José Ignacio Susaeta Erburu



"Bailaor XXXIII"


Yeguada Maipe



"Jeque XXVII"


Joaquín Márquez González









Yeguada Militar de Jerez



"Ingenioso XLVI"


Agustín Fco. Cárdenas Beltrán





““1st Horse, Wine and Tapa Festival”” Cordoba Equestrian, together with the Provincial Tourism Office, the Regulator Board D.O. Montilla-Moriles and Hostecor participated in the organization of the “1st Horse, Wine and Tapa Festival,” held from the 15th to 18th of November, at the Cordovan bullring. This is a new event that enriches the tourist offer in the province of Cordoba by having a single event with the three of the main signs of identity of our culture: Horse, Wines and Cuisine. The Association presented a renovated Equestrian Show “Passion and Charm of the Andalusian Horse”, which took place on the 17th of November with the participation of more than 20 riders and 40 horses from the top stud farms found in Cordoba. The show included elements of classical and Andalusian equitation, working in hand, doma vaquera, long reins, garrochas, high school… The purpose was to collaborate with the various projects and initiatives promoted by a number of NGOs, including the associations ADEVIDA, ACOPINB, Alzheimer Association and Cruz Blanca

Inauguration of the center for the sale and marketing of purebred spanish horses in Talavera de la Reina PROCCAM-PRE With a very healthy presence of PRE breeders and enthusiasts; almost 300 people, the inauguration took place on November 12th at the new Center for the Sale and CMarketing of the Purebred Spanish Horse that ASOCAMAN-PRE has built in the facilities of the Livestock Market of Talavera de la Reina. The Regional Ministry of Agriculture for the Government of CastileLa Mancha, the Honorable City Council of Talavera de la Reina, the Toledo Provincial Government and the Caja (savings & loan bank) of Castile-La Mancha presided. The President, Rafael Ayala López, flagship of this great initiative within the association and the person who has helped in a constant and decided way, all the other councilors, offered thanks to everyone.

In his own words, the Mayor supported this business project, calling on the breeders to make it a reference within in the sector, and not only in this part of the country. Lastly, the President of the Region, Jose Maria Barreda, showed his full support for the Center, promising the support of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture and the rest of those who had signed the agreement, to build a barn for mares. Likewise, he expressed his personal and lifelong friendship with Rafael Ayala, whom he thanked for heading up this project that will have all his support. Finally, and after the departure of the breeders, enthusiasts and politicians, Vicar Dámaso Corrochano blessed the facilities and the work that will be carried out at the center in the future.

Inauguration of the sales center

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


New PRE Association in USA (USPRE) Alexander B. Zilo, North American Representative for the Spanish Studbook, and ANCCE, the national organization of PRE Breeders in Spain and holder of the parent studbook, announce the formation of a new association dedicated to the promotion of the Pure Spanish Horse (PRE) in America. The United States PRE Association (USPRE) is newly formed for the benefit of PRE owners and enthusiasts and is headquartered in Wellington, Florida. The organization's goals are the general promotion of the PRE Horse as a sport horse through emphasizing its exceptional abilities for functionality.

the advantages and benefits of this breed, which has become one of Europe's most sought-after horses for upper level dressage competition. "The establishment of USPRE paves the way to finally recognize and pay tribute to the performance evolution and achievements of our noble horse in the United States as it has been honored in Europe for centuries," said Zilo.

Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer of Hampton Green Farms, and Alexander Zilo of Windsor Stables, will serve as President and Vice President respectively. Both have served until recently on the Board of Directors for the Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse, a national association primarily addressing the needs of PRE breeders in the United States. “The time was right for an organization such as this,” stated Boyer. “Everywhere we go we meet another new PRE enthusiast. What was lacking prior to now was an organization that focused on the rider and the rider’s needs.”

The Executive Director of USPRE is Grand Prix dressage rider and trainer Pati Pierucci. “We want to be a resource to those who own or are considering owning a Spanish Horse, to provide a means of education from the selection process through young horse training to the upper levels of performance,” commented Pierucci. “This is most dedicated group of PRE riders in the country and there is a real momentum right now in our direction.” She is joined by a distinguished Board of Directors of PRE owners as well as an international Honorary Board that includes members of the ANNCE Executive Committee, top North American PRE Breeders, and well-known names in dressage circles such as Robert Dover, Victor Alvarez, Dr. Tim Ober and Mary Phelps.

Boyer and Zilo are active exhibitors in the WEF winter circuit in dressage and are committed to the education of the American equestrian community to

Membership to the new organization is available online at

Victor Alvarez with Cava Iles II



Ordinary General Assembly of the Collegiate Association of Judgesa and Appointment of Honorary Judges Within the Ordinary General Assembly that the Collegiate Association of PRE Horse Judges (ACOJCPRE) held on the 24th, during SICAB, Francisco Fernández-Daza y Fernández from Cordoba and Antonio Sánchez Belda were appointed as Honorary Members. Subsequently a simple tribute was paid and plaques were presented in recognition of their more than fifty years as PRE Judges, which date back to the “Feria del Campo” of Madrid in 1950. Francisco received the plaque with his appointment from the hands of the President of the Association, Diego Marín. Vice-president Javier Velázquez presented Diego Marín with the other, which he received in representation of Antonio Sánchez Belda, who sent an affectionate letter of thanks, regretting not to be able to attend the ceremony

Javier Velanquez giving a plaque to Diego Marin

Association of PRE Judges On June 30, the Collegiate Association of Purebred Spanish Horse Judges chose its new Board of Directors: PHOTO M. VASCO

President: Diego Marín Fidalgo Vice-president: Javier Velázquez Rivera Secretary: José María Fernández Olmedo Treasurer: Antonio Vázquez Fernández Members: Luis Lucio Pérez Vicente Granell Ivorra, José Artillo Cano, José Artillo Cano

PRE Judges’ Association Board of Directors


January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


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sicab 2007 M 19 ONDAY

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


SICAB 2007

Official presentation of SICAB 2007


FIBES General Manager, Felipe Luis Maestro with Rosamar Prieto-Castro & Jose Palma


osé Palma held a press conference for all the media, on November 19, to officially present the 17th edition of the International Equestrian Trade Fair (SICAB 2007). As has been the case in previous years, the Sevilla City Council collaborated in the presentation with the participation of Mrs. Rosamar Prieto. The city offers its unconditional support, year after year, to make SICAB a reality.

This 17th edition presented some significant innovations with respect to previous years, which the President explained to all the journalists present: For the first time, SICAB was dedicated to a specific country breeds Purebred Spanish Horses. Guatemala was selected for this year, “and we are fortunate that the new President elect of that country, Mr. Álvaro Colom is able to be here, and he will inaugurate the event, along with the Mayor of Sevilla.” Another unique aspect of SICAB 2007—one that generates more visitors every year—is the equestrian

Show. This year it was titled ‘Horses without Frontiers.’ The innovative performance would include the presence of famous horsemen from abroad. “I believe that the best summary that I can give of this Show is that it is a mixture of equal parts of dynamics, art and orthodox equestrianism,” stated José Palma. To make it easier for the people of Sevilla to attend SICAB, ANCCE signed an agreement with RENFE commuter trains, which means that trains will be added to their timetables, which arrive at the Congress Palace station. These trains are free-of-charge for their users. “Our city has, for yet another year, joined us in this celebration of the Purebred Spanish Horse, and with it, there is happiness and symbolism that only Sevilla knows how to give to the things that it adopts as its own,” he concluded.

Jose Palma next to Rosamar Prieto as the vistied the facilites









Ctra. Antigua Antequera - Málaga Km. 132,5 Teléfono: +34 952 81 54 55 Tel. finca: +34 661 85 06 38 Fax: +34 952 70 91 07

Strolling in...

by Rafael Ortiz PHOTO: LEMOS


nce again, SICAB opened its gates on November 19 to celebrate edition number 17. The international Equestrian Trade Fair is the most important event in the world dedicated to a single breed, the Purebred Spanish Horse. In my own opinion, SICAB really begins with the arrival of horses. These days, particularly the Sunday and Monday, are wonderful days. Purebred Spanish Horse enthusiasts cross paths once again to greet each other with glances of hope and excitement. Everyone wishes for everyone else the very best, but at the same time, we all take a quick glance to scrutinize incoming

horses, and compare them with what we have brought, to then make our personal predictions. Everyone visits the mare pens to see how so-and-so or what-her-name is doing. Everyone takes a stroll to the arena in pavilion 3 to watch the ridden horses working. Once again, the grapevine news informs about how this horse or that is doing or the possibilities that another horse has of winning; murmuring words spread like wildfire from one enthusiast to another. Obviously, these days when the horses arrive are very different from the last day when it is time to go, and everyone is in a hurry to return home and almost leaves without saying goodbye!

Setting up shop Off the truck and into the stalls‌

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Dress rehearsal in the arena of pavilion 3

Pavilion 3 For those of us who are riders, Pavilion 3 of SICAB has been and continues to be the most important area of the Trade Fair, because it is usually where the competing stallions are ridden. It is there where we all see each other from the first day; it is the first place where we go, with the curiosity of seeing the stallions from other parts of Spain, which we have not met during the season at other competitions. Multitudes of interested people crowd together at the gates of the warm-up arena, while the many stallions descend upon the arena of sand and shavings, where not a hoof-beat is heard and where the stallions appear to move better. Trainers are heard giving their pupils last minute instructions; comments are made and, suddenly, a cobra of mares enters, the stallions turn circles, they neigh, the mares pass between the stallions attentive to the voice of their handler, and they enter in the competition arena to perform their Show. Nothing has changed over the years; it is a familiar atmosphere for those who, also, for many years, have been competing at this event, although a lot of the people are new, riders, breeders and spectators, the atmosphere continues to be the same.



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By JosÊ A. Fdez. Lineros But, if there is something that is radically different—and this has to do with the ongoing evolution within the PRE world—when you lean through the door of Pavilion 3, you are pleasantly surprised that today's horses are better than those of several years ago. They are better ridden and trained; both the riders and their mounts are impeccably presented, giving an image of modernity that is very positive for the competitive world. We are no longer a quaint haven but rather people who take horses ever more seriously and who seek to do things for the benefit of an extraordinary breed, which well deserves all of our efforts. We still need more time, but I am sure that if we continue forward in this same direction, the PRE will occupy its place on the international panorama. In a few years’ time, when visiting the warm-up arena in Pavilion 3, will see will have nothing to envy any of the international competition warm-up arenas, but with one difference; the horses will all be PREs and the atmosphere will always be the same, because that is part of the SICAB identity and our own.

sicab 2007 T 20 uesday

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



SICAB 2007




ocusing on Conformation, Tuesday is when the horses start to enter the arenas. SICAB starts with section 3 for two year-old fillies. On this occasion, there were a total of 45 fillies competing for the honor of being the best filly in Spain of that age. At the onset, there were several possible candidates: Lagartera XI, Estupenda FA, Farera II, NiĂąera RAM, Poseida RH, Suaira, Legada de Millan, etc. In the end, the filly that took the top position was Lagartera XI, bred by the Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia stud farm, and owned by Javier DĂ­az Renedo. Her choice for first place was not a unanimous decision, although Javier

Bayo particularly liked her and Francisco HernĂĄndez and Victor Huertas also considered that she ought to be amongst the top places. The silver medal went to Estupenda FA, owned by the Yeguada Can Maynou, although she was bred by Francisco Ă lvarez DomĂ­nguez. The fact that the third and fourth places went to two chestnut fillies was a real eye-catcher. These were Latina AU and Legada de MillĂĄn. The latter also won the prize for the Best Movement in the section, with a score of 8.350. She was the only one to score more than 8 in movements and displayed a fantastic walk and a very good trot.



could find two year-old colts, section four in the Pavilion 2 arena—the stallions’ arena— which is also judged on Tuesday. The judges in charge of this complicated task consisted of: Saúl Dåvalos, Victor Huertas and Luis Lucio. Cartujano LXVIII, owned by María Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, won the gold thanks to his good conformation and above all, his good movement. His score for movement was 7.975 and he also won

Section 4, 2-year-old colts



the award for the colt with the Best Movement in his section. Second place went to Duque CXIII, owned by the Yeguada las Arenas, while the bronze medal went to Jerezano Mango, owned by the Yeguada Mile, but carrying a Yeguada Andic brand. Tuesday at SICAB was an extremely harsh day for the organizing committee and for handlers, thunder storms appeared, and with force! About 100 liters per square meter fell on in just a few hours.

