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Allison Moyers
A R T : A L L I S O N M O Y E R S
There in Your Dreams (an urban lullaby)

Forgotten in Lombard Garden Evelyn the Garden

Allison Moyers is an oil painter and video artist who lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona. She studied fine art and design in France and graduated with honors and a DNAP from ESAD de Valenciennes in 2015. Her work explores western culture's obsession with beauty in film, literature and classic painting that have created idealized versions of reality.
My work explores the subjects of stardom, vanity, and excess within society with an emphasis on woman and the feminine. I am fascinated by western culture's obsession with beauty in both film and classic painting that have created idealized versions of reality. The stylized and romanticized are indispensable elements in my work and correspond to the methodic use of color that expresses human emotions through their psychological representations. Much of my inspiration comes from navigating the world as an artist with the knowledge of my womanhood. The artistic translation then being a world in which the feminine and the womanly seem to be enveloping their masculine counterpart. Essentially, I am the women in my paintings and I experience their emotions in a dreamlike environment where my feelings are acceptable. I am always making a voyage in connection to my characters and I am in a way expressing what is inside of me, what is hidden and what is forbidden, and what I would never be able to touch in reality. Website: www.allisonmoyersart.com IG: @thepoetthatpaints