Volume 93/Issue XXII
April 13th, 2020
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
Money mayhem
Abigail Nilsson Editor in Chief It has been just over a month since Gov. Gina Raimondo declared a state of emergency in RI, nonessential businesses began to close and RI residents were encouraged to apply for unemployment. Nearly 130,000 Rhode Islanders filed for unemployment and most people are still awaiting their unemployment benefits, and it looks like some may get paid this week. “We are totally overwhelmed,” Gov. Raimondo said Friday during her daily press conference, in re-
sponse to concerns among RI residents who have been out of work and waiting on their Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits. Gov. Raimondo pointed out that before the COVID-19 pandemic hit RI, it took the Department of Labor and Training around two weeks for unemployment claims to be processed. Now, there have been thousands of people claiming unemployment in RI, on some days there have been over 10,000 claims. “I’ll be the first to acknowledge that our system is not perfect, and you are going to have to wait longer than you want or should have to wait to get your check,” Said Gov. Raimondo. On Friday, on the DLT website a red banner at the top of the screen read, “The CARES Act $600 weekly unemploy-
ment boost will be made available in coming days and will be retroactive to theek ending 4/4/20. No need to reapply for benefits.” Gov. Raimondo is hopeful that many people will receive their first of their $600 boost this week. The new notification on the DLT website addresses the extreme amount of people calling in regards to their claim. “Due to overwhelming volume, people calling into the TeleServe payment system today will likely get busy signals. You can certify your weekly payment online. Please refresh your browser if the site says, “Service Unavailable.” The amount of people filing claims, waiting for their claims to be processed and who have questions are backing up the phone and causing more delays. The DLT and
unemployment system has never undergone something like this and is working to accommodate everyone. Gov. Raimondo feels that everyone who is out of work at the moment due to COVID-19 is eligible for unemployment. However, she cautioned those against taking advantage of unemployment, and does not want people quitting their
jobs because the unemployment benefits seem easier and less scary than working. For those who are working, and who have not experienced being quarantined and sitting in limbo waiting for a portion of their pay that may come next week or the following week, the grass might not be greener on the other side. Graphic courtesy of The Boston Globe
Consolidation and isolation in Penfield Hall
Jake Elmslie Sports Editor The situation for the 46 student residents remaining on Rhode Island College campus has continued to evolve in the wake of the college’s near complete shut
Inside this week:
down due to COVID-19. The remaining residents were consolidated to Penfield Hall over the course of the last week. This consolidation was originally set to take place on March 23, but was rescheduled due to a variety of issues. This past Monday the remaining residents received a message from college administration through both email and having a physical copy pinned to their suites’ doors. This message outlined
RIC’s new expectations for fashion and all guests have how those still on campus been banned from campus. should conduct themselves Students were also informed that the Department of Resi...remaining dent Life will be conducting residents are now daily checks on student ID required to isolate access usage to determine if in their rooms at all residents are following the times, unless leaving new protocol. The remaining residents were sent an to get essentials such email on April 6 by the Dias food or medicine rector of Residential Life and Housing Darcy Dubois or to do laundry. that required them to divulge to be in accordance with any off campus commitGovernor Raimondo’s stay ments, work or otherwise. at home order. As is directed This message to those still in Raimondo’s executive or- on campus did not outline der the remaining residents any specific penalties for are now required to isolate in violating these new terms. their rooms at all times, un- When asked if students who less leaving to get essentials disobeyed these new orders such as food or medicine or were at risk to potentially to do laundry. All remaining be removed from on campus students have also been pro- housing Assistant Director hibited from gathering in any of College Communica-
tions and Marketing John Taraborelli responded “Due to the heightened state of the coronavirus, continued residence on campus is now considered a privilege. If Residential Life finds there is a blatant disregard of the Governor’s stay-at-home orders, they will speak with the student before making any final decision. Students on campus have been very respectful of the policies, and we do not anticipate that anyone will need to be removed from housing at this time.” The college had no answer when asked how Raimondo’s Thursday afternoon announcement of fines for those who break quarantine would affect those still living on campus. Graphic courtesy of ric.edu
Arts & Entertainment
Easter joy amidst chaos
Why your xenophobic propoganda is not okay pg. 4
Lounging in style
Spring, footballs cold winter: the death of the XFL pg. 9
The Anchor Newspaper
pg. 3
pg. 6