1)050 #: -&.04

1)050 #: -&.04

Bolero Ram, owned by Diaz Renedo

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol



by JosĂŠ A. Fdez. Lineros


dressage tests began with the Preliminary for 4 year-olds, which were followed by those for 5- and 6-years olds. The ten best young PRE horses, who had qualified throughout the year at the various ANCCE Cup competitions, were eligible for participation at the SICAB Final, which was made up of two tests held on different days. The sum of those total scores leads to the ultimate results and placings. The first of these is known as the Preliminary competition, which is for 4-year-olds. With a general level that was more than discreet, the performance offered by RONDADOR JF was well above the average. This horse is from the Yeguada J.F. MiĂąo and ridden by Carlos Pinta, who was able to get the best out of him, with a final score of 73.200%.

horses. The victory finally went to JEQUE XXVII, owned by the Yeguada El Robledal, with an average score of 72.800%. In the last competition of the day—for 6-yearolds—INGENIOSO XLVI, owned by Yeguada Agustín Cårdenas, came top; this horse was very well presented by his rider Francisco Javier Tineo, who was more than able to demonstrate the quality of his mount to the judges. Their final score was 72.400%, and they were followed, with a bit of a gap, by ANTONILLO, owned by Yeguada Los Castaùotes, and COPO VIII, owned by Arroba Ganaderia. .04

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The test for five-year-olds ended up being the most interesting due to the equality between the top five

Seni Carlo, ridded by Tamar Zafra from Yeguada la B

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Presentation of the 2007 SICAB auction horses For the four fourth consecutive year, SICAB has hosted a P.R.E. horse auction. This auction is amid at creating a marketing platform for Purebred Spanish Sp Horses with central Europe. The presentation took place at 12 noon in arena II. The auctio auction model, taken from Germany, is based on the following steps: registration reg of the horse, pre-selection according to quality and me medical examination, with ten x-rays to verify the horse’s state of o health. The stallions, which have been available for viewin viewing since October 16 at the Gran Hipodromo (race cour course) facilities in Dos Hermanas, were presented under sad saddle. A total of twelve stud farms participated in the auction w with twenty-four horses went under the hammer: thirteen stallions and eleven mares, five lots with two fillies, one with three. 1)050 #: ."/6&- 7"4$0

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


SICAB 2007


Jose Palma with the members of the Jury and the winners of the contest


First Edition of the SICAB 2007 free-style drawing competition, under the heading of “The Horse and its environment”

First place at the SICAB Children’s Painting Contest

This year, ANCCE organized the first edition of the free-style drawing competition titled “The Spanish Horse and its environment”. There were two categories, one for children between the ages of 5 and 12 and another for those of 12 to 14 years of age. As the President of the Competition and artist, Beatriz Zamora, explained, children of all ages and from all type of schools have participated. More than 300 drawings were presented this first year. One of the judges was José Palma Moreno, the president of SICAB, who declared that the reason for this competition was “to encourage Purebred Spanish Horse enthusiasm among the children, which starts with knowledge of the environment of this animal; likewise, of the 4,200 children who come here every year, it is possible that 10% enter into the (equestrian) world. Thus, 10% of children of Sevilla will be future breeders, riders, and fans of tomorrow.” The other judges were the modeling artist Beatriz Zamora, the young and well-known breeder, Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde, rider Fernando Peinado, who was also competing in the dressage competitions, Isla Magica marketing manager Mr. Marcus Mens, fashion designer, Toni Benítez, the fa-



mous singer, Manuel Lombo, and the model, Noelia Morgotón. The week prior to SICAB, the judges carried out a pre-selection from all the drawings presented, with a maximum of 10 drawings. This year’s award winning painting will be used for the poster for the 2nd edition of the competition, next year, while the other winner will be used as the ANCCE Christmas Card. In the Primary School Category the winners were: Paula María Díaz Durán, a fifth grader at Isbiliya School (First prize); José Alejandro Mur Márquez, a fifth grader from Isbiliya School (second), and Marta González Vidal, a third grade student from San Miguel Adoratrices School (third). In the Secondary School Category the winners were, Manuel Moirón Rodríguez, seventh grade student from Lope de Vega School (first prize); Daniel Ferrete Mesa, a seventh grade student from Lope de Vega School (second) and Lourdes Cartwright Brito, also a seventh grade student from Lope de Vega School. There was also a special mention for Lázaro Cepas, a five-year-old, from the School El Trébol, who received his prize from the hands of all the judges.

5,000 children visited SICAB on Children's Day, coinciding with the UNICEF Children’s Day

SICAB, the International Equestrian Trade Fair, opened its gates on November 20th to receive 5,000 schoolchildren from 54 schools from Sevilla and its province, who visited all the facilities and attended the rehearsal for the Show “Horses without Frontiers.” SICAB wants also to bring the world of the horse closer to the tiny tots. For this reason, the first day is dedicated to them. They start arriving just as the gates opened in the morning to take a tour around the three pavilions of the Exhibitions and Congress Center of Sevilla where the Trade Fair is held annually.

Children at SICAB


January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


GUATEMALA, PROTAGONIST OF SICAB 2007 ANCCE dedicated this 17th edition of the International Equestrian Trade Fair to the Central American country of



Guatemala has a rich history in the breeding of Purebred Spanish Horses; from there, the ties with Spain and more specifically with ANCCE. This is the reason why this year, and for the first time in the history of SICAB, the Trade Fair has been dedicated to a specific country, Guatemala. The new President elect, Mr. Álvaro Colom, from the Ministry of tourism and the Guatemalan ambassador to Spain and a group of Guatemalan PRE breeders were present at this 17th edition. Guatemala had a stand at SICAB to the delight of everyone, in the breeders’ marquee with sample of national folklore, thanks to INGUAT (National Institute of Guatemalan tourism). The Ballet was created in 1990 by Julia Vela, with the aim of promoting tourism at all levels by creating and projecting



choreographic works based on Guatemalan cultural values, such as: the historical, natural and tourist wealth, traditions, legends and expressions of the various cultural groups found in the country. The repertoire of the show was based on folklore projections of the cultural shows of the different ethnic groups such as today’s Hayenses and Garinfuna from the Atlantic coast. They offered popular mestizo and Creole dances of diverse eras and works based on Mayan mythology.

Republic of Guatemala stand

Typical Guatemalan folk dancing

The Show was an integrated example of the different artistic performances and folklore projections to make the nation of Guatemala known internationally, as a high quality tourist destination.



espite the rain, on the first day of SICAB a great numbers of visitors congregated in the breeders’ marquee; mostly professionals and enthusiasts who spend some time visiting each other’s stands. It is a strategic location

Alfonso Cope, Bartonome Gil, Arancha Rodriguez & Carlos Gonzalez-Valverde enjoy themselves Pedro Nadales with friends

for breeders and their potential clients where they can enjoy a good Spanish “tapa” and glass of wine to the delight of all. The general public audience was smaller, thus making this first day at SICAB perfect for contacts among breeders.

Francisco Angelet, Jaime Guardiola & Carlos Gonzalez-Valverde Mauricio Soler attending Jose Varo, Gregorio Aranda Jr. and other guests at the Estirpe Cartujana stand.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007


Jose Varo, Marta Contreras & Antonio Mu単oz Vargas with friends

The Gonzalez-Conde family at the Yeguada El Diabolo stand

Keko Perez & Maurico Soler with friends

Jose Maria Gil attending several breeders at their stand



Javier Buendia, Antonio Ramos and friends

sicab 2007 w 21 EDNESDAY

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



SICAB 2007



the previous day, the two year-old fillies and colts were in the competition arena. This day, the Wednesday, was to be quite a full day with regards to the conformational-functional competitions. The threeyear-old fillies and colts, sections five and six the fouryear-old mares (Section 7) and the five and six-year-old stallions (Section 10), were to enter the arena. The three year-old fillies were judged by Lucio and Marín Hernåndez. They were almost unanimously in their decision that Tesoro XI—owned by Yeguada Torreluna and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga—was the best. This tall grey filly earned extraordinary scores for her conformation and some more than acceptable scores for movement. However, the horse that moved the best, was a filly owned by Antonio Moreta, called Ode AM, who achieved a score of 8313 from the judges. No doubt, this allowed her to place among the top ten in the general roster. A daughter of Educado X, from the Rafael Ayala stud farm, Manijera RAM, owned by Yeguada San FernandoLa Macarena placed second.

The bronze medal went to Altanera CXIII, a grey filly, typical of the breed, owned by Yeguada Andic and carrying a BohĂłrquez GarcĂ­a de Villegas brand. In the section for three year-old colts, the gold went to PerdigĂłn XXIX, owned by AgrĂ­cola Valvi, S.A. This magnificent bay horse achieved a score of 80.560. In second place was LevitĂłn XIX, owned by Yeguada Andic, although, once again with a BohĂłrquez GarcĂ­a de Villegas brand. These two horses were very close, according to DĂĄvalos and HernĂĄndez, this latter was worthy of first place. The bronze went to Regaùón LP, owned by Yeguada Lovera—a magnificent grey colt with very good movement. The state of the arena was a pity, as it was somewhat narrow and quite heavy in the canter area. This affected all the horses equally, but it was probably the reason why this horse was disunited in almost all of his presentation canter. The award for the best movement of the section went to a gray colt owned by Yeguada Acosta Ponce—Campero

Manijera Ram, from Section 5, owned by Yeguada San Fernando-La Macarena, was bred by R. Ayala MuĂąoz



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XLVII. With a superbly brilliant trot, one of those that will remain as an image of SICAB, he attained a score of 8. In the afternoon, the four year-old mares were judged in the marquee by the team of judges: Francisco Hernåndez, Luis Lucio and Diego Marín. Once again a mare owned by Torreluna and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga—Soùadora XXIX—came out on top. This time, the decision was not unanimous. The mare, who would finally become the Mare Breed Champion of Spain, was placed first only by Hernåndez. Second place went to Juncal XXXII, owned by Yeguada Llorente. This mare also won the prize for the best movement in her group, with a score of 7.950 Curiously, the 32 mares presented all had an average score of about 7 for movement; from the stands, the audience could see that there was too much similarity in the scores, when the movement was so contrasting. Third place went to Pabila. This gray mare, carrying a Candau brand, is owned by Brocpyme, S.L.

The conformation and movement of the 5 and 6 yearold stallions was judged in the stallion’s arena. The top placed horse, before the functionality test, was the stallion Nazareno XXXII, owned by Fermín Bohórquez Escribano and the second was Remache XIII, presented in the name of Brocpyme, S.L. and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga. In the end, these positions were exchanged, as a consequence of the scores obtained by each of these horses in the functionality test. The third place went to Gavilån XXIX, owned by Yeguada Torreluna; a solid grey horse, with a Bohórquez Martínez brand. The best in the functionality test, held on Friday, was Armas Tarugo, owned by Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia and bred by Plaza de Armas. He was a very few hundredths ahead of the second placed horse. Once again, in functionality tests, variety in performance received similar scores. Obviously, the viewers in the stands were not judging the competition.

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RegaĂąon LP (Section 6) from Yeguada Lovera

Nazareno XXXII (Section 10) is owned by Fermin Bohorquez Escribano

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SoĂąadora XXIX (Section 7) was Mare Breed Champion; she is owned by Yeguada Terreluna and was bred by Benito Sierra

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January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


DRESSAGE Final for Four year-olds


the afternoon, it was time for the last test for four–year-olds; it was the so-called Final. There were no surprises. RONDADOR JF, owned by the Yeguada JF Miùo was the clear winner. This horse showed three very correct paces and serenity in the arena—something that is unusual for a horse of his age, although perhaps a little lacking in shine. Once again, he was followed by BETICO XVI, owned by the Los Arcos Centre. However, as of third place, the panorama was completely different from the previous day; those who had ranked highest fell, and those who held the lowest places climbed towards higher positions. The judges were different and the horses being so young are logically not as regular in their performances as the adults; one thing that was constant was the level: discreet, very discreet.

Rondador JF, from Yeguada MiĂąo, ridden by Carlos Pinta



by JosÊ A. Fdez. Lineros Four year-olds should be presented in the arena with the naturalness and the freshness characteristic of their youth, but some riders perhaps confuse this with a lack of training, presenting their horses full of irregularities and with serious problems of balance and other such problems. On the contrary, young riders confuse training with limiting a horse, to show horses that do not go forward with ease and, very often, ones that go against their rider’s hand. At this level, horses should show their desire to go forward with no restrictions in the three paces (running is not going forwards), with rhythmic and natural strides and a neck that lengthens looking for the contact with the hand. Well, this is only my opinion!

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Prix St Georges


test, but was not enough for the judges, who placed Antonio Blanco in first and second place, with his own horse SEÑORIO JEM, and IBERIS, owned by Yeguada Hermanos Mojarro.

Juan A. Jiménez Cobos riding PICONERO IV, owned by the Yeguada Ovelar, performed a very correct

There is not a lot more to highlight, although, certainly, the general impression is that all the participating horses were much more “orderly” than in previous years; this was seen in the scores, all of which were over 61%.

Prix St Georges test is the first of those commonly known as the small tests, although they are anything but small. They are the step prior to the Gran Prix and are very difficulty. Horses need to be well collected to perform the exercises with certain ease and cleanliness, which, in my opinion, was missing.

Piconero IV, from Yeguada Ovelar, ridden Juan Antonio Jiménez Cobos

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January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



by José A. Fdez. Lineros

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Luis Espinosa with Gacela LVIII Alberto Hermoso riding Os Sol

Gran Prix

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competition was disputed over a course with two rounds; the first of these being a qualifying round, and the second, over a raised course, and against the clock. Nine horses took part, and AMOROSO L, ridden by Civil Guard Sergeant José Collada Gil, was the only horse eliminated in the first round. This horse had been in training for a short time—not even a couple of weeks—and he refused to jump the first obstacle twice, so he was eliminated. Nevertheless, he did jump later, in the second round, although hors concours, when he completed the round. This competition, on the first day was won by the Colombian rider, Luís Espinosa, riding GACELA LVIII, who repeated his success at SICAB and, although the heights were low, the speed and route taken by Gacela made the competition very exciting. PODEROSO VII, ridden by Fernando Peinado, came four seconds behind while third place, once again, went to Luís Espinosa, but this time riding SULTAN XXV.




SICAB 2007


Tio Pepe, from GonzĂĄlez Byass winery, wanted to be present in all the activities organized at SICAB, including the Spanish Championships for Purebred Spanish Stallions and Mares, the competitions for the various disciplines, the High School competition, the auction and the SICAB 2007 Show, “Horses without Frontiers.â€? As a novelty at this edition, Tio Pepe organized a mini wine-pouring course for all the journalists covering the contest. “We want to bring wine closer to the current consumer who has already started to understand a little about the wine, not only wines from Jerez, but wine from all over Spain, and to teach the art of pouring wine, how to drink or to serve it and to reach out to the consumer,â€? explained Celia Carrillo, Tio Pepe Marketing Manager.

Anchorwoman Ines Porro and anchorman Paco Mesa interviewing Javier Conde

Yet another year, SICAB 2007, has created major interest in the media Daily, televisions, radios, specialized and general press have covered all the information generated at SICAB, breaking records in the media repercussion of an event that has become the greatest attraction for visitors to Sevilla. 1)050 #: &%:."

