Chesterton, Indiana Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/pictures-of-god-vol-2-another-childs-guide-to-understanding-icons/
Pictures of God, Volume Two: Another
From God to You copyright © 2014, Pictures of God, Volume Two copyright © 2024 John Skinas
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
An imprint of Ancient Faith Publishing 1050 Broadway, Suite 6 Chesterton, IN 46304 store.ancientfaith.com
Cover image by BGStock72 - stock.adobe.com. Interior of Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade, Serbia
ISBN: 978-1-955890-71-7
Printed in the United States of America
Made with love. Powered by donors.
For Suzanne and our children: Maki, Sofiana, Zac, Gabriella, and Ephraim
In memory of Thia Demetra and Papa Lou, Two living icons of love
Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/pictures-of-god-vol-2-another-childs-guide-to-understanding-icons/
Here you are, before the sacred gates, about to enter into the mystery of the icons. God has given them to you so you can see that heaven is always just a prayer away. Burned, smashed, and buried, icons have endured a great deal as they’ve made their way from God to you. They’ve reached you because He wants them in your church, in your home, and in your hands. But most of all, God wants you to keep His image in your heart, where, if you listen closely, you can hear His message with every beat: “I am with you always, even until the end of time” (Matthew 28:20).
The story of how God sent the very first icon to us goes like this: Long ago, in the time of Jesus, lived a dying king. His name was Abgar, and leprosy was eating away his life. Desperate and scared, King Abgar sent a messenger to beg Jesus to come a long distance to save him. Instead, Jesus pressed His face into a cloth and gave it to the messenger, who hurried back to Abgar. The king unfolded the cloth and found an image of Christ looking back at him.
This is how Jesus went to heal the scared king: through an icon. So when you’re feeling scared or helpless, turn to Jesus.
Remember that when you were baptized, your very heart, like Abgar’s cloth, was sealed with Christ’s image, making you more royal than any earthly king could ever be.
NOTICE THIS We can learn much from just the face of Jesus. His eyes are firm yet loving. He has used His ears to hear His Father’s will so that He might obey. And His mouth is small, reminding us that we should only speak when our words will make God happy.
The Icon Not Made by Hands Also called “The Holy Napkin” or “The Holy Face”
Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/pictures-of-god-vol-2-another-childs-guide-to-understanding-icons/
“The Lord will give you a sign: the Virgin shall bear a Son; you shall call His name Emmanuel, God with us.” Every icon ever made is a joyful picture of these words from the Prophet Isaiah about Jesus. This is so because every icon calls out, “God is with us.” He’s not only all around us; He’s inside of us. He knows what we’re thinking before we even think it! So if you’re feeling sad, distracted, or angry—tell Jesus. If you don’t even feel like praying—tell Him. Ask Him to set your heart right. Icons remind us that God is always reaching out to us. Sometimes we take hold of His hand, and sometimes we push it away. Mary took hold of God’s hand and never let go. Her example, along with those of the saints, helps us live St. Paul’s words: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20).
How many circles can you find in this icon? Circles are the symbol of perfection and eternity. The one behind Jesus is dotted with stars, showing us that the Virgin Mary holds the Maker of the Universe inside her body. →
Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/pictures-of-god-vol-2-another-childs-guide-to-understanding-icons/