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol



SICAB 2007

SICAB 2007 was inaugurated with a taste of Guatemala! by MarĂ­a SĂĄez

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With the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony, the 17th edition of SICAB 2007 was inaugurated on November 21. This year, the event was dedicated to the Republic of Guatemala, a country that maintains strong cultural ties with Spain, shares the breeding of the Purebred Spanish Horse and for years, has held its own international equestrian festival in the city of Antigua. From now on, ANCCE (National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain) plans to dedicate each edition of the SICAB to one of the various countries where PRE horses are bred. With this initiative the organizers of SICAB seeks to spread the breeding of PRE horses to all the corners of the world.

Alfredo Sanchez Monteseirin, Mayor of Sevilla, inaugurated SICAB 2007



A cobra owned by Miguel Angel Cardenas

Carriage during the competition

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



inauguration ceremony was attended by the mayor of Sevilla, Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirín, the Guatemalan Presidential Representative of Tourism, Willy Kaltschmidt, the director of the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism, Dan Mooney, the president of ANCCE, José Palma Moreno and the manager of the Congress Palace, Felipe Luis Maestro. Having heard the National Anthems of Andalusia, Guatemala and Spain, the ceremony continued with the Show entitled “Horses without Frontiers”; this show consisted of eight acts, in which all types of equestrian skills were performed. The 10-mare cobra and their handler boasted the abilities of the animals in a true equestrian harmony. Inauguration show “Horses without Frontiers” “The Hungarian Posta”, a show that is native Eastern Europe, was dominated by acrobatics in which the rider balanced upright on the backs of several horses. “Garrocha Flamenco” in which Sebastian Fernández jr. starred, having learned from his father how to handle the garrocha (long pole traditionally used for working with fighting bulls) to the rhythm of the dance. There was also room for a sample of dressage, known as “Pas de Deux”, starring riders from the ANCCE Highperformance Center, José A. Mena and José Maria Martínez. The “Competition carriages” brought a touch of emotion, being turned into a timed competition between four teams, belonging to Juan Tirado, Gregorio Aranda, the Stallion Depot in Écija and Yeguada Hierro de Bocado, where the driver and the two grooms of each turnout had to pass through the obstacles in a driving test. High School exercises such as passage, pasade and capriole gave it all a touch of magic when performed within a circle of fire by Sebastian Fernández and his group, El Caballo Cabalga, in the number “Estampas Ecuestres” (equestrian samplers). “Vaulting” could not be overlooked, with acrobatics on horseback, at the gallop, demonstrating the athletic abilities of the riders. “Free Training” finished the Show. This performance of training in a natural state, perhaps the most innovative and attractive, demonstrated the dominion of the horse carried out with voice commands and gesture, without the need for any other aids.

Jose Palma, Alfredo Sanchez Monteseirin & Willy Kaltshmitt as the show began



Pax de deux

Hungarian Post

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



DEHESA DE CABEZA RUBIA (Ramón Martín Hernández-Cañizares) Carretera de Badajoz a Villanueva del Fesno Km. 50 Alconchel (BADAJOZ) email: Teléfono: 619243120


SICAB 2007



the second day of SICAB, the names of the best young horses were already being heard in the conversations held in and around the breeders’ stands. The breeders’ marquee is always ready and waiting breeders as they meet for their

business dealings. There was great deal of expectation among the breeders who all hoped to see their horses as Champions of Spain. It was the onset of joy for some and sadness for others. Criticisms about the results were heard along the hallways.

Enjoyable conversation at the Yeguada Urquijo stand Francisco Ayala accompanied by friends at the Rebujena La Alta stand



Fermin Bohorquez with Fermin Jr & Ivan Bohorquez

Pedro Cardenas and his family attending friends at their stand Pablo Martin, Javier Bacariza, Carlos Suarez and friends at the La Yedra stand

Domingo Abascal, Juan Diaz Solis, Ignacio Bolivar and friends at the Sevillana Association stand

Dressage judge Pilar Garcia with friends

Macarena Lazo, MÂŞ Luisa Villamarin, Tere Villar (wife of the late Paco Lazo) and friends

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Enjoyment at the Regional Ministry stand, with Luiz Vazquez actino as host

Entertaining conversation at the Yeguada Urquijo stand



Manuel Fdz. Piedra, Javier Moreno Miura, Joaquin Reyes, Juan M. Fdz. Argueso & Federico Muela

Rafael Ayala and daughters with friends

Pedro & Nacho Conesa with Feliciano Reyes, Aureo Hdz & Juan Tirado

The National Police Stand, with Jose Aulet

Nacho Conesa from Yeguada Maipe Q: Do you think that the PRE market has reached saturation point? A: In my opinion, the intermediate level is stagnated; in other words, the market for riding horses. SICAB this year is a good in terms of the conformation competition, but from the stand point of dressage, we need greater drive. Q: It is true that Purebred Spanish Horses are competing hard against other breeds? A: Of course they are. We are growing and we are holding on to a good market share, but we need to access the upper end of the dressage market. In the end user market, we are well positioned. Q: How do you see the PRE in dressage? A: Very good. This is something that has grown over the years. At international level, we need to be better positioned, and have more outstanding horses, in this discipline.�

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


sicab 2007 T 22 hursday





hursday at SICAB started with section 9 and the judging of the 5 and 6 year-old mares. It was held in the marquee with Judges Victor Huertas, Luis Lucio and Diego Marín.

offered spectacular movement, with fantastic walk, fantastic trot and fantastic canter. There is no doubt of her extraordinary movement which placed her in second place.

Karioca RAM—owned by Javier Díaz Renero and bred by Yeguada Ayala, by their great stallion Educado X—placed first. This is the fourth time that Karioca RAM has attended SICAB and it is her second Gold medal. As a two year-old filly, she took the Gold at SICAB 2004. When it comes to conformation, she could teach a few lessons about how a competition mare must be maintained.

Regatera X, owned by Yeguada Torreluna earned the bronze. Once again the name Benito Sierra Fraga appears as breeder of this purebred.

Silver and winner of the Best Movement (8.464) was Fer Brillantina, owned by Yeguada San Fernando-La Macarena. Granddaughter of Mañoso II, this horse

As in any other section, not all the breeders and owners were happy with the scores and there were those who became slightly angrier than would be acceptable. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for insults and foul language to the judges in the arena, nor should a judge address a breeder using similar terms. Such performances do nothing but damage the judges in

Fer Brillantina (Section 9), Adult Champion of Movement, owned Yeguada San FernandoLa Macarena, and bred by Yeguada Ferrero

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SICAB 2007


general and obviously, there are always other means to express discontent. At the same time, in the stallion’s arena, the conformation and movement of section 12, mature stallions, was judged. As a result of the draw, the judges for this section were Saúl Dávalos, Francisco Hernández and Javier Bayo. Tentatively, and with the functionality test still pending, they were placed in the following order: 1. Gitano XXXII, owned by the Yeguada Valdeviñas and bred by Hnos. Rodríguez Arias.

Gitano XXXII (Section 12), Stallion Breed Champion, owned by Ganadería Valdeviñas & bred by Hnos. Rodriguez



2. Kabileño VIII, owned by Yeguada Can Alcina and with a Yeguada Marín García brand. 3.Boticario XVIII, owned by Yeguada Candau. The 4 year-old stallions (Section 8) would be judged on the Thursday afternoon by: Francisco Hernández, Diego Marín and Javier Bayo. In Conformation, the medal winners were: 1. Indio JT, owned by Yeguada Juan Tirado. 2. Océano VII, owned by Agrícola Valvi, S.A. 3.Nero AM, owned by Yeguada Antonio Moreta. It was necessary to await the results in the ridden test, to see if, in the end, these magnificent stallions maintained these positions on the podium.

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by José A. Fdez. Lineros KUR Intermediare I


one of the participating horses took the same position as on the previous day, except the first. It is possible that this was due to the fact that Intermediare I is a stronger test than the Prix St Georges and that some of them found it more difficult. It is also possible that it was because it was a KUR, where the artistic aspect is a decisive factor. If it is already difficult to rigorously evaluate a technical test at this level, it is even more so when the choreography has to be judged as well as the choice and interpretation of the selected music. Many judges get lost in this marshy area and many riders lose points

Vistoso XI, ridden by Antonio Diaz Porras, from Yeguada Sola Nogales

for not having paid sufficient attention or not having been well advised when putting together this part of the test. SEÑORIO JEM, owned and ridden by Antonio Blanco, once again came out top; this time, however, by only five hundredths over the horse placing second. His final score was 66.950%, which was just above the 66.900% that PICONERO IV—owned by the Yeguada Ovelar and ridden by Juan A. Jiménez Cobos—earned.

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Final for 5 year-olds


interest created on the first day in the Preliminary test with rivalry between the top five riders faded quickly with the magnificent performance by José A. García Mena and his horse, VENCEDOR XLIII, owned by Los Alburejos. There was no objection to their work in the arena; he was able to bring out the best of his horse, which is extremely good. The trot was pretty good, although on occasions he was somewhat behind the vertical, brilliant in the walk and powerful in the canter; however, the judges considered that JEQUE XXVII, owned by the Yeguada El Robledal—certainly a magnificent horse—deserved a higher score, even though during the test not a single correct attitude was to be seen. They crowned him the winner, placing Vencedor in second place. The skirmish began for rest of the contestants to assure a place in the roster, as had been the case in the test for 4-year-olds. The last ended up being the first and the first the last. That’s life, especially in an event as subjective as this one.

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Vencedor XLII (Final 5-year-olds), ridden by Jose Antonio Garcia Mena frol Los Alburejos

Sometimes, judges forget to only judge exclusively what happens in the arena (a basic principal of judging) and they substitute what they saw, for what they wanted to see (the “in” phrase lately when making aftermath comments about a rider’s performance) or by what they have seen already, on occasions, outside the arena. This is understandable—to a certain extent—as we are all human; judges as well. We all have our preferences. In any case, as always, this is only my opinion.

Final for 6 year-olds


istory repeated itself in the Final for the six year-olds—comparing with the previous day—except in the case of ZARAGOZANO JF, owned by Yeguada JF Miño, who jumped to second place from the seventh that he had achieved in the Preliminary Round. Once again, INGENIOSO XLVI, owned by Yeguada Agustín Cadenas, held on to first place with an enormous lead and manifest superiority. Ridden by Francisco Javier Tineo and he proved to be expressive and flowing, with three good, extensive and elastic paces, and a magnificent attitude.




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by José A. Fdez. Lineros

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Luis Espinosa with Sultan XXV, owned by Gerardo Guidera and ridden by Rafael Ayala Muñoz

Serdio Gudiño Duran riding Almirante XLIII, owned by Ignacio Burgos Bravo


characteristics of this competition were the same as those of the previous day, that is to say, two rounds, and the results were also the same. It was won by GACELA LVIII, once again ridden by Luís Espinosa, followed by PODEROSO VII with Fernando Peinado and SULTAN XXV, once more ridden by Luís Espinosa. The only difference was AMOROSO L; although he was eliminated on the previous day because he could not pass the first jump, this time, he not only completed the rounds, but also finished in eighth place. It was an interesting and exciting competition. Once again, it proved that PRE horses are perfectly qualified for this discipline in medium level competitions.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007



Coinciding with SICAB, the Andalusian Council of Official Colleges of Veterinarian organized the 8th International Congress on Equine Medicine and Surgery, held from November 22-24, with specific areas for related exhibits and the conferences. JosĂŠ Palma, Fidel Astudillo, Judith Anda Ugarte, Ignacio Oroquieta and Escolastico Aguilera were on hand at the inauguration and provided a review of what the actual Congress would be offering and the innovative features for this year. Two speakers were also introduced, who took over the reins of the convention. The first was Juan MarĂ­a Denoix, world expert in the equine locomotive pathologies, professor of the Maisons-Alfort veterinary school and Director of CIRALE. The second was RenĂŠ Van Weeren, professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Science in

Utrech (Normandy), a surgeon who is specialized in trauma and orthopedics, and expert in the field of osteochondrosis and locomotive alterations linked to back problems. JosĂŠ Palma highlighted the fact that for ANCCE, it was a great honor to host, for yet another year during SICAB, an event that has already become the more important Congress on Equine Medicine and Surgery within the European Union. The Congress also served, “as a meeting place for more than 400 veterinarians, one hundred assistants and a good number of both national and international representatives,â€? as JuliĂĄn Astudillo Navarro, President of the Andalusian College of Veterinarians, explained.

Jose Palma, Fidel Astudillo, Judith Anda Udarte, Ignacio Oroquieta & Escolastico Aguilera



The recent International Congress on Equine Medicine and Surgery—an event that coincided with SICAB ’07—offered a program linked to one of the most frequently seen problems in the clinical equine practice. As has become the custom in previous years, the 2007 congress was, in addition to an opportunity to meet with the elite of the equine veterinarians in the field of treatments and diagnosis, the meeting place for many professionals who are normally working in the solitude of the individual practice. As a result of this career style, along with many other factors that I will mention later on, it was a wonderful opportunity to share the details of the numerous clinical cases we are faced with daily and learn about the actions that can be taken. No doubt, it is the most appreciated knowledge; that is why the saying states, “experience is the mother of science.” I dare not argue this statement. Who has not questioned the effectiveness of a treatment or the veracity of a diagnosis? By sharing with fellow veterinarians who have already found themselves in that situation and who have come out with flying colors gives you the possibility of leaning from others. As stated before, many factors have come to play to give me a favorable view of SICAB. One of the most important was Denoix. Like any genius, he

makes the impossible look easy. I would like to congratulate him for being such a good professional and even more for being an excellent communicator. I have no doubt about the knowledge of fellow professionals, but I must say that this needs to be accompanied by communication skills. All of us, throughout our lives, have come across teachers who were knowledgeable, but at the same time, unable to make that knowledge understandable. That is not the case with Doctor Donoix. He makes the use of the ultrasound to study lameness in equines easy to use and, what is more important, easy to understand. Now we will have to see how it goes in practice, but at least he makes you want to try. The next speaker was the prestigious Doctor Vann who, with his intervention, gave us another point of view about back lameness in horses and how he came to study these in his research. Lastly, and no less important, were the open discussions from colleagues who, in their daily work, are capable of creating fields of research. These, no doubt, are extremely useful desertions, because they offer hands-on-experience and are closer to the reality of the work carried out by veterinarians dedicated to the marvellous world horses.

The audience at the event

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


Lettera Publishing Group presents the Spanish version of “Horseman’s Veterinary Encyclopedia” by María Sáez


Keeping your horse healthy is the basic objective of all veterinarians, riders and owners. The problem is that the necessary knowledge to achieve this goal is not always within reach of everyone. Lettera, a publishing group located in Sevilla, has found the remedy with the recent translation of “Horseman’s Veterinary Encyclopedia.” This practical manual with questions and answers for any user was written by Hill A. Hadden, doctor of Veterinary Science, who works in the Equine Medical & Veterinary Hospital of Tyler in Texas.

until achieving “the end goal, which is the same for both dressage and doma vaquero: collection,” according to Manuel Carbajal. On the other hand, González de Cort explains that these videos are useful both knowledgeable and novice riders, so that they grasps the concepts of equitation that must prevail when carrying out all of the exercises.

As Joaquín Fernández Cepello—president of the Lettera Group—explained, this book offers a practical focus on equine health, explaining the diseases, dysfunctions and other problems based on the different parts of equine anatomy: injuries and wounds, care of the foot and of the hoof, parasites, care of the skin and the hair, colic and other digestive dysfunctions, infectious diseases, dentistry and the respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systems.

Taking advantage of the occasion, the Lettera Group presented the third edition of the Pura Casta Awards, which are granted to outstanding personalities in the equine world. On this occasion, the award for the best placed PRE horse in High School went to Francisco Javier Ruiz Garrido, with “Rumboso XXXIII” (bred by Álvaro Domecq Romero), who was proclaimed the 2007 winner of the Spanish Championships for High School. Victor Álvarez and “Cava Iles” (bred by Rafael Camacho Benítez) received the award for the best placed PRE in dressage, because they had won the bronze medal in the Spanish Championships. But the most moving moment was when the award was presented to Maria Teresa de Villard (widow of Paco Lazo) for their PRE breeding career. The dissemination of the Purebred Spanish Horses outside Spain was also mentioned during the awards ceremony. Úrsula Schoefer was presented with a special trophy for her work.

“Equitation in Spain” on DVD Explaining the art of equitation is not an easy task and even less so, if it is with videos. Lettera have overcome this handicap with the creation of some didactic DVD’s called “Equitation in Spain.” This manual explains the basics of equine training. Manuel Carvajal and Mercedes González de Cort explain the secrets of basic training—which is the most important aspect—

Lettera Group Awards

Eduardo Agilera, Joaquin Fernandez Depedello, Mercedes Gonzalez Cort & Manuel Carvajal



Terra di Siena promotes the equestrian sector

by MarĂ­a SĂĄez

The Italian Chamber of Commerce took advantage of the celebration of SICAB to present its campaign “Siente Sienaâ€? within the program Terra di Siena. This is an international project within Spain, to promote the Italian province where the principal figures are the horse and agricultural food products. Eight routes on horseback that cover the entire Italian province are the focal point of the campaign “Siente Siena.â€? It is based on the importance of equestrianism within this area as a key and revitalizing element for the tourist sector. “Siente Siena allows you to discover one the most privileged enclaves of Europe on horseback, thanks to an exceptional offer of equestrian-tourism,â€? explained the president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Sevilla, Augusto Jannone stated. He also highlighted the excellence of the province of Siena, whose capital has been declared a World Heritage Center by UNESCO and chosen as the Italian city with the best standard of living. Each itinerary offers all types of services, including stabling for horses and hotels for riders, horse rentals, riding courses, guided excursions, animal transport and hippo-therapy, as well as a restaurant offer based on products from the area and Italian specialties. According to Francisco Herrero LeĂłn, this project of the Chamber of Commerce seeks to facilitate economic and business ties between Sevilla and Siena, to strengthen the products from Sevilla in the Italian city.

Also, the Chamber of Commerce has presented a study of the Purebred Spanish Horse as an element that has revitalized the economy of Sevilla. With this report, they seek to demonstrate the weight that the PRE has had on the Spanish economy. The speaker clarified that in Italy there is no specific Purebred Italian Horse as is the case in Spain with the PRE, therefore various types of horses are used. The most representative breed in Tuscany is the Maremmano. Equestrian tourism requires a horse with a number of vital characteristics such as agility, honesty, stamina and strength to tolerate long journeys.

Augusto Jannone and Javier Conde

1)050 #: &%:."

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


PRE conquers new markets at the 4th edition of the SICAB auction by María Sáez

Twenty-two horses went under the hammer at the 4th edition of the SICAB auction. This was an ANCCE initiative to offer SICAB visitors the possibility of acquiring select Purebred Spanish Horses that have under gone health checks. Eleven stallions and eleven fillies; the latter sold in five lots, were auctioned with €500 bids. The sales were not only to Spain, but also to Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Israel, the United Kingdom and Holland. This goes to show how the PRE is discovering new markets and the ANCCE objectives are being fulfilled. The fillies that were auctioned were a great success. The green cards, used by bidders to signal their bids, could be seen all over the stands on numerous occasions. The highest price achieved was 16,500 Euros, for a lot of two black, three-year-old fillies bred by Yeguada Ovelar, (“Romantica XI” and “Rejoneadora”). Their black coats livened up the auction with number of bids; there were several bidders who really pushed for them. The bay lot from Dehesa de la Granja (“Ambiciosa XLIX” and “Altanera CXXX”) reached €11,500. “Paladina IV”, “Pergola IV” and “Penibética”, a lot of bay two-yearolds from Pablo Pérez Jiménez was sold for €12,000. A little less was bid for the fillies from Los Castañones, “Engraciona” and “Encastañona”, also bay, at €10,500.

But those who raised fewer green cards were the grey fillies, “Princesa CVI” and “Panama VII” from Pablo Pérez Jiménez. The only stallion that was qualified breeding stock, “Bailón IV” from Yeguada Los Castañones, was sold for €11,500. The bay stallion belonging to Yeguada Atalaya Alta, “Melocotón II” received only one bid, and was therefore sold for his starting price of €9,000. The audience preferred the gray from this same stud farm, “Armas Zurron”, who was sold for €13,000. “Perfumado X”, bred by José Oriol Govantes received two bids. A further two were sold for their starting price of 9,000 Euros. These were “Guti” from Yeguada Susaeta and “Consul VI” from Enrique Barroso de la Puerta. Their limited height was one of the characteristic common to all the stallions. There were five horses whose starting prices were not reached, and several owners used their rights to buyback their horses, as the bids did not reach the prices that they wanted. Despite the fact that several horses have traveled to diverse parts of the world, the organization is not satisfied with the results obtained this year, therefore, the auction commission will meet shortly, to analyze the results and decide on the future of this initiative.

Bidder interested in one of the horses




Horse up for auction


YEGUADA TOMÁS OSBORNE D. Augusto Romero Haupold PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Finca Las Navas de Gibraltar Ctra. Jerez - Los Barrios km. 72 LOS BARRIOS (Cádiz) Tel: 956 85 41 11 Fax: 956 85 23 27



ICAB was the place to be on Thursday, especially in the auction arena. The stands were overflowing with breeders, enthusiasts and professionals, but, above all, there were numerous visitors from abroad—all of whom had come with the intention of acquiring a Purebred Spanish Horse. That is something

that many people, from many countries, now want. In breeders’ circles, the auction is currently being evaluated in an effort to work out why five horses were withdrawn and the reasons for the relatively low prices that horses sold

Anabel Gil de la rosa, Manager of Rebujena la Alta, attends her guests Juan Tirado

Juan Tirado, Best Stud Farm at SICAB 2007 Q: What selection process do you use and how do you decide which of all your horses will participate in the conformation competition in an effort to reach the SICAB final? A: The selection for competition is generally based on genetics, and on the good development of the dressage and driving tests, in hand, in freedom and toughness. In the end, with all of this, you know your horse and its possibilities and you can foresee just how far things will go. Q: Do you think that the PRE is evolving? A: it has changed quite a lot; some for better, some for worse. The horse in now much more functional, but in my opinion, we are losing a bit of that beauty that characterized the Spanish Horse. At our stud farm, we look for beauty, noble spirit, Spanish movement and after that, that the horses be functional.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007



SICAB 2007








Trade Fair was attended by numerous celebrities from Spain, who are horse enthusiasts. On Thursday, the 22nd, the halfway point of the Fair, Cari Lapique and her daughter, model Carla Goyanes stopped by. Both made their entrance in a horse-drawn carriage, accompanied by the mounted bullfighter Rafael Peralta and PR, Tomás Terry. To







Cari Lapique, Rafael Peralta & Carla Goyanes in a horse drawn carriage as the entered SICAB

and the


where they bought several harness







and They



mares’ pavilion, and on to the




they were presented with a commemorative bronze. SICAB—a meeting place for

Jose Manuel Soto at the presentation of the II Raid Kaliber

many Purebred Spanish Horse breeders



Juan y Medio as he arrived at SICAB

gave Cari Lapique and Carla Goyanes to




opportunity friends




bullfighter, Miguel Báez, “El Litri”, José Antonio Canales Rivera, singer José Manuel Soto, Javi Navarro who is captain of the Sevilla soccer team, comedian Caesar




presenter, Juan y Medio. What an enjoyable day!!




Miguel Baez El Litri and Carla Goyanes with friends at the Rebujena la Alta stand



Mª Teresa Villar (wife of the late Paco Lazo), Mrs. Diosdado and friends

General view of the terrace at the Rio Grande Restaurant

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



Dinner offered to Organizing Committees and Associations from abroad




Fco. Angelet, Pablo Martin, Ignacio Candau, Mauricio Soler, Juan Soltero with their spouses at the Committee Dinner

Manuel Novales with members of the Coin Organizing Committee and the Constantina Town Hall


sicab 2007 F 23 riday

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



SICAB 2007



Friday, practically all of the conformational competitions had concluded.

horses, dividing it into two rounds due to the lack of space, did not benefit the judging.

The functionality for section 12, mature stallions, took place first thing in the morning. The 20 stallions with the best scores for their conformation and movement in-hand were to perform their ridden tests in the magnificent arena of pavilion 3. Of these, the one who, in the opinion of judges Hernández, Huertas and Bayo, had the best functionality was Norte, owned by Yeguada Lovera and ridden by José Antonio García Mena. He won the functionality of his section with a score of 20.245, allowing him to move up from fourth to second place overall.

Perhaps it would be positive for public and general interest and in recognition of the breeder, to differentiate the cobras made up of mares with the same brand and, therefore, coming from a single breeder, from the cobras made up of mares with different brands. (Maybe they could be given color codes.)

Gitano XXXIII maintained his first place while Kabileño VIII dropped down to third. The ridden test for the four year-old stallions was once again judged by Francisco Hernández, Victor Huertas and . Javier Bayo.

Sticking strictly to what happened in the arena and of the 23 presented, the cobra with the best score included Zerzis (Military Stud Farm), Vega III (Military Stud Farm) and Tepeyac (Constantino Helguera). This cobra, owned by Yeguada Can Maynou, achieved a score of 83.260. Thanks to that great score, they were up for the Best Exhibitor Award.

Indio JT, ridden by Manuel Muñoz, retained first place by the skin of his teeth, performing a test that was very typical of the breed, with a good rhythm.

Second place went to LL Jaranera, LL Invicta II and LL lagunera, all with a Yeguada Llorente brand and owned by the Mater Christi Stud Farm.

The test was won by Estanquero de Ymas, owned by the Yeguada Berasaluze de Ymas, with a score of 19.842. This enabled him to rise from sixth place up to second. Nero AM maintained his third place.

The third-best cobra included Baturra XXIV, Fátima and Andaluza XCIII, owned by Yeguada Andic and bred by Pedro Maza.

Finally, the functionality of the five and six year-old stallions was judged by Saúl Dávalos, Luis Lucio and Diego Marín. It was Dávalos who considered Armas Tarugo, the horse that would end up with the title of Supreme Champion of Functionality, as the best of his group. This horse is owned by the Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia, although he was born on Yeguada Plaza de Armas.

When it comes to commenting on the scores for the judging of section 11 (Mares 7 years old and over), allow me to comment directly from the arena, as the handler of one of the entries. As any good competitor, I have to say that my mare should have won, but that there were also others that could have beaten mine.

Nazareno XXXII ceded his leadership to Remache XIII and Gavilán XXIX kept his third place. In the mares’ arena, we were able to enjoy a breeder’s dream to the fullest: THE COBRA. It is a shame that this display of quality and similarity, a reference for each one of the best known Purebred Spanish Horse stud farms, was not judged in pavilion 3. Moreover, the fact that this section is judges based on comparing the



The winning mare who scored the best for both her conformation and movement was Centella XXII, owned by the Mater Christi Stud Farm and bred by Blanca Guardiola Domínguez. Second place went to Karaganda-Azores, owned by the Yeguada Azores-Alborazor, while third place went to Tercia–Jem, carrying a Yeguada Campo Bajo brand and owned by Benito Sierra Fraga.


(Section 11) Centella XXII (Section 8) Indio JT owned by Juan Tirado

(Section 12) Norte owned by Yeguada Lovera

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(Section 10) Nazareno XXXII owned by Fermin Bohorquez

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(Section 13) Zerzis, Vega III & Tepeyac from Yeguada Can Maynou

1)050 #: 67*5&-

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol



by José A. Fdez. Lineros GRAN PRIX


alking is easy, while riding is extremely difficult; perhaps it is the most difficult thing that I know of; for that reason, please take note of my respect for all those who are able to ride a horse and face such a test with dignity. However, I do feel obliged to express my opinions; and I think that at this level of training, we have an unsolved problem. I do not know if it is a problem of concept…, of training...., of the riders themselves.... what I am sure of is that it is not a problem of the horses. The horses allow themselves to be ridden and with that they have already fulfilled their part of the contract. As for the rest, it is up to us. I am inclined to think that it is more of a problem of CONCEPT than anything else; nevertheless, the type of training is closely linked to what we want to get out of a horse. According to the Regulations, the object of Dressage is the psychological and physical development of the horse, to turn it into a happy athlete, thanks to a harmonious training. As a result, the horse becomes more relaxed, loose and flexible, confident and attentive, willful, reaching a perfect understanding Jose Antonio Garcia Mena riding Solea, owned by Hnos. Peralta

with its rider. These qualities are expressed by the freedom and regularity of the paces, the harmony, lightness and ease of movement, the absence of tension and resistance, lightness of the forehand, a brilliant impulsion, giving the impression that it is moving for itself and accepting with generosity the control of the rider. However, although the objective of this discipline seems to be very clear, it is very difficult to see horses with this attitude in the competition arenas and this Gran Prix at SICAB was no exception. Perhaps we are forgetting the basics to focus on the shape, dedicating our efforts to performing exercises even though they are artificial and, on occasion, against the basic principles of equitation and the nature of the horse itself. Perhaps we believe that the Gran Prix only consists of carrying out the exercises that appear on the test sheet, but this is not the case. Other horses in arena 2 were performing those same exercises and no-one would dream of calling it a Gran Prix. The Gran Prix is the test in which the horse proves that it has received correct training, that it has a certain ATTITUDE, which, as we have seen above, is clearly described in the Regulations. The competition was won by SOLEA XX, owned by the Peralta Brothers and ridden by José A. García Mena, with a total score of 66.208%. He was followed by Victor Álvarez riding SELECTO II, owned by José Luís de la Escalera, with 65.125% and who offered us the best overall image, with a very clean test, although he did allow us to see a lack of impulsion in the Passage and Piaffe and an excess of tension that made him fail in the flying changes.

Atiza II, from Solera Barvo, ridden by Ignacio Bravo






by Antonio Palacios


was a crowded house at SICAB on November 23 with the ANCCE Doma Vaquera Cup for young and trained horses. Jose Maria Carrera, with Favorito CVIII placed first in the test for young horses. He was followed by Jose Antonio Olea riding GuiĂąolero Cen. Third place went to Bohemio XXXVIII with Antonio Soriano in the saddle. When it came to trained horses, the top three places went to Jose Tirado Cerado riding Jerezano LXXXII, Francisco Martinez riding Casadero and Cayetano Tirado Gomez with Campanero XV.

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Cayetano Tirado Gomez riding Campanero XV, bred by Agricola Industrial Ganadera

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Enero - Febrero 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


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Participants in the High School Competition



here were nine contestants in the first round of the ANCCE High School Cup. Needless to say, they created expectation! The test was judged by the President Jose Jurado, first Judge Manuel Baena, and second Judge Enrique MuĂąoz.

Cartujano VI, ridden by Salvador Sanchez from El Cartujano Show School, is owned by Mateo Perez Robles 1)050 #: -&.04




by Luis Rivero


Antonio Carrillo


nce again, the competition carriage driving competition, known as the ANCCE Cup for Carriage Driving—obviously reserved for PRE drawn carriages—was held in the arenas at the Exhibitions and Congress Center and in the Princess Elena urban park, across the street from the facilities. Run strictly according to the Federation Rules and Regulations for this type of competition, the event took place over three days: the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November. On each one of these days, the test corresponded to the following order: Dressage, Marathon and Cones. Prior to the start, on the 21st, the required “technical meeting” took place, with Field Jury, the technicians who build the tests and the participants. At the meeting, participants were supplied with the informative documentation of the particularities of the competition and the draw for starting order was held to provide the drivers with the corresponding number, numbered according to the order in which they would take part in each one of the tests. Next, they left the meeting to walk the route that they would take on the second day, in the marathon, and check the marathon obstacles that they would have to negotiate. The smallest of errors could translate into the elimination of the competitor and even the smallest details must, therefore, be memorized, studying the quickest way to go through each one of the five obstacles without forgetting any of their gates, but at the same time, passing through these

in the correct order, which is indicated with letters from “A” to “E”. It is necessary to point out the adverse conditions caused by the hard rain that fell prior to the start of this competition, sparked fears that serious additional difficulties would be faced. Even so, the effective work of the technical director, Antonio Muñoz Vargas, and of his maintenance team, solved the problem with their toil and know-how, leaving the arena in perfect conditions for use. The first day, the 23rd November, was the Dressage. The logical starting order was changed, with the teams (four-in-hands) going first, rather than the singles, so that they would be free on time for their performance in the SICAB extravaganza. The modes that participated were: singles, pairs and teams (four-in-hands), adding that of “young pairs”, which only had one competitor, Ana Muñoz Fernández, driving a turnout from the Yeguada Los Sueños, whose performance was extraordinary, always lively and directed by her father and the numerous public who supported her. There were five participants in the singles class, and six in the pairs, who all performed their dressage tests correctly, with the only exception being a mistake by Alejandro Barrera, representative from the Dehesa Montenmedio, who made his debut with an error of route, which forced him out of the leading position.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007


Tour Novo 2008 presents the poster for the AlcalĂĄ la Real conformational competition by MarĂ­a SĂĄez

Member of the Tour Novo 08 organization and Rafael Romero (Mayor of AlcalĂĄ la Real)

The 25 conformational competitions in the provinces of Cadiz, Cordoba, Malaga, Extremadura, Huelva and Sevilla are the leaders of Tour Novo 2008. According to Juan Pedro PavĂłn Barrera, a member of the organization, this is a circuit of conformational competitions in southern Spain that has already taken place twice in locations where most stud farms are located to avoid greater expenses when traveling. “We seek to bring these competitions closer to places where the stud farms are located, in an effort to facilitate travel, as well as to promote tourism.â€? Tour Novo, which belongs to Novo Sancti Petri equestrian center, is characterized by having some unique awards. In addition to those that are awarded at any conformational competition, some prizes are reserved for those horses that have participated in the most competitions included in the Tour.



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In addition, Tour Novo has taken advantage of SICAB to present the poster announcing the AlcalĂĄ la Real (JaĂŠn) conformational competition. This town is has strong ties with the equestrian world. This competition that will celebrate its second edition within Tour Novo in 2008, but the event is inherited from a livestock fair that has taken place since 1588, thanks to a privilege by King Charles II of Spain. “This initiative is very important from the breeder point of view,â€? stated the Alderman for Development, Employment, the Environment and Youth of AlcalĂĄ la Real, Rafael Romero Lacalle. “For next year, we have prepared the 2nd edition of the conformational competition, which we hope will be as well attended as it was last year, which played host to more than 50 stud farms from practically all of Spain.â€?

Collaboration Agreement signed between ANCCE and the Dos Hermanas Town Council 1)0504 #: &%:."

On Friday, the 23rd of November, at 1.30 pm, a collaboration agreement was signed between Francisco Toscano SĂĄnchez, Mayor-president of the Dos Hermanas Town Council, and JosĂŠ Palma Moreno, President of ANCCE, in the Bahia Hall of the Sevilla Exhibition and Congress Center, where SICAB was held. This agreement is aimed at the construction of the new ANCCE facilities in the Scientific and Technological Park that this Town Council is developing alongside the Gran Hipodromo de Andalucia (Race course) facilities. Once built, the 4,000-square-meter building “will enable our Association to have its own assets for the first time in its 35 years of existence, in Francisco Toscano Sanchez, Mayor of Dos Hermanas, together with Jose Palma while signing the agreement

addition to promoting the creation of employment and concentrating the services breeders are offered,� concluded Javier Conde. ANCCE expressed its satisfaction and gratefulness for the interest shown by the Dos Hermanas Town Council, when the offices will be located in a modern and strategically positioned technological park. After showing the video, they proceeded to read and sign the agreement. Signing this agreement will bring one of the Association’s most ambitious projects: their new headquarters, a building that will house the entire association structure and the Stud Book under a single roof.

Juan Soltero, Javier Conde, Francisco Toscano, Jose Palma & Jose Gonzalez standing next to the project model

New 2008 Paco Rey Agenda by MarĂ­a SĂĄez Paco Rey presents his 2008 PRE Agenda

Writing it down to not forget what you have to do is not the only function for an agenda; it can also be a tool to promote the Purebred Spanish Horse. In fact, this is what photographer Paco Rey is trying to do with the production of his 2008 agenda, which he presented during the celebration of SICAB, at the end of November. The idea arose more than a year ago when an agenda of Arab horses fell in his hands and he decided to do the same thing for the Purebred Spanish Horse. According to its author, the goal of the agenda is “to reach all the corners of the world where Purebred Spanish Horses are bred� and that it be used daily by all those linked to the PRE world, be they breeder, veterinarian or enthusiasts. The agenda also provides a calendar with the tentative dates for conformational competitions, Young Horses selection tests (MAPA) and ANCCE Dressage Cup, as well as the regulations for these tests and competitions, so that users are up-to-date with all the competitions taking place. Paco Rey has decided that the deadline for next edition will be one month before SICAB and will have a maximum of seventy advertisers.


January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol



From left to right: Eduardo Maceda Quiroga (Vice-president of ACCEGA), Eduardo Jiménez (President of the Lugo Fair Grounds Authority), Manuel Vázquez Fernández (Regional Minister of the Environment), Ricardo Barros Hermida (President of ACCEGA), Pedro Maza Iñiguez (Second Vice-president of ANCCE) and Arturo Fernández de la Vega (Director of Equigal)

Equigal replaces the Silleda conformational competition by María Sáez

The Silleda conformational competition in Pontevedra— known as Equina—will not be able to blow out the candles for its tenth anniversary. As of 2008, ACCEGA (Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Galicia) will hold a conformational competition representing Galicia and will be known as Equigal. Substituting Equina, this new event will take place from the 12th to 14th of September. “We would like to have a single-theme fair devoted to the world of Purebred Spanish Horse that represents Galicia,” explained Arturo Fernández de la Vega, director of Equigal. The reason behind the creation of Equigal (Lugo) to substitute the Silleda competition is the need to have a city behind it, which supports the contest, not only in terms of promotion, but also in infrastructures and hospitality. Lugo was the city of choice for its strategic location in the center of Galicia. ACCEGA, the Galician Regional Government, the City Council and the Lugo Provincial Government, and the Fair Grounds will be in charge of pulling it all together. The event will include a conformational competition, a dressage competition and a Show in the evening. Its objective is to make the Purebred Spanish Horse stand out in Galicia and to energize the sector. “During SICAB we are working to make ourselves known to breeders and persuade them to attend our competition”, Fernández de la Vega explained. “It is an event that has been made for the Galician breeders, to support them and to promote other competitions. We want it to be a mirrored image of SICAB.”




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Jose Palma with Alvaro Vazquez Armero during the Tribute

For some time now, the possibility of offering a tribute to one of the founders of the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (ANCCE) has been discussed, and it has been decided to do so this year, now that a little more than thirty years has passed since its creation. There was no hesitation among the Board Members to give tributes to people related to the Association, in which this prestigious breeder has always given everything he could to the association and to the world of horses in general. For many, this tribute comes a little late; it should have been offered before but, as the saying goes: it’s never too late to mend your ways. I later remembered that I truly missed breeders who had passed away, such as Juan M. de Urquijo, Manuel de Novales Vasco, or Paco Alba with whom I shared concerns and something more, our love of the Purebred Spanish Horse, which, is what we always worked for. Our recognition as a group goes to you for your efforts in joining forces against the tide.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



SICAB 2007



ICAB was packed on Friday. The names of the Champions of Spain circulated like wild fire. Breeders, enthusiasts and professionals were laying their stakes as to who would win the special awards. Everyone was wondering who would win the

Best Stud Farm and Best Exhibitor Award. Sitting on pins and needles, it was not known until the very end of the evening.

Los Cartujanos stand, with Fermin Bohorquez, Rafael Peralta & Jose San Parejo, among others

Fernando Gonzalez, Gregorio Ruiz, Manuel Fernandez, Pedro Maza & Rafael Domenech



Francisco Javier Tabernilla, owner of Yeguada Valle Q: How has the PRE changed? A: It has changed in many ways. It is not the same horse, as the previous horse was more compact, with a wider neck and about 1.54 high. Today’s horse has nothing to do with that. Another type of horse is sought, which is taller, with a finer neck, and that doesn’t dish; in other words, different. Q: Lately, in the PRE world, there are a number of changes. What do you think about the new Conformation Competition Rules and Regulations? A: I think that ANCCE is doing a good job so that the PRE becomes a horse with a future, a competition horse.” Francisco Javier Tabernilla with his wife. Yeguada Valle Paco Rey, Pedro Pons, Maria Gravgaard (Swedish Association) & Pedro Rey

Jose Cruz Cano % friends at his stand

Nahman Andic with Francisco Angelet

Rafael Ayala with friends

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007


Claudia Cardinale, Claudia Cardinale, a star at the International Equestrian Trade Fair

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a c t r e s s C l a u d i a Cardinale was the star guest at SICAB this year along with her daughter, Claudia Squitieri. Both spent a few days of enjoyment in the city of Sevilla and were able to see all the details of the International Equestrian Trade Fair, in addition to having had a busy calendar of events organized in their honor.


Press Conference with Claudia Cardinale

The first thing that they did on Saturday, when they arrived, was to stop at the FIBES Convention Center and offer a press conference for the media. The elegant actress, donned with a mauiling for the ve trouser suit, posed smiling er and courreporters who awaited her alists’ questeously answered journalists’ tions. Discreet, in terms of her private etails life, she went into great details about her career as an actress. She proved to be a woman who loves horses, who accepts the pasd sing of time and is proud er when she speaks about her work as an ambassador for UNESCO and her fight to defend women in countries where they have no voice.

a gift Pee P Pedro Maza ggivingg Claudia Cardinale Card

es a Annually, SICAB welcomes ng to t famous guest. According udia the tabloids, with Claudia Cardinale in Sevilla, the trises logy of Italian goddesses he who have paraded for the an International Equestrian Trade Fair is complete, sin-ce before her, two otherr great stars, SofĂ­a Loren and Gina Lollobrigida, have already visited.



For SICAB, Friday is when the wave of celebrities reaches full strength. The Ortiz Domecq sisters led the way for the arrival of the numerous famous people, who, year after year, visit this event dedicated to the Purebred Spanish Horse. Just like their father, Bertín Osborne and their mother, Sandra Domecq, Eugenia and Claudia Ortiz Domecq are enthusiasts of the equestrian world and look forward to SICAB; they always visit the event, mingle with breeders and attend the many social events that the organization prepares each year. The bell rang for SICAB social activities on the Friday evening, with the dinner offered by La Caixa (savings & loan bank) at the Hacienda Museo San Miguel de Montelirio. Of the more than 250 people who attended the dinner, there were members of the ANCCE Board, the La Caixa Regional Manager, Manuel Romera, and well-known people such as Álvaro de Marichalar, Carla Duval, Manuel Lombo, Tomy Benítez, Los del Rio, the Ortiz Domecq sisters and many more. A buffet dinner was served, prepared by the exclusive catering company, Paradise Gourmet. Once the dinner had concluded, the organization offered a performance by Malacara, a flamenco group that livens up one of the dinners at SICAB every year.


Eugenia Ortiz Domecq, Silvia Peris, Claudia Ortiz Domecq & Tomas Terry

Miguel de Montelirio Farm Museum

Artur Bossy with Alvaro de Marichalar


Claudia Ortiz Domecq & Eugenia Ortiz Domecq

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


Relación de Ganaderos Inscritos en la ANCCE List of ANCCE Breeders


Cortijo Ducha, C.N. IV, Madrid – Cádiz. Km. 627; apt. 214, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) 64


sicab 2007 f 24 RIDAY





is a shame that with the election of the Special Awards in the morning hours of the Saturday at SICAB, business had all but concluded for most breeders. It would be positive to seek a formula to maintain emotions high among the winners of these awards until the very last moment, just ahead of the awards ceremony. This would surely make it more interesting for the general public. It was the promising Cartujano LXVIII, owned by Maria Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, who finally won the award for the Youngstock Colt Champion of Movement in a tight struggle against Legada de Millán. Fer Brillantina, owned by Yeguada San Fernando-La Macarena was voted—almost unanimously—as the Supreme Champion of Movement. This gray mare has spectacular movement. She is most worthy of being a reference for the movement of the Purebred Spanish Horse at the national and international level. Lagartera XI, gold medal winner of section 3, and owned by Juan Díaz Renedo, was chosen Reserve Youngstock Filly Champion while Tesoro XI, gold medal winner of the section for 3 year-old fillies, owned by Yeguada Torreluna, was proclaimed Youngstock Filly Champion. Once again, it was the turn of Cartujano LXVIII, owned by Maria Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, to be proclaimed Reserve Youngstock Colt Champion.

Perdigón XXIX, owned by Agrícola Valvi, SA, was elected Youngstock Colt Champion. The mare named as Reserve Mare Breed Champion was a bay mare belonging to Juan Díaz Renedo named Karioca RAM while Reserve Stallion Breed Champion was the bay belonging to Brocpyme, SL, Remache XIII. The places of honor at this International Equestrian Trade Fair went to: • SOÑADORA XXIX--- MARE BREED CHAMPION OF SPAIN. Owner: Yeguada Torreluna. Breeder: Mr. Benito Sierra Fraga. • GITANO XXXII------STALLION BREED CHAMPION OF SPAIN. Owner: Yeguada Valdeviñas Breeder: Hnos. Rodríguez Arias • YEGUADA JUAN TIRADO –BEST STUD FARM In honor of these two Purebred Spanish Horses and in honor of the Yeguada Juan Tirado, the National Anthem was played during the Awards Ceremony at SICAB. I can imagine how exciting it must be for each of the owners, breeders, stable workers and grooms, when all their work has been recognized through their horses at the closing ceremony of SICAB. Congratulations to everyone!

Can May Nou earned the Best Breeder Award

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007


GITANO XXXII was Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion. He is owned by Yeguada Valdeviñas, and bred by Hnos. Rodriguez-Arias

REMACHE XIII, was Reserve Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion. He is owned by Brocpyme and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga SOÑADORA XXIX, was Spanish National Mare Breed Champion. She is owned by Yeguada Torreluna and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga

KARIOKA RAM, Reserve Spanish National Mare Breed Champion. She is owned by Javier Diaz Renedo, and bred by Rafael Ayala Muñoz



CARTUJANO LXVIII, owned by Mª Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, was Reserve Spanish National Youngstock Colt Champion

PERDIGON XXIX, owned by Agricola Valvi, was Spanish National Youngstock Colt Champion CARTUJANO LXVIII, owned by Mª Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, was Spanish National Youngstock Colt Champion of Movement

FER BRILLANTINA, owned by Yeguada San FernandoLa Macarena & bred by Yeguada Ferrero, was National Adult Champion of Movement.

Juan Tirado was Best Stud Farm

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



ARMAS TARUGO, owned by Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia and bred by Florencio Moreno Mu単oz, was Spanish National Functionality Champion

NORTE, Spanish National Reserve Champion of Functionality, is from Yeguada Lovera TESORO XI, owned by Yeguada Torreluna and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga, was Spanish National Youngstock Filly Champion

LAGARTERA XI, owned by Javier Diaz Renedo and bred by Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia, was Spanish National Reserve Youngstock Filly Champion

Yeguada Cubas was Reserve Best Stud Farm




by José A. Fdez. Lineros KUR Gran Premio


nce again, the best overall figure was Victor Álvarez with SELECTO II, owned by José Luís de la Escalera. Although the test was accompanied by beautiful music, the tension and lack of impulsion appeared again; possibly even more than on the previous day and, probably the reason why he fell to fourth place. SOLEA XX, owned by the Peralta Brothers, won with a score of 68.050%. Ridden by José A. García Mena, he executed a good Passage although he faltered in the transition to Piaffe. He was followed by TORERO XI,

owned by the Yeguada Cubas, with a score of 67.800%. Under the orders of Eduardo Mellado, he presented a KUR that favored all the positive points of his horse and minimized the negative. He gave the impression of being a powerful combination and, would probably have won had there been a little more agreement in the scores of the judges. Third place and very close behind, with 67.050%, was ATIZA II, owned by Solera Bravo and ridden by Ignacio Bravo, who presented the horse as the most compact and, perhaps the most secure, but a little lacking in elasticity and flexibility.

Nuria Vila riding Quiebro from Yeguada Hemeretik, bred by Yeguada Los Alburejos

Jose Antonio Garcia Mena riding Solea, from Hnos. Peralta



January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español




is now becoming usual, and in its commitment to Doma Vaquera at SICAB, the traditional competition for this discipline took place on the 24th and 25th of November at the Congress Center facilities where the Purebred Spanish Horse was the main component. This is a special category—for PRE horses—which are appreciated and recognized worldwide for their character, beauty and functionality. The Organizing Committee, as stated in the initial program approved by the FHA (Andalusian Equestrian Federation), hosting this great event was the National Purebred Spanish Horses Breeders’ Association of Spain, with the collaboration of the National Doma Vaquera Association (ANDV). Several riders and their mounts from various provinces and regions attended this event, and were delighted with the large audience, despite the tight calendar of

activities offered at this macro-event. When it came to the Doma Vaquera tests, the stands were insufficient to seat all the enthusiasts who had come from all the corners of the world. The different resources offered by the Organizing Committee and the collaborating association ensured that the evolution of the tests, as a whole, was brilliant. There were two classes, one for Young Horses (from 4 to 6 years) and the other for all ages. Working sheet nÂş 1 was used in the first and nÂş 2 in the second. Due to the scheduling, participation was limited. Efforts were taken to not extend the competitions too long to avoid overlapping with other scheduled activities. This year, in which 6 and 7 horse-rider combinations participated, respectively, several skillful riders could be admired, with horses that proved the functionality of PREs in this discipline.

Antonio Serrano riding Bohemio XXXVIII from Yeguada Gil Gomez, bred by Yeguada Pinilla



by Antonio Palacios

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Caprioso montado por José Carlos González, propiedad de Club Hípico el Ranchito


January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



by Luis Rivero


ovember 24 was the second day of the driving competition, with the Marathon. There were five obstacles, which highlighted the ability of the technical director, Antonio Muñoz, to design them in a seemingly impossible space (due to size), while at the same time, the obstacles were

spectacular—almost dangerous.






One driver overturned in obstacle number 1, Manuel Moreno Vizcaíno from the Yeguada Díaz Solís, but with no serious consequences.

Victor Robles with a single owned by Jose Barrancos Reyes


Antonio Carrillo with a 4-in-hand for Yeguada Cuevas Bajas





by MarĂ­a SĂĄez

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Ballardo JosĂŠ GuillĂŠn Duarte was Best Groom



nowing how to present a stallion, mare or youngster, either in a Purebred Spanish Horses conformational competition or to a possible buyer is not an easy task. In the Groom Competition, the quality of the contestants made it difficult for Judge Feliciano Reyes Seda. There were nine contestants pushing for the title. Natalie Owezarek (Yeguada Boni y Hijos), Ballardo JosĂŠ GuillĂŠn Duarte (Yeguada Llorente, RubĂŠn ArrabĂŠ (Yeguada Domingo ArrabĂŠ), Javier Morales (Yeguada San Fernando-La Macarena), Miguel Ă ngel Martin (Yeguada La Ciervita), Juan Carlos Tejerina (Yeguada Can Maynou), Luis Miguel IbĂĄĂąez (Yeguada BarragĂĄn Campo), JosĂŠ Maria PĂŠrez Luna and Ariel Acosta Martin. In the end, Javier Morales, presenting “Fer Brillantinaâ€? received the highest score on the second day, thus making him the winner of the competition; even so, Ballardo JosĂŠ GuillĂŠn Duarte, who had been place top on the first day, was close behind. They were followed by RubĂŠn ArrabĂŠ, who occupied the lowest step of the podium, with a notable third.

In this particular competition, both horse and groom are evaluated. For horses, its movement is borne in mind (halt, walk, trot and canter) as well as the presentation and the cleanliness of the horse and its harness. For grooms, their clothing, behavior in the arena and the presentation at halt and moving are judged. Although, according to the current regulations, established in the Royal Decree 1133/2002, dated the 31st of October, article 18.3.3, grooms can opt for the following dress: “short country suit or other regional suits suitable for equitation, dress for dressage competition, or hunting dress,� all opted for the country suit. Remember that the presentation of an equine, both aesthetically and while they are performing in the arena, is carried out differently, depending on the age and the sex of the horse. Grooms must underscore the virtues of the horses being presented and for that reason, their work is extremely important, since it can notably improve the scores of the horse.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Javier Morales, placed second in the Best Groom Competition

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Ruben Arrabe placed third in the Best Groom Competition

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though it was overflowing with visitors after almost all the competition had taken place, and with the most important part of the conformation competition still pending, the choice of winners of the special prizes

and the proclamation of the Champions of Spain was the general subject of conversation. There was tension among those breeders who could win these prizes; the new Champions of Spain with new expectations.

Santiago Perez Anguita and family from Yeguada Puerta Alta Algaida Stand

José Emilio del Corral, owner of the Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion, "Gitano XXXII" "When I saw him, it was love at first sight.” This is what José Emilio del Corral felt when he first saw "Gitano XXXII". Apart from liking his aptitudes, from the very beginning, he laid his stakes on the horse, in spite of the fact that many doubted his possibilities. Thanks to that initial sensation, “Gitano XXXII” is now the Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion. Q: What are his most outstanding qualities? Jose Emilio Corral y Pedro Luis Llorente

A: His height, bone structure, noble spirit and beauty. He is a horse with excellent movement and a real purebred. Q: As the 2007 SICAB Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion, you have no doubt planned his future. What lies ahead? A: We have touched the sky in conformation, but being that horses are for riding, we now want to compete in Dressage and as a breeder, I’m going use him as a sire stallion to improve the stud farm. Q: Just where is the PRE at this point in time? A: Its situation is quite good, although more promotion is needed. Some countries already know the horse and are starting to become saturated, and we need to make it known in other places. First of all, we have to promote the breed to that people get to know it and really show interest in it.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


SICAB 2007


Francisco Zambrana from Yeguada la Yedra with Paco Sanchez Paso

Manuel Fernandez, Juan Jose Diaz Molina & friends

Sevillana de Maquinaria is an annual SICAB collaborator



Jose Ramon Fernandez, Jose Varo & Mr. Troncoso at the Funcex stand

Rafael Ayala, Ignacio Molina & breeders from La Mancha

Yeguada El Eucalipto & Teodoro Herce at the stand


SICAB 2007

The day began with a press conference with this year’s international guest star, actress Claudia Cardinale. After that, Claudia Cardinale met with the rest of the guests at a luncheon provided by Freixenet at the Alfonso XIII hotel, and prepare for a long day of SICAB activities awaiting her. Actress Vanesa Romero—guest of honor for Freixenet, the Cava (sparkling wine) sponsoring SICAB--welcomed the media who gathered at the entrance to this hotel. At 7pm, SICAB clad its very best with the arrival of all the socialites and journalists invited by the organization to watch the equestrian Show “Horses without Frontiers, from the presidential box. Before the Show began, Claudia Cardinale made an appearance in a majestic and elegant horse-drawn carriage, accompanied by her daughter Claudia Squitieri, to present the Guatemalan PRE Association, together with Jose Palma, with a bronze. During the show, Antonia Dell'Atte, Javier Castillo “Poty” and the Ortiz Domecq sisters participated in the dual between horsedrawn carriages in the timed, carriage driving competition test. Each one acted as ambassador for a team and invited the attending public to support their carriage. The Navigation Pavilion in Sevilla was the backdrop for the dinner which closed the SICAB social events. The venue was decked with various floral structures by the landscape gardener Arut Bossy, while Group Abades provided the catering with drinks from Freixenet. It was an excellent and unforgettable evening for all the guests, who will remember it in years to come for its elegance and uniqueness. The dinner party concluded with a special performance by The Seventies, who lifted spirits even more, with Claudia Cardinale and her daughter, Enrique Cornejo, Mónica Hoyos, Carla Duval, Javier Castillo “Poty”, Antonia Dell'Atte and her son Clemente Lecquio, Ivonne Armad, Vanesa Romero, Carmen Lomana, María Pineda, Maria Rosa Orad, Raquel Revuelta and María Eugenia Fernández de Castro, dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Claudia Cardinale with her daughter Claudia Squitieri

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


Claudia Cardinale with her daughter Claudia Squitieri

Lunch at the Alfonso XIII Hotel

Ivonne Armant, Monica Hoyos, Almudena Cid, Cristina Galvez & Enrique Villa



Panoramic view of the dinner

Guests at the dinner offered at the Navigation Pavilion

The Ortiz Domecq sisters with Antonia Dell’Atte Raquel Revuelta & Poty with the their spouses

The Seventies entertained the dinner party

Vanesa Romero as she arrived

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


sicab 2007 S 25 unday




inally, on the morning of the Sunday, the Functionality Final is judged. This is a test reserved for those placing first and second in the ridden tests of each one of the stallion sections.


This year at SICAB, four stud farms offered us this marvelous spectacle. The gold went to the cobra from the Mater Christi Stud Farm, made up of five beautiful black mares with a Yeguada Llorente brand.

Norte—owned by Yeguada Lovera and ridden by JosÊ Antonio García Mena—was proclaimed Reserve Supreme Champion of Functionality.

Second place went to the stud farm owned by the Vara MuĂąoz Casillas Brothers, ahead of the cobra from the Heirs of Salvador Guardiola Fantoni.

Armas Tarugo—owned by Dehesa de Cabeza Rubia and ridden by Ignacio Bravo García—earned the Award for the Supreme Champion of Functionality.

Fourth place went to the extraordinary cobra of bay mares, owned by JosĂŠ Luis de la Escalera y de la Escalera.

The judging of the five-mare Cobras (Section 14) also took place on the morning of the Sunday. This was judged by SaĂşl DĂĄvalos, Victor Huertas and Luis Lucio.

5-mare cobra from Yeguada Mater Christi

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January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


SICAB 2007




great day, the day of the exhibition of the triumphant three; the day in which, with total freedom, sensitivity and art can flood everything. It is the day when the audience drank up artistic equitation. At last, the awaited day has come. There was no breathing space in the stands, nor around the arena; the audience was packed in longing for beauty. Then, a beautiful grey stallion entered the arena, with his mane and tail flowing free: Flamenco XLI ridden by Juan M. SĂĄnchez,, delighted everyone with a very expressive passage and piaffe and a beautiful levade. It was wonderful to see how this willful horse obeyed his rider and how he worked without even the least hint of resistance. Cartujano VI then appeared with a plaited mane, which allowed us to see a solid neck that sustained his perfectly position head. Ridden by Salvador SĂĄnchez Delgado, he performed some pirouettes, some perfect pirouettes in a really slow canter and a quality piaffe. Watching him was delightful! Lastly and therefore the winner of the final that took place on the previous day, was Caprioso. Also a

Flamenco XLI ridden by M. Sanchez de Mateo Perez Robles



by Alfonso Cuesta

splendid gray, in a dressage style with clear Baucher influence that JosÊ C. Gonzålez took charge of expressing, and who executed some very interesting work—as did all six. Horses trained the old way; riders who know equitation enrooted in the deepest of our habit; the six were serious, disciplined and effective. A Spanish dressage that has almost been forgotten was reborn again. Perhaps it is this, its recent bloom, which made me avoid leaving the spectacular full-up. I wondered how it was possible, after having seen such good horses and riders, not to be completely euphoric, and with such lucubration, I discovered that I missed the horses from before, they were more flowing, and very often more regular with greater cadence. It was something like having conquered the summit without having stopped to smell the scent of the flowers found along the road, without enjoying the pleasure in the apparently insignificant details, but which are not at all, because as soon as we stop to think, we very often discover that the truth lies in the details, because it is the details that are important in any quality work.

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I am sure that all those riders who are able to perform the ephemeral filigrees that we watched, with these magnificent Purebred Spanish Horses, as soon as they suggest it, could raise the training of their horses to some limits in which the audience is overflowed with the beauty of watching dressage with pleasure‌ for the detail; although it is true that for this, it is essential to have a perfect setting. It is essential to not only catch the audience’s eye, but also to entice them so that they have neither eyes nor ears for anything else except the horse in the arena. A good way to ensure that eyes are not taken from the view of the horse is to ensure that the sound of an

appropriate music reaches us with such a force that music and movement overcome our senses—as if one—in such a way that the movement is full of music and the music of movement. No more and no less. So, we must be aware that for a few instants, in our minds, we cannot disassociate the one from the other, and it is in these glimpses that art truly flourishes. You are on the summit, you are not afraid to come down, and along the road pick the flowers that you had considered unimportant. Fill yourself and your horse with their scent, and later, please, return with a music and training that has risen to the degree of art. These six are about to achieve this. Good Luck.

Cartujano VI, ridden by Salvador Sanchez, from the El Cartujano Show School, and bred by Mateos Perez Robles

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January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol



by Antonio Palacios

Jose Tirado riding Jerezano LXXXII, owned by Manuel PeĂąa Gutierrez


roof of ANCCE’s vocation for doma vaquera was the space reserved for noon on Sunday, and when the crowds were largest so that the best placed horses could perform their exhibition in the arena. The crowd concentrated around the arena was extremely moving and praiseworthy. All the finalists offered high-level routines, performing the various movements with extraordinary quality; it was something that the public appreciated if their applause was anything to go by. After the two days, the field Judges were unanimous in the final placing of the top horses. First place was taken, in the class for young horses and with a total of 318.67 points, by “Favorito CVIIIâ€? of PallarĂŠs origin, ridden by JosĂŠ Maria Carrero Cabrera and carrying his father’s brand, JosĂŠ Maria Carrero Morales. In the class for trained horses, first place went to the many times champion of the discipline, JosĂŠ Tirado Cerrada, riding a gray bred at the “Royal Stablesâ€?, son of Lisonjero and Jerezana LXX, with a PeĂąa GutiĂŠrrez brand, “Jerezano LXXXII.â€? He left a good vaquero taste in his performance. In the successive positions, there was disparity of criteria with regards to the placings on both days. The final occupant of second place in the class for young horses, being the descendant of the mythical “Albero IIâ€? and with a Yeguada Centurion brand, was “GuiĂąolero Cenâ€?, born in the spring of 2002 and ridden by JosĂŠ Antonio Olea RodrĂ­guez. As for the class for trained horses, this place went to the “Guardiolaâ€? called “Casaderoâ€?, ridden by Francisco MartĂ­nez FernĂĄndez, who exhibited a good style of riding and the horse was very well to hand.



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Third places in both classes went to, “Bohemio XXXVIIIâ€?, a good horse with a great deal of “Escalera.â€? He was ridden by Antonio Soriano BlandĂłn and Cayetano Tirado GĂłmez riding “Campanero 15â€?, respectively. These two grays demonstrated good functionality and character. In general, all these top placed riders, in the big test, got the best from their horses, offering a good performance of the field tasks brought to the arena, with some explosive starts, skidding halts, turns‌ that were executed very well. Equally, the young horses gave demonstrations of their willingness to be subjected to this singular discipline, letting us see some horses with magnificent paces. No doubt this will lead to their favorable development in coming years to achieve the top places in the higher class. During the two days, you could watch very valuable performances by the participants, with good execution of exercises in which the Purebred Spanish Horse has

left sufficient testimony of his value for working with livestock in the field. The high-level of training of the horses over 6 years was proven, and you could see that the PRE horse is ideal for this discipline, although the selection processes should be more rigorous and the animal chosen for this type of training should be those more adapted to it, based on functionality, conformation, condition, impulsion and aptitude. At the conclusion of all the competitions, in the arena of pavilion nÂş 3, the Awards Ceremony was held, after which SICAB came to an end with yet another firm success. With its good management and its unenviable efforts, once again, ANCCE has managed to place the Purebred Spanish Horse among the top world breeds and has conquered new followers and beneficiaries of this noble, beautiful and enchanting animal. Among these is its aptitude for Doma Vaquera, as has been proven on this day by the mythical, national champion “Centenariaâ€? owned by the Master, Olivera.

Cayetano Tirado Gomez riding Camanero 15, owned by Explotaciones Ponzi and bred by Arturo Santos Siles

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January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol




by Luis Rivero

was an exciting finish at the final test—cones—on the 25th due to the closeness between the penalty scores of the two participants in the team (four-in-hand) class. This was finally resolved in favor of Juan Robles, because Antonio Carrillo had two knock-downs, which lost him his first place.

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Alejandro GÂŞ Barrera with a pair from Dehesa Montenmedio

Alvaro Gomez Perez with a single owned by Yeguada Sierra Mayor




by María Sáez

Javier Morales ran away with the title of Best Groom at SICAB 2007


os aspirantes más se presentaron el domingo. José Mª Pérez Luna y Ariel Acosta Martín. Todos ellos mostraron la profesionalización del sector que cada día es más patente. En las pistas de cualquier concurso morfológico, en especial en SICAB, se puede apreciar como ya no es el personal que trabajaba en una ganadería cuidando a los caballos el que vestía el traje corto y presentaba a los animales. Ahora el personaje de “el presentador” se ha convertido en una profesión. Y bien claro lo dejaron los participantes en este concurso en SICAB. Al final, Javier Morales de la mano de “Fer Brillantina” fue el que mejor puntuación recibió el segundo día, lo que le hizo ganador del concurso, aunque muy poquito le faltó a Ballardo José Guillén Duarte para llevarse el título, quien se posicionó en primer lugar la primera jornada. Les siguió Rubén Arrabé que se situó ambas jornadas en el escalón más bajo del podium. Javier Morales was Best Groom FOTO: MARÍA SÁEZ

Question: What is the secret for a good presentation in the arena? Answer: First, you have to know the animal and, then, know the job; you have to know the defects of the horse to cover them up, and know their virtues, to make them more visible. You have to make them expressive and to know to what extent you have to move them or to hold them back. Q: How did you learn this difficult job? A: Presenting a lot and observing the best. I have been presenting for four years. Q: Is the first time that you have received the Best Groom Award? A: No. I also received it in Moguer in 2006 and, this year, in Jerez. Q: What do you think about the level of the grooms seen at SICAB? A: The level is quite good, although there are grooms who ought to be more concerned about their presentation at a Spanish Championships. Q: Do you think there is a need to promote specific training for grooms? A: There ought to be more courses in which presenters can be taught what to do and what clothes to wear, although people are now better dressed at each competition. Q: What advice would you give to someone who would like this career? A: The main thing is to be humble; you have to observe others a lot, to learn from both the good ones and the bad. Q: What are the greatest difficulties that you come across in your work? A: The most complicated is for the horse, the standing presentation. When the horse is squared, it depends less on the groom, as when it’s moving, you can ask more from the horse. The presentation at halt depends on the horse and it is important because it is the moment at which the judges score it. Q: During the moving presentation, you change the rein in the canter-trot transition, why is this? A: This is a technique that is often used to move the horse onto their best canter rein. I do it because I take advantage of the time at which I change the rein, to change the pace and to press the horse a little more so that it goes out with more impulsion and with a bit more sparkle.

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español


RubĂŠn ArrabĂŠ

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Juan Carlos Tejerina

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Enero - Febrero 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


AWARDS 1)0504 #: ."/6&- 7"4$0

SICAB 2007


GITANO XXXII from Yeguada ValdeviĂąas, is Spanish National Stallion Breed Champion

SOĂ‘ADORA XXIX from Yeguada Torreluna, is Spanish National Mare Breed Champion

January - February 2008 / El Caballo EspaĂąol


Perdigon XXIX from Agricola Valvi, is Spanish National Youngstock Colt Champion CARTUJANO LXVIII, owned by MÂŞ Fernanda de la Escalera y de la Escalera, was Spanish National Youngstock Colt Champion of Movement

Tesoro XI from Yeguada Torreluna is Spanish National Youngstock Filly Champion FER BRILLANTINA, owned by Yeguada San Fernando-La Macarena & bred by Yeguada Ferrero, was Spanish National Adult Champion of Movement

Juan Tirado was Best Stud Farm



Best Breeder in Spain is Yeguada Can May Nou

Armas Tarugo from Dehesa Cabeza Rubia is Spanish National Champion of Functionality

Alfonso Leon Sanchez from Ganaderia Agricola Valvi is Best Farm Manager for SICAB 2007

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


Lagartera XI, owned by Javier Diaz Renedo & bred by Dehes de Cabeza Rubia was 1st in Section 3 Tesoro XI, owned by Yeguada Torreluna & bred by Benito Sierra Fraga, was 1st in Section 5

Soñadora XXIX, from Yeguada Torreluna & Jose & Rogelio Mestre, was 1st in Section 7



Cartujano LXVIII, owned by Mª Fda. de la Escalera y de la Escalera was 1st in Section 4 Perdigon XXIX from Agricola Valvi was 1st in Section 6

Indio JT, owned by Juan Tirado, was 1st in Section 8

Karioka Ram, owned by Javier Diaz Renedo, bred by Rafael Ayala Mu単oz, was 1st in Section 9 Centella XXII, owned by Mater Christi and bred by Blanca Guardiola, was 1st in Section 11

3-mare cobra from Can Maynou in Section 13

Remache XIII from Brocpyme SL, and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga, was 1st in Section 10 Gitano XXXII, owned by Valdevi単as and bred by Hnos. Rodriguez-Arias, was 1st in Section 12

5-mare cobra from Mater Christi in Section 14

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


Enero - Febrero 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



Señorio Jem with Antonio Blanco was first in Kur St. George Intermediare

Jose A. Gª Mena was first in Dressage Gran Prix

Rondador JP with Carlos Pinta was 1st in 4-year-olds



Jeque XXVII with Veronica Wimcents was 1st in 5-year-olds

Ingenioso XLVI with Fco. Tineo was 1st in 6-year-olds


Jose Maria Carretero, 1st in Doma Vaquero for young horses

Jose Tirado was 1st in Doma Vaquero for trained horses

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol



Caprioso, ridden by Jose Carlos Gonzalez, was ďŹ rst in High School



Ana Muñoz, Special Award for Young Carriage Drivers in the test for pairs

Juan Robles was first in 4-in-hand

Jose M. Ferrete placed first in Pairs

CARRIAGE DRIVING Manuel Gonzalez Perez was first in Singles

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



SICAB 2007



ltimo día del SICAB. Poca emoción entre los ganaderos que ya han acabado el concurso, excepto para los que han tenido suerte y se disputan la mejor funcionalidad. La sección 14ª, cobras de cinco yeguas, despierta gran interés y otorga prestigio a sus propietarios. Entrega de premios

engalanados. Las prisas por embarcar los caballos hacen que los ganaderos se vayan casi sin despedir. Vuelta a casa con más o menos satisfacción, pero el SICAB 2008 ya empieza a hacerse un huequito en sus pensamientos.

Jaime Guardiola, Macarena Lazo & Gonzalo Argueso

Juan Tirado, Feliciano Reyes, Maria Suarez & friends



Francisco Santiago & Jose Luis de la Escalera at their stand

Pablo Martin, Manuel Novales, Francisco Angelet with friends at the ANCCE Stand

Host Millan Herece at SICAB

ANCCE family at SICAB 2007

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Espa単ol


SICAB 2007


WEB REPORT SICAB.ORG / SICAB.ES YEAR 2007 General report about the contents offered, general results This year, at SICAB 2007, the domain -just recently created—was made available along with the already existent This year a new web-site is available. With a new design and in a portal format, the content can be handled in such a way that we are able to introduce all available information, on a daily basis. The innovative aspects in terms of the information offered on the web-site, are listed below: -

A system for the viewing of Videos: SICAB IN MOVEMENT Throughout SICAB 07, the images of the various competitions have been displayed on the Internet as they were taking place. All the images were placed on a special web-site from which all the videos of the competitions can be accesses in an easy and user-friendly way. The videos of the top placed horses in every competition can bee viewed on the web-site:http://sicab. which can be reached by clicking on a banner at and Likewise, in the section for RESULTS, you can access the videos of the various competitions by clicking on the image “Ver video” (see video), along side each of the results. These videos will be on the web-site until SICAB 2008.


Expanded contents for the media: PRESS ROOM. In this main menu, we provide the Press Releases. Calls for the media (complemented by the mailing of SMS mobile phone messages for the press). Appearances in the press; this is where you can find all the information about SICAB that have appeared in the press. Graphic Material: A special page where you can find some of the photographs that have been taken at SICAB, and which are offered as maximum quality files, thus making them easy to download. They can be viewed in miniature and contain information about the images for the press. This format is an improvement over the usual system of offering high resolution images on FTP, which is difficult for the users to download. A message accreditation system: thus, all of the accreditations are received immediately by the department in charge. In total there have been 169 registrations referring to the Press Room section inserted, with a total of 97 images that are available in Graphic Material.


New format for RESULTS. New organization for results: with this system, it is easier to insert the details as they are received. This section will be modified during SICAB 07, so that alongside each result, a link to the Videos of each competition will appear immediately.


FREQUENT QUESTION Service. The most common questions asked by those visiting the web-site are displayed here.


QUESTIONS and SUGGESTIONS. Visitors can formulate their questions and suggestions in a user-friendly manner in this section.




PERIOD: 19/11/07 to 25/11/07


General / .org













1,764,374 accesses




























January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



PERIOD: 19/11/07 to 25/11/07

es (Spain)

cn (China)

nu (Niue)

hn (Honduras)

sk (Slovak Republic)

ad (Andorra)

it (Italy)

nz (New Zealand)

hu (Hungary)

th (Thailand)

ar (Argen na)

jp (Japan)

co (Colombia)

in (India)

tr (Turkey)

at (Austria)

lt (Lithuania)

cr (Costa Rica)

int (Interna onal)

ve (Venezuela)

au (Australia)

lu (Luxembourg)

cz (Czech Rep.)

uk (United Kingdom)

uk (United Kingdom)

be (Belgium)

lv (Latvia)

de (Germany)

org (Non-Profit Organiz)

us (United States)

br (Brazil)

mil (USA Military)

do (Dominican Re)

pe (Peru)

uy (Uruguay)

ca (Canada)

mx (Mexico)

edu (Educa onal)

pl (Poland)


my (Malaysia)

fi (Finland)

pt (Portugal)

ch (Switzerland)

ni (Nicaragua)

fr (France)

ro (Romania)

ci (Ivory Coast)

nl (Netherlands)

gr (Greece)

ru (Russian Federa on)

cl (Chile)

no (Norway)

gt (Guatemala)

se (Sweden)

General view of the corridor for equestrian media

1)050 #: &%:."



Corridor houses equestrian media No doubt, SICAB is a fundamental source of business, magazine among breeders and enthusiasts. To do promotion and development. This year, one innovative this, a hostess was hired to inform people about the idea was to cover the corridor between the mare advantages of the magazine and to offer them a free pavilion and the breeders’ marquee as an extra sample so that readers could review it and decide space to house 23 stands, which ANCCE offered to all whether or not to subscribe to it, while at the same the specialized equestrian media, so that they could time, increase the number of associate members. be present at this 17th International Equestrian Trade The stand was laid out as reading room, with a variety Fair. Those present were Equestre, Trofeo Caballo, of 2007 issues, so that interested people could relax El Mundo del Caballo, Pura Raza, Hípica Catalana, and read the reports, the in-depth articles about La voz del Campo, current issues and Al Galope and El the interviews, El Caballo Español stand Caballo Español, all produced the magazine by a highly that ANCCE has specialized published since team in 1978, making it the the topics oldest magazine covered. dedicated to At the stand, Purebred Spanish you could Horse breeders. also view the The objective electronic behind this idea edition, which and specifically that can be found of the magazine El on our web-site: Caballo Español, w w w. a n c c e . was to promote the com 1)050 #: &%:."

Car-ANCE stand Another novelty at SICAB 2007 was the creation of a stand for the ANCCE High-performance Center (CAR-ANCCE). The Coordinator of the Center, Elena Laboisser was present, as were some of the riders, including José Antonio G. Mena and Abel Salguero. The only promotional technique was information supplied by both the aforementioned people and a brochure, which was put together so that anyone interested could take home printed material that covered the various services that CAR-ANCCE offers, its location and facilities, the functions of each of people making up the team, and other details such as health and veterinary checks. In addition, there was a plasma screen that offered a visual display.

1)050 #: &%:."

January - February 2008 / El Caballo Español



YEGUADA AYALA RAFAEL AYALA MUÑOZ Finca las Yeguas - Utrera, Sevilla


Dirección de Correo: C/ Álvarez Quintero 2 - 1º C Los Palacios, Sevilla 41720 (Tlf. 619022439 . Tel-Fax 955811626)

MEJOR GANADERÍA CRIADORA CAMPEONATO DE ESPAÑA SICAB 2005 Durante el año 2006: Premio Mejor Ganadería Criadora en Campeonatos de Coin (Málaga), Rota (Cádiz), Sabadell (Barcelona), Vélez (Málaga), Puertollano (Ciudad Real), Los Palacios (Sevilla), Gibraleón(Huelva), Armilla (Granada) ESTOS SON ALGUNOS DE LOS MÁS DE 200 ANIMALES QUE TENEMOS PARA SU VENTA: POTROS, POTRAS, CABALLOS Y YEGUAS. TORDOS, NEGROS Y CASTAÑOS DE TODAS LAS EDADES ¡CRIAMOS CAMPEONES DE P.R.E.!


Colegial V nac. 2-3-00 por educado X y Colegiala V ANCCE

Escogido Ram nac. 5-4-02 por Educado X y Escogida XXXII





Nostálgico Ram nac. 19-1-03 por educado X y Nostálgica IV

Famoso Ram nac. 4-1-03 por Decidido XXXIII y Famosa LXXVIII

Almero II nac. 22-5-99 por Vendimiador y Almaría II

Indiano Ram nac. 8-1-03 por Educador X y Indiana XXXI

Gaditano Ram nac. 23-4-01 por Educado X y Gaditana XXIV

Campanero Ram II nac. 15-2-02 por Educado X y Campanera XXXIX Mayo - Junio 2007 / El Caballo Español


Breeders’ Magazine

El Caballo ANCCE ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL de CRIADORES The de CABALLOS de PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain ) ANCCE-Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014 Sevilla Telf.: 954 68 92 60 – Fax: 954 69 03 27 - ANCCE Libro Genealógico (Stud Book) Nuevo Torneo Empresarial Avenida de la Astronomía, S/N. Torre 3 Planta 9ª Oficina 5 Sevilla Telf.: 954 97 54 80 – 954 35 39 89 www. Advertising: Srta. Inmaculada Rodríguez Telf: 954 68 92 60

Edition and distribution: • 4,000 bilingual issues for Purebred Spanish Horse breeders and aficionados all over the world, as well as to offices of interest such as: Spanish Embassies, ICEX Offices, Tourism of Spain, etc...


Purebred Spanish Horse magazine since 1978

Publication Dates: Issue

Publication Date













If there is a delay exceeding 5 days, from the publication date, the advertisement will be free of charge.

Coverage: • P.R.E. breeders and aficionados throughout the world, several copies will be distributed to each of the existent breeders’ associations, for them to redistribute to their members. Frequency: • Bimonthly, 6 issues per year

2007 Prices Type

General Price €

Price to Breeders €

Inside page



• Reader loyalty

Double page



• Mailed directly to the home, thus guaranteeing the loyalty and continuity of the readers, at the same time as making it easier to access the publication.

Inside Front cover



Discounts: • 20% to breeder-members, when their own company is not advertised • 5% to associate members, not applicable to the publicity-report of stud farms because this is exclusive to breeder-members. • An additional 10% for contracting publicity in 3 issues per year. • An additional 5% for contracting publicity in 6 issues per year. • PUBLICITY-REPORT: 3 pages about the stud farm, illustrated with photos. Limited to one per issue.

Inside Back cover



Back cover



Half page



Quarter page






Short Advertisement (Block)





Publicity-report VAT 16% is not included

Page size: 210*285 mm Agency discount: 10%

APPLICATION FOR BREEDER MEMBERSHIP Complete this form if you wish to become a breeder member of ANCCE. To do so, you must be the owner of a PRE mare registered as breeding stock in the Stud Book. OWNER: ___________________________________________________________________ STUD FARM: _________________________ BREEDER CODE: __________________________________________________________ ID NUMBER: ___________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________Nº_____________ TOWN: ________________________________________________________________________________ PROVINCE: _______________ POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE: ___________PHONE Nº: _________________________________________ FAX: _________________ E-MAIL:___________________ BRAND: Nº OF MARES AT THE STUD FARM: _____ ANNUAL FEE: MORE THAN 7 MARES 652 € 472 €


REGISTRATION FEE (MARKING IT SUBSCRIPTION QUOTA), SEND A BANK TRANSFER TO THE ACCOUNT AT THE CAIXA BANK: 2100-2320-55-0200168822 : SUBSEQUENT FEES: Bank transfer to the above-mentioned account. Check payable to ANCCE. Credit Card: VISA


AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº______________________________________________Caducidad:_________

Standing Order DETAILS OF CLIENT ACCOUNT CODE Please include Swift Number or E-Ban number: Please transfer sums as requested from this account until further notice. In ________________ on_____________ of _______ de 200__

Signed: ………………………………

También dispone de estas solicitudes en www.ancce,com Application forms are also available at

APPLICATION FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Complete this form if you wish to receive the six (6) annual issues of the magazine and timely information from ANCCE in your home FULL NAME:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ Nº_____________ TOWN: ________________________________________________________________________________ PROVINCE: _______________ POSTAL CODE: ___________PHONE Nº: ______________________ FAX: _________________E-MAIL:__________________________ ANNUAL FEE: SPANISH RESIDENTS 78 €



PAYMENT: REGISTRATION FEE (MARKING IT SUBSCRIPTION QUOTA), SEND A BANK TRANSFER TO THE ACCOUNT AT THE CAIXA BANK: 2100-2320-55-0200168822 : SUBSEQUENT FEES: Bank transfer to the above-mentioned account. Check payable to ANCCE. Credit Card: VISA


AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº______________________________________________Caducidad:_________

Standing Order DETAILS OF CLIENT ACCOUNT CODE Please include Swift Number or E-Ban number: Please transfer sums as requested from this account until further notice. In ________________ on_____________ of _______ de 200__

Signed: ………………………………

Enero - Febrero 2008 / El Caballo Español


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